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MAY 2010

News Bytes
Inside this fabulous issue:

Letter From the President Danielle Yates

SIG Events 2
Happy spring! I can’t think join us and bring friends
of a better way to cele- too. Finally, I’d like to end with My Favorite Things 3
brate spring than DC In other news, I’m sad to a great opportunity for all Foundation Focus 4
DG’s Spring Fling net- report that DC DG will of you emerging leaders
working mixer and philan- bid farewell to Cristina out there. The position of Cut Away Calendary 5
thropy fundraiser. Stop by Gomez and Genefer VP Communications is
the event on May 19 at Thornton. Cristina served now open and will be ap-
Clarendon Grill and join as the chapter’s VP of pointed this spring by the
your sisters to do good for Communications for the chapter’s executive board.
Foundation and mingle last year and helped to If you are interested in
with local area Greeks and refresh our monthly e- learning more about the
friends. Thanks in large newsletter with more pic- position, please feel free to
part to the DG Founda- tures and feature pieces. contact me at president@
tion’s Chapter Giving Pro- Genefer has served the I’m
gram, the proceeds from Chapter as both VP Fi- requesting all applications
Spring Fling will benefit nance and Founders Day and nominations by
both the Delta Gamma Chair. I want to thank Wednesday, May 5.
Foundation and DC DG’s Cristina and Gen for their
local philanthropy, the support and dedication to
Columbia Lighthouse for ITB, Special points of interest:
DC DG. Best of luck in
the Blind. I hope you will your new endeavors! Danielle Yates • FRAT PAC: Fraternity President
Beth Searcy visits DC
• DG Snapshots & News
What Not to Miss This Month by Tonya Richardson
“Spring Fling” "do good" for the Delta *Foundation supplies do-
Gamma Foundation and nations include 5 Box
Wednesday, May 19 from local Service for Sight Tops for Education from
6-9 p.m.Clarendon Grill philanthropic organiza- any General Mills prod-
Patio & Outdoor Bar tions like Columbia Light- ucts,5 Labels for Educa-
tion from any Campbell’s
1101 N. Highland Street house for the Blind. Soup brand products
(UPC code needed), or 1
Come mingle with fellow The Greek organization pair of recyclable eye-
Greeks and friends, all are with the highest turnout glasses.
welcome! Feel free to in- will receive special recog-
vite friends! Enjoy great nition. RSVP to Tonya at
happy hour specials and a vpprogramming
mix of tasty treats! Suggested donation: $5*
with Foundation supplies*
Most importantly, help or $7 without
SIG Events
Book Club modern techniques, served Sweet Peas
Tuesday, May 11 at 7:30 in a welcoming, serene Reston Zoo, 1228 Hunter
pm contact Lindsey for setting. For event time, Mill Rd, Vienna, VA, May
details: bookclub@ more information, or to 7 - A thirty-acre, family- RSVP (no later than May friendly zoo in the middle
20, please), e-mail Tracey of Fairfax County! Zoo-
at dineout@ fari wagon rides (included
DGs in DC in admission fee) take
DGs in DC do Jazz in the
young and old to see ze-
Sculpture Garden Friday, Lunch Bunch bras, antelope, bison, os-
June 11 beginning at 5pm. May 19 12:30 pm at trich. And, don’t miss the
Come enjoy a summer DISH Restaurant located alligators, camels, reptile
evening downtown DC in The River Inn house, or waterfowl. The
with live jazz, sangria, and 924 25th Street NW DC zoo and offers regular ani-
your sisters! Contact hagordon44 mal demonstrations, en- courages animal interac-
Please contact tion and provides plenty
Katie Novaria Moms Night Out of places to get "up close
with any questions DG moms continue to and personal" with the
[email protected] meet regularly for an eve- animals. Cost: Adults -
ning of food, drink, and $10, Children over 2 - $ 8,
conversation. So line up a Children under 2 - Free.
Dine Out
Dine Out will be trying babysitter and join us
soon. Contact sweet-
Regent Thai near Dupont RSVP or send questions
[email protected]
Circle/Adams Morgan on to Kerri at sweetpea@
rg for date, time and loca-
Tuesday, May 25.
tion of the next event or
to be added to the email For directions and other
Regent Thai offers a wide information about the
selection of traditional Reston Zoo, see http://
Thai dishes prepared with

Frat PAC
Washington DC Delta
Gammas were on hand
on April 19 at the Hilton
Garden Inn in DC to meet
and greet our Fraternity
President, Beth Searcy, VP
Finance Debbie Evans,
and Vicki Nixon, Chair,
Government Relations
Committee and member
of the Board of Advisors
as they visit our nation’s Among the twenty five collegians and alumnae that turned out for
capitol to work on behalf the reception were several from our WDC alumnae chapter
of the Fraternity and including Alicia Robben, Vicki Nixon, Debbie Evans, Helen
Sorority PAC’s lobbying Gordon, Lynn Neagley; Christine Rocchio, Beth Searcey and
efforts. Elizabeth Weiner. Melissa Hansen, Region 2 Director, hosted the
WDC DG Page 2
My Favorite Things: Kerry Cooney
Kerry Cooney (Beta Epsi- your own review. It is then gives is a percentage
lon) grew up in Montclair, really enjoyable. Now based on the good or bad
NJ. Before starting col- that I'm in the DG Book ratings. Instead of going
lege at American Univer- Club - I have so many off of one person's review
sity, Kerry thought sorori- more books to add each (who may be old or a man
ties were not for her. She month too! or just completely differ-
turned out to be very ent than you) this gives
wrong! Once a Delta you a good sense of the
Gamma, Kerry became an This is a GREAT site for overall feeling for a movie.
incredibly active member, runners. You can plug in I was never a big movie
holding an officer posi- any street address and review fan before this site
tion every semester. Kerry then map out your run. It - but now I love it!
served as VP Panhellenic, is a great way to plan a
VP Foundation, and Di- run before you get out on
rector of New Members. the streets. It will go any- This is an ongoing to pro-
Kerry graduated a semes- where you tell it (across ject in where people
ter early, but continued to grass, along a broadwalk, anonymously send in se-
stay active in her colle- etc) so you are not limited crets on handmade post-
giate chapter while earn- to streets. It also lets you cards. Some of the secrets
ing a Master's Degree. save your runs or search are shocking, some are
Kerry graduated in May for other runs people have
2008 from the Special depressing, some are
made public. It helped me
Education: Learning Dis- funny, and some are dis-
a lot training for my first
Follow WDC DG on abilities program at turbing. There is a large
marathon but it is great
twitter for SIG American University. She mix of the types of secrets
no matter what run you
updates and is currently employed at people send in but it is
are trying to plan!
upcoming events! the Lab School of Wash- always enjoyable to read
ington (a school for chil- them. Frank (the person
DCDG Alumnae dren with language-based who runs the site and
I am not a huge shopper -
learning disabilities) Kerry started the project) posts
I have a lot of trouble ra-
lives in the U St. area tionalizing spending new secrets every Sunday.
with her boyfriend Jim Check it out!
money on myself (I know -
and their dog Derby.
it is sad). BUT overstock
is a way for me to get new This is a great place to
things at a discounted
I know someone has al- price so I don't feel guilty! find new recipes! You can
ready mentioned this as a There are really honest search for all types of
favorite thing - but I also reviews and it has a huge dishes. People give re-
love this site! It is like a selection of things to buy. views and you can save
virtual book club. It is a recipes in a "recipe box."
fun way to share the It is so helpful! It has al-
books you are reading lowed me to try so many
This is a great website to
with friends or to get new recipes and has never
check out before seeing a
ideas of new books to steered me wrong.
movie. It collects a large
read. You can rate the amount of movie critics'
books you read and give reviews of a movie and

Page 3 Washington, DC
Foundation Focus by Christine Rocchio
The Spring Fling- They need everyone's en- Friday- July 2, 8:45am -
Foundation Fundraiser ergy and enthusiasm to 12pm *Volunteer assis-
Greek Gathering help make this Walk a tance for Tactile Flag
great success! And, all Making Activity
Wednesday, May 19, from
DGs are welcome, alums
6-9 pm
and collegians! Columbia Lighthouse for
Location: Clarendon Grill the Blind will host its 51st For more information
Patio & Outdoor Bar If you have not already Camp Lighthouse for chil- on any of these Foun-
signed up for the Vision- dren who are blind and dation opportunities
1101 N. Highland Street,
Walk, Please register for visually impaired. This please contact WDC
Arlington, VA 22201.
the Delta Gamma Team camp relies on volunteer DG VP Foundation
Metro: Clarendon today at : http:// counselors to give one-on- Christine Rocchio at
(Orange Line) one support to the camp- (202) 253-8385 or
site/TR? ers. [email protected]
Cost: Suggested donation pg=team&fr_id=3330&te
of $5 with Foundation am_id=47670 Volunteers assist campers
supplies and $7 without with recreational activities
Our Delta Gamma contact such as swimming, arts & 16 years of age by the start
Foundation supplies dona- for the walk is Kerry crafts, computer instruc- of camp and adult volun-
tions include 5 Box Tops Graves, Events Manager tion and field trips. teers are welcome.
for Education from any for the Foundation Fight-
General Mills products, 5 ing Blindness. She can be *If you only have a morn- Save and Donate Those
Labels for Education from reached at: (410) 568-0176 ing to donate to the cause, Labels, Box Tops, and
any Campbell’s Soup or KGraves@ consider volunteering on Eye-Glasses!
brand products (UPC the morning of Friday-
code needed), or 1 pair of
July 2. The activity that I am asking your help in
recyclable eyeglasses. morning is to create tactile continuing to collect labels
The VisionWalk is the
flags with the campers in and box tops (The Labels
Northern Virginia signature event of the
advance of Independence for Education & Box
Foundation Fighting
VisionWalk Day. Tops for Education) from
Blindness and has raised
the everyday products we
over $10 million since
This year the Northern This volunteer opportu- all have in our homes as
2006. For more informa-
Virginia VisionWalk is nity is truly rewarding and they can bring much
tion, please go to
scheduled to take place on fun! An orientation is of- needed equipment to chil-
Saturday, May 8 at fered, plus community dren who are blind or
Brown's Chapel Park *Registration begins at 9 service hours are provided visually impaired.
(11300 Baron Cameron am and the Walk starts at to all volunteers participat-
Avenue) in Reston, Vir- 10am. ing in the week long camp. Another way to contribute
ginia. is by donating outdated
If you, or someone you
We look forward to seeing and unneeded eyeglasses/
know, is interested in vol-
Everyone is invited to lace you there as part of the sunglasses. Remember
unteering please contact
up your walking shoes and Delta Gamma Team! they can be recycled and
Jocelyn Hunter- Director
be a part! reused by those in need.
of Communications Co-
Camp Lighthouse lumbia Lighthouse for the
With "Service for Sight" as Volunteer Opportunity: The labels/box tops
Blind at (202) 454-6422
such a huge part of our and/or eye glasses can
Catholic University, WDC or [email protected]
Delta Gamma mission, we be sent to Christine
hope you will consider Rocchio.
Monday- June 28 - Friday- Columbia Lighthouse for
joining your sisters and the Blind’s volunteer camp
July 2, 8:45am- 3:15pm Don't forget to recruit
bringing your friends counselors must be at least
along to this fun and ex- *Volunteer Camp Coun- your family, friends, co-
tremely important fund- selors Needed workers and neighbors in
raising event. support of our cause!

WDC DG Page 4
Sister Snapshots and News
DG Does Good would like to celebrate the arrival two lovely legacies. Suzette Kuo gave birth
to her second daughter, Sierra Lizbeth McGrann, on February 25.

Genefer Thornton also recently gave birth to her second child, Lauren. Gen has accepted a
new position with the Air Force and will be moving to Denver with her family at the beginning
of May. Please send congratulations and well wishes to Suzette at [email protected] and to Gen at
[email protected].

Best Wishes to Jen Olsen who is getting married this month. Good luck to Cristina Gomez who will be mov-
ing to Chicago to work as a fundraiser for The Community Builders.

If you know of a sister who has something to celebrate or a sister who could benefit from DG Does Good assis-
tance (a home-cooked meal or a cheery card), please let me know, [email protected].

SweetPeas or future astronauts? DGs enjoy the Cherry Blossom Festival

by lantern-light!

Upcoming Events
May 7 SweetPeas
May 8 VisionWalk in Reston at 10am
May 11 Book Club
W A S H I N GT O N , D C
May 19 Lunch Bunch
A LU M N A E C H A PT E R May 19 Spring Fling
May 25 Dine Out
Stay tuned for WDC DG Award Announcements from DG’s annual
convention. This year’s convention is in Denver from June 16-20.

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