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845 F.

2d 945
25 Fed. R. Evid. Serv. 1121

UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee,

Albert SORONDO, Defendant-Appellant.
No. 87-5520.

United States Court of Appeals,

Eleventh Circuit.
May 23, 1988.

Theodore J. Sakowitz, Federal Public Defender, Lisa A. Rosenthal, Asst.

Federal Public Defender, Miami, Fla., for defendant-appellant.
Leon B. Kellner, U.S. Atty., Robert E. O'Neill, Asst. U.S. Atty., Miami,
Fla., for plaintiff-appellee.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of
Before TJOFLAT and HILL, Circuit Judges, and WARD * , District Judge.
HILL, Circuit Judge:

In this appeal, the appellant challenges his conviction on charges of distributing

and conspiring to distribute cocaine. He attacks the constitutionality of the law
under which he was sentenced and the admissibility of certain testimony by a
government witness. We reverse.


The charges against the appellant, Albert Sorondo, stem from his sale of one
kilogram of cocaine to an agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration
("DEA"), David Lorino, and a paid DEA informant, Raphael O'Relly.
Appellant does not dispute the facts surrounding the sale. The informant,
O'Relly, met with appellant on November 20, 1986 and informed him that he
had contacted a person who wanted to buy cocaine. O'Relly told appellant that

he needed to obtain twelve kilograms of cocaine. Appellant responded that he

would check with some friends about getting the cocaine, and he quoted a price
of $16,000 per kilogram.

The following day, O'Relly set up a meeting between appellant, agent Lorino,
and himself at a Denny's Restaurant. At the meeting, appellant stated that he
had been in contact with a friend and that he would be able to supply the
cocaine. He also produced a sample of cocaine which agent Lorino field tested
in the rest room. Lorino told appellant that he was satisfied with the quality,
and the three men left the restaurant. O'Relly and Lorino drove around and
waited for appellant, whom they believed had gone to pick up the twelve
kilograms of cocaine, to contact them by beeper. Appellant contacted them and
told them to meet him at a Holiday Inn. When they arrived at the hotel parking
lot, appellant informed O'Relly and Lorino that he had obtained only one
kilogram and that the remainder would be supplied in three kilogram
increments. He produced the one kilogram and was arrested. After being
appropriately informed of his rights, appellant signed a written confession
describing the meetings and the transaction.

As noted above, appellant does not contest his involvement in the transaction.
Indeed, appellant testified at his trial and described the sale. Rather than
dispute his involvement, appellant asserted a defense of entrapment. He argued
that O'Relly consistently pressured him until he finally broke down and
supplied the cocaine.

Through appellant's testimony and that of his wife, Miriam Sorondo, appellant
showed that his relationship with O'Relly began the month prior to the ultimate
cocaine sale. O'Relly met appellant at a bowling alley and informed him that he
had 25,000 pounds of marijuana in Texas which he wanted appellant to help
him sell. Appellant informed O'Relly that he was a musician and that he was
not interested in selling drugs, but he did eventually go to Texas. On his first
stay in Texas, appellant was taken blindfolded to a location where he saw
thousands of pounds of marijuana. At O'Relly's request, appellant made various
efforts to sell marijuana to individuals he knew in Miami. Appellant persuaded
four people to come to Texas, but was unable to sell any of the drugs. Appellant
returned home to Miami, but then returned to Texas at O'Relly's invitation for a
second effort to sell marijuana. Appellant was again unsuccessful.

Appellant and his wife testified that O'Relly and his associates called
appellant's home constantly to ask him to participate in drug transactions.
According to appellant's testimony, he consistently refused to participate.
Appellant testified that O'Relly ultimately agreed to leave him alone if he

would perform just one cocaine transaction. Appellant eventually agreed, and
the transaction led to his arrest.

At trial, the defense argued that O'Relly was paid a considerable amount of
money for his services and that he had a financial motive for pressuring the
appellant since he was paid on a case-by-case basis. The jury rejected
appellant's entrapment defense, however, and found him guilty of conspiracy to
distribute cocaine and distribution of cocaine. He was sentenced to the
mandatory minimum sentence of five years under 21 U.S.C. Sec. 841, and he is
currently incarcerated.

A. Mandatory Minimum Sentence

Appellant maintains a broad-based attack on the constitutionality of the

mandatory minimum sentence provisions contained in 21 U.S.C. Sec. 841. As
appellant concedes, however, his due process, equal protection, and Eighth
Amendment challenges have recently been considered and rejected by this
court. See United States v. Holmes, 838 F.2d 1175 (11th Cir.1988). Thus, we
need not review the bulk of appellant's constitutional attacks.

Appellant does, however, raise an additional constitutional argument which was

not addressed in Holmes. He claims that he falls into an arbitrary gap
established by the mandatory minimum sentence provision. The original
provision became effective in October of 1986. Congress subsequently enacted
18 U.S.C. Sec. 3553(e), which provides for mitigation of the mandatory
minimum sentence on motion by the government if the defendant was aiding in
the prosecution or investigation of other suspects. The mitigating provision
took effect in November of 1987. Appellant claims that individuals charged
with crimes occurring during the gap between October of 1986 and November
of 1987 are arbitrarily denied the benefit of the mitigating provision. This issue
has largely been rendered moot by the Sentencing Act of 1987, Pub.L.No. 100182, 101 Stat. 1266 (1987), which requires retroactive application of the
mitigating provision. Under this provision, Congress has removed the gap.
With respect to this appellant's trial, however, the issue is not moot. He was
convicted and sentenced before the gap was removed. We are therefore obliged
to address the merits of his constitutional attack.


Appellant claims that it is arbitrary and unconstitutional to enact a statute

providing for severe minimum sentences while delaying the availability of a
mitigating mechanism. The argument is without merit: "where a statute does

not discriminate on racial grounds or against a suspect class, Congress'

judgment will be sustained in the absence of persuasive evidence that Congress
had no reasonable basis for drawing the lines that it did." Holmes, 838 F.2d at
1177. According to appellant's argument, Congress could never enact a
provision which mitigated the effect of a prior sentencing provision unless the
new law was given retroactive effect. That is not the case. The fact that
Congress enacted this particular mitigating provision only one year after the
original provision, rather than several years later, does not indicate that the
series of provisions is arbitrary. Congress is certainly empowered to pass laws
which lessen the severity of previous sentencing provisions, and it need not do
so retroactively. Thus, appellant's claim that the existence of a "gap" is
unconstitutional is without merit.
B. Inadmissible Testimony

Appellant objects to the admission of a portion of testimony given by special

agent Peter Sarron, a rebuttal witness for the government. The defense
attempted to prove that appellant had been entrapped by O'Relly. Appellant and
his wife testified that O'Relly constantly put pressure on him to sell drugs, and
evidence was introduced to show that O'Relly was motivated to entrap
appellant by large, result-oriented fees. To rebut this defense, the government
called agent Sarron to testify as to O'Relly's long-standing cooperation with the
DEA and his considerable success. In an effort to justify the large fees paid to
O'Relly, the government elicited testimony regarding the number of cases
O'Relly had participated in and the amount of money and property which had
been forfeited to the government due to his assistance. At one point during
Sarron's direct examination, the following exchange took place:

Q. And during that time, how many cases for you has he worked?
13 Oh, he has worked probably fifty or sixty. We made about forty cases that
resulted in prosecution and seizures.
Q. Of the forty cases, how many resulted in convictions?
Mr. Dachs: Objection as to relevancy.
The Court: Objection overruled.
17 Witness: I can't think of one defendant that we have lost. We have convicted
well over a hundred people.

Appellant argues that the testimony regarding the number of convictions

obtained with O'Relly's assistance was unfairly prejudicial and inadmissible.

We agree.

As an initial matter, the record shows that defense counsel objected to this
testimony only on the grounds of relevance. As the district court indicated by
overruling this objection, the testimony was relevant. It was related to the
government's attempt to establish O'Relly's value to the DEA and, more
importantly, it bore directly on O'Relly's ability as an informant and his
credibility as a witness. Thus, defense counsel's objection was properly


On appeal, we may only take note of appellant's additional objections to the

extent that the admission of this testimony rises to the level of plain error.
Fed.R.Crim.P. 52(b). "The purpose of the plain error rule is to enforce the
requirement that parties object to errors at trial in a timely manner so as to
provide the trial judge an opportunity to avoid or correct any error, and thus
avoid the costs of reversal." United States v. Chaney, 662 F.2d 1148, 1151 n. 4
(5th Cir. Unit B 1981). See also United States v. Frady, 456 U.S. 152, 163, 102
S.Ct. 1584, 1592, 71 L.Ed.2d 816 (1982). Given this purpose, it is clear that the
plain error rule must apply when, as here, a party states an inaccurate objection
just as when a party states no objection at all. In either case, the trial judge is
not given a proper opportunity to correct or avoid the error. In the present case,
we must therefore determine whether the admission of agent Sarron's testimony
regarding the number of convictions obtained with O'Relly's assistance
constitutes plain error. We conclude that it does.


The plain error standard is difficult to meet: "[p]lain error consists of error
which, when examined in the context of the entire case, is so obvious that
failure to notice it would seriously affect the fairness, integrity and public
reputation of judicial proceedings." United States v. Russell, 703 F.2d 1243,
1248 (11th Cir.1983). The Supreme Court has suggested that this standard
provides appellate courts with the power to prevent miscarriages of justice.
Frady, 456 U.S. at 163 n. 14, 102 S.Ct. at 1592 n. 14. It is this high standard
which we apply in the present case.


On direct examination, agent Sarron told the jury that O'Relly's assistance had
led to the conviction of well over one hundred other defendants. In effect, the
jury was told that a large number of other juries had found O'Relly to be a
credible witness and that those juries had never returned a verdict of not guilty
when O'Relly was involved in the case. This is extremely prejudicial testimony.
A jury has an obligation to "exercise its untrammeled judgment upon the worth
and weight of testimony" and to "bring in its verdict and not someone else's."

United States v. Johnson, 319 U.S. 503, 519, 63 S.Ct. 1233, 1241, 87 L.Ed.
1546 (1943). To ensure that a jury does not abrogate this responsibility, a trial
judge must be sensitive to the jury's temptation to allow the judgment of
another authority to substitute for its own. Thus, a trial judge is required
scrupulously to avoid expressing or implying his or her own opinion on the
merits of the case or the weight of particular evidence, lest the jury substitute
the trial judge's opinion for its own. See United States v. Cox, 664 F.2d 257,
259 (11th Cir.1981). Similarly, the judge must protect against the danger that a
jury will accept the judgment of an expert in place of its own. See United States
v. Barnette, 800 F.2d 1558, 1569 (11th Cir.1986), cert. denied, --- U.S. ----, 107
S.Ct. 1578, 94 L.Ed.2d 769 (1987). We conclude that precisely the same
danger is present when the jury is informed of the results of numerous other
trials in which a central witness for the government has participated. The jury
will unavoidably be tempted to accept the opinion of previous juries rather than
exercise its own independent judgment.

Agent Sarron's testimony in the present case created a great danger that the jury
would simply credit O'Relly's testimony and find in favor of the government
because many other juries had done so in the past. This would clearly be an
improper basis for the verdict, and we conclude that the danger of unfair
prejudice from this testimony substantially outweighed the testimony's
probative value. It should, therefore, have been excluded under Fed.R.Evid.


The government argues that the prejudice here is slight and that any error was
harmless. We cannot agree. O'Relly was the government's first witness. He
described his contact with Sorondo and specifically contradicted the defense's
description of O'Relly's pressure tactics. Sorondo testified that he initially told
O'Relly that he was not interested in selling cocaine, but O'Relly testified that
that was not true. Sorondo testified that O'Relly agreed to leave him alone if he
would perform just one cocaine transaction, but O'Relly denied this. Mrs.
Sorondo testified that O'Relly had spoken to her on a number of occasions
about her husband getting involved in drug transactions, but O'Relly denied that
any such conversations occurred. The record clearly shows that O'Relly's
testimony supported the government's position on the critical issue of
entrapment. Given the significance of O'Relly's testimony, it was plain error to
allow testimony by agent Sarron which may have unfairly and strongly
bolstered O'Relly's credibility in the eyes of the jury. Based upon this plain
error in the trial, appellant's conviction must be reversed.1



For the foregoing reasons, appellant's conviction in the district court is



Honorable Horace T. Ward U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of
Georgia sitting by designation

Given our resolution of the case, we need not address appellant's additional
claim that the government violated the Jencks Act, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 3500

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