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381 F.

3d 1059

Tracy Lynn PENN, Plaintiff-Appellant,

Timmerman, Police Officer, et al., Defendants-Appellees.
No. 03-14207.

United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit.

August 17, 2004.

Michael Stephen Harper, Schmitt, Harper & Smith, P.C., Tallassee, AL,
Frank H. Hawthorne, Jr., Hawthorne, Hawthorne & Vance, L.L.C.,
Montgomery, AL, for Plaintiff-Appellant.
Christopher K. Whitehead, Monet McCorvey Gaines, Whitehead & Mills,
LLC, H. Lewis Gillis, Kenneth L. Thomas, Thomas, Means & Gillis,
P.C., Christine Harris Jackson, Webb & Eley, P.C., Walter R. Byars,
Montgomery, AL, Valerie L. Acoff, Thomas, Means & Gillis,
Birmingham, AL, for Defendants-Appellees.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Middle District of
Before DUBINA, CARNES and CUDAHY* , Circuit Judges.
DUBINA, Circuit Judge:

Appellant Tracy Lynn Penn ("Ms.Penn") appeals the district court's order
granting summary judgment to Appellees City of Montgomery ("City"), Officer
Guinn R. Timmerman ("Officer Timmerman"), and Officer Christopher
Howard ("Officer Howard") on her 42 U.S.C. 1983 and 1988 claims,
pendent state law tort claims, and contract rescission claim. For the reasons that
follow, we affirm.

A. Facts

On September 18, 2000, Ms. Penn was involved in a verbal and physical
altercation with her former husband, Walter Bradley Penn ("Mr. Penn").
According to Ms. Penn, on that day, she had left work early due to an illness.
She called Mr. Penn to pick up their children from daycare, but he failed to do
so. Instead, Ms. Penn's grandmother picked up the children, brought them
home, and prepared dinner for them.

After the children had eaten, Ms. Penn put her youngest child, a son age three,
into the bath tub. Her oldest child, a daughter age nine, was in the bathroom
doing her homework. At this time, Mr. Penn called and Ms. Penn informed him
that she no longer needed his assistance with the children. Mr. Penn became
angry. Soon thereafter, Ms. Penn heard banging on the door, but she did not
answer the door. Ms. Penn then noticed that Mr. Penn was in the house. Mr.
Penn was very angry and began yelling and hitting Ms. Penn. Ms. Penn got her
son out of the bathroom and yelled at her daughter to call the police. Mr. Penn
continued hitting Ms. Penn. At that point, Ms. Penn picked up an object which
she thought was a mop and hit Mr. Penn. Ms. Penn hit Mr. Penn with her fist in
his nose and mouth area, causing a bloody nose and cut lip. The oldest child
screamed that she had called the police, and Mr. Penn attempted to leave the
residence. Because the back door of the house was locked with dead bolt locks
that required a key to unlock, Mr. Penn exited through a window in the back of
the house.

Officers Timmerman and Howard responded to the child's call to the police.
Upon their arrival, the Officers conducted an investigation of the scene. The
Officers questioned Ms. Penn, Mr. Penn, and the daughter. The Officers
received conflicting information regarding the events that had transpired.
Specifically, the Officers received contradictory information regarding Mr.
Penn's place of residence and the alleged lack of evidence to substantiate a
forced entry. Ultimately, the Officers were unable to determine the primary
aggressor. The Officers, however, believed that a crime had been committed
and probable cause existed to make a dual arrest. Therefore, the Officers
arrested Ms. and Mr. Penn for domestic violence in the third degree. The
Officers transported Ms. Penn to the jail where she remained for several hours
before being released on bond.

The day after her arrest, Ms. Penn consulted with the attorney who represented
her in her divorce action. This attorney recommended that she file a lawsuit
against the City and the Officers involved in her arrest. Shortly thereafter, Ms.
Penn retained the services of another attorney, John Alley, Jr. ("Alley"), to
represent her in the criminal proceedings relating to the domestic violence
charge. Before her April 2001 court date on the domestic violence charge, Ms.

Penn met with Alley at least twice and consulted with him on the telephone two
or three other times. Alley explained the municipal proceedings to Ms. Penn
and her attendant rights. Although Alley represented Ms. Penn only in
connection with the domestic violence charge, he was aware that Ms. Penn
might pursue a civil action for false arrest or malicious prosecution.

Both Alley and Ms. Penn's divorce lawyer accompanied her to her court
appearance on April 3, 2001. Prior to the commencement of the proceedings,
Mr. Penn's counsel approached Alley and informed Alley that the charges
against both Ms. Penn and Mr. Penn would be dropped if they were willing to
sign a release. Ms. Penn discussed the ramifications of this option with Alley.
Eventually, Ms. Penn decided that she would sign the release in return for the
dismissal of the criminal charges against her. Ms. Penn testified that she signed
the release because she felt that if she did not sign it, she would go to jail.

It is undisputed in the record that both Ms. Penn and Mr. Penn signed releases.
By its terms, the release Ms. Penn signed indicates that she was releasing
forever the City, Officer Howard, and Officer Timmerman, from all actions,
causes of action, claims and demands that she had against them by reason of
their civil liability to her for police misconduct up to and including the date of
the release. The release specifies that in exchange, the City will forbear
criminal prosecution against Ms. Penn. Calvin Williams, the City Attorney
("City Attorney"), informed the court of the offer he made to Ms. and Mr.
Penn. After Ms. Penn signed her release, the City Attorney nolle prosequied the
domestic violence charge against her.
B. Procedural History

In August 2001, four months after she signed the release, Ms. Penn filed her
initial complaint, naming only the City as defendant. Ms. Penn's original
complaint contained two counts against the City: Count I, brought pursuant to
42 U.S.C. 1983 and 1988 for alleged violations of Ms. Penn's Fourth and
Fourteenth Amendment rights; and Count II, brought pursuant to Alabama law
for negligent supervision and training. In September 2002, Ms. Penn filed an
amended complaint, adding Officer Howard, Officer Timmerman, and the City
Attorney. Ms. Penn added new claims against these Appellees based on 42
U.S.C. 1983 and 1988 and added more claims based on Alabama tort law
and contract rescission. In November 2002, Ms. Penn amended her complaint
again, revising the prior allegations. Ms. Penn subsequently dismissed her
claims against the City Attorney.

The parties filed cross-motions for summary judgment. The district court

The parties filed cross-motions for summary judgment. The district court
granted the Appellees' motion for summary judgment, finding that the release
Ms. Penn signed was valid under federal law. Therefore, the district court
concluded that Ms. Penn could not pursue her federal claims against the
Appellees. Alternatively, the district court found that the release was also valid
under Alabama law. Recognizing that it no longer had supplemental
jurisdiction over Ms. Penn's state law claims, the district court dismissed those
claims without prejudice. Ms. Penn then perfected this appeal.


Whether the district court properly granted summary judgment to the Appellees
on the basis that the release Ms. Penn signed was valid.



This court reviews de novo the district court's order granting summary
judgment, applying the same legal standards used by the district court.
McCormick v. City of Fort Lauderdale, 333 F.3d 1234, 1242-43 (11th


Ms. Penn contends that the release she signed is a contract which violates the
Alabama compounding statute, and as such, is void as a matter of public policy.
Therefore, Ms. Penn contends that the release cannot act as a bar to any of her
claims, either federal or state. The Alabama compounding statute provides as


(a) A person commits the crime of compounding if he gives or offers to give, or

accepts or agrees to accept, any pecuniary benefit or other thing of value in
consideration for:


(1) Refraining from seeking prosecution of a crime; or


(2) Refraining from reporting to law enforcement authorities the commission or

suspected commission of any crime or information relating to the crime.


(b) It is a defense to a prosecution under this section that the pecuniary benefit
did not exceed an amount which the actor reasonably believed to be due as
restitution or indemnification for harm caused by the offense. The burden of
injecting this defense is on the defendant.


(c) Compounding is a Class A misdemeanor.


Ala.Code 13A-10-7 (1975).


As with any question of statutory interpretation, we "`read the statute using the
normal meanings of its words.'" Horton Homes, Inc. v. United States., 357 F.3d
1209, 1211 (11th Cir.2004) (quoting Consolidated Bank, N.A. v. United States
Dep't of Treasury, 118 F.3d 1461, 1463 (11th Cir.1997)); see also United
States v. DBB, Inc., 180 F.3d 1277, 1281 (11th Cir.1999) (stating that "[t]he
starting point for all statutory interpretation is the language of the statute
itself"). "We do not look at one word or term in isolation, but instead we look to
the entire statutory text." DBB, Inc., 180 F.3d at 1281. Giving a normal
meaning to every word in the statute, and considering the entire context of the
statute, the City Attorney's actions do not constitute "[r]efraining from seeking
prosecution of a crime" or "[r]efraining from reporting to law enforcement
authorities the commission or suspected commission of any crime or
information relating to the crime." Ala.Code 13A-10-7(a).


Although Ms. Penn and the City both agree that each received a thing of value
when Ms. Penn signed the release, the City Attorney was not "refraining from
seeking prosecution" when he dismissed the charges against Ms. Penn after she
signed the release. The City Attorney prosecutes. He does not seek to prosecute.
A common understanding of the word "seek" is to "look for," or "pursue"
something. See Webster's Third New International Dictionary (1986). The City
Attorney did not have to look for a prosecution; he already had "found" it.


Furthermore, this interpretation of the statute is fully consistent with the origin
of the statute. This statute is adapted from the Model Penal Code. See Ala.Code
13A-10-7, commentary. The Model Penal Code modified the common-law
crime of compounding, which was originally called "theftbote." ALI, Model
Penal Code 242.5 (1980). Theftbote "referred to an agreement between a thief
and his victim that the stolen property would be returned in exchange for an
undertaking not to cooperate in prosecution." Id., Comment 1, p. 244.
Traditionally, the law of compounding has had a distinctive impact on the
victims of crime. Id., Comment 3. Thus, "the purpose of the law of
compounding is to encourage reporting of crime by punishing agreements to
forestall prosecution." Id., at 251. Therefore, "[t]he central issue in the law of
compounding is whether to except from liability the victim of a crime who
agrees to drop criminal charges if the alleged offender makes restitution for the
harm caused." Id. at 249.


The statute clearly implies a private individual's consideration of filing suit


The statute clearly implies a private individual's consideration of filing suit

not a City Attorney's prosecution of an individual for violation of a crime.
Subpart (b) states that it is a defense to a prosecution "that the pecuniary
benefit did not exceed an amount which the actor reasonably believed to be due
as restitution or indemnification for harm caused by the offense." Ala.Code
13A-10-7(b). This defense cannot logically or practically apply to a City


We note that Ms. Penn has not cited any authority, nor can we find any, for her
contention that the compounding statute applies to a City Attorney's dismissal
of charges against an individual in exchange for a general release of that
individual's civil claims relating to his criminal prosecution. See Model Penal
Code 242.5, Comment 3, pp. 251-52 (noting the "few reported cases under
compounding statutes," and commenting that "[m]ost reported decisions
dealing with compounding, however, are civil disputes in which the victim is
attempting to enforce a note or other obligation given by the alleged offender").
We also note that the Alabama Supreme Court, although not discussing the
Alabama compounding statute, affirmed the dismissal of a lawsuit against law
enforcement officers and prosecutors by an individual who signed a general
release of his claims relating to his arrest. Gorman v. Wood, 663 So.2d 921, 922
(Ala.1995). Relying on Town of Newton v. Rumery, 480 U.S. 386, 107 S.Ct.
1187, 94 L.Ed.2d 405 (1987),1 the court held that barring ambiguity or
allegations of fraud, the terms of the release document "must be given effect."


Considering its origin and giving effect to the ordinary meaning of its terms, we
hold that the Alabama compounding statute does not apply to a City Attorney's
actions when dismissing charges against an individual in exchange for a release
of civil liability. Accordingly, we conclude that the release agreement was valid
and is a bar to Ms. Penn's pursuit of civil claims against the Appellees.


The district court properly determined that the release Ms. Penn signed was
valid and barred her pursuit of civil claims against the City and the officers.
Accordingly, we affirm the district court's grant of summary judgment to the




Honorable Richard D. Cudahy, United States Circuit Judge for the Seventh
Circuit, sitting by designation

InRumery, the Supreme Court considered "whether a court properly may

enforce an agreement in which a criminal defendant releases his right to file an
action under 42 U.S.C. 1983 in return for a prosecutor's dismissal of pending
criminal charges." 480 U.S. at 389, 107 S.Ct. at 1190. The Court noted that the
agreement purported to waive a right to sue conferred by a federal statute; thus,
the question of whether the agreement was enforceable was a question of
federal law. Id. at 392, 107 S.Ct. at 1191. Resolving the question by reference
to traditional common-law principles, the Court considered whether the interest
in the agreement's enforcement was "outweighed in the circumstances by a
public policy harmed by enforcement of the agreement." Id. The Court then
concluded that the agreement "was voluntary, that there [was] no evidence of
prosecutorial misconduct, and that enforcement of this agreement would not
adversely affect the relevant public interests." Id. at 398, 107 S.Ct. at 1195. See
Fomby-Denson v. Dep't of the Army, 247 F.3d 1366, 1377 n. 9 (Fed.Cir.2001)
(noting that Rumery carved out an exception to the crime of compounding
where a prosecutor offers to dismiss criminal charges in exchange for a release
of civil claims).

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