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Family is where love begins and never ends.

Having someone to love is family. Having

somewhere to go is home and having both is
a blessing. My family unlike others is small.
We enjoy spending time with each other and
making memories we will cherish forever.
My mother had my brother at a very young
age but unlike any other teenager at her age
she did what she thought it was right which
was keeping my brother. Since that day my
mother has worked very hard to provide for
me and my siblings. A year ago she opened
her own hair salon, she loves styling hair
and everything that comes with, its her
passion. Its not about how much income or
benefit she gets from the job but is just
about the simple fact that she loves making
her clients happy, mean while she also loves
to meet new people and interact with them,
one thing that comes with the job. Another
thing about my mom is that she loves

providing to other people, one of her

favorite sayings is no one has ever become
poor to giving for those in need. Outside
from her business like woman appearance
she is my super hero, my best friend, my
guardian, shes the one person thats willing
to pick my head up when everyone else has
left me in the shadows of darkness. Many
teens say that an actor/ singer is their role
model but for me theres no other better role
model than my beautiful mother. Life has
rewarded me with such a blessing as her, I
never really did believe in angels but
whenever I look into her loving eyes it
makes it feel like heaven is on earth, like
theres no other better place than her loving
arms. They say a mothers love is the fuel
that motivates you to do the impossible. I do
believe in such quote because my mother
has had many obstacles when dealing with
me and my siblings. My mother has always

been there for me through thick and when I

first opened my eyes, when I first spoke and
when I first went to school. Shes the person
that has saved me from the bed monster and
many more things. I thank God and...
I belong to a middle class family. Like
most other families in India, ours is a big joint family. Our house is
as Chandni Chowk, Old Delhi.
There are ten members in my family. We are three brothers and three sisters. My
grandfather, aged 72, is the head of our family. My grandmother, aged 65, is the sweet
heart of the family.
My grandfather is a retired Government Officer. He is a pensioner. He loves to spend
time with kids. He is fond of classical music. He feels sad that life has become so
expensive these days. He often grumbles overrising prices of things.
My grandmother is a retired school teacher. She is fond of making sweet dishes. She
tells us a new moral story every-night. Everyone loves her very much.
My father, a successful lawyer, is a well-known person in Delhi. He commands good
practice. He performs his duties with honesty. He is generous and liberal. He is almost
always busy. He also spends about an hour in our garden. Gardening is his hobby.
Sometimes on holidays he takes us to the cinema. He also takes interest in our
education. I love my father.
My mother takes care of the house. She plans the family budget. She is not very
modern. She is a religious woman. She goes to the temple every morning. On sacred

days, she takes us all to the temple. She is a vegetarian and observes fast on every
Tuesday. My grandfather always praises her. She, on her part, serves him as a
I am a student of the 9th class. I am good at studies. My father loves me very much. I
love my younger brothers and sisters and help them in their studies.
My younger brother, Bablu, is very naughty. He tears pages from my books and spoils
my exercise books. All of us love him. He is fond of talking and playing outdoor games.
It is a pleasure to play with him. Ajay is fond of kite-flying.
My three sisters are Ruchi, Madhu and Rukmini. My sister, Ruchi, is interested in
painting. She has won several awards for her painting skills. Madhu and Rukmini are
shy girls. Madhu is a bookworm. She always stands first in her class. She has won
many prizes. We all like one another and live happily together.

My lovely family consists of only three members:

my mom, my sister and me. It was bigger when my
Dad was alive. He died from a heart attack when I
was nearly five. Not realizing how tragic and
irrevocable the event of his death was for my Mom
and my elder sister, I could not utter even a tear. I
was not being merciless or cruel toward my father,
for I loved him very much and tried to spend as
much time with him as I could.
After his busy working day at a plant he arrived
home tense, a little nervous and upset, kissing my
Mom on the cheek, hugging my sister and me. He
rumpled my neatly combed, sparse hair making me
angry because I liked to be tidy, and then
disappeared behind the door of his study room, not

saying a word. We all knew that we should not

disturb or bother him at that moment and returned
to our school tedious homework giving our fiercelooking father some time to come to his senses. My
father was a leading engineer in one of the biggest
airplane plants in Moscow. It was an extremely
responsible and important job of which he was
After spending some time with his drawings,
estimates and calculations and making some calls
to his colleagues, everything became quiet behind
that giant oak door. Then, all of a sudden, his tall,
broad-shouldered figure in slippers and home
clothes rose up on the threshold as we hid behind
the door and waited for him to come out. We could
see that his mood had changed dramatically fore
the better. He interrupted our depressing
surroundings with a piercing exclamation: "Where
are my adorable little girls? Although my sister
was seven years older than I was, she was still a
little girl for him. When we heard these words, it
meant that all serious airplane problems were
solved or postponed till tomorrow and the
ringleader of our family was ready to play tricks on
my sister and me.

The features of his

handsome face softened, his

expressive almond-shaped green

eyes sparkled, and a
I have a happy family consisting of eight
members,namely my lovely
brothers,younger brother, and younger
sister.My fathers name is Rus Ghani b.
Ruslan.He is 52 years old.My father
worked as a prison in the prison
department Sg.buloh.My mothers name
is Zuraidah bt. Sein.She is 48 years
old.My mother is trading at a religious
school canteens in the pison complex
Sg.buloh.My family and I lived at a
komplex Penjara Sg.buloh.
My father and my mother are kind
even though they re quite strict in
educating their children.There are many
comments and advices that they gave to
my siblings and me.Im thankful that
mom and dad can divide with their

children despite busy work.Especially

my mother who do extra work to help
my father to earn a living themselves
and their children.Thank you mom and
dad.I promise to be a good and succeful
My sisters name is Fatin
Maisarah.She is 23 years old.She was
studying at UITM Shah Alam in
account.She also almost completed
courses in the near future.My first
brothers name is Ahmad Faris.He is 21
years old.In the near future,he will
continue his studies at KPTM Kuala
Lumpur in computer networks.My
second brothers name is Ahmad
Fahmi.He is 20 years old.He works at a
restaurant in KL.They are very kind to
me and my refrences if i do not know the
lesson.Thanks to them all for helping me
in life.

My names is Farah Nini.Im 16 years old

and studying at SMK Bukit Gading.My
younger brothers name is Ahmad
Fikri.He is 13 years old.He was studying
at the same school with me.My younger
sisters name is Fakhira Aina.She is 11
years old.She was studying at SK Desa
Aman.I spend a lot of time with them
than my sister and my brothers because
they are still young and need guidance
from an adult.Sometimes they like to
make me laugh with their joke especially
my younger sister and to make me angry
with their delinquency.However.thanks
to them because make my life more
Thats a little bit about my family
background love.I spend time with my
family to watch television and eat
gathers.That moment is what I like and
sweet moment for me.In a nut

shell,thank God for having sent them all

of my life.Im happy with my family as
well as makes me always happy.Without
them all,my life may not be as it is now.I
hope all of my family member happy
and succesful life and the
hereafter.Thanks to my beloved family
because makes me a part of yourself.I
love you all.My family my love.
Let me introduce my family.

My father is strong, he knows so many things in so many aeras, more than

I could learn in all my life. He offered us protection, education and love. He
is a gendarme (this is the french army policeman corporation), he loves his
job, he is ambitious. We moved many times all arround the southern
France to follow him, I need more than two hands to count the places we
left and as much to enumerate the spots we discovered. He loves cactus, I
dont know why, but I know my mother hates to be hurt by their spines.
My mother only knows giving love, love and love. She is a housewife, I
dont think she is desperate but, sometimes she is angry, I dont understand
why. I hope its not our fault. She is a formidable cook, she obviously has
secrets, because everytimes it tastes so good. She knows I love pizzas but
she says I should stop eating the same things. She is still present for us. I
met a lot of problems on my road, so I gave them more worries than
necessary. Its hard to know how to thank them. She loves my dad a lot too,
what is rare in the current society.
I have two little brothers (taller than me, this is fun!).

Cdric is a brillant freelance computer graphics designer and webmaster.

This is the career I wanted to follow, but I was less obstinate than him. He
is interrested by the Japan universe, he loves this civilization, their J-Music,
their art, their writing He played a lot of videogames, we had fun together,
but he was stronger than me. He lives in Paris, a beautiful, stimulant and
meaningful city. Ah, important detail, he really likes chocolate, sugar and
running !
Sylvain is my younger brother. He is studying the biotechnology in a
famous university of Marseille, he is really clever. He is kind of a fashion
victim, he loves good quality (and expensive) products. Some years ago,
he learned me to play World Of Warcraft. I am not sure it was a good idea, I
spent two years of my life with my bloodelve priest, cliking on my mouse to
heal pixels. But we had fun. Like Cdric, he used to run, and run, and run
again, kilometers after kilometers. He would like to live in Paris, but he cant
expedite his studies.
And for the final, me. In high school, I have tried to follow people, to
understand the social conventions, to belong to something . I often failed
or I was disapointed by what I met. I used to have a great imagination, but I
didnt know where or who I could be connected with. I think I was afraid to
think different, but I was sure to be different, creative, positive and full of
energy. Maybe this is a reason of my choice to study psychology, to try to
understand why I wasnt enchanted by the reality, and try to express
something outside. The digital art magnified the process, find a style,
understand how things work, be different.
Maybe I am someone really narcissistic, quite simply. But I am really happy,
I feel connected with humanity and thats why I need to paint this piece, as
a token of gratitude, to my family.
My father, a man with a great personality and great thoughts, taught me deciplins
and importance of life. He is the best father one can have. He is 6 feet tall and
has a mustache. Women are always ready for one-night-stands with him. So you
can see how handsome he would be. Since he is a gentleman, he never even
thinks towards that direction. My mom is very proud to have him as her husband.
He gave a lot of sacrifices for his family, turning down all those pretty women
would be considered as a big sacrifice. No seriously, he did a lot for his family to
give them the best education and the living standard. Not only to his wife and
kids, also to his own younger brothers. He sent his brothers abroad for higher

education. Worked many hours to help them pay for studies. He continued to
sacrifice for us as well. He was and still is a very loving and caring father.
My mom tells me, he was there for me everyday, played with me when I was little
and even now he gives me time and attention. He really emphasized on
education from the very beginning. He gave me the freedom to choose any field
that I wanted to go in. Every time I would have any kind of a problem, I very well
knew where to turn for help. Whether I needed an advice to make a decision or
financial help, he was always there for me and thank God he still is.
I remember one time I was really confused in choosing the company to join. I had
two offers and one of them offered a better deal then the other. Since I always
seek advise from my father, he advised to join the company which I had thought
was not giving me a better deal. The experienced that he possessed assured me
to take his advise. I am very glad I did that because the other company is out of
business right now.
My father is a very influential person as well. He helps people in any way he can.
No matter how you look at him he is the greatest father one can have.
She has taught me to always try my best, to treat everyone equally, to not give
up when things get hard. She tells me to at all times be honest because in the
end, lies always hurt more. She instills the importance of family and of doing well
at school in me. When I make decisions and she doesnt always agree with them,
she makes sure that I know that she is behind me all the way because she wants
me to always be happy. She has taught me right from wrong and the significance
of self-respect.
She is my mother, the greatest influence in my life. Not only as a mom but also
as a friend. A time that is really prominent in my mind, that I hope I will always
remember, is the year when I was doing poorly in English class and I wanted to
drop it. The easy way out as my mom called it. She helped me realize that I
was intelligent enough to be in the class that is why I was put in it, and that I
could do anything I put my mind to. The talk with my mom helped me
tremendously. Not only because she gave me good advice but because she was
talking to me like a friend would, being understanding of where I was coming
from and about my feelings.
Once when I was at a party with some close friends, a really good-looking girl I
didnt know came over to me. Hey whats your name? Would you like to come
smoke a cigarette with me? The first thing that popped into my mind was how
my mom always taught me never to smoke because it is bad and could cause
serious health problems. After I remembered that no thank you was quickly
spoken out of my mouth. I was kind of afraid that the girl wouldnt talk to me after
that but I still held my ground. In the end, she and I became good friends.

First and foremost, my mom has taught me to be happy and true to myself
because I can never not face myself, and the choices I make. Think before you
act, you will always have a choice to be happy or sad, to do what is good or bad
and to do the ...
When you have your brother who is living with you for years, you have so many
memories of him that they tend to overlap, which have happiness and sadness.
It is extremely difficult to single out one or two of his characters that you want to
describe him, impossible to remember any that exemplify the whole.]
Because my home was small, we did many things in the living room. I was
fascinated with playing the piano. Once while I was practicing, my brother
turned on the television loudly behind me so that I couldn t stand it and
stopped playing. He would turn on the TV whenever he wanted even during the
evening which was the only time I could play the piano in the day.
When we have family occasions Xperhaps a relative s weeding or a New Year
s party Xmy brother always stay home because he doesn t like going out.
Sometimes our friends asked why he didn t show up. Though we couldn t
find a reason, we generally made one up. Our friends and relatives seldom,
maybe never, see my brother.
The telephone rings. My brother, sitting adjacent to it, looks at the caller ID, and
if he finds out the call is not for him, he will let the phone ring until one of the
other family members picks it up. Occasionally my brother will pick it up but he
will tell the person to call again after finding out it is not for him. On some
occasions, I was sitting right next to him, but he still told my friend to call back
later. How hard is it to hand me the phone?
During our high school years, both my brother and I were vegetarians. However,
the school didn t provide vegetarian food. My mother, wanting to give us
warm lunches, took our lunches to school everyday and not once did my brother
allow my mother to talk with his classmates. He told her to stay away from his
group. After finishing lunch, he would give her back the lunch box and run away.
My mother always sat with me and my friends instead.
Some said we look exactly the same, others said we do not look alike at all. I think we share a very similar
smiling face like the twins always do, but we do look different in many ways. She has rounder eyes which
makes her look like she is smiling even when she doesnt. I can see star-like sparkles in her eyes when
she is truly happy. She has a small dimple on her right side of cheek which appears whenever she smiles.
And when she smiles she is just as bright as a sunflower. You can almost see her glittering in the crowd
because she has cloud-like white skin, which makes it a lot easier to spot her in the crowd. But
sometimes this is not the case because she is only 157cm tall.

She is my sister, Sophia.

My sister is 3 years older than me, but that doesnt make her look old. I might not like it, but I have to
admit that she looks just like an 18-year-old young adult who is awaiting a new stage of life with hope and
faith. Still, she is a lot more mature than I am. When my eyes are hazed over with tears, she can always
wipe them away with soft words. It is a great comfort to be with her in my dark days because her
accompany is like the moonshine which covers me tenderly and saves my heart from coldness. Once I
had a big argument with my best friend and I felt like I was betrayed, and she noticed it right away when
she saw me staring at the empty and holding my phone. I suspect that she might have inserted a mini Xray machine in her because she always sees through my worries at first glance.
I am a person who is willing to take challenges, but life likes to upset me sometimes by throwing stones
on my road to success. And when my heart sinks she would always be there to encourage me. I still
remember how she comforts me after I had lost in my first debating competition Youve got to get up
and try. You might not win every time when you have done your best, but you will definitely lose if you
dont try. Her wise words never fail to relight my flame of desire, and they are the most important
component of my motor that urges me to move on so that I will not fall behind.

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