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On most modern ATMs, the customer is identified by inserting a plastic ATM card

with a magnetic stripe or a plastic smart card with a chip that contains a uniqu
e card number and some security information such as an expiration date or CVVC (
CVV). Authentication is provided by the customer entering a personal identificat
ion number (PIN).
Using an ATM, customers can access their bank deposit or credit accounts in orde
r to make a variety of transactions such as cash withdrawals, check balances, or
credit mobile phones. If the currency being withdrawn from the ATM is different
from that in which the bank account is denominated the money will be converted
at an official exchange rate.
HARDWARE: An ATM is typically made up of the following devices
CPU (to control the user interface and transaction devices)
Magnetic or chip card reader (to identify the customer)
PIN pad EEP4 (similar in layout to a touch tone or calculator keypad), manufactu
red as part of a secure enclosure
Secure cryptoprocessor, generally within a secure enclosure
Display (used by the customer for performing the transaction)
Function key buttons (usually close to the display) or a touchscreen (used to se
lect the various aspects of the transaction)
Record printer (to provide the customer with a record of the transaction)
Vault (to store the parts of the machinery requiring restricted access)
Housing (for aesthetics and to attach signage to)
Sensors and indicators
Today the vast majority of ATMs worldwide use a Microsoft Windows operating syst
em, LINUX primarily Windows XP Professional or Windows XP Embedded.
A small number of deployments may still be running older versions of Windows OS
such as Windows NT, Windows CE, or Windows 2000.
There is a computer industry security view that general public desktop operating
systems(os) have greater risks as operating systems for cash dispensing machine
s than other types of operating systems like (secure) real-time operating system
s (RTOS).
RISKS Digest has many articles about cash machine operating system vulnerabiliti
TYPES & Various kinds of ATM
1.Handheld ATMS Used in remote areas-DENA bank introduced in GUJRAT
2.Mini ATMs POS enabled service with CASH-IN CASH -OUT through IMPS used for pensi
ons , govt schemes , PDS public distributed system
3.MICRO ATMs Used by Bussiness coresspondants ,BC handle physically
4.BIO-METRIC ATMs Rural areas , Used by govt of india
fer), MNREGA scheme

for DBT (direct benefit trans

5.On site ATM -within the premises of bank

6.Off site ATM

Outside the bank premises

7.White Label ATM

Provided by NBFC

8.Green Label ATM

Provided for Agricultural Transaction

9.Orange Label ATM

10.Yellow Label ATM

Provided for Share Transactions

provided for E-commerce

11.PINK label ATM women banking

12.BROWN label ATM ATM are those Automated Teller Machines where hardware and the
lease of the ATM machine is owned by a service provider but cash management and c
onnectivity to banking networks is provided by a sponsor bank .
Although ATMs were originally developed as just cash dispensers, they have evolv
ed to include many other bank-related functions_
Paying routine bills, fees, and taxes (utilities, phone bills, social security,
legal fees, taxes, etc.)
Printing bank statements
Updating passbooks
Cash advances
Cheque Processing Module
Paying (in full or partially) the credit balance on a card linked to a specific
current account.
Transferring money between linked accounts (such as transferring between checkin
g and savings accounts)
Deposit currency recognition, acceptance, and recycling

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