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Always Sometimes Monsters >Guides >Myhical's Guides

Good Ending and all


209 ratings

By Myhical

This is a straight-to-the-point guide in order to finish the game and get all
achievements. When I first played the game I was lost and confused and had no idea
what to do. I decided to make this guide in order to achieve the 'good' ending and all
achievements. If you follow the instructions it should work for you just the way it did
for me.

I was very confused upon playing the game and yet I decided not to give up on it. I have completed all
achievements and obtained the 'good' ending by doing exactly what's in this guide. I believe
achievements are unlocked as the story goes on, regardless of choice (correct me if I'm wrong).
In Always Sometimes Monsters every decision you make and every dialogue you choose, will affect
your outcome and could lead to a different ending.
Constructive criticism is welcomed! Feel free to comment in the section below. If you don't like this
guide, there are plenty out there that might fit your style.
PS: Contains spoilers.
PSS: This guide contains some locations for Indie Heroz Figures. I did not collect all of them and I
doubt it makes any difference if you collect any. I included the ones I stumbled upon and the ones

suggested by other players.

Additional Tips:
Always save your game as there will be times when you will be stuck or you did something
different than the guide and might need to backtrack your way. Make use of the many save slots if
you are not sure you did something as described in the guide. I am not responsible for how you
play the game, even if you are following this guide.
Big Bertha (the fish) fills up roughly 80% of your stamina in one go when cooked on fire, but! this
fish is very rare and hard to catch. (thanks AdderTude for the hint)

Day 0
Go right and listen
Toast with who you want your main character to be
Go to the patio and toast with who you want your partner to be
He's Waiting On Us
Chose the names of your character and partner by signing the card
Sounds Perfect
Toast To Great Partners

Day 1
Dubstown Apartment
Pick up $1 from couch
Take 3 Pizza Pouches from fridge
Microwave all 3 pouches for 2 minutes each (do not eat them yet)
Pick up notes from under door

Apartment Hallway
Talk to Mrs. Tewilager
I Know What You Mean
I'll Think About It

Apartment Lobby
Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from larger plant
Give Me Time
Give Key

Get Indie Heroz Figure from guy in front of the apartment building
Go to the Phoenix and talk to Hailey
Looks Great!

Go to Dirty Don
You Sell Anything Else?
Give Me The Good Stuff ($50)
Give pills to Hailey
Talk to Hailey again
Go to an ATM and withdraw $13

The Phoenix
Get To Work
Where's Darkeff?
You'll Be Fine
They're Wrong
Put the instruments in the right order
Left - Guitar
Middle - Microphone
Right - Bass
Upper left - Keyboard
Upper right - Drums
No, He Hasn't
Are You Crazy?!
Get The Out!
Pick up heroin bag from behind you
(Note: If you do not pick up the herion bag up immediately after Viper leaves, you will not be
able to after the instruments are all placed since Darkeff will find and take it when he returns.
Thanks jbekkedal)
Yeah, She Did
No, She Just Left
Go to the bathroom, talk to Darkeff, pick up crowbar

Mrs. Tewilager Apartment

Knock Door
What's For Dinner
It's My Pleasure
I Miss Her/Him A Lot
It Ended Rather Rough
I Haven't Changed
How'd You Meet?
What Was Your Life Like?
(Continue Eating)
Take 3 Cards

Vagabond Dog Building

Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from cabinet

Grocery Store
Buy dog food

Give Dog Food
Pick up dog locket
Pick It Up
Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from box

Pawn Shop
Sell 3 Baseball Cards for $225

Cookie Factory
Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from the locker

Hailey's Apartment
Talk to Hailey
Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from box
Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from the tall lamp (top right)

Dubstown Apartment
Go to the mattress in the alleyway
(Sleep Outside)

Night 1 - Dream
Pick up $20 from typewriter
Go on the balcony and talk to your partner twice
Go downstairs
No Idea...
(The Partner)'ll Miss You!
Go to the living room
Pick up the contract
Call Sam
Call Partner
You're Right
What About Sam?
Sign Contract

Day 2Rate



Deposit Check
Put whatever security answer you want but remember it
Go to the ATM and withdraw the $250

Daily News Times

Pick up number for lost dog from poster outside

Apartment Building
Call the number for lost dog
Pick up plate (used to feed dog) and make dog follow you to Crusty Crme

Crusty Crme
Talk with dog owner

Daily News Times

Talk to Patrick
I'm On The Job!

Sunny Movie Megaplex

The Dirty Mackerel Fugitive
It Was Alright

Go outside
What's Up?

Daily News Times

Write the article at any computer
Start Writing
Sunny Entertainment Building New Theatre
A Press Conference Today Announced...
Concessions Remain A Luxury
Sunny Theatre Upsets Local Minority
File Story
Eat 1 Pizza Pouch

Hailey's Apartment
(Unlock Door)
Take $22 from table
No Problem!
Go to couch
(Sleep Here)
Might As Well

Day 3

Daily News Times

Talk to Patrick

Regal Apartments
Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from plant pot next to elevator
Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from box upstairs
Talk to Jack
Attention: Read the comments, different players approached this differently. For me it worked with
3 papers on the wall, for others it worked with none. SAVE GAME and retry!
Of Course, But Not All Appreciate It
You Need Trust To Survive
You Can't Let People Screw You
Only Smart People Do That
Only Cowards Need Defense
Your Gut's Usually Right
Okay, Thanks!

Daily News Times

Write article
Go talk to Patrick for your $200

Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from trash bin
Go to the far most arcade and talk to the thug
What Are You Playing?
Step Aside
SwagFest Badge
Sure, Let's Go

Chance's House
Go and pick up a beer from the cooler
No Thanks
(Talk Him Down)
(Give Don $100)

Pawn Shop
Buy Basic Fishing Rod

(Throw Line)
Fish until you catch a lake crab
Cook it on the fire next to the hobos

Dubstown Apartment

Pay rent
Go to bathroom and use toilet and shower
Go to sleep
(Might As Well)

Day 4
Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from trash bin
Talk to Darkeff

Sunny Movie Megaplex

Talk to Doctor
It's About A Patient...
Why Not?

Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from trash bin inside room
Talk to Darkeff twice
Let's Do It

Go inside
Examine teddy bear on couch twice
Turn light switch on
Pick up Indie Heroz Figure and cartridge from the supply cabinet
Go to computer
(Click Photos)
(Open Grizz & Me)
Enter password "grizzmop"
Pick up photo
Go outside and talk to Darkeff

Catch 5 Mouth Bass and cook them (any fish will do as long as you recover 2 stamina bars)

Might As Well

Day 5

Talk to Darkeff

Marketing Agency
Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from behind the boss office

Employment Centre
Go to Gaia Foods
(Take The Job)
Follow the process:
Conveyer Access
Dispense Soy Beans
Conveyer A
Tofu Mulcher
Create Tofu Cube
Conveyer B
Tofu Dicer
Repeat process until you storage is empty

Fish until you get a lake crab, cook it and eat it

Dubstown Apartment
Might As Well

Day 6
Hospital Cafe
Not Necessary
Good Luck
She'll Come
It's Not Your Fault
I'll Be There

Regal Apartments
Talk to Jack outside the building

Employment Center
Go to Gaia foods and repeat process until storage is empty

Regal Apartments
Talk to Jack outside the building

Let's Go To Beaton!

Day 7
Go to the lake (west) and talk to Fishing Kid
What Can I Do?
Go to F.K. spot
(Throw Line)
Catch a Lake Crab and give it to F.K.
(Give Crab)

Larry's Apartment
Discussing Work
No Thanks


Vagrant Hope Foundation

Do not take any buns for yourself
Do not give any extras
Do not trade any buns
Of Course Not

Larry's Apartment
Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from white vase
(Might As Well)

Night 7 - Dream
College Dorm
Alright I'll Go

Student Lounge
Talk to Bellinger (guy in red shirt at the ATM)
Follow Your Passion
Deterministic Reality
Do not get nachos

Fanned Out
I'm Not A Stalker
Sure, Why Not?

Day 8
Warehouse Office
Yeah, I Guess
Call The Ex's #
We Lived Together
Go to middle locker and (Get Changed)

Union Warehouse
Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from box beneath stairs
Go to second door on top (close to the office), enter bathroom, pick up Indie Heroz Figure from
(Closer Look) at discarded lotto tickets
45, 19, 31 (these numbers might change so it's best to write them down)
Work 10 boxes, speak to Red than (Get Changed)
I'm Done
My Ex
(Grab Hose)
(Don't Spray)

Union Clubhouse
Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from beneath TV

Larry's Apartment
Eat Leftover Stew x2 (so you have at least 2 stamina bars)
Might As Well

Day 9
Bacon Barn
Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from condiments stand

Union Clubhouse
Talk to Red (twice)
No, Let's Go
Sorry I Can't
Sorry, Good Luck

Temp Agency (Employment Services)

Go to Donnie's Botany Club

Finish job

Fish 1 lake crab and eat it

Larry's Apartment
Might As Well

Day 10
Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from the right side of the bridge, below City Hall, in the trash can near
the Fishing Kid

City Hall
Find out who won the elections!

Fish until it the fish population depletes

Temp Agency
Go to Donnie's Botany Club
Finish job

Beaton Bus Depot

Buy Ticket
(Leave Town)

Day 11
Salt City
Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from pile of bricks (next to dumpster) in the field with kids

Big Dog Boxing Club

Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from far most weights
Continue south from the building to the two old men dialogue
I'll Get The Wood

Trailer Park Office

Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from woodpile

Buy firewood and matches

Start fire
Go to Mark and (Knock)
Hug Mark

(Go Inside)
(Open It)
It Was Great
Long Time Ago
Forgive Me
I Helped Her Out
I Wrote With Bias
I Abandoned Her
Sure, I'll Donate ($10)

Mark's Trailer
Eat fish until you have at least 2 bars of stamina
Might As Well

Night 11 - Dream
Look for pencil
Teacher Hall
Go to closet for stapler
The Bluffs
So Are You
(Kiss Her/Him)

Day 12
Mark's Trailer
I Feel Better
I'm Sure

Stan's Garage
The Blue One?
Risk It All

Bacon Barn
You don't need to order anything, just go sit down
It's Often Right
I Like It

Holes & Poles (Strip Club)

Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from cupboard in back room toilet
Steal money from back room toilet
Buy VIP ticket
Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from VIP room

Mark's Trailer
Eat fish until you have at least 2 bars of stamina
Might As Well

Day 13
No, Not Today

Gas Station
Let's Do It
Yeah, I Am

Stan's Garage
Yes, It Can

Mark's Trailer
Eat fish until you have at least 2 bars of stamina
Might As Well

Day 14
No, Not Today

Salt City
Talk to Grafton (in the Trailer yard)
Yeah, Let's Go

Slick's Pawn Shop

On the lottery machine: PURCHASE, and then 10 Cards - 50$
Scratch lotto cards from inventory
Hand in all winning cards and go back to the Trailer Park

Stan's Garage

Mark's Trailer
Eat fish until you have at least 2 bars of stamina
Might As Well

Day 15
No, Not Today

Big Dog Boxing Club

I Got This!
Let's Do It
I'm Ready To Dodge
Enough Talk, Let's Go
Win against all 4 boxers
Jib Jab - Cross, dodge left/back
Heavy Hand - Jab, dodge right/back
Guerilla - Hook, dodge left/right
Balls Out - random

Stan's Garage
Yes, Of Course

Mark's Trailer
Eat fish until you have at least 2 bars of stamina
Might As Well

Day 16
No, I Can't Do It

Talk to Mark

Stan's Garage
(Go Race)

Yes, Of Course

Mark's Trailer
Eat fish until you have at least 2 bars of stamina
Might As Well

Day 17 - 23
Big Dog Boxing Club
Prize fight your way to $10.000
You can only fight twice per day
Fights can be random, I usually spam the first option in fight
Make sure you save your game after every win
Do not accept fights that offer profit under $800-$900 (ideally would be $1000 but those
fights are rare, so up to your patience)
If you lose reload and retry
Always have 2 stamina bars before going to sleep
Buy sandwiches from convenience store if you run out of food
Always write a journal page
At the end of day 23 go and buy 100 sandwiches and you should still have $12.000+ remaining
Speak with Mark
Let's Go!

Day 24
I'll Be Fine
I Dumped Him/Her
I Was Unworthy

Upstairs (Hallway)
(Take Shower)
Eat sandwiches until you have at least 2 bars of stamina

Bed Room
(Go To Sleep)

Day 25 - 28

Pick Sams' outfit

Agree to go to the bachelor(ette) party
Alright, I'll Go
Bed Room
To Win Him/Her Back
Agree and apologize for everything that Casey brings up
No, It Didn't
Yeah, It Was
No, Probably Not
No, I Didn't
Yeah, I Am

Day 29
Los Vargas
Suggestions Than?
Not So Bad
Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from bathroom trash bin
Pick up Indie Heroz Figure from kitchen

Blackjack $5.000 for an outfit (3 successful games should do it)
Just like boxing, save your game and reload retry if you lose

Speak to concierge
Buy your outfit
Do not spend those $10.000
Wear outfit

Hotel Room

Mr. Parker's Office

(Pay The Debt)
It's For *Partner Name*
I Won't Need It
I'm Sorry

Speak to concierge
(A Car)

(Go To Wedding)

Day 30
Faith Beach
Talk to Belinda (next to Larry)
Talk to Bellinger (red shirt)
Yeah, Take It
Talk to Casey (in front of Bellinger)
Talk to Darkeff (yellow shirt)
Yeah, I Do
Talk to Viper (next to Darkeff)
Talk to usher
Lead The Way
I Love You
Don't Do This

The End
Wait for credits to finish
Enjoy cutscene and hidden achievement!



Myhical [author]


15 Feb @ 4:14am

POD7 - Added the tip to the guide. Cheers!


15 Feb @ 3:48am

On Night 7, you might want to specifiy in the guide that in the student lounge you need to talk to
Bellinger (guy in red shirt at the ATM) and then select Follow Your Passion. You can't load an
autosave or anything while in the dream, so you have to go through all the dialogue with sam again if
you load a save from before the dream. I think you can still talk to him after the love interest comes
out of the elevator too, just talk to Bellinger sometime before talking to them maybe? But I was just
confused because that option never came up with the professor but all the rest of the options did.


18 Jan @ 9:34pm

@ Myhical: ah, ok now i understand, thanks m8.

I finished the game yesterday, & it would've taken a lot longer if not for this guide, so thanks heaps
for the help.

Myhical [author]

18 Jan @ 9:06pm

LoneWolf - I mentioned 100 because you'll need to eat some in the following days so you don't
starve. I don't remember if you end up eating 34, 62 or 97, so 100 just seemed like the right number
to go with. Besides, you'll still have $12k left for the upcoming days.


18 Jan @ 12:24pm

What do i need the 100 Sandwiches on Day 23 for?

I skipped ahead in the guide a little, & can only see sandwiches mentioned on Day 24.

Myhical [author]

5 Jan @ 6:17am

AGC | Rosa Ravenclaw - I got them as I played the game, don't recall the exact moment but I
rememberd some of them activating upon exiting the game. You should have at least got 1 or 2
achievements by day 5. Try other guides and see if that works :/

AGC | Rosa Ravenclaw

5 Jan @ 3:06am

I was just asking because I'm on day 5 and I still haven't recieved any achievements. 'm not sure
when they are suppose to come along.

Myhical [author]

5 Jan @ 2:57am

AGC | Rosa Ravenclaw - You earn them while playing the game and the last one once you finish the
game, after the credits.

AGC | Rosa Ravenclaw

5 Jan @ 2:19am

So do you get all the achievements after completing the entire game or do you earn them while
completing it?

Myhical [author]

30 Dec, 2015 @ 2:17am

Lyonhaart - You can move on but you'll probably won't get the same outcome I did with this guide.



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