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Repaso examen final español II—capítulo 1

¿Cómo se dice…..?

flag geography
to get a good/bad grade german
language french
next week stage
to review wall
luckily it’s allowed

We made a line in the cafeteria.

I handed in the history report.

Answer the question. (mandato)

It’s prohibited to cross the street here.

The principal asked a question about the school year.

I know my counselor.

I know my counselor’s name.

He was as old as dirt (tierra).

Mexico City is the largest city in the world.

Did you wash your hands?

Yes I washed them.

Contesta las preguntas:

When will you use the verb conocer?

When will you use the verb saber?

Conjugate the verbs conocer and saber in the present tense.

How is saber used in the preterite? How is saber used in the imperfect?

List 6 “go” verbs:

Repaso examen final español II—capítulo 2

¿Cómo se dice…..?

to wake up to eat breakfast

to brush one’s teeth easily
to wash one’s face without
to bathe team
to get up newspaper
to get dressed band

For me, it’s necessary to eat breakfast after waking up.

We don’t like to go to school without taking a shower and drying our hair.

When I was little, I used to wake up at 8 in the morning every day.

According to dentists, we should brush our teeth at least twice a day.

She’s in the habit of reading before going to bed.

I used to wake up in a bad mood all the time.

I baby sat my neighbor’s brats (mocosos) to make money.

Every Sunday they sang a beautiful song.

I delivered literary magazines when I worked as a volunteer.

Did you brush your teeth?

Yes I brushed them this morning.

Conjugate the following verbs in the present and past tenses:






Repaso examen final español II—capítulo 3

¿Cómo se dice…..?

tie size
belt pocket
wallet plain
fabric simple
check wool
sale checkered
tight striped
button to be in style
sleeve it’s all the same to me

My teacher always wore plastic high heeled shoes with a dark blue scarf, and a flowered
suit made of nylon.

I was going to try on the hat but I don’t like it because it is too loose.

What is that purse made of?

I think it is made of leather but it could be plastic.

They gave me a credit card so now I don’t need to bring cash.

I’m in the habit of putting my clothes on the floor when I come home from school.

My room is a mess. My things are all over.

What I should do is put away my clothes this weekend.

I spent as much money today as I spent all of last year.

You guys have as many shoes as all the shoe stores in Ukiah combined (combinadas).

List the differences between ser and estar.

That catalog
These vests
Those helmets
Those (over there) champions
Write a brief two sentence dialogue using este and éste.

Write a brief two sentence dialogue using ese and aquél.

Repaso examen final español II—capítulo 4

¿Cómo se dice…..?

bowling to tie
to run to lose
trainer stick/club
to lift weights league
to ride a bike to be bored

They borrowed my soccer ball because they had to play their game immediately

They lent us their rackets and that’s why we won.

That soccer player over there always scores goals.

Occasionally I have fun when my family has a picnic.

My dad likes to go to art shows so we went to a museum in San Francisco last weekend.

I was bored but the worst thing (lo peor) was that there were so many snooty (altero)
artists! What a disaster!

I think we have time to play another game of chess. But if you win, this is going to be
the last game for me.

I had a good time at the parade. It was quite festive for Hopland.

Do you know how to play checkers?


List 7 mandatos irregulares

Repaso examen final español II—capítulo 5

¿Cómo se dice…..?

fish (living) day-care center swing

toy pistol neighbor primary school
to jump rope to remember shy
bird rude, impolite mischievous,
doll to cry naughty
to walk sandbox spoiled
polite, well-mannered slide to obey

Conteste las preguntas:

¿Cuándo eras pequeño(a), ¿decías siempre la verdad o mentías a menudo? ¿Cuándo

mentías? Y ahora, ¿mientes a veces?

¿Cómo era tu mejor amigo(a) cuando eras niño(a)? ¿Siempre jugaban juntos? ¿Qué les
gustaba hacer?

¿Coleccionabas cosas? ¿Qué colleciones tenías?

When will you use the imperfecto? Pretérito?

Imperfecto Pretérito
We never behaved well when we played on the playground. You would cry and I would
always fight with the boys.

This boy named Jarred would always bother us. We didn’t get along at all. (Llevarse

When will you use hubo versus había?

Repaso examen final español II—capítulo 6

¿Cómo se dice…..?

to light to get married

to turn off/blow out spouse
candle to great
cake family (adj.)
to hug again
wedding to chat
to say farewell at what age?
to kiss At the age of 16
to shake hands Congratulations

My little brother turned 9 years old on New Year’s.

We were shaking hands when my niece fell down.

My great grandmother is dead but when she was living, she always greeted us with a kiss.

He often would give a gift to his grandchildren before going home.

They greeted each other with hugs and kisses.

I was in Spain and my girlfriend was in Japan but we wrote to each other almost every

Conjugate the three irregular verbs in the imperfecto

Conjugate the following verbs in the pretérito:

Yo (querer, empezar, despedirse, comer, poner)

Ella (dormir, despedirse, vestirse, leer, caerse)

Conjugate the following verbs in the imperfecto:

Nosotros (almorzar, salir, ser, ir, vender, vestirse)

Repaso examen final español II—capítulo 7

Gold Ring Washer and dryer

Silver ID card Battery
Coins Earring Fan
Key Bracelet Flashlight
Contacts Microwave Light bulb
Necklace Air conditioning


Turn off the lights.

15 minutes ago we put the plates on the shelf near the sink.

To save electricity, we use the heater only when it’s really cold.

Last year there was a fire in the kitchen and my mom and sister put it out with a fire

It seems to me that almost all of my friends have a TV in their rooms.

Is that yours? It’s not mine. I think it is hers.

Is it your silver chain? Yes, it’s mine.

Whose radio is this? The radio is ours.

Are those keys theirs? I think they are his.

Is that yours? No, it’s not mine.

I am reading a good book. Don’t bother me.

She was dying of hunger.

We were conserving energy.

I am crossing the street. Can I call you later?


¿Cuál era tu posesión más importante? ¿Cómo era? ¿Todavía la tienes?

¿Crees que un celular es un lujo o una necesidad? ¿Por qué?

¿Qué aparato eléctrico es el más necesario para ti? ¿Por qué?

¿Qué podemos hacer para conservar energía?

Repaso examen final español II—capítulo 8

¿Cómo se dice…..?

toothbrush lips highway

makeup bandage bakery
elevator dental floss address
in the back stop sign exit
deodorant mailbox entrance
children’s clothes fire station put on
nail polish stop light while

¿Qué quiere decir…?

Siga Cerca de Está

Doble Lejos de Está ubicado
Dé vuelta Enfrente Queda
Cruce Al lado de Seguir derecho/recto
A la izquierda En la esquina
A la derecha Hasta cuadra

Excuse me sir. Could you tell me where the florist is?

Follow San Antonio avenue, turn right at the stop sign, then go two blocks.

I’m looking for the post office. Is it around here?

We were driving when the firemen crossed the street.

We never do anything downtown.

Somebody went to the fish market but nobody went to the bakery.

Calculators are permitted.

Spanish is spoken.

Men’s clothing is sold here.

Construcciones negativas:





Repaso examen final español II—capítulo 9

To burn oneself Wrist Lotion

To fall down Ankle Bees
Blood Cast Pollen
To break (a bone) Wheelchair Fly
Medical test To cough Spider
To give an injection To sneeze Ant
To stitch Pill To feel
Bone Drops Illness
Knee Prescription Strong
Elbow Dust light
Emergency room To sting
Nurse Seafood

1. spoken
2. lived
3. eaten
4. made
5. written
6. died
7. put
8. seen
9. returned
10. gone

I have played Wii Tennis for 20 hours!

Have you put the eye drops in your eyes?

They have taken the pills because they have an infection.

I have not been able to protect myself from the mosquitoes.

We have been vomiting for two days. We ate some bad seafood.

Ants fascinate them.

When she was a kid, she loved to play with spiders.

I loved it!

She did not like it at all.

I know people who have a strong reaction to chocolate.

She was talking to her mother when she fell.

Did you put it in the backpack?


Mandatos negativos:

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