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IMUAN, et. al. vs. CERENO, et.

September 11, 2009
Land, Titles and Deeds
Summary: The petitioners failure to assert their alleged right over the property within a
reasonable time afforded the respondents in good faith the ability to acquire ownership through
acquisitive prescription. The respondents Spouses Cereno are in peaceful possession of the
property for 29 years and, thus, have satisfied the ten-year period of open, public and adverse
possession in the concept of an owner that the law on prescription requires. The petitioners are
now barred by laches from claiming ownership of the disputed property as they have been
negligent in asserting their rights.
Q1. What is prescription?
A. Prescription is another mode of acquiring ownership and other real rights over immovable
property. It is concerned with lapse of time in the manner and under conditions laid down by law,
namely, that the possession should be in the concept of an owner, public, peaceful, uninterrupted
and adverse.
Q2. When is possession considered open?
A. when it is patent, visible, apparent, notorious and not clandestine.
Q3. When continuous?
A. It is continuous when uninterrupted, unbroken and not intermittent or occasional
Q4. When exclusive?
A. When the adverse possessor can show exclusive dominion over the land and an appropriation
of it to his own use and benefit
Q5. When notorious?
A. When it is so conspicuous that it is generally known and talked of by the public or the people
in the neighborhood.
Q6. Differentiate ordinary from extraordinary acquisitive prescription.
Q7. What is good faith?
A. The good faith of the possessor consists in the reasonable belief that the person from whom he
received the thing was the owner thereof, and could transmit his ownership.
Q8. When is there just title?
A. For purposes of prescription, there is just title when the adverse claimant came into
possession of the property through one of the modes recognized by law for the acquisition of
ownership or other real rights, but the grantor was not the owner or could not transmit any right.
Q9. Tax payments as evidence of ownership.

A. Jurisprudence is clear that although tax declarations or realty tax payments of property are not
conclusive evidence of ownership, nevertheless, they are good indicia of possession in the
concept of owner, for no one in his right mind would be paying taxes for a property that is not in
his actual or at least constructive possession.[31] They constitute at least proof that the holder
has a claim of title over the property.[32] As is well known, the payment of taxes, coupled with
actual possession of the land covered by the tax declaration, strongly supports a claim of
Q10. What is the probative value of joint affidavit?
A. When executed long before a present controversy, it could constitute a legal basis for
claimant's adverse and exclusive character of the possession of the property
Q11. What is laches?
Q12. Laches is defined as the failure to assert a right for an unreasonable and unexplained length
of time, warranting a presumption that the party entitled to assert it has either abandoned or
declined to assert it. This equitable defense is based upon grounds of public policy, which
requires the discouragement of stale claims for the peace of society.
Such an act strengthens one's bona fide claim of acquisition of ownership.
During his lifetime, Pablo de Guzman (Pablo) contracted two marriages. In his first marriage, he
fathered Alfredo de Guzman and two others and in his second marriage with Juana was born
Soledad G. Cereno and two others.
Petitioners are Pablo's grandchildren by his first marriage, while respondent is Juanito Cereno
(Juanito) is Soledad's husband and the other respondents are their children.
On July 15, 1936, Pablo died intestate leaving two parcels of land including coconut land located
at Salaan Mangaldan, Pangasinan, containing an area of nine hundred eighty-six (986) square
meters, more or less.
After Pablo's death in 1936, his second wife Juana and their children continued to be in
possession of the parcel of land located at Salaan, Mangaldan, Pangasinan (the disputed
property), where they lived since they were married in 1919.
On January 24, 1970, Juana executed a Deed of Absolute Sale[3] in favor of respondentsspouses, Soledad, Juana and Pablo's daughter, and her husband Juanito conveying the subject
property. The deed was duly registered with the Register of Deeds of Lingayen, Pangasinan.
On January 26, 1970, a Joint Affidavit[4] was executed by Alfredo de Guzman and Teofilo
Cendana attesting to the fact that Pablo ceded the property in favor of Juana on the occasion of
their marriage, but the document was lost.

Contentions of the Petitioner:

No partition and merely an act of tolerance.
On April 5, 1999, petitioners filed with the RTC of Dagupan City a Complaint for annulment of
document, reconveyance and damages against respondents alleging that: (1) the estate of their
grandfather Pablo has not yet been settled or partitioned among his heirs nor had Pablo made
disposition of his properties during his lifetime; (2) it was only through their tolerance that Juana
and his children constructed their house on Lot 3559; etc.
Contentions of the Respondents:
Property was conveyed in a donation propter nuptias, the deed being lost in Japanese
occupation but attested by Joint Affidavit.
In their Answer, respondents claimed that after the death of Pablo's first wife, Pablo partitioned
his property among his children and that spouses Nicomedes and Cristita Velasquez acquired
most of the properties as they were more financially capable; that at the time Pablo married
Juana, the properties he had were his exclusive share in the partition; that of the two parcels of
land Pablo had at that time, he donated the subject property to Juana in a donation propter
nuptias when they married; that the deed of donation was lost during the Japanese occupation
and such loss was evidenced by the Joint Affidavit executed by Alfredo de Guzman and Teofilo
Cendana attesting to such donation; that Juana could validly convey the property to the Spouses
Cereno at the time of the sale because she was the owner; and that they have been in public and
uninterrupted possession of the disputed lot since its acquisition and have been paying the realty
taxes due thereon.
Decision of the RTC in favour of the petitioners.
1. The RTC found no evidence that Pablo undertook a partition of the properties of his first
marriage before he contracted the second marriage and that the Joint Affidavit could not be
considered as conclusive proof of the transfer of the property by Pablo to Juana.
Decision of the CA it reversed the decision of the RTC
Probative Value of the Joint Affidavit and the Deed of Sale
1. While at agrees with the RTCs finding, the CA gave probative value to the joint affidavit as it
was executed long before the present controversy arose. Notably, one who executed the JA is
Alfredo who is Pablos child by his first marriage.
2. The CA also gave probative value to the deed of sale executed by Juana in favor of
respondents Spouses Cereno as it is still an evidence of the fact oftransaction between Juana and
respondents Spouses Cereno for the sale of the disputed property. The CA found that the deed of
sale and the joint affidavit assumed great importance on the issue of prescription.

Whether or not respondents have acquired the disputed property by acquisitive prescription.
Possession in continuous, open, peaceful and exclusive manner and in good faith with
just title.
1. Records show that as early as 1970, when the property was sold by Juana to respondents
Spouses Cereno, the latter immediately took possession of the property. Since then, respondents
possessed the property continuously, openly, peacefully, in the concept of an owner, exclusively
and in good faith with just title, to the exclusion of the petitioners and their predecessors-ininterest until the filing of the complaint in 1999 which is the subject of this present petition.
Petitioners never took and action to protect whatever rights they have over the
2. It was admitted by petitioners that they saw the house of respondents constructed on the lot
and yet never questioned the same. They also did not prevent them from gathering fruits of the
land given the fact that petitioners just live a mere 100 meters away from the property.
In fact, while petitioners learned of the sale of the property by Juana to the Spouses Cereno in
1980, they never took any action to protect whatever rights they have over the property nor
raised any objection on respondents' possession of the property.
Further, the religious payment of taxes due on the property, coupled with actual possession of the
land covered by the tax declaration, strongly supports a claim of ownership.
Joint affidavit as basis of good faith.
3. The joint affidavit that the defendants-appellants presented, attesting to the donation propter
nuptias of the disputed property by Pablo to Juana, can be the basis of the belief in good faith
that Juana was the owner of the disputed property. Related to this, it is undisputed that Pablo and
Juana had lived in the disputed property from the time of their marriage in 1919, and Juana
continued to live and to possess this property in the concept of an owner from the time of Pablo's
death in 1936 up to the time she sold it to spouses Cereno in 1970. These circumstances, in our
view, are sufficient bases for the belief that Juana was the owner of the property she conveyed by
sale, and leave us convinced that the spouses Cereno had the good faith that acquisition by
prescription requires when they became the purchasers in the contract of sale with Juana.
10 year period for AP already satisified.
4. Thus, when petitioners filed the instant case, more than 29 years had already elapsed, thus, the
ten-year period for acquisitive prescription has already been satisfied.

Guilty of Laches.
5. The Supreme Court likewise agree with the CA when it found that petitioners are guilty of
laches that would bar them from belatedly asserting their claim.
6. Juana sold the property to the Spouses Cereno in 1970 and since then have possessed the
property peacefully and publicly without any opposition from petitioners. While petitioners
claim that they knew about the sale only in 1980 yet they did not take any action to recover the
same and waited until 1999 to file a suit without offering any excuse for such delay. Records do
not show any justifiable reason for petitioners' inaction for a long time in asserting whatever
rights they have over the property given the publicity of respondents' conduct as owners of the

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