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Disney Style Narratives

*Based on a 50-minute class period

This lesson is a flipped lesson that focuses on students generating writing. A flipped lesson
reverses lectures and homework, lectures occur virtually outside of class and students complete
activities and practice concepts while in class instead of as homework. For homework, students
were instructed to watch two videos that centered on a form of narrative writing using
contemporary movie examples. The purpose of this lesson is for students to produce writing
samples that follow the form described in the videos the class will be watching. We will start
class by modeling the writing form and letting students collaborate to create a narrative together.
This will scaffold into students writing independently using the narrative form. The goal of this
lesson is for students to practice writing and write for a specific purpose. The lesson will lead
into our genre study on tall tales, which uses the form students will be writing with, on days we
do reading. I chose to do this lesson now as a precursor to the upcoming unit. This lesson is
appropriate for the students in my classes because it gives students to opportunity not just to
write freely, but to write with a designated purpose.

LAFS.8. W.1.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using
effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.
LAFS.8.SL.1.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on
others ideas and expressing their own clearly.


Students will be able to write a narration collaboratively.

Students will be able to apply a narrative form to their writing.

Computer with projector and SMART board
Index cards
Anticipatory Set:
Students will come to class and sit in assigned seats. The teacher will be welcoming students to
class at the door and taking attendance.

3 Minutes

10 Minutes

12 Minutes

What students are doing

Students will participate in discussion.
Students will take out a piece of
notebook paper.

What the teacher is doing

The teacher will finish any
housekeeping announcements before
asking students about the videos they
saw. The teacher will pull up the form
used in one the Essence of
Structure video.
The students will choose a story as a
The teacher will allow the students
class and respond to the form on the
to choose a story to complete the
board. Students should be coping the
form as modeled in Essence of
story onto their sheet of paper to follow Structure video. The teacher will let
students collectively tell the story and
fill in the form on the SMART board.
There are six slots to fill in, so six
students are needed to volunteer. The
story does not have to resemble an
existing fairy tale. (See attachments)
At the end read the finished product
to the students. During this time, the
teacher will also instruct students to
copy down the form themselves.
The students will respond to the
The teacher will pull up an empty

teacher one at a time by raising their

hands. No student will be called on
twice for this activity. Students should
be coping the narrative onto their sheet
of paper to follow along. At the end,
one student will read the complete

12 Minutes

Using the form on the board that was

modeled by the teacher, students will
create their own narrative by designing
their own characters and plot. Students
may add components to the story, but
should stay true to the form.

7 Minutes

The students will share their stories

with the class. Students not sharing
should be actively listening.

page with the same story form and

will instruct students to create a new
narrative one line at time. Each line
provided by a different student in
class. When students are ready, begin.
Go down the line of students in a row
and then move on to the next row. Do
not call on the same student twice to
create the narrative. Allow one
student to read the narrative in full.
When students arent speaking, they
should be writing the story down.
The teacher will instruct students to
write their own story using the form
that was modeled on the board.
Students may add components to the
story, but should stay true to the
The teacher will write her own
narrative and monitor students on
task. As students finish, the teacher
may look over student work.
The teacher will either begin or end
by reading her story to the class. The
teacher will also allow students to
share at this time. At least 3 students
should share in addition to the

Summary/Closure (6 Minutes):
The teacher will give students an exit ticket (index card) to do two-dollar summary describing
one thing theyre learned. In a two-dollar summary, every word is worth 10.
As students leave class, they will turn in their writing to the back table and hand their exit ticket
to the teacher as they exit class.

Formal: Students will receive a grade for their independent writing based on completion and
following the form.
Informal: This assessment will occur when students write the narration collectively and when
students share their independent writing.

Student with ADHD- This student will have preferential seating and act as my door greeter and
Student with Speech impairment- This student does not have to volunteer to speak in front of
peers but is welcome to do so. If this student does decide to share, the teacher and students will
be patient and respectful. The teacher will also be positive in giving feedback.
Student with Mild dyslexia- This student does not have to read in front of the class but is
welcome to do so. This student will be aware of the writing assignment at the end of the lesson
before class starts so that she can begin brainstorming. Student has access to a portable keyboard
if she wishes to use it.
Student with Mild autism- This student will receive a schedule for the day's events and has
preferential seating.

Aladdin Elements of Plot Structure:
Essence of Structure:

Writers Form:
Once upon a time there was ______________________. Every day _________________. One
day_______________________. Because of that______________________. Because of
that________________________. Until finally_____________.
(Because of that may be used as many times as needed, but should not exceed five)

Plan B:
. If students need more time writing, then we will not do the exit ticket. If a majority of students
did not watch the videos, watch Essence of Structure as a class, its about 2:30. If this lesson
finishes quickly, we will be talking about plot lines, including setting and climax. If the group
story is too long and no longer makes sense then at the teachers discretion, begin a new one
halfway through the students lines.

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