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Case: 14-11180

Date Filed: 09/25/2014

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No. 14-11180
Non-Argument Calendar
D.C. Docket No. 2:12-cv-00750-WKW-SRW
in both his official and individual capacity,
in both his official and individual capacity,
Appeal from the United States District Court
for the Middle District of Alabama
(September 25, 2014)

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Before JORDAN, ROSENBAUM, and FAY, Circuit Judges.

Plaintiffs Barbara Brackin, Steven Buchanan, and Nyle Trimble appeal the
district courts grant of summary judgment in favor of their former supervisors,
Defendants Kevin Anson and Chris Denson, on various claims arising out of
Plaintiffs termination from the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural
Resources (Department). On appeal, Plaintiffs argue that their equal-protection
claims, based on a class-of-one theory, should have survived summary judgment
because they were arbitrarily treated differently than a similarly situated employee.
Plaintiffs are all former biologist aides with the Marine Resources Division
(Marine Resources) of the Department. Defendants were Plaintiffs supervisors:
Anson is the Chief Biologist for Marine Resources; Denson is the Assistant Chief
Biologist. Marine Resources gathers information through surveying and other
methods for the purpose of managing recreational fishing activities, such as
establishing harvest seasons and setting quantity and size limits.
While employed with Marine Resources, Plaintiffs performed datacollection activities in connection with surveying recreational fishing activities.
Typically, biologist aides worked in teams of two. Plaintiffs primarily worked
with each other, and sometimes Trimble worked with a fellow biologist aide, Jay

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Gunn, who is not a plaintiff in this case. The biologist aides documented their
work on daily-activity reports.
For various reasons, Defendants came to suspect that several Marine
Resources employees were failing to perform their assigned duties. Therefore,
Defendants installed Global Positioning System tracking devices known as track
sticks on state-owned vehicles and boats to monitor the movement of these
vehicles during Plaintiffs work hours.
From February 2010 to April or May of that year, Defendants monitored
Plaintiffs using the track sticks and compared that data with Plaintiffs dailyactivity reports for the same period. Defendants discovered discrepancies between
Plaintiffs daily reported activities and the information provided by the track sticks,
so Defendants confronted and interrogated Plaintiffs about the discrepancies. After
the interrogations, Defendants recommended to then-Director of Marine Resources
Vernon Minton and Department Commissioner Barnett Lawley that Plaintiffs be

They made this same recommendation as to Gunn.


Commissioner Lawley notified Plaintiffs that he had set a pre-termination

conference regarding the charges of falsification of records, insubordination,
dereliction of duty, and improper claims of compensatory time.
Gunn also received a pre-termination notice and immediately challenged the
track-stick data as unreliable. He presented evidence to Director Minton showing

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that the tracking data did not accurately reflect Gunns actual activity on the day in
question. Thereafter, Gunn was demoted, but he was allowed to remain employed
with the Department.
After a joint pre-termination conference at which Plaintiffs submitted
evidence that the track sticks were unreliable, Commissioner Lawley notified
Plaintiffs that their employment was being terminated. Plaintiffs appealed their
terminations to the Alabama State Personnel Board (Personnel Board), which
upheld their terminations. Before their terminations, Plaintiffs had no disciplinary
record and received positive annual performance reviews.
Plaintiffs filed suit in state court against Defendants, who, in turn, removed
the case to the United States District Court for the Middle District of Alabama.
Plaintiffs complaint asserted five counts against Defendants in both their
individual and official capacities: (1) denial of equal protection under the
Fourteenth Amendment, 42 U.S.C. 1983; (2) denial of due process under the
Fourteenth Amendment, 1983; (3) conspiracy to violate civil rights, 42 U.S.C.
1985; (4) state-law defamation; and (5) state-law civil conspiracy.


requested both damages and equitable relief.

Defendants moved for summary judgment, which the district court granted.
The court found that Plaintiffs federal-law claims against Defendants in their

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official capacities were barred by Eleventh Amendment immunity, that Plaintiffs

had abandoned their equal protection and 1985 conspiracy claims against
Defendants in their individual capacities by failing to argue them in their
responsive summary-judgment brief, and that Plaintiffs remaining claims failed
either on the merits or as a result of state-law immunity. This appeal followed.
We review the district courts grant of summary judgment de novo, drawing
all reasonable inferences and reviewing all evidence in the light most favorable to
the non-moving party. Moton v. Cowart, 631 F.3d 1337, 1341 (11th Cir. 2011).
Summary judgment should be granted if the movant shows that there is no
genuine dispute as to any material fact and the movant is entitled to judgment as a
matter of law. Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(a).
On appeal, Plaintiffs challenge the district courts grant of summary
judgment only with respect to the equal-protection claims. 1 First, based on a
class-of-one theory of equal protection, Plaintiffs argue that they established a
genuine issue of material fact regarding whether they were arbitrarily treated
differently than Gunn, a similarly situated employee. Second, they contend that
the Eleventh Amendment did not bar their official-capacity claims because they

We therefore deem abandoned all other issues and claims raised before the district
court. See Sapuppo v. Allstate Floridian Ins. Co., 739 F.3d 678, 680 (11th Cir. 2014).

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sought prospective declaratory and injunctive relief.

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Third, they assert that

Defendants were not entitled to qualified immunity on the individual-capacity

Defendants argue that we should not hear this appeal for procedural reasons.
Specifically, Defendants contend that Plaintiffs abandoned the equal-protection
claims on appeal by failing to present any substantive argument to the district court
with respect to these claims, including the class-of-one theory on which they now
rely. As a result, Defendants assert, this Court should decline to address Plaintiffs
It is well settled that we will not consider on appeal an issue or argument not
fairly presented to the district court, unless our refusal to do so will result in a
miscarriage of justice. Resolution Trust Corp. v. Dunmar Corp., 43 F.3d 587, 59899 (11th Cir. 1995); see also Access Now, Inc. v. Sw. Airlines Co., 385 F.3d 1324,
1331 (11th Cir. 2004) (issues raised for the first time on appeal will not be
considered). Moreover, in opposing a motion for summary judgment, a party may
not rely on his or her pleadings to avoid an adverse judgment. Resolution Trust
Corp., 43 F.3d at 599. The parties bear the burden of formulating arguments
before the district court, and grounds alleged in the complaint but not relied upon

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in summary judgment are deemed abandoned and will not be considered on

appeal. Id.
Under the circumstances in this case, we agree that Plaintiffs abandoned
their equal-protection claims at summary judgment. In response to Defendants
summary-judgment motion, Plaintiffs merely noted that Defendants correctly
summarized their equal-protection claims, reiterated that they were being asserted
against Defendants in both their official and individual capacities, and made
cursory references to a similarly situated employee who was treated differently.
But Plaintiffs did not identify those claims in the table of contents, address the
claims in a separate section, make any argument based on relevant legal authority,
or identify any material issues of fact specific to those claims. See id.; see also
Sapuppo v. Allstate Floridian Ins. Co., 739 F.3d 678, 681-82 (11th Cir. 2014)
(abandonment can occur when a party makes passing references to an issue
without making any argument or citing to legal authority). Because Plaintiffs did
not fairly present their equal-protection arguments to the district court, we decline
to address them for the first time on appeal. 2 See Resolution Trust Corp., 43 F.3d
at 598-99.

Although Plaintiffs technically are correct that the district court disposed of only the
individual-capacity equal-protection claims on the basis of abandonment, concluding that all
federal-law official-capacity claims were barred by Eleventh Amendment Immunity, our
independent review of the record shows that Plaintiffs equal-protection claims, in their entirety,
were abandoned at summary judgment.

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Even if we were to find that Plaintiffs equal-protection claims were
properly before us, whether asserted against Defendants in their individual or
official capacities, the claims fail for the more fundamental reason that the
Supreme Court has held that class-of-one equal-protection claims are unavailable
in the public-employment context.
Plaintiffs, who were all public employees, do not contend that they were
discriminated against on the basis of a protected class, but rather that they were
irrationally treated differently than a similarly situated employee. The Supreme
Court recognized the general viability of this type of equal-protection claim,
referred to as the class-of-one theory of equal protection, in Village of
Willowbrook v. Olech, 528 U.S. 562, 564, 120 S. Ct. 1073 (2000). Essentially,
[w]hen those who appear similarly situated are nevertheless treated differently,
the Equal Protection Clause requires at least a rational reason for the difference.
Engquist v. Or. Dept of Agric., 553 U.S. 591, 602, 128 S. Ct. 2146 (2008).
In Engquist, however, the Supreme Court addressed the issue presented in
this case: whether a public employee can state a claim under the Equal Protection
Clause based on the allegation that she was treated differently than a similarly
situated employee, without an assertion that the different treatment resulted from
the employees membership in a particular class. Id. at 594, 128 S. Ct. 2146. The

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Court began by explaining that there is a difference between the governments

acting as sovereign and the governments acting as proprietor or employer. Id. at
598-99, 128 S. Ct. 2416. Because the governments interest in effective and
efficient functioning is significantly greater when it acts as employer than when it
acts as sovereign, the government has greater leeway in its dealings with citizenemployees than it does with citizens at large. Id.
Moreover, employment decisions are often subjective and individualized,
resting on a wide array of factors that are difficult to articulate and quantify, and
therefore are typically characterized by broad discretion. Id. at 604-05, 128 S. Ct.
2416. For these and other reasons, the Supreme Court concluded that the class-ofone theory of equal protection is a poor fit in the public employment context,
because it could create a constitutional claim out of nearly every employment
decision, thereby impeding effective and efficient government functioning. See id.
at 605-07, 128 S. Ct. 2416. Consequently, the Court held that the class-of-one
theory of equal protection has no application in the public employment context.
Id. at 607, 128 S. Ct. 2416.
Plaintiffs acknowledge Engquist but argue that it does not apply to their
claims because the primary rationale for Engquist was that allowing class-of-one
claims was incompatible with at-will employment. By contrast, they assert, they
were not at-will employees because Alabama law authorizes a state employees

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discharge for certain reasons only and with certain procedures.

We recognize that the Supreme Court noted that, because of the historical
understanding of government employment as at will, it was not surprising that it
had never found the Equal Protection Clause implicated in the circumstances of the

But the Court ultimately did not base its decision on whether public

employment is at will. Indeed, the Court specifically acknowledged that Congress

and most States have replaced at-will employment with various statutory schemes
protecting public employees from discharge for impermissible reasons.


Nevertheless, the Court reasoned, a governments decision to limit the ability of

public employers to fire at will is an act of legislative grace, not constitutional
mandate. In other words, just because a state government may decide to limit the
reasons that an employee may be fired does not somehow cause those state
limitations to become equal-protection requirements under the Constitution. Id. In
short, Engquist forecloses Plaintiffs class-of-one equal-protection claims because
it holds that the theory has no application in the public employment context,
whether or not the plaintiffs making the claims were at-will employees.
We hold that Plaintiffs did not properly present their equal-protection
arguments before the district court, and we therefore decline to review them on
appeal. Alternatively, Plaintiffs class-of-one equal protection claims are barred by

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Engquist. Accordingly, we affirm the district courts grant of summary judgment

in favor of Defendants.


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