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677 F.

2d 826

Robert L. SMITH, Plaintiff-Appellant,

Richard SCHWEIKER, Secretary of Health and Human
for the United States, Defendant-Appellee.
No. 81-7453.

United States Court of Appeals,

Eleventh Circuit.
June 4, 1982.

Sullins & Robins, Thomas A. Robins, Huntsville, Ala., for plaintiffappellant.

Herbert J. Lewis, III, Asst. U.S. Atty., Birmingham, Ala., for defendantappellee.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern District of
Before GODBOLD, Chief Judge, MERRITT* and HENDERSON, Circuit
MERRITT, Circuit Judge:

Claimant Smith, 48, appeals his denial of Social Security disability benefits by
the Secretary and affirmed by the District Court. He asserts that the decision is
not based on substantial evidence, especially in light of prejudice suffered due
to his lack of counsel during the hearing before the Administrative Law Judge
(ALJ) and the failure of his prehearing notice to adequately inform him of his
statutory rights to counsel. Although we agree that the notice was inadequate
and that Smith did not waive his right to counsel, we nevertheless affirm on the
grounds that the ALJ met the burden of a "special duty" placed on him under
such circumstances and that there is substantial evidence on the record as a
whole to support the denial of benefits.

Claimant Smith's work record primarily consists of general labor jobs. He went
to school through the sixth grade, but completed military schooling to the
equivalent of tenth grade.

In February 1977, he injured his back and legs by lifting a heavy pallet during
his regular employment. Mr. Smith could not return to his former job, which
required strenuous physical activity, because of back pain. He was diagnosed as
having thrombophlebitis of the left lower extremity and lumbar disc syndrome.
Because he did not respond to usual, conservative methods of treatment, Smith
was referred to a specialist and admitted to a hospital for tests. Bed rest and
medication during his nine-day hospital stay improved his condition and a
lumbar myelogram revealed no cervical defects. About a month after his
discharge, the specialist reported that Mr. Smith had recovered satisfactorily
from the lumbar strain. As for his capacity to work, his specialist noted:

I4 do feel that he should avoid heavy lifting in his line of work and he leads me to
believe that there is something that he can do, which would not involve heavy

Record, p. 182.

However, claimant continued to visit his treating physician on a nearly bimonthly basis for two years and received medication for back pain.

In August 1978, Mr. Smith filed a disability claim. He was referred to a

neurosurgeon for a consultative examination. The examination revealed
minimal osteoarthritis of the lumbosacral spine, but all other tests showed a
normal spine and movement. The claim was denied initially and upon
reconsideration and claimant requested an administrative hearing. Benefits were
denied by the ALJ after the hearing, and that denial was affirmed by the
Secretary and District Court. Mr. Smith now appeals to our Court.

Mr. Smith claims that he was prejudiced by lack of counsel at his hearing.
Since he had a statutory right to counsel under 42 U.S.C. 406, effectuated by
20 C.F.R. 404.971, we must inquire as to why no counsel was present. The
Secretary has a duty to notify a claimant of his or her right to counsel before the
hearing. Cowart v. Schweiker, 662 F.2d 731 (11th Cir. 1981); Clark v.
Schweiker, 652 F.2d 399 (5th Cir. 1981). The notice in this situation was
substantially the same as that analyzed in Clark, supra, and its companion case,
Benson v. Schweiker, 652 F.2d 406 (5th Cir. 1981). For the reasons stated in
those cases, we find the notice in the present case was inadequate to fully

inform Mr. Smith of his representation rights.


A person may waive his right to counsel in Social Security hearings. Ware v.
Schweiker, 651 F.2d 408 (5th Cir. 1981). Even if the notice, as in this case, was
inadequate, a claimant may express a desire at the hearing not to be represented
by an attorney. But it is equally clear that such a waiver must establish, at some
point, that the claimant is "properly apprised of his options concerning
representation" to be effective. Peppers v. Schweiker, 654 F.2d 369, 371 (5th
Cir. 1981). A claimant cannot knowingly and intelligently waive his statutory
right to counsel when he is not adequately informed of it either in a prehearing
notice or at his hearing.


The Secretary argues that the following colloquy constituted Mr. Smith's
waiver of counsel:


Adm. Law Judge: "You're present at this hearing, not being represented by an
attorney, nor did you bring any witnesses. In the Notice of Hearing which I sent
to you, you were advised, were you not, that you had a right to have an attorney
if you wanted to, but you didn't have to? You could represent
yourself."Claimant (Smith): "Yes, sir. I understood it."


Adm. Law Judge: "Alright. And you decided to represent yourself?"


Claimant: "Well, yes, sir."


Adm. Law Judge: "Alright. You may do so."


Mr. Smith understood only what the inadequate notice stated: that he did have a
right to counsel. The flaw in these notices is their failure to inform the claimant
fully as to the possibility of free counsel and limitations on attorney fees to 25%
of any eventual award. Clark v. Schweiker, 652 F.2d 399, 403 (5th Cir. 1981).
Since there is no indication that he was ever informed fully of his rights, we
cannot presume that Mr. Smith's comment was the expression of his desire to
represent himself, or that such a desire was the reason for his appearing pro se.


Our inquiry does not end here, however, since Mr. Smith must show prejudice
before we will find that the hearing violated his rights of due process. When a
claimant who has not waived his right to counsel represents himself in a
hearing, the hearing examiner's obligation to develop a full and fair record rises
to a special duty. This special duty requires, essentially, a record which shows

that the claimant was not prejudiced by lack of counsel. Cowart, supra, at 735.
In carrying out this duty, the ALJ must "scrupulously and conscientiously probe
into, inquire of, and explore for all the relevant facts." Id. at 735 (cites omitted).
But "(t)he social security hearing examiner ... does not act as counsel. He acts
as an examiner charged with developing the facts." McConnell v. Schweiker,
655 F.2d 604, 606 (5th Cir. 1981), quoting Richardson v. Perales, 402 U.S. 389,
410, 91 S.Ct. 1420, 28 L.Ed.2d 842 (1971).

The record, viewed as a whole, shows that the ALJ fulfilled his duty to develop
all of the relevant facts of the case, including those in favor of Mr. Smith's
disability claim.


Initially, we note that the hearing lasted for one hour and twenty-five minutes,
far longer than the thirty, thirty-five, and fifty-one minute hearings reversed in
the Clark trilogy.


At the beginning of the hearing, the ALJ explained the procedures of the
hearing to Mr. Smith and delineated the specific issues to be considered.
Several times during the hearing he tested the claimant's understanding of the
social security benefit structure by having him explain them in his own words.
See record, pp. 24-25; 67-68. Claimant was questioned extensively as to the
extent and severity of his pain and the amount of lifting, walking, standing, and
sitting he could perform. All medical reports were reviewed with the claimant,
and the findings of the physicians were tested against Mr. Smith's own memory
of the success of various treatments and the extent of his residual capacities for


To test further the extent of his residual capacity, the ALJ questioned Mr.
Smith on several specific jobs, explaining in detail the intellectual as well as
physical requirements of each. A vocational expert was called as a witness and
Mr. Smith was told:


Adm. Law Judge: We have with us Mr.-Dr. Ben Johnston, who's vocationally
trained. I'll qualify him. I'll ask him some questions. You think of questions you
want to ask, and you ask him some when I get through. Is that okay with you?


Record, p. 69. During the questioning, Mr. Smith broke into the testimony to
clarify or dispute the vocational expert's testimony. Record, pp. 70, 74, 76.


Moreover, the ALJ went beyond the claims offered by the claimant in support
of disability and questioned him extensively to determine if he might have a

drinking problem. Record, pp. 50-52; 59-60.


The ALJ's eight-page memorandum and findings of fact analyzes the issues,
applicable law, and the evidence in careful detail. Far from ignoring the
claimant's testimony concerning pain, the ALJ discusses the importance of pain
in any disability consideration, and especially the extent to which Mr. Smith
relies on allegations of pain. Record, pp. 11, 12. But he also notes claimant's
own testimony that the pain is "intermittent and not continuous" and medical
evidence that his condition responds to conservative treatment. Record, pp. 1213.


The ALJ also relies on the claimant's own forthright testimony that he probably
could perform certain sedentary jobs, but he had little motivation to take one
since by doing so he would automatically lose workmen's compensation
benefits. Record, pp. 9-10; 83-84.


At no point can we find that Mr. Smith was prejudiced by his lack of counsel.
Social Security administrative hearing proceedings are non-adversarial and
informal in nature. 20 C.F.R. 404.900(b) (1981); Ware v. Schweiker, 651
F.2d 408, 413 (5th Cir. 1981). We are concerned not so much with whether
every question was asked which might have been asked had Smith been
represented by an attorney, as we are with whether the record reveals
evidentiary gaps which result in unfairness or "clear prejudice." Ware, supra, at
413. Claimant's proffer of prejudice amounts to no more than speculations on
ways in which an attorney could have bolstered his credibility before the ALJ.
Although it is true, as the claimant asserts, that an attorney may have qualified
some of the ALJ's questions, the record as a whole reveals that no relevant
facts, documents, or other evidence were omitted from the ALJ's consideration
or his findings.


Nor do we find any fault with the ALJ's assessment of the medical evidence,
credibility findings of pain, failure to make findings on the issue of alcoholism,
or questioning of the vocational expert. As discussed by the District Court, the
medical evidence is conflicting as to the extent of the claimant's disabilities and
there is adequate evidence to support a finding that Mr. Smith could perform
sedentary work. The vocational expert, who heard all of the testimony up to the
time he took the stand, specified several jobs, available in the area, which a
man with Mr. Smith's limited physical abilities could perform. The hypothetical
questions properly considered Mr. Smith's inability to perform hard labor and
limited education, and were based in part on Smith's own testimony that he
could lift up to ten pounds several times a day.


Finally, there was no need for the ALJ or the District Court to make specific
findings on the issue of alcoholism since there was absolutely no evidence that
Mr. Smith was addicted to alcohol or that alcohol interfered with his ability to
work. Neither his medical nor work records nor testimony revealed any
indication of addiction and the claimant never asserted such as a disability.


Accordingly, substantial evidence in the record as a whole supports the

judgment of the District Court and we affirm.

The Honorable Gilbert S. Merritt, U.S. Circuit Judge for the Sixth Circuit,
sitting by designation

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