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744 F.

2d 775

Jerome WALKER, Petitioner-Appellant,

John L. WELDON, Warden, Respondent-Appellee.
No. 83-8803.

United States Court of Appeals,

Eleventh Circuit.
Oct. 18, 1984.

James C. Bonner, Jr., Univ. of Georgia School of Law, Prisoner Legal

Counseling Project, Athens, Ga., for petitioner-appellant.
Janice G. Hildenbrand, Mary Beth Westmoreland, Asst. Attys. Gen.,
Atlanta, Ga., for respondent-appellee.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern District of
Before KRAVITCH and CLARK, Circuit Judges, and ALLGOOD* ,
District Judge.
ALLGOOD, District Judge:
Appellant, Jerome Walker, was convicted after trial by jury in the
Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia for the offense of burglary and
received a sentence of twenty years which he is now serving. Appellant's
conviction was affirmed in the Court of Appeals of Georgia, Walker v.
State, 156 Ga.App. 478, 274 S.E.2d 680 (1980). Walker initiated this
habeas corpus action in the United States District Court for the Northern
District of Georgia. On direct appeal and in the instant proceeding
appellant contends that his right not to be placed twice in jeopardy for the
same offense has been violated.1 The protection against double jeopardy
provided for in the Fifth Amendment was made binding on the states by
the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment. Illinois v. Somerville, 410
U.S. 458, 93 S.Ct. 1066, 35 L.Ed.2d 425 (1973).
After concluding that state remedies had been exhausted, the district court
considered the merits of the petition for habeas corpus filed by the

appellant. The only issue presented to the district court was appellant's
contention that his retrial after a mistrial had been declared deprived him
of his right to be protected against double jeopardy. The district court
referred the petition to a magistrate. The magistrate appropriately
concluded that no evidentiary hearing was necessary and proceeded to
address the merits of the petition for habeas corpus based upon the state
court record. The magistrate recommended that relief be denied. The
recommendation was accepted by the district court and the petition for
habeas corpus was denied. The district court, however, issued a certificate
of probable cause and authorized appellant to proceed in forma pauperis.
After examining the record and considering the appropriate authorities,
we agree with the trial judge, the Court of Appeals of Georgia and the
United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia and
affirm the denial of habeas corpus.
A grand jury for Fulton County, Georgia indicted Walker for the offense
of burglary. Walker's jury trial commenced on December 3, 1979.
Walker's trial jury was selected and sworn at 12:10 p.m. on December 3,
1979. Court was recessed for lunch and reconvened at 1:10 p.m. The
presentation of the evidence was completed at 4:00 p.m. on December 3rd
and the jury was excused until 9:30 a.m. the following morning. Closing
arguments were completed, the court's instructions to the jury were
completed, and the case was submitted to the jury for its deliberation at
11:00 a.m. on December 4th.
The first of four notes was received by the court after the jury had been in
deliberation for about an hour. This note was to the effect that the jury
was deadlocked. At 12:00 noon on December 4th the court called the jury
to the courtroom and recessed for lunch. At approximately 5:20 p.m. on
December 4th the court received still another note from the jury reporting
that it was deadlocked. The note received by the court at 5:20 p.m. on
December 4th was signed by all twelve jurors and the court was advised
that the jury was "hopelessly deadlocked." After receiving four notes from
the jury, each of which reported deadlocked and particularly after
receiving a note signed by all twelve jurors, the jury was brought into the
courtroom and given an Allen charge.2
The transcripts of the state proceedings reflect the following chronology.
After deliberating approximately an hour on December 4th, the foreman of
the jury sent the judge a note which read, "We are deadlocked at 6-6.
Have you a suggestion?" After a lunch break the court recharged the jury
on reasonable doubt and related principles; the jury resumed its

deliberations at approximately 1:25 p.m. At 2:05 p.m. the foreman sent the
court a second note: "We are hopelessly deadlocked at 7-5." At 3:10 p.m.
the foreman sent the court a third note: "Judge Holt: We are absolutely
deadlocked at 9-3 for acquittal. All have agreed they would not yield their
convictions no matter how much time is spent in discussion." An hour
later at 4:05 p.m. the foreman delivered to the trial judge the last of four
notes: "Judge Holt: we are absolutely and hopelessly deadlocked. A
unanimous decision is an impossibility." This note was signed by all
twelve jurors. It was at this time that the trial judge gave the Allen charge
to the jury and sent them back for further deliberations. After a short time,
the court adjourned the jury for the night. The following morning, after
the jury had deliberated for approximately an hour and twenty minutes,
the trial court advised counsel that he intended to call the jury back to the
courtroom and if they had not reached a verdict, declare a mistrial on his
own motion. After deliberating for approximately an hour and a half on
December 5th, the jury was returned to the courtroom. In response to the
court's inquiry as to whether the jury had been able to reach a verdict, the
foreman replied: "Your Honor, we have reached an absolute impasse."
The court then inquired if it was the same as it was yesterday and the
foreman replied in the affirmative and added, "We are unable to reach a
conclusion." The court then stated, "I will now declare a mistrial."
Prior to the commencement of the second trial which resulted in
appellant's conviction, defense counsel made a motion to dismiss on the
grounds that the second prosecution would twice put the appellant in
jeopardy. The denial of appellant's motion to dismiss on double jeopardy
grounds is the issue now presented in this habeas action.
The law in this case was established in 1829 in the opinion authored by
Mr. Justice Story speaking for the court in United States v. Perez, 9
Wheat, 579, 580, 6 L.Ed. 165:
The prisoner, Joseph Perez, was put upon trial for a capital offense, and
the jury, being unable to agree, were discharged by the court from giving
any verdict upon the indictment, without the consent of the prisoner, or of
the attorney for the United States. The prisoner's counsel, thereupon,
claimed his discharge as of right, under these circumstances; and this
forms the point upon which the judges were divided. The question
therefore, arises, whether the discharge of the jury by the court from
giving any verdict upon the indictment, with which they were charged,
without the consent of the prisoner, is a bar to any future trial for the same
offense. If it be, then he is entitled to be discharged from custody; if not,
then he ought to be held in imprisonment until such time trial can be had.

We are of opinion that the facts constitute no legal bar to a future trial.
The prisoner has not been convicted or acquitted, and may again be put
upon his defense. We think that in all cases of this nature, the law has
invested courts of justice with the authority to discharge a jury from
giving any verdict, whenever, in their opinion, taking all the
circumstances into consideration, there is a manifest necessity for the act,
or the ends of public justice would otherwise be defeated. They are to
exercise a sound discretion on the subject; and it is impossible to define all
the circumstances which would render it proper to interfere. To be sure,
the power ought to be used with the greatest caution, under urgent
circumstances, and for very plain and obvious causes; and, in capital cases
especially, courts should be extremely careful how they interfere with any
chances of life, in favor of the prisoner. But, after all, they have the right
to order the discharge; and the security which the public have for the
faithful, sound and conscientious exercise of this discretion, rests in this,
as in other cases, upon the responsibility of the judges, under their oaths of
office. We are aware that there is some diversity of opinion and practice
on this subject, in the American courts; but, after weighing the question
with due deliberation, we are of opinion that such a discharge constitutes
no bar to further proceeding and gives no right of exemption to the
prisoner from being again put upon trial. A certificate is to be directed to
the circuit court in conformity to this opinion.
This simple straight forward explanation of the reason for permitting a
second trial after a jury has been discharged because of their inability to
reach a unanimous verdict has not been improved upon in the intervening
years. Scholars, lawyers and judges have analyzed, reexamined and
interpreted the language of Perez, supra, but no statement of the principle
involved has ever been made with more clarity and more understanding
than the quoted portion of Mr. Justice Story's opinion.
The broad spectrum of a second trial following the declaration of a
mistrial by the trial judge was examined by the Supreme Court in Arizona
v. Washington, 434 U.S. 497, 98 S.Ct. 824, 54 L.Ed.2d 717 (1978). In
discussing the situations in which a second trial is scheduled following the
declaration of a mistrial and with reference to a mistrial declared after the
trial court had determined that the jury was unable to reach a verdict, the
Court said (434 U.S. 509, 98 S.Ct. 832):
At the other extreme is the mistrial premised upon the trial judge's belief
that the jury is unable to reach a verdict, long considered the classic basis
for a proper mistrial. The argument that a jury's inability to agree
establishes reasonable doubt as to the defendant's guilt, and therefore

requires acquittal, has been uniformly rejected in this country. Instead,

without exception, the courts have held that the trial judge may discharge
a genuinely deadlocked jury and require the defendant to submit to a
second trial. This rule accords recognition to society's interest in giving
the prosecution one complete opportunity to convict those who have
violated its laws.
Moreover, in this situation there are especially compelling reasons for
allowing the trial judge to exercise broad discretion in deciding whether or
not "manifest necessity" justifies a discharge of the jury. On the one hand,
if he discharges the jury when further deliberations may produce a fair
verdict, the defendant is deprived of his "valued right to have his trial
completed by a particular tribunal." But if he fails to discharge a jury
which is unable to reach a verdict after protracted and exhausting
deliberations, there exists a significant risk that a verdict may result from
pressures inherent in the situation rather than the considered judgment of
all the jurors. If the retrial of the defendant were barred whenever an
appellate court views the "necessity" for a mistrial differently from the
trial judge there would be a danger that the latter, cognizant of the serious
societal consequences of an erroneous ruling, would employ coercive
means to break the apparent deadlock. Such a rule would frustrate the
public interest in just judgments. The trial judge's decision to declare a
mistrial when he considers the jury deadlocked is therefore accorded great
deference by a reviewing court.
The most recent consideration of this issue by the Supreme Court of the
United States occurred in Richardson v. United States, --- U.S. ----, 104
S.Ct. 3081, 82 L.Ed.2d 242 (1984). Mr. Justice Rehnquist concluded the
opinion of the court by stating:

1 we reaffirm the proposition that a trial court's declaration of a mistrial following a

hung jury is not an event that terminates the original jeopardy to which petitioner
was subjected. The government, like the defendant, is entitled to a resolution of the
case by a verdict from the jury, and jeopardy does not terminate when the jury is
discharged because it is unable to agree. Regardless of the sufficiency of the
evidence at petitioner's first trial, he has no valid double jeopardy claim to prevent
his retrial.

The deliberation of the jury in the case before this court consumed more time
than the actual trial of the case. On four occasions the jury reported to the court
through its foreman that the jury was hopelessly deadlocked. On the last

written note to the court the conclusion of all twelve jurors was to the effect
that the jury was hopelessly deadlocked and could not reach a verdict. The
exercise of discretion by the trial court in concluding that the jury was
genuinely deadlocked should not be disturbed by a reviewing court, either on
direct appeal or in a collateral attack.

The decision of the district court to deny the petition for habeas corpus filed by
the appellant is therefore due to be and hereby is AFFIRMED.

Honorable Clarence W. Allgood, U.S. District Judge for the Northern District
of Alabama, sitting by designation

The text of the double jeopardy clause of the Fifth Amendment reads, "Nor
shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of
life or limb."

Allen v. United States, 164 U.S. 492, 17 S.Ct. 154, 41 L.Ed. 528 (1896)

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