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322 F.

3d 1279

Tonia HAWKINS, et al., Plaintiffs-Appellants,

No. 02-10990.

United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit.

February 28, 2003.

Alan E. Tannenbaum, Levin, Tannenbaum, Wolff, Band, Gates & Pugh,

Sarasota, FL, for Plaintiffs-Appellants.
Arthur S. Hardy, Matthews, Hutton & Eastmore, Sarasota, FL, for
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Middle District of
Before BLACK and MARCUS, Circuit Judges, and MIDDLEBROOKS * ,
District Judge.
MIDDLEBROOKS, District Judge:
* The Appellants, parents and guardians of three female students, brought
suit against the Sarasota County School Board (the "Board") alleging that
their children had been the victims of sexual harassment by another
student in the girls' second grade class. The complaint includes a claim
under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 ("Title IX"), 86
Stat. as amended, 20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq., as well as state common law
negligence claims. The district court granted summary judgment in favor
of the Board. Appellants argue that disputed issues of fact remain on all
issues determined by the district court and that the granting of summary
judgment was inappropriate. 1
This case presents our first opportunity to apply principles established by
the Supreme Court governing a private damages action brought pursuant
to Title IX based on student-on-student sexual harassment. See Davis v.
Monroe County Bd. of Educ., 526 U.S. 629, 119 S.Ct. 1661, 143 L.Ed.2d

839 (1999). As we do so we are mindful of the constraints of federalism

and the appropriate limits upon intrusion by the federal courts into the
We review de novo a district court's grant of summary judgment, applying
the same legal standards as the trial court. See Chapman v. AI Transport,
229 F.3d 1012, 1023 (11th Cir.2000). To this end, summary judgment
should be upheld only if the pleadings, depositions, answers to
interrogatories, and admissions on file, together with the affidavits, if any,
show that there is no issue as to any material fact and the moving party is
entitled to judgment as a matter of law. See Jones v. Firestone Tire and
Rubber Co., 977 F.2d 527, 535 (11th Cir.1992). We are required to
resolve all reasonable inferences and facts in the light most favorable to
the non-moving party. Watkins v. Ford Motor Co., 190 F.3d 1213, 1216
(11th Cir. 1999). If a reasonable fact finder evaluating the evidence could
draw more than one inference from the facts, and if that inference
introduces a genuine issue of material fact, then the summary judgment
cannot be sustained. Samples v. City of Atlanta, 846 F.2d 1328, 1330
(11th Cir.1988).
* Jane Doe I and Jane Doe II were eight-year-old girls enrolled in Barbara
Cyphers's second grade class at North Toledo Blade Elementary School
("North Toledo") at the start of the 1998-1999 school year. Jane Doe III
joined the class in January, 1999. During that year, William T. Coulson
was the principal of North Toledo.
According to the complaint, John Doe, also eight years old, was expelled
from a private school for striking a female student. After his expulsion, he
was enrolled by his parents at Toledo Blade. He was placed in Cyphers's
class in November, 1998. Upon joining Cyphers's class, John Doe
allegedly began a pattern of harassing conduct toward the girls.
The three girls testified that not long after he joined the class, John Doe
would cross his hands, gesture to his genitals, and tell Jane Doe I, Jane
Doe II, and Jane Doe III to "suck it."2 In the lunchroom, he would hold
two fingers up. One of the girls testified that although she did not know
what this meant, she was told by other children that it meant "meet me in
bed in two seconds."3 In the lunchroom, he also said that he wanted to
"suck [the girls'] breasts till the milk came out,"4 that he wanted [the girls]
to "suck the juice from his penis," and that "he wanted [the girls] to have
sex with him." On other occasions, he referred to one or all of the girls as

"sexy baby" and stated that "you have a bun, and I have a hot dog, and I
want to eat them both." At the playground, he would chase the girls and
try (sometimes successfully) to touch them on their chests, and
(unsuccessfully) to kiss them. At the bus stop, he also would try to grab
Jane Doe III and look up her skirt. He would also jump onto her and rub
his body on hers. The girls stated that this conduct took place over a
period of several months.
While none of the girls' grades appeared to suffer, two of them said that on
four or five occasions they faked being sick in order not to go to school.
Their parents testified that they cried more frequently, appeared anxious,
and were reluctant to go to school.
While a number of school personnel had received complaints about John
Doe, none stated that they had seen him engage in behavior that was
overtly sexual. Kathy Martin, a staff member in Toledo Blade's
lunchroom, testified that while she had witnessed John Doe running
indoors, not sitting, exhibiting bad table manners, and hitting another
student, she could not recall an instance of a female student specifically
reporting his behavior. The children's computer, life skills, and art
teachers all gave consistent reports about John Doe's bad behavior.
The children spent the most time during the school day in Cyphers' class.
Within a week of John Doe's joining the class, Cyphers began to receive
complaints that he was being "annoying" to the other children, tapping his
pencil, and distracting them from doing their work. Periodically, she
received complaints that he had pushed other children at the playground.
Such complaints would come from both boys and girls alike.
Cyphers testified that some time near the end of the school year, either at
the end of April or the beginning of May, three girls Jane Doe II and
two girls not involved with this suit approached Cyphers and told her
that John Doe was being "disgusting." Cyphers stated that John Doe had
been saying "I love you" and "will you marry me" to the girls, and she
referred to the conduct as "natural things in second grade. You know,
things they hear at home." She stated that it was not until she had spoken
with Jane Doe III's mother in May, 1999 that she had been informed of
any of the explicit things John Doe had said or done.
The three girls, however, testified that they had been quite persistent in
describing John Doe's behavior to Cyphers, and that Cyphers repeatedly
ignored their reports. Jane Doe I stated that she told Cyphers that John

Doe was being "nasty" not long after he first exhibited harassing behavior.
She claimed that she was no more explicit because she did not want to get
in trouble. She stated that she told Cyphers a number of times about John
Doe's conduct, but Cyphers always responded that she would take care of
it later. Jane Doe II stated that, early in the year, she told Cyphers that
John Doe was being "disgusting" and asked to have her seat moved. She
also claims to have told Cyphers on a number of occasions when the
children were playing outside that John Doe was being "nasty" and asked
Cyphers to do something about it.
According to Jane Doe III, one day after she arrived at Toledo Blade, she
told Cyphers that John Doe had been following her. Jane Doe III said that
during recess that day, when John Doe touched her in the groin, she told
Cyphers that John Doe was being "gross." She was not more explicit
because she did not feel comfortable enough with Cyphers on only her
second day. She stated that on another occasion, she told Cyphers that
John Doe had told her to "suck his dick." She stated that Cyphers
immediately told her to sit down and did nothing else. Jane Doe III
testified that she spoke to Cyphers (and was rather explicit) about John
Doe virtually every day.
Shortly after May 5, 1999, Jane Doe III's mother contacted both Coulson
and Cyphers. Cyphers told her that the school was aware of John Doe's
behavior, and that the school was working with John Doe's parents to try
to resolve his behavior problems.5 After Jane Doe III and her mother
discussed the allegations of harassment with Coulson, he contacted John
Zoretich, Director of Sarasota County Elementary Schools, and was told
to "follow through" on the allegations. After meeting with Jane Doe III
and her mother, Coulson suspended John Doe for all of the following
week.6 For the week after he returned, John Doe was given an "in-school"
suspension, where he sat at a desk in Coulson's office for much of the day,
and had escorts take him to the lunchroom and bus at the end of the day.
Coulson directed Cyphers to make sure John Doe and Jane Doe III were
separated "at all times."
Some time during the first week of June, 1999, Coulson received a fax
from the attorney representing the guardians of the three girls, notifying
him that John Doe's conduct had recurred. Coulson then suspended John
Doe for the remainder of the school year. During the last week of the
school year, a guidance counselor conducted a program for the students
on appropriate and inappropriate "touching." After the suspension,

Coulson recommended to John Doe's father that John Doe seek social
counseling. John Doe's return to Toledo Blade was contingent upon his
being given counseling. Through the summer, he participated in a family
services counseling program. At the beginning of the following school
term, the school saw to it that John Doe and Jane Doe III were not placed
in the same classroom. In third grade, for the time he was at Toledo Blade,
John Doe was given an adult escort from the time he got on campus until
the time he left at the end of the day. Though John Doe and Jane Doe III
had brief interactions in third grade before he left for another school, Jane
Doe III reported no further instances of harassment.
Title IX provides that
[n]o person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded
from participation in, be denied the benefit of, or be subjected to
discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal
financial assistance.
20 U.S.C. 1681 (1984). Our analysis is controlled by the Supreme
Court's recent decision in Davis, which, in turn, is grounded upon the
Court's decision in Gebser v. Lago Vista Indep. Sch. Dist., 524 U.S. 274,
118 S.Ct. 1989, 141 L.Ed.2d 277 (1998). In Gebser, Justice O'Connor, in
a 5-4 decision, held that a school district cannot be liable for sexual
harassment of a student by one of the district's teachers "unless an official
of the school district who at a minimum has authority to institute
corrective measures on the district's behalf has actual notice of, and is
deliberately indifferent to the teacher's misconduct." Gebser, 524 U.S. at
277, 118 S.Ct. at 1993. In Davis, Justice O'Connor, again in a 5-4
decision, but this time joined by the four Gebser dissenters, held that "in
certain limited circumstances," deliberate indifference to known acts of
harassmentthe misconduct identified in Gebseramounts to an
intentional violation of Title IX capable of supporting a private damages
action even when the harasser is a student rather than a teacher. Davis,
526 U.S. at 643, 119 S.Ct. at 1671. In order to determine the scope of the
"limited circumstances" it is necessary to scrutinize both opinions.
In Gebser, the Court examined the text and purpose of Title IX in order to
shape the judicially implied private right of action. Since Congress had
expressly directed that an administrative agency could not initiate
enforcement proceedings under Title IX until it "ha[d] advised the
appropriate person or persons of the failure to comply with the

requirement and ha[d] determined that compliance [could not] be secured

by voluntary means," 20 U.S.C. 1682, the Court reasoned that a
judicially implied system of enforcement should not impose liability
without consideration of a recipient's knowledge or its corrective actions.
Gebser, 524 U.S. at 289, 118 S.Ct. at 1999. Therefore, Title IX liability
could not rest on principles of vicarious liability or constructive notice.
The Court thus held that in cases that do not involve official policy of the
recipient entity, "a damages remedy will not lie under Title IX unless an
official who at a minimum has authority to address the alleged
discrimination and to institute corrective measures on the recipient's
behalf has actual knowledge of discrimination in the recipient's programs
and fails adequately to respond." Id. at 290, 118 S.Ct. at 1999.
Moreover, said the Court, not only is actual notice required, but the
premise of Title IX "is an official decision by the recipient not to remedy
the violation." Id. Concerned that a lower standard would result in
damages not for the funding recipient's own official decision, but for its
employees' independent actions, the Court employed the "deliberate
indifference" approach already used to establish a municipality's liability
for failing to prevent a deprivation of federal rights under 42 U.S.C.
1983. See Gebser, 524 U.S. at 290-91, 118 S.Ct. at 1999 (citing Board of
County Comm'rs of Bryan County v. Brown, 520 U.S. 397, 117 S.Ct.
1382, 137 L.Ed.2d 626 (1997) and City of Canton v. Harris, 489 U.S. 378,
109 S.Ct. 1197, 103 L.Ed.2d 412 (1989)). Under Title IX, recipients can
only be held liable in a private damages action where their own deliberate
indifference effectively causes the discrimination. Gebser, 524 U.S. at
292-93, 118 S.Ct. at 2000. In Gebser, the Court held that a teacher's
sexual relationship with his eighth grade student, while reprehensible and
undermining the basic purposes of the educational system, was not
independent misconduct attributable to the school district that employed
him since Title IX was "designed primarily to prevent recipients of federal
financial assistance from using funds in a discriminatory manner." Id. at
292, 118 S.Ct. at 2000.
In Davis, the Supreme Court reversed an en banc decision of this Court
which had affirmed dismissal of a Title IX claim based on student-onstudent sexual harassment. In Davis the plaintiff had alleged that she was
sexually harassed for several months by another fifth grade student, that
the principal and two teachers failed to respond, that the school board had
not instructed the personnel on how to respond to peer sexual harassment
and had not adopted a policy on the issue, that her grades had allegedly
dropped, and that she had threatened suicide.

The Davis Court held that these allegations were sufficient to state a claim
under Title IX, concluding that
funding recipients are properly held liable in damages only where they are
deliberately indifferent to sexual harassment, of which they have actual
knowledge, that is so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it
can be said to deprive the victims of access to the educational
opportunities or benefits provided by the school.
Davis, 526 U.S. at 650, 119 S.Ct. at 1675.
After Davis, then, a court confronted with a private damages action under
Title IX must ask two questions: (1) was the school board deliberately
indifferent to sexual harassment about which it had actual knowledge; and
(2) was the sexual harassment so severe, pervasive, and objectively
offensive that it can be said to have systemically deprived the victims of
access to the educational opportunities of the school?
* To answer the first question, it is necessary to examine who, within the
school system, must have notice of the harassment for the school board to
be considered to have actual knowledge. Gebser held that a Title IX
damages remedy would not lie unless "an official who at a minimum has
authority to address the alleged discrimination and to institute corrective
measures on the recipient's behalf has actual knowledge of the
discrimination...." Gebser, 524 U.S. at 290, 118 S.Ct. at 1999. In that case,
the Court pointed out that the only official alleged to have had notice of
the teacher's misconduct was the high school principal. However, the
principal's only "notice" was a report about inappropriate comments being
made in class. The Court deemed this insufficient to alert the principal to
the possibility that the teacher was involved in a sexual relationship with
the student. The Court also noted that the principal did not report the
complaint to the superintendent. Without the necessary actual notice, the
Court held that the school board could not be held liable.
The Davis court did not explicitly discuss the type of school employee
who must know about harassment by a fellow student before it is
actionable, but held that notice of harassment to the principal and two
teachers was deemed sufficient to support a cause of action under Title IX.
In dissent, however, Justice Kennedy found the Davis majority's failure to
describe explicitly who must have notice to be "telling." Davis, 526 U.S.
at 679, 119 S.Ct. at 1688 (Kennedy, J., dissenting). He suggested that in
most cases of student misbehavior it is the teacher, at least in the first
instance, who has authority to punish the offender and remedy the

harassment. Application of the Gebser standard, he warned, might lead to

the anomalous result that while a school district would not be liable for a
teacher's sexual harassment of a student without notice to at least the
principal, it could be held liable for a teacher's failure to remedy peer
harassment. This could lead to the absurd conclusion, said Justice
Kennedy, that the threshold of liability for a school system might be lower
where the harasser was a student than where a teacher engaged in sexual
harassment. Id. at 679, 119 S.Ct. at 1689.
In this case, the district judge held that the complaints of Jane Doe I and
Jane Doe II were too general to provide notice of the sexual nature of John
Doe's harassment. With respect to Jane Doe III, however, accepting the
truth of the deposition testimony that she expressly and repeatedly told her
classroom teacher about the specifics of the behavior, the district judge
felt that notice to the teacher constituted actual knowledge on the part of
the school board. He then found that the teacher and other school
personnel were not deliberately indifferent to the harassment and that the
girls were not deprived of access to the educational opportunities or
benefits provided by the school.
In arriving at his decision concerning notice, the district judge relied upon
language from the Tenth Circuit's opinion in Murrell v. Sch. Dist. No. 1,
Denver, Colo., 186 F.3d 1238 (10th Cir.1999). The complaint in Murrell
alleged that the school principal had actual notice of the harassment and
applying Davis, the Tenth Circuit stated that it found little room for doubt
that the principal's knowledge could be charged to the school district.
Murrell, 186 F.3d at 1247.
The court then noted that the complaint also alleged that the girl's teachers
had actual knowledge of the harassment and not only refused to remedy it
but participated in concealing it by telling her not to tell her mother and
failing to tell the girl's mother themselves. The court stated that "[i]t is
possible that these teachers would also meet the definition of `appropriate
persons' for the purposes of Title IX liability if they exercised control over
the harasser and the context in which the harassment occurred." Id. at
1248. As it was reviewing the granting of a motion to dismiss, the Tenth
Circuit accepted as true the allegation that the teachers were invested with
the authority to halt the sexually assaultive behavior.
The dissent in Murrell viewed the majority's analysis as "unnecessarily
broad" inasmuch as it implied that a single teacher's inaction might in
some circumstances be enough to trigger Title IX liability. Id. at 1252
(Anderson, J., dissenting). Pointing out that a single teacher's misconduct

was not enough to subject a recipient to liability in Gebser, the Murrell

dissent considered it "an open question after Davis whether a single
teacher's indifference is ever sufficient for recipient liability...." Id.
We likewise consider the issue of whether notice to a teacher constitutes
actual knowledge on the part of a school board to be open. In order to
answer the question, it would be necessary to examine how Florida
organizes its public schools, the authority and responsibility granted by
state law to administrators and teachers, the school district's discrimination
policies and procedures, and the facts and circumstances of the particular
case. Moreover, Florida has enacted the "Florida Educational Equity Act,"
FLA. STAT. ANN. 228.2001 (2002)7 which is patterned after Title IX and
prohibits discrimination based on race, national origin, sex, handicap, or
marital status against any student or employee in the state system of public
education. We are uncertain how its procedures may affect the notice
analysis and how its existence might impact upon any finding of
deliberate indifference.8
Moreover, in the context of student peer harassment, delineation of the
notice requirement may prove to be difficult. With respect to harassment
by teachers or staff, application of the Supreme Court's requirement of
actual notice to an official with authority to address the discrimination and
to institute corrective measures results in a limited and readily identifiable
number of school administrators. However, a much broader number of
administrators and employees could conceivably exercise at least some
control over student behavior.9
These issues were not fully briefed or argued on appeal. The notice issue
was raised only in a footnote in appellee's brief and appellants did not
respond to it in their reply. It would be helpful to have the issues fully
presented in an adversarial setting. This is particularly true where there is
little guidance from Congress, the Supreme Court, or the other Courts of
Appeal. It is always difficult to determine Congress' intent when dealing
with the elements of an implied cause of action, because the text and
legislative history of a statute that does not expressly create a cause of
action is typically silent as to the parameters of the action. In Davis, the
Supreme Court majority did not directly address who must have notice
even in the face of Justice Kennedy's dissent, and there is scant persuasive
authority from the other circuits.10

The deliberate indifference issue is intertwined with the question of notice since
whether the Board's actions were clearly unreasonable must be measured by

what was known.11 We have therefore decided that the better course is to
refrain from answering the notice and deliberate indifference issues involved in
the first question and to rest our opinion on the denial of access issue.

The next question we must ask is: was the sexual harassment so severe,
pervasive, and objectively offensive that it can be said to have systematically
deprived the victims of access to the educational opportunities of the school?

In the context of student-on-student harassment, damages are only available

where the behavior is so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it
denies its victims equal access to education. Davis, 526 U.S. at 650, 119 S.Ct.
at 1675. The behavior must be serious enough to have the systemic effect of
denying the victim equal access to an educational program or activity.

Whether gender oriented conduct rises to the level of actionable harassment

often depends on a constellation of surrounding circumstances, expectations,
and relationships, including, but not limited to, the ages of the harasser and
victim, and the number of individuals involved. Id. at 651, 119 S.Ct. at 1675;
Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Servs., Inc., 523 U.S. 75, 83, 118 S.Ct. 998,
1003, 140 L.Ed.2d 201 (1998).

When interacting with each other, children often exhibit behavior that would be
wholly unacceptable between adults. "The real world of school discipline is a
rough-and-tumble place where students practice newly learned vulgarities,
erupt with anger, tease and embarrass each other, share offensive notes, flirt,
push and shove in the halls, grab and offend." Brief of Amici Curiae National
School Boards Ass'n et al. at 11, Davis, 526 U.S. 629, 119 S.Ct. 1661, 143
L.Ed.2d 839 (1999) (No. 97-843). In the school setting, students often engage
in insults, teasing, shoving, and gender-specific conduct that is upsetting to the
student subjected to it. Damages are not available for simple acts of teasing and
mere name-calling among school children even where these comments target
differences in gender. Davis, 526 U.S. at 651-52, 119 S.Ct. at 1675.

In this case, the conduct alleged was persistent, continuing to occur on a

frequent basis for several months. It included sexually explicit and vulgar
language and acts of objectively offensive touching. Although neither the
perpetrator nor the victims fully understood its ramifications, the harassment
was unwelcome and intimidating.

Even assuming that the behavior was severe, pervasive, and objectively

Even assuming that the behavior was severe, pervasive, and objectively
offensive, it was not so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it had
the systemic effect of denying the girls equal access to education. As the
Supreme Court stated, the most obvious example of student-on-student
harassment capable of denying a victim access to education and thus triggering
a damages claim would involve overt, physical denial of access to school
resources. Examples given by the Court included circumstances where male
students physically threatened female students daily, thereby successfully
preventing them from using a computer lab or athletic field. Davis, 526 U.S. at
650-51, 119 S.Ct. at 1675. No physical exclusion or denial of access to facilities
is involved in this case.

A demonstration of physical exclusion, however, is not the sole means by

which a plaintiff can demonstrate deprivation of an educational opportunity.
Rather, a plaintiff need establish that the behavior so undermines and detracts
from the victim's educational experience, that the student has effectively been
denied access to an institution's resources and opportunities.

The behavior must also be severe enough to have a "systemic" effect of denying
the victim equal access to an educational program or activity. We take this to
mean that gender discrimination must be more widespread than a single
instance of one-on-one peer harassment and that the effects of the harassment
touch the whole or entirety of an educational program or activity.12


The record in this case reflects no concrete, negative effect on either the ability
to receive an education or the enjoyment of equal access to educational
programs or opportunities. None of the girls suffered a decline in grades and
none of their teachers observed any change in their demeanor or classroom
participation. The girls simply testify that they were upset about the
harassment, although not enough to tell their parents until months after it began.
Two of the girls say they faked being sick four or five times in order not to go
to school. This falls short of demonstrating a systemic effect of denying equal
access to an educational program or activity.13


In sum, it bears emphasis that a private damages action under Title IX,
grounded as it is on a judicially implied right of action shaped by the Supreme
Court is analyzed differently than claims under Title VII or 42 U.S.C. 1983,
and is available only in limited circumstances. In this case, the harassment was
not so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it systemically deprived
the victims of access to the educational opportunities of the school.

Accordingly, the judgment of the district court is AFFIRMED.


Honorable Donald M. Middlebrooks, U.S. District Judge for the Southern

District of Florida, sitting by designation

At oral argument, Appellants conceded on the issue of negligence, stating that

under Florida case law, in order to succeed based on Florida's "impact rule," the
emotional distress suffered by a victim must stem from physical injuries
suffered in an impact. Appellants conceded that no such injury or impact took
place in this matter, and that the Board did not intentionally act to create an
environment in which the girls were caused severe suffering. As such,
Appellants limited their arguments to their Title IX claim

While John Doe's father stated that John Doe was a "clown" who "want[ed] to
get all the attention," he testified that by using vulgar expressions, John Doe
was trying to mimic older children that he had spent time with at Little League.
According to John Doe's father, "[o]ne of the little boys on the baseball field ...
would push his hip out towards [John Doe] and say `suck this.'"

Jane Doe III testified that a number of boys in the class were familiar with and
used this gesture. In addition, the girls testified that they did not know the
meaning of a number of terms and gestures that John Doe used. Jane Doe II
testified that at the time, she did not know what it meant to have sex, but only
had an idea that it was something "nasty." Jane Doe III testified that before
being harassed by John Doe, she did not know the meanings of the words
"dick" and "penis."

Jane Doe III stated that this conduct took place in front of both her and Jane
Doe II

A number of individuals responsible for supervising John Doe had disciplined

him at various points during the year. He was placed at the "detention table" in
the lunch room a number of times when he misbehaved. On one occasion, John
Doe's computer teacher notified Cyphers of his misbehavior, who in turn
notified John Doe's parents. After he had bothered other students in Cyphers'
class, John Doe was moved away from the other students, to a seat facing the
wall. When he misbehaved at recess, he was similarly removed from the other
children. Some time in spring, 1999, Cyphers, John Doe's father, and John
Doe's art teacher had a meeting to discuss his behavior. He was also
occasionally placed at the "time out" desk in his life skills class

Some time before the school had instituted disciplinary proceedings against
John Doe, the school had conducted a "peer mediation" involving John Doe and
another girl over comments John Doe had made. Such mediations were
conducted by trained fifth graders, who would assist younger students in talking
through their disputes

2002 Fla. Laws ch. 2002-387 1058 repealed Part I of chapter 243 and chs.
228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 239, 240, 241, 242, 244, and
246 of the Florida Statutes effective January 7, 2003. These sections constituted
much of the "Florida School Code." The Florida School Code replaced by the
revised and renamed "Florida K-20 Education Code."See FLA. STAT. ANN.
chs. 1000-1013 (2003). The Florida Educational Equity Act was revised and
renumbered 1000.05.

The Act authorizes the State Board of Education to adopt rules and directs the
Office of Equal Educational Opportunity of the Department of Education to
conduct reviews to determine compliance with the Act and upon finding the
agency is not in compliance, to notify the agency of the steps necessary for
compliance. Pursuant to this authority, FLA. ADMIN. CODE ANN. r. 6A19.010 (2002) also directs each school district to submit a plan of
implementation which must include the policy of nondiscrimination adopted by
the board. The policy must include the name of the equity coordinator designed
to coordinate compliance and must include grievance and complaint procedures
available to all students and their parents. InGebser, Justice Ginsburg,
dissenting on behalf of three of the justices, suggested that the Court recognize
as an affirmative defense to a Title IX charge of sexual harassment an effective
policy for reporting and redressing such conduct. Gebser, 524 U.S. at 307, 118
S.Ct. at 2007.

We note that subsequent to the Supreme Court's decisions inGebser and Davis,
the Office of Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education ("OCR"), the
agency responsible for regulatory enforcement of Title IX has provided
guidance for schools in recognizing and responding to sexual harassment of
students. See Revised Sexual Harassment Guidance: Sexual Harassment of
Students by School Employees, Other Students, or Third Parties, 66 Fed.Reg.
5,512 (Jan. 19, 2001), available at While
recognizing the requirement of actual notice for private actions seeking money
damages, OCR continues to assert that for regulatory purposes and for private
actions for injunctive and other equitable relief, a school has notice if a
responsible employee knew, or in the exercise of care should have known of
the harassment. According to OCR, a responsible employee for purposes of
notice includes "any employee who has the authority to take action to redress
the harassment, who has the duty to report to appropriate school officials sexual

harassment or any other misconduct by students or employees, or an individual

who a student could reasonably believe has this authority or responsibility."
OCR considers the term "responsible employee" to include "a principal,
campus security, bus driver, teacher, affirmative action officer, or staff in the
office of student affairs." See also Request for Comments, 65 FR 66,092 (Nov.
2, 2000).

In the context of teacher-on-student sexual harassment, the Fifth Circuit

inCanutillo Indep. Sch. Dist. v. Leija, 101 F.3d 393 (5th Cir.1996) has held that
a fellow teacher does not have the requisite authority to be an appropriate
person for notice under Title IX. The Court stated:
[w]e need not decide, and thus leave for another day, the question of whether
the appropriate (or lowest level) management level person to be notified is a
Title IX coordinator, vice principal, principal or superintendent, or school board
Canutillo, 101 F.3d at 401 (internal citation omitted).
Moreover, in another teacher-on-student harassment case, Warren ex rel. Good
v. Reading Sch. Dist., 278 F.3d 163 (3d Cir.2002), the Third Circuit found that
a trial judge erred in failing to instruct the jury that a school guidance counselor
could not be an "appropriate person" for purposes of actual notice to the school


InDavis, the Court explained that a funding recipient can be deemed

"deliberately indifferent" to acts of student-on-student harassment only where
the recipient's response to the harassment or lack thereof is "clearly
unreasonable" in light of the known circumstances. Davis, 526 U.S. at 648, 119
S.Ct. at 1674.
This is not a mere "reasonableness" standard or a failure to use reasonable care
standard similar to negligence. Id. at 649, 119 S.Ct. at 1674. "In an appropriate
case," emphasized the Court, "there is no reason why courts, on a motion to
dismiss, or for summary judgment, or for a directed verdict, could not identify a
response as not `clearly unreasonable' as a matter of law." Id.


In his dissent, Justice Kennedy appears to read the "systemic effect"

requirement more narrowly: "The majority appears to intend that requirement to
do no more than exclude the possibility that a single act of harassment
perpetrated by one student on another can form the basis of an actionable
claim."Davis, 526 U.S. at 677, 119 S.Ct. at 1687 (Kennedy, J., dissenting).


In comparison, the plaintiff inDavis, a fifth grade student, alleged a drop in

grades, discovery by her father of a suicide note, seeking an audience with the
principal along with other girls who had been victimized by the same student,
and conduct that resulted in a sexual battery conviction for the harasser. In
Murrell, a physically disabled student was battered and sexually assaulted on
multiple occasions resulting in self-destructive and suicidal behavior, causing
her to leave school and enter a psychological hospital. Murrell, 186 F.3d at
1243-44. In Vance v. Spencer County Pub. Sch. Dist., 231 F.3d 253 (6th
Cir.2000), a girl was repeatedly harassed and intimidated by several boys for a
lengthy period which extended from the seventh to ninth grades. She was
diagnosed with depression and withdrew from school. We do not suggest that
the consequences of harassment must always be as dire in order to trigger
liability. However, the effect on the ability to receive an education must be real
and demonstrable. Such was not the case in this matter.

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