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CONVENTIONAL REPRESENTATION OF MATERIALS: conventional representation of parts
screw joints, welded joints, springs, gears, electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic circuits methods of
indicating notes on drawings.
Limits, Fits and Tolerances: Types of fits. exercises involving selection / interpretation of fits and
estimation of limits from tables.
FORM AND POSITIONAL TOLERANCES: Introduction and indication of form and position
tolerances on drawings, types of run out, total run out and their indication.
SURFACE ROUGHNESS AND ITS INDICATION: Definition, types of surface roughness indication
Surface roughness obtainable from various manufacturing processes. recommended surface roughness
on mechanical components. Heat treatment and surface treatment symbols used on drawings.
DETAILED AND PART DRAWINGS: Drawing of parts from assembly drawings with indications of
size, tolerances, roughness, form and position errors etc.
PRODUCTION DRAWING PRACTICE: Part drawings using computer aided drafting by CAD software
1.Production and Drawing /K.L. Narayana & P. Kannaiah/ New Age
2.Machine Drawing with Auto CAD/ Pohit and Ghosh, PE
1.Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing/James D. Meadows/ B.S Publications
2. Engineering Metrology/ R.K. Jain/Khanna Publications

Representation of Materials & Machine Components

Following are some of the terms used in the limit system,
Tolerance: The permissible variation of a size is called tolerance. It is the difference between the
maximum and minimum permissible limits of the given size.
Limits: The two extreme permissible sizes between which the actual size is contained are called limits.
The maximum size is called the upper limit and the minimum size is called the lower limit.
Deviation: It is the algebraic difference between a size (actual, maximum, etc.) and the corresponding basic
Actual Deviation: It is the algebraic difference between the actual size and the corresponding basic size.
Upper Deviation: It is the algebraic difference between the maximum limit of the size and the
corresponding basic size.
Lower Deviation: It is the algebraic difference between the minimum limit of the size and the
corresponding basic size.
Allowance: It is the dimensional difference between the maximum material limits of the mating parts,
intentionally provided to obtain the desired class of fit. If the allowance is positive, it will result in
minimum clearance between the mating parts and if the allowance is negative, it will result in maximum

The relation between two mating parts is known as a fit. Depending upon the actual limits of the hole or
shaft sizes, fits may be classified as clearance fit, transition fit and interference fit.
Clearance Fit: It is a fit that gives a clearance between the two mating parts.

Transition Fit: This fit may result in either interference or a clearance, depending upon the actual values
of the tolerance of individual parts.

Interference Fit: If the difference between the hole and shaft sizes is negative before assembly;
an interference fit is obtained.


In working out limit dimensions for the three classes of fits; two systems are in use, viz., the hole basis
system and shaft basis system
HOLE BASIS SYSTEM: In this system, the size of the shaft is obtained by subtracting the allowance
from the basic size of the hole. In this system, the lower deviation of the hole is zero. The letter symbol
for this situation is H.
SHAFT BASIS SYSTEM: In this system, the size of the hole is obtained by adding the allowance to
the basic size of the Shaft. Tolerances are then applied to each part. In this system, the upper deviation of
the shaft is zero. The letter symbol for this situation is h.

Datum feature:

A datum feature is a feature of a part, such as an edge,

surface, or a hole, which forms the basis for a datum or is used to establish its


Surface Roughness and its Indication &

Heat and Surface Treatment Symbols
Surface Roughness: The properties and performance of machine components are affected by the degree of
roughness of the various surfaces. The higher the smoothness of the surface, the better is the fatigue strength and corrosion
resistance. Friction between mating parts is also reduced due to better surface finish.
Surface Roughness Number: The surface roughness number represents the average departure of the surface
from perfection over a prescribed sampling length and is expressed in microns.

The surface roughness may be measured, using any one of the following:
1. Straight edge 2. Surface gauge
3. Optical flat
4. Tool makers microscope 5. Profilometer
6. Profilograph 7. Talysurf

Machine Symbols: The basic symbol consists of two legs of unequal length, inclined at approximately 60 to the line,
representing the surface considered. This symbol may be used where it is necessary to indicate that the surface is machined,
without indicating the grade of roughness or the process to be used.

( a ). Basic Symbol
( b ). Material Removal is not allowed
Removal of Material is allowed
( d ). Special Surface Characteristics

( c ).

Indication of Machining Allowancce:

Indication of Special Roughness Characteristics:

In certain
circumstances, for functional reasons, it may be necessary to specify additional special
requirements, concerning surface roughness. If it is required that the final surface texture
be produced by one particular production method, this method should be indicated on an
extension of the longer arm of the symbol. Also, any indications relating to treatment of
coating may be given on the extension of the longer arm of the symbol.

Stuffing Box is used to prevent loss of fluid such as steam, between sliding or turning parts of machine
elements. In a steam engine, when the piston rod reciprocates through the cylinder cover; stuffing box
provided in the cylinder cover, prevents leakage of steam from the cylinder.

Crosshead is used in horizontal steam engines for connecting the piston rod and connecting rod. The
crosshead, with the help of slide block 4, reciprocates between two guides provided in the engine frame.
The gudgeon pin 3, connects the slide blocks with the crosshead block 1. This acts as a pin joint for the
connecting rod (not shown in figure). The piston rod 2 is secured to the crosshead block by means of the
cotter 5. The assembly ensures reciprocating motion along a straight line for the piston rod and
reciprocating cum oscillatory motion for the connecting rod.

Eccentric is used to provide a short reciprocating motion, actuated by the rotation of a shaft. Eccentrics
are used for operating steam valves, small pump plungers, shaking screens, etc. Rotary motion can be
converted into a reciprocating motion with an eccentric, but the reverse conversion is not possible due to
excessive friction between the sheave and the strap. The sheave 2 which is in the form of a circular disc
with a stepped rim is keyed on the shaft. When the shaft rotates, the sheave rotates eccentrically because of
the eccentrically placed hole in it and imparts reciprocating motion to eccentric rod 6. The straps 1 are
semi-circular elements with an annular recess to accommodate the stepped rim of the sheave. These are
held together on the sheave by means of strap bolts 4, with packing strips 3 placed between them. The
eccentric rod is fixed to the eccentric strap by means of the studs and nuts 5.

Connecting rod is used in center crank engines. The bearing bush 4 which is in one piece, is fitted at the
small end of the connecting rod 1. The small end of the rod is connected to the piston. The main bearing
bush, which is split into two halves, is placed at the big end of the connecting rod. The big end of the rod
is connected to the crank pin of the center crank. First, the split bearing brasses 3 are placed on the crank
pin, then the big end of the connecting rod and the cap 2 are clamped onto these, by means of two bolts 5
and nuts 6.

Screw jacks are used for raising heavy loads through very small heights. In this, the screw 3 works in the
nut 2 which is press fitted into the main body 1. The tommy bar 7 is inserted into a hole through the
enlarged head of the screw and when this is turned, the screw will move up or down, thereby raising or
lowering the load.

Pipe vices are designed for holding pipes, to facilitate operations such as threading or cutting-off to
required length. To assemble the vice, the screw rod 4 is screwed into the base 1 from above. When the
circular groove at the end of the screw rod is in-line with the 6 mm diameter transverse hole in the
housing, the movable jaw 2 is inserted from below. After alignment, two set screws 3 are inserted into the
jaw. This arrangement allows the jaw to move vertically without rotation when the handle is operated and
the screw is turning. The V-shaped base of the housing can accommodate pipes of different diameters.
The serrations provided on the V-shaped end of the movable jaw provide effective grip on the pipe

Plummer block is used for long shafts, requiring intermediate support, especially when the shaft cannot be
introduced into the bearing, end-wise. The bottom half 2 of the bearing brass is placed in the base 1 such
that, the snug of the bearing enters into the corresponding recess in the base; preventing rotation of the
brasses. After placing the journal (shaft) on the bottom half of the bearing brass, kept in the base; the upper
half of the bearing brass 3 is placed and the cap 4 is then fixed to the base, by means of two bolts with nuts
5. The bearing is made of two halves so that the support can be introduced at any location of the long shaft.

Universal coupling is a rigid coupling and is used to connect two shafts, whose axes intersect if
extended. The forks 2 are mounted at the ends of two shafts 1, making use of sunk keys 6. The central
block 3, having two arms at right angle to each other, is placed between the forks and connected to both
of them by using pins 4 and collars 5. A taper pin (not shown) is used to keep the pins 4 in position.
During rotation of shafts, the angle between them can be varied.

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