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Raul C. Cosare v. Broadcom Asia, Inc.

Constructive dismissal occurs when there is cessation of work because continued

employment is rendered impossible, unreasonable, or unlikely as when there is a
demotion in rank or diminution in pay or when a clear discrimination, insensibility, or
disdain by an employer becomes unbearable to the employee leaving the latter with no
other option but to quit.
G.R. No. 201298, 05 February 2014
Complainant Raul C. Cosare instituted a labor complaint primarily for constructive
dismissal against his employer defendant Broadcom Asia, Inc., and its president
defendant Dante Arevalo.
Complainant claimed that sometime in April 1993, he was employed as a salesman by
Arevalo, who was then in the business of selling broadcast equipment needed by
television networks and production houses. In December 2000, Arevalo set up the
company Broadcom, still to continue the business of trading communication and
broadcast equipment. Cosare was named an incorporator of Broadcom In October
2001, Cosare was promoted to the position of Assistant Vice President for Sales (AVP for
Sales) and Head of the Technical Coordination, having a monthly basic net salary and
average commissions of P18,000.00 and P37,000.00, respectively.
Thereafter, sometime in 2003, Alex F. Abiog (Abiog) was appointed as Broadcoms Vice
President for Sales and thus, became Cosares immediate superior. On March 23, 2009,
Cosare sent a confidential memo to Arevalo to inform him of the following anomalies
which were allegedly being committed by Abiog against the company: (a) he failed to
report to work on time, and would immediately leave the office on the pretext of client
visits; (b) he advised the clients of Broadcom to purchase camera units from its
competitors, and received commissions therefor; (c) he shared in the under the-table

dealings or confidential commissions which Broadcom extended to its clients

personnel and engineers; and (d) he expressed his complaints and disgust over
Broadcoms uncompetitive salaries and wages and delay in the payment of other
benefits, even in the presence of office staff. Cosare ended his memo by clarifying that he
was not interested in Abiogs position, but only wanted Arevalo to know of the
irregularities for the corporations sake.
There appears to be no response from Defendant Arevalo regarding the above
accusations. Cosare claimed that he was instead called for a meeting by Arevalo on
March 25, 2009, wherein he was asked to tender his resignation in exchange for
financial assistance in the amount of P300,000.00. Cosare refused to comply with the
directive, as signified in a letter dated March 26, 2009 which he sent to Arevalo.
Thereafter, on 30 March 2009, Complainant received a memo charging him with
serious misconduct and willful breach of trust and required him to respond within fortyeight (48) hours. The memo was signed by Defendant Arevalo. Complainant was also
suspended from having access to any and all company files/records and use of
company assets effective immediately. Thus, on the following day, he was refused
entry. On the 4th day from receipt of the memo, Complainant furnished his employer
his reply but it was refused to be received on the ground of late filing. Thus,
Complainant sent it via registered mail. As a result, Complainant instituted this labor
complaint for constructive dismissal.
HELD: Defendant Corporation and Individual Arevalo are jointly and solidarily liable.
Constructive and illegal dismissal were present. Constructive dismissal occurs when
there is cessation of work because continued employment is rendered impossible,
unreasonable, or unlikely as when there is a demotion in rank or diminution in pay or
when a clear discrimination, insensibility, or disdain by an employer becomes
unbearable to the employee leaving the latter with no other option but to quit.

Citing jurisprudence, the test of constructive dismissal is whether a reasonable person

in the employees position would have felt compelled to give up his position under the
circumstances. It is an act amounting to dismissal but is made to appear as if it were not.
Constructive dismissal is therefore a dismissal in disguise. The law recognizes and
resolves this situation in favor of employees in order to protect their rights and interests
from the coercive acts of the employer.
Based on the records, [defendants] already rejected Cosares continued involvement
with the company. Even their refusal to accept the explanation which Cosare tried to
tender on April 2, 2009 further evidenced the resolve to deny Cosare of the opportunity
to be heard prior to any decision on the termination of his employment. The
[defendants] allegedly refused acceptance of the explanation as it was filed beyond the
mere 48-hour period which they granted to Cosare under the memo dated March 30,
2009. However, even this limitation was a flaw in the memo or notice to explain which
only further signified the [defendants] discrimination, disdain and insensibility towards
Cosare, apparently resorted to by the [defendants] in order to deny their employee of
the opportunity to fully explain his defenses and ultimately, retain his employment.
Evidently, defendants were already resolute on a severance of their working
relationship with Cosare, notwithstanding the facts which could have been established
by his explanations and the respondents full investigation on the matter. In addition to
this, the fact that no further investigation and final disposition appeared to have been
made by the respondents on Cosares case only negated the claim that they actually
intended to first look into the matter before making a final determination as to the guilt
or innocence of their employee. This also manifested from the fact that even before
Cosare was required to present his side on the charges of serious misconduct and willful
breach of trust, he was summoned to Arevalos office and was asked to tender his
immediate resignation in exchange for financial assistance.

As for abandonment, there is no merit to the claim. Abandonment is the deliberate and
unjustified refusal of an employee to resume his employment. To constitute
abandonment of work, two elements must concur: (1) the employee must have failed to
report for work or must have been absent without valid or justifiable reason; and (2)
there must have been a clear intention on the part of the employee to sever the
employer-employee relationship manifested by some overt act.
Here, complainants failure to report to work beginning April 1, 2009 was neither
voluntary nor indicative of an intention to sever his employment with Broadcom. It was
illogical to be requiring him to report for work, and imputing fault when he failed to do
so after he was specifically denied access to all of the companys assets.
As there is constructive dismissal in this case, an illegally or constructively dismissed
employee is entitled to: (1) either reinstatement, if viable, or separation pay, if
reinstatement is no longer viable; and (2) backwages. The award of exemplary damages
was also justified given the NLRCs finding that the respondents acted in bad faith and
in a wanton, oppressive and malevolent manner when they dismissed Cosare. It is also
by reason of such bad faith that Arevalo was correctly declared solidarily liable for the
monetary awards.

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