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Fourth Amendment of the Constitution: a black chapter in the history of


Barrister Nazir Ahmed

The Constitution of Bangladesh has been amended fifteen times so far.
Within those fifteen amendments, the most controversial amendment was
the Fourth Amendment, for it fundamentally changed the nature and
character of the Constitution. Yet surprisingly, there has be no visible
discussion or debate or public resentment on the Fourth Amendment, its
impact and the damage it has done to our Constitution, democratic norms of
our country and the spirits of our liberation struggle. Unfortunately and
mysteriously, the judiciary and civil society are keeping a deep silence over
this amendment.

"In our Constituent Assembly, this eighteenth day of Kartick 1379 BS,
corresponding to the fourth day of November 1972 AD, do hereby adopt,
enact and give to ourselves this Constitution", the preamble of the
Constitution of the People's Republic of Bangladesh solemnly testifies. The
quest of the Bengalis for political and economic emancipation through
constitutional rule and democracy culminated into a liberation war in 1971
out of which Bangladesh was born. The struggle was closely linked with the
aspirations of the people for establishing a civil society with an orderly and
just government elected through free and fair choice in a democracy where
fundamental human rights are guaranteed and where an independent
judiciary acts as the custodian of the Constitution. This was the genesis of the
Constitution of the People's Republic of Bangladesh as the people of
Bangladesh made pledge to themselves after a heroic struggle for national
liberation. Bangladesh started its journey with a parliamentary form of
democracy, derailed afterwards from the fundamental aspiration of
democratic governance by introducing one-party political system with an 'all
powerful head of the State - the President. The change took place in early
1975 by way of a notorious amendment to the Constitution. Through the
infamous Constitution (Fourth Amendment) Act, 1975, one party dictatorial
system known as Bangladesh Krishok Sromik Awami League (BAKSAL) was
substituted for a responsible parliamentary system.

Description of the Fourth Amendment and the changes brought by this

The Constitution (Fourth Amendment) Act 1975 was passed on 25 January
1975. Amidst of the violent uprising of the leftist parties and the bad impact
of 1974 famine, the anarchy prevailed everywhere in the country. The Awami
League (AL) Government declared state of emergency in January 1974. Later
it amended the Constitution (through Fourth Amendment) to control the
immense political and economic crises in the country. Though they declared
this act was for the short term only, it created a deep negative impact on the
leadership of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his party. Major changes were
brought into the Constitution by this amendment. This Act (i) amended
Articles 11, 66, 67, 72, 74, 76, 80, 88, 95, 98, 109, 116, 117, 119, 122, 123,
141A, 147 and 148 of the Constitution; (ii) substituted Articles 44, 70, 102,
115 and 124 of the Constitution; (iii) amended part III of the Constitution out
of existence; (iv) altered the Third and Fourth Schedule; (v) extended the
term of the first Jatiya Sangsad; (vi) made special provisions relating to the
office of the President and its incumbent; (vii) inserted a new part, i.e. part
VIA in the Constitution and (viii) inserted Articles 73A and 116A in the

Major fundamental changes were brought into the Constitution by this

amendment. These were:

1)The so called presidential form of government was introduced in place of

the parliamentary system.In principle, the presidential form of government is
not undemocratic at all.In fact, it is one of the most common and popular
forms of government in the current democratic world.But the type of
government introduced by the Fourth Amendment was not a true presidential
system in the conventional sense and this is why I used the term so called
to describe it.It was really a peculiar one in many respects.Firstly: there was
neither separation of power in the system nor any mechanism of maintaining
check and balance between the three organs.According to Mahmudul Islam,
an eminent jurist, The parliamentary form of government was replaced by a
form of government which was an apology of a presidential form as the
normal checks and balance of presidential form of government were not
incorporated.Secondly: in a presidential system the President is supposed to
be directly elected by the voters.But ironically Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was
made President for an unlimited period by inserting a special provision in the
Fourth Schedule which reads: (b) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, ....,
shall become, and enter upon the office of the President of Bangladesh and
shall, as from such commencement hold office as President of Bangladesh as

if elected to that office under the Constitution as amended by the

Act.Thirdly: as the fundamental character of the government was changed, it
was essential to hold an election or referendum so that the people could give
a mandate to the President and Parliament.Surprisingly, like the life of
President the life of the Parliament was also given automatic extension by
inserting a special provision in the Fourth Schedule, which reads:
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Constitution, the Parliament
functioning immediately before the commencement of this Act shall, unless
sooner dissolved by the President, stand dissolved on the expiration of the
period of five years from such commencement.

2)A one-party system in place of the multi-party system was introduced.This

was the most significant and far-reaching aspect of the Fourth Amendment.A
new Part VIA with a new Article was created for this purpose.Under the new
arrangement, the creation of the National Party was left with the subjective
satisfaction of the President.It was provided that in order to give full effect to
any of the fundamental principles of State policy set out in Part II
ofConstitution, the President could direct that there shall be only one
political party in the State.Once the President made an Order for one party
under Article 117A-, 1) all political parties of the State would stand dissolved
and the President would take all necessary steps for the formation of the
National Party.....In accordance with the provision of Article 117A as
introduced by the Fourth Amendment, the President declared the formation of
a new National Party for the country under the name of BAKSAL on 24
February 1975.As a result, all existing political parties instantly stood
dissolved.Bangladesh became one party State.

3)The powers ofJatiya Sangsad (National Assembly - Parliament) were

curtailed.The Fourth Amendment turned Parliament into a useless forum in
many respects.Firstly: The President could withhold his assent to any Bill
passed by Parliament.He was armed with an absolute veto and once vetoed a
Bill that Bill could never come out as a law.The President was thus given
unfettered legislative power and he was placed above Parliament.Secondly: a
provision was made through the Fourth Amendment that there shall be at
least two sessions of Parliament in every year (Article 72).Ideally, it would not
have been a bad idea if the session was lengthy - but the real intension was
to keep Parliament away from functioning, for no session in the first
Parliament in Bangladesh lasted more than 7 days on average!Thirdly: Article
76 of the Constitution provided for Parliament to appoint certain standing
committees at the first meeting of each session.By the Fourth Amendment
the provision of at the first meeting of each session was deleted. Fourthly:

under Article 70 of the Constitution, a seat of Member of Parliament (MP) was

to be vacated for two reasons (i) if he resigned from the party which
nominated him as a candidate, or (ii) if he voted in Parliament against that
party.By the Fourth Amendment inserted an explanation to the meaning of
voting in Parliament against the party by providing that even abstaining
from a session of Parliament or abstaining oneself from voting ignoring the
direction of the party would be deemed to be voting against the party.

4)The Judiciary lost much of its independence.The independence of the

judiciary depends on the three important components: a fair appointment
procedure, security of tenure, and adequate remuneration and privileges.In
relation to the appointment procedure of the apex court, theConstitution
provided that the Chief Justice would be appointed by the President and other
Judges would be appointed after consultation with the Chief Justice (Article
95).However, by the Fourth Amendment, the provision of consultation with
the Chief Justice was deleted.The obvious purpose appeared to be to make
appointments on the basis of political consideration and favouritism as
opposed to merit and competence.Such an unchecked appointment and
nomination for appointment of Judges by the executive was not recognised in
any democratic countries.In relation to the security of tenure, the original
Constitution provided that a Judge could not be removed unless Parliament
passed a resolution supported by a majority of not less than two-third of the
total MPs on the grounds of the proved misbehaviour or incapacity [Article
96(2)].The Fourth Amendment deleted this provision of impeachment through
Parliament and instead provided that the President could remove a Judge
including the Chief Justice simply by an order on the ground of
misbehaviour.The incapacity and misbehaviour did not need to be
proved.Presidents desire and wish, no matter how malafide it might be,
became the sole reason to remove a Judge.The President thus became both
the sole appointing and removing authority of the Judges.The subordinate
judiciary was also made purely executive dependent through the Fourth
Amendment by amending Article 115 and 115 of the Constitution.

5)Supreme Court was deprived of its jurisdiction over the protection and
enforcement of fundamental rights.The original Constitution provided for
around 18 fundamental rights and the High Court was empowered to enforce
those rights.Article 44 guaranteed the right of citizens to move to the High
Court and the High Court could enforce those rights under Article 102.This
power was taken away by the Fourth Amendment.

6)The Fourth Amendment buried the whole concept of local government.Local

government is one of the most important institutions in a democracy.Modern
nation State is almost unthinkable without devolution of power to local
government.Due to the massive increase of population at the geometric rate
(according to the theory of Malthus) and because of huge expansion of
governmental activities, certain matters of policy and administration
concerning national and international interests are vested for central
government and the rest of the governmental functions are vested in local
governments.Keeping this in mind, provisions were made in theConstitution
to devolve the responsibility for both development activities and
administration into the hands of elected representatives of local government
bodies.The Constitution Makers envisaged the newly independent Republic to
be a democratic system in which effective participation by the people
through their elected representatives in administration at all levels shall be
ensured. (Article 11).Unfortunately, all these aspirations of the Constitution
Makers were removed by the Fourth Amendment.The entire Chapter II of Part
IV of the Constitution dealing with Local Government was deleted.Also the
democratic provision of effective participation by the people through their
elected representatives in administration at all levels shall be ensured in
Article 11 was deleted.Thus, the intention appeared to be to uproot the entire
democratic base from the local level and to replace this with a system of one
mans and one partys whims.

7)The Fourth Amendment was a direct attack on the press freedom.In June
1975, the government promulgated the Newspaper (Annulment of
Declaration) Ordinance which allowed only four newspapers (Dainik Bangla,
Bangladesh Observer, Ittefaq & Bangladesh Times - these four newspapers
were, in fact, owned and managed by the State) to continue their publication
and banned the rest of the press and newspaper industries. It brought the
whole news media completely under the absolute control of the government.

The Fourth Amendment was a black chapter in the history of Bangladesh.
According to Mahmudul Islam, an eminent jurist and former Attorney General
of Bangladesh, In January 1975 the Constitution (Fourth Amendment) Act
1975, was passed transforming the Constitution beyond any resemblance
with the original (Constitutional Law of Bangladesh). He further said The
system introduced was a mishmash of parliamentary and presidential form
and the upshot was that the President emerged as the all-powerful authority
in the Republic (ibid). In Hamidul Huq Chowdhury v Bangladesh 34 DLR 381,

the High Court Division observed that by the Fourth Amendment the basic
and essential features of the Constitution were altered and destroyed. In the
same case, the Appellate Division of Supreme Court observed: "The first
three amendments do not appear to have altered the basic structure of the
constitution. But the fourth amendment of the constitution clearly altered the
basic structure of the constitution."

The Fourth Amendment has been the most debateable amendment in the
constitutional history of Bangladesh, for it altered and virtually destroyed all
basic and essential features of Constitution. The AL- government introduced
one national party through this amendment. This amendment turned
Parliament into a useless forum. Any reference to the Fourth Amendment
puts AL leadership in a defensive mode. They shy away from this. They, on
the other hand, keep their guns aimed at the Fifth Amendment brought in by
Ziaur Rahman. The senior leaders of the AL often make comment that their
desire is to revert to the 1972 Constitution. Is it really what they mean?
What is going to happen on the changes brought in through the Fourth
Amendment by their great leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman? In fact, AL will not
be fully happy even upon restoring the 1972 Constitution. They will probably
not be happy until they can establish one-party rule. This is why Mahbul
Alam Hanif, an influential leader of the AL, said few years ago we still bear
the philosophy of the BAKSAL.

On June 1975, all political parties were banned and were asked to join the
newly formed BAKSAL. Many Newspapers were banned. All these triggered
massive resentment against Mujib Government. The day of June the 30th
would remain identified as a black day in the history of the country like the
day January 25 of 1975 when current Prime Minister Sheikh Hasinas father
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman passed the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution in
13 minutes, banning then all political parties and formed a one-party rule.
Although Fifth Amendment and other Amendments have rectified many
things, some viruses still exist in the Constitution. Therefore, there should be
a continuous debate and discussion on the Fourth Amendment and its impact
and consequences so that the new generation can learn and remember. At
the same time the older generation can take lessons. In a suitable time in
future, the entire Fourth Amendment should specifically be challenged in the
Supreme Court so that the Supreme Court could give a well thought out
milestone judgment - identifying the viruses and removing them from the
Constitution - which could be used as reference both inside and outside.

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