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For therapeutic trials, patient inclusion and exclusion criteria identify the
characteristic of those who were or were not treated with an intervention. (T)
(AAO; buku 1; 317).
2. How to estimate sample size?
a. Based on expected size of the treatment effect on the primary outcome.
b. Based on expected size of the treatment effect on the secondary outcome.
c. Based on expected size of the treatment effect on the primary outcome.
d. Effect to the patient.
e. Age of the patient.
(A, AAO; buku 1; 318)
3. It is appropriate to change the sample size midway through a study. (F) (AAO;
buku 1; 318)
4. The validity of a study is anchored on.
a. Inadequate duration of follow up
b. Follow up of all participant
c. Constant sample size during study
d. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
e. Drop out patients
(B, AAO; buku 1; 319)
5. Below is not the meaning of observational study.
a. A study where the investigator notes only what has happened.
b. The investigators does not directly manipulating the behavior.
c. The investigators does directly manipulating behavior.
d. People are assessed to their personal characteristics, behavior, and exposure.
e. A study where the investigators notes what will happened.
(E, AAO; buku 1; 320)
6. Case reports cant provide information on treatment efficacy or on causal
mechanism. (T) (AAO; buku 1; 321)
7. A study that can provide information on the natural history of a disease or on the
prognosis for group of patients managed in the same way called.
a. Case report
b. Case series
c. Experimental study
d. Cohort study
e. Case-control study
(B, AAO; buku 1; 322)
8. An observational study designs used to investigate the association between
exposure or potential risk factors and outcome when the participants already
have the disease called.
a. Case report
b. Case series
c. Experimental study
d. Cohort study
e. Case-control study

(E, AAO; buku 1; 322)

9. Case-control studies are often performed as a first approach to investigating a
hypothesis. (T) (AAO; buku 1; 323)
10.Which study design can be performed relatively quick and inexpensive?
a. Case report
b. Case series
c. Experimental study
d. Cohort study
e. Case-control study
(E, AAO; buku 1; 322)
11.Observational study design used to investigate the association between
exposure an patient outcomes in individuals who are free of the disease and
classified by the presence or absence of potential risk factor and their
subsequent development of the disease is.
a. Case report
b. Case series
c. Experimental study
d. Cohort study
e. Case-control study
(D, AAO; buku 1; 326)
12.The primary weakness of cohort study is that the participants with the risk factor
of interest may differ in many ways from those without the risk factor. (T) (AAO;
buku 1; 326)
13.One major difference between clinical trials and cohort studies is patients
assigned to treatment group randomly chosen. (T) (AAO; buku 1; 327)
14.Sensitivity is.
a. Percentage of those who have the disease of interest and fail the test.
b. Percentage of disease-free persons who pass the test.
c. The probability that the disease id present if a person has positive test
d. The probability that the disease id present if a person has negative test
e. The correct number from all of participant.
(A, AAO; buku 1; 330)
15.Specificity is.
a. Percentage of those who have the disease of interest and fail the test.
b. Percentage of disease-free persons who pass the test.
c. The probability that the disease id present if a person has positive test
d. The probability that the disease id present if a person has negative test
e. The correct number from all of participant.
(B, AAO; buku 1; 330)
16.Positive predictive value is.
a. Percentage of those who have the disease of interest and fail the test.
b. Percentage of disease-free persons who pass the test.
c. The probability that the disease id present if a person has positive test

d. The probability that the disease id present if a person has negative test
e. The correct number from all of participant.
(C, AAO; buku 1; 330)
17.Negative predictive value is.
a. Percentage of those who have the disease of interest and fail the test.
b. Percentage of disease-free persons who pass the test.
c. The probability that the disease id present if a person has positive test
d. The probability that the disease id present if a person has negative test
e. The correct number from all of participant.
(D, AAO; buku 1; 330)
18.Which one of these is the strongest for assessing interventions for a particular
a. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
b. Randomized controlled double-masked studies
c. Cohort studies
d. Case-control studies
e. Case series
(A, AAO; buku 1; 321)
19.What is the meaning of structure?
a. How the care system is designed
b. What the provider does or does not do
c. Result of care
d. Completion of principle
e. The final component needed to improve the system
(A, AAO; buku 1; 338)
20.What is the meaning of process?
a. How the care system is designed
b. What the provider does or does not do
c. Result of care
d. Completion of principle
e. The final component needed to improve the system
(B, AAO; buku 1; 338)

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