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Digital Radio

Advantages and
Disadvantages of Current
Digital Radio Standards
White Paper

Why Digital Radio?................................................................................................................................................................................................................03
Technology Comparison.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 04
DMR........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 04
dPMR......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 06
OpenSky.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 08
TETRAPOL............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 09
NXDN......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Other Considerations......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
IP-based backbone............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Further Reading........................................................................................................................................................................................................................11

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Digital Radio Standards - Advantages and Disadvantages Version 1 Tait Limited 2012.

The need to transfer ever more voice and data services over the available PMR radio
spectrum has led many organizations to consider replacement of their existing radio
networks. But, finding the right technology to meet their specific needs and use
cases can be both confusing and time consuming.
This positioning paper will provide a summarized comparison of the current
digital technologies outlining the advantages and disadvantages for each of them.
The technologies compared are DMR, dPMR, Tetra, TETRAPOL, P25, NXDN
and Opensky. This paper will not provide the technical details behind the standards
or formats used. If this is of interest, please refer to the Tait paper Digital Radio
Standards Uncovered 1.
Why Digital Radio?
Basically, compared to legacy analog systems, digital radio networks give:
}} More capacity from the same number of frequencies; that is, they provide
superior Spectral Efficiency2 . This is a result of the modulation methods
used, and the fact that, in many cases more than one conversation can be
accommodated within a single radio channel.
}} Consistant voice clarity at low received signal levels near the edge of
coverage. The general consensus is that digital radios provide better audio
quality than analog ones. With analog FM radios, the audio quality steadily
declines as the received signal strength gets weaker. Digital radios however, will
have a consistent audio quality throughout the full service area. The edges of
the coverage area in a digital radio system are similar to those experienced with
cellular telephones.
}} Data is defined in the standard. This means data implementations are no longer
proprietary, there are a wide variety of data mechanisms and interoperability
can extend into the data domain. With the accepted increase of efficiency by
using data communications over voice, this will further increase the usability and
effectiveness of digital radio systems.
}} Secure transmissions in digital technologies, data and voice can be secured
using encryption without impacting voice quality using industry standard
encryption techniques.

2. Spectral Efficiency is a term relating to the amount of information that can be conveyed in a given bandwidth
Digital Radio Standards - Advantages and Disadvantages Version 1 Tait Limited 2012.

Technology comparison
The following section summarizes the key aspects of the current digital standards
and lists some of the relative advantages and disadvantages of each.
}} Lower data throughput than TETRA
9600bps (symbol rate of 4800 symbols/sec)
2-slot TDMA
}} 4FSK Modulation
No need for linear transmitters
Cost and size about same as analog FM transmitter
}} Transmitter output spectrum fits into existing 12.5kHz narrowband FM
Analog channel
No need for re-banding or re-licensing
Thus can choose best frequency for application
}} Designed to make analog to digital upgrade easy
}} Coverage designed to be the same as Analog FM
Can use existing Infrastructure sites
Advantages of DMR
}} Non-proprietary open standard.
}} Commercially attractive alternative to TETRA and P25 for those who do not need
a high-end system.
}} Gives 6.25kHz channel efficiency, four times that of legacy 25kHz Analog
channels, which complies with all current and likely future FCC mandates.
}} Doubles network call capacity when replacing an analog network with 12.5kHz
}} TDMA extends radio battery charge duration, when compared with P25 or
12.5kHz analog FM radios.
}} 12.5kHz channel size allows re-use of existing frequency licenses and site
infrastructure (combiners, antennas).
Disadvantages of DMR
}} Does not provide full duplex

Digital Radio Standards - Advantages and Disadvantages Version 1 Tait Limited 2012.

Phase 1
}} Lower data throughput than TETRA
}} 9600bps (Symbol rate of 4800 symbols/sec)
}} C4FM Modulation
}} No need for linear transmitters
Cost and size about same as analog FM transmitter
}} Transmitter output spectrum fits in to existing 12.5kHz narrowband FM
Analog channel
No need for re-banding or re-licensing
Thus can choose best frequency for application
}} Designed to make analog to digital upgrade easy
}} Coverage designed to be the same as Analog FM
Can use existing Infrastructure sites
Phase 2
}} Lower data throughput than TETRA
12000bps (Symbol Rate of 4800 symbols/sec)
2-slot TDMA
}} Modulation choices made to optimize performance and simplify terminal design
HDQPSK Modulation in downlink (base station to terminals)
Requires linear transmitter in base station - more expensive, needs a
higher current and is physically larger
HCPM modulation in uplink (terminals to base station)
No need for linear transmitters in terminals
Cost and size about same as Analog FM Transmitter
}} Transmitter output spectrum fits into existing 12.5kHz narrowband FM
Analog channel
No need for re-banding or re-licensing
Thus can choose best frequency for application.
}} Designed to make analog to digital upgrade easy
}} Coverage designed to be the same as analog FM
Can use existing infrastructure sites
Digital Radio Standards - Advantages and Disadvantages Version 1 Tait Limited 2012.

Advantages of P25
}} Non-proprietary open standard.
}} Fully featured.
}} Conventional, trunked, and simulcast options. Combinations of these options
can be optimized to reflect customer requirements. For example, trunked in
high-density urban areas and conventional in rural areas.
}} Designed for gradual, phased migration from analog FM. Equipment can operate
in Analog FM mode, in digital P25 mode, or in dual mode.
}} Supports simplex mode (repeater talkaround) for direct communications outside
network coverage.
}} Very secure end-to-end encryption.
Disadvantages of P25
}} Only 12.5kHz channel efficiency (FDMA). However, Phase 2 of the P25 standard
provides an upgrade path to 6.25kHz channel equivalence, but only for voice.
}} While P25 radios can be dual mode (analog FM or digital P25), trunked P25
networks cannot offer analog FM services.
}} High cost of systems
}} Minimum cost digital voice standard offered by Kenwood and Icom as alternative
to DMR
}} Lower data throughput than TETRA, same as DMR
4800bps (symbol rate of 2400 symbols/sec)
}} Uses FDMA
Infrastructure more complicated than DMR
Increased transmit power lost in combining equipment
Adjacent channel performance worse than DMR
Shorter portable battery life
}} 4FSK Modulation
No need for linear transmitters
Cost and size about same as analog FM transmitter
}} Transmitter output spectrum fits into existing 12.5kHz narrowband FM
Analog channel
No need for re-banding or re-licensing but may only get 1 channel in 12.5kHz
Thus can choose best frequency for application.

Digital Radio Standards - Advantages and Disadvantages Version 1 Tait Limited 2012.

}} Coverage designed to be the same as Analog FM

Can use existing infrastructure sites
Advantages of dPMR
}} Non-proprietary open standard.
}} Conventional and trunking options.
}} Simple solution to replace existing low capacity systems.
Disadvantages of dPMR
}} More complicated radio site engineering for larger solutions.
}} Limited vendor offerings.
}} Portable shift life less than TDMA alternatives.
}} Higher data throughput than DMR, P25 or dPMR
Bit Rate 36000bps (18000 symbols/sec)
4-slot TDMA
}} /4 DQPSK modulation
Requires linear transmitter in base station and terminals, which is more
expensive, requires a higher current and is physically larger
}} Requires wideband 25kHz channel
Few areas of spectrum where wideband channels licensed, e.g. only
380-430MHz in Europe.
Needs minimum transmit/receive frequency separation.
Cannot operate next to narrowband channels.
}} No upgrade path from analog
}} Poorer coverage
Coverage roughly half that of DMR for same frequency and transmit power,
thus need 4 times amount of sites.
Advantages of TETRA
}} Open standard.
}} High level of interoperability between TETRA products from different vendors.
}} Fully featured.
}} TDMA gives 6.25kHz channel efficiency (four timeslots in 25kHz channels).
}} Radios have a lower transmit power and therefore can be smaller, less expensive,
and similar to cellphones.
}} Encryption.
Digital Radio Standards - Advantages and Disadvantages Version 1 Tait Limited 2012.

Disadvantages of TETRA
}} TETRA systems require clean blocks of contiguous spectrum, which may not be
available from the relevant regulatory authority. This is in part because TETRA
channels cause interference on existing analog channels and in part because
the standard requires that transmit and receive frequencies of a channel are
10MHz apart. For example, if the transmit frequency is 381.0000MHz, the receive
frequency must be 391.0000MHz. A clean block of spectrum is needed, so that
no currently licensed frequencies interfere with the TETRA channel plan.
TETRA requires 25kHz channels, which may conflict with narrow banding plans.
Many countries are considering plans to reform their spectrum into 12.5kHz
channels, to increase the number of available channels.
}} TETRA is not designed for backwards compatibility or migration from legacy
analog networks. Organizations that decide on a TETRA system will need to
completely replace their radios because TETRA radios will not interoperate with
analog FM radios. Moreover, TETRA infrastructure cannot operate in an analog
FM mode to provide services to legacy radios.
}} TETRA coverage is significantly less than for other PMR/LMR standards, which
means that many more radio sites are required for a given service area. This is an
important consideration for networks in areas with a low population density.
It may also mean that more channel licenses are required.
}} TETRA is not available as a conventional network.
}} The lower power of TETRA radios (1W) restricts the range between peer-to-peer
(direct mode) users to as little as three kilometers (two miles).
}} TETRA base stations/repeaters must be linear, which adds to their cost.
}} The TETRA vocoder is older than and probably not as effective as the new
half-rate vocoders.
OpenSky is a proprietary radio system used in North America which targets public
safety, transport and utility customers. It uses 4-slot TDMA in 25kHz channels.
It provides a data rate of 19.2kbit/s over a 25kHz channel.
Advantages of OpenSky
}} OpenSky networks are IP based. Radios have IP addresses, which are used to
identify the destination for a message.
}} These networks use interface cards to interconnect with other networks and this
is how OpenSky achieves interoperability. This form of interconnection provides a
customer with an easy migration path during a fleet changeover.
}} The technology used in OpenSky is versatile enough to be used in trunked or
conventional mode. When used in the trunked mode, no control channel is needed
- an advantage in site planning.

Digital Radio Standards - Advantages and Disadvantages Version 1 Tait Limited 2012.

}} When a user switches on their radio, they are able to enter a PIN number which
causes their own personalized radio profile to be downloaded onto that radio.
The advantage here is that any user, can personalize any radio very quickly in
terms of channels and set ups.
}} Encryption is available.
}} Multimode terminals are available that support P25, OpenSky and EDACS,
allowing for easy migration and integration.
Disadvantages of OpenSky
}} Only one vendor.
}} OpenSky has limited range due to the modulation scheme and slot timing.
More sites are often required to achieve the same coverage as the analog
systems that are being replaced.
}} Requires 25kHz channels and is available only in the 700/800MHz bands.
TETRAPOL is a trunking technology that was developed by EADS (formerly MATRA)
and is mainly in use by police and military in Europe. It pre-dates TETRA, as its first
implementation was for the French National Gendarmerie in 1988. The core design
criteria have been trunking, encryption, and wide area coverage. TETRAPOL is
well-proven having enjoyed a successful rollout over some years, and although it is a
proprietary system, the system interfaces are publicly available.
TETRAPOL uses FDMA 10 or 12.5kHz channels. Future third generation TETRAPOL
is expected to make provision for two 6.25kHz channels in a single 12.5kHz channel.
Present TETRAPOL systems are switch-linked, however very large TETRAPOL
systems may be linked via IP.
Advantages of TETRAPOL
}} TETRAPOL has been well planned from the outset, with initial consensus from
the users, and with all specifications available and stable for vendors to use in
their product designs. Consequently there has been no uncertainty for vendors
about features or operation.
}} In the TETRAPOL trunking systems, a range of services are available.
These include status messaging, and call types such as individual, group and
emergency calls.
}} TETRAPOL systems also provide a direct or simplex mode.
}} Approximately 4.8kbit/s data speed is achieved to the limit of radio coverage.
}} The available data speed does not deteriorate as the signal weakens.
Digital Radio Standards - Advantages and Disadvantages Version 1 Tait Limited 2012.

Disadvantages of TETRAPOL
}} TETRAPOL radios themselves offer no conventional mode operation, and it is
necessary to use a SCC (Single Channel Converter) to communicate with analog
radios. (This interface can also provide an interface with other types of radio
}} Very limited vendor support.
}} Aging design with older vocoder.
NXDN (Next Generation Digital Narrowband) is a set of protocols that have been
jointly developed by Icom Incorporated and Kenwood Corporation. NXDN is based
on the dPMR standard but does not comply with all aspects of it. The initial driver
has been to meet the requirement of 6.25kHz channel efficiency. Both companies
have released products (IDAS from Icom and Nexedge from Kenwood) based on
these protocols. Each has both conventional and trunked options. It is worth noting
that the trunked options are not currently compatible with each other.
The basic outline of the NXDN specifications is complete and it was anticipated that
other companies would develop products based on this specification.
Advantages of NXDN
}} Complies with FCC requirements for 6.25kHz channel equivalence.
}} Low cost of ownership.
}} Backwards compatible with analog and with LTR (Logic Trunked Radio) networks.
Disadvantages of NXDN
}} Trunked NXDN products from different manufacturers (Icom and Kenwood) are
not compatible with each other.
}} Reduced portable shift life due FDMA transmission format.
}} Limited vendors.
Other considerations
IP-based Backbone
Linking sites in a legacy analog network can be expensive, with a separate leased
line for each voice channel and additional links for control signaling.
Modern radio networks now generally use an IP-based backbone. Voice and
signaling are transported as IP packets over a network that uses data-capable
circuits and off-the-shelf building-blocks, such as routers and switches. This makes
it possible to multiplex control signaling and multiple voice calls over the one link.
The standards may not specify line interfaces but there is an advantage to having
a network that uses an IP-based backbone. Identify networks whose elements
were designed to work with an IP-based backbone. Some networks can only use an
IP-based backbone if they have additional equipment to carry out the necessary


Digital Radio Standards - Advantages and Disadvantages Version 1 Tait Limited 2012.

protocol conversions from older circuit-switched technologies.

Organizations may be called on to interoperate with other organizations, especially
in emergency situations. For example, an electricity utility may need to be in
communication with police when dealing with storm damage. Once the procedures
for dealing with such situations are clear, any interoperability needs will emerge.
Having a network based on the same standard as the organizations that you
interoperate with may become important. Standards that offer an analog FM mode of
operation may offer advantages. For example, direct mode may be of use to provide
interoperability at the scene.
Recent years have seen an increase in the number of radio standards and
proprietary options. Those who are considering investing in a new or upgraded
network have the benefit of an increased range to choose from but also the risk
of making an inappropriate choice. A careful analysis of actual communications
requirements, followed by an exploration of the available options, hopefully assisted
by this white paper, will facilitate the choice of the best fit for your organization.
For Further Reading
TETRA Association:
DMR Association:
dPMR Forum:
NXDN Forum:
Project 25 Technology Interest Group:
Digital Radio Standards - Advantages and Disadvantages Version 1 Tait Limited 2012.


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