Ascension Sciences From Godmind

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Ascension Sciences From Godmind


Other Meditations

Before beginning using anything on this site, we, the authors
of this site request that you give a clear command your
higher self and site owner's higher self and your personal
medical team (higher dimensional) verbally or mentally, to
heal your personal manifestation template core, and your
manifestation templates and cores of those (of each of the
bodies), and to upgrade them all to be non-annexable,
nonhijackable, nonmanipulatable, and immutably pure, with
the use of immutably pure plasma based upgrades. Example
of wording of command, which you may use: My higher self,
this site's creator's higher self, and my personal medical
team, please in ways that is complete and permanent, heal
my personal manifestation template core, and my
manifestation templates of all of my bodies, and upgrade
them all to be non-annexable, nonmanipulatable, and
immutably pure - with the use of immutably pure plasma
based upgrades and methods of healing, in ways that is
complete and permanent. Please do so now, until it is
After the command has been given, stay still and quiet, relax,
you may lay down or sit, and wait for several minutes as the
upgrades will be done to you. This makes everything on this
site work more effectively. Pay attention to your intuition

and inner feeling and thinking process (be an observer to

your own reactions of all kinds), proceed with fearlessness
and if you so feel, with caution, as the methods on this site
are not necessarily for everyone, and are more addressed to
people who are awake and aware regarding the
multidimensional, spiritual nature of existence, and who are
truly benevolent towards self and others, in their intentions
and actions. The contents of this site have an 'advanced'
style wording, although simplified, with effectiveness
The information of this website originates through the
author's superconscious mind (often referred to as the
higher self - although each being has more than one higher
self), from the Elohim (and Elohei), Seraphei (and
Seraphim) orders of guardian angels of space and time and
others, and of non-guardian angels (who operate from
'future' time periods as well as our present, for whom time
and space are experienced as a dynamic flow, nonlinearly,
full time travel is available to them), at dimensions 9-12, with
'guidances' and embodiment of the guardian and ascended
masters collectives who exist outside of our 15 dimensional
space-time universe. The process of receiving this
information is different from trance channeling, as it is done
fully consciously, and this is achieved through electronic data
streaming through organic/natural (non-artificial) angelic
transmission relays that use hyperspace, that interact,
through the superconscious mind of the receiver, with the
conscious thought processes, thus cocreating a translation.
[Nonlinear time, information originates from present, slight
future and more far future coordinates. Linear time is an

experiential illusion - the change of past events is an ongoing equation and process. In dimensions beyond 'normal'
human perception, time is experienced more and more
nonlinearly, in higher dimensions. The locations in space and
time, in the present and future, where the information
originates from, include constellations such as Sirius B (The
Emerald Order, The Sirian Council (its various races such as
the blue skinned Azurites), The Sirian-Arcturian Alliance),
Arcturus (The Arcturian Guardian Collective, The
Arcturian Association of Planets and others), Lyra (The
Guardian Collective of Lyra-Aramatena, The Lyran Alliance
of Planets and others), Orion (The Orion Star League, The
Orion Alliance of Planets), Andromeda (The Guardian
Collective of Mirach-Andromeda, The Alliance of Planets of
Mirach-Andromeda) - all these are part of the Guardian
Alliance] +note : this site is a continual work in progress
with frequent additions being added.
The information on this site is yet to be fully categorized.
[The mudras on this site (which open and activate
immutably pure plasma energy that is 48, 60, 90 dimensional
and of other levels, from outside the 15 dimensional time
matrix structures, through the Christos seed atom stationed
at the thymus gland area - central point of the 12dimensional and 15-dimensional, and higher, manifestation
templates) become extremely active and effective by
whispering or the sound tones 'pu' (to activate energy center
or position) and 'pa' (to open energy center or position)
towards them (the u is similar to English 'oo' sound in this
case, and the p is a softer p than English, but any

pronunciation will do), which are a universal sound tone

effective for the rapid opening of all energy centers and
vortexes that you may desire to open and activate. When
doing the deep breathing, you may focus on the heart space,
the thymus space, the head space, simultaneously, or onto
any other energy center you may wish to activate. Another
important energy center is the navel (behind it is the sphere
of 5th dimension, part of the 12 dimensional manifestation
template of the body). The mudra where the teeth are lightly
in contact with one another and the tongue touches the
upper part of the mouth, inside the teeth, is highly
recommended also (acts as a hyperspace merkabic vortex,
like the other mudras, grounds all activations and energies
into the physical body), responds to pu and pa (can be done
as a mental command). Another use of 'pu' and 'pa' is to
achieve certain states of being that you may wish to go into,
through the stating of that intention quietly or verbally, such
as "embodiment of the higher mind", "personal de-veiling of
consciousness", "balance and integration of the total self,
using changes made in nonlinear time and the present
moment", "balance, groundedness", "change of perspective
from the higher mind". With any of the hyperspace mudras
(makes things effective, thus, highly recommended for all
commands), you can add the silent or verbal command
"Production of relevant immutably pure monoatomic
elements into the body, activation of the physical DNA and
the etheric DNA template, with frequencies of immutably
pure plasma" - *pu*, *pa* - (helpful in activation of eternal
life functioning and self sustenance of the physical body, its
establishment. (pure monoatomic elements (for example,
gold, platinum) from internal, nonexternal sources (through

hyperspace+DNA), assure safe 8 and 12 dimensional (and

beyond) activation of the physical and etheric body and the
DNA and the full transformation of the physical body into a
dimensionally mobile vessel of true eternal light and eternal
life, which happens gradually, but can be accelerated safely.
External monoatomic metal elements are not safe to use
regularly, because low quality versions' contact with air
quickly degrades them and makes them unstable in terms of
DNA activation - the 8, 12 dimensional carrier wave is lost.
The consequences of low quality/uninformed manufactured
versions of externally ingested monoatomic elements has
been known to be somewhat dangerous, in long term use).
Those who are not ready for the information on this site in
some way or another, are synchronistically not likely to be
attracted to it to begin with or will phase out of using or
reading this site's information). The hyperspace mudras
very greatly assist in the synthesis of physical materials into
the body, on command to your higher self/higher mind, with
or without pu and pa (the breathing also activates the hand
positions, if you focus your attention onto the positions while
breathing deeply, eyes closed - we recommend you don't look
at the hand positions while using them, for the reasons of
increased privacy in dimensions and in hyperspace), because
they put the body as much as is possible, into hyperspace.
"Production of dimethyltriptamine (DMT) into the nervous
system." - pu pa. "Full upgrade of physical and nonphysical
DNA strands in terms of their amounts and functioning."
-pu pa The higher mind will always do things safely. Pu and
pa are effective gateways for the higher mind to use for
whatever benevolent purpose you desire to be fulfilled. The
same sound tones work on any mudra, such as the buddhist

mudra of concentration (very much used in Chan, Zen,

Mahayana, and other forms of Buddhism and in other
spiritual traditions on Earth), which is also a hyperspace
mudra. The same works for any and all symbols and
geometries on this site. Physical exercise produces
subharmonics of high frequency energies and activates the
physical DNA with them, thus it is recommended to do daily
physical exercises of varying levels of activity and intensity,
and grounding. Exercises that involve weight lifting
(whether the body's own weight or not), are extremely
powerful and effective, as a form of physical DNA activation
and balancing and also restructuring to function more in
oneness with hyperspace, which is available in grounded and
expanded states alike. Physical muscles act as a DNA
activation organ, and streamline and balance the activations
that the Earth and the Sun give to the inhabitants. Regular
use of the techniques on this site in the ways that feel most
natural and easy, assures effectiveness. Therefore this site is
useful for those who are into breatharianism/pranarianism
too (ways of life without the need for external forms of
nourishment of the physical body), fasting (dry fasting and
water fasting), because it provides something that can make
those processes more conscious - the mudras, consciousness
states, and their capacity to bring energy and therefore
matter, from hyperspace into the physical body, for those
who are ready (intention, breath, focus commands - verbal
and nonverbal, and thoughts are extremely powerful - you
can come up with your own commands to your higher mind).
The body can also produce its own water supply and
nutritional supply from hyperspace, either automatically, or
with these techniques, or both, depending on the thoughts

and will. Be careful with this. Fasting is safe, your body

would tell you when to stop, although one would do well do
discern the source of desire - physical body's intelligence
(cellular collective) or emotional baggage. Don't do things
you don't feel ready, there is no hurry, although, be fearless,
don't allow other people to stifle your expansion, and you
may refrain from talking about your progress to people who
wouldn't believe what you say, you are your own self, with
your own free will. Fasting, exercising, are for the healing
and expansion of the body and for increasing its ability to
integrate more consciousness and awareness of all that is,
and of the Self (we recommend, do not put yourself in
harm's way, if you feel the body is not yet ready). Those who
ingest food, will equally benefit from this site (there is
nothing inherently wrong with eating in itself - it can be
profoundly aligned to the true self too). The mudras and
their respective states of consciousness, act like portals
between godmind hyperspace and 'normal' spacetime, that
open into the physical and other bodies, literally. The
possibilities are within your higher mind/higher self. In these
meditations, allow your focus to go very deep within (quite
easy with the mudras+deep breathing). Intend to merge with
your higher mind, because it is a part of your self, and useful
to merge with during this time period.]
****For emphasis****
Christos/12d/Avatar/Higher Self embodiment meditation:
You may use any of the hyperspace mudras on this site, to
deepen the altered states that your higher self produces.
1. Form an agreement between your higher self and you, to
move and transfer your young soul aspects (all), to their

corresponding nonterrestrial bodies, and their reflection

agreements ("lessons") also, to vacate the physical body
from all but experienced/ancient soul aspects, in this precise
2. Intend to increase higher self embodiment and observe it
being done, in a meditative state. This process is done based
on what is most appropriate, but you have a choice to go
through with it, as you ARE your higher self, and Your will
is respected, and will be reciprocated.
(the primary reasons why this hadn't been done so yet was
because of the fact that the learning/reflection agreements of
young soul aspects were still with the physical body, not that
this is bad, but it would interfere with full
avatar/12d/christos self embodiment).
3. The higher self will begin upgrades of the physical body,
increasing its DNA content and many other upgrades, often
done into your 'past', thus changing some events to a degree,
possibly replicating portions of this meditation into the past
in a partial way, paving way for other potential changes of
past events of a similar and related nature.
4. Flow with this process, and observe the changes from a
gentle, unfolding state of being.
This meditation is suitable for anyone whose
avatar/12d/Christos self agrees, for those who wish to go
through with it.
5. Give your higher self the mental or verbal clear command
to merge any and all of your soul extensions who agree with
it, with your 12-dimensional and above/higher self and wait
for this command to be carried out.
The nature of hyperspace

Hyperspace as a concept of reality can be easily made clear

in the following way: If you visualize a series of rooms
separated by walls, then hyperspace is the building, the walls
and the space around the building, and dimensions are the
'rooms' of that building, with each dimension or room
having certain geometric sound and light characteristics that
determine its general laws of physics. Note, that this is only
an analogy, and not the 'mechanics' of it. Hyperspace is the
aspect of existence that is free from time/space
dimensionality/differentiation. In actuality, dimensions don't
have absolute location in relation to themselves, instead they
exist in the same 'place', having different angles of rotation
of particle absolute vector spin (in relation to the angle of
orientation at which other dimensions exist), thus the
invisibility of manifestations that take place in higher
dimensions, is a perceptual illusion (there are levels of
awareness where all dimensions, planes of existence, and
realities, can be perceived at once, as a single manifestation,
as a single 'equation' - in hyperspace and other expanded
states of awareness). Conscious life (and also superconscious
- operational from godmind awareness) exists in the 15
dimensions of 'normal' space and time, as well as in
hyperspace. Whoever exists in the dimensions of 'normal'
space/time, also in some way or another, simultaneously
exists in hyperspace and the formless energy/consciousness
'matrix'- this is a law of physics that ultimately cannot be
broken, because the continuity and ultimate interconnection
of all beings, with their higher levels of identity is an
absolute, despite of any disconnection experienced due to
dimensional step-down (this means that beings who have

digressed or fallen from the grace of their own infinite

nature, despite of experiencing disconnection from
highermind aspects of various kinds, are still ultimately one
with the aspects of their identity that are still in the
energy/consciousness matrix and other 'higher' or more
expanded levels, and if ready, they can reconnect with those
levels either directly or indirectly, through contact or
through a change of attitude, change of perspective,
expansion of awareness, if it is the appropriate time - this is
also known by some as redemption, amnesty, ect).
Hyperspace is the medium through which all change
ultimately is achieved, all dimensionalized and
transdimensional consciousness is intrinsically connected to
hyperspace, or the 'space between space/time'. The
energy/consciousness matrix beyond the 15 dimensional
time/space matrix, is also inhabited by uncountable
consciousnesses (mostly without polarity). Hyperspace is
that which exists at onement with the time/space matrix as
well as the energy/consciousness matrix. Beings who exist in
the energy/consciousness matrix are fundamentally formless
and unlimited in their energy and consciousness, compared
to time/space matrix life forms, but are visible as
geometries/geomancies from within the first 15 dimensions,
which are space/time experienced at various 'speeds' and
angles. Beings in hyperspace can appear in both the forms
that dimensionalized beings are accustomed to in their own
realities, as well as orbs of various color and size, as well as
other textured patterns of pure consciousness, as well as the
geometric looking (more accurate representations of them)
forms, which are seemingly paradoxically, formless, beyond
size and duration, compared to fully dimensionalized

matter/energy/consciousness. Imagination, both deliberately

as well as spontaneously, can connect directly to hyperspace
levels of awareness, if the timing for this has been cocreated
between the higher mind and the physical/fully embodied
mind/consciousness. From the point of view of hyperspace,
what is called space and time (which are one thing), itself has
textures, tastes, smells, colors and other sensory
characteristics that may be 'normally' regarded as
properties of matter/energy, and those sensory
characteristics are influenced by and characterize the
information (accurately) about the state of being, of the
collective energy of the consciousnesses/beings in the
dimensions of space/time that are perceived, and also, the
sensory textures of the consciousness and energy of any
individual entity, being, object, place, phenomenon, in any of
the 15 dimensions of space/time. Hyperspace experiences are
often dynamic and spontaneous in nature. This means that
the alteration of state that leads to hyperspace awareness
mode, can happen during fully waking consciousness and in
fully physical focus. This is technically somewhat different
from experiencing veillessness of multidimensional
perceptions into higher dimensions of space and time, but it
is similar (perception of higher dimensions increases while in
hyperspace mode, whether in embodiment or more out of the
body, such as in hyperspace meditations). Godmind
hyperspace in is therefore, the 'glue' that is the connection
between all realms, it is what is inside rather than on the
outside/dimensionalized, and it is somewhat identical to the
concept of an energy/consciousness matrix beyond the 15dimensional time/space matrix that is mentioned in some
other publications.

Hyperspace - the 'space' between the dimensions, the

medium of consciousness and energy that spans all of
existence and is the 'common ground' type medium that is
common to all levels of reality and to all infinite
timelines/parallel realities and all their subsets - both the
dimensional and the transdimensional realms and every
single subset of those realms, and is directly connected to
and related to the infinite one intelligence or godmind, of the
one infinite creator/being, that all beings ultimately are. It is
what beings and vehicles traverse momentarily through, to
get from one dimension or location in space and time to
another. It is in use by all beings, because ultimately,
everyone has a level of self that directly operates in godmind
- the higher mind/superconscious mind. Hyperspace has very
many 'levels' or 'layers' of consciousness, and is the place
where absolutely all ideas ever thought of, about anything
and everything, are 'stored' or exist. Absolutely everything
manifested anywhere, is first created in hyperspace or
godmind first, even the distorted or unhealed manifestations.
It is the medium for all the infinite possibilities that the
infinity of the one creator innately is, and is accessible
directly by those who are ready to do so. The uses of
hyperspace are limited only by the limitations that a self has,
primarily of thought/belief, distortions, from which other
particulars of a being fundamentally derive.
May the transparent light of your higher mind shine from
the eyes of your soul to all that is. The good colors that best
connect to godmind hyperspace, individually and in
combination are royal blue, transparent white light, gold,

violet, and electric blue-white light, and other colors. You

can also tune into it simply by focusing on that idea of
godmind hyperspace, in a calm way. There are very many
ways to achieve that state (creativity, love, spiritually
expanded and enlightened states of awareness, some forms
and instances of prayer, deep meditation, deep
contemplation, in the moment states of being, of spontaneity,
and other states where the self is allowed to be in a natural,
calm, balanced, flow state). It is known by many names.
Extremely large scale positive collective changes as well as
changes of oneself (generally without limitation of spacetime
coordinates) can be, with ultimate effects in the long run,
commanded to your superconscious mind, to the level of
hyperspace where everything can be changed to be more
positive (a being's will, free will itself, is connected to that
level of hyperspace intrinsically - all beings are all ultimately
pure unlimited awareness, knowingness) . So I do command:
my higher mind, now, at the level of Reality, hyperspace
where everything can be changed completely and
permanently, please awaken as much of humanity as is
positively possible, and bring freedom and full
enlightenment to as many people as possible on Earth, who
are not yet fully free. This call has been heard, actions are
being taken (note that the law of free will does apply here).
Reader, you are welcome to do the same, the intention and
thought of a being are extremely powerful, as is deep
breathing with that intention (breathing progressively
expands consciousness and awareness and energy circulation
and embodiment capacity. With wise and conscious direction
of energy through breathing, many untold and 'miraculous'
manifestations of the self are possible.). Below is very simple

information and more methods on how to apply the godmind

hyperspace. There are many ways how to use godmind
hyperspace, for many purposes. You may come up with your
own methods, if you are ready to do so.
Suggestions before proceeding:
Here are some commands to keep repeating until effect
discerned (I have done this to myself, received it from my
own higher mind, they may take several minutes to half an
hour to apply for each command, they will be part of a book
full of much information from the beings I associate with.
The detail level is going to increase, although not
Solutions for overcoming unwanted presences in higher
dimensions and realm types (only suggestions, not
mandatory, although highly recommended):
Use with your own wording or with mine, or as a simple
command - example - "higher self, do this now".
Ask your higher self to permanently teleport all of your
bodies from vulnerable realm constructs and realms into
immutably pure, inaccessible by fallen beings, realm
constructs and realms, permanently. It will be done
momentarily, although it will take about 15 minutes or more.
The key is to stay out of all vulnerable realms and
constructs, always. Consider the Dreamtime realms and
constructs too (Dreamtime is a mixture or blend type of
astral+mental+near-astral/real-time astral within the Earth

sentience and in the sentience of your nervous system,

somewhat different in configuration to out of body travel in
the astral planes). Command your higher self to place all of
your bodies from local dreamtime realities to global
superconscious dreamtime realities connected to Earth
sentience, and to keep all of your bodies out from small,
nonexpansive, non-uniting dreamtime realities always,
permanently from now on.
Command your higher self to convert all of your physical
and nonphysical bodies' vortex structures to permanently
and completely function based on the square root of 2 spiral
geometries and structures, and on immutably pure forms of
godmind hyperspace/timeless and spaceless/infinite
energy/consciousness unity matrix plasma geometries,
excluding all forms of artificial light/false light spirals and
geometries of all kinds permanently.
Command your/higher/self to convert all of your axiatonal
lines' and chakras' and kathara/tree of light grid spheres
and grid lines and grid nodal points of all kinds coding of all
bodies, color values and geometries and timeline/reality
portal alignments thereof into permanent and complete
square root of 2 spiral based, immutably pure
hyperspace/energy matrix plasma based colors, tones,
alignments and geometries, neutralizing and permanently
canceling out all polaric/dualistic colors, alignments and
tones existent in individual reality. (the specificity and
magnanimousness of the commands is fully adhered to by
the assistants, personal medical team and higher self - the

tools have been regained, and are stored in the one infinite
creator - can no longer be stolen). All bodies have their own
auras and organs of light, sound and consciousness, as well
as a general aura, quantum field. This means that the
commands work best if all bodies are included in the
specifics of the commands, simply by using 'of all bodies'.
If this is felt, you can maintain these commands in effect by
using them more than once and even regularly in use, until
you feel they work fully. Ask all of your bodies and self
aspects to never visit vulnerable realm constructs of any
realmic type, for safety, at least, not in a vulnerable state of
any kind. If required, you can command your higher self to
prevent your existence in vulnerable/visitable by fallen
beings constructs and realms, always keeping all of your
bodies despite of state, in the non-vulnerable realms and
realm constructs. Realm constructs are sub-realms within
realm types, that are litreally floating in astral, mental space,
and have their own local eco-system and reality structure
and also gravity field (some of the sub realms are spherical,
others are like multidimensional mathematical constructs or
mazes that mostly depend on the dimensional placement for
their laws of physics and geometry), of which the
background is the larger astral or mental plane that it is
created in (looks like a background panorama, of a place in
nature or otherwise). There are many, many different astral
and mental realms and subrealms in many dimensions/full
frequency bands just as there are many physical ones in the
various multiple dimensions of space and time. Every being
has their own astral and mental realm constructs, some of
which float in the larger astral or mental realm frequency

band they have been created to exist in. Note that astral
realm type, just like physical, is also at least 15-dimensional,
as are all other dimensionalized realmic types such as mental
(lower, middle and higher mental), and causal, buddhic,
monadic, divine planes. You can command your higher self
to convert all of your realmic constructs, your realms, into
immutably pure realms and realm constructs (regardless of
realm and construct type, even physical realms and
constructs of yours, both collective and individual ones).
Besides realm types there also exist types of realms that are
mixtures of each realm type. For example - between physical
and astral there exist semi-astral planes that have laws of
physics that are similar to both physical and astral. There
are also physical-mental, astral-mental, and many others.
New types of realms are being created as the healing of the
consciousness grids of this multiverse, universe, galaxy and
planet are being accelerated, due to the re-attaining of the
highest level of consciousness based thoughtform tools
(neutrality, unity, true light, nonartificial, nondual light,
sound, color utilizing tools that use the benefits of the keys to
all realms - I command respectfully of free will, my and your
higher selves to teleport all of your past stolen tools and
keys, karma storing objects, positive karmas that were stolen
from you, and belief system cores that were stolen from you,
into present time and zero time, one infinite creator godmind
hyperspace realms, where you with your consent can intend
and command their use, the tools and keys, that truly belong
to you, increase your ability to operate in and outside the
dimensions of time and space freely and in ways that your
heart so desires).

You can also command your higher self to assign your

chakras 1-7 and or all chakras to function permanently nonpolarically in terms of their colors. Below is a comparison
between the polaric and the nonpolaric scale of dimensions.
The polaric tones for chakras 1-7 are not at all bad, although
they do have duality in them (between light and dark). The
first 7 dimensions at their basic do function according to
those colors very generally speaking, although the
nonpolaric colors give the ability to maintain total
groundedness in unity, while maintaining balance between
physical/emotional/mental/spiritual focus. There is nothing
inherently wrong with the polaric colors, although
vulnerable realms and constructs function according to
those colors and also according to dark/reverse frequencies,
which are steered clear through energetic and physical
clearing and cleansing of the effective kind, achieved
through regular salt water drinking, salt water baths, lime
and lemon (organic non-GMO) water and nonwater diluted
juices drinking - all of these as a possible substitute for food
altogether if the body is ready (and as a transition to foodless
waterless way of life, if ready, living on the substances that
the higher energies of unity/neutrality/trinity manifest into
the physical and other bodies), or as a means to do a
cleansing fast for at least 8 days, which can be used as a way
to transition into freedom from outside forms of sustenance,
through believing, intending and or asking your higher self
to upgrade your physical and other bodes accordingly, in
nonlinear/zero time, using the keys to all realms (by now
returned to your higher self), and the tools that truly belong
to you. You can come up with your own specific commands

to your own higher self.

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The basic nature of the relationship between power, wisdom

and love

A sphere or a circle can represent free will, consciousness, sphere of influence, creation,
creativity. Multiple spheres together diversify the 'function' that consciousness can represent.
You may click the image on the left to see how this applies to our fundamentally infinite power,
infinite wisdom and infinite love. This is entirely connected with the individual and collective,
planetary ascension processes currently going on.

The same basic principles that work for individual dimensional ascension processes work for the
ascension of planets, of solar systems, of galaxies and entire universes.

A meditative exercise that is effective with deep breathing

Breathing is an extremely powerful and wise way to move consciousness/energy in any way
whatsoever that your heart desires. The meditation on the left, with that mudra, connects the
conscious focus into what can be called hyperspace or the godmind planes of consciousness,
where reality is seen from the point of view of the superconscious aspects of self. The mudra
becomes effective quickly, but extended use with deep breathing , eyes closed, in a quiet place, if
possible, in nature, is recommended. A mental affirmation of higher self/higher mind being
available in this state will also enhance this state of immersion into godmind hyperspace. The
mantra Ah Ta Ru simply opens the heart of heart's hyperspace gateway and further increases the
immersion into the pure godmind hyperspace. Further guidance and even techniques can be
received from the higher self/superconscious aspect of your soul that way. Literally anything
good is possible in the states that this brings forth. You can change what you want, in Reality,
with commands to the superconscious mind. There are many hyperspace mudras, some widely
used, others yet to be revealed upblickly. The mudra used in zed buddhism and many other
forms, is a pure hyperspace mudra/hand/finger position, quite effective.

Very simple comparison between the three basic levels of

consciousness of the self

Geometries of godmind hyperspace gateways that are

relevant to dimensional ascension

Useful in shifting to the time track that you as your total

being desire to experience, the most positive and expansive
in terms of consciousness and awareness and growth.

Self explanatory image about one of the many things that

can be changed if needed

A geometric consciousness gateway that directly conveys unity, wholeness, singularity of the
self as creation, at the deepest level. Ra in this context as pure sound tone simply means oneness.
The light language symbols have multiple possible and actual purposes.

Simply looking at this and other hyperspace gateways can help to tune the conscious mind and
body into the godmind hyperspace realms, for various benevolent purposes.

Balance and Integration of the Whole Self

You may ask your higher mind to work on you with this and other images on this website in
ways that you as your greater, whole being prefer.

The threefold flame of the heart

The blue flame symbolizes the infinite willpower, power and will of the one infinite creator or
'god' that all beings actually are. The golden yellow flame symbolizes the infinite intellect and
wisdom of our true unlimited infinite being. The violet-pink flame represents the self's infinite
and singular love of all that exists. The white light represents the infinite purity of the true self,
the infinite one creator of all that is.

Another multipurpose hyperspace gateway

with this one, you can connect to the guardian angelic beings that manage the multiple versions
of the timelines that exist in the infinite Reality we exist in. They can be contacted through the
superconscious/higher mind/higher self aspect of your self, for various changes to be made in
any of your timelines, and past events that need healing, changes.

One of the various light languages - Lyran

Geometric vehicle of consciousness with the purpose of

shifting to a more harmonious timeline

A team of ascension and loving support, an extension of the

guardian angelic beings, on Earth, currently in formation.

12-dimensional and 15-dimensional core manifestation

templates of reality

Energies and consciousness of pure godmind hyperspace.

9-12 dimensional Arcturian-Sirian hybrid guardian angelic


Light body is very complex, composed of many organic


A setup of symbols that has multiple unmentioned beneficial

and consciousness expanding characteristics at once.

A symbol of/from the Orion Star League - a guardian

angelic, angelic organization of Seraphim, Seraphei, Elohim,
Elohei and other angelic and archangelic orders. This
symbol has characteristics of activation of pure sound, pure
light, that connects to pure consciousness, and induces states
of godmind awareness (the consciousness of the one infinite
creator/the infinite 'mystery' of being and love itself), this
symbol has very many possible purposes, it is a universal
symbol both in function, characteristics as well as purely in
its beingness - it elevates the consciousness of the observer or
user of this symbol, if appropriately used, to the level of the I
AM/beingness level of awareness (the essence or 'spark' of
godsource consciousness in the heart of hearts of one's
being). It can be used to connect to godmind hyperspace,
and can be used to call forth manifestations of the heart's
desires, and the clarity of truth. (To merge with the I AM
presence consciousness, there are easier ways than that
though - such as repeating and affirming - I AM... I AM... I
AM... I AM... I AM..., but it is one of the side effects of this
symbol that can be applied if so desired).

Mau - an ancient Elohim collective from which the author of

this page originates as soul (there are very many Elohim and
Elohei collectives)

Another idea from higher mind - a terrestrial human and

non-human team on after-ascension Earth, to assist and to
teach to people who so desire, how to ascend into even higher

An Elohim being of a more female frequency pattern,

existing in the 12th dimension (liquid light), and other
dimensions, and beyond, in support of Earth's ascension
from dimension 3.9999 into 4.25 and beyond, which is soon
coming. The number 45 is the degrees of angle of rotation (of
particle spin/wave vector rhythm angle) difference between
dimensions 1-3 and 4-6 as harmonic universal planes. Note
that beings who don't have totally solid form, or even no
externalized form, are able to translate their
energy/consciousness signature into a relatable shape, if this
is appropriate.

Another Elohim being (the representation has archetypal

and literal characteristics, simultaneously, the light language
has multiple purposes). 'Race' genetics and origins,
placement - the constellation Lyra.

One of the author's most ancient differentiated aspects of

soul (of the Elohim), spanning back to the near-beginning of
externalization/manifestation all that there is and can be.
Note, that all beings have many different aspects and higher

selves, whose age could baffle the embodied mind, if deeply

felt as true.

The first being who was ever created/diversified from the

one infinite creator. Ikamuketaku Setla.

archetypal light/sound/energy/consciousness coding of the

first realm ever created

The most ancient aspect of the being known as Ra. The

closest designation would be Seraphim or Serafa.

Another ancient Elohim being

A 12 dimensional being (in terms of the physical body) from

Zeta Reticuli, Orion constellation. Guardian of
manifestational harmony in various space and time
coordinates, and operational through godmind hyperspace.
Note also that the depictions can be used to alter and expand
the state of awareness of those who look at the pictures.
There is more than one way to do this. One would be
immersion into the image by looking at it and breathing it in,
literally, into the pineal gland area, and variantly with open
and closed eyes, using the drawing as a gateway for your
consciousness to travel through. On the 'other side' is the
being's higher mind, ready to receive your awareness.

The being 'Metatron'/Seshaka Mahisati/Seshaka Mahisakari

(Lyran soul name), his energy signature expressed as a face

More hyperspace geometries/gateways of consciousness and


Another hyperspace/positive timeline portal and gateway of

consciousness/energy/matter into hyperspace directly

Those gateways are capable of teleporting consciousness,

energy, matter (which are really the same thing), in total,
from one location in space and time to another, from one
dimension , hpyerspace layer to another, by their very nature
(they also assist in full pineal gland and other gland, chakra
activations as they match the basic structure of all organic
consciousness gateways).

Those devices exist in Earth's 'territory', in unspecified


A hyperspace type of merkaba/gateway that is capable of

dimensionalized and nondimensionalized (free of the 15dimensional time/space structures) travel across different
coordinates not only of time and space but of timelines and
parallel realities also. This geometry also functions as a
ready to use gateway for conscious perception of any
locattion in Reality. It uses the Christos seed atom of the self
(in the body, it is at the thymus gland) and other structures
within existence, as a gateway directly to any realm of

A multipurpose hyperspace gateway (connects to specific

realms of godmind hyperspace/energy/consciousness matrix
that are home to frequencies of pure consciousness that deal
directly with the very nature of the construction of creation
in its infinite forms and variations. This kind of a gateway
opens and activates into the lower abdomen and chest region
during breathing.

How to become one with the higher self

Christos/12d/Avatar/Higher Self embodiment (the picture is dynamically relevant to this

You may use any of the hyperspace mudras on this site, to deepen the altered states that your
higher self produces.
1. Form an agreement between your higher self and you, to move and transfer your young soul
aspects (all), to their corresponding nonterrestrial bodies, and their reflection agreements
("lessons") also, to vacate the physical body from all but experienced/ancient soul aspects, in this
precise way.
2. Intend to increase higher self embodiment and observe it being done, in a meditative state.
This process is done based on what is most appropriate, but you have a choice to go through with
it, as you ARE your higher self, and Your will is respected, and will be reciprocated.
(the primary reasons why this hadn't been done so yet was because of the fact that the
learning/reflection agreements of young soul aspects were still with the physical body, not that
this is bad, but it would interfere with full avatar/12d/christos self embodiment).
3. The higher self will begin upgrades of the physical body, increasing its DNA content and
many other upgrades, often done into your 'past', thus changing some events to a degree, possibly
replicating portions of this meditation into the past in a partial way, paving way for other
potential changes of past events of a similar and related nature.
4. Flow with this process, and observe the changes from a gentle, unfolding state of being.
This meditation is suitable for anyone whose avatar/12d/Christos self agrees.
Part II
1. Give command to your higher self to impose upon your personality matrix, your soul matrix,
your oversoul matrix - the 12-dimensional avatar divine personality and template infused with
immutably pure plasma, permanently and completely, at the level of template and at all the other
levels of self.
2. Observe changes and accustom to them.
Part III
1. Make an agreement/command/affirmation to your higher self to permanently transfer all of the
karma and negative attachments of the young soul aspects/aspects not part of the Avatar, Rishi,

Ascended Master levels integration, into their respective bodies.

2 . Observe the process from the energy and consciousness of your higher self.

Deep hyperspace immersion

1. Place your right hand over your left hand, both palms directed towards your face.
2. Connect your left middle finger and left thumb at the tips, with the nails in contact and the
three fingers of the right hand surrounded by the thumb and middle finger of the left hand,
besides the index finger of the right hand, which stays on its own.
3. Connect the tip of the right thumb with the tip of the right middle finger, again the nails and
the tips of the finger in contact.
4. Connect the two index fingers.
When sitting cross legged on the ground, in nature, or indoors on the floor or on a chair
'nromally', or lying down on the ground or any other surface, put the hands in the mudra/hand
and finger position down to root chakra level or lower. Begin breathing rhythmically and calmly
through the nose, with the tongue touching the roof of the mouth, focusing on the whole body,
and on the fingers. After having breathed that way for a minute or so, begin focusing on a vortex
of pure energy being generated by the nads (it is alright if this is not directly felt, the energy
keeps being generated through that vortex as long as the hands and fingers are in that position).
Breathe from the mudra vortex into your root chakra and deeply focus into its center, and
exhaling the energy from the vortex into it. At this point you may keep charging the root chakra
for as long as feels good, or to move onto the sacral chakra at the lower abdomen, charging it
also. Charge the first 7 chakras that way focus into each of their centers, either staying at each of
them for several minutes, or cyclicng through them several times in a row, with one in and out
breath through each chakra. Maintain the feeling of the physical body itself quite attentively.
When the first 7 chakras have been sufficiently charged, as may be felt, then focus again on the
mudra vortex, which by now may be producing a deep and clear space, with qualities of
sizelessness and a beingness of timelessness. This space is coincinding with your absolute core
heart space, accessible both at the heart chakra and the thymus gland area slightly above it,
expand your awareness to both the mudra and the chest simultaneously. Breathe in this space,
using the vortex at the hands as a gateway of pure energy and pure consciousness, while
maintaining the feeling of the physical body, go as deep into the space generated by the mudra as
you can, and expand from that space into all of your body and aura simultaneously. Keep
circulating awareness and breath in this space that way, explore it freely, and it becomes deeper
and deeper. Maintain this 'step' as long as feels good to do. You may at this point, end this
meditation gradually, focusing fully on the physical body feeling with eyes open, and write down
your expreience for yourself. You can continue meditating at this point and take your awareness
to the right side of your aura, imagine looking there with your hyperspace version of yourself.

Step in your imagination into that space and take your awareness above your head, there is a
godmind hyperspace crystal double-pyramid (looks like a rectangular rhombus shape with 45
degree angles from the side), made of a glowing blue-silvery-white transparent material. Go
inside it and reside in it for as long as feels good. You may imagine detailed conversations
with/as your higher mind (your higher mind will prefer you to perceive your higher mind as an
aspect of your individuality). You may receive new, related meditations from your higher mind
that way, or ways to continue from this meditation onward. Requesting this nonverbally would
make this more likely. You may connect to the hyperspace godmind crystal at any time in various
ways, such as using the mudra or imagining it and going inside it. Once you have stopped the
meditation, breathe yourself back into your physical body feeling and you may write down your
experience for yourself.
This meditation will open and activate the hyperspace chakras, which is one way of saying that
the chakras will open into aspects of existence that are outside of space and time.

Charging/Recharging, Grounding and High Frequency DNA

Place your left palm onto your solar plexus and your right
palm onto the back of your head where the skull meets the
neck. Focus into the body's sensations and feeling, float
inside your body's consciousness,
With hands in this position, breathe very deep breaths
through the nose (keep the tongue touching the top part of
the mouth, near the teeth and the teeth in relaxed contact
with one another for as long as feels good (it may feel good
for many minutes, perhaps to an hour), and then switch
hands, breathe deeply the same waym for as long as feels
good. While it is not essential to do a third round of this
breathing, this would be done with the hands like they were
placed in the first part. Doing several rounds (each time
switching the hands) is good also, although beware of
discomfort due to oversaturation of this energy, and stop

when the feeling is that it is not needed to continue breathing

this way.
This kind of breathing opens and activates an infinity sign
shaped hyperspace portal with the center at the heart
chakra area in the center of the chest, saturates the physical
body with energies from hyperspace (higher than 15
dimensional, with each breath, the energy unlocked is higher
and higher frequency). Doing this balances the chakras and
merkaba field spin rates, spin directions (the tip down spins
counterclockwise and the tip up spins clockwise, faster than
tip down). It will deepen connection to innerspace,
hyperspace, while retaining physical body focus, and it will
imrpove intuitive direct cognition/thoughts-feelings
transference from soul, higher self. The ability to see
intuitive visions may increase.

A way to increase your frequency completely

1. Stand in a wide space, in-doors or out-doors, would be

good if it is a secluded natural place.2. Raise your arms and
hands to the side, to horizontal position, straight, with palms
directed towards the ground, fingers straight, slightly
apart.3. While holding this position, begin spinning your
body in a clockwise direction in the same place, without
changing location, at a medium speed, and during spinning,
breathe 24 times deeply through the nose. 4. After you have
done 24 breaths, come to a complete stand-still, and place
your hands, arms across your chest and take 3 very slow
deep breaths.5. Raise your hands and arms again to

horizontal position, this time, direct your palms towards the

sky. Start spinning, this time, in a counter-clockwise
direction, and breathe 24 deep breaths through the nose,
again.6. After the 24 breaths, come to a complete halt and
repeat step number 4. You have unlocked 24-48-dimensional
energy (pure, timeless, spaceless). The amount of breaths
determines the frequency of energy that unlocks.The next
time you do this, increase the amount of breaths to 36, the
next time after that, 48, then 64 (you can do this many times
in a row, increasing the amount of breaths). A good high
number to use is 128 breaths, although it may be a bit
challenging to the shoulders. Increase the amount of breaths
per spinning, equally for both the clockwise and
counterclockwise parts, and make sure you do both spins.
This exercise activates, expands, balances your aura, and
increases the frequency of all of your aura layers and all of
the bodies that do the exercise in the higher dimensions also.
The physical body's motions tend to be done by the astral
and etheric body also. This exercise will make your presence
undetectable to lower frequency situations in this and other
dimensions.Use this at least twice a day to increase your
physical body's frequency if you wish, it is wise to keep the
number of breaths above 23.
A kundalini (life force) activation sequence, using 5D Earth's
core and 8D Earth's core

This meditation is most effective if it exceeds 45 minutes, up to 3 hours. Doing deep meditation
for 2-3 hours every day is recommended, as it transforms the entire body's functioning into
greater and greater higher mind embodiment.
1. While holding the hands at the height of the navel or solar plexus area, place your left hand's
thumb onto the line where the fingers of your right hand expand out from, as seen on the picture,
in contact.
2. Connect the tips of your thumbs together so that the nails and the skin are touching.
3. Clench the fingers of your right hand around your left thumb while holding the thumbs in
contact as seen in step two. Hold the other fingers of the left hand in contact lightly with the
outer surface of the right hand. Hold this hand position at the height of the solar plexus or navel,
or anywhere below the heart (the fingers of the right hand should be in as complete contact as
possible around the left thumb). You may fully unlock this mudra with the audible or inaudible
sound tone 'pu' while directing focus onto the mudra. Breathe deeply in the following way
(concentrate on your heart chakra, root chakra, third eye chakra, and the central vertical current):,
maintain contact between your tongue's tip and the upper part of the mouth at all times, breathe
through the nose only; starting with the first breath, make every odd number breath (1st, 3rd, 5th,
7th, and so on) with tensed/contracted muscles at the area used for the stopping of urination
(those muscles can be referred to as kundalini muscles due to their effects at unlocking kundalini
into the root chakra of the physical body), and make the other breaths, 2, 4, 6, and so forth,
without the contraction/tension at that area. Continue to breathe calmly/deeply that way for as
long as you feel like you can, while maintaining focus on the heart and third eye chakras. Focus
on energy arriving through your central vertical current from the core of 5th dimension Earth
(left thumb, which is clenched in this position, is where the axiatonal line for the 5th dimension
frequency band runs through, whereas the mudra/hand position is a way for the energy to be
accumulated into the physical body directly, by forming a hyperspace vortex between many
dimensions at once, due to the crossing of several axiatonal/vertical lines of the physical body,
specifically used at the fingers and hands).
4. Maintain the breathing exactly as specified with breaths 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and so forth, with the
tension at the muscles specified (the same action as done to stop urine flow). While doing so,
place your hands onto your chest as shown in step four, thumbs not needed to be in contact,
however they can be. This time hold you right hand over your left hand as they are gently on the
chest, no pressure is to be generated onto the chest and its nerves. Continue to breathe the same
way, see the generally blue-white-gold-pink-violet energy as already circulating between 5D
Earth (blue light wave band, semi-etheric/semi-physical matter plane) core and your physical,
nonphysical bodies during breathing that way. The precision of the visaluzation is not very
5. Do steps 1-4 completely with mirrored hand positions, clenching the right thumb with the left
fingers, and having the left hand over the right hand on the chest in step four. Breathe also as was

specified above, with the varying tension in the muscles specified (those that are designed to stop
urine flow, however they work to activate kundalini into the physical body). The right thumb is
where the axiatonal line for the 8th dimension (golden light wave band, etheric matter plane)
runs through. In step five, see the energy as coming from the core of 8th dimension Earth.
You may use each of those hand positoons on their own to generate kundalini from Earth cores
by using the thumb clenching ones, and by generating hyperspace life force currents by using the
hands on the chest position.


Other Meditations

Use of the 12-dimensional Tree of Life. Spiritual names/gateways.

This meditation will activate the 12-dimensional tree of life and its energy centers, which align
your consciousness more into yourself, and will bring into activation more of your connection to
your higher consciousness.
The language used in the spheres is a Lyran-Sirian-Elven mixture. Pronunciation key: Oh - like

in the word or, ah - like in the word heart, e -like in the word head, u - likein the word room, i,
like in the word deep. ai - like in the word eye. This general way of pronouncing the words is
recommended for precision, although the names do work with any pronunciation. In the middle
is Akira yun - the central heart core of the tree of life. Akira - ah - infinity, ki - nexus, ra oneness, akira - nexus between infinity and oneness, one possible translation 1. Mu El Ma. 2. Wu
Yuna Yosai. 3. Or Ish Na Elumin. 4. Arun Shem. 5. Ai-Ranu-El Bana Ur. 6. Asiramiru-el. 7. IL
Mani Kasira El. 8. El An Ra Min ru. 9. Enshira Kasavaru. 10. Tilasa Narumin. 11. Eliranu
Ruharamin. 12. Masira Kasanu El Ahunta Min. It is a way of 'relating to' your higher self and
merging with it. Each of the sound tones are names/gateways of specific pure angelic and
archangelic and ascended timeless beings and your own higher self and higher consciousness
mind and heart, that tend to the 12-dimensional tree and its active, wholesome functioning, with
your participation in this, the tree of life becomes active within you. This meditation can be very
long, so take your time and use good timing, make sure nothing can disturb you during this
meditation, you may close all doors and pull curtains over your windows if you feel it is good,
and you may also light a candle (white or otherwise) with the intention of blessing your place,
your private space of meditation. You can repeat each of the steps in this medtiation as much as
you want, take your time with this, it's valuable time with your higher self. The exact time of
each of the steps is not important, 4-5 minutes is a general estimate for effectiveness, you can do
each step for as long as you want, although it makes your time of meditation very long, which
has its advantages (it centers you very deeply and alters your state of awareness very deeply and
positively). You may open your eyes to read the instruction, although close your eyes when you
do them. Your higher consciousness will enhance this meditation.
Before beginning, connect your root chakra (at the height of your tailbone), into the core of the
Earth, with a strong exhale through your nose. Do the same with your heart chakra. After this,
connect your crown and third eye chakras into the central sun of existence, very far above you,
beyond location and distance, do so with a sudden exhale also.
0. Take your focus onto the tip of your nose, mostly keep your eyes closed in all of this
meditation where you can. Breathe 7 full deep slow breaths through your nose only, focusing on
the tip of the nose and on the sensation of breathing. After this, tone or chant calmly and slowly Akira Yunasiro Manu El Lo Mai and/or simply Akira for 4-5 minutes centered into your higher
heart center above the physical heart, yet on the central vertical axis. You can intend a bluegolden-white flame there with a pink shimmer. This center corresponds to the part of your
identity that is beyond manifestation, beyond the 15th dimensional structure of time and space.
You are unlocking the higher heart center or Azu-Re, diving into your higher, full nature. After
having toned or chanted those words, again focus on deepening your breath. In full conscious
deep slow breaths through the nose, for about 4-5 minutes, with your imagination fill all of your
body and cells, chakras, tree of life spheres, and all other energy centers, from the top of the head
to your feet, fully with bright blue-gold-pink-white and violet-green light. As you breathe deeply,
and after breathing deeply, see or intend it flowing through you, breaking down and dissolving
all limitations and barriers and blockages in your aura and body.
1. We start from center number 12, which is located less than a foot above the head. It
corresponds to the 12th dimension. Imagine it as a golden-white sphere of living light. It contains
your 12-dimensional level of identity. While keeping your eyes closed, imagine white light with

a golden shimmer flowing down your central vertical current from the 12th dimension, through
your body into the core of the Earth, who then reflects this light back into your light body on her
own volition. While imagining that this continues, and has been triggered by your imagination
and intent, tone the sounds Masira Kasanu-EL Ahunta Min - in your 12-d center less than a foot
above your head - tone with the energy flow for several minutes, slowly, you can sense or feel
the energy flow continue. Bring into awareness or imagination, the quality of being your full
self, the higher and the lower selves as one. In full conscious deep slow breaths through the nose,
for about 4-5 minutes, with your imagination fill all of your body and cells, chakras, tree of life
spheres, and all other energy centers, from the top of the head to your feet, fully with goldenwhite liquid light. As you breathe deeply, and after breathing deeply, see or intend it flowing
through you, breaking down and dissolving all limitations and barriers and blockages in your
aura and body.
2. 11th center - focus on the area an inch or more right above your third eye/pineal gland. See or
intend or imagine pale silver light there, with a glimmer of aquamarine blue, all as a sphere of
light with a white core. This center connects to the 11th dimension of your identity. You remain
as one with your higher nature at all times, any separation is an illusion created by the thoughts
and actions based on those thoughts. This energy center is a place of divine/godly discernment
on the nature of your connection to the consequences of your thoughts and actions. It is also
where you can easily relate to one thing becoming two or more things, and where two or more
things become one thing. Gently maintain this awareness and start chanting Eliranu Ruhara Min
- into the 11th center right above your pineal gland, for 4-5 minutes. Once this is done enough
for you to feel a change in energies, again, in full conscious deep slow breaths through the nose,
for about 4-5 minutes, with your imagination fill all of your body and cells, chakras, tree of life
spheres, and all other energy centers, from the top of the head to your feet, fully with pale silveraquamarine-blue light. As you breathe deeply, and after breathing deeply, see or intend it flowing
through you, breaking down and dissolving all limitations and barriers and blockages in your
aura and body.
3. 10th center - focus on the area of your left cheek bone, left side of the mid-level of your face
and the left ear - within that area is the tree of life sphere corresponding to the 10th dimension of
your manifested identity. It is a sphere made of blue-green white light with a golden and violet
tint located in that area. The quality of this sphere in this context is the full Wisdom of your
entire being, as it has experienced many, many lifetimes of diverse experiences. Holding your
awareness in that area, chant Tilasa Narumin for 4-5 minutes slowly with calm, strong focus.
Once this is done enough for you to feel a change in energies, again, in full conscious deep slow
breaths through the nose, for about 4-5 minutes, with your imagination fill all of your body and
cells, chakras, tree of life spheres, and all other energy centers, from the top of the head to your
feet, fully with blue-green white light with a golden and violet tint or glimmer. As you breathe
deeply, and after breathing deeply, see or intend it flowing through you, breaking down and
dissolving all limitations and barriers and blockages in your aura and body.
4. 9th center - focus on the area of your right cheek bone, right side of the mid-level of your face
and the right ear - within that area is the tree of life sphere corresponding to the 9th dimension of
your manifested identity. It is a sphere made of silvery-white light. The quality of this sphere in
this context the ability to understand everything that exists, that is experienced. Keep your

awareness there and chant Enshira Kasavaru for 4-5 minutes. Once this is done enough for you
to feel a change in energies, again, in full conscious deep slow breaths through the nose, for
about 4-5 minutes, with your imagination fill all of your body and cells, chakras, tree of life
spheres, and all other energy centers, from the top of the head to your feet, fully with silverywhite light. As you breathe deeply, and after breathing deeply, see or intend it flowing through
you, breaking down and dissolving all limitations and barriers and blockages in your aura and
5. 8th center - focus on the area below your throat, at the lowest part of the neck, where the chest
bones meet with the soft tissue of the neck. In this area is the 12-dimensional tree's 8th
dimension energy center, connected to the 8th dimension of your identity. This sphere can be
seen as composed of a brilliant gold light with a white core. This sphere has in this context, the
quality of true knowledge, and the truth expressed as true knowledge. You know that you are
infinite, you know that you are of the same identity as that which is referred to as god, and also
therefore you are the same being as your higher self. Your soul and your mind are merged on this
level. While maintaining this awareness or thought, focus into the golden sphere at the highest
level of your chest and chant EL AN RA Min Ru for 4-5 minutes. Once this is done enough for
you to feel a change in energies, again, in full conscious deep slow breaths through the nose, for
about 4-5 minutes, with your imagination fill all of your body and cells, chakras, tree of life
spheres, and all other energy centers, from the top of the head to your feet, fully with bright
golden light with a white glimmer. As you breathe deeply, and after breathing deeply, see or
intend it flowing through you, breaking down and dissolving all limitations and barriers and
blockages in your aura and body.
6. 7th center - focus on the area inside from your left shoulder side, within the torso, not inside
the shoulder itself, at the height of the higher heart center. It is connected to the 7th dimension of
your identity. See there a bright yellow sphere with white light at its core. This sphere has the
quality of illumined/enlightened loving kindness and mercy, and flow. You contain loving
kindness and your nature is already inherently enlightened. You have compassion and love
towards yourself and towards all beings. You are flowing through experiences and you are loved
and you love and you are love. Holding that awareness or thought, for 4-5 minutes, chant IL
Mani Kasira EL calmly. Once this is done enough for you to feel a change in energies, again, in
full conscious deep slow breaths through the nose, for about 4-5 minutes, with your imagination
fill all of your body and cells, chakras, tree of life spheres, and all other energy centers, from the
top of the head to your feet, fully with bright yellow light with a white glimmer. As you breathe
deeply, and after breathing deeply, see or intend it flowing through you, breaking down and
dissolving all limitations and barriers and blockages in your aura and body.
7. 6th center - focus on the area from your right shoulder side, within the torso, at the height of
the higher heart center. It contains a bright-green-white sphere of light. It is connected to the 6th
dimension of your identity. This sphere has the quality of order, structure and strength that comes
from the right use of order and higher mind's logic. You have the power to see clearly the right
actions to take so that order and strength is created from the flow, and prevails. Holding that
thought in awareness, chant Asiramiru EL for 4-5 minutes. Once this is done enough for you to
feel a change in energies, again, in full conscious deep slow breaths through the nose, for about
4-5 minutes, with your imagination fill all of your body and cells, chakras, tree of life spheres,

and all other energy centers, from the top of the head to your feet, fully with bright-green-white
light. As you breathe deeply, and after breathing deeply, see or intend it flowing through you,
breaking down and dissolving all limitations and barriers and blockages in your aura and body.
8. 5th center - focus on the area directly behind your navel, inside the body. There is a blue
sphere with a white core. This sphere has the quality of happiness, joy, embodied serenity, beauty
and balance of the emotions. You become happier when you fully embody your physical body in
ways that balances and grounds your consciousness. At this level you have the choice to choose
the mental and emotional state of being that you wish to experience, and it has an intelligence
and logic to it that is 5-dimensional, thus it is the 'gut feeling'. Holding all that in awareness,
chant Ai-Ranu-EL Bana Ur into that energy center for 4-5 minutes. Once this is done enough for
you to feel a change in energies, again, in full conscious deep slow breaths through the nose, for
about 4-5 minutes, with your imagination fill all of your body and cells, chakras, tree of life
spheres, and all other energy centers, from the top of the head to your feet, fully with bright-bluewhite light. As you breathe deeply, and after breathing deeply, see or intend it flowing through
you, breaking down and dissolving all limitations and barriers and blockages in your aura and
9. 4th center - focus on the area inside the left hip, where the soft part and the hip bone meet.
There is a sphere of pink-white light with a golden shimmer. This sphere has the quality of
embodied love, of victorious alignment with your infinite nature through unconditional love, and
it is therefore connected to the will of the infinite one creator. This center is connected to the 4th
dimension of your identity, and to the 8th and 12th dimension and 15-th and 16th dimension of
your identity holographically. While holding that thought in mind, for 4-5 minutes, chant into
that center, Arun Shem. Once this is done enough for you to feel a change in energies, again, in
full conscious deep slow breaths through the nose, for about 4-5 minutes, with your imagination
fill all of your body and cells, chakras, tree of life spheres, and all other energy centers, from the
top of the head to your feet, fully with bright-pink-white light with a golden glimmer. As you
breathe deeply, and after breathing deeply, see or intend it flowing through all of you, breaking
down and dissolving all limitations and barriers and blockages in your aura and body.
10. 3rd center - the area on the exact opposite side from the 4th center, inside the right hip, where
the soft tissue and the hip bone meet. The color of this sphere is golden-yellow and it has a bluepink tint to it. This sphere has the quality of free will, glory/splendor and wholesome balance
between pride and humbleness. It is the sphere of the free will of the embodied consciousness.
Holding that thought in mind, chant Or Ish Na Elumin, for about 4-5 minutes. Once this is done
enough for you to feel a change in energies, again, in full conscious deep slow breaths through
the nose, for about 4-5 minutes, with your imagination fill all of your body and cells, chakras,
tree of life spheres, and all other energy centers, from the top of the head to your feet, fully with
bright-golden-yellow-white light with a blue-pink glimmer. As you breathe deeply, and after
breathing deeply, see or intend it flowing through all of you, breaking down and dissolving all
limitations and barriers and blockages in your aura and body.
11. 2nd center - the area at the height of the genitalia, positioned at the central vertical current.
There is a sphere of violet white light with a gold glimmer there. The qualities of this spheres
are: the foundation to relationships with self, body, energies, and with other people and beings

and with the physical and nonphysical environment and the energies of those environments. It is
also the center that corresponds to the lower emotional and sexual desires, and the desires to
connect with self and others energetically. It corresponds to the 2nd dimension of one's identity.
Focus your awareness on that center and chant Wu Yuna Yosai for about 4-5 minutes, while
holding that in mind. Once this is done enough for you to feel a change in energies, again, in full
conscious deep slow breaths through the nose, for about 4-5 minutes, with your imagination fill
all of your body and cells, chakras, tree of life spheres, and all other energy centers, from the top
of the head to your feet, fully with bright violet-white light with a golden glimmer. As you
breathe deeply, and after breathing deeply, see or intend it flowing through all of you, breaking
down and dissolving all limitations and barriers and blockages in your aura and body.
12. 1st center - below the feet, on the central vertical current. There is a sphere of crystalline
white light, which intersects with the black void of emptiness and the red wave band of the first
dimension, and is connected to the 1st dimension of one's identity. This energy center is also
directly connected with Earth's core and with Earth's own first dimension sphere of her own 12tree. This sphere has the quality of sovereignty or self-rule upon one's own individual reality and
the experience of it at the most fundamental manifested level. Holding this thought in mind,
chant into this sphere of white light Mu EL Ma for about 4-5 minutes. Once this is done enough
for you to feel a change in energies, again, in full conscious deep slow breaths through the nose,
for about 4-5 minutes, with your imagination fill all of your body and cells, chakras, tree of life
spheres, and all other energy centers, from the top of the head to your feet, fully with bright clear
crystalline white light. As you breathe deeply, and after breathing deeply, see or intend it flowing
through all of you, breaking down and dissolving all limitations and barriers and blockages in
your aura and body.

A Breathing Technique
This breathing technique will completely seal the aura off from dimensional environments and
will seal it Into hyperspace realms/beyond 15d, simply due to the mechanics of it. If you decide
to use it, use it regularly, every day if possible. The mechanics of breathing are such that each
breath corresponds to one dimension, unless otherwise specified by you. There are a few
versions of this (always maintain focus in the central vertical current, before each version exhale
your vertical channel into connection with the core of earth, if you wish, you can imagine earth

core as blue-green-silver-violet-white and your central vertical current as a pillar of light, best to
close your eyes as you breathe, focus into the central vertical current and into the emptiness
behind your eyelids, each in-breath pulls energy in from the corresponding energy layer the
breath corresponds to, and each out-breath expands the physical body into the corresponding
frequency, which keeps cascading):
Consistently breathe through your cells and atoms and imagine them lighting up with immutably
pure light and staying active (visualization and intention both work for cellular and atomic
charging). Imagine immutable pure light sealing your aura completely, in both versions. Use
before and/or after version 1 and version 2: Imagine a bright sphere or sparkle of immutably pure
blue-green-golden-silvery-white plasma in your third eye, exhale it into the core of the Earth,
you can sense or imagine a reaction from Earth core into your aura and chakras. Inhale the same
colored light from Earth core into your aura, fully activating a pillar of immutably pure plasma
between Earth core and your aura. Extend this pillar into the core of your 14th chakra high above
you with a strong breath.
Version 1: Breathe very slowly in through the nose, and out through the mouth 7 times, with the
exhale having the mouth in ah position and the 7 exhales being longer than the 7 inhales.
Immediately after that, breathe very slowly through the nose only, 7 times (you may hold the
tongue in contact with the top part of the mouth in step 2 and the corresponding steps in version
Version 2: Choose an amount of breaths for each of the following steps that is at least 7, or above
For example: 1. Very slowly breathe 7 times through the nose, 2. 7 times in through nose out
through mouth and 3. 7 times through the mouth only, and then do step 2 of this version 2, and
then step 1, and then step 2, step 3, and 2, 1, on and on, for as long as you like.
Use before and/or after version 1 and version 2:
Imagine a bright sphere or sparkle of immutably pure blue-green-golden-silvery-white plasma in
your third eye, exhale it into the core of the Earth, you can sense or imagine a reaction from
Earth core into your aura and chakras. Inhale the same colored light from Earth core into your
aura, fully activating a pillar between Earth core and your aura. Extend this pillar into the core of
your 14th chakra high above you.
You can do any of the versions here, with each step 18 or 36 slow breaths or even more, like 45,
or 54, 64, or 72, or 128, or 144 or 145, as long as you use equal amounts in each steps, the vortex
generated will be highly effective. One of the many possible effects of this technique may be
partial or full optical invisibility of your physical body and undetectability in dimensional levels.
Each breath corresponds to one full frequency band or dimension of energy unlocked, the
difference that takes place between the steps 1 and 2 of version 1 (and the corresponding steps in
version 2), are such that an effective hyperspace vortex is generated each time, although the
hyperspace vortexes are generated each new step transition.

This breathing technique is an example of the simplicity of breathing, and the power of it, which
is discernible through its effects. The applications of this breathing technique are many, and it
can be used in combination with other attributes of meditation.

Light body activation mantras - repeat several times for effect.

The mantra written in magenta is for the activation of the higher heart center.
KUMANNASIRON KAI PU PA - produces monoatomic elements (pure non-degraded,nondegradable versions) into physical and other bodies.
elaisaron kai pu pa - activates 36-dimensional elaisiac light/sound vehicle
yurahasiron kai pu pa - activates light/sound vehicle of higher self embodiment (permanent or
yumanusiron kai pu pa - threefold flame vehicle of godhood
yunasiron kai pu pa - yunasai matrix light body 30d
aniron kai pu pa - 6-12 dimensional light body activation
elarusieron kai pu pa mahunta kai pu pa - a 12d merkaba activation
rahunta kai pu pa - 12-15-18d.
karunta kai pu pa
yurunta kai pu pa
maharu kai pu pa
raharu kai pu pa
yunaru kai pu pa
yumaru kai pu pa
ekasha kai pu pa
masiero kai pu pa

kasiero kai pu pa
masiru kai pu pa
elruhara kai pu pa
muharu kai pu pa
arunta kai pu pa
ahunta kai pu pa
ayunta kai pu pa
an hu ra kai pu pa
rahumanu kai pu pa

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