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CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1:

Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions &

Answers : Set 1 (Q1-Q20)
UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers
Q1) How a teacher should behave with the students
A) General
B) Father
C) Friend
D) Leader
Answer: Option D) Leader
Q2) If a girl student requests you to collect her posts at your address what would you like to
do in this case?
A) You Would Not Give Permission As It Is Against Your Own Principles
B) You Will Never Allow Her Suspecting A Foul Game
C) As A Teacher You Will Allow Her
D) You Will Permit Her Because You May Get In Touch With Her.
Answer: Option C) As A Teacher You Will Allow Her
Q3) The most important task is teaching is
A) Making Monthly Reports And Maintaining Records
B) Making Assignments And Hearing Recitations
C) Directing Students In The Development Of Experience
D) None Of These
Answer: Option C) Directing Students In The Development Of Experience
Q4) The most accurate statement about teaching machines is that
A) B.F.Skinner Began The Movement For Their Use.
B) They Were Designed As An Economy Measure To Replace Teachers.

C) They Are Not As Efficient As Teachers In Reinforcing Responses

D) They Can Be Used For All Learning Programmes
Answer: Option A) B.F.Skinner Began The Movement For Their Use.
Q5) The Dalton Scheme of Education is useful for which one of the following?
A) For infants
B) For little children
C) For older children
D) For all of these
Answer: Option C) For older children
Q6) Why should a student not be punished severly?
A) He May Quarrel With A Teacher.
B) He May Leave The School And Join Another
C) His Parent May Quarrel With The Teacher.
D) The Student May Develop A Negative Attitude Towards His Studies, Teacher And School.
Answer: Option D) The Student May Develop A Negative Attitude Towards His Studies, Teacher
And School.
Q7) The term least restrictive environment refers to the education of the
A) Handicapped
B) Gifted
C) Early Childhood Youngsters
Answer: Option A) Handicapped
Q8) According to Dewry, education is a :
A) Social Need
B) Personal Need
C) Psychological Need
D)Theoretical Need
Answer: Option A) Social Need
Q9) The teaching is not thought as a process of

A) Directing The Activities Of People.
B) Listening The Recitation Of Pupils.
C) Indoctrinating Adult Ideas To Young People
D) None Of These
Answer: Option C) Indoctrinating Adult Ideas To Young People
Q10) The major objective of educatio is:
A) Reforming The Society
B) Making Students Disciplined
D) Developing Inherent Abilities/Powers Of Students
D) Making Students Followers Of Teachers
Answer: Option D) Developing Inherent Abilities/Powers Of Students
Q11) Each child grows in its won unique way. The wide individual differences are caused
A) Heredity
C) Environmental Enfluences
D)All Of These
Answer: Option D)All Of These
Q12) All of the following are advantages of teaching machines except
A) The Control Of Cheating
B) Tracking Of Errors
C) The Insurance Of Attention
D) Their Universal Use For Different Kinds Of Programmes.
Answer: Option D) Their Universal Use For Different Kinds Of Programmes.
Q13) A teacher can help adolescent to overcome his special problems, and help him to
adjust to the evironment. Which of the following attitude, he should not made?
A) He Should Impart Right Information About Sex.
B) He Should Redirect The Energies Of The Adolescent To Fruitful Channels Through Sports
And Other Constructive Activities.

C) He Should Have Unsympathetic Attitude Towards Others.

D) He Should Have Right Information About Sex.
Answer: Option C) He Should Have Unsympathetic Attitude Towards Others.
Q14) The process of learning include which of the following
A) Synthesis And Organisation Of The Old And New Experiences, Resulting In A Novel Pattern.
B) It Includes All Activities Which Leave Permanent Effect On The Individual.
C) In Its Simplest Form, Learning Means Acquisition, Retentiaon And Modificaiton Of
D)All Of These
Answer: Option D)All Of These
Q15) A new comer teacher who is maltreated in his class will deal with the students by
A) Applying Punitive Measure
B) Improving His Qualities And Expressing It Before Them In A Good Way.
C) Changing His Class After Consultation
D) Giving Them A Threat Of Expulsion.
Answer: Option B) Improving His Qualities And Expressing It Before Them In A Good Way.
Q16) A teacher can establish apport with his pupil by
A) Becoming A Figure Of Authority
B) Impressing Them With Knoledge And Skill
C) Playing The Role Of A Guide With Desire To Help Them
D) Becoming A Friend To The Pupils
Answer: Option C) Playing The Role Of A Guide With Desire To Help Them
Q17) If majority of students in your class is weak you should
A) Not Care About Intelligent Students
B) Keep Your Spped Of Teaching Gast So That Students Comprehension Level May Increase
C) Keep Your Teaching Slow Which Can Also Be Helpful To Bright Students.
D) Keep Your Teaching Slow Along With Some Extra Guidance To Bright People
Answer: Option D) Keep Your Teaching Slow Along With Some Extra Guidance To Bright

Q18) For formulating the curriculum, which factor is most important?

A) Teahcers Ability
B) ChildrenS Capabilities And Needs
C) National Idelogy
D)Social And Cultural Ideals
Answer: Option B) ChildrenS Capabilities And Needs
Q19) There are so many definiations of learning. Which of the following is most adequate?
A) The Modification Of Behaviour
B) The Development Of Skills
C) The Acquisition And Organisations Of Knowledge
D)All Of These
Answer: Option A) The Modification Of Behavior
Q20) Which of the following is meant of information collection?
A) Schedule
B) Report
C) Plan
D) Scope
Answer: Option A) Schedule
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers :
Set 2 (Q21-Q40)

UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers | Set 2
Q21) Teachers should study the educational philosophy because
A) They Do Not Know It.
B) They Do Not Have Their Won Philosophy
C) Philosophy Is The Backbone Of All Disciplines
D) They May Improve Their Work By Clarifying Their Own Philosophy
Answer: Option D) They May Improve Their Work By Clarifying Their Own Philosophy
Q22) Why should you prefer teaching to other profession?

A) For The Service Of Humanity.
B) For Love Of Teaching
C) For Love To Young (Youth)
D) For Mastery Over The Subject Of Teaching
Answer: Option A) For The Service Of Humanity.
Q23) The best way by a teacher to introduce a new subject by
A) Giving A Broad Outline Of The Subject
B) Relating It To Daily Life Situation
C) Relating It To Previously Studied Subject Or Course Material.
D) Any Of These
Answer: Option D) Any Of These
Q24) As a teacher you should not demand your pupils which is beyond their stage of
growth. If you do so, it only causes
A) Frustrations
B) Frustrations, Heighten Tension And Nervousness
C) Encouragement For More Learning
D) Both (B)And (C )
Answer: Option B) Frustrations, Heighten Tension And Nervousness
Q25) A teacher generally asks questions to his pupils during the lecture, why?
A) Are Students Listening The Lecture Attentively?
B) To Know, Which Student Is Brilliant One?
C) To Know Whether The Students Are Understanding The Lecture Or Not.
D) To Help The Students
Answer: Option C) To Know Whether The Students Are Understanding The Lecture Or Not.
Q26) A competent teacher must have a sound knowledge in right order
A) Practive, Concept, Theory And Research
B) Theory, Research, Concept And Practice

C) Concept, Theory, Practice And Research

D) Research, Practice, Concept And Theory
Answer: Option C) Concept, Theory, Practice And Research
Q27) In the final analysis, teaching must be thought of mainly as a process of
A) Asking Questions And Evaluating The Learning
B) Directing The Activities Of Pupils
C) Hearing Recitation Of Pupils
D)All Of These
Answer: Option B) Directing The Activities Of Pupils
Q28) A teacher commands prestige,authority esteem and respect. He should make use of it
through suggestion. He should not try to command respect through
A) Scholarship
B) Punishing And Creating Revolting Situation
C) Experience
D) Tact
Answer: Option B) Punishing And Creating Revolting Situation
Q29) A teacher is successful only if he
A) Knows His Subject Thoroughly Well
B) Produces Cent Per Cent Result
C) Is Approachable
D) Publishes Papers In Journals Of Repute
Answer: Option A) Knows His Subject Thoroughly Well
Q30) The major responsibility with which the school personnel have been entrusted is that
A) It Harmonizes The ChildS Need And Demands Of The Society Both
B) It Makes The Child Able To Get Job
C) It Prepares The School Programme According To The Need Of The Child
D)All Of These

Answer: Option A) It Harmonises The ChildS Need And Demands Of The Society Both
Q31) One of your students wants to share his problems with you. He visits your house for
the same. In such a condition ou should
A) Suggest Him To Escape From His Family.
B) Extend Necessary Co-Operation And Boost His Morale.
C) Contact The Students Parent And Solve The Problem.
D) None Of These
Answer: Option B) Extend Necessary Co-Operation And Boost His Morale.
Q32) For better interaction with the students, the teachers objective should be the
A) Equitable Distribution Of Response Time
B) Proximity
C) Affirm Or Correct Student Performance
D)All Of These
Answer: Option D)All Of These
Q33) Which of the following is quality of a teacher?
A) He Presenting The Subject Matter In An Effective Manner With Clear Explaining Leading To
Better Understanding Of The Matter.
B) He Should Be Trained To Various Teaching Methodologies.
C) He Should Know The Child Psychology
D)All Of These
Answer: Option D)All Of These
Q34) In ancient education system, teachers applied some psychological principles in
education especially to young child from pre-school age to adolescence. They recognize the
role of
A) Gurukul Type Of Education
B) Convent System Of Schooling
C) Sense And Perception In Teaching And Learning
D)All Of These

Answer: Option C) Sense And Perception In Teaching And Learning

Q35) Recreational Reading should be
A) Reserved For The School Library Period.
B) Assigned As Homework.
C) A Responsibility Of The Home Not The School
D) An Integral Part Of Language Art Curriculum.
Answer: Option D) An Integral Part Of Language Art Curriculum.
Q36) Which characteristic from the following is least concerned with a teacher?
A) Command Over Subject Matter.
B) Respect From College Management
C) Good Rapport With The Students .
D) Effective Verbal Communication.
Answer: Option B) Respect From College Management
Q37) Which of the following statements doesnt suit a teacher? The teacher is
A) Really Interested In Students
B) Able To Direct And Discipline Students.
C) Reluctant To Adapt Himself To New Situation
D) Enthusiastic About The Work That Teachers Do.
Answer: Option C) Reluctant To Adapt Himself To New Situation
Q38) Who can be a good teacher ? One
A) Whose Students Do Not Need To Ask Questions
B) Who Answers All The Questions Asked By Students
C) Who Never Encourages Children To Known Something Not In Curriculum.
D) Who Always Tells His/Her Students That From Where They Can Get Answers To Their
Answer: Option B) Who Answers All The Questions Asked By Students
Q39) Meaningul learning takes place when

A) Students Are Interested In Topic Taught.
B) Explanations Are Given Within Reach Of Students.
C) The New Content Being Taught Is Related To The Previous Knowledge Of The Student.
D) Students Raise Questions And Get Them Clarified.
Answer: Option A) Students Are Interested In Topic Taught.
Q40) Teachers use teaching aids for
A) Making Teaching Interesting.
B) Making Teaching With Understanding Level Of Students
C) Making Student Attentive.
D) The Sake Of Its Use.
Answer: Option B) Making Teaching With Understanding Level Of Students
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers :
Set 3 (Q41-Q60)

UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers | Set 3
Q41) Which of the following is true about Modern Annual Examination System?
A) It Encourages Attaining Knowledge By Cramming.
B) It Doesnt Encourage The Habit Of Regular Study.
C) It Doesnt Encourage Students To Attain Their Classes Regularly.
D)All Of These
Answer: Option D)All Of These
Q42) Personalized system of education :
A) Doesnt Inculcate A Feeling Of Socialization In Students
B) Doesnt Inculcate A Feeling Of Competition
C) Leads To Wastage Of Time And Energy
D)All Of These
Answer: Option D)All Of These
Q43) The most important challenge before a teacher is :

A) To Maintain Discipline In The Classroom
B) To Make Students Do Their Homework
C) To Prepare Question Paper
D) To Make Teaching Learning Process Enjoyable
Answer: Option D) To Make Teaching Learning Process Enjoyable
Q44) If you are irritated and show rashness because of the inadequate behavior of another
teachers , what do you think about your own behavior?
A) It Is Justified Because Behaviors Are Echo Lim.
B) Your Behavior Is Not Good Because Elders Have The Right To Behave You In This Way.
C) Your Behavior Is Also A Sign Of Maladjustment And So Try To Control Yourself When You
Are Maltreated.
D)All Of These
Answer: Option C) Your Behavior Is Also A Sign Of Maladjustment And So Try To Control
Yourself When You Are Maltreated.
Q45) Teachers professionalism means:
A) The Extent To Which A Teacher Subscribes To A Professional Code
B) A Teacher Has To Teach For The Sake Of Getting Salaries
C) A Teacher Must Have Completed Professional Teachers Training Course Before His
D)All Of These
Answer: Option A) The Extent To Which A Teacher Subscribes To A Professional Code
Q46) Which one of the most fundamental of the guidance activities should be executed
A) Determination Of Objectives
B) Selection Of Learning Activities
C) Determination Of Learning Process
D) Selection Of Curriculum
Answer: Option D) Selection Of Curriculum
Q47) A teacher should keep his voice in the class

A) High Enough To Be Heard By Every Student Clearly
B) Loud, So That Every One Can Hear Clearly
C) Moderate
D) Sometime Low And Some Time High
Answer: Option D) Sometime Low And Some Time High
Q48) Which of the following is/are true about teaching ?
A) The Analysis And Assessment Of Teaching Provide Feedback For Further Improvement In
Teaching Method.
B) It Is Highly Dominated By Communication Skill.
C) It Is A Process Not An Act.
D)All Of These
Answer: Option D)All Of These
Q49) Which of the following is/are true about teacher/teaching?
A)Teacher Should Have Control Over The Students To Maintain Peace And Order In The Class.
B) Teaching Should Be Pupil Centered Rather Than Subject Centered.
C) Teacher Should Arouse Interest Among Students About The Subject
D)All Of These
Answer: Option D)All Of These
Q50) Which of the following is true about teaching/teacher?
A) Teacher Should Work As A Leader In The Class.
B) Teacher Should Make A Lesson Plan Before Presenting Lesson In The Class.
C) Teacher Should Maintain A Democratic Atmosphere In The Class
D)All Of These
Answer: Option D)All Of These
Q51) A teacher learns maximum from
A) Principal
B) Books

C) Students
D) None of these
Answer: Option C) Students
Q52) If majority of students in your class are weak you should
A) Not care about intelligent students.
B) Keep your speed in teaching fast so that students comprehension level may increase.
C) Keep you teaching slow.
D) Keep your teaching slow along with some extra guidance to bright pupils.
Answer: Option D) Keep your teaching slow along with some extra guidance to bright pupils.
Q53) The first important step in teaching is
A) planning of reprasentation of topic or subject.
B) organizing the background of students for the subject
C) organizing the material to be taught
D) knowing the background of students
Answer: Option D) knowing the background of students
Q54) Failure of students in examination, it may be the fault of
A) teacher
B) principal
C) students themselves
D) both (a)and ( c)
Answer: Option D) both (a)and ( c)
Q55) Research is born out of
A) human curiosity
B) human requirements
C) natural incidents
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) human curiosity

Q56) Which of the following is the first step of research?

A) Identification of subject
B) Identification of nature of problem
C) Both (a) and (b)
D) None of these
Answer: Option C) Both (a) and (b)
Q57) The biochemical processes taking place in the body is known as
A) Catabolism
B) Metabolism
C) Anabolism
D) None of above
Answer: Option B) Metabolism
Q58) Hybrid computer is a combination of
A) Calculator and Laptop
B) Laptop and Abacus
C) Analog Computer and Digital Computer
D) Punch Card and Analog Computer
Answer: Option C) Analog Computer and Digital Computer
Q59) The final result of a study will be more accurate if the sample drawn is
A) taken randomly
B) fixed by quota
C) representative to the population
D) purposive
Answer: Option C) representative to the population
Q60) Noise is known as
A) transmitting barrier

B) receiving barrier
C) sender barrier
D) none of these
Answer: Option A) transmitting barrier
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers :
Set 4 (Q61-Q80)

UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers | Set 4
Q61) Which of the following is not a part of Information?
A) logical
B) formal
C) impersonal
D) perception
Answer: Option D) perception
Q62) Bright Light in classroom is a type of Barrier.
A) physical distraction
B) emotional distraction
C) channel
D) none of these
Answer: Option A) physical distraction
Q63) Close Circuit Television CCT is useful
A) only for a restricted audience residing at a particular place.
B) for large group communication
C) only for poor students of the class
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) only for a restricted audience residing at a particular place.
Q64) All are the examples of the media of two way communication except
A)public meeting

B) padyatra
C) street plays
D) procession and rallies
Answer: Option C) street plays
Q65) Genuine : Authentic : : Mirage : ?
A) Illusion
B) Image
C) Hideout
D) Reflection
Answer: Option A) Illusion
Q66) Find out the number that does not belong to the group for lack of common property.
A) 484
B) 442
C) 361
D) 289
Answer: Option B) 442
Q67) 1,1,2,6,24,?,720
A) 100
B) 104
C) 108
D) 120
Answer: Option D) 120
Q68) Find the odd one out
A) Sucheta Kriplani
B) J.Jayalatitha
C) Padmaja Naidu
D) Mayawati

Answer: Option C) Padmaja Naidu

Q69) If in a certain code, BEAT is coded as GIDV What is the code of SOUP?
Answer: Option A) XSXR
Q70) All students are not geniuses concludes that
A) many students are not genius
B) all geniuses are students
C) no student is genius
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) many students are not genius
Q71) Worlds first man in space was
A)Neil Armstrong
B)Yuri Gagarin
C)Kalpna Chawla
D) Edwin Eldrin
Answer: Option B)Yuri Gagarin
Q72) Using antivirus software is a
A) detective measure
B) preventive measure
C) corrective measure
D) All of the above
Answer: Option D) All of the above
Q73) Data in a computer can be represented as

A) hexadecimal
B) decimal
C) binary
D) All of the above
Answer: Option C) binary
Q74) which of the following is used to append a digital signature?
A) Public key
B) Private key
C) Digital key
D) none of these
Answer: Option B) Private key
Q75) The area covered by forest in India is about
A) 46%
B) 33%
C) 23%
D) 21%
Answer: Option D) 21%
Q76) Ozone layer depletion is mainly due to
B) carbon monoxide
C) carbon dioxide
D) methane
Answer: Option A) CFC
Q77) which of the following is long term effect (tertiary effect) of flooding?
A) Increase in corruption
B) Destruction of wild life habitat

C) Sediment deposition
D) All of the above
Answer: Option D) All of the above
Q78) Benefits of computer are that
A) they are accurate
B) they are intelligent
C) they are machine
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) they are accurate
Q79) Fire balls are
A) very bright meteors
B) volanic eruption
C) forest fire
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) very bright meteors
Q80) Nagarjuna Sagar dam is situated on river
A) Tungabhadra
B) Cauvery
C) Krishna
D) Godavari
Answer: Option C) Krishna
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers :
Set 5 (Q81-Q100)

UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers | Set 5
Q81) UGC was established in
A) 1966
B) 1953

C) 1946
D) 1986
Answer: Option B) 1953
Q82) President can be removed on the charges of violating the constitution by
A)No-confidence motion
B) Impeachment
C) Electoral College of legislative Assemblies
D) Prime Minister
Answer: Option B) Impeachment
Q83) The time of gap between two sessions of Parliament is not more than
A) 180 days
B) 120 days
C) 150 days
D) 90days
Answer: Option A) 180 days
Q84) Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums (Formerly Indian Lac Research
Institute) is at
A) Lucknow
B) Kolkata
C) Ranchi
D) New Delhi
Answer: Option C) Ranchi
Q85) Discussion Method can be used when :
A) The topic is very difficult
B) The topic is easy
C) The topic is difficult
D) All of the above

Answer: Option A) The topic is very difficult

Q86) which of the following is a teaching aid?
A) Working Model of Wind Mill
B) Tape Recorder
C) 16 mm Film Projector
D) All of the above
Answer: Option D) All of the above
Q87) The main aim of teaching is :
A) To develop only reasoning
B) To develop only thinking
C) Both (a) and (b)
D) To give information
Answer: Option C) Both (a) and (b)
Q88) The quality of teaching is reflected :
A) By the attendance of students in the class
B) By the pass percentage of students
C) BY the quality of questions asked by students
D) By the duration of silence maintained in the class
Answer: Option C) BY the quality of questions asked by students
Q89) The present annual examination system:
A) promotes rote learning
B) does not promote good study habits
C) does not encourage students to be regular in class
D) All of the above
Answer: Option D) All of the above
Q90) A college wants to give training in use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS) to researchers. For this the college should organise :

A) Conference
B) Seminar
C) Workshop
D) Lecture
Answer: Option C) Workshop
Q91) Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of a research ?
A) Research is systematic
B) Research is not a process
C) Research is problem oriented
D) Research is not passive
Answer: Option B) Research is not a process
Q92) Which of the following statement is correct ?
A) Discoveries are researches
B) Researches lead to discovery
C) Invention and Reasearch are related
D) None of the above
Answer: Option B) Researches lead to discovery
Q93) Which of the following statement is correct ?
A) In research, objectives can be worded in question form.
B) In research, objectives can be worded in statement form.
C) Objectives are to be stated in Chapter I of the Thesis
D) All of the above
Answer: Option D) All of the above
Q94) If a girl student requests you to collect her posts at your address what would you like
to do in this case?
A) You would not give permission as it is against your own principles
B) You will never allow her suspecting a foul game

C) As a teacher you will allow her

D) You will permit her because you may get in touch with her.
Answer: Option C) As a teacher you will allow her
Q95) If a student is constantly rubbing his eyes and is unattentive during blackboard work,
he is having
A) adjustment problem
B) hearing problem
C) visual problem
D) All of the above
Answer: Option C) visual problem
Q96) The professional requirement of a teacher as explained in the UNESCO publication
A) mastery over the subject and competency for teaching
B) innovativeness in approach and teaching strategies
C) justice to the profession
D) All of the above
Answer: Option D) All of the above
Q97) Kindergarten (KG)system of education is indebted to
A) Dewey
B) Froebel
C) Plato
D) Spencer
Answer: Option B) Froebel
Q98) which of the following must be the qualities of teacher except?
A) Patience and tolerance
B) Sweet, polite and clear voice
C) Superstitions
D) Good communication skill

Answer: Option C) Superstitions

Q99) If in a reserach independent variables cannot be manipulated then it is known as
A) Experimental Research
B) Non-experimental Research
C) Pure or Fundamental Research
D) Exploratory Research
Answer: Option B) Non-experimental Research
Q100) which of the following is not a characteristic of research?
A) Systematic
B) Objective
C) Logical
D) Perspective
Answer: Option D) Perspective
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers :
Set 6 (Q101-Q120)

UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers | Set 6
Q101) Who said that members of the same species are not alike?
A) Darwin
B) Herber
C) Best
D) Good
Answer: Option A) Darwin
Q102) Certificate for copy right waiver is generally given in
A) thesis writing
B) paper
C) article
D) books

Answer: Option A) thesis writing

Q103) Logic of induction is very close to
A) logic of sampling
B) logic of observation
C) logic of controlled variables
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) logic of sampling
Q104) If Majority Of Students In Your Class Are Weak You Should
A) Not Care About Intelligent Students.
B) Keep Your Speed In Teaching Fast So That Students Compreshension Level May Increase.
C) Keep You Teaching Slow.
D) Keep Your Teaching Slow Along With Some Extra Guidance To Bright Pupils.
Answer: Option D) Keep Your Teaching Slow Along With Some Extra Guidance To Bright
Q105) The Professional Requirements Of A Teacher As Explained In The Unesco
Publication Is /Are
A) Mastery Over The Subject And Competency For Teaching
B) Innovativeness In Approach And Teaching Strategies
C) Justice To The Profession
D) All Of The Above
Answer: Option D) All Of The Above
Q106) Some Students Are Weak In Studies. What Will Be Your Attitude Towards Them?
A) Strict
B) Lenient
C) Liberal
D) Lovable
Answer: Option A) Strict

Q107) If A Teacher Is Not Able To Answer The Question Of A Pupil He Should

A) Say That He Will Answer After Consultation
B) Rebuke The Pupil
C) Say That Question Is Wrong
D) Feel Shy Of His Ignorance
Answer: Option A) Say That He Will Answer After Consultation
Q108) An IndividualS Ability To Learn Is
A) Acquired
B) Teachers
C) Elders
D) None Of These
Answer: Option C) Elders
Q109) How Will You Demonstrate Your Impartial Behavior?
A) By Maintaining High Self Esteem And Egoistic Behaviour.
B) By Making Own Behaviour More Balanced And Fair.
C) By Assaulting A Teacher.
D) By Criticizing The Teacher Community.
Answer: Option B) By Making Own Behavior More Balanced And Fair.
Q110) A Teacher Who Is Not Able To Draw The Attention Of His Studetns Should
A) Evaluate His Teaching Method And Improve It.
B) Resign From The Post.
C) Find Fault In His Pupils.
D) Start Dictating
Answer: Option A) Evaluate His Teaching Method And Improve It.
Q111) Of Great Importance In Determining The Amount Of Transference That Occurs In
Learning Is The

A) IQ Of Teacher
B) Knowledge Of The Teacher
C) Use Of Appropriate Elements
D) Presence Of Identical Elements
Answer: Option A) IQ Of Teacher
Q112) Democracy In The Classroom Is Best Reflected Through
A) Allowing Students Freedom To The Observance Of Classroom Rules And Regulations.
B) You Will Justify That Most Of The Female Students Are More Sincere Towards Their Studies
Than Male Students.
C) You Will Justify To The Male Students That It Is Difficult For You Refuse The Request Made
By Female Students
D) None Of These
Answer: Option B) You Will Justify That Most Of The Female Students Are More Sincere
Towards Their Studies Than Male Students.
Q113) For Knowledge Lessons
A) GloverS Scheme Is Used
B) HerbartS Five-Stage System Is Used
C) GarryS Scheme Is Used
D) None Of These
Answer: Option B) HerbartS Five-Stage System Is Used
Q114) What Can A Teacher Do To Develop Integrated Personalities Of His Pupil?
A) Children Should Be Encouraged And Helped To Set Themselves Well-Defined Goals And
Objectives Which They Can Hope To Achieve.
B) They Should Be Helped To Build Their Self-Esteem To Develop A Sense Of Worthiness And
Positive Ego Image.
C) Life In Schools Should Be So Planned That Children Are Able To Express Themselves Fully.
D) All Of These
Answer: Option D) All Of These

Q115) Of The Following Objectives Of An Elementary Music Programme The One Of

Lowest Priority Is
A) To Expose Children To A Variety Of Musical Compositions.
B) To Prepare Children For Wise Use Of Leisure Time.
C) To Develop A Group Of Performers For Hiliday Assemblies.
D) To Provide Children With Emotion Outlets.
Answer: Option C) To Develop A Group Of Performers For Hiliday Assemblies.
Q116) A Backward Child Is A Slow Learner. He Does Not Respond Satisfactorily To The
Ordinary School Curriculum And To The Usual Methods. The Causes Of This Phenomena
A) Poor Intellectual Ability And Low Intelligence
B) Physical Defects And Diseases
C) Emotional Disturbance
D) All Of The Above
Answer: Option D) All Of The Above
Q117) You Are A Teacher Of Literature. A Chapter Of A Book Deals With A Biography Of
A Scientist And His Works. In This Situation, What Would You Do With Chapter?
A) You Would Ask The Students To Read Themselves.
B) You Would Request The Science Teachere, To Teach This Chapter To The Students.
C) You Would Consult Other Books Concerning With The Scientist And Then Teach The Lesson
To Student.
D) Any One Of Them.
Answer: Option C) You Would Consult Other Books Concerning With The Scientist And Then
Teach The Lesson To Student.
Q118) While Delivering Lecture If There Is Some Disturbance In The Class, Then A
Teacher Should
A) Keep Quiet For A While And Then Go On.
B) Not Bother Of What Is Happening In The Class.
C) Punish Those Causing Disturbance.
D) All Of These

Answer: Option A) Keep Quiet For A While And Then Go On.

Q119) Which One Is Not The Objective Of Special Education?
A) To Pursue Those Curricular Matters That Strategically Determine Effective Living For
Specific Type Of Handicapped Children.
B) To Develop Motivational Patterns In The Handicapped That Will Produce Achievements.
C) To Develop Realistic Self-Concept In Handicapped Children.
D) All Of These
Answer: Option D) All Of These
Q120) The Introduction Of Career Courses In Schools And Colleges Aims At
A) Developing The Ability To Make The Intelligent Choice Of Jobs.
B) Providing Professional Knowledge To Students.
C) Increasing G.K. In Students.
D) All Of The Above
Answer: Option B) Providing Professional Knowledge To Students.
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers :
Set 7 (Q121-Q140)

UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers | Set 7
Q121) The Test On The Basis Of Which A Teacher Takes Decision About The Students Is
Known As
A) Performance Test
B) Institutional Test
C) Revision Test
D) Instructional Test
Answer: Option A) Performance Test
Q122) In Your Institution, A Debate Test Would Be Held Shortly Then How Would You
Support Your Students?
A) By Writing The Debate
B) You Would Tell Students How To Write A Debate

C) You Will Tell Students Where To Consult For Literature

D) None Of These
Answer: Option C) You Will Tell Students Where To Consult For Literature
Q123) Which Of The Following Is Wrongly Matched?
A) Froebel Progressivism
B) Dewey Pragmatism
C) Skinner Gestalt
D) Herbart Apperception
Answer: Option C) Skinner Gestalt
Q124) How Can Students In A Class Be Made Attentive?
A) By Speaking Loudly In The Class
B) By Preparing Your Lecture Properly
C) By Creating Curiosity In Students
D) By Wearing Special Types Of Clothes
Answer: Option C) By Creating Curiosity In Students
Q125) A Teacher Can Get Important Place In Society If He
A) Performs The Role Of An Active Member The Political Party In Power
B) Is Scholar And In Power
C) Participates Actively In Social Activities
D) Performs His Responsibility Honestly
Answer: Option D) Performs His Responsibility Honestly
Q126) If The Principal Of Your Institution Is Not Satisfied With Your Performance And
Charge You With The Act Of Negligence Of Duties, How Would You Behave With Him?
A) You Would Take Revenge By Giving Physical And Agony To Him.
B) You Would Neglect Him.
C) You Would Take A Tough Stand Against The Changes.
D) You Would Keep Yourself Alert And Make His Efforts Unfruitful.

Answer: Option D) You Would Keep Yourself Alert And Make His Efforts Unfruitful.
Q127) Which Of The Following Can Be Termed As Most Import Task In Teaching Among
The Given?
A) Directing Students In Development Pf Experiences.
B)Making Monthly Reports And Maintaining Records.
C) Making Assignments And Checking Worksheets.
D) All Of The Above
Answer: Option A) Directing Students In Development Pf Experiences.
Q128) If Your Own Son Is In Your Class. How Will You Behave With Your Students In
Comparison To Your Son?
A) Just Like Your Own Son.
B) Equal Treatment Is Not Possible To All The Students.
C) Repressed Treatment.
D) It Is Better To Lend Them A Free Hand.
Answer: Option A) Just Like Your Own Son.
Q129) The Criteria For Grading Should Be
A) The Material Is Covered In An Accurate Manner.
B) The Writing Communicates Clearly And Effectively.
C) Is There Any Originality In The Submitted Work.
D) All Of These.
Answer: Option D) All Of These.
Q130) Verbal Guidance Is Least Effective In Teaching
A) Attitude
B) Concepts And Facts
C) Relationship
D) Skills
Answer: Option D) Skills

Q131) The Adage Of Maintaining Good Relations With Others Is

A) Sycophancy
B) Kaleidoscopic Personality
C) Attractive Features And Mental Make Up
D) Control Over Emotion
Answer: Option C) Attractive Features And Mental Make Up
Q132) Which Is Most Favorable For Education?
A) Social Class
B) Social Mobility
C) Social Stratification
D) Caste
Answer: Option C) Social Stratification
Q133) Which Of The Following Is Most Important For Effective Learning In Classroom?
A) TeacherS Ability To Create And Maintain Inappropriate Responses
B) Provide Immediate Feedback
C) Do Not Provide Unconstructive Comments For Evaluating Activities
D) All Of These
Answer: Option D) All Of These
Q134) Which Of The Following Is The Educational Implicatio Of The Of The Learning
A) Memory
B) Interest
C) Curiosity And Level Of Aspiration Are Motivating Factors According To Berlyne.
D) All Of These
Answer: Option D) All Of These
Q135) Use Of Telecast Materials.

A) Enhances Concentration And Learning.
B) Reduces The Burden Of The Teacher.
C) Increases Retention Power.
D) All Of These
Answer: Option A) Enhances Concentration And Learning.
Q136) Which One Of The Following Languages Can Be The Best Medium Of Instruction
At Primary Level?
A) National Language(Hindi)
International Language(English)
C) Regional Language
D) Mother Tongue
Answer: Option D) Mother Tongue
Q137) Allof The Following Are The Characteristic Features Of An Effective Teacher Except
A) Emphasis Upon Standards
B) Emphasizing Group Discussion For The Purpose Of Clarifying The Objectives
C) Emphasis Upon The Quick Control Of Problematic Situations.
D) Differential Treatment Meted Out To Students Of His Class.
Answer: Option C) Emphasis Upon The Quick Control Of Problematic Situations.
Q138) Which One Of The Following Should A Teacher Adopt In His Lecture In A Class?
A) Precise And Low Tone.
B) Elongated Tone.
C) Precise And High Tone.
D) Moderate Tone.
Answer: Option A) Precise And Low Tone.
Q139) Which Of The Following Is True About Micro Teaching?
A) It Is The Following With Video Recording Of Lessons.
B) It Is A Teacher Education Technique Allowing Teacheres To Apply Clearly Defined Teaching

C) It Is Scaled Down Teaching Encounters In Class Size And Class Time.
D) All Of These
Answer: Option D) All Of These
Q140) If Students Are Not Able To Follow Your Lectures What Will You Do First?
A) You Will Make Your Lecture More Easy.
B) You Will Try To Know The Cause And Find The Right Solution For That.
C) You Will Start Giving Examples To Them.
D) None Of These
Answer: Option B) You Will Try To Know The Cause And Find The Right Solution For That.

CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers :
Set 8 (Q141-Q160)

UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers | Set 8
Q141) This Methodology Trains The Child To Search Facts, Rules And Principles Led By
His Own Efforts, Organize The Set Of Knowledge Gained And Delineate General Rule.
The Aforesaid Statement Is About Which Of The Following Methodology Of Teaching?
A) Montessori
B) Kindergarten
C) Heuristic
D) Playway
Answer: Option C) Heuristic
Q142) While Dealing With Juvenile Delinquents A Teacher Should
A) Play Them Filthy Jokes.
B) Talks With Them Frankly And Guide And Channelize
C) Complain To The Principal Against Them
D) None Of These
Answer: Option B) Talks With Them Frankly And Guide And Channelize

Q143) Which Of The Following Is A Disadvantage Of Teaching Machine?

A) The Insurance Of Attention
B) Their Universal Use For Different Kinds Of Programmes
C) The Tracking Of Errors
D) All Of These
Answer: Option A) The Insurance Of Attenion
Q144) The Greatest Important Cause Of Failure In The Beginning For A Teacher Lies In
The Area Of :
A) Interpersonal Relationship
B)Verbal Ability
C) Knowledge Of The Teacher
D) Light-Handling Of The Student
Answer: Option A) Interpersonal Relationship
Q145) The Best Way To Reacty To A Wrong Answer Given By A Student Is :
A) To Scold Him For Not Having Learnt The Lesson
B) To Explain Why The Answer Is Wrong
C) To Ask Another Student To Give The Correct Answer
D) To Ignore The Wrong Answer And Pass On The Next Question
Answer: Option B) To Explain Why The Answer Is Wrong
Q146) Which Of The Following Institutions Is Responsible For The Implementation Of
Reforms In Teaching Profession?
A) University Grants Commission.
B) National Council For TeacherS Education
C) National Council For Educational Research And Training
D) National Institute Of Educational Planning And Administration.
Answer: Option D) National Institute Of Educational Planning And Administration.
Q147) A Serious Minded Teacher As A Rule:

A) Allows The Mistakes To Be Committed And Explains How To Minimise Those Mistakes
B) Never Allows Mistakes On The Part Of His Students
C) Takes All Precaution So That Students Never Commit Mistakes
D) Should Mildly Punish Studetns Who Commit Mistakes
Answer: Option A) Allows The Mistakes To Be Committed And Explains How To Minimise
Those Mistakes
Q148) One Of Your Student Is Too Poor To Buy A Book. How Will You Help Him?
A) You Will Purchase The Book.
B) You Will Collect A Fund From Others For This Purpose.
C) You Will Provide The Books From Library.
D) You Will Request The Institute Administration To Make A Policy For Helping Such Students.
Answer: Option C) You Will Provide The Books From Library.
Q149) Objective Type Questions Are Not Helpful In Testing
A) StudentS Knowledge Level Of Subject Matter.
B) StudentS Ability To Describe And Explain Things.
C) StudentS Ablity Of Writing And Expression.
D) All Of The Above
Answer: Option D) All Of The Above
Q150) Which Of The Following Is Responsible For Uniformity In Curriculum At Higher
Level In India?
A) University Grants Commission.
B) National Council For Educational Research And Training
C) Human Resource Development Ministry.
D) All India Council For Technical Education.
Answer: Option A) University Grants Commission.
Q151) The Function Of A Teacher Is In The Order Of :
A) Guiding The Child, Helping Him Towards Progress And Evaluation

B) Checking Homework, Guiding Him And Assigning Further Task

C) Both (A) And (B)
D) None Of These
Answer: Option A) Guiding The Child, Helping Him Towards Progress And Evaluation
Q152) Classroom Discipline Can Be Maintained Effectively By:
A) Knowing The Cause Of Indiscipline And Handling It With Stern Hand
B) Providing A Programme Which Is According To Need And Interest Of Pupils
C) By Giving Punishment For Even Smallest Sins
D) None Of These
Answer: Option B) Providing A Programme Which Is According To Need And Interest Of Pupils
Q153) The first important step in teaching is
A) planning of representation of topic or subject.
B) organizing the background of students for the subject
C) organizing the material to be taught
D) knowing th background of students
Answer: Option D) knowing th background of students
Q154) Kindergarten (KG) system of education is indebted to
A) Dewey
B) Froebel
C) Plato
D) Spencer
Answer: Option B) Froebel
Q155) Which of the following can be the effect of meterorite impact?
A) Massive earthquake
B) Dust in atmosphere
C) Widespread wildfire
D) All of these

Answer: Option D) All of these

Q156) Central Soil Salinity Research Institute is situated at
A) Kasargod
B) Karnal
C) Gulmarg
D) Gwalior
Answer: Option B) Karnal
Q157) Which satellite channel uses the adline, Knowing is everything ?
A) BBC World
B) Star
C) Sony
D) Zee
Answer: Option A) BBC World
Q158) One of your colleagues is living in your locality but you have no affinity with him,
the reason may be
A) his selfishness
B) his religious faith
C) his social rejection
D) his miserable behaviour and rural background
Answer: Option A) his selfishness
Q159) A researcher wants to study the future of the Congress-I in India. For the study
which tool is most appropriate for him?
A) Questionnaire
B) Schedule
C) interview
D) Rating scale
Answer: Option A) Questionnaire

Q160) Find the odd man out of following group?

Answer: Option C) RUTS
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers :
Set 9 (Q161-Q180)

UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers | Set 9
Q161) Which of the following statements is correct?
A) An increase in the production of machines increases the organisational efficiency of the
B) Better economic organisation leads to a more efficient use of machines
C) Better economic organisation leads to a more efficient use of machines.
D) Machines produce money leading to an increase in productivity of the economy.
Answer: Option C) Better economic organisation leads to a more efficient use of machines.
Q162) Which of the following dams is not on Narmada river?
A) Indira Sagar Project
B) Jobat Project
C) Maheshwar Hydel Power Project
D) Koyna Power Project
Answer: Option D) Koyna Power Project
Q163) Nano knowledge city is being established at
A) Jaipur
B) Hyderabad
C) Bangalore
D) Chandigarh
Answer: Option C) Bangalore

A) 23
B) 44
C) 43
D) 33
Answer: Option C) 43
Q165) The system file of an operating system is
D) pdf
Answer: Option B) COM
Q166) Which of the following is correct statement?
A) Computers can be used for diagnosing the difficulty of a student in learning a subject
B) Psychological testing can be done with the help of computer provided a software is available
C) A set of instructions is called a programme
D) All the above
Answer: Option D) All the above
Q167) In which year the University Grants Commission was established ?
A) 1948
B) 1944
C) 1953
D) 1960
Answer: Option C) 1953
Q168) A message is
A) what is actually transmitted

B) what a receiver actually receives

C) what a communication actually produces
D) None of these
Answer: Option B) what a receiver actually receives
Q169) Which of the following can generate Tsunami?
A) Earthquake
B) Nuclear bomb testing
C) Meteorite impact
D) All of these
Answer: Option D) All of these
Q170) Which of the following methods of teaching encourages the use of maximum senses?
A) Problem-solving method
B) Laboratory method
C) Self-study method
D) Team teaching method
Answer: Option B) Laboratory method
Q171) The important pre-requisites of a researcher in sciences, social sciences and
humanities are
A) laboratory skills, records, supervisor, topic
B) Supervisor, topic, critical analysis, patience
C) archives, supervisor, topic, flexibility in thinking
D) topic, supervisor, good temperament, pre-conceived notions
Answer: Option B) Supervisor, topic, critical analysis, patience
Q172) Which of the following is a product of learning?
A) Maturation
B) Intelligence
C) Skills
D) Forgetness

Answer: Option C) Skills

Q173) UNO has fixed the target for Education for All till the year
A) 2013
B) 2012
C) 2015
D) 2013
Answer: Option C) 2015
Q174) A channel is
A) medium, which carries the message
B) an agent who which reacts on the behalf of receiver
C) an agent who encoded/decoded the receiver
D) All of the above
Answer: Option A) medium, which carries the message
Q175) Data is computerized to
A) meet the business requirement
B) to increase the integrity value of the data
C) to ensure optimal utilization of resources
D) modularity
Answer: Option C) to ensure optimal utilzation of resources
Q176) An atom bomb is based on the principle of
A) nuclear fusion
B) nuclear spallation
C) nuclear fission
D) None of these
Answer: Option C) nuclear fission
Q177) Color cards are used for

A) Monitors
C) Video graphics
D) All of these
Answer: Option A) Monitors
Q178) In a certain code. ROUNDS is written as RONUDS. How will PLEASE will be
written in the same code:
A) L P A E S E
B) P L A E S E
C) L P A E E S
D) P L A S E E
Answer: Option B) P L A E S E
Q179) Freedom of Speech
A) has been guaranteed by the constitution.
B) has not been expressly guaranteed by the constitution
C) has been given only to selected institutions.
D) None of these
Answer: Option B) has not been expressly guaranteed by the constitution
Q180) A good communicator is the one who offers to his audience:
A) plentiful of information
B) a good amount of statistics
C) concise proof
D) repetition of facts
Answer: Option A) plentiful of information
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers :
Set 10 (Q181-Q200)

UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers | Set 10
Q181) PAT, PEN, PIN, PUT, ?

Answer: Option C) PUT
Q182) An effective teacher adopts the norms of the
A) Democratic Society
B) Laissez Faire Society
C) Autocratic Society
D) All of these according to conditions
Answer: Option A) Democratic Socitey
Q183) The decline of the British Empire should have spelt the decline of English
A) the statement is a fact
B) the statement is an advice
C) the statement is an opinion
D) the statement is a prejudice
Answer: Option D) the statement is a prejudice
Q184) ATMs of bank have
A) emoney
B) only money transferring capabilities
C) real currency
D) None of these
Answer: Option C) real currency
Q185) Line access and avoidance of collision are the main functions of :
A) the CPU
B) the monitor

C) network protocols
D) wide area networks
Answer: Option C) network protocols
Q186) Malaria is caused by
A) bacterial infection
B) viral infection
C) parasitic infection
D) fungal infection
Answer: Option C) parasitic infection
Q187) Why a teacher is called the leader of the class?
A) He masters the art of oratory like a political leader.
B) He is autocratic emperor of his class.
C) He belongs to a recognised teachers union.
D) He is a maker of the future of his students.
Answer: Option B) He is autocratic emperor of his class.
Q188) Which of the following media can be used effectively in large group
A) Television
B) Overhead Projector
C) Video
D) Computer
Answer: Option B) Overhead Projector
Q189) If EFGHIJK is coded as VUTSRQP then LIMIT can be coded as :

Answer: Option B) ORNRG

Q190) Which of the following can cause explosive volcanic eruption?
A) Low viscosity of magma
B) High viscosity of magma
C) Higth water content in ground
D) None of these
Answer: Option B) High viscosity of magma
Q191) The Lok Sabha can be dissolved before the expiry of its normal five year term by
A) The Prime Minister
B) The Speaker of Lok Sabha
C) The President on the recommendation of the Prime Minister
D) None of these
Answer: Option C) The President on the recommendation of the Prime Minister
Q192) Which of the following is not a Fundamental Right?
A) Right to Equality
B) Right to Education
C) Right to freedom of speech and expression
D) Right to Employment
Answer: Option D) Right to Employment
Q193) Joint SAARC University of eight SAARC nations will be established in
A) Colombo (Sri Lanka)
B) Dhaka (Bangladesh)
C) New Delhi (India)
D) Male (Maldives)
Answer: Option C) New Delhi (India)
Q194) The historical research is different from experimental research in the process of

A) replication
B) formulation of hypothesis
C) hypothesis testing
D) All of the above
Answer: Option D) All of the above
Q195) The depth of any research can be judged by:
A) title of the research.
B) objectives of the research.
C) total expenditure on the research
D) duration of the research.
Answer: Option B) objectives of the research.
Q196) The word vitiate used in the second paragraph means
A) tarnish
B) destroy
C) negate
D) debase
Answer: Option D) debase
Q197) Which of the following is/ are true about shooting stars?
A) Certain objects which appear to fall from sky leaving a streak of light are called shooting
B) they are also called meteors.
C) As there stars travels through atmosphere, these pieces become hot, burn and emit lightm thus
acquiring brightness.
D) All of these
Answer: Option D) All of these
Q198) Laptop is a
A) Mini-computer

B) Micro-computer
C) Desktop PC
D) None of these
Answer: Option D) None of these
Q199) A member of UPSC holds office for a period of
A) 5 years
B) 7 years
C) Six years or sixty five years of age whichever is more.
D) Six years or sixty five years of age whichever is earlier.
Answer: Option D) Six years or sixty five years of age whichever is earlier.
Q200) The first Indian chronicler of Indian history was:
A) Megasthanese
B) Fahiyan
C) Huan Tsang
D) Kalhan
Answer: Option D) Kalhan
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers :
Set 11 (Q201-Q220)

UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers | Set 11
Q201) At present right to property is a
A) Legal Right
B) Human Right
C) Fundamental Right
D) Natural Right
Answer: Option A) Legal Right
Q202) Failure of students in examination, it may be the fault of
A) teacher

B) principal
C) students themselves
D) both (a)and ( c)
Answer: Option D) both (a)and ( c)
Q203) Formulation of hypothesis may not be necessary in
A) survey studies
B) fact finding (Historical) studies
C) normative studies
D)experimental studies
Answer: Option B) fact finding (Historical) studies
Q204) The carrier of mass communication is known as
A) mass media
B) print media
C) electronic media
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) mass media
Q205) Institute of technology is situated at
A) BHU,Varanasi
B) Osmania, University
C) Jamia Millia, Delhi
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) BHU,Varanasi
Q206) . Is the most advantageous payment way when orders are mostly received
through phone or e-mail.
A) Real time processing solution
B) Weblink
D) Virtual terminal solution

Answer: Option D) Virtual terminal solution

Q207) Which of the following is not a National Park?
A) Kanheri
B) Gir
C) Corbett
D) Kaziranga
Answer: Option A) Kanheri
Q208) The combination of computing, telecommunications and media in a digital
atmosphere is referred to as:
A) online communication
B) integrated media
C) digital combine
D) convergence
Answer: Option D) convergence
Q209) In a certain code, FHQK means GIRL. How will WOMEN be written in the same
Answer: Option D) VLNDM
Q210) In the guidance of learning a teacher has many important roles. Which one of the
following is the least important aspect of the teachers role in the guidance of learning?
A) The provision of continuous diagnostic and remedial help.
B) The forestalling of habits.
C) The provision of encouragement and moral support.
D) The development of insight into what constitute the pitfalls and danger to be avoided.

Answer: Option D) The development of insight into what constitute the pitfalls and danger to be
Q211) Feed back is
A) immediate reaction of receiver
B) response of receiver to communicators message
C) analysis done by the receiver of the communicators message
D) None of these
Answer: Option B) response of receiver to communicators message
Q212) M P K R I T ?
A) U
B) V
C) W
D) G
Answer: Option D) G
Q213) FTP is better than HTTP because
A) it uses separate channels for data transmission and flow control.
B) it transfers data from the web server.
C) it transfers data from the life sever.
D) it copies file to the users hard disk in the destination specified by the user.
Answer: Option A) it uses separate channels for data transmission and flow control.
Q214) Video transmission over the Internet that looks like delayed live casting is called:
A) virtual video
B) direct broadcast
C) video shift
D) real- time video
Answer: Option D) real- time video
Q215) Indian Institute of Foreign Trade is situated in

A) Lucknow
B) Dehradun
C) New Delhi
D) Mumbai
Answer: Option C) New Delhi
Q216) Water is always involved with landslides. This is because it :
A) reduces the shear strength of rocks.
B) increases the weight of the overburden
C) enhances chemical weathering
D) is a universal solvent
Answer: Option B) increases the weight of the overburden
Q217) Which one of the following is not concerned with the duties of a teacher?
A) To discipline the students
B) To prepare students for examinations
C) to make monthly and annual reports
D) To participate in extra curricular activities
Answer: Option D) To participate in extra curricular activities
Q218) Hypothesis cannot be stated in
A) null and question form terms
B) declarations terms
C) general terms
D) directional terms
Answer: Option C) general terms
Q219) Which of the following is not a successful communicator?
A) One who presents material in a precise and clear way.
B) One who is able to adapt himself according to the language of the communicate.

C) One who knows a lot but is somewhat reserve in his attitude

D) One who sometimes becomes informal before the receiver and develops rapport.
Answer: Option C) One who knows a lot but is somewhat reserve in his attitude
Q220) In each of the four group of letters one is different from the others. Pick the odd one
Answer: Option C) HGFD
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers :
Set 12 (Q221-Q240)

CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers : Set
Q221) Which of the following statement is correct?
A) Discoveries are researches
B) Researches lead to discovery
C) Invention and Research are related
D) None of the above
Answer: Option B) Researches lead to discovery
Q222) If a teacher had to establish his credibility in evaluating answer sheets he must be
A) strict
B) lenient
C) objective
D) prompt
Answer: Option C) objective
Q223) Mainstreaming is a term associated with

A) career education
B) education for handicapped
C) inter-age class groupings
D) environmental education
Answer: Option B) education for handicapped
Q224) Suggestion helps in the development of information moral behavior, aesthetic sense
and character traits. Which of the following is the chief source of suggestions
which would his life?
A) Pupil of same age
B) Teachers
C) Elders
D) None of these
Answer: Option C) Elders
Q225) A teacher exploits students in your school. In this situation, what you will do?
A) Report the matter to the principal.
B) Not interfere in this matter.
C) Guide the teacher please stop this activity.
D) Go on Satyagraha against the teacher.
Answer: Option C) Guide the teacher please stop this activity.
Q226) Of the following learning theories, the one that embodies the idea that the learning
takes place through insight is known as
A) Gestalt
B) Stimulus-Response
C) Connectionist
D) Pragmatic
Answer: Option A) Gestalt
Q227) The teacher ought to know the problems prevalent in the field of education. The
reason is that

A) only a teacher can do something about solving them.
B) he can tell about the same to another teacher.
C) Teachers can tell the government about it.
D) With this knowledge, the teacher can have information about education.
Answer: Option A) only a teacher can do something about solving them.
Q228) The male students in your class are annoyed with you on the pretext you that have
a favor to the female students. In such an embarrassing situation how would you like to
control them in class?
A) You will tell the male students that girls have no option except to depend on school teacher
for their academic assistance.
B) You will justify that most of the female students are more sincere towards their studies than
male students.
C) You will justify to the male students that it is difficult for you refuse the request made by
female students
D) None of these
Answer: Option B) You will justify that most of the female students are more sincere towards
their studies than male students.
Q229) With respect to the development of skills, all of the following are correct except that
A) Pupil of same mental age should learn at the same rate.
B) Group interaction increases the skills
C) group instruction facilitates the learning process
D) workbooks can be invaluable learning aid.
Answer: Option A) Pupil of same mental age should learn at the same rate.
Q230) When you make a mistake while teaching in the class and your students point it out
angrily then what will you does?
A) You will break all limits of anger
B) You will feel sorry for committing the blunder
C) You will scold him/her and resist them
D) You will leave the class for few days
Answer: Option B) You will feel sorry for committing the blunder

Q231) The project method of teaching is best associated with the philosophy of
A) John Dewey
B) Max rafferty
C) Robert Hatchins
D) B.F. Skinner
Answer: Option A) John Dewey
Q232) In our present society where values are deteriorating, the excellent education will be
A) enables one to earn in an easy manner.
B) Exaggerates the competition in the society.
C) Works for establishment of human and cultural value.
D) Decelerates the social change in society.
Answer: Option C) works for establishment of human and cultural value.
Q233) Emotional development is as much affected by maturation and learning as sensory
processes, muscular growth and intellectual functions. Parlous experiment showed
emotional responses could be learned through
A) conditioning
B) imitation
C) knowledge and skills.
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) conditioning
Q234) Which of the following statement is correct?
A) In research, objectives can be worded in question form.
B) In research, objectives can be worded in statement form.
C) Objectives are to be stated in Chapter I of the Thesis
D) All of the above
Answer: Option D) All of the above
Q235) Before starting instruction a teacher should

A) know the existing knowledge of his students and their background knowledge.
B) Be aware of the environmental variables acting on the mind of the pupil.
C) Be competent enough to arouse the curiosity of pupil.
D) All of these
Answer: Option D) All of these
Q236) Professors need to study educational philosophy mainly because
A) most professors know nothing about educational philosophy
B) most professors follow a wrong philosophy
C) they may improve their work by classifying their philosophy.
D) All of the above
Answer: Option C) they may improve their work by classifying their philosophy.
Q237) On which of the following statements there is consensus among educators?
A) Disciplinary cases should be sent to the principal only when other means have failed.
B) Disciplinary cases should never be sent to principals office.
C) Disciplinary cases should be totally neglected in the class.
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) Disciplinary cases should be sent to the principal only when other means
have failed.
Q238) A competent teacher must have a sound knowledge about:
A) Practice, Concept, Theory and Research
B) theory, Research, Practice and concepts
C) Concept, Theory, Practice and Research
D) Research, Practice, Concept and Theory
Answer: Option C) Concept, Theory, Practice and Research
Q239) Below are given some probable characteristics of an ineffective teacher, which of the
following is most likely to be characterised the ineffective teacher?
A) Emphasis upon standards

B) Emphasis upon pupil discussion in the clarification of groups goals

C) emphasis upon the control of immediate situation
D) None of these
Answer: Option C) emphasis upon the control of immediate situation
Q240) Maximum participation of students is possible in teaching through
A) Lecture method
B) Discussion method
C) Textbook method
D) Audi-visual aids
Answer: Option B) Discussion method
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers :
Set 13 (Q241-Q260)

CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers : Set
Q241) which of the following is/are the qualities of teacher?
A) Teacher should be able to arrange subject matter in a logical way
B) Teacher should inspire his pupil
C) Teacher should have sweet, polite and clear voice.
D) All of these
Answer: Option D) All of these
Q242) The students who keep asking questions in the class
A) Performs the role of an active member of the political party in power.
B) Should be encouraged to participate in classroom discussion
C) Should be encouraged to find answer independently
D) Should be encouraged to continue questioning.
Answer: Option D) should be encouraged to continue questioning.
Q243) which of the following one is most effective for a teacher?

A) Knowledge
B) Feedback
C) Management
D) Teaching skills
Answer: Option D) teaching skills
Q244) which is the source of primary data
A) Books
B) Newspapers
C) Respondent
D) Reports
Answer: Option C) Respondent
Q245) Many experienced teachers go into a classroom and embark straight away upon a
lesson. As a beginner to the teaching profession will you
A) Adopt the same procedure
B) Make a written note of your preparation
C) As the students a like
D) None of these
Answer: Option B) makes a written note of your preparation
Q246) which can be described as an ideal teaching technique?
A) Repetitive drill and rote memorization
B) Using props and manipulative to help students understand abstract concept.
C) Encouraging in group discussion for logical thinking.
D) Both (b) and (c)
Answer: Option D) both (b) and (c)
Q247) Quality of education in a school/college can be measured through
A) Infrastructural facilities available
B) Manpower teachers and principal available

C) Students achievements
D) All of the above
Answer: Option D) All of the above
Q248) A mentally retarded student attends your lecture and sits in a deaf and dumb
manner. What will you do?
A) Make your lecture very simple and spare some extra time for him.
B) You do not like to spoil majority for the individual.
C) You pressurised the student to leave the class.
D) You do not support him at all.
Answer: Option A) Make your lecture very simple and spare some extra time for him.
Q249) Teaching in higher education implies
A) Presenting the information given in the text book
B) Asking questions in the class and conducting examinations
C) helping students prepare for and pass the examination
D) Helping students how to learn
Answer: Option D) helping students how to learn
Q250) for providing evaluative feedback to students, the teacher should
A) Use correction, not criticism, in respect to inappropriate responses
B) Provide immediate feedback
C) Do not provide nonconstructive comments for evaluating activities
D) All of these
Answer: Option D) All of these
Q251) The members of a group act, feel and think together, in a way which is different
from the normal acting, feeling and thinking of individual, who come together to form the
group. It is known as
A) memsis
B) Co-operation

C) Understanding
D) Group working
Answer: Option A) memsis
Q252) which of the following is a good method of teaching?
A) Lecture and dictation
B) Seminar and project
C) Seminar and dictation
D) Dictation and Assignment
Answer: Option B) Seminar and project
Q253) which of the following is the most important signal factor in underlying the success
of beginning a teacher?
A) Scholarship
B) Communicative ability
C) Personality and its ability to relate to the class and to the pupils
D) Organisational ability
Answer: Option C) Personality and its ability to relate to the class and to the pupils
Q254) which one of the following is least required during the preparation of lecture?
A) Clear introduction and summary.
B) Time and control unit
C) Examples for better explanation and understanding.
D) Factual materials in indirect way.
Answer: Option D) Factual materials in indirect way.
Q255) in your view arrangement for education on environment in the school
A) is important for creating an awareness among an awareness among students about the
B) is likely to put more burdens on students.
C) Is a mode of entertainment for students?
D) Is like giving work to teacher.

Answer: Option A) is important for creating awareness among awareness among students about
the environment.
Q256) Failure of the teacher to communicate its ideas well to the students may result in
A) Classroom indiscipline.
B) Loss of students interest in hot topic being taught.
C) Increase in number of absentees in the class.
D) All of these
Answer: Option D) All of these
Q257) if a group of students enter your room and abuse you and behave violently with you,
at that time how would you control your emotions?
A) You will react in a similar fashion and try to assault them physically.
B) First, you will try to pacify their emotions and then ask politely about their behaviour.
C) You will feel ashamed among your teachers community.
D) You will report the case to the principal with recommendation of punitive measures.
Answer: Option B) First, you will try to pacify their emotions and then ask politely about their
Q258) what is the reason behind the adoption of GRADE system instead of our old
MARKS system?
A) It will improve the quality of assessment.
B) It will improve teacher student relationship.
C) It will eliminate the differentiation between students on marks basis.
D) Grading system is easier than marks system.
Answer: Option C) it will eliminate the differentiation between students on marks basis.
Q259) why do you support the five stage method of Herbart?
A) In this there is no scope for individual diversity of students.
B) Under this, generalisation is not required to be done while teaching subjects like language,
history, geography etc.
C) In this method, it is difficult to make co-ordination between various subjects.
D) All of these

Answer: Option D) All of these

Q260) which of the following are true about teaching?
A) Teaching is dynamic in nature.
B) Teaching is a process.
C) It changes its concept with time and place.
D) All of these
Answer: Option D) All of these
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers :
Set 14 (Q261-Q280)

CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers | Set
Q261) To gain popularity among students, teacher should :
A) personally help them in their study
B) frequently organize tours
C) dictate notes while teaching
D) maintain good social relationship
Answer: Option A) personally help them in their study
Q262) Which one of the following is not a quality of teacher?
A) Teacher should use modern techniques. Methods and gadgets are teaching for better
understanding of subject matter.
B) Teacher should maintain an autocratic atmosphere in the class.
C) He/she should have interest in his/her profession and knowledge must be updated.
D) Teacher must be fair tin grading and marking.
Answer: Option B) Teacher should maintain an autocratic atmosphere in the class.
Q263) Which of the following is NOT true?
A) Teaching is an art.
B) Teachers can be trained.

C) Teachers are born.

D) All of the above
Answer: Option D) All of the above
Q264) The main function of educational psychology is to provide prospective teacher with:
A) research procedures for evaluating current teaching procedure.
B) Insight into the needs, problems and styles of behaviour of teacher.
C) Insight into various aspects of modern teaching education.
D) How to deal with students and everyday class situation.
Answer: Option D) how to deal with students and everyday class situation.
Q265) Which of the following is not a quality of teacher?
A) Teacher should be keen in his work and should be enthusiastic and anxious to keep his
knowledge fresh and update.
B) He should have feelings of love and sympathy.
C) His language should be understandable to students.
D) He may not know child psychology.
Answer: Option D) He may not know child psychology.
Q266) You bringing your pupil for a monument visit outside your city. A father is reluctant
to send his child for this. What will you do?
A) Leave that child and go with others
B) Try to understand his fathers problems
C) Try to convince him for sending his child by explaining the importance of such as educational
and cultural trip.
D) None of these
Answer: Option C) Try to convince him for sending his child by explaining the importance of
such as educational and cultural trip.
Q267) The primary task of a teacher is :
A) to teach the prescribed curriculum
B) to prepare students to pass their examination

C) to make them a thinking people

D) to modify their behaviour according to the needs of our society and country.
Answer: Option D) to modify their behaviour according to the needs of our society and country.
Q268) Who defined teaching as a An organised system of specific activities aimed to help
the learner learn something ?
A) Morrin
B) Byod
C) Smith
D) Jackson
Answer: Option C) Smith
Q269) The main role of education according to Plato is :
A) to develop the power of contemplation
B) to develop the personality of each individuals
C) to strengthen the state.
D) All of these
Answer: Option D) All of these
Q270) Which of the following statements regarding motivation is correct?
A) Freewill, intellect and reason are the motivating factors according to Plato.
B) Inborn, unlearned tendencied, called instincts are the motivating forces according to James
C) Curiosity and level of aspiration are motivating factors according to Berlyne.
D) All of these
Answer: Option D) All of these
Q271) Freedom if Press as such
A) has been guaranteed by the constitution.
B) Has not been expressly guaranteed by the constitution
C) has been given only to selected institutions.
D) None of these

Answer: Option B) has not been expressly guaranteed by the constitution

Q272) Fill in the missing member in the sequence:
A) father
B) niece
C) sister
D) uncle
Answer: Option A) father
Q273) In which year the number of employees working in production department was less
than 50% of the total employees?
A) 1999
B) 2001
C) 2002
D) 2003
Answer: Option A) 1999
Q274) Which year showed the greatest per cent increase in profit compared to previous
A) 2003
B) 2004
C) 2000
D) 2002
Answer: Option D) 2002
Q275) The planning commission of India is
A) Tripura
B) Meghalaya
C) Mizoram
D) Manipur
Answer: Option C) Mizoram

Q276) Parliament can legislate on matters listed in the State list:

A) With the prior permission of the President.
B) Only after the constitution is amended suit-ably.
C) In case of inconsistency among State legislatures.
D) At the request of two or more States.
Answer: Option D) At the request of two or more States.
Q277) Catharsis means discharge of emotions. A teacher can let off pent up energy of his
disciple through
A) picnic/excursions
B) mock- parliament
C) celebration of festivals
D) all of these
Answer: Option D) all of these
Q278) Major limitation of mass communication is
A) it is very costly
B) the feedback system is weak
C) more time is required to produce the message
D) the success largely depends upon the producer
Answer: Option B) the feedback system is weak
Q279) In the income section, how many degrees (approx.) should there be in central angle
of the sector representing income tax?
A) 105
B) 120
C) 135
D) 150
Answer: Option B) 120
Q280) Water for civil supplies are commonly purified by

A) Chlorination
B) Distillation
C) Filtration
D) Decantation
Answer: Option A) Chlorination
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers :
Set 15 (Q281-Q300)

CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers

Set 15
Q281) Research can be conducted by a person who:
A) Has studied research methodology
B) Holds a postgraduate degree
C) Possesses thinking and reasoning ability
D) Is a hard worker
Answer: Option C) possesses thinking and reasoning ability
Q282) suppose you are asked by your friends to take the membership of the teachers
association. How could you take decision in this situation?
A) You will give priority to social relations, therefore, you will accept the offer.
B) You will have, faith in unity so you will accept the membership.
C) You will de affiliate yourself from the colleagues instead of enmity with the management.
D) You will try to avoid the issue.
Answer: Option D) you will try to avoid the issue.
Q283) which of the following steps would you consider first as an effective communicator?
A) Select the channels of communication
B) Plan the evaluation procedure
C) Specify the objectives of communication
D) Identify the various media for communication

Answer: Option C) Specify the objectives of communication

Q284) In this question four words have been given, out of which three are alike in the same
manner and fourth one is different. Choose the odd one out.
A) Tailor
B) Carpenter
C) Blacksmith
D) Barber
Answer: Option D) Barber
Q285) Ethernet is an example of
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) LAN
Q286) the final decision about the disqualification of an M.P. of Lok Sabha under the law
of defection rests with
A) Speaker
B) Election Commission
C) Supreme Court
D) President
Answer: Option A) Speaker
Q287) If A stands for 5, B for 6, C for 7, D for 8 and so on, then the following numbers
stand for 17,19,20,9,and 8 :
Answer: Option B) MOPED

Q288) an effective teaching means all of the following except

A) A teacher teaches with enthusiasm.
B) A teacher finds fault in his students.
C) A teacher puts emphasis more on teaching than on class control.
D) A teacher is interested in making the subject matter understood rather than on completing the
Answer: Option B) a teacher finds fault in his students.
Q289) Independent variables are not manipulated in
A) Normative research
B) ex-post facto researches
C) Both of the above
D) None of these
Answer: Option C) both of the above
Q290) Promotional device which is used to improve the image and profitability of a
periodical is known as
A) Personal Relation
B) Personnel Relation
C) Public Relation
D) Promotional Relation
Answer: Option C) Public Relation
Q291) Jackal is related to Carnivorous in the same way as Goat is related to
A) Omnivorous
B) Herbivorous
C) Carnivorous
D) Multivorous
Answer: Option B) Herbivorous
Q292) what is EDI ?

A) Electronic Data Interface
B) Electronic Data Internet
C) Electronic Data Interchange
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) Electronic Data Interface
Q293) The coldest place on the earth among the following is
A) Halifax
B) Chicago
C) Siachin
D) Verkhoyansk
Answer: Option D) Verkhoyansk
Q294) The President of India
A) Enjoys absolute powers.
B) Enjoys limited but real powers.
C) Enjoys only nominal powers.
D) Enjoys no powers.
Answer: Option C) enjoys only nominal powers.
Q295) LAN stands for :
A) Local and National
B) Local Area Network
C) Large Area Network
D) Live Area Network
Answer: Option B) Local Area Network
Q296) Information and Communication Technology includes:
A) On line learning
B) Learning through the use of EDUSAT

C) Web Based Learning

D) All the above
Answer: Option D) All the above
Q297) if you invite personal friends and colleagues in your sons birthday party, the
procedure of invitation will be
A) Only personal invitation will be extended to most dear ones.
B) Only a specific group of teachers will be invited.
C) Extend invitation to all the teachers without any distinction.
D) You would invite all the personnel of the school.
Answer: Option C) extends invitation to all the teachers without any distinction.
Q298) for a proposition to be true it is necessary that it should have all of the following
characteristics EXCEPT
A) It must be objective
B) It must be in tune with accepted beliefs.
C) It must be consistent.
D) It must be testable.
Answer: Option D) it must be testable.
Q299) SITE stands for
A) System for International Television based Education.
B) Satellite Instruction Television Experiment.
C) Satellite Instructional Technological Experiment.
D) System of Indian Trade in Europe.
Answer: Option B) Satellite Instruction Television Experiment.
Q300) Communication satellites work through
A) Transponders
B) Transmitters
C) Radars
D) None of these

Answer: Option A) transponders

CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers :
Set 16 (Q301-Q320)

CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers : Set
16 (Q301-Q320)
Q301) Which of the following is not cyclone prone area in India?
A) Orissa
B) Gujarat
C) Andhra Pradesh
D) Assam(Asom)
Answer: Option B) Gujarat
Q302) The most significant impact of volcanic eruption has been felt in the form of :
A) change in weather
B) sinking of islands
C) loss of vegetation
D) extinction of animals
Answer: Option A) change in weather
Q303) Electoral disputes arising out of Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections are
settled by
A) Election Commission of India
B) Joint Committee of Parliament
C) Supreme Court of India
D) Central Election Tribunal
Answer: Option C) Supreme Court of India
Q304) All of the following statements about a teacher are correct except that he/she is
A) a friend guide and philosopher
B) teacher that the students do not know

C) the leader in the class.

D) Changes his attitudes and behaviour according to the need of the society.
Answer: Option B) teacher that the students do not know
Q305) The quality of research is judged by the
A) experience of researcher.
B) Depth of the research.
C) Methodology followed in conducting the research.
D) Relevance of research.
Answer: Option D) relevance of research.
Q306) The study in which the investigators attempt
A) Survey Research
B) Ex-post Facto Research
C) Historical Research
D) Summative Research
Answer: Option B) Ex-post Facto Research
Q307) Which of the following is not created by the Act of Parliament ?
A) Atomic Energy Commission
B) Backward Class Commission
C) University Grants Commission
D) Railway Board
Answer: Option D) Railway Board
Q308) Micro teaching is most effective for the student-teacher :
A) during the practice-teaching
B) after the practice- teaching
C) before the practice-teaching
D) None of these
Answer: Option B) after the practice- teaching

Q309) The VIRUS is a

A) Software program
B) Hardware
C) Device
D) None of these
Answer: Option D) None of these
Q310) Teaching model is a way to
A) teach in a formal as well as informal way.
B) Select such stimulus so that, the students may give expected feedback.
C) Talk and think about instruction, which may contain facts in organised and classified manner.
D) both (a) and ( b)
Answer: Option D) both (a) and ( b)
Q311) Which of the following is Mahila University in Rajasthan ?
A) Kota University
B) M.D.S. University, Ajmer
C) Banasthali Vidyapeeth
D) J.N.Y. University, Jodhpur
Answer: Option B) M.D.S. University, Ajmer
Q312) How many Mondays are there in a particular month of a particular year. If the
month ends on Wednesday?
A) 5
B) 4
C) 3
D) None of these
Answer: Option D) None of these
Q313) Which is the number that comes next in the sequence ? 9, 8 , 8, 8, 7, 8, 6,

A) 5
B) 6
C) 8
D) 4
Answer: Option C) 8
Q314) Which of the following Hydel power projects is situated in Jammu and Kashmir ?
A) Lok Tak
B) Riwand
C) Salal
D) Upper Sileru
Answer: Option C) Salal
Q315) Which one of the following words is different from the rest three
A) Odour
B) Smell
C) Fragrance
D) Foul
Answer: Option D) Foul
Q316) Which of the following is/are step/steps of Research plan?
A) Objectives of the study
B) Review of literature
C) Research hypothesis
D) All of these
Answer: Option D) All of these
Q317) What is/are the objectives of workshop in research ?
A) Consideration of alternative research models through the presented different model
B) Defining and refining of problem to help researcher

C) Both (a) and (b)

D) None of these
Answer: Option C) Both (a) and (b)
Q318) Which of the following is an old form of communication?
A) Fire signals
B) Radio Signals
C) Telegrams
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) Fire signals
Q319) Which of the following statements is true with respect to Electronic Fund Transfer?
A) To verify the identity of the card holder using signature is more than using the PIN.
B) All cards are not checked with hot card number
C) A central authority verifies the signature of the card
D) None of these
Answer: Option D) None of these
Q320) Circle graphs are used to show :
A) How various sections share in the whole
B) How various parts are related to the whole
C) How one whole is related to other wholes
D) How one part is related to other parts
Answer: Option A) How various sections share in the whole
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers
: Set 17 (Q321-Q340)

CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers : Set
17 (Q321-Q340)
Q321) Which of the following is /are correct?
A) A teacher should introduce the lesson before he starts teaching

B) a teacher should have command over his language

C) A teacher should have command over his subject
D) All of these
Answer: Option D) All of these
Q322) Which one of the following is a non-probability sampling
A) Purposive Sampling
B) Cluster Sampling
Stratified Random Sampling
D) Simple Random Sampling
Answer: Option A) Purposive Sampling
Q323) The most important aspect of communication-listening can be improved by
A) making voice effective and impressive.
B) making communication material novel interesting and need based.
C) making the full attention
D) All of these
Answer: Option D) All of these
Q324) Kavaratti is the capital city of
A) Pondicherry
B) Andaman-Nicobar Islands
C) Lakshadweep
D) None of these
Answer: Option C) Lakshadweep
Q325) Atmosphere exists because of
A) gravitational force of earth
B) revolution of earth
C) rotation of earth
D) None of these

Answer: Option A) gravitational force of earth

Q326) Viruses that can change their appearance and use encryption are known as
A) boot sector virus
B) polymorphic virus
C) stealth virus
D) None of these
Answer: Option B) polymorphic virus
Q327) Sea level rise results primarily due to :
A) Heavy rainfall
B) Melting of glaciers
C) Submarine volcanism
D) Seafloor spreading
Answer: Option B) Melting of glaciers
Q328) Tsunami occurs due to :
A) Mild earthquakes and landslides in the oceans
B) Strong earthquakes and landslides in the oceans
C) Strong earthquakes and landslides in the mountains
D) Strong earthquakes and landslides in the deserts
Answer: Option B) Strong earthquakes and landslides in the oceans
Q329) Effective teaching involves
A) teacher dominance
B) pupil dominance
C) teacher and pupil interview
D) silence
Answer: Option C) teacher and pupil interview
Q330) The research guide requires which of the following essential qualities?

A) Subject matter expertise
B) Methodological expertise
C) Inter-disciplinary expertise
D) All of these
Answer: Option D) All of these
Q331) When was the 1st Indian postal stamp was issued?
A) 1937
B) 1876
C) 1854
D) 1852
Answer: Option D) 1852
Q332) If Dust is called Air, Air is called Fire, Fire is called Water, Water is called Colour.
Colour is called Rain and Rain is called Dust, then where do fish live?
A) Colour
B) Dust
C) Water
D) Fire
Answer: Option A) Colour
Q333) Which college has the least number of students from the discipline of Science?
A) A
B) C
C) E
D) D
Answer: Option D) D
Q334) Jon Von Neumann developed
A) the first electronic computer.
B) first electronic flip flop machine

C) stored programme concept

D) None of these
Answer: Option C) stored programme concept
Q335) Which of the following words is not included in preamble of the constitution?
A) Socialist
B) Secular
C) Dignity
D) Integrity
Answer: Option C) Dignity
Q336) The President of India may either give his assent or withhold his assent on a
reserved bill of a state in case if the bill is
A) Finance Bill
B) Money Bill
C) An Ordinary Bill
D) All of these
Answer: Option B) Money Bill
Q337) Central Institute of Design is situated at
A) Ahmedabad
B) Pune
C) Gulmarg
D) Dehradun
Answer: Option A) Ahmedabad
Q338) Maximum participation of students is possible
A) discussion method
B) lecture method
C) audio-visual aids
D) text book method

Answer: Option A) discussion method

Q339) Which technique is generally followed when the population is finite?
A) Area Sampling Technique
B) Purposive Sampling Technique
C) Systematic Sampling Technique
D) None of these
Answer: Option C) Systematic Sampling Technique
Q340) During lecture in classroom, some students hesitate to say that they are unable to
understand your lecture. What may be the reason for this?
A) You are unable to communicate effectively.
B) Your educational methodology is inadequate
C) Students fear you.
D) There is a cordial relation between you and your students
Answer: Option A) You are unable to communicate effectively.
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers
: Set 18 (Q341-Q360)

CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers : Set
18 (Q341-Q360)
Q341) If you are doing experiments on a large group of samples which method of
controlling will you adopt?
A) Elimination
B) Elimination and matching
C) Randomization
D) Matching
Answer: Option C) Randomization
Q342) Any effective communication system employs a feedback system in order to
A) make the necessary modifications in the process.
B) Understand more about the content.

C) Find faults with the sender (teacher)

D) find faults with the receiver ( the students)
Answer: Option A) make the necessary modifications in the process.
Q343) Bull is related to Drought in the same way as cow is related to .
A) Livestock
B) Milch
C) Farm
D) Fodder
Answer: Option B) Milch
Q344) MICR devices can read
A) letter
B) numbers
C) Both (a) and (b)
D) None of these
Answer: Option B) numbers
Q345) Pitchblende is the ore of
A) rubidium
B) francium
C) radium
D) uranium
Answer: Option D) uranium
Q346) Disputes regarding the election of Vice President are decided by
A) the Speaker
B) the President
C) the Parliament
D) the Supreme Court
Answer: Option D) the Supreme Court

Q347) DTH service was started in the year :

A) 2000
B) 2002
C) 2004
D) 2006
Answer: Option D) 2006
Q348) Which number is missing in the following series ? 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, 50 ?
A) 63
B) 65
C) 67
D) 69
Answer: Option B) 65
Q349) Use of radio for higher education is based on the presumption of :
A) Enriching curriculum based instruction
B) Replacing teacher in the long run
C) Everybody having access to a radio set
D) Other means of instruction getting out-dated
Answer: Option B) Replacing teacher in the long run
Q350) If a student is absent from the classes for a long time
A) you will try to know the cause of his absence.
B) you would try to solve his problems or help him.
C) Both (a) and (b)
D) None of these
Answer: Option C) Both (a) and (b)
Q351) Who has the least chance of becoming an effective teacher?
A) One who is a strict disciplinarian.

B) One who knows his subject well.

C) One who has no interest in teaching.
D) One who teaches moral values.
Answer: Option C) One who has no interest in teaching.
Q352) Educational quality is
A) Fundamental right
B) Only a customary right
C) Only a legal right
D) None of these
Answer: Option D) None of these
Q353) Who developed the first paper for the human beings ?
A) The Babylonians
B) The Chinese
C) The Sumerians
D) The Aryans
Answer: Option B) The Chinese
Q354) Which of the following options will complete the series? AZ, GT, MN, ? , YB.
Answer: Option C) SH
Q355) In 1999-2000, the ratio of export to the import is
A) 9 : 10
B) 10 : 9
C) 14 : 15
D) 15 : 14

Answer: Option A) 9 : 10
Q356) Appropriation Act of the General Budget is
A) a Finance Bill
B) a Money Bill
C) an Ordinary Bill
D) a Constitution Amendment Bill
Answer: Option B) a Money Bill
Q357) Probability sampling implies :
A) Stratified Random Sampling
B) Systematic Random Sampling
C) Simple Random Sampling
D) All of the above
Answer: Option D) All of the above
Q358) If the radius of a circle is increased by 50 percept. Its area is increased by
A) 125 per cent
B) 100 per cent
C) 75 per cent
D) 50 per cent
Answer: Option A) 125 per cent
Q359) Which of the following is fast step of teaching ?
A) Presentation
B) Application
C) Comparison
D) Generalisation
Answer: Option B) Application
Q360) Who among the following considered hypothesis as an assumption or preposition ?

A) George H. Landenberg
B) Gorgy G. Moore
C) Stephan Hawking
D) Alber D. Nero
Answer: Option B) Gorgy G. Moore
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers
: Set 19 (Q361-Q380)

CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers : Set
19 (Q361-Q380)
Q361) Sharavati Hydro-electric Project is located in
A) Odisha
B) Tamil Naidu
C) Andhra Pradesh
D) Karnataka
Answer: Option D) Karnataka
Q362) Feedback system is weakest in which of the following?
A) Interpersonal Communication
B) Intrapersonal Communication
C) Group Communication
D) Mass Communication
Answer: Option D) Mass Communication
Q363) Which one of the following is different from the other three ?
A) Venus
B) Jupiter
C) Uranus
D) Neptune
Answer: Option A) Venus
Q364) What is the full form of IUCN ?

A) Indian Universal Centre of Nature
B) International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
C) Indian Union for Conservation of Nature
D) Interaction Union for Consumption of Natural Resources
Answer: Option B) International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
Q365) are self replicating malicious code independent of the action of the user but
slow down the processes on entering a network.
A) Viruses
B) Worm
C) Trojan Horse
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) Viruses
Q366) Indias first Defence University is set up in
A) Haryana
B) Delhi
C) Punjab
D) Uttar Pradesh
Answer: Option A) Haryana
Q367) Which of the following Institutes is situated in Karikudi (Tamil Nadu)?
A) Central Electro Chemical Research Institute
B) Central Marine Fish Research Institute
C) Central Plantation Crop Research Institute
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) Central Electro Chemical Research Institute
Q368) RAM means :
A) Random Access Memory
B) Rigid Access Memory

C) Rapid Access Memory

D) Revolving Access Memory
Answer: Option A) Random Access Memory
Q369) Which one of the following is appropriate for natural hazard mitigation?
A) International AID
B) Timely Warning System
C) Rehabilitation
D) Community Participation
Answer: Option B) Timely Warning System
Q370) The great Indian Bustard (Ardeotis nigriceps) bird is found in
A) Thar Desert of India
B) Coastal regions of India
C) Temperate Forests in the Himalaya
D) Tarai zones of the Himalayan Foot
Answer: Option A) Thar Desert of India
Q371) Which one of the following is a primary task of a teacher?
A) To teach the prescribed curriculum.
B) To stimulate and guide students learning.
C) To promote habits of conformity to adult demands and expectations
D) To provide diagnostic and remedial aid wherever desired.
Answer: Option B) To stimulate and guide students learning.
Q372) Which of the following systematically discovers relations and interaction among
variables in real life situations such as school, factory, community etc ?
A) Field experiments
B) Field study
C) Survey study
D) Ex-post factor study

Answer: Option B) Field study

Q373) Which of the following is/are components of ethical research ?
A) Disclosure
B) Understanding
C) Competence
D) All of the above
Answer: Option D) All of the above
Q374) Which one of the following has the largest share in classroom communication?
A) Listening
B) Reading
C) Writing
D) Speaking
Answer: Option A) Listening
Q375) mm-hmm is a type of . Feedback
A) ambiguous
B) positive
C) negative
D) Either (a) or ( c )
Answer: Option A) ambiguous
Q376) Hour is related to second in the same four
A) Bodhgaya
B) Secondary
C) Primary
D) Intermediary
Answer: Option C) Primary
Q377) Which of the following is a job of DNS ?

A) Name display
B) File transfer
C) IP address display
D) None of these
Answer: Option C) IP address display
Q378) what is bio chore?
A) A unit of vegetation having uniformity of life form
B) A unit of vegetation having same type of climate
C) A unit of vegetation having large tree
D) A unit of vegetation having grass land
Answer: Option A) A unit of vegetation having uniformity of life form
Q379) National Anthem Jan-gana-man was composed by
A) Madam Cama
B) Surendranath Chatterji
C) Bankimchandra Chatterji
D) Rabindranath Tagore
Answer: Option D) Rabindranath Tagore
Q380) Universities having central campus for imparting education are called :
A) Central Universities
B) Deemed Universities
C) Residential Universities
D) Open Universities
Answer: Option B) Deemed Universities
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers
: Set 20 (Q381-Q400)

CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers : Set
20 (Q381-Q400)
Q381) The Constitution of India envisages three types of services

A) Navy, Air Force, Army
B) Civil, Military and Paramilitary
C) All India Services, Central Services, State Services
D) None of these
Answer: Option C) All India Services, Central Services, State Services
Q382) The aim of vocationalization of education is :
A) preparing students for a vocation along with knowledge
B) converting liberal education into vocational education
C) giving more importance to vocational than general education
D) making liberal education job-oriented
Answer: Option D) making liberal education job-oriented
Q383) If a teacher is cracking filthy jokes in a class and you are enable to stop him, then
what will you do ?
A) persuade him/her decently not to waste their time-in filthy jokes.
B) live in isolation or change the group.
C) instruct him to mind his/her language in class.
D) be critical and remind him for the nobility of their jobs.
Answer: Option A) persuade him/her decently not to waste their time-in filthy jokes.
Q384) Which of the following is recording source of data ?
A) Books
B) Journals, Magazines and Newspapers
C) Internet clippings
D) All of these
Answer: Option D) All of these
Q385) The main purpose of evaluating listening is
A) to accept or reject an idea given to the listener
B) to evaluate the speakers credibility and personality
C) Both (a) and (b)
D) All of these

Answer: Option C) Both (a) and (b)

Q386) Which will be the missing term in the following sequence : 0 , 3, 8 , 15 , 24 , 35 , ? 63 ,
80 , 99.
A) 48
B) 49
C) 64
D) 36
Answer: Option A) 48
Q387) If BOY is coded as ACNPXZ and COW as BDNPVX then how will you code LIFE ?
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) KMHJEGDF
Q388) INSAT- 1 series was procured from
B) France
D) Japan
Answer: Option A) USA
Q389) Winter rains in north -west India are generally associated with the phenomenon of
A) retreating monsoon
B) temperate cyclones
C) local thunderstorms
D) shift in Jet stream movement
Answer: Option A) retreating monsoon
Q390) The colour of yellow sea is such on a account of
A) industrial pollution
B) peculiar types of phytoplankton growing there.

C) loess brought by Hwang-ho river.

D) high sulphur content in the bottom rocks
Answer: Option C) loess brought by Hwang-ho river.
Q391) All of the following tend to erode local control of education in favour of national
control, except the
A) National Science Foundation
B) National Institute of Mental Health
C) College Entrance Examination Board
D) National Defence Education Act
Answer: Option B) National Institute of Mental Health
Q392) The teacher has been glorified by the phrase Friend, philosopher and guide
A) He has to play all vital roles in the context of society
B) He transmits the high value of humanity to students
C) He is the great reformer of the society
D) He is a great patriot
Answer: Option B) He transmits the high value of humanity to students
Q393) A teachers major contribution towards the maximum self-realization of the student
is affected through
A) Constant fulfilment of the students needs
B) Strict control of class-room activities
C) Sensitivity to students needs, goals and purposes
D) Strict reinforcement of academic standards
Answer: Option C) Sensitivity to students needs, goals and purposes
Q394) Which of the following sampling method is appropriate to study the prevalence of
AIDS among male and female in India in 1976, 1986, 1996 and 2006 ?
A) Cluster sampling
B) Systematic sampling
C) Queen sampling
D) Stratified random sampling

Answer: Option D) Stratified random sampling

Q395) Teachers primary responsibility lies in
A) planning educational experiences
B) implementing policies
C) keeping students record
D) All of the above
Answer: Option A) planning educational experiences
Q396) Which of the following is/are the examples of qualitative variable ?
A) Religion and Caste
B) Sex
C) Both (a) and (b)
D) None of these
Answer: Option C) Both (a) and (b)
Q397) In case of equal emoluments. The best profession is that of
A) Teacher
B) Doctor
C) An Engineer
D) Research Workers
Answer: Option A) Teacher
Q398) Which one of the following is true about the communication ?
A) It is dynamic in nature
B) It is constantly changing
C) It is shifting in response to the overall situation
D) All of the above
Answer: Option D) All of the above
Q399) Which of the following methods of communication would be most effective in
A) Lecture method
B) Multimedia method

C) Presenting written matter with the Lectures

D) Presenting written notes
Answer: Option B) Multimedia method
Q400) Intimate communication comes under the heading of
A) intrapersonal communication
B) interpersonal communication
C) group communication
D) None of these
Answer: Option B) interpersonal communication

CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1:

Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions &
Answers : Set 21 (Q401-Q420)
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers : Set
21 (Q401-Q420)

Q401) ASCII represents .. Number of characters C if it is using 7 bits

A) 127
B) 256
C) 128
D) None of these
Answer: Option C) 128
Q402) Which is the biggest multipurpose project in India?
A) Nagarjuna Sagar
B) Bhakra Nangal
C) Damodar
D) Krishanraja Sagar
Answer: Option B) Bhakra Nangal
Q403) If an article is sold for Rs. 178 at a loss of 11%; what would be its selling price in
order to earn a profit of 11 %?

A) Rs. 222.50
B) Rs. 267
C) Rs. 222
D) Rs220
Answer: Option C) Rs. 222
Q404) If January 1st, 2007 is Monday, what was the day on 1st January 1995?
A) Sunday
B) Monday
C) Friday
D) Saturday
Answer: Option D) Saturday
Q405) Which tree species is used for making railway sleepers?
A) Sal
B) Teak
C) Redwood
D) Sardines
Answer: Option A) Sal
Q406) The Public Accounts Committee submits its report to
A) the Speaker of Lok Sabha
B) the Comptroller and Auditor General
C) the President of India
D) the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs
Answer: Option A) the Speaker of Lok Sabha
Q407) In the following sequence find the last term. A, D, Z, E, Y, F?
A) W
B) V
C) X
D) U
Answer: Option C) X
Q408) Find the odd one out of the following
A) hockey

B) cricket
C) baseball
D) basketball
Answer: Option D) basket ball
Q409) An input operation performs two functions, they are
A) It causes an input device to physically read data, and transmits the data from the input device
to an input area of CPU.
B) It causes an input device to transmits the data convert into image form.
C) It causes an input device to physically read data, transmit the data to printer.
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) It causes an input device to physically read data, and transmits the data from
the input device to an input area of CPU.
Q410) Which of the following is not true about earthquake?
A) The shaking of ground is known as earthquake
B) It is a geological hazard
C) Seismic waves generated by earthquakes are invaluable for studying the interior of earth
D) Tsunami causes earthquakes
Answer: Option D) Tsunami causes earthquakes
Q411) Very small time intervals less than Nano seconds are accurately measured by the
A) Quartz clocks
B) Pulsars
C) Atomic clocks
D) White dwarfs
Answer: Option C) Atomic clocks
Q412) What is true about Lonar Lake?
A) It is a Salt Lake
B) It is a Crater Lake
C) It is a Lagoon Lake
D) It is situated in Rift Valley
Answer: Option B) It is a Crater Lake
Q413) Which broadcasting system for TV is followed in India?

Answer: Option B) PAL
Q414) The biggest news agency of India is
D) Samachar Bharati
Answer: Option A) PTI
Q415) The F-test
A) is essentially a two tailed test.
B) is essentially a one tailed test.
C) can be one tailed as well as two tailed depending on the hypothesis.
D) can never be a one tailed test.
Answer: Option C) can be one tailed as well as two tailed depending on the hypothesis.
Q416) To educate according to nature means
A) to come back to nature as oppose to mechanical life
B) to educate in accordance with the law of nature of human development
C) to study natural laws and apply them to educational process.
D) All of the above
Answer: Option B) to educate in accordance with the law of nature of human development
Q417) What is the full form of abbreviation HFT used in research?
A) Holzman Inkblot Test
B) Holfkins Issac Test
C) Higher Intelligence Test
D) Hinds Informative Test
Answer: Option A) Holzman Inkblot Test
Q418) In order to produce a quality of research, it depends on
A) use of high technology
B) available facilities

C) training in research methodology

D) dedication on the part of researcher
Answer: Option D) dedication on the part of researcher
Q419) In comparing the lecture and developmental lessons which one of the following is
A) There is more public developmental developmental lesson
B) It is more difficult to ascertain public learning in a lecture lesson
C) The lecture method is more conducive to largest class
D) Slow children derive more benefits from a lecture than brighter children do
Answer: Option D) Slow children derive more benefits from a lecture than brighter children do
Q420) Who among the following used the term variance for the first time?
A) J.L. Bayerd
B) J.L Murphy
C) R.A. Fisher
D) Rudi Shawn
Answer: Option A) J.L. Bayerd
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers
: Set 22 (Q421-Q440)

CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers : Set
22 (Q421-Q440)

Q421) An effective communication does not require

A) change in speech pattern
B) appropriate gesture
C) mastery of content
D) handsome personality
Answer: Option D) handsome personality
Q422) DTH (Direct to Home)
A) TV communication
B) Cinema

C) Radio
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) TV communication
Q423) ELEGANCE is related to VULGARITY in the same way as GRACEFUL is related
Answer: Option A) AWKWARD
Q424) In a certain code language, 419 means fruit is sweet 248 means very sweet voice and
637 means eat fruit daily then 9 stands for
A) eat
B) is
C) daily
D) fruit
Answer: Option B) is
Q425) The retained profit in 2001-02 as compared to 2000-01 was
A) higher by 2.5%
B) higher by 1.5%
C) lower by 2.5%
D) lower by 1.5 %
Answer: Option D) lower by 1.5 %
Q426) Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM) is used for
A) high speed data transfer
B) developing efficient digital network over existing one
C) accessing remote computer
D) synchronising protocols of different network
Answer: Option A) high speed data transfer
Q427) In the interior of earth

A) the temperature falls with increasing depth
B) the pressure falls with increasing depth
C) the temperature rises with increasing depth
D) pressure remains constant with varying depth
Answer: Option C) the temperature rises with increasing depth
Q428) Montreal protocol is related to
A) Ozone depletion
B) Nuclear weapons
C) Sea-bed
D) Landmines
Answer: Option A) Ozone depletion
Q429) In case of absence of both the President and the Vice President who acts as the
president of the country?
A) Speaker of Lok Sabha
B) The Prime Minister
C) Chief Justice of Supreme Court
D) Minister of Home Affairs
Answer: Option C) Chief Justice of Supreme Court
Q430) Corel Draw is a popular
A) Illustration programme
B) Programming language
C) Text programme
D) None of the above
Answer: Option A) Illustration programme
Q431) If the population growth follows a logistic curve, the maximum sustainable yield :
A) is equal to half the carrying capacity/
B) is equal to the carrying capacity.
C) depends on growth rates.
D) depends on the initial population.

Answer: Option A) is equal to half the carrying capacity/

Q432) If students do not understand what is taught in the class the teacher should feel
A) terribly bored
B) to explain it in different way
C) that he is wasting time
D) pity for the students
Answer: Option B) to explain it in different way
Q433) Which of the following is a purposive sampling?
A) Random probability sampling
B) Stratified random sampling
C) Cluster sampling
D) Deliberate sampling
Answer: Option D) Deliberate sampling
Q434) The first question that a researcher interested in the applicable for statistical
techniques to his problem has to ask
A) whether the data could be quantified
B) whether appropriate statistical techniques are available
C) whether analysis of data would be possible
D) whether worthwhile inferences could be drawn
Answer: Option A) whether the data could be quantified
Q435) Which of the following is not a step of research?
A) Selecting a topic
B) Framing research questions
C) Surveying the research topic
D) None of these
Answer: Option D) None of these
Q436) Which of the following provides more freedoms to the communication to interact?
A) Small group discussion
B) Using film projectors

C) Viewing countrywide classroom

D) Lecture by experts
Answer: Option A) Small group discussion
Q437) When was the All India Radio (AIR) was adopted?
A) June 8th 1936
B) July 17th 1952
C) June 17th 1935
D) July 8th 1949
Answer: Option A) June 8th 1936
Q438) Radio waves of constant amplitude can be generated with
A) filter
B) rectified
D) oscillator
Answer: Option D) oscillator
Q439) File
A) is a collection of related records
B) is a automated processing system
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) is a collection of related records
Q440) What is the full form of IPCC?
A) International Panel on Climate Change
B) International Panel on Carbon Consumption
C) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
D) None of these
Answer: Option C) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers
: Set 23 (Q441-Q460)

CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers : Set
23 (Q441-Q460)
Q441) Which of the following standing committee of Parliament has no Member of
Parliament from Rajya Sabha?
A) Hawai Island
B) Greenland
C) Kamchatka
D) None of these
Answer: Option B) Greenland
Q442) The Government of India introduced Bharat Ratna and Padmashree awards under
A) Article 18 of the constitution
B) Article 20 of the constitution
C) Article 17 of the constitution
D) Article 16 of the constitution
Answer: Option A) Article 18 of the constitution
Q443) Which opinion is not correct?
A) Education is a subject of concurrent list of VII schedule of Constitution of India
B) University Grants commission is a statutory body
C) Patent, inventions, design, copyright and trademarks are the subject of concurrent list
D) Indian Council of Social Science Research is a statutory body related to research in social
Answer: Option C) Patent, inventions, design, copyright and trademarks are the subject of
concurrent list
Q444) Election of Rural and Urban local bodies are conducted and ultimately supervised
A) Election Commission of India
B) State Election Commission
C) District Collector and District Magistrate
D) Concerned Returning Officer
Answer: Option B) State Election Commission
Q445) Which of the following statement is correct?

A) Communicator should have fine senses
B) Communicator should have tolerance power
C) Communicator should be soft spoken
D) Communicator should have good personality
Answer: Option A) Communicator should have fine senses
Q446) Blacksmith is related to Anvil in the same way as surgeon is related to
A) scalpel
B) knife
C) pen
D) stethoscope
Answer: Option A) scalpel
Q447) The Directive Principles of State Policy seek
A) to establish the supremacy of the constitution
B) to curb the authoritarian rule
C) to strengthen judiciary
D) to make the constitution an instrument of social change
Answer: Option D) to make the constitution an instrument of social change
Q448) Boot is
A) start-up of a computer
B) loading software in a computer
C) managing memory of computer
D) all of above
Answer: Option D) all of above
Q449) Yahoo messenger is an ..
A) application
B) on line transaction
C) virtual terminal
D) all of above
Answer: Option D) all of above
Q450) Encoding is

A) the formulation of messages in the communicators mind
B) the formulation messages in the receivers mind
C) coding of whole communication process
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) the formulation of messages in the communicators mind

Q451) Doctor :Medicine ::Teacher

A) Class
B) Lecture
C) Education
D) Students
Answer: Option C) Education
Q452) A dogma is different from a theory in respect of any one of the following?
A) Experimental verification
B) Conviction
C) Assumption
D) Acceptability
Answer: Option A) Experimental verification
Q453) Teachers who are enthusiastic in the classroom teaching
A) often lack proficiency in the subjects which stays hidden under their enthusiasm
B) simply dramatize to hold the students attention.
C) involve their students in the teaching learning process
D) All of these
Answer: Option C) involve their students in the teaching learning process
Q454) The most appropriate meaning of learning is
A) inculcation of knowledge
B) modification of behaviour
C) personal adjustment
D) acquisition of skills

Answer: Option B) modification of behaviour

Q455) The Report on Currency and Finance for each of the financial year in India is
published by :
A) Reserve Bank of India
B) Ministry of Finance
C) Planning Commission
D) Central Statistical Organisation
Answer: Option A) Reserve Bank of India
Q456) Generalized conclusion on the basis of a sample is technically known as :
A) statistical inference of external validity of the research
B) data analysis and interpretation
C) parameter inference
D) All of the above
Answer: Option A) statistical inference of external validity of the research
Q457) All are the examples of qualitative variables except :
A) religion and castes
B) sex
C) observation
D) interest of the subject
Answer: Option D) interest of the subject
Q458) Complete loss of memory is termed
A) Amnesia
B) Coma
C) Trauma
D) Paranesia
Answer: Option A) Amnesia
Q459) Which of the following is not an input device ?
A) Joystick
B) Scanner

D) Keyboard
Answer: Option C) VDU
Q460) In the study of man environment interaction, the statement of Miss Semple that the
humans are solely the product of their environment , is :
A) An opinion
B) A prejudice
C) A fact
D) A widely accepted phenomenon
Answer: Option A) An opinion
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers
: Set 24 (Q461-Q480)

CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers : Set
24 (Q461-Q480)
Q461) Which of the following is the appropriate definition of Information Technology?
A) Information Technology refers to the use of hardware and software for processing
B) Information Technology refers to the use of hardware and software for distribution of useful
C) Information Technology refers to the use of hardware and software for storage, retrieval,
processing and distributing information of many kinds.
D) Information Technology refers to the use of principles of Physical sciences and Social
sciences for processing of information of many kinds.
Answer: Option C) Information Technology refers to the use of hardware and software for
storage, retrieval, processing and distributing information of many kinds.
Q462) ICT stands for :
A) International Communication Technology
B) Computer is capable of analysing both quantitative and qualitative data.
C) Information and Communication Technology
D) Inter connected Terminals
Answer: Option C) Information and Communication Technology
Q463) Which of the following dams is not on Narmada river?

A) Indira Sagar Project
B) Jobat Project
C) Maheshwar Hydel Power Project
D) Koyna Power Project
Answer: Option D) Koyna Power Project
Q464) Which of the following is a secondary or tertiary effect of volcanic eruption?
A) Hot ash flow (pyro-elastic flow)
B) Mudflow (Lahars)
C) Volcanic land slide (debris flow and debris avalanches)
D) Famine and Disease
Answer: Option D) Famine and Disease
Q465) The most powerful upper chamber in the world is :
A) American senate
B) British House of Lords
C) Rajya Sabha of Indian Republic
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) American senate
Q466) Which of the elements is essential for animals but not in plants?
A) Potassium
B) Iodine
C) Calcium
D) Phosphorus
Answer: Option C) Calcium
Q467) If a person replies like I see or mm-hmm then it is known as
A) positive feedback
B) negative feedback
C) ambiguous feedback
D) None of these
Answer: Option C) ambiguous feed back
Q468) According to Berlo, Communication has how many elements?

A) 4
B) 3
C) 6
D) 5
Answer: Option A) 4
Q469) Team teaching has the potential to develop :
A) Competitive spirit
B) Cooperation
C) The habit of supplementing the teaching of each other
D) Highlighting the gaps in each others teaching
Answer: Option C) The habit of supplementing the teaching of each other
Q470) The most common cause of nervous instability amongst teacher is
A) worry
B) fatigue
C) quarrelsome behavior
D) all of the above
Answer: Option A) worry
Q471) A big contains an equal number of one rupee, 50 paise and 25 paise coins. If the total
amount in the bag is 35 , how many coins of each type are there?
A) 15
B) 18
C) 20
D) 25
Answer: Option C) 20
Q472) Communication word is derived from a verb of which language?
A) Latin
B) French
C) German
D) Italian

Answer: Option A) Latin

Q473) Which of the following Satellites helps to telecast T.V. Network Programmes all over
the country?
A) Apple
B) Aryabhatta
C) Rohini
Answer: Option C) Rohini
Q474) Dhunaram Thermal Power Project is situated in
A) Maharashtra
B) Jharkhand
C) Gujarat
D) Andhra Pradesh
Answer: Option C) Gujarat
Q475) Which of the following statement is NOT correct?
A) Computer is capable of processing only digital signal.
B) Computer is capable of analysing both quantitative and qualitative data.
C) Appropriate software is required for processing the data
D) Computer is capable of processing digital as well as analog signals
Answer: Option D) Computer is capable of processing digital as well as analog signals
Q476) In any discipline, theories and observables (related experimental results)
A) should complement each other
B) often more than not should contradict each other
C) need not have anything to do with each other
D) should compensate each other
Answer: Option A) should complement each other
Q477) A research problem is not feasible only when
A) it is researchable
B) it is new and adds something to knowledge

C) it consists of independent and dependent variables

D) it has utility and relevance
Answer: Option B) it is new and adds something to knowledge
Q478) Which of the following is not a transmitting barrier?
A) Physical distraction
B) Emotional interference
C) Conflicting messages
D) Channel barrier
Answer: Option B) Emotional interference
Q479) What will you do as a teacher if the students do not attend your class?
A) Blame the students for their absence
B) Keep quiet considering the present attitude of students as the change of culture
C) Think of using some interesting methods of teaching
D) Know the reason and try to remove them
Answer: Option D) Know the reason and try to remove them
Q480) If the sample drawn doesnt specify any condition about the parameter of the
population. It is called
A) selected statistics
B) distribution free statistics
C) census
D) None of these
Answer: Option A) selected statistics
CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers
: Set 25 (Q481-Q500)

CBSE UGC NET JRF Exam Paper 1: Teaching Aptitude Practice Questions & Answers : Set
25 (Q481-Q500)
Q481) The Idea of Democratic Decentralisation in India was popularised by
A) A.D. Gorwala Committee, 1951
B) Paul H. appleby Committee, 1951

C) B.R. Mehta Committee, 1957

D) Ashok Mehta Committee, 1978
Answer: Option C) B.R. Mehta Committee, 1957
Q482) When a research problem is related to heterogeneous population, the most suitable
sampling method is
A) Cluster Sampling
B) Stratified Sampling
C) Convenient Sampling
D) Lottery Method
Answer: Option B) Stratified Sampling
Q483) If a student becomes unconscious in the class what will you do first?
A) Rushing to the principals office and canvassing for help immediately
B) Telephoning (informing) students parents and wait for them
C) Giving first aid to him and trying to contact any nearby doctor
D) Making arrangement to send him to his house or nearby hospital
Answer: Option C) Giving first aid to him and trying to contact any nearby doctor
Q484) If a child is a back bencher and unable to watch the blackboard clearly. As a result
he stands, sees and sits repeatedly. What inference will you draw regarding the case?
A) The child is of short height as compared to his classmates.
B) The blackboard is under shining effect of light.
C) The child has a defective-vision
D) Both (a) and ( c )
Answer: Option D) Both (a) and ( c )
Q485) Which of the following is a characteristic of a researcher?
A) He a specialist rather than generalist.
B) He is industrious and persistent on the trail of discovery.
C) He is not operational to his chosen filed but accepts the reality.
D) All of these
Answer: Option D) All of these
Q486) The difference between experimental research and historical research in the process

A) the formulation of the hypothesis
B) the testing of hypothesis
C) replication
D) All of these
Answer: Option D) All of these
Q487) The effective means in education communication is
A) Black Board Writing
B) Audio-Visual means
C) Audio means
D) Visual means
Answer: Option B) Audio-Visual means
Q488) The research is always
A) verifying the old knowledge
B) exploring new knowledge
C) filling the gap between knowledge
D) All of these
Answer: Option D) All of these
Q489) Effective Communication takes place when
A) source is attractive and authoritarian
B) message design incorporates audience
C) modern communication technologies are used
D) receivers are passive recipient
Answer: Option B) message design incorporates audience
Q490) Three words are given in this question, which have something in common among
themselves. Out of the four given alternatives, choose the most appropriates, choose the
most appropriate descriptive about these three words.
Ovary :Uterus :Cervix
A) They are excretory organs
B) They are reproductive organs
C) They are endocrine glands
D) They are organs for fertilization in plants

Answer: Option B) They are reproductive organs

Q491) Memory protection is normally done by
A) the operating system
B) the antivirus
C) the processor and the associated hardware
D) the user programme
Answer: Option C) the processor and the associated hardware
Q492) In every field research pursuits promote systematic and gradual advancement of
knowledge but discoveries are rare because
A) research is a continuous critical investigation
B) it is not common to be able to think beyond a grooved channel
C) sustained experimental work needed for discoveries is not easily forthcoming
D) most people lack depth of knowledge needed for it
Answer: Option A) research is a continuous critical investigation
Q493) Students should prefer those teachers who
A) dictate notes in the class.
B) give important questions before examination.
C) can clear their difficulties regarding subject-matter.
D) are themselves disciplined.
Answer: Option C) can clear their difficulties regarding subject-matter.
Q494) What makes people to undertake research?
A) Desire to face the challenge in solving the unsolved problems.
B) Desire to get a research degree along with it consequential benefits.
C) Desire to get intellectual joy of doing some creative work.
D) All of these
Answer: Option D) All of these
Q495) Which one of the following Articles of the Constitution of India safeguards the rights
of Minorities to establish and run educational institutions of their own liking?
A) Article 19
B) Article 29

C) Article 30
D) Article 31
Answer: Option C) Article 30
Q496) The maximum emission of pollutants from fuel sources in India is caused by :
A) Coal
B) Firewood
C) Refuse burning
D) Vegetable waste product
Answer: Option C) Refuse burning
Q497) Which one of the following is 28th state of India
A) Uttarakhand
B) Jharkhand
C) Chhattisgarh
D) None of these
Answer: Option B) Jharkhand
Q498) Which of the following statement is correct?
A) objectives should be pin-pointed
B) objectives can be written in statement or question form
C) another word for problem is variable
D) all the above
Answer: Option A) objectives should be pin-pointed
Q499) Which of the following is the most important characteristic of Open Book
Examination system?
A) Students become serious
B) It improves attendance in the classroom.
C) It reduces examination anxiety amongst students.
D) In compels students to think.
Answer: Option D) In compels students to think.
Q500) A satisfactory quantitative method should not possess one of the following qualities :

A) Appropriateness
B) Measurability
C) Comparability
D) Flexibility
Answer: Option D) Flexibility

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