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Assignment: Information Literacy

KeAndre Gibson

1(a). Keywords used

Mobile phones
Privacy Equifax
(b). Database used
Business Source Premier
(c). I chose this database because it discusses enhanced mobile device security.
I chose this database because it gives detail information about the effects of
attacker identity.
(d). APA format was used for the first above article
Gofman, M.I., & Mitra, S. (2016, April ). EBSCO Publishing Service Selection Page.
Multimodal Biometrics for Enhanced Mobile Device Security: Find Articles,
Books, eBooks, and More. Retrieved July 2016, from
(e). APA format was used for the second above article
Nguyen, K.D., Rosoff, H., & John, R.S. (2016, July 26). | Science,
health and medical journals, full text articles and books.. The effects of attacker
identity and individual user characteristics on the value of information privacy .
Retrieved September 30, 2015, from


Assignment: Information Literacy

KeAndre Gibson


2 (a).
The article by CNN Blackberrys new Android device billed as worlds most
secure smartphone talks about its security features and the encryption tools. The
blackberry will install security patches. It has software installed on it, which is called
DTEK. The DTEK software encrypts all data on the phone.
(b) APA format
King, H. (2016, July 26). Black Blackberry's new Android device billed as worlds
most secure smartphone. Retrieved July 26, 2016, from
3 (a). Keywords used to do the search were
Mobile technology security
(b). APA format
Stelle, C. (2016, July 15). Enterprise Mobile Computing news and information
SearchMobileComputing. Mobile privacy policy concerns complicate security.
Retrieved July 26, 2016, from

Assignment: Information Literacy

KeAndre Gibson
(c). Search engines used
Search Engine



Which one was Better




Once I clicked on news it

gave a lot of articles to
choose from

Once I clicked on news, I

did not have much to
choose from. It was only 1
relevant article


This site was easier to

access up to date
information. There were
articles that got my
attention because of the
pictures. I could click the
best match also. It also
has real time news.

After researching the

information on Yahoo, I
wanted to move on.



4 (a). The article was published on July 15, 2016. No, it has not been updated.
(b). Yes, it does relate to my topic.
(c). the author is Colin Steele. Colin Steele has worked at numerous companies
writing and publishing articles. He has his bachelors degree in newspaper
journalism. I googled him to find out more about him.
(d). Yes I believe the information is trustworthy. Yes, it is supported by evidence. No
(e). the article was written to inform individuals of mobile security. No
5 (a) Ease of Access


Assignment: Information Literacy

KeAndre Gibson

I believe the internet article 1 was easier to access. It was easier for me
because I am use to researching information on the internet. This was my first time
researching information using CCBC library. Once I got familiar with the site, it
became easier to maneuver around.
(B) Timeliness
If I had to choose which one to use based on timeline I would use internet
article 1. The dates are right there. I do not have to access the article to see when it
was published which I would have to do on database 1. I would have to click
relevance to have the articles put in order by date but after doing that I still do not
know the date of the article without accessing it.
(c). Authority
Based on authority I would choose database 1 and internet article 1. CCBC
library and CNN seems to have sources that are more reliable. While searching for
internet article 1 a bunch of different stuff came up based on the keywords. Based
on the CNN search it was not much to choose from.


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