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Seminar on Contemporary Police Problem

Contemporary Police Problem may be Classified into the following:

1. Police Misconduct - is a broad category. The term refers to a wide range of procedural, crim
2. Police Corruption - is the abuse of authority for personal gain.

Misconduct - is procedural when it refers to police who violate police department rules and reg
Criminal - when it refers to police who violate the penal laws.
Civil - when it refers to police who violate a citizens civil right.
Common forms of Misconduct
1. Excessive use of physical or deadly force
2. Discriminatory arrest
3. Physical or verbal harassment
4. Selective Enforcement of the law
5. False arrest and imprisonment
6. Perjured testimony about illegal searches
Common Forms of Police Corruption
1. Bribery
2. Extortion
3. Receiving of Fencing Stolen goods
4. Selling drugs, theft of drugs and money from drug dealer
5. malicious prosecution
6. Making false report and committing perjury
7. Protecting illegal gambling
8. Theft of seized property
9. Receiving discounts on purchases
10.Selling information about police operation
What are the safeguards against police misconduct

Establish Code of conduct

2. Train new recruit ethically and properly

3. Investigate and Discipline violators
4. Establish independent body ex. Pleb

Despite legal safeguards and well intentioned reforms, Police problems have continued to

What can society do against the age-old problem of police misconduct and corruption? an

Trends in the forms of Police Corruption

1. Drugs - became the major driver of corruption replacing
gambling, prostitution and alcohol.
2. Corruption is systemic in police departments.
Systemic - affecting the entire system, group, body or society as a whole.
Standard strategies for reducing Police Corruption
1. Create permanent external oversight over the police with
particular emphasis on monitoring police officer behavior.
2. Holding supervisors responsible for the integrity of their
3. Reforming merit promotion and assignment.
4. Changing police culture.
5. Creating training programs in integrity for recruits and in-service
personnel particularly first line supervisors.
6. Creating an effective internal integrity monitoring unit.
7. Annually evaluating the integrity of all officers.
8. Making the Chief responsible for enforcing all disciplines.
9. Proactively investigate misbehavior.
10. Improving standards for recruitment and training.
Information about Police corruption comes from several sources
1. Appointed commission/Body of investigation
2. Civil and Criminal investigations of police behavior
3. Investigations undertaken by the police themselves
4. Accounts by public media
5. Observations by outside witnesses
6. Surveys of police officers and the public
7. Accounts by people involved in corrupt activity

Being on the Pad - this phrase is associated with bribery and extortion, a category of police co

Police Brutality - actions such as using abusive language, making threats, using force or coerc
Most Common Types of Corruption in the PNP
1. Case Fixing - subjective imposition of penalties or downright
sabotage of the investigation process in exchange
for money or other things for personal gain.

2. Bribery - receipt of cash or a gift in exchange for past of future

assistance in avoidance of prosecution.
3. Extortion - common practice of holding "street court" where
incidents such as minor traffic tickets can be avoided
with a cash payment to the officer and no receipt given.
4. Protection - taking of money or other rewards from vice operators
or from legitimate companies operating illegally
in return for protecting them from law enforcement activity.
5. Recycling - use or sale of confiscated items and evidence, usually
drugs or narcotics.
6. Selective Enforcement - occurs when police officer exploit their
officer discretion e. areglo, balato.
7. Internal Pay-Offs - sale of work assignments, day offs, holidays,
vacation period and even promotion.

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