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SmartPlant Electrical

Release Bulletin

Version 2015 R1 (7.1)

April 2016

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SmartPlant Electrical Release Bulletin

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SmartPlant Electrical Release Bulletin

Special Instructions .................................................................................................................................... 5
New Features in SmartPlant Electrical ...................................................................................................... 9
SmartPlant Electrical 2015 R1 ................................................................................................................ 9
General ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Cable Block Diagrams ...................................................................................................................... 9
Cable Management .......................................................................................................................... 9
Cable Routing and Cable Drums .................................................................................................... 10
Cable Termination .......................................................................................................................... 10
Composite Drawings ...................................................................................................................... 10
Documents and Drawings .............................................................................................................. 11
Electrical Equipment ....................................................................................................................... 12
ETAP - SmartPlant Electrical Bidirectional Interface ...................................................................... 12
Import Manager .............................................................................................................................. 12
Naming Conventions ...................................................................................................................... 13
Project Management ...................................................................................................................... 13
Reference Data Explorer ................................................................................................................ 13
Single Line Diagrams ..................................................................................................................... 14
SmartPlant Integration .................................................................................................................... 15
Wiring Diagrams ............................................................................................................................. 15
Internationalization .................................................................................................................................... 16

SmartPlant Electrical Release Bulletin


Special Instructions
Licensing Requirements
SmartPlant Electrical 2015 R1 requires SmartPlant License Manager (SPLM) 2012 (12). To
download the software, do the following:
1. Log on to the Intergraph Smart Support web site at
2. Type your Smart Support user name and password.
3. Select View Downloads.
4. From the list of Product Support Pages, click the SmartPlant License Manager link.
5. On the SmartPlant License Manager Customer Support Site, click the Service Packs and
Fixes link.
6. On the Service Packs and Fixes page, click SPLM 2012.
For further details, refer to the SPLM 2012 Installation and User's Guide, available on the
SmartPlant License Manager Customer Support Site under Technical Notes and White Papers.

Installation of SmartPlant Electrical 2015 R1

Before starting the installation procedure of SmartPlant Electrical 2015 R1, you must uninstall
and completely remove SmartPlant Electrical 2015 or any other earlier version of SmartPlant
Electrical from your machine.

Installing Reference Data Files

Make sure that you make a backup of your reference prior to running the installation.

SmartPlant Electrical Release Bulletin

Special Instructions
The setup of SmartPlant Electrical reference data is included in the Additional Software
section of SmartPlant Electrical setup.

SmartPlant Electrical 2015 R1 contains some new updates of reference files. Since the
installation of SmartPlant Electrical 2015 R1 requires a full uninstall of all the previous versions
including the reference data, we strongly recommend that you back up all your customized
reports, templates, symbols, rule mapping files, and your customized SPELMap.xml file before
uninstalling the previous version of SmartPlant Electrical reference data. After installing
SmartPlant Electrical 2015 R1 reference data, you can copy all your customized data back to all
the relevant locations. Note that the SPELMap.xml file is located in the SmartPlant Resources
folder in the Electrical Reference Data folder in the reference data installation. This way you
can retain your customized files after installing the new reference data.
After installing SmartPlant Electrical 2015 R1 and copying back your customized
data to all the relevant locations, you have to run the Upgrade Schema utility to enable the use
of old files with the new version of SmartPlant Electrical. In SmartPlant Electrical, click
SmartPlant > Upgrade Schema.

SmartPlant Electrical Release Bulletin

Special Instructions
Enabling the Display of the Plant Group Hierarchy Structure of Electrical Items
You can instruct the software to display the plant group hierarchy structure of electrical items in
SmartPlant Electrical. This means that the software can display the plant group hierarchy
(without the top level) of all the electrical items of your plant in the Tabular Editor and all the
reports generated by the software. For example, if your plant group structure is Plant /Area /
System / Unit, the displayed path will be as follows: Area/System/Unit.
Do the following to enable the display of the plant group hierarchy structure of electrical items:
1. In Engineering Manager, in the tree view, highlight the appropriate plant.
2. Click Tools > Data Dictionary Manager.
3. In the Data Dictionary Manager, under Database Tables, select Plant Group.
4. In the right pane, right-click Dir_Path and then select Properties.
5. Set the Display to User property to Yes and click OK.
6. Click

on the Data Dictionary Manager toolbar.

7. In the required report (in Microsoft Excel), click Define to open the Define Report Contents
dialog box.
8. Click New and then on the New Items dialog box, add an appropriate Plant Item table.
9. In the Plant Item table that you have added, select the Dir_Path property and map it in the

Improving Report Generation Performance

To improve the performance of report generation, paste in the following code in any report
template (ThisWorkbook):
Public Sub RunWorkbook()
' The objRunWorkBook object creates a separate connection for Excel.
' This object holds the DataPile object for later use within the report.
' You can get the DataPile object by calling the property get
' This code does not improve the performance of reports that took
'approximately 10 seconds or less to generate.
On Error GoTo mErr
Dim objRunWorkBook As Object
Set objRunWorkBook =CreateObject("RunWorkBook.clsRunWorkBook")
objRunWorkBook.RunWorkbook Me
set objRunWorkBook = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub

SmartPlant Electrical Release Bulletin

Special Instructions
Special Announcement Regarding SmartPlant Electrical Reports
Starting with the release of SmartPlant Electrical 2015 R1, the software no longer supports the
report templates for the All Feeder Load Summary (Enhanced) and Multi-Sheet Switchboard
Summary reports. Two new report templates have been added that replace the
above-mentioned templates: All Feeder Load Summary Report (Enhanced) with Cases and
Multi-Sheet Switchboard Summary with Cases respectively.
Although, the old report templates are still available in this release, we strongly recommend that
you do not use them and use the new All Feeder Load Summary Report (Enhanced) with
Cases and Multi-Sheet Switchboard Summary with Cases report templates instead.
In the next major release, the old report templates will be discontinued altogether. In SmartPlant
Electrical 2015 R1, the All Feeder Load Summary Report (Enhanced) with Cases and
Multi-Sheet Switchboard Summary with Cases report templates should be used or
customized for both managing single case and multi-case load summaries.
This change has been introduced to reduce the number of report templates that basically
perform the same function. It also reduces the number of support calls and makes the
administration of the software efficient.
Our current users, who upgraded SmartPlant Electrical from version 2009 SP5 to version 2015,
can still use their customized load summary reports based on the All Feeder Load Summary
(Enhanced) report template. These reports continue to be fully functional. However, we
strongly recommend moving your customization to the All Feeder Load Summary Report
(Enhanced) with Cases report template. This way you gain better performance and new
functionality that supports cases in one template.

Using Space Heater Relations in Tabular Editor and Custom Reports

In versions older than SmartPlant Electrical 2015, it was possible to create only one space
heater under a given motor. Due to the fact that this limitation no longer exists in version 2015,
the legacy motor attributions in the heater table no longer retrieve the motor data for the child
heaters. To remedy this situation, you need to do the following:

For Heater type, in Tabular Editor and your custom report, replace all the Motor attributions
with Equipment.ItemTag or any other attribution of a similar type.

For Motor type, in all custom reports, replace the Motor -> Heater relation with the Motor ->
HeaterChild relation and add the required properties from the HeaterChild table.

SmartPlant Electrical Release Bulletin


New Features in SmartPlant Electrical

SmartPlant Electrical 2015 R1

Naming Conventions It is now possible to edit the unprotected text segments of the item
tag name in the Rename dialog box. This way, the editing affects the relevant properties of
the item.

Negative Values in User-Defined Fields The software now allows you to enter a
negative value in any user-defined field (UDF) that has a unit of measure type.

Cable Block Diagrams

Accessing Cable Common Properties from a CBD You can now open the Cable
Common Properties dialog box when working in a cable block diagram. Just right-click a
cable in an open CBD and then click Common Properties. This will allow you to connect a
circuit to the PDB connected to the cable you just right-clicked.

Retaining Connection Points After connecting a cable to an equipment item in a CBD,

the software retains the connection points on the equipment symbol for all other CBDs
where this equipment is used. That is, when placing this equipment on another CBD, all the
existing connection points are retained on the equipment symbol as they were during the
original connection and it will not be possible to connect other cables using those connection
points. The software stops retaining connection points of equipment symbols if you
disconnect the equipment in a CBD. Also, the software does not retain the connection points
after changing the symbol of connected equipment.

Cable Management

Cable Sizing for DC Power Cables The cable sizing requirements for DC power cables
that supply DC loads have changed. You can now calculate the voltage drop at starting for
DC power cables by entering values for the following properties:

Starting current

Allowable voltage drop at starting

Propagating Values to Feeder Cables After connecting a feeder power cable to

converting equipment or any other electrical equipment that has a Full Load Current (FLA),
starting current, rated voltage, supply (AC/DC), number of phases, power factor at full
load, and power factor at starting property, the value of this property is now automatically
inherited by the cable from the connected equipment.

SmartPlant Electrical Release Bulletin

New Features in SmartPlant Electrical

Ability to Define Current-Carrying, Neutral, and Grounding Conductors Separately

It is now possible to define current-carrying conductors, neutral conductors, and grounding
conductors separately when creating or editing power reference cables. The availability of
these properties depends on the conductor arrangement that you select for your reference
power cable. After creating a plant power cable based on this reference cable, the software
automatically propagates these property values to the plant power cable.

Defining Cable Cuts for a Cable You can now manually define cable cuts for a specific
cable. This way you can assign predefined cable cuts to a cable drum in the Assign Drums
to Cables Wizard or in the Cable Drum Common Properties. Also, on the Design Data
tab of the Cable Common Properties, the software indicates the number of splices in
accordance with the number of cable cuts that exist for the given cable.

Cable Routing and Cable Drums

Cable Routing Path Segment Separators In the General Settings of Options Manager,
you can now define a separator between the segments of the routing path of your plant
cables. You can define two separators: one between cableways and their segments and
another separator between cableway segments.

Ability to Define the Length of Tail 1, Tail 2, and Spare Length on the Design Data Tab
For single power cables (that is, cables that are not belong to parallel cables or cable
assemblies), it is now possible to define the length of Tail 1, Tail 2, and Spare length on
the Design Data tab of the Cable Common Properties dialog box as well as on the Cable
Routing Definition dialog box. For other cables, these values can be defined on the Cable
Routing Definition dialog box only.

Cable Termination

Disconnecting Multiple Plant Cables in Batch Mode This feature allows you to
disconnect multiple plant cables from their wiring equipment in batch mode. The software
disconnects all the selected plant cables, their cable sets, and conductors. However, the
software retains the cable associations with their equipment.

Composite Drawings

Automatic Association of Nested Symbols When associating a compound symbol with

a plant item that has child items, the software automatically associates the child plant items
with the nested symbols that reside in the associated compound symbol. For example, a
circuit in your plant can have several child items such as a circuit breaker, a fuse, and
starter. If you associate a compound symbol with this circuit, the nested symbols residing in
that compound symbol will automatically be associated with child items of that plant circuit.
The software identifies the item type of each nested symbol and associates it with the
appropriate plant child item. In case there are several child items that belong to the same
item type, the software uses the sequence in group number to make the appropriate

Cloning and Attaching Labels This feature allows you to clone an existing label that is
attached to graphical element in an open drawing. You can attach a cloned label to more
than one graphical element in an open drawing.

SmartPlant Electrical Release Bulletin


New Features in SmartPlant Electrical

Association Assistant The user-interface of the Association Assistant has been

improved to enhance the functionality of associating plant items in composite drawings.

Show Associated Drawings You can now select a symbol in Catalog Explorer and find
the associated drawings where the selected symbol appears. You can then open the
drawing if needed.

Refreshing and Updating Changed Compound Symbols The software now

automatically updates associated compound symbols if one of the plant items associated
with a parent or nested symbol is deleted from the plant. If the deleted plant item was
associated with the parent compound symbol, the software dissociates the remaining plant
items from the nested symbols and automatically refreshes the compound symbol in the

New Shipped Symbol for Compound Motors There is a new shipped symbol that
replaces the Motor_Heater_ControlStation Assembly.sym symbol. The file name of the new
symbol is Motor_Heater_ControlStation Assembly.sym.

Copying Custom Styles It is now possible to copy custom styles to a composite


Documents and Drawings

Discontinuing Support Starting with the release of SmartPlant Electrical 2015 R1, the
software no longer supports the report templates for the All Feeder Load Summary
(Enhanced) and Multi-Sheet Switchboard Summary reports. The templates for these
reports have been replaced with All Feeder Load Summary Report (Enhanced) With
Cases and Multi-Sheet Switchboard Summary With Cases report templates respectively.
For details, see Special Instructions (on page 5).

Report Templates in XLSM Format The templates for the All Feeder Load Summary
Report (Enhanced) With Cases and Multi-Sheet Switchboard Summary With Cases
reports are provided in the XLSM format only.

Cable Cuts Added to the Cable Schedule Report The template for the Cable
Schedule Report now contains information about the existing cable cuts: cable cut name,
sequence, length, and drum assignment.

Opening the Last Saved Document It is now possible to open the last saved drawing or
registered report without regenerating the data from the database. The information will be
displayed as at the time you last saved the document.

Defining a Symbol for a Drawing Type This new feature provides a way to have
different symbol representations for the same plant item depending on the properties of a
specific drawing.

SmartPlant Electrical Release Bulletin


New Features in SmartPlant Electrical

Electrical Equipment

Calculating Bus Loading According to the Largest Non-Continuous Load A new

load calculation mode is now available which enables you to calculate the total normal
running and peak loading according to the largest non-continuous load connected to the
current bus. For the purpose of this calculation, the largest non-continuous load is one
individual load among all the loads connected to the bus, including the loads that were rolled
up from the downstream buses, and whose active power (kw) has the highest value.

Other Electrical Equipment Added to the Cable Common Properties All types of
other electrical equipment are now available for selection when selecting one of the cable
sides on the Connections tab of the Cable Common Properties dialog box.

Connecting Instruments in Parallel The software now enables you to connect the inlet
of instruments in parallel. This way you can design power distribution boards in which
instruments get their power supply in a daisy chain configuration. As a result of this PDB
design, your various deliverables such as SLDSs and CBDs will show these instruments

Changing the Sequence of Circuits of a Bus This new feature allows you to select a
bus and re-order the sequence of circuits belonging to the selected bus. This way you can
avoid a situation where the circuits do not intersect in a generated single line diagram.

ETAP - SmartPlant Electrical Bidirectional Interface

Improved Log File Information When retrieving ETAP data, the software has improved
the log file mechanism to enhance the level of information regarding the errors during the
retrieve process.

Import Manager

Importing Color Patterns for Reference Cable Conductors It is now possible to import
color pattern names and colors for reference and plant cables.

Importing Reference Cables From SPRD You can now use Import Manager to import
reference cables from SmartPlant Reference Data directly to the Reference Data Explorer
in SmartPlant Electrical. The software is shipped with three files that enable you to use
Import Manager to carry out this procedure. For details, see the SmartPlant Electrical Guide
> Creating and Using Reference Data > Shipped Reference Data.

Importing Parallel Cables It is now possible to import parallel cables by creating

appropriate data links.

SmartPlant Electrical Release Bulletin


New Features in SmartPlant Electrical

Naming Conventions

Naming Conventions for Parallel Cables In the previous version, the software
included the parallel suffixes in the names of parallel cables regardless of whether a parallel
suffix was part of the naming convention. Now the parallel suffix is included in the name of
parallel cables only if it is part of the naming convention. Furthermore, you can delete the
parallel suffix when renaming a parallel cable if the parallel suffix segment is not a protected
segment. If the parallel suffix is not part of the naming convention, it will not appear in the
name of a new parallel cable. Also note that if no naming convention for parallel cables have
been defined, the software no longer applies a naming convention of non-parallel cables to
parallel cables. In this case, the software treats parallel cables as an item type without any
naming conventions and, when renaming or creating new cables, applies the default
settings defined the General Settings window.

Naming Conventions for Cables in Single-Core Cable Assemblies The software now
allows you to define naming conventions for cables in single-core cable assemblies. These
definitions make this functionality more flexible and not dependent on other item types. Also,
cables in single-core cable assemblies no longer require to have phase suffixes in the
names unless you chose to include this segment in their naming convention. The software
will no longer add a phase suffix automatically when renaming or creating a new cable in
single-core cable assembly. Also note that if no naming convention for cables in single-core
cable assemblies have been defined, the software no longer applies a naming convention of
other cables to cables in single-core cable assemblies. In this case, the software treats
these cables as an item type without any naming conventions and, when renaming or
creating new cables, applies the default settings defined the General Settings window.

Project Management
Changing the Completed Status of All Project Items to Claimed This feature allows you
to revert the Completed status of all the project items to Claimed. This is especially helpful
when you want to use an existing plant as a source for similar plants by using the Load plant as
project feature in SmartPlant Engineering Manager. You can load this plant as a project into
different plants, edit this project, and then merge it into your As-Built plant.

Reference Data Explorer

Dragging Plant Items to the Reference Data Explorer You can now create reference
items based on existing plant items by dragging a plant item from the Electrical Index to the
Reference Data Explorer. This way, the software creates reference items by duplicating all
the appropriate definitions of the selected plant item.

SmartPlant Electrical Release Bulletin


New Features in SmartPlant Electrical

Single Line Diagrams

Inserting or Moving a Vertex in a Connector It is possible to control the shape of

connectors by inserting a vertex into a connector. Once you select a connector in an SLD,
two commands become available on the Modify Connector ribbon: Insert/Move Vertex
and Insert Segment
. See the Working with Single Line Diagrams topic in the SmartPlant
Electrical Guide for more details.

Retaining the Position of Electrical Items in Saved Drawings The software now
always retains the position of electrical items in saved drawings without the need to instruct
the software to do so. Therefore, this setting has been removed from the Plant Default
Preferences in Options Manager and the Preferences dialog box (SLD tab) in SmartPlant

Hiding Feeder Circuits in SLDs You can now instruct the software not to include in an
SLD a specific feeder circuit and its entire downstream branch.

Including Local Panels and Junction Boxes in SLDs When generating an SLD for a
power distribution board, you can include junction boxes and local panels in the drawing if
these plant items have their IS LOAD property set as TRUE.

Retaining Bus Positions in Regenerated SLDs When re-generating an existing SLD, it

is now possible to instruct the software to retain the position of the buses as they were last
saved in the drawing. Consequently, there will be no need to re-position the buses in the
drawing after performing layout activities.

Retaining Circuit Positions When Changing a Bus Length When extending or

shortening the length of a bus in a single line diagram, the circuits on that bus retain their
previously saved positions. Newly added circuits on that bus take their positions after the
last circuit.

Circuit Sequence Options for Manual SLDs For manual SLDs, the software now
supports both sequencing options for incomers and feeders. That is, it is now possible to
position the incomers and feeders by their sequence numbers exactly in the manner as for
automatic SLDs.

Showing or Hiding Reference Labels in SLDs You can now instruct the software to
show or hide a reference label in a generated SLD. This setting is per drawing and you can
change it before you start generating an SLD.

Ability to Define Document Properties for Newly Generated SLDs You can now
define document properties for new unsaved drawings that have not been generated
manually. You can do this on the new Document Properties tab of the Single Line
Diagram Options dialog box.

New Progress Bar instead of the SLD Generation AVI The SLD generation .avi has
been replaced by a progress bar.

SmartPlant Electrical Release Bulletin


New Features in SmartPlant Electrical

SmartPlant Integration

Publishing From Projects This version of SmartPlant Electrical includes the

infrastructure that supports the ability to publish claimed items to SmartPlant Foundation
from projects. This functionality has been designed to support workflows related to
integrated engineering design using Projects / As-Built. This functionality requires
SmartPlant Foundation 5.3 or later.

Retrieving PID Drawing Number When retrieving the PID drawing number property, the
value is no longer truncated if it is longer than 40 characters.

Revising Documents This version of SmartPlant Electrical enables the option to set
major and minor document revisions within the tool, using SmartPlant Foundation. This
functionality requires SmartPlant Foundation 5.3 or later.

Wiring Diagrams

Showing the Terminal Strip Name on the Reference Symbol You can now customize
another reference symbol that can show the name of the terminal strip which is displayed on
a different drawing.

Setting a Default Vertical Distance Between Terminal Strips In Options Manager, you
can now set a default vertical distance between terminal strips dragged to a wiring diagram.
The distance is a plant default which you can adjust manually in an open wiring diagram.

Placing a Subset of Terminals on a Wiring Diagram It is now possible to place a

subset of terminals or just individual terminals on a conventional wiring diagram instead of
placing the entire terminal strip. This is done by dragging the required terminals to the wiring
diagram from the List View pane in the Electrical Index.

SmartPlant Electrical Release Bulletin



Supporting internationalization in a homogeneous environment is one of the enhancements
available in SmartPlant Enterprise. A homogeneous environment uses elements from only a
single locale. For example, a German customer running on a German operating system using
only German characters and German cultural conventions is a fully supported homogeneous
environment configuration.

Homogeneous Environments
When starting a new project, use extra care during installation and configuration to ensure the
proper creation and maintenance of homogeneous environments:

All the computers (servers and clients) within an integrated SmartPlant Enterprise
implementation must have the same regional settings, and no one should change the
regional settings after the project has started.

Do not cross the decimal locale boundary. This is the most common cause of numeric data
corruption and calculation errors. Having users with different regional settings (such as with
a period versus a comma for the decimal point) causes the software to interpret values
unpredictably. For example, a pipe run with a pressure of 35.3 psi can be read by the
software as 353 psi to the user with different regional settings. A cable length defined as 39
ft 11,21 inches has been interpreted as 121718910971323 meters when published to an
XML file. These incorrect interpretations may be used in internal software calculations and
can be impossible to backtrack or correct. Do not change the decimal point character to try
to solve an issue. Doing so will only corrupt values in the database or in text files.

Do not cross the character-set locale boundary. For example, the character set boundary
between Western (Latin-based) and Eastern Europe (Cyrillic-based), or between Eastern
Europe and Japan.

Create Oracle databases using AL32UTF8 for the database character set and AL16UTF16
for the NLS character set.

Never modify the NLS_LANG registry entry on an Oracle client. Doing so causes the
character data not to convert to Unicode.

Create Microsoft SQL Server databases with locale-specific collation settings and ensure
that all databases have the same setting.

Heterogeneous Environments
In contrast, a heterogeneous environment using elements from different, or even multiple
locales, is not supported. Many customers are currently operating in unsupported
heterogeneous environments and are often not aware of that fact. Examples of heterogeneous

Entering or viewing Japanese data on an US/English operating system

Using German Regional Settings (where the decimal point is a comma) on a US/English
operating system

SmartPlant Electrical Release Bulletin



Using databases with different character encodings such as CL8MSWIN1251 or JA16SJIS

Using multiple languages in a project, especially when crossing language-group boundaries

Using an English server with different local language clients

International / Bi-lingual Projects

International bi-lingual projects are possible; however, great care must be used when
configuring these environments. Limitations exist and must be properly understood:

Oracle and MS SQL Server databases can reside on any language operating system, as
long as the databases have been created and configured with proper Unicode and collation

All SQL Server databases must have the same collation setting and reflect the master
language. Text is stored, sorted, indexed, and presented based on the collation setting. You
must determine which language will be used primarily to generate output (P&IDs, SLDs,
reports, approval documents, and so forth.) If Russian and English text is entered, and
Russian is the target locale, choose the collation based on the Cyrillic character set.

All Microsoft operating systems (Japanese, Russian, German, and so forth) can enter
English characters. The reverse, however, is not true in most cases.

Keyboard-locale can be changed as long as a character-set and code-page boundary is not

crossed. For example, English, German, French, and Spanish characters can all be used in
the same project because the same Windows code-page (1252) is used. However,
Russian characters (code-page 1251) cannot be used in a US/English environment.

You must decide which language operating system is the master for bi-lingual projects.

The following is an example of a Russian-based project:

Companies in the United States and the United Kingdom are working a project with a Russian
company and the deliverables (drawings, reports, and so forth) must ultimately be provided in
Russian. The companies in the U.S. and the U.K. are working the project using the master
Russian operating systems (possibly using virtual Russian operating systems running on
VMware Workstation). The U.S. and U.K. companies can install and use English Microsoft
Office products on the Russian operating system because Office products are globally enabled.
If a Russian interface exists for the SmartPlant Enterprise application, then Russian users can
use the Russian interface while the English-speaking users continue to use the US/English
interface. English-speaking engineers can enter English characters. Russian-speaking
engineers can enter Russian characters.
However, because the Russian locale uses different decimal and character-set locales,
everyone (English and Russian engineers) must use the Russian decimal symbol which is a
comma. For customization purposes, databases can be modified to accommodate new
Russian-specific requirements (fields, properties, and so forth.) Using filters, display sets, and
other software features, bi-lingual projects can be further customized. Graphic data, reports, and
so forth can be created in either or both languages.
Do not change regional settings to reflect a U.S. environment in order to resolve
problems in a non-US/English homogeneous configuration. Doing this creates a heterogeneous
configuration that will cause other possibly hidden problems that cannot be corrected. Everyone
working on a project must use the same regional settings and character set throughout the life of
the project.

SmartPlant Electrical Release Bulletin


Citrix XenApp Solutions for International Projects
Using Citrix XenApp Solutions, you can define environments that isolate users from having to
interact with non-native language operating systems while improving data integrity and
minimizing opportunities for data corruption. However, users must enter data using master
locale conventions for the project (decimal separator and date conventions, for example). You
can create these environments using different combinations of languages, but some limitations
exist. For example, you cannot use Russian and Chinese text together in a project. In addition,
special language characters (the German and for example) cannot be used if the master
locale is outside the western Latin-based languages (the master locale is Russian, Chinese,
Japanese, or Korean, for example).

Questions and Assistance

Please contact your support representative for assistance and answers to your questions: see
Intergraph Customer Support (

SmartPlant Electrical Release Bulletin


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