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[G.R. No. 168732. June 29, 2007.]

M. IBRAHIM , respondents.

This is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court seeking to
annul the Decision 1 dated June 8, 2005 rendered by the Court of Appeals (CA) in C.A.-G.R.
CV No. 57792.

The facts are as follows:

On November 23, 1994, respondent Lucman G. Ibrahim, in his personal capacity and in
behalf of his co-heirs Omar G. Maruhom, Elias G. Maruhom, Bucay G. Maruhom, Mamod G.
Maruhom, Farouk G. Maruhom, Hidjara G. Maruhom, Rocania G. Maruhom, Potrisam G.
Maruhom, Lumba G. Maruhom, Sinab G. Maruhom, Acmad G. Maruhom, Solayman G.
Maruhom, Mohamad M. Ibrahim and Caironesa M. Ibrahim, instituted an action against
petitioner National Power Corporation (NAPOCOR) for recovery of possession of land and
damages before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Lanao del Sur.
In their complaint, Ibrahim and his co-heirs claimed that they were owners of several
parcels of land described in Survey Plan FP (VII-5) 2278 consisting of 70,000 square
meters, divided into three (3) lots, i.e. Lots 1, 2, and 3 consisting of 31,894, 14,915, and
23,191 square meters each respectively. Sometime in 1978, NAPOCOR, through alleged
stealth and without respondents' knowledge and prior consent, took possession of the
sub-terrain area of their lands and constructed therein underground tunnels. The existence
of the tunnels was only discovered sometime in July 1992 by respondents and then later
con rmed on November 13, 1992 by NAPOCOR itself through a memorandum issued by
the latter's Acting Assistant Project Manager. The tunnels were apparently being used by
NAPOCOR in siphoning the water of Lake Lanao and in the operation of NAPOCOR's Agus
II, III, IV, V, VI, VII projects located in Saguiran, Lanao del Sur; Nangca and Balo-i in Lanao
del Norte; and Ditucalan and Fuentes in Iligan City.

On September 19, 1992, respondent Omar G. Maruhom requested the Marawi City Water
District for a permit to construct and/or install a motorized deep well in Lot 3 located in
Saduc, Marawi City but his request was turned down because the construction of the deep
well would cause danger to lives and property. On October 7, 1992, respondents
demanded that NAPOCOR pay damages and vacate the sub-terrain portion of their lands
but the latter refused to vacate much less pay damages. Respondents further averred that
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the construction of the underground tunnels has endangered their lives and properties as
Marawi City lies in an area of local volcanic and tectonic activity. Further, these illegally
constructed tunnels caused them sleepless nights, serious anxiety and shock thereby
entitling them to recover moral damages and that by way of example for the public good,
NAPOCOR must be held liable for exemplary damages.
Disputing respondents' claim, NAPOCOR led an answer with counterclaim denying the
material allegations of the complaint and interposing af rmative and special defenses,
namely that (1) there is a failure to state a cause of action since respondents seek
possession of the sub-terrain portion when they were never in possession of the same, (2)
respondents have no cause of action because they failed to show proof that they were the
owners of the property, and (3) the tunnels are a government project for the bene t of all
and all private lands are subject to such easement as may be necessary for the same. 2
On August 7, 1996, the RTC rendered a Decision, the decretal portion of which reads as
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered:
1. Denying plaintiffs' [private respondents'] prayer for defendant [petitioner]
National Power Corporation to dismantle the underground tunnels constructed
between the lands of plaintiffs in Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Survey Plan FP (VII-5) 2278;
2. Ordering defendant to pay to plaintiffs the fair market value of said 70,000
square meters of land covering Lots 1, 2, and 3 as described in Survey Plan FP
(VII-5) 2278 less the area of 21,995 square meters at P1,000.00 per square meter
or a total of P48,005,000.00 for the remaining unpaid portion of 48,005 square
meters; with 6% interest per annum from the filing of this case until paid;
3. Ordering defendant to pay plaintiffs a reasonable monthly rental of P0.68 per
square meter of the total area of 48,005 square meters effective from its
occupancy of the foregoing area in 1978 or a total of P7,050,974.40.
4. Ordering defendant to pay plaintiffs the sum of P200,000.00 as moral
damages; and
5. Ordering defendant to pay the further sum of P200,000.00 as attorney's fees
and the costs.


On August 15, 1996, Ibrahim, joined by his co-heirs, led an Urgent Motion for Execution of
Judgment Pending Appeal. On the other hand, NAPOCOR led a Notice of Appeal by
registered mail on August 19, 1996. Thereafter, NAPOCOR led a vigorous opposition to
the motion for execution of judgment pending appeal with a motion for reconsideration of
the Decision which it had received on August 9, 1996.
On August 26, 1996, NAPOCOR led a Manifestation and Motion withdrawing its Notice of
Appeal purposely to give way to the hearing of its motion for reconsideration.
On August 28, 1996, the RTC issued an Order granting execution pending appeal and
denying NAPOCOR's motion for reconsideration, which Order was received by NAPOCOR
on September 6, 1996.
On September 9, 1996, NAPOCOR led its Notice of Appeal by registered mail which was
denied by the RTC on the ground of having been led out of time. Meanwhile, the Decision
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of the RTC was executed pending appeal and funds of NAPOCOR were garnished by
respondents Ibrahim and his co-heirs.
On October 4, 1996, a Petition for Relief from Judgment was led by respondents Omar G.
Maruhom, Elias G. Maruhom, Bucay G. Maruhom, Mamod G. Maruhom, Farouk G.
Maruhom, Hidjara G. Maruhom, Potrisam G. Maruhom and Lumba G. Maruhom asserting
as follows:
1) they did not le a motion to reconsider or appeal the decision within the
reglementary period of fteen (15) days from receipt of judgment because
they believed in good faith that the decision was for damages and rentals
and attorney's fees only as prayed for in the complaint;
2) it was only on August 26, 1996 that they learned that the amounts awarded to
the plaintiffs represented not only rentals, damages and attorney's fees but
the greatest portion of which was payment of just compensation which in
effect would make the defendant NPC the owner of the parcels of land
involved in the case;
3) when they learned of the nature of the judgment, the period of appeal has
already expired;
4) they were prevented by fraud, mistake, accident, or excusable negligence from
taking legal steps to protect and preserve their rights over their parcels of
land in so far as the part of the decision decreeing just compensation for
petitioners' properties;
5) they would never have agreed to the alienation of their property in favor of
anybody, considering the fact that the parcels of land involved in this case
were among the valuable properties they inherited from their dear father
and they would rather see their land crumble to dust than sell it to
anybody. 4

The RTC granted the petition and rendered a modi ed judgment dated September 8, 1997,
WHEREFORE, a modified judgment is hereby rendered:
1) Reducing the judgment award of plaintiffs for the fair market value of
P48,005,000.00 by 9,526,000.00 or for a difference by P38,479,000.00 and
by the further sum of P33,603,500.00 subject of the execution pending
appeal leaving a difference of 4,878,500.00 which may be the subject of
execution upon the nality of this modi ed judgment with 6% interest per
annum from the filing of the case until paid.
2) Awarding the sum of P1,476,911.00 to herein petitioners Omar G. Maruhom,
Elias G. Maruhom, Bucay G. Maruhom, Mahmod G. Maruhom, Farouk G.
Maruhom, Hidjara G. Maruhom, Portrisam G. Maruhom and Lumba G.
Maruhom as reasonable rental deductible from the awarded sum of
P7,050,974.40 pertaining to plaintiffs.
3) Ordering defendant embodied in the August 7, 1996 decision to pay plaintiffs
the sum of P200,000.00 as moral damages; and further sum of
P200,000.00 as attorney's fees and costs.
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Subsequently, both respondent Ibrahim and NAPOCOR appealed to the CA.

In the Decision dated June 8, 2005, the CA set aside the modi ed judgment and reinstated
the original Decision dated August 7, 1996, amending it further by deleting the award of
moral damages and reducing the amount of rentals and attorney's fees, thus:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, herein Appeals are hereby partially
GRANTED , the Modi ed Judgment is ordered SET ASIDE and rendered of no
force and effect and the original Decision of the court a quo dated 7 August 1996
is hereby RESTORED with the MODIFICATION that the award of moral
damages is DELETED and the amounts of rentals and attorney's fees are
REDUCED to P6,888,757.40 and P50,000.00, respectively.
In this connection, the Clerk of Court of RTC Lanao del Sur is hereby directed to
reassess and determine the additional ling fee that should be paid by PlaintiffAppellant IBRAHIM taking into consideration the total amount of damages sought
in the complaint vis--vis the actual amount of damages awarded by this Court.
Such additional filing fee shall constitute a lien on the judgment.


Hence, this petition ascribing the following errors to the CA:


This case revolves around the propriety of paying just compensation to respondents, and,
by extension, the basis for computing the same. The threshold issue of whether
respondents are entitled to just compensation hinges upon who owns the sub-terrain area
occupied by petitioner.
Petitioner maintains that the sub-terrain portion where the underground tunnels were
constructed does not belong to respondents because, even conceding the fact that
respondents owned the property, their right to the subsoil of the same does not extend
beyond what is necessary to enable them to obtain all the utility and convenience that such
property can normally give. In any case, petitioner asserts that respondents were still able
to use the subject property even with the existence of the tunnels, citing as an example the
fact that one of the respondents, Omar G. Maruhom, had established his residence on a
part of the property. Petitioner concludes that the underground tunnels 115 meters below
respondents' property could not have caused damage or prejudice to respondents and
their claim to this effect was, therefore, purely conjectural and speculative. 7
The contention lacks merit.
Generally, in an appeal by certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, the Court does not
pass upon questions of fact. Absent any showing that the trial and appellate courts gravely
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abused their discretion, the Court will not examine the evidence introduced by the parties
below to determine if they correctly assessed and evaluated the evidence on record. 8 The
jurisdiction of the Court in cases brought to it from the CA is limited to reviewing and
revising the errors of law imputed to it, its ndings of fact being as a rule conclusive and
binding on the Court.

In the present case, petitioner failed to point to any evidence demonstrating grave abuse
of discretion on the part of the CA or to any other circumstances which would call for the
application of the exceptions to the above rule. Consequently, the CA's ndings which
upheld those of the trial court that respondents owned and possessed the property and
that its substrata was possessed by petitioner since 1978 for the underground tunnels,
cannot be disturbed. Moreover, the Court sustains the nding of the lower courts that the
sub-terrain portion of the property similarly belongs to respondents. This conclusion is
drawn from Article 437 of the Civil Code which provides:
ART. 437. The owner of a parcel of land is the owner of its surface and of
everything under it, and he can construct thereon any works or make any
plantations and excavations which he may deem proper, without detriment to
servitudes and subject to special laws and ordinances. He cannot complain of the
reasonable requirements of aerial navigation.

Thus, the ownership of land extends to the surface as well as to the subsoil under it. In
Republic of the Philippines v. Court of Appeals , 9 this principle was applied to show that
rights over lands are indivisible and, consequently, require a de nitive and categorical
classification, thus:
The Court of Appeals justi ed this by saying there is "no con ict of interest"
between the owners of the surface rights and the owners of the sub-surface
rights. This is rather strange doctrine, for it is a well-known principle that the
owner of a piece of land has rights not only to its surface but also to everything
underneath and the airspace above it up to a reasonable height. Under the
aforesaid ruling, the land is classi ed as mineral underneath and agricultural on
the surface, subject to separate claims of title. This is also dif cult to understand,
especially in its practical application.
Under the theory of the respondent court, the surface owner will be planting on the
land while the mining locator will be boring tunnels underneath. The farmer
cannot dig a well because he may interfere with the mining operations below and
the miner cannot blast a tunnel lest he destroy the crops above. How deep can the
farmer, and how high can the miner go without encroaching on each others
rights? Where is the dividing line between the surface and the sub-surface rights?

The Court feels that the rights over the land are indivisible and that the land itself
cannot be half agricultural and half mineral. The classi cation must be
categorical; the land must be either completely mineral or completely agricultural.

Registered landowners may even be ousted of ownership and possession of their

properties in the event the latter are reclassi ed as mineral lands because real properties
are characteristically indivisible. For the loss sustained by such owners, they are entitled to
just compensation under the Mining Laws or in appropriate expropriation proceedings. 1 0
Moreover, petitioner's argument that the landowners' right extends to the sub-soil insofar
as necessary for their practical interests serves only to further weaken its case. The theory
would limit the right to the sub-soil upon the economic utility which such area offers to the
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surface owners. Presumably, the landowners' right extends to such height or depth where
it is possible for them to obtain some bene t or enjoyment, and it is extinguished beyond
such limit as there would be no more interest protected by law. 1 1

In this regard, the trial court found that respondents could have dug upon their property
motorized deep wells but were prevented from doing so by the authorities precisely
because of the construction and existence of the tunnels underneath the surface of their
property. Respondents, therefore, still had a legal interest in the sub-terrain portion insofar
as they could have excavated the same for the construction of the deep well. The fact that
they could not was appreciated by the RTC as proof that the tunnels interfered with
respondents' enjoyment of their property and deprived them of its full use and enjoyment,
Has it deprived the plaintiffs of the use of their lands when from the evidence they
have already existing residential houses over said tunnels and it was not shown
that the tunnels either destroyed said houses or disturb[ed] the possession thereof
by plaintiffs? From the evidence, an af rmative answer seems to be in order. The
plaintiffs and [their] co-heirs discovered [these] big underground tunnels in 1992.
This was con rmed by the defendant on November 13, 1992 by the Acting
Assistant Project Manager, Agus 1 Hydro Electric Project (Exh. K). On September
16, 1992, Atty. Omar Maruhom (co-heir) requested the Marawi City Water District
for permit to construct a motorized deep well over Lot 3 for his residential house
(Exh. Q). He was refused the permit "because the construction of the deep well as
(sic) the parcels of land will cause danger to lives and property." He was informed
that "beneath your lands are constructed the Napocor underground tunnel in
connection with Agua Hydroelectric plant" (Exh. Q-2). There in fact exists ample
evidence that this construction of the tunnel without the prior consent of plaintiffs
beneath the latter's property endangered the lives and properties of said plaintiffs.
It has been proved indubitably that Marawi City lies in an area of local volcanic
and tectonic activity. Lake Lanao has been formed by extensive earth movements
and is considered to be a drowned basin of volcano/tectonic origin. In Marawi
City, there are a number of former volcanoes and an extensive amount of faulting.
Some of these faults are still moving. (Feasibility Report on Marawi City Water
District by Kampsa-Kruger, Consulting Engineers, Architects and Economists, Exh.
R). Moreover, it has been shown that the underground tunnels [have] deprived the
plaintiffs of the lawful use of the land and considerably reduced its value. On
March 6, 1995, plaintiffs applied for a two-million peso loan with the Amanah
Islamic Bank for the expansion of the operation of the Ameer Construction and
Integrated Services to be secured by said land (Exh. N), but the application was
disapproved by the bank in its letter of April 25, 1995 (Exh. O) stating that:

"Apropos to this, we regret to inform you that we cannot consider your loan
application due to the following reasons, to wit:
That per my actual ocular inspection and veri cation, subject property
offered as collateral has an existing underground tunnel by the NPC for the
Agus I Project, which tunnel is traversing underneath your property, hence,
an encumbrance. As a matter of bank policy, property with an existing
encumbrance cannot be considered neither accepted as collateral for a
All the foregoing evidence and ndings convince this Court that preponderantly
plaintiffs have established the condemnation of their land covering an area of
48,005 sq. meters located at Saduc, Marawi City by the defendant National Power
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Corporation without even the bene t of expropriation proceedings or the payment

of any just compensation and/or reasonable monthly rental since 1978. 1 2

In the past, the Court has held that if the government takes property without expropriation
and devotes the property to public use, after many years, the property owner may demand
payment of just compensation in the event restoration of possession is neither convenient
nor feasible. 1 3 This is in accordance with the principle that persons shall not be deprived
of their property except by competent authority and for public use and always upon
payment of just compensation. 1 4

Petitioner contends that the underground tunnels in this case constitute an easement upon
the property of respondents which does not involve any loss of title or possession. The
manner in which the easement was created by petitioner, however, violates the due
process rights of respondents as it was without notice and indemnity to them and did not
go through proper expropriation proceedings. Petitioner could have, at any time, validly
exercised the power of eminent domain to acquire the easement over respondents'
property as this power encompasses not only the taking or appropriation of title to and
possession of the expropriated property but likewise covers even the imposition of a mere
burden upon the owner of the condemned property. 1 5 Signi cantly, though, landowners
cannot be deprived of their right over their land until expropriation proceedings are
instituted in court. The court must then see to it that the taking is for public use, that there
is payment of just compensation and that there is due process of law. 1 6

In disregarding this procedure and failing to recognize respondents' ownership of the subterrain portion, petitioner took a risk and exposed itself to greater liability with the passage
of time. It must be emphasized that the acquisition of the easement is not without
expense. The underground tunnels impose limitations on respondents' use of the property
for an inde nite period and deprive them of its ordinary use. Based upon the foregoing,
respondents are clearly entitled to the payment of just compensation. 1 7 Notwithstanding
the fact that petitioner only occupies the sub-terrain portion, it is liable to pay not merely
an easement fee but rather the full compensation for land. This is so because in this case,
the nature of the easement practically deprives the owners of its normal bene cial use.
Respondents, as the owners of the property thus expropriated, are entitled to a just
compensation which should be neither more nor less, whenever it is possible to make the
assessment, than the money equivalent of said property. 1 8

The entitlement of respondents to just compensation having been settled, the issue now is
on the manner of computing the same. In this regard, petitioner claims that the basis for
the computation of the just compensation should be the value of the property at the time it
was taken in 1978. Petitioner also impugns the reliance made by the CA upon National
Power Corporation v. Court of Appeals and Macapanton Mangondato 1 9 as the basis for
computing the amount of just compensation in this action. The CA found that "the award
of damages is not excessive because the P1000 per square meter as the fair market value
was sustained in a case involving a lot adjoining the property in question which case
involved an expropriation by [petitioner] of portion of Lot 1 of the subdivision plan (LRC)
PSD 116159 which is adjacent to Lots 2 and 3 of the same subdivision plan which is the
subject of the instant controversy." 2 0
Just compensation has been understood to be the just and complete equivalent of the
loss 2 1 and is ordinarily determined by referring to the value of the land and its character at
the time it was taken by the expropriating authority. 2 2 There is a "taking" in this sense
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when the owners are actually deprived or dispossessed of their property, where there is a
practical destruction or a material impairment of the value of their property, or when they
are deprived of the ordinary use thereof. There is a "taking" in this context when the
expropriator enters private property not only for a momentary period but for more
permanent duration, for the purpose of devoting the property to a public use in such a
manner as to oust the owner and deprive him of all bene cial enjoyment thereof. 2 3
Moreover, "taking" of the property for purposes of eminent domain entails that the entry
into the property must be under warrant or color of legal authority. 2 4
Under the factual backdrop of this case, the last element of taking mentioned, i.e., that the
entry into the property is under warrant or color of legal authority, is patently lacking.
Petitioner justi ed its nonpayment of the indemnity due respondents upon its mistaken
belief that the property formed part of the public dominion.
This situation is on all fours with that in the Mangondato case. NAPOCOR in that case took
the property of therein respondents in 1979, using it to build its Aqua I Hydroelectric Plant
Project, without paying any compensation, allegedly under the mistaken belief that it was
public land. It was only in 1990, after more than a decade of bene cial use, that NAPOCOR
recognized therein respondents' ownership and negotiated for the voluntary purchase of
the property.
In Mangondato, this Court held:
The First Issue: Date of Taking or Date of Suit?
The general rule in determining "just compensation" in eminent domain
is the value of the property as of the date of the ling of the complaint,
as follows :

"Sec. 4. Order of Condemnation. When such a motion is overruled or when any

party fails to defend as required by this rule, the court may enter an order of
condemnation declaring that the plaintiff has a lawful right to take the property
sought to be condemned, for the public use or purpose described in the complaint,
upon the payment of just compensation to be determined as of the date of the
filing of the complaint. . . ." (Italics supplied).
Normally, the time of the taking coincides with the ling of the complaint for
expropriation. Hence, many ruling of this Court have equated just compensation
with the value of the property as of the time of ling of the complaint consistent
with the above provision of the Rules. So too, where the institution of the action
precedes entry to the property, the just compensation is to be ascertained as of
the time of filing of the complaint.
The general rule, however, admits of an exception: where this Court
xed the value of the property as of the date it was taken and not the
date of the commencement of the expropriation proceedings .
In the old case of Provincial Government of Rizal vs. Caro de Araullo, the Court
ruled that ". . . the owners of the land have no right to recover damages for this
unearned increment resulting from the construction of the public improvement
(lengthening of Taft Avenue from Manila to Pasay) from which the land was
taken. To permit them to do so would be to allow them to recover more than the
value of the land at the time it was taken, which is the true measure of the
damages, or just compensation, and would discourage the construction of
important public improvements."

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In subsequent cases, the Court, following the above doctrine, invariably

held that the time of taking is the critical date in determining lawful or
just compensation . Justifying this stance, Mr. Justice (later Chief Justice)
Enrique Fernando, speaking for the Court in Municipality of La Carlota vs. The
Spouses Felicidad Baltazar and Vicente Gan, said, ". . . the owner as is the
constitutional intent, is paid what he is entitled to according to the value of the
property so devoted to public use as of the date of taking. From that time, he had
been deprived thereof. He had no choice but to submit. He is not, however, to be
despoiled of such a right. No less than the fundamental law guarantees just
compensation. It would be injustice to him certainly if from such a period, he
could not recover the value of what was lost. There could be on the other
hand, injustice to the expropriator if by a delay in the collection, the
increment in price would accrue to the owner. The doctrine to which this
Court has been committed is intended precisely to avoid either contingency
fraught with unfairness."
Simply stated, the exception nds the application where the owner would
be given undue incremental advantages arising from the use to which
the government devotes the property expropriated as for instance, the
extension of a main thoroughfare as was in the case in Caro de Araullo. In the
instant case, however, it is dif cult to conceive of how there could have
been an extra-ordinary increase in the value of the owner's land arising
from the expropriation, as indeed the records do not show any evidence
that the valuation of P1,000.00 reached in 1992 was due to increments
directly caused by petitioner's use of the land . Since the petitioner is
claiming an exception to Rule 67, Section 4, it has the burden in proving its claim
that its occupancy and use not ordinary in ation and increase in land values
was the direct cause of the increase in valuation from 1978 to 1992.

Side Issue: When is there "Taking" of Property?

But there is yet another cogent reason why this petition should be denied and why
the respondent Court should be sustained. An examination of the undisputed
factual environment would show that the "taking" was not really made in 1978.
This Court has de ned the elements of "taking" as the main ingredient in the
exercise of power of eminent domain, in the following words:
"A number of circumstances must be present in "taking" of property for purposes
of eminent domain: (1) the expropriator must enter a private property; (2) the
entrance into private property must be for more than a momentary period; (3) the
entry into the property should be under warrant or color of legal authority; (4) the
property must be devoted to a public use or otherwise informally appropriated or
injuriously affected; and (5) the utilization of the property for public use must be
in such a way to oust the owner and deprive him of all beneficial enjoyment of the
property." (Italics supplied)

In this case, the petitioner's entrance in 1978 was without intent to expropriate or
was not made under warrant or color of legal authority, for it believed the property
was public land covered by Proclamation No. 1354. When the private respondent
raised his claim of ownership sometime in 1979, the petitioner atly refused the
claim for compensation, nakedly insisted that the property was public land and
wrongly justi ed its possession by alleging it had already paid " nancial
assistance" to Marawi City in exchange for the rights over the property. Only in
1990, after more than a decade of bene cial use, did the petitioner recognize
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private respondent's ownership and negotiate for the voluntary purchase of the
property. A Deed of Sale with provisional payment and subject to negotiations for
the correct price was then executed. Clearly, this is not the intent nor the
expropriation contemplated by law. This is a simple attempt at a voluntary
purchase and sale. Obviously, the petitioner neglected and/or refused to exercise
the power of eminent domain.
Only in 1992, after the private respondent sued to recover possession and
petitioner led its Complaint to expropriate, did petitioner manifest its intention to
exercise the power of eminent domain. Thus the respondent Court correctly held:
"If We decree that the fair market value of the land be determined as of
1978, then We would be sanctioning a deceptive scheme whereby
NAPOCOR, for any reason other than for eminent domain would occupy
another's property and when later pressed for payment, rst negotiate
for a low price and then conveniently expropriate the property when the
land owner refuses to accept its offer claiming that the taking of the
property for the purpose of the eminent domain should be reckoned as
of the date when it started to occupy the property and that the value of
the property should be computed as of the date of the taking despite
the increase in the meantime in the value of the property ."
In Noble vs. City of Manila, the City entered into a lease-purchase agreement of a
building constructed by the petitioner's predecessor-in-interest in accordance with
the speci cations of the former. The Court held that being bound by the said
contract, the City could not expropriate the building. Expropriation could be
resorted to "only when it is made necessary by the opposition of the owner to the
sale or by the lack of any agreement as to the price." Said the Court:

"The contract, therefore, in so far as it refers to the purchase of the building, as we

have interpreted it, is in force, not having been revoked by the parties or by judicial
decision. This being the case, the city being bound to buy the building at an
agreed price, under a valid and subsisting contract, and the plaintiff being
agreeable to its sale, the expropriation thereof, as sought by the defendant, is
baseless. Expropriation lies only when it is made necessary by the opposition of
the owner to the sale or by the lack of any agreement as to the price. There being
in the present case a valid and subsisting contract, between the owner of the
building and the city, for the purchase thereof at an agreed price, there is no
reason for the expropriation." (Italics supplied)
In the instant case, petitioner effectively repudiated the deed of sale it entered into
with the private respondent when it passed Resolution No. 92-121 on May 25,
1992 authorizing its president to negotiate, inter alia, that payment "shall be
effective only after Agus I HE project has been placed in operation." It was only
then that petitioner's intent to expropriate became manifest as private respondent
disagreed and, barely a month, filed suit. 2 5

In the present case, to allow petitioner to use the date it constructed the tunnels as the
date of valuation would be grossly unfair. First, it did not enter the land under warrant or
color of legal authority or with intent to expropriate the same. In fact, it did not bother to
notify the owners and wrongly assumed it had the right to dig those tunnels under their
property. Secondly, the "improvements" introduced by petitioner, namely, the tunnels, in no
way contributed to an increase in the value of the land. The trial court, therefore, as
af rmed by the CA, rightly computed the valuation of the property as of 1992, when
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respondents discovered the construction of the huge underground tunnels beneath their
lands and petitioner con rmed the same and started negotiations for their purchase but
no agreement could be reached. 2 6
As to the amount of the valuation, the RTC and the CA both used as basis the value of the
adjacent property, Lot 1 (the property involved herein being Lots 2 and 3 of the same
subdivision plan), which was valued at P1,000 per sq. meter as of 1990, as sustained by
this Court in Mangondato, thus:
The Second Issue: Valuation
We now come to the issue of valuation.
The fair market value as held by the respondent Court, is the amount of P1,000.00
per square meter. In an expropriation case where the principal issue is the
determination of just compensation, as is the case here, a trial before
Commissioners is indispensable to allow the parties to present evidence on the
issue of just compensation. Inasmuch as the determination of just compensation
in eminent domain cases is a judicial function and factual ndings of the Court
of Appeals are conclusive on the parties and reviewable only when the case falls
within the recognized exceptions, which is not the situation obtaining in this
petition, we see no reason to disturb the factual ndings as to valuation of the
subject property. As can be gleaned from the records, the court-and-the-partiesappointed commissioners did not abuse their authority in evaluating the evidence
submitted to them nor misappreciate the clear preponderance of evidence. The
amount xed and agreed to by the respondent appellate Court is not grossly
exorbitant. To quote:

"Commissioner Ali comes from the Of ce of the Register of Deeds who may well
be considered an expert, with a general knowledge of the appraisal of real estate
and the prevailing prices of land in the vicinity of the land in question so that his
opinion on the valuation of the property cannot be lightly brushed aside.
"The prevailing market value of the land is only one of the determinants used by
the commissioners' report the other being as herein shown:
xxx xxx xxx
"Commissioner Doromal's report, recommending P300.00 per square meter,
differs from the 2 commissioners only because his report was based on the
valuation as of 1978 by the City Appraisal Committee as clari ed by the latter's
chairman in response to NAPOCOR's general counsel's query."
In sum, we agree with the Court of Appeals that petitioner has failed to show why
it should be granted an exemption from the general rule in determining just
compensation provided under Section 4 of Rule 67. On the contrary, private
respondent has convinced us that, indeed, such general rule should in fact be
observed in this case. 2 7

Petitioner has not shown any error on the part of the CA in reaching such a valuation.
Furthermore, these are factual matters that are not within the ambit of the present review.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED and the Decision of the Court of Appeals in C.A.-G.R.
CV No. 57792 dated June 8, 2005 is AFFIRMED.
No costs.
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. 2016


Puno, C.J., Corona and Garcia, JJ., concur.

Sandoval-Gutierrez, J., is on leave.

1. Rollo, pp. 114-133.

2. Id. at 117-118.
3. Id. at 118-119.
4. Id. at 121-122.
5. Id. at 122-123.
6. Id. at 132-133.
7. Id. at 95-98.
8. Concepcion v. CA, G.R. No. 120707, January 31, 2000, 324 SCRA 85.
9. G.R. No. L-43938, April 15, 1988, 160 SCRA 228.
10. Id.


12. Rollo, pp. 152-154.

13. Militante v. Court of Appeals, 386 Phil. 522 (2000).
14. CONSTITUTION, Art. III, Sec. 9. See Also CIVIL CODE, Art. 435.
15. Republic v. PLDT, 136 Phil. 20 (1969).
16. NAPOCOR v. CA, G.R. No. 106804, August 12, 2004, 436 SCRA 195.
17. NAPOCOR v. Gutierrez, G.R. No. 60077, January 18, 1991, 193 SCRA 1.
18. Id.
19. G.R. No. 113194, March 11, 1996, 254 SCRA 577.
20. Rollo, p. 130.
21. Supra note 16.
22. Supra note 17.
23. Republic of the Philippines v. Sarabia, G.R. No. 157847, August 25, 2005, 468 SCRA 142.
24. Supra note 19.
25. Supra, note 19 at 588-592; Emphasis supplied, italics in the original.
26. See, RTC decision of August 7, 1996, Rollo, p. 158.
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. 2016

27 See, supra note 19 at 592-593.

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