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foreign studies about inventory system the U.S. and in foreign countries.

The financialmanagement applications may also include tools for creating and adhering to budgets, cash-low
management, expense management, risk management and tax management. HCM HCM and
PeopleSoft provide an excellent example of the modularity of ERP, as well as insight into an
offering's technical strengths based on the vendor's history. PeopleSoft was founded as a
human-resources management company, and the PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM module
continues to be a key
local related literature about inventory system in the phil Impact of the 'Assembler
Strategy' in the Enterprise Applications Field Genesis of Infor Process Group In evaluating
recent acquisitions in the enterprise resource planning (ERP) field, it will be useful to describe
Infor Process Group 's vertically-focused assembler strategy (also see Stability and
Functionality for Process and Discrete Manufacturers ). It is interesting to note that the Infor of
today originated with the Infor Process Group; its very first acquisition was the 2002 Process
local studies in inventory system in philippines can cost-effectively deepen their local
customer relationships. For example, a Midwest distributor created an online catalog tool that it
adapts for each customer based on purchase history and that provides real-time inventory and
order status. This self-service product information and ordering tool enables salespeople to
spend their time resolving higher level customer matters, routing lower level issues directly to
inside sales support, and prospecting new opportunities. Additionally, mobile technology

According to the study of Edwin Bello and his fellow researchers of Computerized Monitoring
and Inventory of Stock with Warning Level dated March 2005, many firms have thousands of
items of inventory which require some form of control. The usage calculations and record
keeping chores would soon become overwhelming were it not for the computer and its unique
information storage and retrieval capabilities. (2011, 09). Chapter Ii: Related Literature and Studies of Inventory Retrieved 09, 2011, from
According to the study of Anna Marie Beltran Distor of Proposed Sales Monitoring System
issued 1995, the accelerated work structure of the company proper monitoring is essential in
order to keep track of the companys sales activities. Her system aims to come up with an
efficient, and accurate mechanized system of preparing invoices that will keep trSack of the daily
transaction and generate reports. Important information will be provided by this study in order to
prove that the computerization of the companys operation and achieve a more reliable and
efficient means of monitoring day to day activities. Her system focuses on the analysis and
design of the sales monitoring system which will monitor the stacks inventory of the sales
departments. This system of hers is somewhat related to our study but our system focuses more
on the inventory monitoring system of a trading company. Popular author of Accounting, Waldo
T. Passion (1990) in his book stated that, to improve their efficiency and reduce their cost of
operation. Reports are more timely and accurate. Computers have large capacity to store data and
tremendous speed to manipulate and recall data to the format a user wishes to use which the
introduction of microcomputer computation of business is more affordable.

The proponents believe that every literature and every studies stated in this research is similar on
the present study . The proponents relate and differentiate the research based on the flow of their
transaction from the proposed study. The transaction and process and also the design
specialization will easy help to acquire and accommodate and communicate with the user. The
proponents get and use other research in this chapter, in which it helps to them, because they get
knowledge during creating the systems.
This Review of Related Literature and Studies, illustrate the specific and general task of the
Inventory Management System, also the types of Inventory that gives a lot of knowledge for
everyone before entering into business and using Inventory. In this chapter the proponents put a
different opinion of others interms of Inventory, the Literatures and studies should get on the
Book articles on the internet.
Inventory Management system, tackled how you manage your inventory whether manual or
computerized, both of that having advantages and disadvantages for the business, this chapter
gives an idea also for the reader to review whats use of Inventory to the business.

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