Alcatel 1000 S12 - Carritech Telecommunications

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Part supply

Repair & Refurbishment

Technical Support

Alcatel 1000 S12

Carritech offer a wide range of support services

for the Alcatel 1000 S12, including repair
and refurbishment, part supply and ongoing
technical support.

The Alcatel S12 is an optimized cost-effective, multi-

purpose voice switch covering the entire exchange
application range of local, toll, combined local & toll, tandem and
international exchanges.

The Alcatel 1000 S12 has been characterised by its high reliability,
immunity to total system failure and its ability to easily accept new
services and technologies.

Key Features

S12 switches support internet services such as Voice over IP (VoIP), Always-On/Dynamic ISDN (AO/DI) and ADSL
Provides end-user services (such as number identification, call forwarding, multi-party capability, mobility and PBX
access) and ISDN

Technical Information

Main characteristics

The Alcatel 1000 S12 switching system (formerly known as System 12 or ITT 1240) is also one of the most popular in
the world including at one point in time 140 million Alcatel S12 lines in more than 100 countries worldwide.

The Alcatel S12 is an optimized cost-effective, multi-purpose voice switch covering the entire exchange application
range of local, toll, combined local & toll, tandem and international exchanges.

The Alcatel S12 Media Gateway Controller(MGC) was later designed to meet the Next generation network (NGN)
requirements and employing this product together with the Alcatel 7510 Media Gateway (MG), service providers can
handle both TDM and voice over packet (VoP) traffic in an NGN architecture.

For more products and information regarding Carritech and the wider telecommunications industry, visit our website
at or follow us on twitter @carritech

Carritech Limited, 8-12 Holmes Hill Estate, Holmes Hill, Lewes BN8 6JA

0203 006 1170 | | [email protected]

The Alcatel S12 is capable of the following capacity:120,000 lines (local exchange); 85,000 trunks (toll exchange);
Traffic 35,000 Erlang; More than 2,000,000 Busy Hour Call Attempts (BHCA).

The S12 can be used for a huge range of switching applications: Remote subscriber units, small, medium and large
local exchanges, tandem, toll and international exchanges, operator assistance systems, network service centres,
telephone traffic charging centres, mobile switching centres, service switching points and signalling transfer points.

The Alcatel 1000 S12 is capable of providing services such as: telephony, bearer services, tele-services, supplementary
services, file transfer, transmission of video and images, LAN interconnection.

Software characteristics
The Alcatel 1000 S12s software functions are distributed over the processors which control the exchange.

S12 software has fie major sub-systems: operating system, telephonic support, call handling, maintenance and

Modular Architecture
The Alcatel S12 systems distributed control architecture incorporates modular hardware components which conform
to a defined interface with the DSN (Digital Switching Network).

The modular design means that the exchange architecture, and top level software doesnt need to be adapted when
updating smaller features such as components, microprocessors or custom VSLI circuits.

The number of different printed circuit boards types is only 29 for a typical exchange. The number of different rack
types from which a typical exchange is built is 4. For a typical 10,000 line exchange the Alcatel 1000 S12 9 racks and
9KW of power.

Remote Subscriber Unit

The Alcatel 1000 S12 ISDN Remote Subscriber Unit (IRSU) is suited to serve remote concentrations of subscribers and
to shorten the loop length in urban areas. It is a mixed analog/ISDN telephone line concentrator which provides access
to an Alcatel 1000 S12 exchange.

Need support for Alcatel

1000 S12 products?
We can help.
Call: +44 203 006 1770
Email: [email protected]

For more products and information regarding Carritech and the wider telecommunications industry, visit our website
at or follow us on twitter @carritech

Carritech Limited, 8-12 Holmes Hill Estate, Holmes Hill, Lewes BN8 6JA

0203 006 1170 | | [email protected]

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