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275 F.

2d 503

Burton N. PUGACH, Petitioner-Appellant,

Honorable Isidore DOLLINGER, District Attorney of Bronx
County and Honorable Stephen P. Kennedy, Police
Commissioner of the City of New York, Respondent-Appellees.
No. 26116.

United States Court of Appeals Second Circuit.

Argued February 1, 1960.
Decided February 11, 1960.

Herbert S. Siegel and Louis Fusco, Jr., Bronx, New York City, for
Irving Anolik, Asst. Dist. Atty., Bronx County, New York City (Isidore
Dollinger, Dist. Atty., Bronx County, and Alexander E. Scheer, Asst. Dist.
Atty., Bronx, New York City, on the brief), for respondent-appellees.
Before MEDINA and WATERMAN, Circuit Judges, and MADDEN,
Judge, United States Court of Claims.*
MEDINA, Circuit Judge.

Burton N. Pugach and others were indicted by the Grand Jury of Bronx County,
New York, charged with the crimes of burglary in the second degree, maiming,
assault in the second degree and conspiracy. Another indictment charges
Pugach with felonious possession of fire-arms. Proceedings are pending in the
County Court of Bronx County and we are informed by the Assistant District
Attorney in charge that "it will not be possible to delay this case beyond
February 15."

The present action was brought in the United States District Court for the
Southern District of New York against the District Attorney of Bronx County
and the Police Commissioner of New York City for a permanent injunction
restraining the use by them and their agents and employees on the forthcoming

trial of certain wiretap evidence. A motion for a preliminary injunction was

denied and the complaint was dismissed. Pugach appealed to this Court from
the order denying the preliminary injunction and dismissing his complaint. The
matter comes before us on a motion for a stay pending the hearing of the

It is not disputed that defendants or their agents on June 15, 1959 procured an
order of the Supreme Court of the State of New York permitting Pugach's
telephone wires to be tapped, that they were tapped and that the contents of the
wiretaps were divulged to the Grand Jury. It is also asserted and not denied that
the wiretaps were divulged "to the press and to other persons." We agree with
the statement by the District Judge: "It appears highly likely that the
prosecution will use such evidence against plaintiff on the trial of the
indictments." Indeed, the position of the District Attorney on this motion is not
that no wiretap evidence will be used on the trial but rather that the order
permitting the wiretap was authorized by Article I, Section 12 of the New York
Constitution, by Section 813-a of the New York Code of Criminal Procedure,
and the evidence thereof held to be admissible in criminal prosecutions by the
recent decisions of the New York Court of Appeals in People v. Variano, 1959,
5 N.Y.2d 391, 185 N.Y.S.2d 1, and People v. Broady, 1959, 5 N.Y.2d 500, 186
N.Y.S. 2d 230; and he further contends that a federal court not only should not
interfere with the use of such wiretap evidence but is without power or
jurisdiction to do so. Under these circumstances we see no reason to doubt that
the wiretap evidence will be used at the trial unless we take action to prevent
such use.

Pugach's argument is: that Section 605 of the Federal Communications Act, 47
U.S.C.A. 605, makes it a federal crime to tap a telephone and "divulge or
publish the existence, contents, substance, purport, effect or meaning of such
intercepted communication"; that defendants or their agents are about to
commit this federal crime by further divulging and offering the wiretaps in
evidence at the trial; that the Supreme Court has in effect held in United States
v. Benanti, 1957, 355 U.S. 96, 78 S.Ct. 155, 2 L.Ed.2d 126, that the
constitutional and legislative authorization of wiretaps by the State of New
York is illegal and void; that if the evidence is received at the trial and Pugach
is convicted he will be wholly without remedy, since under Schwartz v. State of
Texas, 1952, 344 U.S. 199, 73 S.Ct. 232, 97 L.Ed. 231, which is still in effect,
the evidence will be admissible under the New York rules of evidence, even
though illegally obtained, and his conviction will not be reversed. He also
claims that the result of such violations of federal law will deprive him of his
liquor license and his license to practice law. Pugach argues that, unless we
grant the injunctive relief he prays, defendants and their agents will go ahead

and violate the federal statute with impunity, shielding themselves behind a
constitutional and legislative scheme of the State of New York that has been
held by the Supreme Court to be invalid. This is a powerful argument and we
have been unable to find any satisfactory answer to it.

It is interesting to note that on the same day the motion now under
consideration was argued we also heard argument in United States ex rel.
Graziano v. McMann, another wiretapping case. The regular New York
procedure had been followed, the wiretap evidence was received at the trial and
Graziano was convicted. The judgment of conviction was affirmed by the
Appellate Division, 1957, 3 A.D.2d 1010, 165 N.Y.S.2d 445, and by the Court
of Appeals, 1958, 4 N.Y.2d 881, 174 N.Y.S.2d 465, 150 N.E. 2d 768. A motion
to amend the remittitur to note that a question arising under the federal
Constitution had been argued and decided was denied, 1958, 4 N.Y.2d 1046,
although Graziano had objected to the wiretap evidence and claimed it should
not have been received as it violated the federal statute against intercepting and
divulging telephone messages, and the Supreme Court denied certiorari, 1958,
358 U.S. 851, 79 S.Ct. 79, 3 L.Ed.2d 85. Thereafter Graziano applied for
habeas corpus in the United States District Court for the Northern District of
New York on the ground that his conviction violated his right to due process of
law under the Fourteenth Amendment and the writ was dismissed. It was the
appeal from the order dismissing the writ in Graziano that was argued before us
on the same day Pugach's motion was argued. This Court has affirmed the order
dismissing the writ in Graziano in an opinion filed herewith. This gives point to
what may happen to Pugach if this motion is denied. In other words, once the
federal law against wiretapping has been violated by state enforcement officers
testifying at the trial to the contents of the wiretap, and a conviction has been
obtained by use of such proof, the only remedy may well be a criminal
prosecution against the enforcement officers who have violated the law or
perhaps a civil suit by the convicted defendant for damages. That such remedies
are hopelessly inadequate and that the convicted man will have suffered
irreparable injury would seem to be self-evident. But here we can act in time to
prevent the additional violation of Section 605 that will occur when the wiretap
evidence is divulged and used at the trial.

In United States v. Benanti, 2 Cir., 1957, 244 F.2d 389, 391, we held:

"Despite the warrant issued by the New York State court pursuant to New York
law, we have no alternative other than to hold that by tapping the wires,
intercepting the communication made by appellant and divulging at the trial
what they had overheard, the New York police officers violated the federal
statute. Nardone v. United States, 302 U.S. 379, 58 S.Ct. 275, 82 L.Ed. 314; Id.,

308 U.S. 338, 60 S.Ct. 266, 84 L.Ed. 307; Weiss v. United States, 308 U.S.
321, 60 S.Ct. 269, 84 L.Ed. 298. Section 605 of 47 U.S.C.A. is too explicit to
warrant any other inference, and the Weiss case made its terms applicable to
intrastate communications. The section provides:

`* * * no person not being authorized by the sender shall intercept any

communication and divulge or publish the existence, contents, substance,
purport, effect, or meaning of such intercepted communication to any person *
* *.'"

We also held, following as we thought the earlier cases, especially Wolf v.

People of State of Colorado, 1949, 338 U.S. 25, 69 S.Ct. 1359, 93 L.Ed. 1782
that the fact that the federal officers had not participated in the wiretap and had
no knowledge of it until the fact was brought out at the trial on crossexamination required us to affirm the conviction. In this we were mistaken, as
the Supreme Court held the evidence was not admissible. United States v.
Benanti, 1957, 355 U.S. 96, 78 S.Ct. 155, 2 L.Ed.2d 126. But our ruling1 that
the New York police officers had violated the federal law against divulging the
contents of a wiretap, even though authorized by New York state law, was not
disturbed. Instead, the Court held at pages 105-106 of 355 U.S., at page 160 of
78 S.Ct.:


"In light of the above considerations, and keeping in mind this comprehensive
scheme of interstate regulation and the public policy underlying Section 605 as
part of that scheme, we find that Congress, setting out a prohibition in plain
terms, did not mean to allow state legislation which would contradict that
section and that policy.18"
Footnote 18 reads:


"In passing, it should be pointed out that several Attorneys General of the
United States have urged Congress to grant exceptions to 605 to federal
agents under limited circumstances. See, e. g., Hearings before Subcommittee
No. 5 of the House Committee on the Judiciary on H.R. 762, 867, 4513, 4728,
5096, 84th Cong., 1st Sess., 28; Rogers, The Case for Wire Tapping, 63 Yale
L.J. 792 (1954). But Congress has declined to do so. In view of this, it would
seem unreasonable to believe that Congress is willing to allow this same sort of
exception to state agents with no further legislation on its part."


We find nothing to the contrary in Schwartz v. State of Texas, 1952, 344 U.S.
199, 73 S.Ct. 232, 97 L.Ed. 231, which merely construed Section 605 as

precluding "the conclusion that Congress intended to thwart a state rule of

evidence in the absence of a clear indication to that effect." See Benanti, 355
U.S. at page 101, 78 S.Ct. at page 158. In other words, the rule of evidence that
permits proof illegally obtained to be received in evidence is a rule of state law
and, in the absence of valid federal legislation to the contrary, the application of
such a rule in and of itself does not constitute a violation of the constitutional
requirement of due process.

In denying relief the District Judge relied upon Stefanelli v. Minard, 1951, 342
U.S. 117, 72 S.Ct. 118, 96 L.Ed. 138, where it was held that an injunction
would not issue to prevent the New Jersey State Police from using in a state
criminal prosecution the fruits of an unlawful search and seizure. But there the
violation of the constitutional prohibition had already taken place. Under such
circumstances it might well be thought that there was no more involved than a
state rule to the effect that evidence illegally obtained was nonetheless
admissible. Naturally there was a reluctance to interfere and disturb the delicate
balance between federal and state functions, especially in the administration of
the criminal laws. Here the very act of the police officers in testifying and
divulging the contents of the wiretap will constitute the commission of a
separate federal crime in futuro.2 We do not think we lack power to prevent
this. Unless we act now it may well be too late. Surely the delicate balance
between federal and state functions does not require the federal courts to sit idly
by and countenance or acquiesce in persistent and repeated violations of federal
law. Moreover, the fact that the wiretapping is authorized pursuant to the
Constitution and legislation of the State of New York, pursuant to which New
York judges continue to order wiretapping and police officers do the
wiretapping and divulge the contents of the wiretaps in their testimony, even
after the Supreme Court has held these constitutional and legislative provisions
to be an invasion of a field preempted by the Congress, makes the position of
defendants even more untenable.


Accordingly, until the hearing and determination of the appeal from the order
denying plaintiff's application for a temporary injunction and dismissing
plaintiff's complaint, defendants and their agents and employees are hereby
enjoined and restrained from using and disclosing wiretap evidence at the trial
of Pugach in the County Court of Bronx County, New York, on the two
indictments there pending against him.


Sitting by designation pursuant to the provisions of 28 U.S.C. 291(a)


See also United States v. Gris, 2 Cir., 1957, 247 F.2d 860, 863
See Refoule v. Ellis, D.C.N.D.Ga.1947, 74 F.Supp. 336, cited in footnote in
Stefanelli, 342 U.S. at page 124, 72 S.Ct. at page 122


WATERMAN, Circuit Judge (concurring).


I concur but solely on a very limited ground. If we deny the stay and the
wiretap evidence is introduced at the trial next Monday, February 15, 1960, the
important question presented by this application will not have been timely ruled
upon, and, as appears in our opinion in United States ex rel. Graziano v.
McMann, filed herewith, it is probable that nothing can be done thereafter to
revive it. As soon as the wiretap evidence is offered and received at the trial
and the contents of the wiretaps are thus divulged, the question now before us
will have become moot. On the other hand, the granting of the stay will
maintain the status quo pending appeal to our Court from the decision below. If
we err in so doing, the stay will be promptly vacated by the United States
Supreme Court, or a Justice thereof, and defendants will then be free to tender
the wiretaps in evidence at the trial in the County Court of Bronx County.
Although it is intolerable that the federal courts should so presume to interfere
with the orderly progress of the administration of justice in the State Courts by
issuing stay orders, the present situation is intolerable, too. It goes against the
grain to sit idly and await the violation of a federal statute one knows is to be
violated, while also knowing that the only redress the United States may have
after the violation is to proceed under 501 against a conscientious police
officer who is only obeying orders.


Moreover, there is uncertainty among the State officers themselves. At least

one of the Justices of the New York Supreme Court refuses to sign orders
authorizing wiretaps on the ground that they are now clearly illegal under the
ruling of the Supreme Court in United States v. Benanti, 1957, 355 U.S. 96, 78
S.Ct. 155, 2 L.Ed.2d 126. Matter of Interception of Telephone
Communications, 1958, 9 Misc.2d 121, 170 N.Y.S.2d 84 (per Hofstadter, J.).
But, as disclosed by the affidavits now before us, other Justices of the New
York Supreme Court pursue a contrary course and numerous orders authorizing
wiretaps are issued. This leaves in the middle conscientious New York State
and municipal police officers who have tapped wires pursuant to court order. It
could well be that some of them, as the occasion presented itself, might be
prosecuted for violating Section 605 when they divulge or publish what they
have thus obtained. Such a divulgence would be in violation of the plain
prohibition of the Section. Therefore, if at all possible to do so, it is in the
public interest to have the present anomalous state of affairs clarified. For this

reason, and this reason alone and with many misgivings I concur in the
granting of the stay. I would point out that we are not enjoining the prosecution
itself, but only the introduction at the trial of wiretap evidence.

MADDEN, Judge (dissenting).


The petitioner-appellant's motion for stay of the criminal proceeding in the state
court of New York assumes, correctly, that the New York Court will follow the
New York rules of evidence, and will admit evidence obtained by tapping the
petitioner's telephone.


The New York rule of evidence is, that the court, when engaged in trying a
criminal case, will not take notice of the manner in which witnesses have
possessed themselves of papers and other articles of personal property which
are material and properly offered in evidence.


The foregoing quotation is from the opinion in People v. Adams, 176 N.Y. 351,
358, 68 N.E. 636, 638, 63 L.R.A. 406. It was quoted with approval in People v.
Richter's Jewelers, 291 N.Y. 161, 51 N.E. 2d 690, 150 A.L.R. 560.


This rule of evidence is said by the petitioner to have been derived from the
common law; to have been introduced into American jurisprudence toward the
middle of the nineteenth century; and to have been adopted by a majority of
American state jurisdictions.


The petitioner's estimate of the precedents is verified by Wigmore on Evidence

(3rd Ed.), vol. 8, 2183-2184b and McCormick on Evidence, 137-142.


That the rule that wiretap evidence is admissible is only a rule of evidence is
confirmed by the highest authority, speaking in 1957, in Benanti v. United
States, 355 U.S. 96, 101, 78 S.Ct. 155, 2 L.Ed.2d 126. There, Chief Justice
Warren for a unanimous Court, distinguished Schwartz v. State of Texas, 344
U.S. 199, 73 S.Ct. 232, 97 L.Ed. 231, by saying:


"The rationale of that case is that despite the plain prohibition of Section 605
(the Federal Wiretapping Statute), due regard to federal-state relations
precluded the conclusion that Congress intended to thwart a state rule of
evidence in the absence of a clear intention to that effect."


What this Court is asked to do in the instant case is to hold that it is a violation

of due process of law for a State to apply a rule of evidence which is the rule in
a majority of the States of the United States. Can it be that the essentials of
"ordered liberty" of decent and rational process of law have been hidden from
so many courts and judges and juristic authorities during so many years, and
have now at last been revealed, and only to this Court?

The instant petition urges the Federal District Courts to go into the business of
supervising the proceedings in State Courts in their day-to-day activities; to
take a seat on the bench beside the State Court Judge and direct him how to rule
on the admission of evidence offered at the trial. It would be hard to imagine a
more intolerable practice, even if it were indulged in by judges of higher rank,
but in the same judicial hierarchy. Here again we have recent admonition from
the Supreme Court of the United States. In Stefanelli v. Minard, 342 U.S. 117,
72 S.Ct. 118, 96 L.Ed. 138, Mr. Justice Frankfurter wrote for the Court in a
case practically on all fours with the instant one. There the petitioners sought,
in a Federal Court, an injunction against the use, in a State criminal proceeding,
of evidence obtained by State police by an illegal search. The Supreme Court
said, 342 U.S. at page 120, 72 S.Ct. at page 120,


"Here the considerations governing that discretion [the discretion of a Court of

Equity in determining whether to issue an injunction] touch perhaps the most
sensitive source of friction between States and Nation, namely, the active
intrusion of the federal courts in the administration of the criminal law for the
prosecution of crimes solely within the power of the States."


At pages 123-124 of 342 U.S., at page 121 of 72 S.Ct. the Supreme Court said:


"The consequences of exercising the equitable power here invoked are not the
concern of a merely doctrinaire alertness to protect the proper sphere of the
States in enforcing their criminal law. If we were to sanction this intervention,
we would expose every State criminal prosecution to insupportable disruption.
Every question of procedural due process of law with its far-flung and
undefined range would invite a flanking movement against the system of
State courts by resort to the federal forum, with review if need be to this Court,
to determine the issue. Asserted unconstitutionality in the impaneling and
selection of the grand and petit juries, in the failure to appoint counsel, in the
admission of a confession, in the creation of an unfair trial atmosphere, in the
misconduct of the trial court all would provide ready opportunities, which
conscientious counsel might be bound to employ, to subvert the orderly,
effective prosecution of local crime in local courts. To suggest these difficulties
is to recognize their solution."


I would deny the requested stay.

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