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North Carolina Essential Standards

Seventh Grade Social Studies

Time Period:

World Geography, History and Culture: Patterns of Continuity and Change

The Great Global Convergence (1400-1800) to the Present - Represents the last five Eras of the National Standards

Students in seventh grade will continue to expand upon the knowledge, skills and understanding acquired in the sixth grade examination of
early civilizations. Seventh graders study the world from the Age of Exploration to contemporary times in order to understand the implications
of increased global interactions. The focus will remain on the discipline of geography by using the themes of location, place, movement,
human-environmental interaction and region to understand modern societies and regions. This course will guide students through patterns of
change and continuity with a focus on conflict and cooperation, economic development, population shifts, political thought and organization,
cultural values and beliefs and the impact of environment over time. Through an investigation of the various factors that shaped the
development of societies and regions in the modern world and global interactions, students will examine both similarities and differences. A
conscious effort should be made to include an integrated study of various societies and regions from every continent (Africa, Asia, Europe, the
Americans and Australia).
The standards are organized around five strands: history, geography and environmental literacy, economics and financial literacy, civics and
governance and culture. The strands should not be taught in isolation, but woven together in an integrated study that helps understand the
world in which we live. Additionally, the course includes two types of essential standards one that identifies the skills that students should
master during the course of the year and another that identifies the knowledge and understandings. The skills should be taught within the
context of applying knowledge and understandings to a study of the modern world.

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December 2, 2010

North Carolina Essential Standards

Seventh Grade Social Studies

Note on Strands: HHistory, GGeography and Environmental Literacy, EEconomics and Financial Literacy, CGCivics and Governance, and CCulture



Essential Standard

Clarifying Objectives

Use historical thinking to analyze various

modern societies.



Understand the implications of global






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Construct charts, graphs, and historical narratives to explain

particular events or issues over time.
Summarize the literal meaning of historical documents in
order to establish context.
Use primary and secondary sources to interpret various
historical perspectives.
Analyze the effects of social, economic, military and
political conflict among nations, regions, and groups (e.g.
war, genocide, imperialism and colonization).
Evaluate the effectiveness of cooperative efforts and
consensus building among nations, regions, and groups (e.g.
Humanitarian efforts, United Nations, World Health
Organization, Non Governmental Organizations, European
Union and Organization of American States).
Explain how increased global interaction accelerates the
pace of innovation in modern societies (e.g. advancements
in transportation, communication networks and business
Analyze the economic, political, and social impacts of
disease (e.g. smallpox, malaria, bubonic plague, AIDS and
avian flu) in modern societies.

December 2, 2010

North Carolina Essential Standards

Seventh Grade Social Studies

Geography and Environmental Literacy


Essential Standard

Clarifying Objectives

Understand how geography, demographic

trends, and environmental conditions
shape modern societies and regions.





Apply the tools of a geographer to

understand modern societies and regions.



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Explain how environmental conditions and human

response to those conditions influence modern societies
and regions (e.g. natural barriers, scarcity of resources and
factors that influence settlement).
Explain how demographic trends (e.g. population growth
and decline, push/pull factors and urbanization) lead to
conflict, negotiation, and compromise in modern societies
and regions.
Explain how natural disasters (e.g. flooding, earthquakes,
monsoons and tsunamis), preservation efforts and human
modification of the environment (e.g. recycling, planting
trees, deforestation, pollution, irrigation systems and
climate change) affect modern societies and regions.
Construct maps, charts, and graphs to explain data about
geographic phenomena (e.g. migration patterns and
population and resource distribution patterns).
Use maps, charts, graphs, geographic data and available
technology tools (i.e. GPS and GIS software) to interpret
and draw conclusions about social, economic, and
environmental issues in modern societies and regions.

December 2, 2010

North Carolina Essential Standards

Seventh Grade Social Studies

Economics and Financial Literacy

Essential Standard

Clarifying Objectives

Understand the economic activities of modern 7.E.1.1

societies and regions.



Explain how competition for resources affects the economic

relationship among nations (e.g. colonialism, imperialism,
globalization and interdependence).
Explain the implications of economic decisions in national
and international affairs (e.g. OPEC, NAFTA, G20, WTO,
EU and economic alliances).
Summarize the main characteristics of various economic
systems (e.g. capitalism, socialism, communism; market,
mixed, command and traditional economies).
Explain how personal financial decision-making impacts
quality of life (e.g. credit, savings, investing, borrowing
and giving).

Civics and Governance


Essential Standard

Clarifying Objectives

Understand the development of government

in modern societies and regions.


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Summarize the ideas that have shaped political thought in

various societies and regions (e.g. Enlightenment and
Scientific Revolution, democracy, communism and
Evaluate how the Western concept of democracy has
influenced the political ideas of modern societies.
Compare the requirements for (e.g. age. gender, legal and
economic status) and responsibilities of citizenship under
December 2, 2010

North Carolina Essential Standards

Seventh Grade Social Studies

Essential Standard

Clarifying Objectives


various governments in modern societies (e.g. voting, taxes

and military service).
Compare the sources of power and governmental authority
in various societies (e.g. monarchs, dictators, elected
officials, anti-governmental groups and religious, political



Essential Standard

Clarifying Objectives

Understand how cultural values influence

relationships between individuals, groups and
political entities in modern societies and



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Explain how culture unites and divides modern societies

and regions (e.g. enslavement of various peoples, caste
system, religious conflict and Social Darwinism).
Explain how cultural expressions (e.g. art, literature,
architecture and music) influence modern society.

December 2, 2010

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