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254 F.

2d 827

Walter SCHNEIDER, John J. Vogler and Julian J. Bursten, on

behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, PlaintiffsAppellants,
McKESSON & ROBBINS, Incorporated, a corporation and
Guaranty Trust Company of New York, a corporation.
No. 218.
Docket 24799.

United States Court of Appeals Second Circuit.

Argued March 7, 1958.
Decided May 1, 1958.

Baker, Garber & Chazen, Hoboken, N. J. (Nathan Baker, Hoboken, N. J.,

of counsel; Bernard Chazen, Hoboken, N. J., on the brief), for plaintiffappellants.
Hodges, Reavis, McGrath & Downey, New York City (C. Frank Reavis,
Martin D. Jacobs, Robert Thrun, Frederick R. Adler and Laurence C.
Ehrhardt, New York City, of counsel), for defendant-appellee McKesson
& Robbins, Inc.
McGuigan & Kilcullen, New York City (E. Gayle McGuigan, New York
City, of counsel), for defendant-appellee Guaranty Trust Co.
Before LUMBARD, WATERMAN and MOORE, Circuit Judges.
WATERMAN, Circuit Judge.

The appellants, suing on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated,
commenced this action in the District Court to establish the extent of their
interest in certain funds held by the defendant Guaranty Trust Company under a
trust agreement entered into between Guaranty Trust and the defendant
McKesson & Robbins, a former employer of the appellants. McKesson &
Robbins' defense motion for summary judgment, accompanied by supporting

affidavits, was granted by the District Court.


McKesson & Robbins is a Maryland corporation employing approximately

9,000 persons. Its business consists of (1) wholesale distribution of drug
products through 75 selling offices and warehouses (sometimes referred to as
"divisions") located in 34 states and Hawaii, (2) wholesale distribution of wines
and liquors through 42 selling offices in 16 states and Hawaii, (3) distribution
of chemicals through 6 district offices, 30 branch sales offices and 37
warehouses, and (4) manufacture of a line of drug products distributed through
the company's wholesale offices. In 1944 McKesson & Robbins instituted a
pension plan for the benefit of its employees. Under the plan the employees
who qualify as "participants" are entitled to retire at age 65 (or, in the discretion
of the board of directors, at age 60) with an annual retirement allowance
computed in accordance with the terms of the plan. Participation in the plan,
which commences as soon as an employee is eligible, is limited to employees
who have attained age 30 and completed one year of service, with the added
provision that the employee to be a "participant" "shall have at least 15 years of
creditable service by the time he attains age 65." The plan further provides that
"If a participant ceases to be an employee for any reason whatsoever * * * his
participation shall thereupon terminate * * *" In addition, Section 9(5) of the
plan specifies that "The establishment of the Plan shall not be construed as
conferring any legal rights upon any employee or any person for a continuation
of employment, nor shall it interfere with the right of an Employer to discharge
any employee or deal with him without regard to the existence of the Plan."

The pensions established by the plan are payable out of a trust fund of which
the Guaranty Trust is trustee. All contributions to the fund are made by the
employer. The amount of such contributions is determined actuarially in
accordance with the projected benefits payable under the plan, but all
contributions are voluntary, and the employer retains the right to discontinue its
contributions or to reduce them below the amount necessary to provide
adequate funds for the payment of pensions. Section 8 of the plan provides that
"All assets of the Plan shall be held as a special trust for the benefit of
participants and retired participants, and in no event shall it be possible * * *
for any part of the assets of the Plan to be used for, or diverted to, purposes
other than for the exclusive benefit of such participants or retired participants.
No person shall have any interest in or right to any part of the earnings of the
trust, or any rights in, or to, or under the trust or any part of the assets thereof,
except as and to the extent expressly provided in these Rules." The plan may be
terminated at any time by McKesson & Robbins' board of directors. If the plan
is terminated, all assets are to be used for the benefit of participants and retired
participants, each of whom is entitled to a proportionate share of the net assets

of the trust fund.1


On the date that the complaint herein was filed, the plan had been in effect
approximately twelve years. During this time McKesson & Robbins opened 11
new drug divisions and 14 new liquor divisions. In the same period it had
discontinued ten liquor divisions and two drug divisions. Each of the three
appellants was employed by McKesson & Robbins at its drug division in
Newark, New Jersey, one of the two discontinued drug divisions. When the
Newark division was closed in 1955, 172 of McKesson & Robbins' 8,500
employees were employed there. Of the 8,500 employees 5,438, including 103
employed at the Newark division, were participants in the pension plan. Fifteen
of the Newark participants continued their employment with McKesson &
Robbins, so that 88 participants, including the three appellants, were no longer
employed. These 88 employees constituted approximately 1.6% of the total
number of employees participating in the plan.

The appellant Schneider, at the time the Newark division was closed, was 52
years old and had been employed by McKesson & Robbins for 21 years, all of
which constituted "creditable service"2 under the pension plan. The appellant
Vogler, who was 45 years of age, had been employed by McKesson & Robbins
for 25 years, 15 of which constituted "creditable service." The third appellant,
Bursten, was 43 years old and had 9 years of "creditable service." There is
some dispute in the record before us whether, when the Newark division was
closed, the appellants were offered the opportunity of continuing their
employment with McKesson & Robbins. For the purpose of this appeal, we
accept the appellants' claim that they were not given such an opportunity.

We think it is readily apparent from the facts set forth above that the appellants
have no interest in the pension fund. Under the express terms of the plan the
fund exists for the sole benefit of participants and retired participants. As the
appellants had not attained age 65 at the time they were discharged, or had not
reached age 60 so as to be eligible for retirement by special vote of the board of
directors, they cannot claim an interest in the fund as if they were "retired
participants." Nor will they, upon attaining age 65, be entitled to a pension.
Under the plan pensions are payable only to participants. The appellants ceased
to be participants when they were discharged.

The interest of participants under the plan in the trust fund is limited to their
contingent rights to receive a pension at age 65 and to their rights to share in the
trust fund if the plan is terminated. Since the appellants are not entitled to a
pension either presently or in the future, they can establish an interest in the
pension fund only if the plan has been terminated. In this connection, appellants

rely upon Longhine v. Bilson, Sup. Ct. Niagara Co.1936, 159 Misc. 111, 287
N.Y.S. 281, in which the court decreed partial distribution of the assets of an
association the by-laws of which were similar to the rules of the pension plan
here. Whatever the precedent value of that decision, and we note that it cited no
authorities and that it has never been cited in a later decision, it is not
controlling here. In that case approximately one-half of the members of the
association were discharged en masse when one of the two manufacturing
corporations whose employees constituted the membership of the association
terminated its operations. The court rested its decision upon the ground that
when the association had been formed the eventuality which had occurred had
not been contemplated. The circumstances of the present case are otherwise.
The opening and closing of sales offices is a normal incident of the business
which McKesson & Robbins conducts. Its operations are not, as in Longhine,
limited to two plants each of which employs approximately an equal number of
employees. Rather, it conducts its business through a large number of offices,
the precise number of which varies according to business conditions. The
closing of the Newark division did not result in a marked contraction of
corporate activity. Moreover, in Longhine, approximately one-half of the
employees were discharged because of the discontinuance of the corporation's
activities; whereas in the present case only 1.6% of McKesson & Robbins'
employees lost their positions. Under these circumstances it cannot realistically
be said that the pension plan was terminated or "partially terminated" when the
Newark division was discontinued.

The appellants urge upon us certain equitable considerations, as, for example,
their reliance upon the plan, and contend that a court of equity should fashion a
remedy to prevent the injustice which it is claimed will result if they are denied
participation in the fund. But, as the court below stated, there is no justification
for a court "to twist the Plan into something it clearly is not." Whatever reliance
the appellants may have placed upon their expectation of future pension rights,
the terms of the plan clearly indicate that all interest in the pension fund ceases
when the employment relationship is severed. Perhaps an even more important
consideration, insofar as the appellants rely upon equitable considerations, is
that under the plan, and in practice, the amount of the employer's contributions
have been determined in accordance with an actuarial formula which takes into
account that any employee who does not continue his employment with the
company until retirement age is not entitled to any benefits under the plan. If
rights in the trust fund were to be created for appellants and all others similarly
situated, the most probable result would be the dilution of the interests of those
who are participants in the plan. We see no equitable justification for thus
favoring the appellants over those employees who are still qualified under the

The sole remaining issue is whether the District Court erred by disposing of the
appellants' claims by summary judgment. In the language of Rule 56(c),
Fed.Rules Civ.Proc., 28 U.S. C.A., summary judgment may be granted when
"there is no genuine issue as to any material fact * * *". On the record before
us, it is clear that no such issue exists. The terms of the pension plan are clear
and unambiguous; and the appellants do not dispute the material facts contained
in the affidavits made in support of the motion. Under these circumstances, the
courts have often recognized that the summary judgment procedure is a proper
method for the adjudication of claims requiring the interpretation of documents.
See 6 Moore's Federal Practice 56.17. In Subin v. Goldsmith, 2 Cir., 1955,
224 F.2d 753, we indicated a certain reluctance to grant summary judgment
when the facts asserted by the movant in support of his motion are peculiarly
within his knowledge, but we did not, as the appellants appear to contend, hold
that under such circumstances summary judgment can never be granted. See
Radio City Music Hall Corp. v. United States, 2 Cir., 1943, 135 F.2d 715.
Resolution of the issues raised in Subin v. Goldsmith was largely dependent
upon the opinions and good faith of the individual defendants, and independent
verification of the facts necessary to establish the plaintiff's case was virtually
impossible. Hence, cross-examination and an opportunity for the trier of fact to
observe the demeanor of witnesses was crucial to the plaintiff's case. Cf.
Alvado v. General Motors Corp., 2 Cir., 1955, 229 F.2d 408; Fogelson v.
American Woolen Co., 2 Cir., 1948, 170 F.2d 660.


In the present case, by contrast, analysis of the issues raised by the appellants
reveals either that they are irrelevant or that the facts necessary to sustain them
were not inaccessible to the appellants. Thus the appellants suggest that the
plan may not have been operated in accordance with the rules which govern it;
and the appellant Schneider, in his affidavit in opposition to the motion for
summary judgment, states on information and belief that an employee of
McKesson & Robbins was retired prior to his having attained age 65. The
relevance of these assertions, assuming that they may be proven, is not,
however, made clear by the appellants. We may assume that as participants in
the plan the appellants would have a sufficient interest in the pension fund to
object to the distribution of funds other than in the manner specified by the
plan. Nevertheless, as we have indicated, the appellants ceased to be
participants when they were discharged. If a portion of the funds have been
improperly expended, the appellants have in no way suffered. Even if we
interpret appellants' contention as a suggestion that in practice the terms of the
plan have been modified, the mere suspicion of such a modification cannot
serve to create a genuine issue of fact. Cf. Banco de Espana v. Federal Reserve
Bank, D.C.S.D.N.Y.1939, 28 F. Supp. 958, 973, affirmed 2 Cir., 114 F.2d 438.
The facts which might justify such a suspicion were not inaccessible to

appellants. The complaint herein was filed on November 28, 1956. McKesson
& Robbins did not move for summary judgment until nearly four months later,
and the District Court's decision on the motion was not rendered until June 28,
1957. During this entire period the appellants might have utilized the liberal
discovery procedures authorized by the Rules. As Professor Moore notes:

"Since on the whole the deposition and discovery rules provide effective means
of obtaining evidentiary materials, unless the opposing party is unduly hurried
to a hearing on a motion for summary judgment he has access to proof, as a
general proposition, even where the essential facts are within the knowledge or
control of the movant." 6 Moore's Federal Practice 2136.


Had the appellants utilized the discovery procedures available to them, they
might have obtained information tending to verify their suspicions, but their
failure to do so precludes us from finding that they have raised any factual
issues which may be considered "genuine." Their failure to make use of the
discovery procedure is also destructive of the contentions that they have not
had a sufficient opportunity to test the veracity of facts stated in the supporting
affidavits, and that there has been no opportunity for them to determine whether
the Newark division was treated by McKesson & Robbins as such a distinctly
separate business entity from the rest of the corporate business that the Newark
discontinuance should be considered as a partial termination of the plan to the
extent of the Newark percentage participation, Orvis v. Brickman, 1952, 90
U.S.App.D.C. 266, 196 F.2d 762. The appellants were not entitled to a denial of
the motion merely on the basis of a hope that some evidence might develop at
the trial. Radio City Music Hall Corp. v. United States, supra.


The appellants do raise one issue of "good faith," suggesting that the Newark
division may have been discontinued in order to deprive them and others
similarly situated of their rights under the pension plan. We mention this
suggestion merely to indicate that it has not been overlooked. It is completely
alien to any theory suggested in the complaint, and the opinion of the District
Court clearly indicates that no such theory was suggested below.


We conclude that the appellants have no interest in the pension fund. Since
there is no "genuine issue as to any material fact" the defendants' motion for
summary judgment was properly granted.





When the plan was commenced in 1944, and periodically during the
intervening years, McKesson & Robbins distributed circulars to its employees
explaining the provisions of the plan. The statements contained in these
circulars were in no way misleading. Examination of them indicates that they
accurately set forth the content of the plan

"Creditable service" is defined in the plan as the total number of years, not to
exceed 35, during which an employee receives credit as a participant in the plan

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