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279 F.

2d 119

Josephine A. ST. CLAIR, as Executrix of the Estate of Harold

W. St. Clair, deceased, Plaintiff-Appellant,
EASTERN AIR LINES, INC., Defendant Appellee.
No. 273.
Docket 25565.

United States Court of Appeals Second Circuit.

Argued April 5, 1960.
Decided June 2, 1960.

David A. Ticktin, New York City (Powers, Kaplan & Berger, New York
City, on the brief), for plaintiff-appellant.
John G. Reilly, New York City (Robert F. Ewald and Bigham, Englar,
Jones & Houston, New York City, on the brief), for defendant-appellee.
Before LUMBARD, Chief Judge, and HINCKS and FRIENDLY, Circuit
LUMBARD, Chief Judge.

Josephine St. Clair, widow of Harold St. Clair and executrix of his estate,
appeals from a jury verdict in her favor in an action for damages for the
wrongful death of Mr. St. Clair, allegedly caused by the negligence of Eastern
Air Lines. The plaintiff's decedent was killed on November 1, 1949, when an
Eastern Air Lines DC-4 in which he was a passenger collided in mid-air with a
Bolivian plane as the DC-4 approached Washington National Airport for a
landing. Eastern's liability under the law of the District of Columbia for the
decedent's death was established in a suit brought by the estate of another
passenger killed in the same accident, by which determination the parties
agreed to be bound.1 The sole matter at issue in this litigation was therefore the
amount of the damages to be awarded the appellant under the District of
Columbia Wrongful Death Act, D.C.Code 16-1201, which permits recovery
only for funeral expenses and the pecuniary loss suffered by the spouse and

next of kin. The plaintiff sought damages of $350,000 and the jury returned a
verdict for $24,000, of which $15,000 was allocated to the plaintiff and the
balance to decedent's minor child by an earlier marriage.

Plaintiff assigns numerous errors in the admission of evidence and in the trial
court's charge to the jury and asserts also that the verdict should be set aside as
grossly inadequate. Because we conclude that the trial court was in error in
admitting considerable testimony irrelevant to the decedent's prospective
earning ability, and the plaintiff's consequent pecuniary loss, and that this
evidence may well have influenced the jury's verdict, we reverse the judgment
and remand the case for a new trial.

At the trial defense counsel cross-examined the plaintiff at length concerning

the circumstances of the initial acquaintanceship between the plaintiff and her
deceased husband, plaintiff's knowledge at the time she began seeing him that
he was then married to another woman, her familiarity with the progress of the
divorce suit brought by his prior wife, and whether the decedent had been
living at the plaintiff's apartment prior to their marriage. This testimony was
admitted by the trial court, over the objections of plaintiff's counsel, on the
theory that it was evidence of decedent's character and that his personal
qualities and habits were proper considerations in determining his business
capacity, the amount of support that he would contribute to his family, and the
likelihood of his financial advancement. We think that the testimony was
irrelevant to the question of the pecuniary loss suffered by the plaintiff and by
the decedent's child and should not have been admitted.

Undoubtedly personal habits and qualities are to some degree relevant

considerations in determining an individual's earning ability and the support
that his family would have received from him but for his death. Thus, courts
have held in wrongful death actions under statutes similar to that of the District
of Columbia that it was proper to show that a decedent had been undergoing
treatment for mental illness immediately before his death, Eder v. Cashin,
1953, 281 App.Div 456, 120 N.Y.S.2d 165, or that he engaged in greatly
excessive drinking, McIlwaine v. Metropolitan Street Railway Co., 1902, 74
App.Div. 496, 497, 77 N.Y.S. 426. Such evidence is relevant because the trier
of fact may reasonably think that these traits affect the individual's ability to
keep and maintain employment; it also bears on the likelihood that his funds
will be used for the benefit of his family rather than be expended in other ways.
For the same reason, it would probably be appropriate, for example, to receive
evidence that a deceased had a reputation among his business associates or
employers for dishonesty or irresponsibility. See Annotation, 163 A.L.R. 258.

That some aspects of a decedent's character may properly be shown in

determining the damages to be awarded in a wrongful death action does not
mean, however, that all his habits and qualities are relevant. See, e. g.,
Lipscomb v. Houston & T. C. R. Co., 1901, 95 Tex. 5, 10, 64 S.W. 923, 927,
55 L.R.A. 869. The defendant should not be permitted to put in evidence
anything he may unearth which reflects unfavorably upon the decedent. Except
as they may show a propensity of the decedent to spend his income in ways
which do not inure to the benefit of his family, the details of his personal life
are not in issue and, in the present case, the history of St. Clair's relationship
with the plaintiff bore no relation to any matter which was in issue. The manner
in which men choose to conduct their personal lives very often has little bearing
on the way that they manage their business affairs. In the absence of some
preliminary showing to the contrary, a court ought not to suppose that evidence
of the former is of utility in determining the latter. Moreover, in the case before
us, any remote evidentiary value that the details of the decedent's personal life
may have had was far outweighed by the certainty that prejudice to the
plaintiff's case in the minds of the jurors would result from the introduction of
evidence showing in an ill light not only the decedent but the plaintiff as well.

Plaintiff also urges that it was error for the trial court to permit appellee's
counsel to read to the jury certain extracts from the deposition of one Stoller.
Stoller had been a business associate of the decedent. In his deposition on direct
examination by the appellee he testified repeatedly and unequivocally that he
never had seen the decedent drinking on the job or indeed under the influence
of alcohol in 1949. On cross-examination by Mr. Clark, an assistant United
States Attorney, in behalf of the United States which was then a party to the
action, Stoller admitted that he recalled having been interviewed by one Brady
of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. But when repeatedly asked if he had not
told Brady that on business occasions he had seen the decedent when unable to
sign checks because of his alcoholic condition and that the decedent had left his
employment because he may have been an alcoholic, the witness consistently
denied having made such statements to Brady. Thus the deposition laid a
preliminary foundation for a contradiction of Stoller's deposition testimony, if
that should be offered at trial, by calling Brady at the trial to testify to the
inconsistent out-of-court statements which Stoller on deposition had been
confronted with and had denied.

At the trial the appellant read portions of Stoller's examination on deposition by

counsel then representing the defendant and by Clark. Appellee's trial counsel
was then allowed over objection to read into the record in the presence of the
jury portions of Stoller's deposition containing Clark's questions purportedly
reciting these inconsistent statements given to Brady. By this indirect

technique, counsel succeeded in putting before the jury subject-matter of

questions, prejudicial to the plaintiff's case, the only legitimate purpose of
which was to lay the foundation for contradiction by Brady. But counsel never
called Brady nor was there put into the trial record a shred of evidence to show
that the deponent Stoller had ever made out-of-court statements inconsistent
with his deposition testimony.

It is unfortunate that the trial judge, when appellee's counsel sought to read to
the jury Clark's questions, failed to inquire, as he doubtless would have done if
requested by appellant's counsel, whether he (appellee's counsel) intended to
proffer Brady as an impeaching witness. Upon a negative answer to such an
inquiry, it would have been clearly erroneous to permit the reading of Clark's
deposition questions. People v. Sanders, 357 Ill. 610, 192 N.E. 697, 702;
Horton v. Mozin, 341 Ill.App. 66, 92 N.E. 2d 671. Cf. Kesten v. Forbes, 273
App. Div. 646, 78 N.Y.S.2d 769. Miller v. Henderson, 41 N.J.Super. 15, 124
A.2d 23, is not to the contrary. It was there held that on trial a party was
entitled to cross-examine a witness as to an out-of-court statement
notwithstanding counsel's refusal to represent that in the event the witness
denied making the statement competent proof thereof would be offered. The
situation was such that counsel could hope to develop answers by the witness
or demeanor conduct likely to have an impeaching effect. But in this case that
objective was served not at all by reading from the deposition Clark's questions
and Stoller's answers: it was plain that the questions were harmful in their
content to the plaintiff's case and that the answers given, without Brady's
testimony in contradiction of the deponent, had not the slightest tendency to

It would, of course, have been improper for appellee's counsel to have read the
questions for the purpose of putting their prejudicial content before the jury
with no intent to make use of the foundation thus laid by calling Brady. 98 C.J.
S. Witnesses 594, 597. But on this record such misconduct may not be
attributed to counsel: for aught that appears, counsel at that stage of the trial
may have intended to offer Brady. Nevertheless, it is plain that the content of
the questions was prejudicial. It was error to permit them to be read without
assurance that they were needed as necessary foundation for contradicting
testimony by Brady. Philadelphia & R. Ry. Co. v. Bartsch, 3 Cir., 9 F.2d 858,


Nor was the resulting harm cured by the charge. The judge not only refused to
charge that a witness's prior inconsistent statement was not to be considered as
substantial evidence of the facts stated therein,2 but he told the jury that
whether or not Stoller had made an inconsistent statement to an F.B.I. agent "is

entirely up to you and within your sole and exclusive province." This was
erroneous. If, as indeed the judge told the jury, there was no evidence of an
inconsistent statement, surely it was not for the jury to find that one had been
made. And the error of such an instruction was not cured by the judge's
accompanying observation that the failure to produce the F.B.I. agent was
important for its corroborating effect in lending credibility to Stoller's denial of
an inconsistent statement. This, doubtless, was somewhat helpful to the
plaintiff's case. But only an instruction to take Stoller's deposition testimony as
wholly uncontradicted would have sufficed. Cf. Behrman v. Sims, 81
U.S.App.D.C. 303, 157 F.2d 862.

We conclude that the error in permitting the reading of Clark's questions, and in
the related charge and the refusal to charge, were in themselves sufficiently
prejudicial to require reversal. Because of these errors and those discussed
earlier, the case is


Reversed and remanded.


See Union Trust Co. of District of Columbia v. United States, D.C.D.C.1953,

113 F.Supp. 80, modified Eastern Air Lines, Inc. v. Union Trust Co., 95 U.S.
App.D.C. 189, 221 F.2d 62, defendant's appeal affirmed 350 U.S. 907, 76 S.Ct.
192, 100 L.Ed. 796, plaintiffs' appeal certiorari denied 1955, 350 U.S. 911, 76
S. Ct. 192, 100 L.Ed. 799; Eastern Air Lines, Inc. v. Union Trust Co., 95 U.S.
App.D.C. 189, 221 F.2d 62, reversed 1955, 350 U.S. 907, 76 S.Ct. 192, 100
L.Ed. 796, modified and remanded on rehearing 350 U.S. 962, 76 S.Ct. 429,
100 L.Ed. 835, on remand 1956, 99 U.S.App.D.C. 205, 239 F.2d 25, certiorari
denied 1957, 353 U.S. 942, 77 S.Ct. 816, 1 L.Ed.2d 760

Winchester & Partridge Mfg. Co. v. Creary, 116 U.S. 161, 6 S.Ct. 369, 29 L.
Ed. 591; National Labor Relations Board v. Quest-Shon Mark Brassiere Co.,
Inc., 2 Cir., 185 F.2d 285; People v. Ferraro, 293 N.Y. 51, 55 N.E.2d 861; Roge
v. Valentine, 280 N.Y. 268, 20 N.E.2d 751

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