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International Journal of Engineering Research

Volume No.5, Issue No.8, pp : 721-723

1 August 2016

Logarithmic Multiplier: An Analytical Review

Parvin Akhter1, Sachin Bandewar2, Durgesh Nandan3
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,Sri Satya Sai College of Engineering
(RKDF university) Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India 1, 2
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract: In last four decades, the Logarithmic Number System
(LNS) is the most vocative words in the field of arithmetic
operations (like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division). In all arithmetic operations multiplication is most
area consuming component, but researchers have analyzed
that, LNS has potential to solve this problem. Hence, this paper
gives a detailed and meaningful discussion of the evolution of
LNS, systematic developments of the LNS multiplier
architecture design, highlights the research areas, a further
possibility of improvements, their limitations and finally
application in the various fields.
Keywords- Arithmetic circuits, antilogarithmic conversion,
Operand decomposition, logarithmic conversion, logarithmic
multiplication, logarithmic number system, Mitchell method.



In last four decades, the Logarithmic Number System (LNS) is

the most vocative words in the field of arithmetic operations like
(addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) in field of
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications [1]. Arithmetic
operations are the broadly used in the field of image processing
(smoothing), DSP (for filtering applications), and speech
processing [2]. As, we know that Multiplication is most an area
consuming component of arithmetic operations. Researchers
have analyzed that, LNS has potential to solve this problem [2].
Ability of Logarithmic multipliers is that it converts
multiplication problems into addition [3]. The logarithmic
multiplication has mainly distributed in three steps: (1)
conversion of binary numbers into the logarithmic numbers, (2)
arithmetic operations are performed into the logarithmic domain,
and (3) the antilogarithmic conversion of logarithmic numbers
[4]. Block diagram of logarithm-based multiplication is shown
below in Fig.1. In this paper, various logarithmic multiplication
methods and the algorithm have been investigated. Now, the
challenge is to make the multiplication efficient regarding
hardware architecture as well as accuracy. Rest of paper has
been organized as the brief overview of LNS is described in
Section 2. Various implementation techniques of logarithmic
multiplication have been explored further in Section 3. Section 4
explores the applications of LNS. Finally, the conclusion is
concluded in Section 5.

Input Y

Input X


Adder Circuit

Fig.1. Block diagram of logarithm-based multiplication

2. Overview of The Logarithmic Number System

LNS provide an option in place of binary arithmetic operation
for fast computing. The signed logarithmic numbers has been
kept in the defined format [5] [6].The IEEE 754 standard sets
formats for LNS: 1) Single precision: it has total bit size is 32
bits, and has range of 1.510-39 to 3.41038 2) Double
precision: it has total bit size is 64 bits, and has a range of
2.8 10-309 to 1.8 10-308 [7] .The basic LNS arithmetic
operations shown in Table 1.
Table1: Logarithmic Arithmetic Operations
FXP Operation

Logarithmic operation
Log Z= Log A + Log B
Log Z= Log A - Log B
Log2(1+2(Log B- Log A))
Log Z= Log A +Log2(1-2( Log
B- Log A)

A simple example of multiplication of two logarithmic numbers

8 and 60 is given below [8].
Let A=b (00001000) =d16; and B=b (00111100) =d60;
Log A =0110.0000; and Log B=0101.11100;
Sum = Log A + Log B
Sum = (0110.0000) + (0101.11100) =1000.11100;
Antilog (Sum) = Antilog (Log A + Log B);
Antilog (Sum) =00000001111000000;
X*Y= Antilog (Sum) =480;
A Logarithm Multiplication Example


Various techniques of LNS Multiplication

Conventionally, various methods of LNS multiplication are

divided into two broad categories: (1) lookup tables (LUT) based
and (2) Mitchells algorithm based [8].further Mitchells
algorithm can be subdivided into four sub-categories namely as

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International Journal of Engineering Research

Volume No.5, Issue No.8, pp : 721-723
a) divided approximation b) correction based terms c) operand
decomposition and d) MA-based iterative algorithm. Detail
descriptions of each method are given in next subsections.
3.1. Logarithmic Multiplication Based on LUT
.In direct lookup table method complete possible values of
logarithm are stored in ROM [9], it is also called ROM based
method. It is only suitable up to 12 bits more than 20 bits it
required long memory space. In some research works, bipartite
tables are used for table reduction [10]-[17]. This approach was
found faster in speed and yet efficient in resource storage. This
method is better to deal with the intermediate length of bits, in
the range of 10 to 12 bits. The objective was to identify LUT
sizes corresponding to varying logarithmic accuracy levels,
trading off accuracy versus memory overhead.
3.2 Mitchells Multiplication Algorithm
In 1962, Mitchell proposed an algorithm which is based on
simple add and shift operation and applicable for multiplication
and division [18]. At Mitchells method, the error lies between
zero to 11.1%, the average error is 3.85% [8], and maximum
possible error (MPE) is around 11.1% [8].Consider a binary
. The number N can be
express as:

The final product P is.

The error
define as

percent, and 0.1538 percent. Juang et. al. [22] uses a two region
conversion method to achieve high accuracy with less area and
complexity of the circuit. It proposed a two region bit level
manipulation schemes to achieve high accuracy with the area,
time and efficient hardware implementation. Similar approach
has been used to achieve accuracy for an antilogarithmic
converter. Table 2 give the overall accuracy comparison of all
existing logarithm conversion methods regarding a number of
partitioned regions, maximum positive error, maximum negative
error, error range, maximum positive percent error, maximum
negative percent error and percent error range.
Table 4: The Accuracy Comparison of Various Logarithm
Conversion Methods

The correction term based methods analyzed error generated by

the Mitchell algorithms and analysis used for a method which
improves the accuracy. It can be achieved by adding a correction
term either to the final product or the logarithm summation [18],
[28]. For Mitchells Error Correction (MEC) carryover bit from
the mantissa part to the integer part determines which one of the
following two equations are to be used for correction:

in Mitchells algorithm for multiplication is

In Mitchells logarithm that uses a piecewise linear curve and

producing larger errors was later improved [19]-[26]. In these
methods, a conversion method to achieve high accuracy with
lower delay and area costs. Halls algorithm [38] is using all bits
in the mantissa for adjustment. Mantissa was divided into four
sub-parts and applying linear piecewise approximation. Any part
of the mantissa the best linear mean-square coefficients can be
determined and evaluated after that developed correction
equations for the four intervals with the objective of minimizing
the error, which reduced the percentage of maximum error in
logarithmic multiplication from 11.1 % in Mitchells method to
1.3%. Halls algorithm found high accuracy at the cost of speed,
high power consumption, and more hardware complexity [27].
SanGregorys correcting algorithm is small and fast because it
uses only mantissas four MSB for adjustment of concatenated
result [19]. SanGregorys proposed two region conversion
methods are performed using only combinational logic and
requires no multiplications. Abed and Siferd developed
correction algorithm that required a trade-off between the
accuracy, speed and complexity. It has three different correction
strategies based on equations for two, three, and six regions with
varying hardware complexity and accuracy. That reduces the
maximum percent errors that result from 0.9299 percent, 0.4314

1 August 2016

Duncan calculated a correction value and added to the logarithm

summation. In this approach, the mantissa part of the two input
logarithms is partitioned into eight subintervals in steps of 0.125,
and a fixed correction term was calculated for each range of the
input operands. The operand decomposition is the independent
approach of minimizing error, and equally applicable to all
previous logarithmic multiplication approaches [8]. For
multiplying two n bit binary numbers X and Y at first, the
operand X and Y are decomposed into the following four
operands A, B, C and D. where decomposed operands are
calculated using the following equations:
A = X OR Y,
B = X AND Y,
C = (NOT X) AND Y,
D = X AND (NOT Y).
The product is computed from the decomposed operands using
the following property.
X*Y = (A*B) +(C*D)
The operand decomposition approach improves the average error
percentage and the error range of Mitchell algorithms. It is
equally applicable on all other methods like Divided
Approximation based correction and correction term based
methods. The iterative logarithmic approximation is based on the
correction terms, calculated immediately after the calculation of
the product which avoids the comparison of the sum of mantissa

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International Journal of Engineering Research

Volume No.5, Issue No.8, pp : 721-723
with 1. In this way, high-level of parallelism can be achieved
by the principle of pipelining, thus the basic block for
multiplication requires less logic resources and increasing the
speed of the multiplier with error correction circuits.

4. LNS Multiplication Based Applications

In this section, we mainly focus on the real world applications
which are benefit from the use of LNS multiplier has been given.
LNS is broadly used in the field of digital signal processing
(DSP) applications like Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filtering,
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Discrete Cosine
Transform(DCT)[1]. Especially logarithmic multiplications are
broadly used arithmetic operations in the field of scientific
computing, DSP, image processing, speech processing, computer
graphics, neural networks, and adaptive systems [2-4]. A
Logarithmic Arithmetic Unit (LAU) is proposed for the
applications to the mobile 3-D graphics system. By using the
LAU, the performance is improved by five times compared with
the complex radix-4 method. It is also broadly applicable in
video compression in motion vector calculations. The
multiplications for the convolution operation during smoothing
are performed using Operand Decomposition. Neural network
processing comprises a huge number of multiplications.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, we discuss about what is the LNS, how LNS
represent, the systematic growth of logarithmic multiplier,
utility, benefits, demerits and its applications. This
comprehensive study includes the techniques and algorithms
used by researchers in LNS multiplication. Based on this review
conclude that the iterative logarithmic multiplier is the best
choice for designers if accuracy is the main concern because it
takes large area, power, and delay. But, the operand
decomposition Mitchells algorithm is the most efficient design
in terms of area, and speed that represent hardware-compliant
LNS. Future scope for work is that there is the possibility to
minimize accuracy and hardware requirement by using hardware
minimization techniques.
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