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All children grow, except one. Our story happened not long ago in the beautiful
city of London, that night the stars shone brighter than ever.
WENDY: And at that very moment Peter Pan drew his sword and ...
JOHN: Tell us, Wendy, what happened...

PETER PAN: I will not allow it, let's go!

WENDY: But where?
PETER PAN: to Neverland
WENDY: That would be wonderful
BELL: (clink)

JOHN: I'll finish you Peter Pan!

Upon hearing this, the fairy Tinker Bell became very jealous and
began to flutter around the room and shot Wendys hair. Mikel was
awoken by the noise.

MIKEL: Surrender Captain Hook!

MIKEL: John, wake up!

WENDY: Peter Pan decided that he would never grow

PETER PAN: Tinker Bell, drop it

JOHN what?

JOHN: WOW! It is Peter Pan!

MIGUEL: And where does he live?

MIKEL: Wendy, where are we going?

WENDY: In Neverland

WENDY: To NeverLand, Peter will lead us

JOHN AND MIKEL: Ahhhhhhhhhh!

PETER: All of us?

Mikel and John believed that Peter Pan was real and fell asleep
every night listening to the wonderful stories of their older sister
Wendy. Every night she dreamed of flying to Neverland. But
something else happened that day. When the children were asleep,
a cloud of stars flung open the window. It was Tinkerbell, Peter
Pans fairy, his inseparable friend and tiny together they had gone
to seek Peter Pans shadow.

WENDY: Of course, I cannot leave John and Mikel

PETER PAN: Tinker Bell (whispering), find my shadow

BELL: (Ringing) (Angry, throws fairy dust to children)

BELL: (Ringing)

The children flew out after Peter Pan Neverland, towards the
sunrise, following the star that shone the brightest and from there,
the second one to the right.

MIKEL: He took his sword and trapped all the pirates

PETER PAN: Where are you? Come out of your hiding place and tell me where they
put my shadow?
BELL: (Ringing)
WENDY: Peter Pan!, oh Peter!, I knew you were coming, I found your shadow and
kept it, I hope that is not too wrinkled. I will fix it for you.
PETER PAN: Come and sew it, girl
WENDY: My name is Wendy Mariora Angela Darling
PETER PAN: Wendy, is enough
WENDY: So you have come back for your shadow?
PETER PAN: I came to listen to your stories and I lost it
WENDY: My stories? But everyone talks about you.
PETER PAN: I know, thats why I like them, I tell them to the lost children
WENDY: Oh yes! I remember, they are your friends, Im glad you came tonight
because tomorrow I will grow.
PETER PAN: Grow! But that is horrible
WENDY: This is my last night with the kids

PETER: Okay, I agree, but respect my orders

JOHN: At your service Lord!
WENDY: But Peter how do we get to Neverland?
PETER: It's easy, flying. Tinker Bell fairy dust.




WENDY: Oh Peter!, it is just as I dreamt. Did you see the Mermaid lagoon?

MERMAID 1: Youve been gone so long! We thought youd never come back!

JOHN: And the Indian camp!

MERMAID 2:Tell us one of your stories, Peter Pan

WENDY: There is Captain Hooks pirate ship too..

PETER PAN: The first time I was surrounded by pirates ...

PETER PAN: This is my secret refuge; I will tell the lost children I brought a mother to
tell them stories.

WENDY: But Peter!

MERMAID 2: Who is she?

WENDY: Oh Peter its fantastic.but a bit dirty!

MERMAID 1: What is she doing here and in her nightgown?

LOST BOY 1: Who is that girl Peter?

(The Mermaids are trying to get Wendy into the water)

PETER: She is Wendy

PETER PAN: Theyre only having some fun ... right?

LOST BOY2: Will you be our mother?.

MERMAID 2: Yes, .we just wanted to drown her

WENDY: I am only a little girl. I have no experience, but Ill try

LOST BOY 2: Does it mean you will tell us bedtime stories?

MERMAID 1: Its a lovely day to play with the bubbles!

WENDY: Well, if they think that being under water more than 5 minutes is fun

WENDY: Only if you take your medicine and brush your teeth first.

PETER PAN: (Peter Pan covers her mouth) Look at Captain Hook, and he has Princess

LOST BOY 1: Wow! She really is a mother!

(They leave the stage and Captain Hook enters tying Tigrilias hands).

LOST BOY 2: Lets go brush our teeth right now!

JOHN: No, we do not want to hear more stories. We want adventures.
PETER PAN: I have it! Well go to the Indian camp, John you go in front.

CAPTAIN HOOK: Here's the deal, reveal the hiding place of Peter Pan and will set
you free.

JOHN: Come on guys!.... Do you want to have a great adventure with me?

TIGRILIA: (The Princess does not answer and shakes head)

ALL: yeah!!

CAPTAIN HOOK: You better talk, as the tide is already rising and then it will be too

(SONG: Following the leader..(On the way they find an indian)).

TIGRILIA PRINCESS: I will never betray Peter Pan

INDIAN: You kidnapped my sister Tigrilia. Where is she?
JOHN: No we didnt.

PETER PAN: Wendy stay here, you'll have fun, (imitating the voice of a ghost) Watch

INDIAN: If my sister Tigrilia does not appear before dark, you will all be imprisoned.

CAPTAIN HOOK: (Scared) get down from there child, unless you want to taste my

PETER PAN: Surely it was the villain Captain Hook. Fairy dust Tinkerbell.

PETER PAN: Here I am

INDIAN: You have 12 hours to find her!. If Captain Hook did it we appreciate your
help Peter Pan.

CAPTAIN HOOK: Devil child

PETER PAN: Surrender you bully!
(Suddenly he heard the ticking of a clock; )


CAPTAIN HOOK: One day I will get you with my hook Peter Pan. Ill catch you,
Peter Pan, if its the last thing I do!!!! (he leaves the stage)
PETER PAN: We'll go to Indian camp Princess
TIGRILIA PRINCESS: Peter Pan is a great warrior, I thank you for saving me Bird


PETER: What do you think about that, Wendy? Im an Indian now

CAPTAIN HOOK: I will destroy Peter Pan I will catch him if it's the last thing I do, I
have to think ...

MIKEL: It was wonderful! Indians, pirates, mermaids..(yawn)

(At that moment Tinker Bell appeared next to Captain Hook.)

JOHN: But Wendy, we do not want to go home. We want to live here, with Peter and
the lost children.

(On one side Tinkerbell sits looking very sad)

CAPTAIN HOOK: Miss, may I sit?
BELL: (Ringing) (She says yes with the nod of her head).
CAPTAIN HOOK: I'm leaving this island forever, I wanted Peter to know that I do not
hold grudges, but I think bringing Wendy to this island was a mistake, according to
rumors she has come between you and him, right?

WENDY: Rest a bit; tomorrow we have to go home

WENDY: Let's be practical, we need a mother. A mother is the most wonderful thing in
the world.
MIKEL: Yes, thats true. Can you tell us a story Wendy?
JOHN: I do not remember what a mom is
WENDY: Thats why we have to go back.

BELL: (Ringing) (cries)

JOHN: ..home is nice.but Neverland is specialhere you can do want you want!

CAPTAIN HOOK: Its OK little one. I have the solution; I will kidnap Wendy ... oh
Well, ... I do not know where Peter Pan lives

MIKEL: We can fly, we can fight with pirates, we can swim in the lagoon (yawn).

BELL: (Ringing) (Tinkerbell with a sign points the way to Peter Pans camp)
CAPTAIN HOOK: I give you my word I will not lay a finger on Peter Pan
BELL: (Ringing) (Captain Hook she asks him to keep it secret, she puts her finger to
her lips)
CAPTAIN HOOK: So the trunk of that tree. Thanks dear, Youve helped me a lot ...
(And then Captain Hook, locked Tinkerbell in a glass lantern)

WENDY: Once upon a time, there was a very happy family. There were two
Boys, John and Michael, and their big sister Wendy. They all lived together in a big

PETER PAN: Go, but I warn you when they grow up they cannot return
WENDY: (To PETER.) Promise me youll come to see me again. At the nursery
PETER: Im just a boy. I cant be expected to keep promises. (Peter leaves)

WENDY: Peter!!
(Hook appears and trap Wendy and the children and took them to his Ship.)

CAPTAIN HOOK: Well I will give children a very simple option; you can join us as
members of the band of pirates or walk the plank and jump into the sea.
MIKEL: All right
JOHN: We will sign as members of your crew
WENDY: No. Peter Pan will rescue us
(They go in search of the pirate ship)
CAPTAIN HOOK: Which do you choose the pen or the sea?
WENDY: we will never join your crew
CAPTAIN HOOK: I insist, ladies first
WENDY: Goodbye Children
PETER PAN: Wait a minute Hook
(Bell unleashes children and they run and hide behind Wendy)
JOHN: Wendy!..Peter pan is here!
MIKEL: and he is going to rescue us!
CAPTAIN HOOK: You fly like a scared bird
(Peter and Captain fight with the swordPeter wins)
PETER PAN: What do you say Hook?
CAPTAIN HOOK: I'm leaving forever ... I will do what you want, everything except
the crocodile.
PETER PAN: You have to say that you are a maggot
CHILDREN: Maggot, maggot
CAPTAIN HOOK: Well, I'm a maggot
CHILDREN: Long live captain Peter Pan
PETER PAN: Silence sailors to your posts, lower the sails.
WENDY: Peter ... I mean, Captain, tell me where we are going?
PETER PAN: To London, Madam
WENDY: Mikel, John, were going home
PETER PAN: Weigh anchors, Bell: fairy dust.
BELL: (Ringing) (Bell throws fairy dust on everyone)
FINAL SONG: The Lost Children

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