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Sentence Cut-Out Puzzle Task

Focus of Task: Do/Does insertion in questions

SWBAT distinguish between does and do. (grammatical competence)
SWBAT form questions with do/does insertion. (grammatical competence)
Sentence Cut-Outs
Though we focused heavily on the grammar for this exercise, we tried to add an
element of authenticity--at least to Catrine--by using sentences and questions that
related directly to her life and facts that were true about her.
1. When to use do or does?
T reminds S how to conjugate the verb do
T and S work through several examples of conjugating do correctly with given
subjects (guided practices)
T gives S cut-out words from declarative sentences and models do-insertion in
context of formation by putting words in the correct order.
S builds several sentences while T monitors and provides feedback if/when
TIP: T can provide more examples and work together with Catrine
if she is struggling.
Modification: If you can work with Catrine in a classroom setting
rather than one-on-one, this could be easily done in groups or
2. Do/Does with Questions
2.1 T asks S to now try building a question from the previous sentences.
TT: How can we change this into a question?
Comment: If Catrines errors are due to the fact that she doesnt know
the rule, we can use this to explicitly teach it. It is also very possible that
Catrine has already learned this rule and her struggles come with
practical use. If this is the case, this is an opportunity to reinforce correct
usage and/or assess why she struggles to produce the forms in context.
T and S work through several example sentences using the word pieces from
Part 1 to form questions. Taking note of do/does placement.
TIP: This is a great way to check for understanding before having
Catrine work through more complex examples on her own.
2.2 T can then introduce new word cut-outs. These will include both do and does. S
must not only choose the correct do form, but also correctly form the questions.
S builds several sentences while T monitors and provides feedback if/when

TIP: Helpful forms of feedback for this task include, metalinguistic

clues (is the subject plural?) or elicitation (does the do go after
the subject?) (Tedick & de Gotari, 1998).

Calendar Task
Focus of Task: Conjugating verbs with respect to tense (simple past and simple present)
SWBAT interpret a calendar, (sociolinguistic competence)
SWBAT recount various events on a calendar using simple present and simple
past tense. (grammatical competence)
Calendar Task Worksheet
We chose the calendar as a means of illustrating tenses not only because it is
something she will run into in her daily life, but also because it allowed us to create
examples of events that relate to her (and her peers), thus adding another layer of
relevance for Catrine.
1. Identifying Simple Past/Present Usage & Forms
T asks S to recall the simple past and simple present
TT: When do you use the simple past and simple present forms? How do
you conjugate the verb in the simple past and simple present?
Simple Present:
Usage: repeated actions; habitual
Form: Subject + [base form verb + (inflection)]
Simple Past:
Usage: a completed action at a specific point in time
Form: Subject + [verb + ed] (or irregular)
Comment: Again, it is difficult for us to assume for certain what Catrine
has or has not learned in the past. We are, in this case, operating under
the assumption that she has, in fact, been exposed to these concepts in the
past and her attention just needs to be drawn back to them and given
more opportunities to work with the forms.
TIP: if it appears Catrine is struggling with these concepts, T
should spend more time clarifying and providing examples
(perhaps using the verbs that will appear in the calendar
task--walk, visit, play, work)
2. Calendar Task
T and S identify important characteristics of the calendar
TT: What is this used for? Have you used a calendar before?
T models with S how one might talk about events listed on a calendar using
example question.
T and S (or S in groups if possible) work through questions 1-4 on Calendar Task
TIP: Teacher can address any errors that arise and give feedback
when necessary

3. Extension
T asks S to create some new events to put on the calendar and talk about them
using correct verb forms.
Modification: If you are able to work with a larger group of
students this entire task/worksheet can be modified into an
information gap activity.

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