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192 F.

2d 727

No. 22.
Docket 22036.

United States Court of Appeals Second Circuit.

Argued October 5, 1951.
Decided November 15, 1951.

Joseph Lewis Simon, of New York City (Rubin Cohen, of New York
City, on the brief), for petitioning creditor-appellant.
N. William Welling, of New York City, for appellee.
Before SWAN, Chief Judge, and CLARK and FRANK, Circuit Judges.
CLARK, Circuit Judge.

This appeal attacks the validity of the appointment of a trustee in bankruptcy

made by a referee on failure of choice by the creditors. An objecting creditor
challenged the right of another claimant to vote, and repeats the challenge here
after denial of his petition for review, and affirmance of the referee's action, by
the district court.

The bankrupt is Grade A Foods Corp., which was adjudicated on a petition

filed December 22, 1950, by appellant and other creditors. The first creditors'
meeting was held on February 20, 1951. Some eight creditors appeared,
presenting claims of about $100,000. Of this, $93,000 however, was made up
of the claim presented for New York Meat Packing Co., Inc., by Schneider, its
president and fifty per cent stockholder, who was likewise president and half
owner of the bankrupt Grade A. Over the objections of other creditors, the
referee permitted this claim to be voted in the election of the trustee; and in
consequence neither of the two candidates being voted upon received the
necessary majority in both number and amount of claims, as required by 56 of

the Bankruptcy Act, 11 U.S.C.A. 92. Thereupon the referee chose the trustee
in the person of Henry A. Mills, who had been serving as receiver under
appointment by the district court and who was also the nominee of the New
York Meat interests. All parties agreed that Mills was both qualified and
disinterested. Nonetheless this creditor sought review by the district court and,
losing there, now appeals to us.

Petitioner's first contention relies upon the facts that both New York Meat and
Grade A are family corporations, owned and controlled by the same
individuals, that their offices are located in the same building, and that the
business affairs of each have been dominated by a long tradition of
intercompany transactions. He therefore argues that even though New York
Meat does not directly own Grade A stock, it is nevertheless within the
disfranchising provision added to 44, sub. a, of the Act, 11 U.S.C. 72, sub.
a, by the Chandler Amendments of 1938. That section in its presently important
part now provides that the creditors of a bankrupt, "exclusive of the bankrupt's
relatives or, where the bankrupt is a corporation, exclusive of its stockholders
or members, its officers, and the members of its board of directors or trustees or
of other similar controlling bodies," shall appoint a trustee, with provision for
appointment by the court if the creditors fail to act. This quoted language thus
employed to overturn the older tradition which allowed these classes to vote in
the election of a trustee seems to us notably clear and explicit. It refers
primarily to individuals, since a corporation cannot be a relative, officer, or
director of the bankrupt. It also is limited to stockholders of the bankrupt. Thus
the language of the statute would appear to be inapplicable to New York Meat,
the claimant corporation. West Hills Memorial Park v. Doneca, 9 Cir., 131 F.2d
374, 376.

But petitioner seeks to go behind the corporate form, citing Pepper v. Litton,
308 U.S. 295, 60 S.Ct. 238, 84 L.Ed. 281, and Taylor v. Standard Gas &
Electric Co., 306 U.S. 307, 59 S.Ct. 543, 83 L.Ed. 669. It is of course true that
bankruptcy courts can and must pierce the proverbial corporate veil in the
interests of substantial justice to subordinate the claims of corporate affiliates or
individual insiders who have obtained an unfair advantage from their favored
position. But we do not think that the doctrines expressed in such cases cover
the situation at bar. For subordination is not mechanically automatic upon the
showing of identity between the stockholders and officers of the claimant and
debtor corporations; we have traditionally stressed the elements of fraud and
actual injury to the debtor interests, and have thus held that mere illegality
under the antitrust laws in the purchase of a claim would not require
subordination. West 52nd Theatre Co. v. Tyler, 2 Cir., 178 F.2d 128. Petitioner
here has given no hint even of fraudulent conveyance, manufactured claim, or

mismanagement. Further he makes no objection on the broad equity ground

that this election is bankrupt controlled, a valid ground for reversal had proof in
support been adduced. In re McGill, 6 Cir., 106 F. 57, 62. It is true that in In re
Loewer's Gambrinus Brewery Co., 2 Cir., 167 F.2d 318, this court affirmed
D.C.S.D.N.Y., 74 F.Supp. 909, to hold, after a full trial upon objections filed by
the trustee, that a claim of a solvent corporation having the same stockholders
as the debtor should be subordinated to the claims of other creditors. But this
was not stated as an absolute rule of law, to be applied notwithstanding the
injustice it might cause, as would be the case where the creditor corporation
was itself insolvent and its own creditors thus prejudiced. On the contrary, the
first opinion in the report of the case expressly eliminates the situation where
creditors of the creditor corporation show that they are adversely affected; the
concurring opinion is clearly of like tenor; while the third judge merely concurs
in the particular result.

Even where subordination on equitable grounds appears indicated, a judgment

without reservation to this effect at the outset is of dubious efficacy, "because it
is based on a state of affairs as of a particular time and invites multiplicity and
renewal of litigation if and as the administration progresses toward solvency. It
is a temporary solution only." 3 Collier on Bankruptcy 187, 14th Ed. 1941.
Moreover, it would serve to inject a troublesome issue into initial proceedings
whose purpose is to elect a court fiduciary who can proceed expeditiously to
the conserving of the estate and the careful scrutiny and, if need be, rejection of
claims presented. At least there must result a considerable trial where other
equities, if any, would need exploration; thus the trustee now asserts that
pursuant to direction of the referee he has brought suit to recover an alleged
preferential payment from the bankrupt to one of those voting for petitioner's
nominee. Since a trustee should not owe his election to those whom he must
sue for restoration of the bankrupt's estate, In re Stowe, D.C.N.D.Cal., 235 F.
463; In re Anson Mercantile Co., D.C.N.D.Tex., 185 F. 993, this issue would
clearly require adjudication before subordination can be settled. But surely
when circumstances indicate that subordination would be unjust there should
be no such delay and trial. That is the case here. For there was pending at the
time a petition to force New York Meat into insolvency; and it now appears to
be in voluntary reorganization in Chapter X proceedings. Hence subordination
would be distinctly unfair to its creditors.

Next petitioner contends that even if New York Meat is not thus disqualified
from voting, its Proof of Claim failed to satisfy the requirements of 57, sub. a,
11 U.S.C.A. 93, sub. a, which specifies a statement under oath "setting forth
the claim" and "the consideration therefor." New York Meat's claim, filed in
accepted form, described the consideration for the debt as "money loaned and

borrowed by the Alleged Bankrupt from the Claimant, goods, wares and
merchandise sold and delivered to the said Bankrupt" at the latter's special
instance and request.

Some of the older cases do speak in terms of a detailed statement, compiled

"with meticulous care," of the consideration for the claim. See cases cited in 3
Collier on Bankruptcy 127, 128, 14th Ed. 1941. Without considering whether
or not such exacting requirements can have any real meaning in the day-to-day
realities of creditors' meetings, we think the better rule is that no error will lie if
there was reasonable ground for the allowance. See In re Rosenfeld-Goldman
Co., D.C.Mass., 228 F. 921. Hence a Proof of Claim should be held to comply
with the requirement for statement of the consideration if the creditors and
trustees are thereby supplied with enough information as to the circumstances
giving rise to the debt to be able to test and pass on its validity, legality, and
substantial accuracy.

Here we think this Proof sufficient under this functional test. It does not appear
that the petitioning creditors or later the trustee were actually harmed or misled
by the succinctness of the statement. Any deficiency in knowledge was in fact
supplied during the creditors' meeting. Schneider testified to his personal
knowledge of loans of at least $20,000, or more than sufficient to create the
impasse in selection of the trustee. He also testified that the company books
showed the bankrupt owed claimant approximately $93,000, the greater part for
money loaned, the balance for meat. In addition there was offered the report of
accountants for the creditors' committee showing the exact amount claimed as
disclosed in the bankrupt's books. This was excluded by the referee without
statement of reasons. Had the proceedings resolved themselves into a trial on
the merits as to the validity of the claim, such evidence might have been
considered hearsay. Under the circumstances here, we think it available to
supplement the ex parte statement of the Proof of Claim. See West Hills
Memorial Park v. Doneca, supra. Petitioner did not assert that no claim at all
existed or suggest fraudulent transactions between claimant and the bankrupt.
Nor did he request adjournment to make a formal attack upon the claim. Its
allowance for the purpose of the vote was therefore not error. Sloan's Furriers
v. Bradley, 6 Cir., 146 F. 2d 757.

Petitioner did request an adjournment on the ground that an involuntary petition

against New York Meat was to be tried in three days in the bankruptcy court,
and now complains of the referee's refusal to grant his request. His showing of
injury was quite attenuated at best; it was apparently based on the hope that the
proceedings would result in an adjudication, followed by the appointment of a
trustee who would vote with him. It appears that in fact the trial never

occurred, and New York Meat subsequently filed a voluntary petition for
reorganization under Chapter X of the Act. 11 U.S.C.A. 501 et seq. Refusal to
adjourn a creditors' meeting is error only when there has been such a serious
abuse of discretion as unjustly to prejudice a creditor. See In re Grat,
D.C.Mass., 228 F. 925. No prejudice is here shown.



FRANK, Circuit Judge (dissenting).


1. I think it well to begin by stating the facts somewhat more in detail than my
colleagues have done, in order to bring out dramatic aspects of the case to
which I think the majority opinion has given insufficient attention. This I do
because, although the amounts of assets and liabilities involved are small, the
principles are of considerable importance.


The bankrupt, Grade A Foods Corp., had but two stockholders, Schneider and
Jacobs, each owning one-half the stock. They owned in exactly that same
proportion all the stock of New York Meat Packing Co. Schneider was
President of both companies. As President of the Meat Packing Co., he filed on
its behalf a $93,000 proof of claim naming himself as proxy against the
bankrupt company. In the meeting of creditors at which the voting was held, he
was examined under oath and testified, first as President of the Meat Co.
(concerning its proof of claim), and then as President of the bankrupt
(concerning the filing of its schedules). He shifted mercurially from one
capacity to another, resembling an actor who "doubles," playing both the hero
and the hero's villainous twin brother. Obviously, when he came to vote the
Meat Co.'s claim, no one could tell whether his motivation was that of halfowner of the bankrupt or half-owner of a company asserting a creditor's claim.
If ever there was an instance of split-personality or dual allegiance, this is it.1


Schneider, as proxy, voted the Meat Co.'s $93,000 claim for Mills. All the
other creditors objected (on grounds which I shall discuss later) to the voting of
this claim. All the other claims, seven in number and aggregating some $6,000,
were voted in behalf of one Levy. As the $93,000 Meat Company's claim was
the only one of any importance voted for Mills, if that claim could not lawfully
vote, Levy was elected. But the Referee held that it had been lawfully voted.
As a result, deciding that no one was elected, the Referee appointed Mills, the
Meat Company's candidate. I disagree with the Referee. I think that Levy was
elected by the seven claims totalling $6,000, and that the Meat Company's
claim, voted for Mills, should not have been counted.


In Re Loewers Gambrinus Brewery Co., 2 Cir., 167 F.2d 318, we decided that
where as here the stockholders of a bankrupt corporation were identical
with those of a creditor corporation, then, without any proof of either any kind
of fraud or unfairness whatsoever, the claim of the creditor corporation had to
be subordinated to those of all other creditors. In so ruling, we cited and relied
on Pepper v. Litton, 308 U.S. 295, 60 S.Ct. 238, 84 L.Ed. 281, and Taylor v.
Standard Gas & Electric Co., 306 U.S. 307, 59 S.Ct. 543, 83 L.Ed. 669; and we
"pierced the corporate veil," holding that, in such a situation, the claim of the
creditor corporation must be treated exactly as if it were held directly by the
stockholders of that corporation.2


I am not suggesting, however, that the Meat Company's claim should have been
subordinated on the showing made at the time of the voting for the trustee. I
cite the Brewery Co. case because there without the aid of any statute
whatever we considered it necessary to disregard the shadowy corporate
insulation. Subordination is indeed harsh. Far less should be needed to
penetrate such tissue-paper insulation as we have here, when (1) voting only is
in issue and (2) we have a statutory provision the 1938 Amendment of
Section 44, sub. a, 11 U.S.C.A. 72, sub. a which aims to prevent those
controlling the bankrupt from voting for a trustee. True, the literal language of
that statutory provision covers no more than a claim by a bankrupt company's
stockholders, directors or officers. But the interpretation of the statute to
include a twin corporation carries out its patent purpose, i. e., to disqualify
persons with "too close a connection with the bankrupt to make it proper that
their votes should be counted in the selection of the trustee." Analysis of
H.R.12889, 74th Cong. 2d Sess. (1936) 157. The amendment was designed by
its proponents to exclude "from participation in the appointment of a trustee * *
* creditors who are officers or directors of a bankrupt corporation, so that the
appointment of a trustee will be the act of persons who are interested in the
estate as creditors, and not because of any tie with the bankrupt, personally."
Hearings before the House Committee on the judiciary on H.R. 6439 and H.R.
8046, 75th Cong. 1st Sess. 92.3


Some remarks of Walton Hamilton4 apply here: "A technique known as

`piercing the corporate veil' is now all but universally recognized by the courts.
But our artists on the bench are not always adept in locating the covering or in
counting the number of veils. * * * There are in the law reports case after case
in which it is blandly assumed that if two concerns have separate charters, they
are two, not * * * fragments of a larger imperium. * * * Such a decision says in
effect, `get your papers in proper order and we will not go behind the returns.' It
is to announce, `this court deals only with shadows; we have no facilities to
deal with substance.'" Hamilton thinks that, in such an instance, a court should

"dare to return a human affair to the down-to-earth simplicity it possesses in the

everyday world." That is my recipe for the instant case.

My colleagues' only answer is to point to "the language of the statute." That is

my colleagues employ the "plain language" rule. Yet I am sure they would not
adhere to such mere literalness if called on to construe the following statute
(said by Dean Pound5 to have been enacted some years ago in one of our
states): "Be it enacted that it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to
discharge any loaded firearm or firearms in, along or upon any public road or
highway in this state except for the purpose of killing some noxious or
dangerous animal or an officer in the pursuit of his duty." The idea of the
inadequacy of the "plain language" as the sole key to correct meaning came
into our legal system from Aristotle,6 via the Roman lawyers, 7 and thence
Plowden. Said Plowden (in 1574): "The law may be resembled to a nut, which
has a shell and a kernel, and as you will be no better for the nut if you make use
only of the shell, so you will receive no benefit of the law, if you rely only upon
the letter, and as the fruit and profit of the nut lies in the shell, so the fruit and
profit of the law consists in the sense more than the letter."8 It is, then, a little
late in the day for our courts to stick always to the letter of legislation.
Particularly is it strange for this court to do so, for our great former Chief
Judge, Learned Hand, on and off the bench, has often disclosed the serious
unwisdom of such a method. Writing in 1933, 9 he said that "what a judge really
does is to take the language before him * * * and try to find out what the
(legislators) would have done, if the case before him had been before them. * *
*10 Strictly speaking, it is impossible to know what they would have said about
it, if it had. All they have done is to write down certain words to apply
generally to situations of that kind. To apply these literally may either prevent
what was plainly the general meaning, or leave undisposed of what there is
every reason to suppose they meant to provide for. Thus, it is not enough for
the judge to use a dictionary. * * * (He) cannot suppose that what has been said
* * * should leave unexecuted its own purpose." And Judge Hand, while
criticizing the school which would have the judge decide entirely according to
his own notions of justice, decried the school of sheer literalism which he
dubbed the "dictionary school." Judge Hand, in opinions for this court, has
expressed similar views. In Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. v. Tremaine, 2 Cir., 133
F.2d 827, 830, he remarked: "There is no surer guide in the interpretation of a
statute than its purpose when that is sufficiently disclosed; nor any surer mark
of over solicitude for the letter than to wince at carrying out that purpose
because the words * * * do not formally quite match * * * it." It is, he said, in
Cabell v. Markham, 2 Cir., 148 F.2d 737, 739, "one of the surest indexes of a
mature and developed jurisprudence not to make a fortress out of the dictionary;
but to remember that statutes always have some purpose or object to

accomplish, whose sympathetic and imaginative discovery is the surest guide to

their meaning."11 In Borella v. Borden Co., 2 Cir., 145 F.2d 63, 64-65, Judge
Hand wrote: "We can best reach the meaning here, as always, by recourse to
the underlying purpose, and, with that as a guide, by trying to project upon the
specific occasion how we think persons, actuated by such a purpose, would
have dealt with it, if it had been presented to them at the time. To say that that
is a hazardous process is indeed a truism, but we cannot escape it, once we
abandon literal interpretation a method far more unreliable." He has
consistently recognized that "the colloquial words of a statute have not the fixed
and artificial content of scientific symbols; they have a penumbra, a dim fringe,
a connotation, for they express an attitude of will, into which it is our duty to
penetrate and which we must enforce * * * when we can ascertain it, regardless
of imprecision in its expression."12 Under Judge Hand's leadership, this court
has spurned the canon of interpretation which an English court formulated thus:
"It is not enough to attain to a degree of precision which a person reading in
good faith can understand; but it is necessary to attain a degree of precision
which a person reading in bad faith cannot misunderstand."13

It is well to remember that not only legislators, lawyers, and judges but men in
every kind of activity14 meet that problem of communication we call
"interpretation."15 The mathematicians alone seem able to solve the problem
with complete satisfaction, although some mathematicians more than suggest
that the satisfaction is sometimes an illusion;16 and certainly today lawyers
know that their language cannot begin to approximate that of mathematicians.
Indeed, at times, lawyers may join those who rejoice in "the resources of


However that may be, no one can deny that "legislative intention" is sometimes
a good deal of a fiction;18 then the effort to interpret may become irksome, and
literalism may seem an inviting exit from perplexity. But when the legislative
purpose is discoverable, although ambiguously expressed (for one of a variety
of reasons),19 then, as Holmes20 and Learned Hand have warned, priggishly to
stay within the enclosure of the precise words is a mistake. Holmes counselled
that a court ought not be school-marmish with legislators, as if to say to them:
"This will teach you boys to be more careful the next time." The present case
seems to me to be one where literal interpretation spells just such judicial


My colleagues' decision interprets the 1938 amendment with such literalness

that it has the astonishing consequence of ascribing to Congress the aim of
actually enfranchising persons who, before the amendment, were not permitted
to vote. For, previous to 1938, many courts had forbidden claims of even bona

fide disinterested creditors to be voted by proxies who were officers or

attorneys of the bankrupt.21 But my colleagues hold that, thanks to the "plain
language" of the amended statute, Schneider, an officer (President) of the
bankrupt, properly voted, as a proxy, the claim of a creditor, the Meat

Perhaps my colleagues had this curious consequence in mind when, to justify

their literal interpretation, they cited West Hills Memorial Park v. Doneca, 9
Cir., 131 F.2d 374, which I think is not in point. There the court held that a
deceased attorney's claim for services rendered the bankrupt corporation might
be voted. Obviously, as the attorney was no longer alive, there was no danger
of his influencing the election in a manner favorable to the bankrupt company.
That his non-existence was the controlling factor is shown by what the court
said in its opinion, 131 F.2d at page 376: "While it may be true that we could
add other exceptions to the statute on equitable grounds * * * we think there
are no such grounds here. We suppose the reason for denying the bankrupt's
attorney the right to vote for a trustee would be that he, with other creditors,
might, by collusion or fraud, appoint a trustee who would favor his voters
through malfeasance, misfeasance, nonfeasance, or partiality, at the expense of
the other interested persons. Whatever reason might be advanced, it is clear that
it could not apply here because the attorney is dead. Being dead, there would be
no way in which he might take advantage of anyone. We believe, therefore, that
if the claim were properly allowed, it was entitled to its vote."22


As a bolster to their decision, my colleagues intimate that it might possibly have

been shown, at the time of the voting, that Levy, the nominee of the other
creditors, was disqualified: Referring to something not in the record, my
colleagues say that the trustee "now asserts" that he has begun suit to recover an
alleged preferential payment, not from any creditors whose claims were voted
for Levy, but from the persons who served as proxies in voting those
unchallenged claims. But, all else aside, since there was no trustee at the time
of the voting, it follows that, if the beginning of such suit be a fact, it is not a
fact which could have been before the Referee at the time of the election or is
before us now as a part of the record. We ought therefore to ignore it. At most,
it is an unsupported, unsworn, self-serving declaration by the trustee which
proves nothing about the basis for the suit or the fact of any alleged preference.
If the trustee brought such a suit, he may have done so only with the idea that
he could tell us about it, as evidence that his rival was disqualified. The trustee
also quotes in his brief an equally partisan statement made (not under oath) to
the Referee by the trustee's own lawyer that there may have been a $1,000
preferential payment to the proxies.23 A mere unsworn assertion from so biased
a source could not, of course, disqualify the proxies or their nominee any more

than the trustee's own outside-the-record assertion that he is presently engaged

in suing proxies of his opponent's supporters. We have, then, no evidence
before us on which to decide whether or not those proxies had been illegally
preferred by the bankrupt. Moreover, there was no evidence that these proxies
had actively solicited their own appointment in an attempt to run the election in
their own interests, as the assignee's attorneys had done in Re Stowe, D.C.N.D.
Cal., 235 F. 463. But if the Referee had suspected that this was the case, he
would, I think, have been obliged to examine the proxies on the subject, and, at
least, to postpone the meeting so as to afford the owners of the claims a chance
themselves to vote or to appoint new proxies, in order to prevent

2. Even if the Meat Company's claim did not suffer from the affiliation-defect,
it should not have been allowed to vote. For Section 57, sub. a, of the
Bankruptcy Act 11 U.S.C.A. 93 states that a "proof of claim shall
consist of a statement under oath, in writing and signed by a creditor, setting
forth the claim; the consideration therefore; * * *" To set forth a claim
properly, the creditor must tell enough details about the circumstances and
terms of the transaction to (1) enable other creditors to dig out and expose fraud
or illegality in the claim and (2) allow the referee to pass on the claim
intelligently. Although a claim approved for voting can later be challenged and
disallowed, the courts have recognized the importance of screening out
fraudulent claims at an early stage, for, since a fair and impartial trustee is an
essential of a successful bankruptcy proceeding, fraudulent claims should not
contribute to a trustee's election. Furthermore, a valid proof of claim shifts the
burden of going forward with evidence of fraud, at any later stage, to objecting
creditors; and the formal proof has itself probative force as evidence of the
claim's validity if later challenged. Whitney v. Dresser, 200 U.S. 532, 26 S.Ct.
316, 50 L. Ed. 584; In re Louis Elting, Inc., D.C.S.D. N.Y., 4 F.Supp. 732; In re
Falk, D.C.S.D. N.Y., 83 F.Supp. 817. For these reasons, the courts require a
creditor to show prima facie that he has a good claim before they allow him to
vote for a trustee.


It is true that, at this stage, the creditor may state the basis of his claim by oath
or affidavit; he is entitled to be believed if this testimony is not selfcontradictory. If another creditor doubts his word, that creditor must disprove
it. If he suspects an illegal preference from the facts in the claim, he must show
that, too. In re Bronx Ice Cream Co., 2 Cir., 66 F.2d 620, 624. Precisely for this
reason so that creditors can get clues to fraudulent claims the claimant
must tell all about the transaction giving rise to the debt. If he fails to do so, his
claim has no prima facie validity, and cannot be allowed, whether or not any
other creditors introduce evidence to show its fraudulent nature. In re Pringle

Engineering & Mfg. Co., 7 Cir., 164 F.2d 299, 302.


Thus, claims no more vague and non-informative than this one have been
struck down. Debts charged for "expenses of the bankrupt", In re Pringle
Engineering & Mfg. Co., supra; "services rendered", Hutson v. Coffman, 9 Cir.,
100 F.2d 640; "printing done for * * * bankrupt at its request", In re Blue Ridge
Packing Co., D.C.N.D.Pa., 125 F. 619, 621; "deficiency on chattel mortgage,
on * * * goods, wares and merchandise sold * * * to the * * * bankrupt", In re
Federal Silk Hosiery Works, 2 Cir., 68 F.2d 899, 900; "goods sold and
delivered", In re Louis Elting, D.C.S.D.N.D., 4 F.Supp. 732, 733 all these
have been held bad. The creditor must tell when the transactions occurred,
which specific goods or services passed, at what prices or charges in short,
everything a normally acute businessman wants to know about any bill before
he acknowledges it.


The same rule applies to claims for "money loaned and borrowed by the
bankrupt." The dates of the loans should be itemized; the amounts loaned in
each instance; the purposes for which the money was lent; the terms and
maturity dates of repayment; the rate of interest charged. See, e. g., In re Falk,
supra; In re Lansaw, D.C.Mo., 118 F. 365; In re Wooter, D.C. S.D.N.C., 118 F.
670; In re Castle Braid Co., D.C.S.D.N.Y., 145 F. 224; In re Century Silk Mills,
D.C.N.Y., 296 F. 713; In re Coventry Evans Furniture Co., D.C.N. D.N.Y., 166
F. 516. Check stubs, memos, or notes evidencing the loan should be attached.
See In re Greenfield, D.C.Pa., 193 F. 98. All this information is essential to a
determination of the claim's validity. How else can a referee tell if the claim is
on its face barred by the statute of limitations? See In re Ballantine, D.C.
N.D.N.Y., 232 F. 271. How can he tell if the money has been loaned at a
usurious rate of interest? In re Falk, supra.


It has been suggested that, because of the provision for a creditors' meeting at
which the bankrupt is publicly examined, there is no longer any need for
informative claims. That suggestion lacks cogency. Creditors without clues
should not have to question the bankrupt about every possible type of fraud that
might be involved in every claim presented for payment. Such indiscriminate
questioning would soon become perfunctory or be omitted altogether. Creditors
should be able to concentrate their inquiries on those claims that elicit suspicion
on their face.


The New York Meat Company's claim rates a flat zero on all the tests of a valid
claim, according to the cases. It did not show when the loans were made, in
what amounts, when they matured, what interest, if any, they bore, for what
purposes they were made. The President of the Meat Company also, as we

saw, the President of the bankrupt testified in an inconsistent and most

inconclusive way about the claim. After signing an affidavit under oath that the
bankrupt owed the Meat Company about $93,000 in loans, Schneider said on
the stand that "as far as [he] knew, there was some twenty odd thousand
dollars" owed. Later, he testified, purely from hearsay statements by an
accountant, that part of the claim he didn't know what part was for meats
sold. No schedule itemizing those sales was annexed to the claim. He said he
did not know whether the Meat Company owed anything to the bankrupt. The
net effect of Schneider's testimony was to cast doubt upon the truth of even the
scanty information contained in the claim.24 Certainly, it did nothing to
supplement this information or to cure the defects of the original claim, as the
testimony did in West Hills Memorial Park v. Doneca, 9 Cir., 131 F.2d 374,
cited by my colleagues. No check stubs, memos, or notes were submitted; no
employees or disinterested witnesses testified that the loans were made at all.
No accountant was put on the stand to testify about his findings in the
company's books. The claim had the flimsiest support imaginable. More
important, no Referee could pass on its validity reasonably; no creditor would
know where to begin to investigate its validity. The petitioning creditors here,
contrary to my colleagues' assertion, objected to the claim on the ground that
there was no competent evidence that any debt existed at all.25 They were
certainly, as I have pointed out, under no obligation to bring forward evidence
to disprove a claim that failed in every particular to meet the statutory tests of
even prima facie validity.

So, since Meat Company's claim was on its face insufficient for voting
purposes, I think that the candidate elected by a majority in number and amount
of the other creditors, i. e., Levy, should have been appointed trustee, and Mills,
the trustee named by the Referee, has no valid claim to the office.


The attorney who had filed an appearance for the bankrupt appeared at the
meeting as attorney for the Meat Co. He was allowed to withdraw his
appearance for the bankrupt. As attorney for the Meat Co., he significantly
referred to it as"the parent company of this subsidiary."

In one of the opinions in that case, it was said that there was no need there to
consider whether a different result would be required if creditors of the creditor
company would be affected. But the other opinion, that of Judge Learned Hand,
did not even mention the question

The following excerpt is taken from the testimony of Mr. Hunt, member of the
National Bankruptcy Conference which sponsored the 44-a amendment: "The
matter has been seriously considered at all of the various meetings of the
conference. What we are trying to arrive at is the selection of a person as
receiver and trustee who is absolutely impartial, who does not have, as the
courts expressed it,any entangling alliances; in other words, a man who is, like
Caesar's wife, above suspicion. You have got to have that to have an honest
administration. * * * We find that, if we want to have the proper administration,
we have got to divorce the bankruptcy from any influence that would tend to
minimize the efficiency of administration, and we felt, after due deliberation,
that this provision was essential." Hearings before House Committee on the
Judiciary on H.R. 6439 and H.R. 8046, 75th Cong. 1st Sess. 94-95.

Hamilton,On The Composition of the Corporate Veil, an address before the

Brandeis Lawyers Society (1946) 18-19, 22.

Pound, A Hundred Years of American Law, in Law, A Century of Progress

1835-1935, Vol. I, p. 8

Nicomachean Ethics, 1137b; the passage is quoted in Usatorre v. The Victoria,

2 Cir., 172 F.2d 434, note 12

See, e. g., Kiss, Equity and Law, in the volume, Science of Legal Method
(1917) 146

Plowden's comments on Eyston v. Studd, 2 Plowden, 450, 465-467, 75

Eng.Rep. 688, 695-699

Learned Hand, How Far is a Judge Free in Rendering a Decision, Law Series, I
Lectures, No. 14 (National Advisory Council on Radio in Education (1933)


Here Judge Hand was repeating what Aristotle and Plowden had said. See
Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, 1173b; 2 Plowden, 450, 465-467 (1574), 75
Eng. Rep., 695-696. See also N. L. R. B. v. National Maritime Union, 2 Cir.,
175 F. 2d 686, 690 notes 4 and 7; Usatorre v. The Victoria, 2 Cir., 172 F.2d
434, 439-441, and notes 12-16; Commissioner v. Beck's Estate, 2 Cir., 129 F.2d
243, 245 note 4; Slifka v. Johnson, 2 Cir., 161 F.2d 467, 470


In affirming, the Supreme Court, in Markham v. Cabell, 326 U.S. 404, 409, 66
S.Ct. 193, 195, 90 L.Ed. 165, said: "The policy as well as the letter of the law is
a guide to decision."


Commissioner v. Ickelheimer, 2 Cir., 132 F.2d 660, 662, 145 A.L.R. 556,
dissenting opinion; cf. Lehigh Valley Coal Co. v. Yensavage, 2 Cir., 218 F.

547, 552-553

In re Castrom (1891) 1 Q.B. 149, 167


Literary criticism has much to teach lawyers as the lawyers have much to
teach literary critics about "interpretation."
As to the problem in still other fields, cf. Popper, The Open Society (1950)
213-218, 632.


Of course, the lawyers' communication problem is not restricted to the area of

statutes. It is found also, e. g., in connection with wills, contracts, and all other
writings, and notably in reference to the finding of facts in trial courts. See
Frank, Courts on Trial (1949) 186ff, 299, 309; Fuller, Basic Contract Law
(1947) 666-670; Wurzel, Methods of Juridical Thinking (1904) in The Science
of Legal Method (1917) 286 at 394-400; Ricketts v. Pennsylvania R. Co., 2
Cir., 153 F.2d 757, at pages 760-764, 164 A.L. R. 387, concurring opinion


Hadamard, The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field (1945) Chs.



Burke, A Grammar of Motives (1945), Introduction and p. 56; Richards, How

to Read a Page (1942) 22; Frank, Courts On Trial (1949) 278


So Gray has pointed out. Gray, Nature and Sources of Law (2d ed.) Sec. 370
Interestingly, if a bit exaggeratedly, Radin, after quoting, "Ascertainment of the
intention of Congress in this situation is impossible," went on to say: "If by this
statement Justice Jackson is thinking of `intention' in accordance with the
meaning usually given it, as an idea or a group of ideas in the minds or minds of
determinate human beings, I fully and enthusiastically agree with him. The use
of the term, however, generally implies that bloodless and sinewless fiction of
interpreters, the imaginary `legislator,' le legislateur, der Gesetzgeber, the
homo legiferens, own cousin to the `economic man.' What this spectre thought
or did not think, intended or did not intend, imagined or did not imagine, is
utterly irrelevant, since he is created for the purpose of having a particular
intention of the interpreter imputed to him. But if we have in mind not this
figment, but the actual human beings, several hundred of them, who voted in
favor of the Fair Labor Standards Act in the House of Representatives and the
Senate, Justice Jackson is overwhelmingly right in saying that we cannot
possibly determine what their intentions were, beyond the actual words they
used in the statute." Radin, A Case Study in Statutory Interpretation: Western
Union Co. v. Lenroot, 33 Calif.Law Rev. (1945) 222-223. Cf. Wurzel, loc. cit.


The ambiguous expression is by no means always due to carelessness: (a)

Judges, some of whom like to lecture legislatures, cannot themselves possibly
avoid all ambiguities in their own compositions. See Sperbeck v. A. L.
Burbank & Co., 2 Cir., 190 F.2d 449, 451-452, and note 15; (b) Sometimes the
legislature is deliberately ambiguous. See Jaffe, 47 Col.L.Rev. (1947) 359, 366367; U. S. v. Associated Press, D. C., 52 F.Supp. 362, 370; Pekelis, The Case
For a Jurisprudence of Welfare, 11 Soc. Research (1944) 312. Often, as
Aristotle warned in a passage Plowden and others have repeated or paraphrased,
the legislature cannot foresee and describe all the particulars covered by the
purpose (policy) of the statute. See citations note 10, supra


Johnson v. U. S., 1 Cir., 163 F. 30, 32, 18 L.R.A.,N.S., 1194; International

Stevedoring Co. v. Haverty, 272 U.S. 50, 52, 47 S.Ct. 19, 71 L.Ed. 157


In re Sitting, D.C.S.D.N.Y., 182 F. 917; In re Rekersdres, D.C.S.D.N.Y., 108 F.

206; 3 Collier on Bankruptcy (14 ed. 1941) 56.03


Apropos of the court's reference to adding "exceptions to the statute on

equitable grounds," see the citations re the "equity of a statute," in Slifka v.
Johnson, 2 Cir., 161 F.2d 467, 470 notes 5 and 6


"Mr. Welling: Your Honor, on behalf of the receiver, I think I ought to say this:
I notice that the proxies run to Feder and Cohen. The examination of Jacobs, an
officer of the bankrupt, disclosed that after the business closed down and while
the business was hopelessly insolvent, $1000 was paid by this man Jacobs on
behalf of the bankrupt out of the bankrupt's funds to Messrs. Feder and Cohen
which, according to this testimony, was deposited in a special account. The
bankrupt's, that is, Jacobs' testimony, further recited that he didn't definitely
know what that money was in payment for. The trustee will, of course, have to
investigate the circumstances surrounding this payment and take any action that
may be necessary to recover, and I think that it is the receiver's duty to report
that so as to assure an election of a trustee whose independence "


"Q. Do you know specifically what loans were made, when and where, by the
New York Meat to Grade A Foods? A. To May, 1950, I know of about twenty
odd thousand dollars
"Q. Do you know of any loan from May, 1950 to the date of the petition for
involuntary proceeding in this matter? A. No.
"Q. You have no knowledge of your own whatsoever of any loans made

between May, 1950 to date, is that right. A. Right.

"Q. You don't know of your own knowledge whether any part of that ninetythree thousand which you stated there is for meats or for moneys loaned, do
you? A. Will you please repeat the question? No. * * *
"Q. What did you find out about the loans that had been made? A. During what
period of time?
"Q. Up to the present time. A. Well, as far as I know, there was some twenty
odd thousand dollars.
"Q. No, after that what did you find out? A. From this statement of the
accountant, said $93,000 is the amount of money that was owed Grade A
Foods to the New York Meat, approximately 99 per cent was cash and the
balance fresh meat. * * *
"Q. Did you sign an affidavit there that it was moneys loaned and borrowed
amounting to ninety-three some odd thousand dollars? A. Yes, according to the
accountant's report.
"Q. But you didn't know of your own knowledge? A. I haven't checked.
"Q. You haven't checked as to whether any money was due from New York to
Grade A? A. I didn't check that.
"Q. You haven't any checks that this money was loaned from New York to
Grade A? A. No checks were shown to me, sir.
"Q. Didn't you testify on your direct examination that of your own knowledge
you knew there was $20,000 loaned while you were there? A. Yes.
"Q. And you know that of your own knowledge? A. Yes." (Emphasis added.)

"Mr. Feder: I object to this claim further on the ground there is no evidence of
any moneys loaned or borrowed from the alleged bankrupt, New York Meat
Packing Co., Inc. * * * If Your Honor please, I renew the objection that there is
nothing to indicate how the amount of $92,029.38 is arrived at. There is no
schedule attached whatsoever to show the nature of this claim in any way

"The Referee: Well, a proof of claim doesn't have to go into detail.

"Mr. Feder: He has to have some proof to indicate that there is such a loan.
"The Referee: Well, the affidavit of the claimant mentions money loaned or
"Mr. Feder: There should be some checks or something in some manner to
indicate that loan."

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