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198 F.

2d 200

No. 265, Docket 22380.

United States Court of Appeals Second Circuit.

Argued May 12, 1952.
Decided July 3, 1952.
Writ of Certiorari Denied Nov. 10, 1952.
See 73 S.Ct. 166.

Spence, Hotchkiss, Parker & Duryee, New York City, Kenneth M.

Spence, Ernest Angell, Julius J. Teller, New York City, and Huyler C.
Held, Great Neck, N.Y., of counsel, for Frank Costello, defendantappellant.
Myles J. Lane, United States Attorney, New York City, Joseph P. Martin,
Chief, Criminal Division, Syracuse, Robert Martin and Stanley D.
Robinson, Asst. U.S. Atty., New York City, of counsel, for United States
of America, plaintiff-appellee.
Before AUGUSTUS N. HAND, CHASE and FRANK, Circuit Judges.
AUGUSTUS N. HAND, Circuit Judge.

The defendant, Frank Costello, was convicted of ten1 separate contempts of the
United States Senate Crime Investigation Committee, 2 U.S.C.A. 192, and
was sentenced to a term of eighteen months imprisonment and to pay a fine of

Counts 1, 3 and 4 of the indictment charged the defendant with refusal to

answer the following questions: (1) 'What is your net worth?', (3) 'Do you owe
any sums of money in excess of $10,000 to any person?', and (4) 'What is the
total indebtedness, Mr. Costello?' As to each of these questions, the defendant
rested his refusal to answer on the ground that his answers might tend to
incriminate him. At the trial the defendant conceded that the Committee was

lawfully created and organized; that he was properly subpoenaed; and that the
stenographer's minutes of the hearings were accurate. No question was raised as
to the relevancy of the questions to the scope of the Committee's inquiry. The
only issue presented was whether a privilege against self-incrimination was
properly asserted. The court below ruled, as a matter of law, that it was not
because the defendant had no 'reasonable belief * * * that disclosure or answer
would furnish evidence which would tend to incriminate him.'

In the recent case of Hoffman v. United States, 341 U.S. 479, 71 S.Ct. 814, 95
L.Ed. 1118, the Supreme Court said that the claim of privilege should be
sustained unless it is ' * * * 'perfectly clear, from a careful consideration of all
the circumstances in the case, that the witness is mistaken, and that the
answer(s) cannot possibly have such a tendency to incriminate.' 341 page
488, 71 page 819. We think it is fairly obvious that under this test, the
privilege was validly asserted by the defendant and that the convictions under
Counts 1, 3 and 4 must be reversed. The statements of the Committee's counsel
as to the subjects concerning which he intended to examine Costello and the
Committee's interim report, issued after Costello had testified in executive
session as to his financial resources, which described Costello as one of the
leaders of a major crime syndicate, let alone the obvious income tax
implications of the questions asked, could have sufficed to create a reasonable
apprehension in the mind of the defendant that his answers might be
incriminating. The fact that the defendant had previously stated to the
Committee that he 'always upheld the Constitution and the laws' did not remove
the possibility that answers to specific questions might incriminate and we
think that a contrary inference was not permissible. See People ex rel. Taylor v.
Forbes, 143 N.Y. 219, 230, 38 N.E. 303, 306, where the New York Court of
Appeals, in an opinion by O'Brien, J., said: 'The witness * * * (by affirmations
of innocence) did not waive his right to remain silent when it was sought to
draw from him some fact or circumstance which, in his judgment, might form
another link in the chain of facts, and capable of being used under any
circumstances to his detriment or peril.' Nor did the defendant 'waive' that right
when he gave testimony as to his assets or when he agreed to furnish the
Committee with a complete financial statement. The position of the defendant
in that respect was not unlike that of the bankrupt in Arndstein v. McCarthy,
254 U.S. 71, 41 S.Ct. 26, 65 L.Ed. 138, and McCarthy v. Arndstein, 262 U.S.
355, 43 S.Ct. 562, 67 L.Ed. 1023. There the bankrupt Arndstein had filed
schedules purporting to show his assets and liabilities and had answered certain
questions relating thereto, but refused to answer over 400 other questions on the
ground that his answers might be incriminating. He was committed to jail for
contempt, and upon an appeal from the denial of a writ of habeas corpus, the
Supreme Court in the first Arndstein case held that since the schedules standing

alone did not amount to an admission of guilt or furnish clear proof of crime, ' *
* * the mere filing of them did not constitute a waiver of the right to stop short
whenever the bankrupt could fairly claim that to answer might tend to
incriminate him.' 254 page 72, 41 page 26. The second Arndstein
case dealt with the question whether the bankrupt had lost his privilege by
having answered without objection similar questions relating to his finances.
The court's holding was the same, in other words, that so long as the testimony
voluntarily given did not amount to an admission or proof of guilt, the bankrupt
' * * * was entitled to decline to answer further questions when so to do might
tend to incriminate him.' 262 page 360, 43 page 563. It is not
contended here, nor is it a fact, that Costello's previous answers constituted an
admission or proof of any crime; consequently, he did not by giving them
destroy his privilege as to the questions he refused to answer.

The remaining counts of the indictment- 5 through 11- relate to the defendant's
conduct at hearings held on March 15 and 16, 1951. Counts 5 and 6 of the
indictment charged the defendant with wilful default in terminating his
appearance before the Committee without leave and in refusing on March 15,
1951, to give any testimony whatever pertinent to the question under inquiry.
Count 7 was based on his failure on the same day to answer the question
whether he was familiar with the testimony of McLaughlin. When he appeared
before the Committee on the morning of March 15, his attorney stated that the
defendant was too ill to testify and requested an adjournment of the
examination. After colloquy between the Committee and his attorney, Costello
refused to give any further testimony, saying: 'You have heard my statement
through Mr. Wolf, and I stand by it, and under no condition will I testify from
here in, until I am well enough.' The chairman, Senator Kefauver, thereupon
instructed Mr. Halley, the Committee's counsel, to proceed with the
questioning of the witness and he was asked a question which he refused to
answer, but instead reiterated his intention of leaving the hearing room. At that
point, Mr. Halley instructed him as to the seriousness of that act and told him to
obtain an affidavit from a physician if he was too ill to give testimony.
Costello's attorney thereupon produced a physician's certificate which stated
that the defendant was suffering from acute laryngotracheitis and that he should
remain in bed. The Committee rejected this certificate and, after further
colloquy, Costello was directed to answer the question2 but he refused and left
the room.

Count 8 of the indictment charged that the defendant had wilfully defaulted in
refusing to give any testimony whatever at the hearing on March 16. Counts 9,
10 and 11 dealt with his refusal to answer specific questions on that date. On
March 16 the physician, whose certificate had been presented to the Committee

the day before, appeared before the Committee and testified that in his opinion
Costello was capable of testifying for an hour or so a day. The defendant was
then called before the Committee and informed of this testimony, but he
presented another certificate, this time from his regular physician, stating that in
the latter's opinion sustained conversation by the defendant would be
dangerous to his health. The defendant requested an adjournment but the
Committee refused and proceeded to question him, at which time the following
colloquy took place:

'The Chairman. Well, let's try a few questions and see how we get along.

'Go ahead, Mr. Halley.

'Mr. Halley. Mr. Costello, did you have a meeting with William O'Dwyer in the
year 1942?

'Mr. Costello. I refuse to go further with the questioning- answering the

questions- until I feel fully well and capable.


'The Chairman. Mr. Costello, it wouldn't strain your voice if you just put the
mike up a little closer so we could hear.


'Mr. Halley. Mr. Costello, do you know Mr. James Moran?


'The Chairman. Let's cut the cameras off. Let's not have any noise.


'Mr. Costello. I refuse to answer the question.


'Mr. Halley. Do you know Mr. James Moran?'The Chairman. Just a minute.
You are directed to answer for a short while. I think you can answer a few
questions this afternoon.


'Mr. Costello. I don't care to answer any questions.


'The Chairman. It is not a matter whether you care to answer them, Mr.


'Mr. Costello. I don't feel I am fit to answer any questions today and answer
them truthfully and sensibly.


'The Chairman. What was the last question?


'Mr. Halley. Do you know Mr. James Moran?


'Mr. Costello. I couldn't answer the question today.


'Mr. Halley. Do you know Mr. Frank Bals?


'Mr. Costello. I am not going to answer the question today.


'The Chairman. Well, you understand you are being directed to answer these


'Mr. Costello. And I am answering them, tell you-


'The Chairman. There is no use continuing if he is not going to answer them.'


After further discussion it was agreed that the Committee would appoint a
physician to examine the defendant and he was excused from the hearing.


We are of the opinion that the convictions on Counts 7, 9, 10 and 11 must be

reversed. Each of those counts dealt with the defendant's refusal to answer a
specific question put to him after he had flatly refused to give any further
testimony on that particular day. Certainly the refusal to testify was an act in
contempt of the Committee for which the defendant was subject to the
punishment prescribed by the statute. But when the defendant made his
position clear, the Committee could not multiply the contempt, and the
punishment, by continuing to ask him questions each time eliciting the same
answer: his refusal to give any testimony. In other words, the contempt was
total when he stated that he would not testify, and the refusals thereafter to
answer specific questions can not be considered as anything more than
expressions of his intention to adhere to his earlier statement and as such were
not separately punishable. Cf. Maxwell v. Rives, 11 Nev. 213; Fawick Airflex
Co. Inc. v. United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America, Ohio
App., 92 N.E.2d 431; People ex rel. Amarante v. McDonnell, Sup., 100
N.Y.S.2d 463.


It is urged by the defendant that Counts 5, 6 and 8 are also defective for the
reason that the resolution of the Senate citing him for contempt, required by 2
U.S.C.A. 194,3 was based only on the refusal to answer certain questions and

that the indictment must therefore be limited to the acts of contempt contained
in the resolution, the text of which is quoted in the margin.4 It is argued that
since there was no charge of wilfulness in the resolution, there could be no
indictment based on wilful default. We do not believe that section 194 is to be
so construed or restricted. It merely requires a certification of the facts to the
appropriate United States Attorney who is charged with bringing the matter
before the grand jury. A certification under this sections means only that the
Senate has elected to have the contempt punished as a misdemeanor; this
method is but an alternative one for vindicating the authority of Congress.
Jurney v. MacCracken, 294 U.S. 125, 55 S.Ct. 375, 79 L.Ed. 802. Moreover,
the Committee's Report, which set out in full what transpired at the hearings on
the instances of the claimed defaults, was attached to the resolution as certified
by the Senate. So, under any interpretation of the statute, the resolution was
broad enough to support the indictment.

The defendant also attacks Counts 5, 6 and 8 on the ground that his conduct did
not obstruct the Committee's inquiry because he later returned and answered all
the questions asked of him by the Committee. In support of this contention he
argues that his refusal to testify on the 15th and 16th of March was not wilful,
but that, in fact, he intended to return when he felt that he was in condition to
testify. We think the charge of the trial court and the jury's verdict are a
complete answer to this contention. The court charged the jury as follows:


' * * * when the defendant appeared before the Committee he was required by
law to give testimony on all matters pertinent to the inquiry being conducted by
the Committee. The law is that a witness does not have the legal right to dictate
the conditions under which he will or will not testify, or the conditions under
which having appeared he will remain in attendance.


'This does not mean, however, that a witness must either remain in attendance
or testify when he is physically or mentally unable to do so or where there is
reasonable basis for belief by him that by so doing his health would be
seriously impaired. That is a question which is within your province to decide
and on which the Government has the burden of proof.


'You are charged that when the defendant appeared before the Committee he
was required by law to remain in attendance and not to depart from the presence
of the Committee without leave of the Committee so long as he was physically
able to so remain and so long as he was able to do so without reasonable basis
for belief by him that his health would be seriously impaired.



'To find that the defendant acted wilfully you must find that he did not act in
good faith when he left the presence of the Committee, or when he refused to
give any testimony. A belief on the part of the defendant that he lawfully could
act as he did or the fact that he might have been advised by his attorney that he
lawfully could act as he did, is no justification for his acts and may not be
considered by you in determining whether the defendant acted in good faith.'


The court's charge was a correct statement of the law and the jury's verdict is
conclusive on the question whether the default was wilfully committed.


Finally, objection is made to the exclusion of certain evidence and to the charge
of the court. Evidence that the defendant attended Committee Hearings on
March 19, 20 and 21 and was then willing to answer the questions asked of him
was offered to show that his previous defaults did not obstruct the
investigation. As we have indicated above in our approval of the court's charge
to the jury, such evidence was irrelevant and was properly excluded and no
mention thereof in the charge was required. The exclusion of the transcript of
the testimony before the Committee of Dr. Panettiere was proper as it was
clearly hearsay and there was no showing that the doctor was unable to testify
at the trial.


The judgment of convictions on Counts 5, 6 and 8 is affirmed and reversed as to

Counts 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10 and 11.

The indictment contained an additional charge which was dismissed by the


The exact wording of the question he was directed to answer was: 'Mr. Costello,
would you state whether or not you are familiar with testimony given yesterday
by Mr. Francis McLaughlin?'

'Sec. 194. Witnesses failing to testify or produce records

'Whenever a witness summoned as mentioned in section 192 fails to appear to
testify or fails to produce any books, papers, records, or documents, as required,
or whenever any witness so summoned refuses to answer any question pertinent
to the subject under inquiry before either House, or any joint committee
established by a joint or concurrent resolution of the two Houses of Congress,
or any committee or subcommittee of either House of Congress, and the fact of
such failure or failures is reported to either House while Congress is in session,
or when Congress is not in session, a statement of fact constituting such failure

is reported to and filed with the President of the Senate or the Speaker of the
House, it shall be the duty of the said President of the Senate or Speaker of the
House, as the case may be, to certify, and he shall so certify, the statement of
facts aforesaid under the seal of the Senate or House, as the case may be, to the
appropriate United States attorney, whose duty it shall be to bring the matter
before the grand jury for its action. As amended July 13, 1936, c. 884, 49 Stat.
2041; June 22, 1938, c. 594, 52 Stat. 942.'

'Resolved, That the President of the Senate certify the report of the Special
Committee to Investigate Organized Crime in Interstate Commerce of the
United States Senate as to the refusal of Frank Costello to answer certain
questions in response to subpena duly issued, before the said special committee,
together with all the facts in connection therewith, under the seal of the United
States Senate, to the United States attorney for the southern district of New
York, to the end that the said Frank Costello may be proceeded against in the
manner and form provided by law.' Congressional Record, March 30, 1951, p.

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