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428 F.

2d 865

UNITED STATES of America, Appellee,

Charles TOURINE et ano., Defendants, and Leonard Burtman
Benedict Himmel, Defendants-Appellants.
No. 867, Docket 34708.

United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit.

Argued June 19, 1970.
Decided July 29, 1970.

Herbert M. Levy, New York City (Schwartz, Schindler & Levy, New
York City on the brief), for appellants.
Richard A. Givens, Asst. U.S. Atty., Southern District of New York
(Whitney North Seymour, Jr., U.S. Atty., and James W. Brannigan, Jr.,
Asst. U.S. Atty., Southern District of New York, on the brief), for
Before ANDERSON and FEINBERG, Circuit Judges, and MacMAHON,
District Judge.1
ANDERSON, Circuit Judge:

Two shipments of goods, which were imported into the United States from
Denmark by Pacific Coast Distributors, a company owned by defendant
Leonard Burtman, were invoiced as 'earthenware cups and saucers' but were
actually pornographic booklets. The first shipment, containing 15 cases, arrived
in New York on December 18, 1967, and, pursuant to prior arrangements made
by Burtman, was delivered and stored under the supervision of the defendant
Himmel in a building occupied by the printing business of Morris Drucker. The
storage there was terminated after three or four days, however, when the true
contents of the crates was discovered by Drucker's business partner, one
Kehyaian, who ordered that the material immediately be removed. The
defendant Himmel oversaw the removal of the 15 cases from Drucker's

The second shipment, containing 22 cases, arrived in New York on April 30,
1968. Although destined for the S. & G. Speedy Transport Co., it never left the
docks, because it was seized by customs agents when one of the crates was
accidentally dropped and broken open.

The incident on the docks, which resulted in the seizure, gave rise to a series of
meetings among the various defendants. On May 7 Burtman and Himmel met
at their midtown office, in the company of Alan Murray, an undercover agent
for the Government, to discuss potential repercussions of the discovery by the
customs authorities of the contents of the crates. From Burtman's and Himmel's
own statements, made to each other in the presence and hearing of agent
Murray and testified to by him at the trial, it appeared that the appellants
believed that the only person whose participation in the scheme would be
discovered was one Grasberg, an employee and agent of Pacific Coast
Distributors, who had made the arrangements for the actual importation of the
two shipments. Burtman assured Himmel that Grasberg could be trusted, and
the two agreed that he should be 'taken care of' for accepting full responsibility.
Burtman and Himmel met again on the following day, once more in Murray's
presence and hearing. At this meeting they discussed the extent to which they
could trust Michael Cassotta, a customs agent who had been bribed to pass the
shipment through customs without questioning its contents and who had
already done so with the first shipment. Burtman assured Himmel that Cassotta
could be 'trusted,' and that he would not talk in the face of an investigation.
Cassotta's reliability was also considered at yet a third meeting on May 17th,
similarly attended by Murray, between Burtman and co-defendants Charles
Tourine and Pasquale Giordano at a midtown Manhattan restaurant. Tourine
assured Burtman that Cassotta had been given two payments, one of $1,000 and
another of $3,000, and that Burtman could rest assured that Cassotta would not

A one-count indictment was subsequently filed in the Southern District of New

York against Burtman, Himmel, Tourine and Giordano, charging them under 18
U.S.C. 371 with conspiracy to defraud the United States and the Bureau of
Customs by bribing customs agents and employees and otherwise avoiding
customs inspections of items imported into the United States. The jury found
Burtman and Himmel guilty as charged, but it was unable to reach a verdict as
to Tourine and Giordano. A subsequent motion by appellants' counsel for a new
trial on the ground of newly discovered evidence was denied, and each of the
convicted defendants was sentenced to one year imprisonment and a $5,000

The appellants' principal claim on appeal is that the court committed reversible

error when it allowed undercover agent Murray to testify at the trial concerning
the admissions made by them which he had heard. They cite as authority for
their position Krulewitch v. United States, 336 U.S. 440, 442-443, 69 S.Ct. 716,
717, 93 L.Ed. 790 (1949), and Grunewald v. United States, 353 U.S. 391, 77
S.Ct. 963, 1 L.Ed.2d 931 (1957). Both of these cases concerned claims by the
prosecution that the conspiracy had continued beyond the commission of the
substantive offenses involved through a period during which the accused were
trying to conceal the offenses and their participation in them. In the first of the
two cases the purpose of the Government in trying to extend the period of the
conspiracy was to get into evidence the complaining witness' hearsay testimony
of what a claimed co-conspirator said the defendant said. In the second of the
two cases, the Government sought to get by a three-year statute of limitations
by showing that the original conspiracy included, beside the arrangement for
the substantive offense, an agreement and plan among the accused for
concealment of the offense and their participation in it, and that the conspiracy
continued through the carrying out of this plan of concealment. The Supreme
Court held that there was no direct evidence of such an 'express original
agreement among the conspirators * * *'

The Government asserts there was such an agreement in the present case and
points to some evidence in support of it. Whether there was sufficient to
warrant a finding that the alleged conspiracy continued into the concealment
and avoidance period need not be passed upon, however, because the
inculpatory statements of the defendants, testified to by Murray were not told
him by an alleged co-conspirator of the accused but by the defendants
themselves. There was no need to show that the conspiracy extended beyond
the point where the crate broke open and the true contents were disclosed and
seized. The defendants' statements qualified as admissions and were admissible
as such as an exception to the hearsay rule. McCormick, Evidence P239, pp.
502-5 (1954).

The appellants object that even if this is so, the admissions were not sufficient,
absent corroboration, to sustain a conviction under the holdings of Opper v.
United States, 348 U.S. 84, 75 S.Ct. 158, 99 L.Ed. 101 (1954), and Smith v.
United States, 348 U.S. 147, 75 S.Ct. 194, 99 L.Ed. 192 (1954). They further
assert that there was no such corroboration. The Government, however, points
to the independent evidence of the invoices showing the goods shipped as 'cups
and saucers'; the actual arrival of the shipments of pornographic booklets
instead of cups and saucers; the evidence that Burtman was in the magazine
business; his arrangements with Drucker for storage of the materials; Himmel's
presence at Drucker's printing establishment when the cartons of booklets were
uncrated; and Himmel's removal of the merchandise. There was evidence

connecting the appellants with Pacific Coast Distributors, consignee of one of

the shipments, and with Mr. Grasberg, the employee of Pacific Coast
Distributors. There was also the independent evidence that the customs agent
Cassotta checked through the first shipment and, barring the accident of the
broken crate, would in the ordinary course have passed upon the second

It is our opinion that there was ample substantial independent evidence to

establish the trustworthiness of the admissions. The Opper and Smith decisions
do not require more. Opper expressly stated that the corroborative evidence
'need not be sufficient, independent of the statements, to establish the corpus
delicti.' It was, however, sufficient in this case to fortify the truth of the
admissions and warranted the jury's drawing the inference that they were true.
Moreover, the corroborative evidence together with the admissions were
sufficient for the jury to find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Appellants also complain that the court refused to consider their requests to
charge. These were not submitted until after the arguments had been completed
and the court was just about to deliver its instructions to the jury. Counsels'
delay was plainly in violation of Rule 30 F.R.Crim.P. The court on the Friday
on which the trial commenced had particularly requested counsel to submit any
requests before adjournment on the following Monday afternoon. Counsel for
Tourine said he would be unable to submit the requests until sometime later.
Apparently the trial court treated Tourine's counsel's representations as made
on behalf of all defendants. On Tuesday morning the court said it would receive
the requests, and again Tourine's counsel said they had not been prepared but
he would have them ready by Wednesday morning. The court said it would
'look at them even though they are late.' Although it is clear that the trial judge
was desirous of having the requests to charge in hand much earlier than at the
close of the evidence, the time specified in Rule 30, he acceded to counsels'
several requests to lengthen the earlier time. But the court constantly reminded
counsel of the time requirements of the Rule, and never stated that the requests
could be filed and ruled upon after the time fixed by the Rule.


Although the attorney for Tourine on Tuesday morning indicated that the case
was progressing faster than he had anticipated, neither he nor anyone else
suggested that the presentation of the defense evidence and the arguments of
counsel were likely to be completed that afternoon. Yet they were, and at that
point no further references to requests were made by any counsel. And then,
when the trial court had not received the requests before the opening of court
Wednesday morning and learned that the defense counsel had not even at that
time agreed on what requests to submit, he quite properly went forward with his

charge and told counsel, in effect, that any question they might have raised in
their requests could be raised through the taking of exceptions. Under the
circumstances it became impossible for the court to 'inform counsel of its
proposed action upon the requests prior to their arguments to the jury * * *' as
the Rule directs. If counsel want to invoke this portion of the Rule and insist
upon rulings on their requests, they must file them at the close of the evidence.
If they have let the time allowed them by the rules go by, they will have to
make the best of what the court permits them to do. Of course, a judge should
not agree to a particular procedure and then suddenly revoke it to the prejudice
of parties relying on it. But whatever construction may be put on the Tuesday
morning discussion about filing requests, the judge was entitled to rely on their
being filed a reasonable time before the opening of court on Wednesday
morning, particularly in view of the posture of the trial. Instead, at the opening
of court, when he was about to deliver his charge, he was faced with the
proposal of a further delay to afford counsel an opportunity to examine and
discuss the individual requests of each of them.

It is the duty of counsel to comply with the rules, and it does not lie well in their
mouths to complain of the court's refusal to accept their requests to charge
when they themselves had completely disregarded the precepts of Rule 30.


If requests to charge are to be of any value at all to the trial judge, they must be
filed sufficiently in advance of the giving of the charge so that they may be
considered by the judge when he prepares the charge. See 8 J. Moore, Federal
Practice P30.03(1) (2d ed. 1969). The requirement that the requests be filed
prior to the close of the evidence is also desirable for the purpose of enabling
opposing counsel to frame his summation as well as make objections to the
proposals. See id. at P30.03(2). In the present case both of these objectives
were frustrated by appellants' delay. We find it difficult to understand, how trial
lawyers, as experienced as those in this case, can seriously contend that they
expected the trial judge to give rulings on detailed requests to charge which
were submitted to him only minutes before he was required to charge the jury.


The appellants claim they were not only prejudiced by the refusal of the trial
court to accept and rule on the requests, but also allege errors in the charge as
given, which they assert are set forth in the plethora of exceptions which
consumed twenty-one pages of the trial transcript. We hold that the appellants
suffered no such prejudice; and, after an examination of each of the many
exceptions, conclude that none points to reversible error.


Another point raised by the appellants is that the over-all effect of the manner
in which the trial judge summed-up the evidence was so favorable to the

Government that the defendants were, in effect, denied a jury trial.


The trial judge in a federal court may summarize and comment upon the
evidence and inferences to be drawn therefrom, in his discretion. This does not
mean that he must include every scrap of evidence as if the jury were
dependent upon the court's summation alone as the basis for its deliberations.
United States v. Kahaner, 317 F.2d 459, 479 (2 Cir.), cert. denied Keogh v.
United States, 375 U.S. 836, 84 S.Ct. 74, 11 L.Ed.2d 65 (1963). The purpose of
such summation and comment is to assist the jury in winnowing out the truth
from the mass of evidence, much of it conflicting, and perhaps placed out of
focus by different claims concerning its meaning and interpretation by the
arguments of the parties. So long as the trial judge does not by one means or
another try to impose his own opinions and conclusions as to the facts on the
jury and does not act as an advocate in advancing factual findings of his own,
he may in his discretion decide what evidence he will comment upon. His
fairness in doing so must be judged in the context of the whole trial record,
particularly the evidence and the arguments of the parties. So examined and
considered in the present case, we are satisfied that the court did not step
outside of its legitimate province in commenting on the evidence. Although
most of what he had to say concerned the Government's, rather than the
defendants' evidence, there was a great deal more of the former, which ran over
three hundred pages, than the latter, which covered less than one hundred pages
of the trial transcript. See United States v. Light, 394 F.2d 908, 910-911 (2 Cir.


Although a charge which usurps the function of the jury will not be saved from
error by simply repeating in it from time to time that the jury and not the court
is the finder of the facts, such a statement does serve to remind the jury, in the
usual case where the court makes no more than fair comment for clarification
and to aid the jury in its deliberations, that it must exercise its own judgment
and not take what the court has said without further deliberation of its own. In
the present case the trial judge, in the course of his comments, amply fulfilled
his duty in this regard. 8 J. Moore, Federal Practice, supra, P30.09.


Appellants have also appealed from the denial by the district court of their
motions for a new trial, based on newly discovered evidence. The 'new
evidence' offered by appellants consisted of a tape recording of a conversation
taken by the defendant Burtman who, some two and one-half months after the
trial, questioned Drucker at his place of business about his trial testimony. At
the time and unknown to Drucker, Burtman had the recorder secreted on his
person. Appellants then claimed that the recorded conversation indicated that
Drucker had lied on the witness stand and that a new trial was therefore

necessary. Following a hearing, at which Drucker testified, the trial judge found
in an unreported opinion that there was no indication whatsoever 'that (Drucker
lied at trial or that he did not answer the questions asked him at that time to the
best of his ability.' We have carefully examined Drucker's testimony, the
recorded statements, and the testimony from the subsequent hearing, and we
find no error in the findings and conclusions of the district judge in this regard.

The remaining points raised by appellants are devoid of merit and call for no


The judgments of conviction are affirmed.

Of the Southern District of New York, sitting by designation

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