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165 F.

3d 169

UNITED STATES of America, Appellee,

Kimberly GOODMAN, Defendant-Appellant.
Docket No. 97-1513.

United States Court of Appeals,

Second Circuit.
Argued Sept. 1, 1998.
Decided Jan. 20, 1999.

Herbert L. Greenman, Lipsitz, Green, Fahringer, Roll, Salisbury &

Cambria, Buffalo, N.Y., for defendant-appellant.
Anthony M. Bruce, Asst. U.S. Atty., Buffalo, N.Y. (Denise E. O'Donnell,
U.S. Atty., Buffalo, N.Y., on the brief), for appellee.
Before: NEWMAN, CARDAMONE, and PARKER, Circuit Judges.
JON O. NEWMAN, Circuit Judge:

The recurring use in plea bargains of variously worded provisions waiving a

defendant's right to appeal once again presents an issue of the validity of such a
waiver. In the agreement in this case, the appellant waived the right to appeal
any sentence within the statutory maximum. The validity of the waiver arises
on an appeal by Kimberly Goodman from the August 20, 1997, judgment of the
District Court for the Western District of New York (Richard J. Arcara, District
Judge), convicting her, on a plea of guilty, of one count of mail fraud in
violation of 18 U.S.C.A. 1341 (West Supp.1998), and imposing a sentence
that included 30 months of imprisonment. Goodman challenges the District
Court's denial of her motion to withdraw her guilty plea and two aspects of the
calculations under the Sentencing Guidelines. The Government contends that
the waiver of appellate rights concerning the sentence should be enforced and
the appeal from the sentence should be dismissed because the sentence was
within the statutory maximum.
We hold that the appeal waiver provision used by the United States Attorney's

Office for the Western District of New York in Goodman's plea agreement is
not enforceable under the circumstances of this case. On the merits, we
conclude that the District Court did not exceed its discretion in denying
Goodman's motion to withdraw her plea and that the sentence was correctly
calculated. We therefore affirm.


From the mid-1980s through early 1992, Goodman worked as a commodities

broker at REFCO Securities, Inc. ("REFCO"), a New York based securities
broker-dealer. Through her work at REFCO, Goodman came to know Steven
Wymer, an investment advisor in Irvine, California. Goodman eventually
became involved with a fraudulent scheme orchestrated by Wymer.

Promising extraordinarily high rates of return, Wymer induced individual and

municipal clients to place funds under his control. Wymer instructed his clients
to deposit their money in accounts at REFCO, telling them that he used REFCO
to make purchases and sales of securities and as a custodian of clients' funds.
Almost immediately after a client deposited funds with REFCO, Wymer would
raid the account, using one client's money either to pay other clients or to
enrich himself.

To facilitate this plan, Wymer enlisted an employee at his investment advisory

firm to generate false documents showing exaggerated account balances and
transactions that had not occurred. However, because accounting firms that
audited the financial condition of some of Wymer's municipal clients
periodically would ask for verification of the clients' account balances at
REFCO, it became necessary for Wymer to enlist an insider at REFCO. For
this purpose, Wymer turned to Goodman.

Wymer instructed his clients to send audit confirmation inquiries to Goodman's

attention at REFCO. When Goodman received these inquiries, she would
telephone Wymer's office to ascertain what fraudulent information Wymer's
employee had given the client. Goodman would then prepare a form verifying
this false information and mail it to the client's auditor. The municipal clients
and their auditors relied on the false REFCO verifications in projecting
municipal spending. Apparently in exchange for her assistance, Goodman
received two luxury automobiles from Wymer.

Wymer was ultimately convicted of charges arising from a series of fraudulent

schemes. Wymer's schemes resulted in losses of over $100 million to his


The United States Attorney for the Central District of California filed a onecount information charging Goodman with mail fraud in connection with her
preparation and mailing of a single false audit verification to the auditors of one
of Wymer's municipal clients. Goodman executed both a Waiver of Indictment
and a Consent to Transfer of Case for Plea and Sentence, resulting in the
transfer of her case to the Western District of New York. Goodman then
appeared before Judge Arcara, at which time she re-executed the Waiver of
Indictment and entered a guilty plea pursuant to a written plea agreement.

The plea agreement stipulated that Goodman's adjusted offense level was 12
and her criminal history category was I, which yielded a sentencing range of ten
to sixteen months. The adjusted offense level reflected a reduction of four levels
because Goodman had been a "minimal participant," see U.S.S.G. 3B1.2
(1997), and two levels for her acceptance of responsibility, see U.S.S.G.
3E1.1 (1997). As is typical, the plea agreement cautioned that neither the
Probation Office nor the District Court was bound by the agreed upon
Guidelines calculation. Spelling out the implications of this fact, the agreement
stated, "You understand that if the Court ascertains factors different from those
contained in the stipulation, you cannot, for that reason alone, withdraw your
guilty plea." In addition, Goodman agreed that if she breached the plea
agreement in any way, the Government would no longer be bound by its
sentencing recommendation.


The plea agreement also contained a section titled "Waiver of Appeal." It stated
that Goodman "knowingly and voluntarily waive[d her] right to appeal any
sentence ... imposed by the Court and the manner in which the sentence is
determined so long as [the] sentence is within the statutory maximum specified
above." During the plea allocution, this provision was read to Goodman, and
she affirmed that she understood "everything." Judge Arcara then made the
following comment on the appeal waiver:

will be no appeal except two ways; one, that departure we talked about before;
two if there's an offense determination that is recommended by the probation office,
I look at it and let's say it's a higher number and you disagree with me on that, you'd
have a right to appeal that.

Though this statement was not entirely clear and appeared to be inconsistent
with the language of the plea agreement, Goodman stated that she understood
the judge's comment.


On the date set for sentencing, the District Judge stated that he had serious
concerns regarding Goodman's role in the offense, and directed both parties and
the Probation Office to prepare reports on the issue. During a hearing on that
issue, Judge Arcara voiced his concern that Goodman had not accepted
responsibility for her actions and, therefore, might not be entitled to a two-level
reduction pursuant to section 3E1.1. Goodman's Presentence Report indicated
that although she recognized that her actions facilitated the Wymer scheme and
accepted responsibility for "her lack of due diligence," she maintained that she
"d[id] not act with criminal intent or knowledge."


A week before the date set for sentencing, Goodman moved to withdraw her
plea on the ground that the sentence the District Court was likely to impose
would substantially exceed the sentence she expected when she entered into the
plea agreement. A week later, the District Judge requested briefs on the issues
of whether Goodman was entitled to a reduction for acceptance of
responsibility and should receive an enhancement for an abuse of trust, pursuant
to section 3B1.3.


Thereafter, the District Court denied Goodman's motion to withdraw her plea,
finding that her desire to avoid a sentence more severe than she had expected at
the time of her plea agreement did not constitute "a fair and just reason"
warranting a plea withdrawal prior to sentence, under the standards of
Fed.R.Crim.P. 32(e). The District Court also rejected Goodman's argument that
she should be allowed to withdraw her plea because, in her view, the
Government had breached the plea agreement by arguing against an offense
level reduction for acceptance of responsibility and for an abuse-of-trust
enhancement. The District Court found that the Government's submission on
these issues had not advocated a position on the ultimate sentence but had only
endeavored to supply the Court with the law and the facts, and therefore did not
violate the plea agreement. Indeed, the District Court found that Goodman had
breached the plea agreement by moving to withdraw her plea.


In the same ruling, the Court held that the defendant had failed to prove by a
preponderance of the evidence that she was entitled to a reduction in her offense
level for her role in the offense or for acceptance of responsibility, but the Court
declined to make an upward adjustment for abuse of trust. The District Court
sentenced the defendant, principally, to thirty months of

I. Motion to Withdraw Plea


A motion to withdraw a guilty plea before a sentence is imposed may be


A motion to withdraw a guilty plea before a sentence is imposed may be

granted "if the defendant shows any fair and just reason." Fed.R.Crim.P. 32(e).
Nevertheless, a defendant "has no automatic entitlement to have such a motion
granted, for '[s]ociety has a strong interest in the finality of guilty pleas,' and
allowing withdrawal of pleas not only 'undermines confidence in the integrity of
our judicial procedures,' but also 'increases the volume of judicial work, and
delays and impairs the orderly administration of justice.' " United States v.
Maher, 108 F.3d 1513, 1529 (2d Cir.1997) (quoting United States v. Sweeney,
878 F.2d 68, 70 (2d Cir.1989)). We have explicitly stated that " '[t]he fact that a
defendant has a change of heart prompted by his reevaluation of ... the penalty
that might be imposed is not a sufficient reason to permit withdrawal of a plea.'
" Id. (quoting United States v. Gonzalez, 970 F.2d 1095, 1100 (2d Cir.1992)).


A defendant bears the burden to persuade the district court that she has fair and
just reason to withdraw her plea. See United States v. Williams, 23 F.3d 629,
635 (2d Cir.1994). We review the findings of fact that led to the denial of the
withdrawal motion for clear error; the decision itself is reversed only if it
constitutes an abuse of discretion. See id.


Goodman contends that she should have been allowed to withdraw her plea for
two reasons. First, she argues that because the District Court was not going to
grant a downward adjustment for her role in the offense, she faced a sentence of
incarceration significantly longer than the sentence she anticipated when she
entered into the plea agreement. The District Court properly rejected this claim
as an invalid ground for withdrawal of a plea. See Maher, 108 F.3d at 1529.


Second, Goodman argues that she should have been allowed to withdraw her
plea because the Government breached the plea agreement by submitting a
brief on the issues of an acceptance-of-responsibility reduction and an abuse-oftrust enhancement. The plea agreement had stipulated to upward adjustments
for the amount of the loss, see U.S.S.G. 2F1.1(b)(1)(K) (1997), and for more
than minimal planning, see id. 2F1.1(b)(2), and downward adjustments for
"minimal" participation, see id. 3B1.2(a), and acceptance of responsibility, see
id. 3E1.1. In the plea agreement, both parties had agreed to "waive the right
to argue that other specific ... adjustments ... may be appropriate."


The Government's submission concerning an abuse-of-trust enhancement and

an acceptance-of-responsibility reduction is not a ground for relief. In the first
place, it was Judge Arcara, not the Government, who raised questions about
these adjustments. Judge Arcara directed the Government to provide him with
the pertinent information, which was clearly within his power. Second, the
Government expressly stated in its written submission that "neither the Court

nor counsel should view [the] Memorandum as advocating a position by the

Government on either issue addressed." Government's Memorandum of Points
and Authorities at 2. Third, and most important, the Government in fact did not
advocate that an abuse-of-trust enhancement should be imposed or that an
acceptance-of-responsibility reduction should be denied. The Government's
submission stated that "the Court could find that defendant Goodman's conduct
technically constitutes an 'abuse of trust' " and that "the Court could find that
the defendant Goodman's attempt to withdraw her plea militates against her
receiving a reduction ... for 'acceptance.' " Id. (emphases added). This view of
the relevant guidelines did tend to offer some slight support for the
enhancement and for denial of the reduction, and the Government might have
been better advised to inform the Court that, because of the plea agreement, it
would have to refrain from saying anything concerning these matters.
Nevertheless, the Government's compliance with the District Court's direction
to comment on the facts and the law did not violate the plea agreement. See
United States v. Merritt, 988 F.2d 1298, 1313 (2d Cir.1993).

Under these circumstances, the District Court did not exceed its discretion in
concluding that Goodman failed to demonstrate a fair and just reason
warranting withdrawal of her guilty plea.

II. Sentencing
A. Waiver of Right to Appeal

The Government contends that Goodman's appeal should be dismissed to the

extent that she challenges her sentence because she waived the right to appeal
any sentence so long as it does not exceed the maximum term allowed under 18
U.S.C. 1341--five years' imprisonment.


The validity of a waiver of the right to appeal a sentence has been a recurring
issue in this Court. We have regularly enforced knowing and voluntary waivers
in the conventional form that waive the right to appeal a sentence within (or
below) an agreed guideline range, see, e.g., United States v. Chen, 127 F.3d
286, 288 (2d Cir.1997); Maher, 108 F.3d at 1513; United States v. Ready, 82
F.3d 551, 555 (2d Cir.1996); United States v. Yemitan, 70 F.3d 746, 747 (2d
Cir.1995), though even a limited waiver of this sort does not relinquish
appellate rights "in every circumstance," see Yemitan, 70 F.3d at 748; see also
United States v. Jacobson, 15 F.3d 19, 22-23 (2d Cir.1994) (reliance on
unconstitutional factor may invalidate waiver). Where the waiver more broadly
purports to waive the right to appeal a sentence within (or below) whatever
guideline range the sentencing judge determines is applicable, we have

encountered more difficulty. We rejected the validity of such a waiver in

United States v. Martinez-Rios, 143 F.3d 662, 668-69 (2d Cir.1998), and, with
some hesitancy, permitted its use in United States v. Rosa, 123 F.3d 94, 97-102
(2d Cir.1997), under circumstances where the defendant obtained substantial
benefits from the plea bargain and the sentence imposed was only slightly
above the top of the predicted guideline range. The Rosa /Martinez-Rios form
of waiver leaves a defendant free to appeal an upward departure but denies him
the opportunity to challenge the correctness of the sentencing judge's
determination as to the applicable guideline range. See Martinez-Rios, 143 F.3d
at 668.

The waiver in the pending case is even broader than the Rosa /Martinez-Rios
form, since the waiver purports to deny the defendant any appellate challenge
not only to the selection of an applicable guideline range but also to any upward
departure from that range, as long as the statutory maximum is not exceeded.
Though we have no need to consider whether this broad form of waiver might
ever be enforceable, see United States v. Atterberry, 144 F.3d 1299, 1300-01
(10th Cir.1998) (enforcing similar waiver provision), we conclude that it is not
enforceable in this case. As we noted in Rosa, an "unorthodox [appellate
waiver] agreement presents grave dangers and implicates both constitutional
questions and ordinary principles of fairness and justice" necessitating "a close
look." Rosa, 123 F.3d at 99.


Taking that "close look," we first note that Goodman received very little benefit
in exchange for her plea of guilty. She pleaded guilty to the one count of mail
fraud charged in the information, and the Government conceded that this was
the only one of Goodman's alleged activities that it believed it could prove if
the case went to trial. Second, although Goodman obtained the Government's
agreement to recommend a four-level downward adjustment for her role in the
offense and a two-level adjustment for her acceptance of responsibility, she
received neither reduction at sentencing. Third, although Goodman assured the
District Court that she had read the plea agreement and understood the waiver
provision, the sentencing judge's statement to Goodman during the plea
allocution left her understanding of the provision in considerable doubt. Judge
Arcara suggested, contrary to the language of the agreement, that Goodman
would retain the right to appeal her sentence if he concluded that either an
upward departure or an offense level different from the stipulated level was
appropriate. Finally, we note that the discrepancy between the sentence
imposed--thirty months in prison--and the predicted sentencing range--ten to
sixteen months--is substantial. The sentence imposed is nearly twice as long as
the high-end of the predicted guideline range.


In light of all of these circumstances, we will not enforce the broad form of
waiver in this case, one that would subject the defendant to "a virtually
unbounded risk of error or abuse by the sentencing court." Rosa, 123 F.3d at 99.
And, as in Martinez-Rios, we conclude that the appropriate remedy is to sever
the waiver from the remainder of the plea agreement and consider the merits of
Goodman's sentencing appeal. See Martinez-Rios, 143 F.3d at 669.
B. Reduction for Role in the Offense


Section 3B1.2 of the Guidelines provides for a four-level downward adjustment

if the defendant was a minimal participant in criminal activity, and a two-level
downward adjustment where the defendant was a minor participant. Goodman
contends that the District Court erred when it found that her role in the offense
was neither minor nor minimal. We review such factual determinations for clear
error. See United States v. Martin, 78 F.3d 808, 814 (2d Cir.1996).


The District Court ruled that because Goodman was charged with only a small
part of the Wymer scheme and her base offense level was calculated on the
basis of her limited role, the further benefit of a minor role reduction was not
warranted. We have upheld the denial of a minor role adjustment in the
analogous context of a conspiracy conviction, where a defendant's base offense
level is calculated on the basis of his somewhat limited role in the conspiracy.
See United States v. Lewis, 93 F.3d 1075, 1085 (2d Cir.1996).


Here, Goodman was charged and convicted on the basis of her role in
fraudulently confirming only one audit verification. Though the scope of her
activity was not as extensive as that of other participants in Wymer's fraudulent
scheme, her significant role in accomplishing her portion of the fraud did not
require a minor role reduction.


C. Reduction for Acceptance of Responsibility


Goodman also contends that the District Court erred by not granting her a
reduction for acceptance of responsibility. Section 3E1.1(a) of the Guidelines
provides that a defendant's offense level shall be decreased "[i]f the defendant
clearly demonstrates acceptance of responsibility for his offense." Although
many defendants who plead guilty receive this two-level adjustment, a
defendant who enters a guilty plea "is not entitled to an adjustment under [
3E1.1] as a matter of right," U.S.S.G. 3E1.1, comment. n. 3, and a sentencing
court's denial "is entitled to great deference on review," id. n. 5; see also United
States v. Remini, 967 F.2d 754, 760 (2d Cir.1992).


Despite her entry of a guilty plea and initial admissions that she knew the audit
confirmations were false and that she had acted with intent to defraud,
Goodman subsequently maintained that she had acted without criminal intent
and merely failed to exercise due diligence in reviewing the audit
confirmations. The District Court was entitled to conclude that a defendant who
expresses regret for the results of criminal conduct without admitting criminal
intent does not accept responsibility within the meaning of the Sentencing
Guidelines. See United States v. Moskowitz, 883 F.2d 1142, 1155 (2d
Cir.1989); see also United States v. Williams, 940 F.2d 176, 183 (6th
Cir.1991). In the circumstances of this case, the Court was also entitled to rely
on Goodman's motion to withdraw her guilty plea. See United States v. Negron,
967 F.2d 68, 73 (2d Cir.1992) ("[T]he court must evaluate the reason for the
attempt to withdraw the plea and assess the acceptance-of-responsibility
question in that light."). The District Court correctly applied Negron by
determining that:

states that she wants to withdraw her plea because she anticipates that she
will receive a sentence more severe than she expected when she agreed to take a
plea. In the Court's view, this reason for withdrawing the plea demonstrates a lack of
sincere remorse on the part of the defendant.

The Government's motion to dismiss the appeal from the sentence is denied,
and the judgment of conviction and sentence is affirmed.

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