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r/allthingsterran build of the week

LotV BOTW 7: [TvZ] Reaper FE - 1/1/1 Tank Drop - Safe 3 CC

This is a small guide on how to do the Tank + Marine drop opening from Polt. It is a really safe
opening that Polt used a couple of times during the IEM WCS Winter. It is a build that you can use
at any level. For new players, trying to copy this build will help you improve your multitasking and
macro. For more experienced players it is a great build to do against aggressive zergs or on more
open maps.
The idea behind the build is to keep the zerg honest with mild harass while being extremely safe
against early agression and having a 3rd cc coming relatively earlyy. As I said before, it is a great
build to do over and over again on the ladder to improve your understanding of the match-up and
your mechanics.
The build-order:
14 supply depot
16 Barracks
16 Refinery
@100% rax: OC + reaper
@400 min 2nd CC
20 Supply depot
@100 gas Factory + 2nd refinery
@100% reaper one marine -> reactor
@100% factory: tech lab + 2x marine + starport + bunker (note)
@100% Tech lab: one tank
@100% Starport: one medivac
@100% Medivac: 3rd CC + viking + reactor on the factory
Switch your rax on the tech lab and start stim
Take both refineries on your natural
@100% reactor: build two barracks on the reactors and a tech lab and the factory for tank
Reactor on the starport
2x E-bays
2x Barracks + 2 medivacs
When you have 2 tanks, take your 3rd with one more refinery
Reactor on rax 4 and 5
2nd factory (cut medivac production for a while)
Refinery n6 + armory
@100 armory 2/2 and +1 mech attack
-> note: to make your life easier use the same scv for your cc/bunker/3rd supply/extra supply
You can move out at 9min and add your 4th cc and add 3 extra barracks during that time.
The execution:
Polt never does any kind of move that can put him in danger. He plays really safe but not too
r/allthingsterran build of the week

passive. With his early bunker and tank, he is pretty much safe against any kind of early agression.
He uses his first medivac with 8 marines or his tank to drop in the main of his opponent (don't
forget to try to avoid the overlord), this allows him to scout and maybe kill some
overlords/queens/lings/drones if the zerg is not prepared.
He takes his 3rd when he has 2 tanks and after his viking has checked for a potential overlord.
Once his 3rd is established, he moves out with 1 medivac and a couple of marines to deny creep.
At the same time, he checks for a 4th with his viking and send an 8 marine drop in its direction.

While his medivac is travelling in the direction of the zergs 4th, Polt is keeping the zerg busy with
another little poke, composed of 2 medivacs, to deny creep. From there he can start to find some
openings in the zerg defense with his 2 groups of medivacs.
While he is harassing the zerg, Polt keeps a eye on his opponent's composition and checks for the
hive timing.
Once the hive is started or when his 2/2 is 60% done, Polt starts to move out with his whole army.
This usually happens around 9min-9min30. Polt pushes slowly and methodically with his main
army, he cleans the creep and forces the zerg to engage in a choke or in unfavorable location.
More info:
spawning tool replay:
youtube vod:

r/allthingsterran build of the week

LotV BOTW 8: [TvT] Gas 1st Cloak Banshee into Fast 3 CC with Double Infantry
Without any further introduction, here is the build order.
Build order
14 Supply
15 Refinery
16 Barracks
17 Refinery
@100% Barracks: Reaper
SCV scout with the scv that build the Barracks, Reaper goes to the other, not, cross spawn
@100% Reaper: 2nd Reaper
@100% Factory: Hellion (produce a total of 2)
@100% Factory: Starport
@100% Reaper: Techlab on Barracks
After the 2 Hellions, build one widow mine
The Techlab is for the Starport.
Cure pushes Reality in his main and denies mining from the natural with his 2 reapers and 2
hellions. He tries to gain control of the ramp and trade reaper regeneration.
When this push has done enough damage, Cure backs off and leaves a widow mine outside
Realitys natural for vision and control.
@100% Techlab + 100% Starport: swap Starport on Techlab
Research Cloak
Produce a Banshee
Reactor on Barracks
@400 minerals: 2nd CC
2nd Banshee
Banshee harass starts. Cure moves directly to the second base to capitalize on the hellion + reaper
harass earlier) and the placement of his widow mine.
After the widow mine: Techlab on Factory
@400 minerals: 3rd CC (this is around 4:20)
r/allthingsterran build of the week

@100% Techlab: Tank production

Swap Starport and Barracks
Double Viking production (up to 4)
3rd and 4th Refinery at natural
Note: Around the time his 3rd is done, Cure moves out. His army consists of 2 Tanks, 4 Vikings, 1
Banshee (left from the harass), 1 Marine and 1 Reaper. The way he does this is very thorough:

The mine acts as an anchor, giving Cure warning of any pushes coming his way and the scan
confirms that the cyclone and viking are in the main (waiting for the banshee to come back)
Note the scan and the role of the banshee, he goes back home when it dies playing this really
safely. After this push, Cure has complete map control and his economy is better than Realitys:

r/allthingsterran build of the week

He scanned the 3rd location that confirmed the 2 base play of reality secs before this screen
2x Barracks
1x Reactor (Starport builds this extra Reactor after the 4 vikings are out)
Double enginering bay
Double Medivac production
@3rd Barracks done: Reactor
@100% engineering bays: start 1/1
Cure needs to buy time here. His upgrades are late, he is ahead in economy so Reality is forced to
do something about this. Cure uses his medivacs and tanks to stall Reality.

r/allthingsterran build of the week

Reality has twice the marine count but he is unable to push. This move buys Cure 1-2 minutes.
To complete the buildorder:
2x Barracks
Combat Shields
Refinery 5 + 6
Reactor on Barracks
Start 2/2
Start +1 Vehicle weapons
2nd Factory
The 3 pushes that Cure does show how important denying a mineral line is in LotV. In hots those
small contains didnt have that much impact on the income of a player but with the new economy
a player oversaturates his bases a lot faster.
Youtube vod:

LotV BOTW 9: [TvP] Dream's RFE - 1/1/1 Mine Drop - 5 Rax with delayed 3rd CC
Series : Dream v. Seed - GSL Code S - Ro32 - Group B
Build order: Widow Mine drop opening followed by a 5 Barracks push (delaying the 3rd CC).
The general idea is to go up to 5 Barracks on 2 bases and overwhelm the Protoss with a massive
amount of bio units. In the current metagame, Protoss players like to heavily rely on gateway units
for the mid-game and add High Templar tech later into the game. Dream's build order takes
advantage of that, exploiting the strength of bio units against gateway units. It opens up with a 2
r/allthingsterran build of the week

Mine drop and hits a timing at 6:40 with +1 infantry attack, Stimpack, Combat Shield and
Concussive Shells.
In these two games, Dream uses more or less the same build order, but there are a few
differences, interesting enough to use both games to support this article : well discuss how they
Heres the write-up of the Prion Terraces build order : (a few timings and tips are indicated)
Reaper FE opening
14 Supply Depot
16 Barracks 1
16 Refinery 1
19 Orbital Command
19 Reaper
20 Command Centre 2
20 Supply Depot
2-1-1 Follow-up
@100% Reaper: Marine
@100 gas: Factory + 2nd Refinery
@100% Marine: Reactor (Rax 1)
@100% Refinery 2: Barracks 2 (2:40)
@100% Command Centre 2: Orbital Command 2 (Transfer 6 SCVs to the natural base on Prion
@100% Factory: Starport + Widow Mine (up to 2)
@100% Reactor (Rax 1): 2x Marine production
@100% Barracks 2: Barracks 3 + Tech Lab on Barracks 2 (use the SCV that built Barracks 2 for
Barracks 3)
@100% Starport: Medivac (up to 2)
Aggression phase while transitioning into 5 Barracks off 2 CCs
@100% Tech Lab (Rax 2): Start Stimpack (4:00) + 1x Marine production
@100% Medivac 1: Drop 2 Widow Mines + Refinery 3
@100% Barracks 3: Tech Lab on Barracks 3 + Reactor on Factory + Engineering Bay (4:25)
@100% Tech Lab (Rax 3): Concussive Shells + 2x Marauder/2x Marine production
@100% Refinery 3: Refinery 4 (4:30)
@100% Engineering Bay: +1 Infantry attack upgrade
@100% Reactor (Factory): Switch on Starport + 1x Widow Mine production on naked Factory
At this point, you should have a unit production tab looking like : 2 SCVs/2 Marines/2
Marauders/1 Widow Mine/2 Medivacs. Give priority to SCV and Marines/Marauders before
spending your money on Medivacs or Widow Mines.

r/allthingsterran build of the week

@100% Concussive Shells: Combat Shield (5:40)

@100% Stimpack: Add Barracks 4 and 5 (6:00)
Add your 3rd Command Centre when you can afford it (Dream does it around 6:40)
At this timing, you should have Combat Shield and +1 Attack finishing at the same time, creating a
very powerful timing to hit. Dream moves across the map to find some damage but with Seeds
lack of third base, he choses to drop instead and wait for Liberators to come.

Setting up the production for a big push with Liberators

@100% Barracks 4 and 5: 1 Reactor (Rax 4) + 1 Tech Lab (Rax 5) + Reactor (Factory)
@100% +1 Infantry attack upgrade: +1 Infantry armor upgrade
When you have 10 Medivacs, start making 2 Liberators at a time.
Push out when your first two Liberators finish (this should occur around 9:15)
What does change in Game 2 ?
1.The gold natural in Prion Terraces provides a smoother production and an earlier 3rd
Command Center : he drops it 40 seconds later in game 2, around 7:20. To get his production
facilities in time, hes also forced to cut early army production a bit in game 2.
2.The early game crucial timings remain the same : your upgrades must be well timed to be as
effective as possible. Be sure to get your second Barracks by 2:40, Stimpack around 4:00, and a
4:25 Engineering Bay.
3.In game 1, Dream researches Concussive Shells before Combat Shield because Seed chooses
to be aggressive with Blink. In game 2, there arent many Stalkers in the early game, justifying
getting Combat Shield first.
4.Reactored Starport production : in both games, Dream gets 2 Medivacs, makes a reactor with
his Factory to switch it on the Starport, and produces 2 additional ones. But then, while he
goes straight to his 10 Medivacs count in game 1, he prefers to get 4 Liberators before in game
2. As mentioned earlier, the heavy Blink style from Seed must be the beginning of an
explanation : Stalkers do well against Liberators in small numbers, making Dream keep on with
Medivacs production. In game 2, because of his heavy, aggressive drop play, he gets Liberators
to be safe against any Immortal-based counter-attack.
Execution :
The opening is the most standard one in the current metagame : use your Reaper to get
information. Try to play conservative with it as it provides excellent early map control and could
scout precisely the Protoss tech around 3:30.
The follow-up is interesting, as you get your 2nd Barracks after the Factory. This is very popular in
Korea nowadays (in any match-up), as it allows you to get a quick Stimpack without sacrificing
Marine production. This early 2nd Barracks is critical to hit the right timing with Stimpack and
enough Marines to deal damage. Add your 3rd Barracks right after the second one, using the same
SCV to build it.
Dream drops his Widow Mines at Seeds natural on Prion Terraces (4:30), because delaying mining
from the gold base is better than the main base.
r/allthingsterran build of the week

Just after this aggression, in both games, he becomes the defender : many Protoss timings hit
between 4:30 and 6:30. On Prion Terraces, Seed sets up a Blink attack around 6:00 ; on Orbital
Shipyard, he uses a Warp Prism with a few units to poke at the wall and making Dream stay at
The powerful timing of this build occurs around 6:40 : Stimpack, Combat Shield, Concussive Shells
and +1 attack are all completed. In those two games, Dream didnt attack right at 6:40 for various
reasons : in game 1, while having his army outside his opponents base, he sees that there is no
third base. The defenders advantage would have favored the Protoss so he chose not to attack. In
game 2, he realizes that it would be too hard to break the 3rd on Orbital, sohe drops with 3
Medivacs in the natural instead and manages to kill the Nexus.
Later on, he tries to be aggressive with drops : in game 1, he kills ten-ish probes with another mine
drop and poke at Protoss 3rd at the same time. He sees that Seed doesnt have a lot and attacks
with his first two Liberators, ending the game easily. In game 2, After being in a defensive position
(Adept harass), he spots Seed (taking his fourth) out of position. He sends a 3 Mine drop at the
third with a 3 Medivacs drop at the natural , killing lots of probes and a Nexus. He adds Ghosts
(spotting the Templar Archives during the drop) and ends the game after Seed overextended on
Dreams third ramp.
To transition smoothly into the late game, add your fourth around 9:00, 3 additional Barracks and a
2nd Starport. Add an Armory and a 2nd Engineering Bay when +1 Infantry Armor is about 60%
done. When starting +2/+2, add a Ghost Academy and research +1 Ship Weapons upgrade. Be sure
to make as many Liberators as you can :-). Dont forget to stop your Medivac production at some
point : 10 is a good number for a maxed-out Bio/Mines/Libs army.
Scouting :
Be wary of what your opponent is doing and never stop trying to get information with your
Reaper : as it is shown in agame versus herO, any Pylon bust at your wall is very efficient (Dream
cancels the Widow Mine to make a Cyclone instead).
In both games against Seed, Dream scouts a 19 Nexus opening, sees the Robo/Twilight follow-up in
game 1, deduces it in game 2 with the amount of early Adepts. This style could work against quite
anything, be careful if your opponent rushes Storm/Disruptor/Colossus tech.

LotV BOTW 10: [TvP] Maru's Reaper expand with delayed starport into 3 CC
Series : First Round Playoffs Finals between SKT and Jin Air, Jin Air has lost game one (MyuNgSiK vs
Cure) and two (MyuNgSiK vs Rogue)
r/allthingsterran build of the week

Vod :
In this game, Maru decided to open with a reaper expand. If you are a vigilant reader of the botw
you probably already noted a difference with the opening that Dream used in his 5 rax 2 bases
build. Instead of getting a single marine after his reaper Maru decides to delay his factory by a
couple of seconds to increase his marine production with a faster reactor making him a lot safer
against early protoss aggression.
The Build order: (a few timings and tips are indicated)
14 Supply
16 Barracks (not part of the wall)
16 Refinery
19 Reaper
19 SCV scout (late scout, the probe in his base harassed him)
20 Orbital
20 2nd CC
20 Supply depot
@100% reaper: Reactor
The Reaper first scouts around his base for proxies/pylon, the scouting scv checks the natural of
MyuNgSiK, and scouts the double gas.

@100 Gas: Factory

@Reactor: Double marine production
@400 Minerals: 3rd CC (In base)
Reaper moves to the 3rd of Protoss to check if there is a base
@100% Factory: Techlab
Reaper suicides into the main to get more scouting (Sees the robotics facility)
@100% Techlab: Cyclone
2 Barracks (Barracks 2 and 3)
@100% Cyclone: Move factory and build another techlab with it
Maru has delayed his gas and his upgrades and has been really greedy.
Rough timestamp where 'we' are in the game: 3rd is at 50% of being turned into an orbital (or at
33 workers)

Refinery 2 and 3 (He builds them at his natural)

enginering bay
Bunker, next to his mineral line in his natural

r/allthingsterran build of the week

Maru scans the main Protoss base again, before he moves into the next phase of his build

Moves barracks 2 and 3 on the two techlabs

Start Stim
@100% Engineering Bay: Start +1 (infantry weapons)
@100% Engineering Bay: 2 Turrets, one in the natural, one at the bottom right of his main
@150 Gas: Build a starport and build a reactor on the Factory
Placement of first Turret
The static defense of his natural looks like this The circles are not scaled perfectly ;-)
Maru has a small gap in his marine and scv production to get the starport and reactor down

When his main and natural are saturated, he flies his 3rd cc to its mining position
He now takes his 4th Refinery (in his main) and this is also when Maru starts producing 2
marauders and 2 marines instead of 4 marines
(Units tab ingame shows: 50 scvs, 1 cyclone and 19 marines)
@100% Starport: Swap starport and factory
2x medivac production
Reactor on Factory
Combat Shields
Barracks 4 and 5
Liberator (when he has the money and gas)
Refinery 5 and 6
Liberator (when he has the money and gas)
Here the first real engagement starts. Myungsik hits Maru when his +1 weapons finishes but Maru
has his own +1 and Stim finishing a couple of seconds later. Maru was about to throw down two
bunkers at the ramp of his third because he knew the push was coming after scanning the third of
the Protoss.

@100% Barracks (4 and 5), add a techlab and a reactor

@100% +1 Weapons: Start +1 Armor
@100% Stim: Research Concussive shells
Engineering bay (2nd)
After the 2 liberators, Maru is going back to double Medivac production
End of Build order
Maru lands his 3rd after being forced to lift it. He rebuilds refinery 5 and 6. After he has managed
to stabilize his economy and production he moves out on the map to confront the Protoss army.
r/allthingsterran build of the week

Maru approached that game pretty calmly, his only unit to get passed his wall before the 5min30
mark was his reaper. Once his 2 bases are completely saturated (on 3 gas), he decides to float his
3rd orbital to his location.
In reaction, Myungsik decided to go for a sentry/adept/stalker push to force the lift off. Maru
didn't try to defend his 3rd base location, instead he saved his units and scv with his medivacs and
protected his ramp with liberators. He also killed the observer of Myungsik, forcing him to go back
to his base to defend against potential counter drops. After confirming with a scan that Myungsik
didn't commit to the contain Maru takes his 3rd back.
The warp-prism is frequently the key unit in a TvP, being able to shut it down completely makes the
life of the Terran player a lot easier. Right before floating his 3rd to its location Maru makes sure to
have a perfect anti warp-prism defense. This is how he proceeds :
he leaves his cyclones in his main base (no f2 :p)
he builds a first turret to prevent a warprism from sneaking from the south
he makes sure that nothing can go directly into his natural by placing a bunker behind his
mineral line and a turret next to the ramp
he builds a wall with 2 depots and an engineering bay to block adepts from shading between
his bases.
With this set up:

nothing is getting in or out his natural. (this setup can also be used on dusk towers).
After establishing his 3rd orbital command and adding his 4th and 5th barrack, Maru builds 2 extra
turrets to secure his main completely.
r/allthingsterran build of the week

It is also interesting to note how fast Maru is getting stim despite going for a fast 3rd cc. His stim
starts at 4min35 where the stim of TY doing a different version of the fast 3 cc build starts more
than 2 minutes later (around 7 min when going for a tank/raven composition). This allows Maru to
move out on the map a lot faster to apply pressure or gain some map control more freely.
Once Myungsiks aggression ended , Maru is finally going to be able to apply some pressure. He
scans the 4th of the protoss player and moves the entirety of his army in its direction. The problem
is that Myungsik scout the move out directly with his observer and is able to buy time with the
combination of blink stalkers, storm, and forcefields.
Maru understands that he will need to find a less frontal approach to get closer to Myungsiks 4th
with his liberators. He is going to gain position in the same way that Dream did against Seed : by
using drops to force the protoss army back on its side of the map.
Like Dream he is going to use 3 medivacs to draw the Protoss army out of position. However
instead of multitasking on two fronts (mine drop + double drops), Maru is keeping his 3 medivas
grouped and let the protoss army come to him. At the same time he is pushing with his main army
in direction of the protoss 4th.
Seeing that Maru is able to gain position on his 4th Myungsik is forced send back his Stalkers to
help his main army. Maru makes him pay instantly by droping into his main. At this point Myungsik
is forced to engage Maru under his liberators.

This is of course very cost effective for Maru who is able to finish Myungsik after regrouping his
forces a few seconds later.
He goes for a late scv scout that checks the natural for a second nexus and uses a reaper for
He pauses the reaper in front of the ramp to the 3rd until the techlab on his factory is finished.
r/allthingsterran build of the week

When that Tech lab is ready (and a cyclone is started), Maru send his reaper in to die. The whole
purpose of this reaper is to scout. It's not build to get any probe kills in the main.
A minute later he scans the Protoss main. This is just before he swaps his second and third barracks
on the techlabs.
Some time later Maru sends out a single marine to scout. This marine meets a couple of stalkers
and dies.
After this, Maru uses a scan on his enemies 3rd that prompts him to prepare for an incoming
attack (as the casters mention in the vod, there are no protoss units near the ramp) bytrying to
build a couple of bunkers.

r/allthingsterran build of the week

LotV BOTW 12: [TvZ] RFE - 2/1/1 Drop Heavy Play

Series : Maru v. soO - SSL Qualifier - Season 2 (Match 1)
Series : Cure v. Ragnarok - Proleague 2016 - Round 2 Week 5 (Match 4)
Lately more and more terrans have been using a build in TvZ that has been around since the early
days of Wings of Liberty, the double medivac marine drop. The main goal of this build is to give the
Terran player an extremely mobile force with an incredible amount of firepower early in the game.
This build allows you to drop 14 marines and a widow mine in the zergs 3rd base at the 5 minute
mark and creates the possibility to harass the Zerg on multiple fronts with stimmed Marines. If the
Zerg does not scout this build early enough he will probably straight up die to this first wave of
agression. If he is prepared for the first double drop, the mobility of the medivacs still gives the
terran player the possibility to harass while slowing the creep spread of the zerg. Behind this, the
terran can very easily secure a 3rd base while getting his infantry upgrades.
The build:

RFE Opening
14 supply depot
16 barracks
16 refinery
@100% Barracks: Reaper + OC
@400 min: 2nd CC
21/23 2nd Supply Depot
2-1-1 follow-up Maru's version
21/23 2nd Barracks
21/23 Marine
@100% Supply: 2nd Refinery
@100 Marine: Factory + Reactor
@100 2nd Barracks: Tech Lab
@100% Factory: Reactor on Factory + Starport
@100% Tech Lab: Stimpack
38/46: 3rd supply
@100% Starport: 2x Medivac + 1x Widow Mine

r/allthingsterran build of the week

Double E-bay + 3rd cc transition Cure's transition

@100% 2x Medivac: Double E-bay + 3rd Refinery
@100% Double E-bay: +1/+1
@100% 3rd and 4th Medivac: 3rd CC
@50% +1/+1: armory + 4th Refinery
@450 min: 3 Barracks + Reactor on the Factory (or Tech Lab for Tanks)
@100% 3 Barracks: 3 Reactors and +2/+2
@450 min add 3 extra Rax
Analysis and Execution:
There are a few different variations of this build that are interesting to note. In his game on Frost
versus Ragnarok, Cure decides to start his starport before his stim. His medivacs are out at 4:22
with 12 marines ready to be dropped. In his game versus soO, Maru starts Stimpack before
building his Starport. His Medivacs are out at 4:36 (15 seconds later than in Cures version) with 13
marines and one widow mines ready to be dropped. Here:
is an illustration that show the difference
between the two builds.
With his smaller force of marines Cure focuses
his attention on clearingthe xeln'aga tower,
denying creep and huntingunits that are slightly
out of positionwhile Maru takes avantages of
his superior firepower as fast as possible
andengages directly the Zergs third base.
Whichever method you choose, its really
important to keep your Marines alive. If the
Zerg units are in position and in sufficient
numbers, don't engage and trade your Marines,
instead, try to find another opening in his
defense. Try to pick off the units and overlords
that are out of position or isolated and wait for
your second wave of Medivacs and your 1/1.
The main reason why you want to keep your
units alive in that stage of the game is that your
production is extremely weak. You are only
producing 3 marines at a time which makes it incredibly hard to replace your Bio. The strength of
this build kicks in once you have two pairs of Medivacs full of units, allowing you to attack on two
In the mid game, overlords are the eyes of the Zerg player, granting them precious map vision.
Killing them will make his life a lot harder when trying to defend attacks on two fronts. He will not
be able to react to your drop movements in real time anymore and it will be a lot easier for you to
exploit or force some mistakes and do critical damages. Those drops are also a great way to get
some information on the composition of the zerg. In his game vs Ragnarok, Cure scouted defensive
banelings. In response he went for a Reactor on his Factory for heavy Widow Mine production
r/allthingsterran build of the week

instead of Tanks.
From there the goal of the terran player is to maintain a constant double front pressure on the
zerg, limiting his economy and his creep. Once the time comes, regroup your force and try to hit a
timing when your 2-2 Infantry upgrades complete.

LotV BOTW 13: [TvT] Byun's RFE into multiple Tank drop play
May the 12th was a sad day. It was the day two brave players from Canada tried to qualify for GSL,
Scarlett and NoRegret. They both didnt make it. But it was also a day that gave us some interesting
TvTs. Byun and Rookie face each other for the second time that day. The first time, Byun beat
Rookie 2-1. After that game, Byun went 1-2 vs Zest and the rematch would decide who would go
through to SSL challenger (which happens to start today, June the 2nd) We hope the following
game gives some inspiration to everyone whos complaining about facing turtled up terran
opponents. Sometimes, you win a game despite losing your medivacs. (and having 400-500 Apm
might help a little)
Build Order:
14: supply depot
16: barracks
16: refinery
17: send scout
19: oc + reaper
20: command center
21: supply depot
@100% reaper: marine(x2)
@100 gas: factory
@75 mineral: 2nd refinery
@100% 2 marines: reactor on barracks
@100% factory: hellion + starport
@100% hellion: techlab
@100% starport: medivac
36/46: 3rd supply depot
@125 gas: tank
@400 min: 3rd cc (4min30)
refinery n3 and 4.
2x engineering bays
@100% 3rd medivac: tech lab on barrack and switch the starport on the reactor
2 x Barracks
r/allthingsterran build of the week

Stim, +1 attack, +1 defense are started

2 more Barracks
2 x Refineries and a 2nd Factory
+2/+2 and +1 vehicle attack
The opening
When going for a reaper expand, good terrans usually use their 16th scv to scout. It is extremely
important to confirm that your opponent is also going for a quick second command center to not
be surprised by 1 bases openings or proxy strategies.
Byun makes 2 marines before getting a reactor on his barracks and keep his reaper at the top of his
ramp, this allows him to be a lot safer against 2 barracks or reapers/hellions openings. Once his
hellion is out he can safely send his reaper out on the map to get a second wave of information if
nothing happened yet.
3 step aggression
1.As soon as the first medivac is out, Byun loads it with his marines, sends it across the map
and starts poking the defense of his opponent. This allows him to scout the first starport unit
and locate potential weaknesses in his defense.
2.Once his second medivac is done he loads it with his first tank and 4 marines. He sends it to
meetup with his first medivac and commit to a 2 medivac drop behind one of the mineral line
of his opponent.
3.The third part of the aggression comes when the thirds medivac is completed. Byun loads it
with his second siege tank and 4 marines and sends it in to the main of his opponent to create
a double front attack directly on top of his opponent's mineral lines.
Overview of this sequence of drop movement:

r/allthingsterran build of the week

As we can see, the main objective of Byun is to siege behind the mineral lines of his opponent and
deny his mining as much as possible, he sacrificed his medivacs for it. Byun was also getting a 3rd
command center behind this and forced an unfavorable engagement from Rookie which
compensated for the units lost (Rookie was basically on 1 base econ while Byun was getting to 3
bases). It is also useful to remember that a Terran refinery only has 500 hp (an assimilator has 900
for comparison), destroying one of those can give you a significant upgrade lead.
This is of course just an example of a set of actions that can be done with three medivacs full of
units in this phase of the game. Depending on the map or the build of your opponent you could
instead decide to go for a doom drop with your three medivacs, or maybe even drop in 3 different
locations at once, or use your army for a frontal assault. Personally I had a lot of success using
Byuns way but in your games, you are the strategist, be creative and feel free to use your units as
you please.
Getting a double marine, tank, medivac production gives you a powerful army early in the game.
Byun takes advantage of his aggressive opening to take a fast 3rd cc and goes for two engineering
bays before adding his production facilities.
Once his 3 medivac aggression is done Byun is back into a more passive position. During that time,
he gets his production up and running, builds some turrets to solidify his anti drop defense, builds
4 vikings and then resumes his medivac production.

r/allthingsterran build of the week

In this stage of the game, both players are usually on a 3 base economy. Turrets make it hard to
drop and tanks make it hard to attack frontally with your whole army.
This is why we are seeing a lot of viking + tankivac (with no marine in support) move outs being
used by a lot of high level terran to take control of the map at this point in the game. This is exactly
what byun is going to do, he is going to move out with his 4 vikings, 2 tankivacs and take advantage
of his air superiority to weaken his opponent's army. He is going to try to be as cost effective as
possible for as long as he can. If we take a look at Byuns micro in action we can note 2 important
things. He stays as close as he can near cliffs or air space and he always keep his Ignite
Afterburners ability ready. This makes it impossible for Rookie to catch Byuns medivac making his
harass uncontested.
While his tankivacs are being a nuisance, Byun also take advantages of his infantrys +1/+1 and
send 2 medivacs directly in the main of his opponent. In his game against Rookie, that last
sequence of action was the killing blow. Behind this Byun still had a lot of cards in his hands, he
was getting his +2/+2, +1 tank attack, extra barracks etc. However, every starcraft game is different,
what might work flawlessly in one game might completely fail in another one, this is why it is
important to stay lucid and calm if things are not completely going your way. In this case even if
your first attacks fails there is nothing to be worried about, you are in a solid economical and
technological situation.

r/allthingsterran build of the week

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