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Advances in Mathematics Education

SusannePrediger Editors

Networking of
Theories as a
Research Practice
in Mathematics
Authored by the Networking Theories

Advances in Mathematics Education

Series Editors:
Gabriele Kaiser, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Bharath Sriraman, The University of Montana, Missoula, MT, USA
International Editorial Board:
Ubiratan DAmbrosio (So Paulo, Brazil)
Jinfa Cai (Newark, NJ, USA)
Helen Forgasz (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
Jeremy Kilpatrick (Athens, GA, USA)
Christine Knipping (Bremen, Germany)
Oh Nam Kwon (Seoul, Korea)

For further volumes:

Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs Susanne Prediger


Networking of Theories
as a Research Practice
in Mathematics Education
Authored by the Networking Theories Group

Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs
Fachbereich 03 fr Mathematik und
AG Didaktik der Mathematik
University of Bremen
Bremen, Germany

Susanne Prediger
Institute for Development and Research
in Mathematics Education
TU Dortmund University
Dortmund, Germany

ISSN 1869-4918
ISSN 1869-4926 (electronic)
ISBN 978-3-319-05388-2
ISBN 978-3-319-05389-9 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9
Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London
Library of Congress Control Number: 2014942928
Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
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Series Preface

The present volume of Advances in Mathematics Education examines a heavily

debated topic in mathematics education, namely that of theories, theoretical
frameworks and ways in which they are deployed in existing research. Given the
heterogeneity of theoretical frameworks used in mathematics education today compared to the psychometric paradigm of the 1960s, which was firmly anchored in
psychology, the current book examines how different theories can be made to network
with each other and in particular inform researchers interested in analyzing their
data from multiple perspectives.
The Networking Theories Group was initiated and coordinated by Angelika
Bikner-Ahsbahs, with founding members Michle Artigue, Ferdinando Arzarello,
Marianna Bosch, Tommy Dreyfus, Ivy Kidron, Susanne Prediger, and Kenneth
Ruthven in 2006. There were some forerunners to this group, such as the work of
Hans-Georg Steiner in Germany and the PME research forum on Theories of
Mathematics Education in Melbourne-2005, which led to the first volume in this
series (Sriraman and English 2010). However in spite of these forerunners, the
Networking Theories Group has been a consistent focus group in mathematics
education, with intense work done on capturing the essence of data through the use
of different theoretical lenses. The group formally established itself at CERME 2005
in Spain, and subsequently has held summer research meetings in the following
years. A core group of researchers from the Networking Theories Group have also
been involved in the working group on theories at the CERME congresses and has
run various PME research forums on theories.
Given the substantial work of this group that was reported in a ZDM special
issue on Comparing, Combining, Coordinating Networking Strategies for
Connecting Theoretical Approaches (Volume 40, Issue 2, 2008), based on a paper
by Bikner-Ahsbahs and Prediger already in (2006), the mathematics education
community has been eager to learn of newer developments within this group on how
researchers can further utilize theories in advantageous ways. The present book may
serve as basis for younger researchers who often indulge in bricolaging theories on
an ad-hoc basis to construct theoretical frameworks that inform their work. Moreover
the chapters in the book contain a diversity of perspectives that captures the current


Series Preface

state of the art of networking theories in mathematics education. We are pleased to

have this book in our series and thank the editors for producing what we hope will
be a valuable resource for the community.
Hamburg, Germany
Missoula, MT, USA

Gabriele Kaiser
Bharath Sriraman

Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., & Prediger, S. (2006). Diversity of theories in mathematics education
How can we deal with it? ZDM Zentralblatt fr Didaktik der Mathematik, 38(1), 5257.
Sriraman, B., & English, L. (2010). Theories of mathematics education. Berlin: Springer.


How can we deal with the diversity of theories? This was the main question that led
the authors of this book to found the Networking Theories Group with members
from France, Germany, Israel, Italy, UK, and Spain. When the group first met at
CERME 4 in 2005, the idea of networking theories arose: starting from the shared
assumption that the existence of different theories is a resource for mathematics
education research, we felt that the possibilities of connecting theories (without
merging into one big theory) should be further explored. The group developed
strategies for networking of theories and decided to investigate strands and issues of
these networking practices empirically. From 2005 on, we met regularly at least
once a year for commonly conducting empirical research and for reflecting the
common practices on the level of theory and methodology. The Networking Theories
Group was initiated and coordinated by Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, with founding
members Michle Artigue, Ferdinando Arzarello, Marianna Bosch, Tommy
Dreyfus, Ivy Kidron, Susanne Prediger, and Kenneth Ruthven. Agns Lenfant was
a member during the first years, while further members joined the group in later
years: Stefan Halverscheid, Mariam Haspekian, Cristina Sabena, Ingolf Schfer,
and, as latest member, Alexander Meyer. Meanwhile, Kenneth Ruthven changed his
role to a critical friend of the group, Luis Radford also took over the role of critically
accompanying this work, and Josep Gascn frequently contributed to our progression
from outside in jointly working with Marianna Bosch.
This book is an outcome of these joint efforts in which we document one line of
our work (other lines have led to further joint research projects, e.g., Kidron et al.
2008, 2011; Prediger and Ruthven 2007; Artigue et al. 2009, 2011; Bikner-Ahsbahs
et al. 2010, 2011).
The book explains and illustrates what it means to network theories, and
presents networking as a challenging but nevertheless fruitful research practice
between five theoretical approaches: namely the approach of Action, Production,
and Communication (APC), the Theory of Didactical Situations (TDS), the
Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD), the approach of Abstraction in
Context (AiC), and the theory of Interest-Dense Situations (IDS). The book shows



how the activity of networking generates questions at the theoretical and practical
level and how these questions can be treated.
The structure and content of the book are organized around the most intense
experience in these years of common work: starting with one set of video data, we
wanted to explore how the analysis of the video differs when conducted with five
different theoretical lenses. This raised the issue of the role of data and yielded to
the collection of further data that from the theoretical perspectives were needed
and led to deepening cooperation and additional research. On the basis of these
experiences, the group undertook different case studies of networking while seeking
further connections and differences. The methodology of networking of theories
evolved while discussing these research practices on a meta-level and is documented
in the subsequent chapters.
Although the book is organized systematically and can of course be best read
linearly from beginning to end, we also wanted to allow the more spontaneous
reader to use it flexibly to follow her or his main interests. Support for nonlinear
reading is given by various links between chapters and the index that can help to
clarify constructs if the reading includes a case study in which an unfamiliar theory
appears. We hope to give the reader an idea not only of the process of networking of
theories as a research practice, its strength and weaknesses, but also of the gains and
difficulties we have met.
The work of the Networking Theories Group in the years 20062013 would not
have been possible without financial support for the annual meetings. University
Bremen in cooperation with Die Sparkasse Bremen and Nolting-Hauff-Stiftung
financed the meetings in 2006, 2008, and 2011 at Bremen University. The meeting
of 2007 in Barcelona at IQS Universitat Ramon Llull was financed by Generalitat
de Catalunya (ARCS 2007), and the meetings in Mariaspring in 2010 and 2012
were financed by the Georg-August-University Gttingen and the Ministry of
Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, respectively. Finally, TU Dortmund
University provided substantial personal resources for the editing process for this
We thank Domingo Paola for sharing with us his interesting video episodes that
took place in his classroom. Further, we are grateful to Luis Radford and Kenneth
Ruthven for reading the whole book and writing comments from outside advancing
the view on the networking of theories. And special thanks goes to Alexander
Meyer, Frank Kuhardt and John Evans; without their thorough and constructively
critical reading and editing, the book with its complex issues would be much less
accessible and coherent.
Bremen, Germany
Dortmund, Germany

Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs
Susanne Prediger



Artigue, M., Cerulli, M., Haspekian, M., & Maracci, M. (2009). Connecting and integrating
theoretical frames: The TELMA contribution. International Journal of Computers for
Mathematical Learning, 14(3), 217240.
Artigue, M., Bosch, M., & Gascn, J. (2011). Research praxeologies and networking theories.
In M. Pytlak, T. Rowland, & E. Swoboda (Eds.), Proceedings of the seventh Congress of the
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 23812390). Rzeszw:
University of Rzeszow.
Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., Dreyfus, T., Kidron, I., Arzarello, F., Radford, L., Artigue, M., & Sabena, C.
(2010). Networking of theories in mathematics education. In Proceedings of the 34th conference
of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education International Group
for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 1, pp. 145175), Belo Horizonte: PME.
Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., Kidron, I., & Dreyfus, T. (2011). Epistemisch handeln knnen aber wie?
[Knowing to act epistemically but how?]. Invited lecture at the annual conference of the
German Society of Mathematics Education. Beitrge zum Mathematikunterricht.
BzMU11_BIKNER_Angelika_Epistem.pdf. Accessed 30 Oct 2013.
Kidron, I., Lenfant, A., Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., Artigue, M., & Dreyfus, T. (2008). Toward networking
three theoretical approaches: the case of social interactions. Zentralblatt fr Didaktik der
Mathematik, 40(2), 247264.
Kidron, I., Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., & Dreyfus, T. (2011). How a general epistemic need leads to a need
for a new construct a case of networking two theoretical approaches. In M. Pytlak, T. Rowland,
& E. Swoboda (Eds.), Proceedings of the seventh Congress of the European Society for
Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 24512461). Rzeszw: University of Rzeszow.
Prediger, S., & Ruthven, K. (2007). From teaching problems to research problems. Proposing
a way of comparing theoretical approaches. In D. Pitta-Pantazi & G. Phillipou (Eds.),
Proceedings of the 5th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics
Education (CERME 5) (pp. 17451771). Cyprus: ERME.


Part I


Starting Points for Dealing with the Diversity of Theories .................

Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, Susanne Prediger, Michle Artigue,
Ferdinando Arzarello, Marianna Bosch, Tommy Dreyfus,
Josep Gascn, Stefan Halverscheid, Mariam Haspekian,
Ivy Kidron, Agns Corblin-Lenfant, Alexander Meyer,
Cristina Sabena, and Ingolf Schfer

Description of the Data: Introducing the Session

of Carlo, Giovanni, and the Exponential Function ..............................
Cristina Sabena

Part II


Diversity of Theories

Introduction to the Approach of Action, Production,

and Communication (APC)....................................................................
Ferdinando Arzarello and Cristina Sabena


Introduction to the Theory of Didactical Situations (TDS).................

Michle Artigue, Mariam Haspekian, and Agns Corblin-Lenfant


Introduction to the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD) ...

Marianna Bosch and Josep Gascn


Introduction to Abstraction in Context (AiC) ......................................

Tommy Dreyfus and Ivy Kidron


Introduction to the Theory of Interest-Dense Situations (IDS) ..........

Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs and Stefan Halverscheid





Part III

Case Studies of Networking

Introduction to Networking: Networking Strategies

and Their Background............................................................................ 117
Susanne Prediger and Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs

The Epistemic Role of Gestures: A Case Study

on Networking of APC and AiC ............................................................. 127
Tommy Dreyfus, Cristina Sabena, Ivy Kidron, and Ferdinando Arzarello


Context, Milieu, and Media-Milieus Dialectic: A Case Study

on Networking of AiC, TDS, and ATD .................................................. 153
Ivy Kidron, Michle Artigue, Marianna Bosch,
Tommy Dreyfus, and Mariam Haspekian


The Epistemological Gap: A Case Study

on Networking of APC and IDS ............................................................. 179
Cristina Sabena, Ferdinando Arzarello,
Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, and Ingolf Schfer


Topaze Effect: A Case Study on Networking of IDS and TDS............ 201

Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, Michle Artigue, and Mariam Haspekian

Part IV



Beyond the Official Academic Stage. Dialogic Intermezzo ................. 225

Stefan Halverscheid


Networking as Research Practices: Methodological

Lessons Learnt from the Case Studies .................................................. 235
Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs and Susanne Prediger


Reflection on Networking Through the Praxeological Lens ............... 249

Michle Artigue and Marianna Bosch


From Networked Theories to Modular Tools? ..................................... 267

Kenneth Ruthven


Theories and Their Networking: A Heideggerian Commentary ........ 281

Luis Radford

Appendix .......................................................................................................... 287

Cristina Sabena and Alexander Meyer
Index ................................................................................................................. 327

Part I


Chapter 1

Starting Points for Dealing

with the Diversity of Theories
Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, Susanne Prediger, Michle Artigue,
Ferdinando Arzarello, Marianna Bosch, Tommy Dreyfus,
Josep Gascn, Stefan Halverscheid, Mariam Haspekian,
Ivy Kidron, Agns Corblin-Lenfant, Alexander Meyer,
Cristina Sabena, and Ingolf Schfer

Abstract This chapter presents the main ideas and constructs of the book and uses the
triplet (system of principles, methodologies, set of paradigmatic questions) for describing the theories involved. In Part II (Chaps. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7), the diversity of five
theoretical approaches is presented; these approaches are compared and systematically
put into a dialogue throughout the book. In Part III (Chaps. 9, 10, 11, and 12), four
case studies of networking practices between these approaches show how this dialogue can take place. Chapter 8 and Part IV (Chaps. 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17) provide
methodological discussions and reflections on the presented networking practices.
Networking Theories Group: Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, Susanne Prediger, Michle Artigue,
Ferdinando Arzarello, Marianna Bosch, Tommy Dreyfus, Josep Gascn, Stefan Halverscheid,
Mariam Haspekian, Ivy Kidron, Agns Lenfant, Alexander Meyer, Cristina Sabena, and
Ingolf Schfer
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs (*)
Fachbereich 03 fr Mathematik und Informatik, AG Didaktik der Mathematik,
University of Bremen, Bibliothekstrasse 1, D-28359 Bremen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
S. Prediger
Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education,
TU Dortmund University, D-44227 Dortmund, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Artigue
Laboratoire LDAR & IREM, Universit Paris Diderot Paris 7, Sorbonne Paris Cit,
Case 7018, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France
e-mail: [email protected]
F. Arzarello
Dipartimento di Matematica, Universit di Torino, Via Carlo Alberto, 10, 10123 Torino, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Bosch
IQS School of Management, Universitat Ramon Llull,
Via Augusta 390, 08017 Barcelona, Spain
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research
Practice in Mathematics Education, Advances in Mathematics Education,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9_1, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014

A. Bikner-Ahsbahs et al.

Keywords Theories Networking Methodology of networking

For about 15 years, the diversity of theories has been intensively discussed in
the mathematics education research community (Ernest 1998; Steen 1999;
Lerman 2006; Prediger et al. 2008a; Sriraman and English 2010; and many others).
Our Networking Theories Group started in 2005. In this chapter, we make explicit

T. Dreyfus
Department of Mathematics Science and Technology Education, Joan
and Jaime Constantiner School of Education, Tel Aviv University,
P. O. B. 39040, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Gascn
Departament de Matemtiques, Facultat de Cincies, Universitat Autnoma
de Barcelona, Edifici C Campus de la UAB, 08193 Bellaterra
(Cerdanyola del Valls), Barcelona, Spain
e-mail: [email protected]
S. Halverscheid
Mathematics Institute, Georg-August-University,
Bunsenstr. 3-5, D-37073 Gttingen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Haspekian
Laboratoire EDA, Facult des Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Universit Paris
Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cit, 45, rue des Saints-Pres, 75270 Paris Cedex 06, France
e-mail: [email protected]
I. Kidron
Department of Applied Mathematics, Jerusalem College of Technology,
Havaad Haleumi Street, 21, Jerusalem 91160, Israel
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Corblin-Lenfant
IREM de REIMS, UFR Sciences Exactes et Naturelles,
Moulin de la Housse, BP 1039, 51687 Reims Cedex 2, France
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Meyer
TU Dortmund University, D-44227 Dortmund, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
C. Sabena
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze delleducazione, Universit di Torino,
Via Gaudenzio Ferrari, 9/11, 10124 Torino, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
I. Schfer
Fachbereich 3 for Mathematics and Information Technology,
University of Bremen, Bibliothekstrasse 1, D-28359 Bremen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]

1 Starting Points for Dealing with the Diversity of Theories

the starting points for our way of dealing with this diversity. We will refer to the
following questions:
Why do there exist so many theoretical approaches?
What exactly do we mean by theories or theoretical approaches, and for what are
they needed?
How can we deal with the diversity of theoretical approaches?
Whereas the most important third question is treated throughout the whole book,
this introduction starts with the first two questions.


Sources for the Diversity of Theoretical Approaches

The first question is easy: one important source for the diversity of theories in
mathematics education is that they evolved independently in different regions of the
world and different cultural circumstances, including traditions of typical classroom
cultures, values, but also varying institutional settings (cf. English and Sriraman
2005, p.452). The (at least equally important) second reason for the existence of
different theories and theoretical approaches is the complexity of the topic of
research itself. Since mathematics learning and teaching is a multi-faceted phenomenon which cannot be described, understood, or explained by one monolithic
theory alone, a variety of theories is necessary to grasp the complexity of the field
(Bikner-Ahsbahs and Prediger 2010). A third reason has been outlined by Teppo
(1998) in that there are various ways of knowing in the field of mathematics
education which are situated in various paradigms and, thus, produce different
kinds of theoretical views. Teppo takes the diversity of theories as a sign that the
field of mathematics education is alive and well (1998, p. 5). We would add that
the diversity is not only an indicator for the dynamic character of the field, but it is
also an outcome of the dynamic of theories. This is the fourth source.
The work of the Networking Theories Group, which has grown from the CERME
working groups on Theories since CERME 4, started from the claim of diversity as
a resource (Artigue et al. 2006). In order to substantiate the claim of diversity as a
resource for rich scientific progress, the second question is addressed in the following
section (following Bikner-Ahsbahs and Prediger 2010).


Conceptualizations and Functions

of Theoretical Approaches

There is no shared unique definition of theory or theoretical approach among mathematics education researchers (see Assude et al. 2008). The large diversity already
starts with the heterogeneity of what is called a theoretical approach or a theory by
various researchers and different scholarly traditions. Some refer to basic research

A. Bikner-Ahsbahs et al.

paradigms (such as the interpretative approach within social constructivism), others

to comprehensive general theories (such as the Theory of Didactical Situations),
and others to local conceptual tools (such as the modeling cycle) (cf. Prediger 2014).
Differences exist in the ways to conceptualize and question mathematical activities
and educational processes, in the type of results they can provide, but also in their
scopes and backgrounds.
Mason and Waywood distinguish between different characters of theories:
foreground theories are local theories in mathematics education about what does
and can happen within and without educational institutions (Mason and Waywood
1996, p. 1056). In contrast, a background theory is a (mostly) consistent philosophical
stance of or about mathematics education which plays an important role in discerning
and defining what kind of objects are to be studied, indeed, theoretical constructs act
to bring these objects into being (ibid., p. 1058). The background theory can
comprise implicit parts that refer to epistemological, ontological, or methodological
ideas, for example about the nature and aim of education, the nature of mathematics,
and the nature of mathematics education. Taking the notions of foreground and
background theory as offering relative distinctions rather than an absolute classification, they can help to distinguish different views on theories.
The different understandings of theory cannot only be distinguished according to
the focus on foreground or background theories, but also according to their general
view on the relation between theory and research practices. For analytical reasons,
we distinguish a more static and a more dynamic view on theories. A normative
more static view regards theory as a human construction to present, organize, and
systematize a set of results about a piece of the real world, which then becomes a
tool to be used. In contrast, a more dynamic view regards a theory as a tool in use
rooted in some kind of philosophical background which constantly has to be developed in a suitable way in order to answer a specific question about an object. In this
sense the notion of theory is embedded in the practical work of researchers. It is not
ready for use, but has to be developed in order to answer a given question. In this
context, the term theoretical approach is sometimes preferred to theory, and so
do we in this volume. Even very well developed theories such as the Theory of
Didactical Situations (see Chap. 4) or the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic
(Chap. 5) are still in a state of flux and can better be described by a wider and less
static view on theories.
Most conceptualizations of theoretical approaches define the function of theories
as being to explain a specific set of phenomena as in true in fact and theory and
emphasize sense-making [as] the subject of theorizing (Mason and Waywood
1996, p. 1056). This includes the function of (background) theories as perspectives
which help to produce knowledge about what, how, and why things happen in a
vague phenomenon of mathematics education. And hence Mason and Waywood
conclude: To understand the role of theory in a research program is to understand
what are taken to be the things that can be questioned and what counts as an answer
to that questioning (Mason and Waywood 1996, p. 1056).
Silver and Herbst (2007) also approach the notion of theory in mathematics
education in a dynamic way. Comparisons of different theories, with respect to

1 Starting Points for Dealing with the Diversity of Theories

their roles as instruments mediating between problems, practices, and research, show
that theories in mathematics education are mostly developed for certain purposes.
For example:
theories which mediate practices and research can be understood as a language
of descriptions of an educational practice or as a system of best practices
(ibid., p. 56);
theories which mediate problems and practices can be understood as a proposed
solution to a problem or a tool which can help design new practices (ibid, p. 59);
theories which mediate research and problems can be understood as means to
transform a commonsensical problem into a researchable problem or as a lens
to analyze data and produce results of research on a problem (ibid., p. 50).
Some theories are used to investigate problems or empirical phenomena in
mathematics education; others provide the tools for design, and the language to
observe, understand, describe, and even explain or predict, (conceptualized)
If we approach the notion of theory in this way, from its role in research practices,
theories can be understood as guiding research practices and at the same time being
influenced by or being the aim of research practices. This dialectic between theory
and research (Assude et al. 2008) has to be taken into account in many discourses
about the notion of theory. For example, Radford (2008) takes this role into account
by describing theories by means of a triplet of three components:
A theory can be seen as a way of producing understandings and ways of action based on:

A system, P, of basic principles, which includes implicit views and explicit statements
that delineate the frontier of what will be the universe of discourse and the adopted
research perspective.
A methodology, M, which includes techniques of data collection and data-interpretation
as supported by P.
A set, Q, of paradigmatic research questions (templates or schemas that generate
specific questions as new interpretations arise or as the principles are deepened,
expanded or modified). (Radford 2008, p. 320)

Radfords conceptualization of theory as a way of producing understandings and

ways of action again reflects that theories cannot be separated from the research
practices in which they are grown and used. Radford considers this triplet as being
a dynamic entity which evolves successively through the dialectic relationship of its
components. Radford specifically names two ways of supporting the evolution of
theories: through producing results, because the results of a theory influence its
components; and also through the networking of theories (Radford 2012).
In this book, we work with five theoretical approaches, presented in Chaps. 3, 4,
5, 6, and 7. For presenting the theoretical approaches, we decided to follow Radfords
triplet of Principles, Methodologies, and Questions. It was interesting to see that
two decisions were necessary before this fitted for all five approaches: we had to
extend the principles by Key Constructs; and we had to allow different orders among
the four components Principles, Key Constructs, Questions and Methodology, since
their mutual relationships are conceptualized differently in the five approaches.


A. Bikner-Ahsbahs et al.

A Journey on Networking Theories

Steen (1999) warned that the diversity of theoretical approaches in mathematics

education research is an indicator of missing maturity of the discipline. In contrast,
many researchers emphasize that the diversity is not a problem, but a necessity for
grasping the complexity of the topic of research (Teppo 1998; Lerman 2006).
However, accepting the co-existence of isolated, arbitrary theoretical approaches
regularly can cause challenges for communication, for the integration of empirical
results (e.g., for practical purposes in classrooms), and for scientific progress
(Prediger et al. 2008b, p. 169). That is why we emphasize that the diversity of
theoretical approaches can only become fruitful if connections between them are
actively established.
During the years of common work in the CERME working groups (Artigue
et al. 2006; Arzarello et al. 2008; Prediger et al. 2010; Kidron et al. 2011, 2013),
many different strategies and methods for networking of theoretical approaches
were developed (see Chap. 8 for an overview).
In this book, we report on the work of the Networking Theories Group (see
Preface) on establishing connections among the following five theoretical approaches:
Action, Production, and Communication Approach (introduced in Chap. 3):
APC provides a frame for investigating semiotic resources in the classroom. It
addresses the use of semiotic resources from a multimodal perspective including
the analysis of gestures as a resource for expression and communication.
Theory of Didactical Situations (introduced in Chap. 4): TDS provides a frame
for developing and investigating didactical situations in mathematics from an epistemological and systemic perspective that includes a corpus of concepts relevant
for addressing teaching and learning processes in mathematics classrooms and
Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (introduced in Chap. 5): ATD provides a
frame for investigating mathematical and didactical praxeologies on the institutional level of mathematics and its teaching and learning conditions. The main
idea of the concept of praxeologies is that all human activities comprise and link
two parts, a practice and a theory part.
Abstraction in Context (introduced in Chap. 6): AiC provides a frame for investigating learning processes which lead to new concepts and how they are built
through phases: the need for a new concept, the process of constructing the new
concept, and its consolidation.
Theory of Interest-Dense Situations (introduced in Chap. 7): IDS provides a frame
for how interest-dense situations and their epistemic and interest-supporting character are shaped through social interactions in mathematics classes distinguishing
three levels: the social interactions and how the participants are involved, the
dynamic of the epistemic processes, and the attribution of mathematical value.
For establishing connections among these five approaches, we began by selecting a
set of data as an empirical base. The original data provided by the APC team (see
Chap. 2 for the presentation of the data) consisted of a video of two students learning process on exponential functions in grade 10, namely Carlo and Giovanni.

1 Starting Points for Dealing with the Diversity of Theories

Part II of the book (Chaps. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) presents the five theoretical

approaches involved in the book. They describe their main principles, methodologies, and paradigmatic questions adding key constructs and if necessary additional results and show how these theories are used for analyzing the (for most
approaches alien) set of data. Already these first presentations bear testimony of a
strong experience recognized in this exercise, namely the need for different data:
whereas for the APC team, their video together with the task and the written answers
was completely sufficient for conducting an analysis, this data turned out to be
insufficient for teams using other theoretical approaches because it does not address
their relevant questions and it does not provide the data that is in the center of their
That is why the initial set of data had to be appropriated for each approach and
extended by background information about the intentions of the teacher, the
curriculum of the class, students previous knowledge, teachers intentions etc. For
making these specific needs for data transparent, the analysis for each theoretical
approach in Chaps. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 is split into two parts: the first part with only the
initial (alien) video and, wherever necessary, the second part with the extended and
appropriated set of data.
A second issue was how it would be possible for the different groups to make
sense of the given data. Besides the fact that all approaches needed a process of
extension and appropriation of the data, they chose different subsets of data to be able
methodically to work. This included differences in the focus on the mathematical task.
For some theories, the character of the given task is important because they investigate specific questions that can be induced by the design of tasks. For others, the
given mathematical learning situation is to be investigated and therefore the situation
is taken as it is. Some approaches focus on learning in-depth, others include the
teacher behavior or pose further questions to include institutional and societal conditions. These experiences with our home theories investigating alien data pointed to
the function of theories as heuristics for research. Since data collection already
belongs to the research practice that is specific for a certain approach, this attempt to
analyze alien data is a networking endeavor on the theories methodological level.
Whereas Part II of the book is mainly concerned with making the theoretical
approaches understandable (also with respect to their research practices), Part III
documents different ways of how to deepen the connection of theories. The introductory Chap. 8 presents different networking strategies and profiles on a general level
and provides the language and some methodological considerations for networking.
The core of the book is the rest of Part III with four case studies of networking
presented in Chaps. 9, 10, 11, and 12, all focused on the set of video data on Carlo,
Giovanni, and the exponential function. These case studies not only show the development of new aspects of this research but also how alien and home theories can
more deeply be understood by practices of networking:
Chapter 9 shows a case study of networking between APC and AiC. In the first
case study, the role of gestures for the process of knowledge construction is considered empirically. APC and AiC are linked in a way that gesture studies are
included into the frame of AiC through learning from research within the


A. Bikner-Ahsbahs et al.

Chapter 10 shows a case study of networking between TDS, ATC, and AiC. The
case of context, milieu, and the media-milieu dialectic contrasts and compares
three complex key constructs and their status within each theory in order to learn
how constructs which at a first glance seem to have a similar role in the understanding of teaching and learning can differ in each theory.
Chapter 11 shows a case study on networking involving only two theories, APC
and IDS. It describes a networking case that starts from a situation of seeming
contradiction and leads to a local integration of the new concept of the epistemological gap into both theories.
Chapter 12 shows a case study of networking between TDS and IDS. It investigates empirically two phenomena of two different theories and networks the
theories by comparing and contrasting these phenomena. This process leads to
deepening the understanding of the theories on the one hand and provides
insight into the character of the phenomena and their common idea on the other.
In addition, the two phenomena are contrasted with a third phenomenon from
APC. A reflection from an ATD perspective as an outside view on this case further
deepens the comprehension of the phenomena.
The lessons learnt from these different practices of bilateral and trilateral networking
were on three levels:
On the empirical level, we could gain deep and complex insights into the empirical
and conceptualized phenomena in the videos and the role of data. These insights
are reported in Chaps. 9, 10, 11, and 12.
On the theoretical level, the networking gave many impulses for theory development by sharpening theoretical principles or constructs, extending theoretical
approaches, building new concepts, posing new questions, or making explicit
commonalities but always while keeping the theories main identities. These
developments are documented in Chaps. 9, 10, 11, and 12 and compared and
systematized in Chaps. 14 and 15.
On a methodological level, the case studies of networking also offered insights
that can be transferred from the concrete cases to networking in principle. These
experiences and reflections are made explicit in Part IV of the book, in Chaps.
13, 14, and 15.
Part IV of the book is dedicated to the reflection of networking practices from
different perspectives:
from an internal perspective considering individual and informal experiences
(Chap. 13);
from a bottom-up perspective that tries to systematize the experiences (Chap. 14),
their gains and difficulties;
from a top-down perspective in terms of research praxeologies (Chap. 15);
and from two external perspectives adopted by our critical friends, Kenneth
Ruthven and Luis Radford (Chaps. 16 and 17).
Since the journey of networking of theoretical approaches was very long and
intense, this book is only partly able to capture and demonstrate our learning

1 Starting Points for Dealing with the Diversity of Theories


experiences. We started enthusiastically and continued being so, although we met

difficulties for which we had to find ways to overcome. One typical difficulty is, for
example, the limits arising from our common principle that the theories must not
lose their specificity.
The challenge to be theoretically open-minded slowly changed our standpoints.
Deep insights and interesting research results helped us carry on and further develop
the view on theories, research practices, and their diversity, and to uncover the
strengths and weaknesses of our networking enterprise.
In this way, the book intends to offer an opportunity for the readers to partly
participate in this networking endeavor and form an opinion and critical standpoint
on crucial methodological and meta-theoretical challenges that are as yet far from
being completely clarified.

Artigue, M., Bartolini-Bussi, M., Dreyfus, T., Gray, E., & Prediger, S. (2006). Different theoretical
perspectives and approaches in research in mathematics education. In M. Bosch (Ed.),
Proceedings of the 4th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics
Education (pp. 12391244). Barcelona: Fundemi IQS.
Arzarello, F., Bosch, M., Lenfant, A., & Prediger, S. (2008). Different theoretical perspectives in
research from teaching problems to research problems. In D. Pitta-Pantazi, G. Phillipou, et al.
(Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics
Education (CERME 5) (pp. 16181627). Cyprus: ERME.
Assude, T., Boero, P., Herbst, P., Lerman, S., & Radford, L. (2008). The notions and roles of theory
in mathematics education research. Paper presented by the Survey Team at ICME 11, Mexico.
Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., & Prediger, S. (2010). Networking of theories An approach for exploiting
the diversity of theoretical approaches. In B. Sriraman & L. English (Eds.), Theories of
mathematics education: Seeking new frontiers (Advances in mathematics education series,
pp. 483506). New York: Springer.
English, L., & Sriraman, B. (2005). Theories of mathematics education: A global survey of theoretical frameworks/trends in mathematics education research. Zentralblatt fr Didaktik der
Mathematik, 37(6), 450456.
Ernest, P. (1998). A postmodern perspective on research in mathematics education. In A. Sierpinska
& J. Kilpatrick (Eds.), Mathematics education as a research domain: A search for identity
(Vol. 1, pp. 7185). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Kidron, I., Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., Monaghan, J., Radford, L., & Sensevy, G. (2011). Different theoretical perspectives and approaches in research in mathematics education. In M. Pytlak,
T. Rowland, & E. Swoboda (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th conference of the European
Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 23772380). Rzeszow: ERME/University
of Rzeszow.
Kidron, I., Bosch, M., Monaghan, J., & Radford, L. (2013). Different theoretical perspectives and
approaches in research in mathematics education. In B. Ubuz, C. Haser, & M. A Mariotti
(Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics
Education (CERME 8), Antalya.
Lerman, S. (2006). Theories of mathematics education: Is plurality a problem? Zentralblatt fr
Didaktik der Mathematik, 38(1), 813.
Mason, J., & Waywood, A. (1996). The role of theory in mathematics education and research. In
A. J. Bishop et al. (Eds.), International handbook of mathematics education (pp. 10551089).
Dordrecht: Kluwer.


A. Bikner-Ahsbahs et al.

Prediger, S., Arzarello, F., Bosch, M., & Lenfant, A. (Eds.). (2008a). Comparing, combining, coordinating Networking strategies for connecting theoretical approaches. Thematic Issue of
ZDM The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 40(2), 163327.
Prediger, S., Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., & Arzarello, F. (2008b). Networking strategies and methods for
connecting theoretical approaches: First steps towards a conceptual framework. ZDM The
International Journal on Mathematics Education, 40(2), 165178.
Prediger, S., Bosch, M., Kidron, I., Monaghan, J., & Sensevy, G. (2010). Different theoretical
perspectives and approaches in mathematics education research Strategies and difficulties
when connecting theories. In V. Durand-Guerrier, S. Soury-Lavergne, & F. Arzarello (Eds.),
Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics
Education (pp. 15291534). Lyon: Institut National de Recherche Pdagogique.
Prediger, S. (2014, in press). Rolle von Theorien. In R. Bruder, L. Hefendehl-Hebeker, B. SchmidtThieme, & H.-G. Weigand (Eds.), Handbuch Mathematikdidaktik. Heidelberg: Springer.
Radford, L. (2008). Connecting theories in mathematics education: Challenges and possibilities.
ZDM The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 40(2), 317327.
Radford, L. (2012, May 31June 1). On the growth and transformation of mathematics education
theories. Paper presented at the international colloquium: The didactics of mathematics:
Approaches and issues. A homage to Michle Artigue.
Accessed 29 Oct 2013.
Silver, E. A., & Herbst, P. G. (2007). Theory in mathematics education scholarship. In F. K. Lester
(Ed.), Second handbook of research on mathematics teaching and learning (pp. 3968).
Reston: NCTM.
Sriraman, B., & English, L. (Eds.). (2010). Theories of mathematics education: Seeking new
frontiers (Advances in mathematics education series). New York: Springer.
Steen, L. A. (1999). Review of mathematics education as research domain. Journal for Research
in Mathematics Education, 30(2), 235241.
Teppo, A. (1998). Divers ways of knowing. In A. R. Teppo (Ed.), Qualitative research methods in
mathematics education (pp. 116). Reston: NCTM.

Chapter 2

Description of the Data: Introducing

the Session of Carlo, Giovanni,
and the Exponential Function
Cristina Sabena

Abstract The chapter provides the basic information on the set of data that is used
throughout the book. Data from a video recording show two students, Carlos and
Giovanni, when investigating the exponential function in a dynamic geometry
environment. An interview with the teacher gives background information.
Keyword Data

The common activity in the Networking Group started from considering a single set
of data from different perspectives. The basis of the data is a video showing a session from the group-work of two students, Giovanni and Carlo, during a teaching
experiment on the exponential function in secondary school. We analyzed the video
from different theoretical perspectives.
This initial set of data was shared at the beginning of the networking activity.
It consists of a video and its verbal transcript (translated into English), the students
written protocols, and some information on the research and didactical contexts.
In Sect. 2.1 we present the data, specifying what was actually presented and used in
our joint work. The complete transcript can be found in the Appendix A.1.
While this set of data was sufficient within the theoretical framework of the
research project in which it was gathered (in an informal project following Paola
2006 and Arzarello et al. 2009), the researchers of other theoretical frameworks
needed more data on students backgrounds, teachers perspectives and many other
aspects. For gathering this extended set of data, an interview with the teacher was
conducted (see Sect. 2.2.2).

C. Sabena (*)
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze delleducazione, Universit di Torino,
Via Gaudenzio Ferrari, 9/11, 10124 Torino, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research
Practice in Mathematics Education, Advances in Mathematics Education,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9_2, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014



C. Sabena

Further, a second video (here called extra video on Task 3) was also considered during the networking process; the video is briefly introduced in Sect. 2.2.3
and its transcript fully presented in the Appendix A.2.


Initial Set of Data

Research Context

The data come from an Italian long-term teaching project on investigating changing
quantities by ICT technologies in secondary schools. The project is supervised by
Ferdinando Arzarello and is planned and realized with the active collaboration of
the classroom teacher, Domingo Paola (2006).
Students have five hours of mathematics per week. Their teacher (Domingo) has
been with them for 5 years. ICT technologies are used extensively in the classroom,
in particular dynamic geometry software, spreadsheets and graphic-symbolic calculators. The teaching methods mainly alternate between group-work activities and
classroom discussions.
At the time of the experiment (February 2004), students were in grade 10 (second
year of secondary school), and already knew about dynamic discrete models of
exponential and logistic growth, approached by using different software for graphicsymbolic manipulations. They knew that in a succession defined by recursion that
represents an exponential growth, the ratio of two consecutive terms is constant.
They had worked with first and second finite differences for functions described by
numerical values for (x, f(x)) represented in tables. They usually described the
features of increasing and decreasing functions using the words it grows and grows
more and more and it grows and grows less and less.


Professional Background of the Teacher

At the time of the project, Domingo was a 50-year-old teacher with long experience in mathematics education, developed through a long-lasting collaboration
with many Italian researchers.1 He was one of the most active Italian teacherresearchers, and had published several papers in Italian and international journals
and conference proceedings. He was engaged in pre-service and in-service teacher
education programs, and took part in innovation projects funded by the Italian
Ministry of Education.

Teacher-researchers play a fundamental role in the Italian paradigm of research for innovation
(see Arzarello and Bartolini Bussi 1998 for a full description). These teachers collaborate
closely with researchers, and participate in all phases of classroom-based research, from planning
to data analysis.

Description of the Data: Introducing the Session of Carlo


As a teacher, Domingo believes that the major goal of teaching and learning
(in general, and of mathematics in particular) is to foster the formation and development of competences and knowledge essential for an informed, conscious, and
critical citizenship. His didactical choices are aimed at this objective.
In his lessons he adopts an informal approach, and exploits different ICT
tools (spreadsheets, symbolic-graphic calculators, devoted software for graphs
of functions, ) in order to make the students visualize and reason on properties of
functions starting from numerical data and a perceptive-descriptive approach. The
formalization within the formal mathematical theory follows from the informal
approach through technology. As a didactical technique, he poses problems through
sheets and files that he prepares himself, with the students working on these
in groups of two or three. During the group-work, Domingo supervises the work,
resolving possible difficulties with the tools, and providing prompts with regard to the
tasks. Classroom discussions follow the group-work sessions: in these lessons, the
teacher guides the comparison between the students productions, and introduces or
refines the mathematical notions and methods, by enhancing an argumentative and
theoretical approach to mathematics.


Activities and Tools

In the session that is investigated here, the students are involved in exploratory
activities that are conducted in pairs using Cabri, a Dynamic Geometry Software
(DGS) program. With three tasks presented in written worksheets and DGS files,
they explore the graphs of exponential functions y = ax and of its tangent line2 (a is a
parameter whose value can be changed in a slider).
Carlo and Giovanni work together on a computer with files that the teacher has
prepared for the exploration. Figures 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 show the (translated) text of
the worksheets and the configurations in the DGS (that was not on the worksheet but
on the computer screen; some screenshots are added for easier reading).
The two students work on three tasks (to which we will sometimes refer as
Episode 1, 2, and 3). Task 1 and Task 2 are presented on one worksheet and Task 3
on a second worksheet (since it required opening the new version of the software,
Cabri II PLUS). Each task corresponds to a DGS file, which the students have to
open and use in their work. The worksheets are translated below.
In Task 1, the students have first to explore the graph of y = 2.7x in the first DGS
file; they can drag a point representing the abscissa x, and for every x, a number
representing the ordinate y = 2.7x appears on the screen (Fig. 2.1). They can use the
animation function of DGS to foster the observation of the different velocities of x
and y. In Task 2, the students open another file and are asked to explore y = ax by
changing the value of the base of the exponential (Fig. 2.2).

The line is actually a secant line; the secant points are so near that the line appears on the screen
as tangent to the graph. This issue had been discussed in the classroom in a previous lesson.


C. Sabena

Fig. 2.1 Task 1 and corresponding DGS screen configurations

Task 3 (Fig. 2.3) is more structured than the previous tasks and proposes an
exploration in order to highlight both local and global aspects of the exponential
variation. It contains:
the graph of y = ax;
the points P(x, ax), H(x + x, ax);
two sliders, one for x and another for a, whose variation allows the students to
modify, respectively, the increment x and the base of the exponential.
The exploration carried out varying x has the didactical goal of highlighting local
aspects relative to the value of the slope of the tangent line. The exploration carried

Description of the Data: Introducing the Session of Carlo


Fig. 2.2 Task 2 and corresponding DGS screen configurations

out dragging P has the goal of shedding light on global aspects of the exponential
function, and in particular the variations related to its slope functions (according to
the teachers planning).


The Students Carlo and Giovanni

The video shows two male students, Carlo and Giovanni, who are used to working
together during group-work activities in mathematics. We provide brief information
about the students (the information has been provided by the teacher).
Carlo reveals good intuition in group-work and is very participative and motivated both in collective activities and in individual work. This attitude has not
always been the case. At the beginning of grade 9 (first year of high school), he was


C. Sabena

Fig. 2.3 Task 3 and corresponding DGS screen configuration

little involved in school, although his results were sufficient thanks to his capacity
of using his possessed knowledge. In grade 10, together with the support of the
family, Carlos engagement in school has increased, arriving at brilliant results,
especially in mathematics. In a short time the student has become one of the most

Description of the Data: Introducing the Session of Carlo


positive students in group-work, both in cognitive and for relational aspects. By the
time of the analyzed session, Carlo had obtained excellent results in mathematics,
with good expressive capacity.
Giovanni has always participated with commitment and perseverance in the
classroom activities and the e-mail exchanges with the teachers and his classmates.
From a composition he wrote in the first year of high school on the image of mathematics from primary to secondary school, we can infer that he has some linguistic
problems (his mother is German); and his mathematics path is rich from the
emotional point of view. In grade 10, he is used to working with Carlo, and they
have developed a good rapport.


Overview of the Session

The session in which Carlo and Giovanni worked on Tasks 13 has been videorecorded and transcribed. As the English translation of the transcript was the basis
of the common analyses, we print it completely in the Appendix A.1. At some
critical points, we went back to the Italian version (the original transcript is
available from the author of this chapter).
In this paragraph, we give a short overview of Carlo and Giovannis work, which
lasts about one hour. This overview was not given to the researchers at the beginning
of the networking activity but helps here to embed the phenomena.
The teacher distributes the worksheets to the students, and they start from Task 1
(Fig. 2.1), opening the corresponding DGS file. Carlo and Giovanni work on one
computer. Giovanni sits in front of the screen, uses the mouse and technically carries
out the exploration on the screen, whereas Carlo, to his right, is in charge of writing
a common solution on the sheets. Despite this labor division, they work in a very
collaborative way and give mutual suggestions for what to explore or write.
Carlo and Giovanni work for roughly twenty-five minutes on Task 1 (lines 0138
of the transcript), twenty minutes on Task 2 (lines 139248), and a quarter of an
hour on Task 3 (lines 249379).
In Episode 1, dealing with Task 1, the students use Cabri to explore the graphical
situation, focusing their attention on the ordinate of the points of the function
y = 2.7x. Instead of modifying the measure unit on the y-axis, as suggested on the
sheet, they change the base of the exponential, and observe that the function remains
of the same kind (lines 018). They soon recognize that they are exponential functions (line 18), a kind of function that they had already encountered in previous
lessons (even if without focusing on its properties, as they are doing in this lesson).
In fact, as can be seen in detail in Sect. 2.2.2 and in particular in the teachers
answers to question 17, about 1 month previously the students had been introduced
to continuous linear model and linear discrete dynamic systems, and to discrete
exponential models.
Carlo investigates the case with base 1, that is, y = 1x, to check whether the function becomes a line. Then they explore the function for negative abscissas, saying
that it goes towards 0, and check the value for 0 (that is, y0 = 1) (lines 1956).


C. Sabena

While activating the Trace function in the DGS, they observe what happens on
the screen. They read the worksheet again, wondering whether they had misunderstood it (the changing of the measure unit); they observe the screen, and do not talk
very much. They meet some technical problems with the DGS, so they call the
teacher and ask about deleting the trace on the screen, and obtaining the coordinate
of a point from the DGS (lines 5788).
After this short teacher intervention, focused on technical instrumental issues,
the students continue working on Task 1. Carlo proposes to Giovanni to check
whether (2.7)2/(2.7)1 = 2.7. They verify their conjecture with the aid of a pocket
calculator (lines 89104). In this way, they get the validation that the graph
represents an exponential function (line 105). Carlo starts writing the answer to
Task 1, and Giovanni helps him. They also continue to explore the function in DGS,
and describe the behavior of the function, first orally, and then in a written form by
writing it on their sheets (lines 106124).
In Episode 2, Carlo and Giovanni begin Task 2 by reading carefully the corresponding text in the worksheet (lines 139151). During a short struggle on what to
do in the DGS file, Giovanni realizes that they have to move the point corresponding
to the base a (the right end of the lowest horizontal segment in Fig. 2.2), so they start
together the exploration of the situation (lines 152159). Carlo proposes to explore
the case in which the function has a very big base (by making the parameter a very
big), and they make conjectures about the functions behavior (lines 160171).
Then, following Giovannis suggestion, they explore the case in which a is very
small. It is then Carlo who guides the exploration of the case a = 1 (which corresponds to a line, which as the students show is to be expected), and of the case a < 1.
The students appear satisfied by what they observe on the screen, since the graphs
confirm what they expected (lines 172188). They write their answer, starting again
from the case a > 1 (lines 189202), and then discussing the case a > 1 (lines
203220). The writing of the answer to Task 2 takes some time for the students
(from 38:55 to 41:25), since they discuss each claim, sometimes modifying what
they had previously said (e.g., now Giovanni says that the function does not reach 0
as value, differently from what he had said before).
The description of the work on Task 3 follows in Sect. 2.2.3.


Extended Set of Data

In the very initial phase, the researchers in the Networking Group were provided
with the video, its transcript (both Italian and English versions), the DGS files, and
a summary of the task and its didactic background.
During the process of networking it became evident that there was a need for
further information about the background of the teaching experiment. Thus, written
protocols, worksheet texts, detailed information on the students background (as the
teacher sees it), and information on the teachers ideas were added to the already
existing data corpus. This information is presented in this section.

Description of the Data: Introducing the Session of Carlo


Fig. 2.4 Carlo and Giovannis written protocols


The Written Protocols

The transcript was accompanied by a written protocol showing all of the students
written notes during the session, presented here in the English translation (Fig. 2.4).3

The students sometimes use x in a plural form. As this cannot easily be expressed in English, the
hint [plural] is sometimes inserted.



C. Sabena

Background Information Given by the Teacher

In order to get an extended understanding of the shared data and obtain some background information on the students learning history, the teachers learning goals
and didactical intentions etc., the participants of the Networking Group collected 18
questions for the teacher which were posed in a written form. The teacher answered
16 of the 18 questions in an interview, and the last two in a written questionnaire.
The interview was recorded and translated into English. The questionnaire was
answered directly in English.
As different chapters of this book refer to different parts of the interview, we
print long parts of the answers for methodological reasons of accountability, the
complete answers are given in the Appendix A.3. However, the reader of this
chapter might prefer to skip this reading at first and come back to it in the context
of the other chapters.
1. In advance of the lesson, how did you expect the students to work together at
the computer? How did you expect them to share roles? What ground rules
had you tried to establish about joint work at the computer with this class?
[] With respect to mathematical competences, I hope that students read
the text of the posed problems very carefully and that they begin to do some
explorations, either mental explorations or with the help of technological tools.
These explorations have the aim to create context, to create meaning, to provide
experience of problem situations; they encourage the production of conjectures
and should motivate students to validate their produced conjectures. I hope that
students often ask themselves why they observed some patterns, some regularities. [] I hope that students are able to argue and to support their conjectures
and solving strategies in a pertinent and convincing way and with coherence to
their mathematical knowledge. []

3. What conditions support or hinder learning when students work together like
this at the computer?
[] More in general, in my opinion the use of the PC may hinder learning
or, put better, can create obstacles to learning if the tool is used in a uncritical
way, for example to obtain answers and not give rise to questions and thought.
In my opinion technological tools have to be used to empower the possibility to
experience the mathematical environment and mathematical objects. In this
way we should use them in the teachinglearning activities. []
4. During a lesson of this type, under what circumstances do you decide to get
involved with a pair of students, and what kinds of things do you do?
I enter in a working group if the students call me. Sometimes I enter in a
working group if I realize that students are stuck. Other times I enter because I
realize that students are working very well and they have very good ideas that
need to be treated more deeply. Obviously the type of things that I do vary with
the situations, but a constant is that I try to work in a zone of proximal

Description of the Data: Introducing the Session of Carlo


development. The analysis of video and the attention we paid to gestures made
me aware of the so-called semiotic game that consists in using the same
gestures as students but accompanying them with more specific and precise
language compared with the language used by students. The semiotic game, if
it is used with awareness, may be a very good tool to introduce students to
institutional knowledge.
5. Choose specific examples from the video of your becoming involved with the
pair of students. Talk us through them.
In this video my dialogues with the students are few. Anyway, it seems to
me that among the more interesting there is the intervention at the minute 53
and 59 seconds. I use a gesture used before by Giovanni. This gesture is towards
a little segment that approximates locally the function and I ask: What is the
characteristic of this segment? My aim is to induce the students to reflect on
the fact that it is important to pay attention to the slope of the little segments,
because their slope gives information on the growth of the function. Giovanni
says it is twice the previous slope I, using his same gesture, say more
precisely that the slope has an exponential growth. At the minute 54 and 24
seconds, I help the students to remember that the characteristic of the exponential successions is that of having the ratio of two consecutive terms constant.
Immediately after, I ask the students: Are you surprised that the graph of the
function is so close to zero for small x? Giovanni, at the minute 55 and 28
seconds says something like with number smaller and smaller, I have number
smaller and smaller. I reword this idea with a more precise language. In the
following dialogue, Giovanni and Carlo are able to explain in a comprehensible
way the reason why the graph of an exponential function of base greater than 1
is so close to the x-axis for x less than 0 and explodes for high values of x.
6. What experience did the students previously have of using DGS? Working
specifically with function graphs?
The students have known since the beginning of the first school year the
software Cabri. Besides, since the beginning of the first school year they have
worked on the concept of function, as regards the numerical, graphical, and
symbolic aspects. In particular, as regards graphical and numerical aspects,
they have also used other software such as spreadsheets, Graphic Calculus, and
TI-InterActive. Additionally, they have worked with motion sensors.
7. Describe the kind of understanding that you expected the students to develop
during this lesson.
After having characterized, in previous lessons, exponential growth (I mean
exponential successions) as growth for which the ratio of two successive values
is constant, I wanted students to understand why ax with a greater than 1 grows
with x more speedily than any polynomial growth. The aim of the DGS file
was to make the students understand that an exponential growth is directly
proportional to the value of the function itself. This is an important step in
understanding why the derivative of an exponential function is still an exponential function of the same base.


C. Sabena

8. What problems/skills/concepts did you expect students to meet in this lesson,

and to what extent did you expect them to be able to use these in future
The main aim of the posed activity was to allow students to develop an
understanding of the concept of exponential growth. In previous activities,
students faced the study of exponential successions and characterized them as
successions for which the ratio between two consecutive terms is constant.
With this activity, with the help of Cabri, I wanted the students to understand
that exponential functions are functions for which the growth is proportional to
the function itself. In other terms, the derivative of an exponential function is
proportional to the function itself. This consideration, in my opinion, should
allow students to understand why the exponential function ax with a greater
than 1 grows with x faster than any power of x.
9. How did you plan the lesson and organize the classwork so that this learning
would take place?
An idea was that of preparing worksheets in Cabri of increasing difficulty.
The first worksheet has only two points, one on the x-axis and the other on the
y-axis, tied by the relationship y = 2.7x. [] The second sheet allows students
to look at what happens to an exponential function if the base changes, while
the third worksheet gives a local and a global approach to the exponential
function thanks to the construction of the derivative of an exponential
function. []
10. What would it be useful to do after this lesson, to take it beyond the group work
shown in the video?
[] Generally, in the follow-up, I continue the work following two paths.
In the first one I pose some problematic situations which, to be solved, ask for
exponential models. In the second one I present the properties of exponentials
and I introduce the logarithmic function as the inverse function of an exponential. [] Finally I propose some techniques to solve exponential and logarithmic
equations and inequations, [].
11. What mathematical knowledge do you expect to institutionalize in the
sense of giving it some kind of explicit official recognition for the future work
of the class following on from this lesson?
[] Im strongly convinced that the main function of teaching, not only of
math, is to help students to exercise critical thought, to acquire the necessary
competences for an informed and aware citizenship. This is the main aim of my
lessons and of my work with students. Generally, then, I try to assess in the
students the competence to observe and explore situations; to produce and to
support conjectures; to understand what they are doing and to reflect on it []
then I try to understand, in my follow-up work, whether students are able to use
knowledge constructed with activities like that of the video to face situations
which require simple exponential models. [] A typical exercise is like the
following: What can you say about the Inequation 1.1x 1 > 1000 x100? Justify
your answer.

Description of the Data: Introducing the Session of Carlo


12. Do you expect to find different levels of thinking when you evaluate students work
on this task sequence? If so, what are these levels, and how do you recognize them?
A first level is that of perceiving the different velocity of variation that
exists between x and ax. [] A second level is that of the understanding of how
the graph of an exponential function varies when the base varies. A third level,
as in the third worksheet of Cabri, is relative to the understanding that the incremental ratio is a function of two variables (the x and the increment h). [] A
fourth level is the passage from the local to the global aspects of the derivative.
From the gradient to the gradient function. [] Generally, from the third level,
the understanding happens only thanks to the direct intervention of the teacher
in the small groups and this understanding is consolidated in the mathematical
discussions guided by the teacher with the whole class.
13. Afterwards when the derivative is taught in the formal way, what are the effects
of the students having experienced these tasks on their thinking and on your
way of explaining?
When I tell about the formal aspects of the derivative I often make some
reference to these experiences and activities. It seems to me that also a lot of students are able to make these connections to give meaning to formal aspects. []
For example, the formal calculation of the derivatives can be reduced to the algebra of linear functions if one uses the local linearity of a derivable function. And
the local linearity finds its cognitive root in the local straightness of which students have experience thanks to the zooming function of the case they have used.

17. Contextual information about the activity (How does it insert in the didactical
path? How is it carried out? In what part of the year?) [written answer in
original English]
[] The worksheet proposed in the videotaped activity is situated in the
middle of lesson 7, before the formal approach to the concept of derivative of a
polynomial function [] and before the idea of how is it possible to locally
approximate a function with a quadratic function.
The activity intends to clarify the principal features of increasing behaviors
and of exponential functions. In particular, it intends to explain the reason why
at the increasing of x an exponential of base greater than 1 will increase, definitively, more than any other polynomial function of x, whatever grade of the
polynomial. In the project, exponential functions and sequences are used to
cope with problem situations coming out from exponential models. []
The most significant and important needs that have brought the creation of
the project are:
Creating teaching-learning environments that are sensed in the double
meaning given by Galileo: linked to senses, perception, but also guided by
intellect and theory. []
Engaging students in knowledge building, settlement, reorganizing and communicating, thus providing the teacher tools for obtaining information not
only on the products, but also on the cognitive processes, necessary for any
serious evaluation escaping the chimera [i.e. wrong idea] of objectivity; []


C. Sabena

18. Goals, intentions, and methodology as designer of the project (Why is the activity
carried out? How? What is its contribution in the global project?) [written
answer in original English]
[] The possibilities that new technologies offer to make experiences, to
observe, to foster the production of conjectures are a wonderful tool to help
students in their approach to theoretical thinking if the didactic contract is clear
and includes the justification of the produced conjectures. That means asking,
at any school level, questions of the kind: why?
The answer to such kind of question is located, finally, in theories. At the
beginning students will tend to explain facts by means of facts. This exercise
will lead them, with the guide of the teacher, to seize relationships between
facts and thus to feel the need of finding out laws (propositions, axioms, )
that can be chosen to explain the observed facts. When this need is felt, the
student is already in the theoretical thinking and the following passages, as the
presentation of the organization of the institutional knowledge, i.e. well
organized theories, can be done with good hope of success, above all if the
necessary didactical attentions are not underestimated. []


Extra Episode After Task 3 (Extra Video)

The data set was completed by a second video excerpt, containing an episode that
occurred immediately after the students completed writing their answers to Task 3.
It lasts about a minute and a half, and shows Giovanni and Carlo discussing with the
teacher whether the exponential function can be approximated with a straight line,
when x is very big. This extra episode provided the fabric for two case studies,
which involved APC, AiC, and IDS perspectives (see Chaps. 3, 6, and 7). The transcript can be found in the Appendix A.2.
Before this transcript starts, Giovanni and Carlo worked on Task 3 starts by reading
the text on the worksheet, and interpreting it with respect to the DGS file. In particular,
they focus on a, PH, and x, and discuss whether PH and x are the same thing.
The students quickly observe that the point P and the base a (which they call the
rate of growth) can be varied; they also note that x can be varied but only after
they called the unnamed vertex of the triangle H (see Fig. 2.5; the coordinates of H
are (xQ, yP)), and identified x with PH (lines 249281).
Varying P, they observe that HQ varies with P, and that as P moves to the left, HQ
becomes small and the secant appears to become a tangent. They briefly and vaguely
also comment on what happens as PQ gets small (lines 298, 301) and mention the
option of varying a, but then return to consider the effect of varying P as PQ is
constant. They also explore and comment on what happens for P near zero, that is
yP 0. They identify PH = x (lines 282323).
Now the teacher joins them, and participates in the conversation until almost the
end of the lesson (line 368). The teachers participation is active he does not only

Description of the Data: Introducing the Session of Carlo


Fig. 2.5 The computer

screen configuration
(with the triangle PQH
highlighted here for clarity)

ask questions but also provides information. In lines 325343, the first issue discussed with the teacher is what happens as x becomes very small. This issue is
brought about by the teacher, whereas the students are initially referring to the
points P and Q as having the same distance (lines 327330). While the students
focus on the phenomenon that the line becomes (nearly) a tangent, the teacher keeps
asking what information this provides for them. Nested within this segment, the
students recall that the (secant) line approximates the function better, the closer P is
to y = 0 (lines 331334).
Under the teachers questioning and prompting, the students conclude that the
exponential function could be approximated by a set of little tangent elements, each
steeper than the preceding one (lines 344353). The teacher then guides a discussion establishing that the growth percentage or the ratio between a value and its
successor (the teachers expressions; the students repeat some of them) remains
constant and that this is consistent with the growth rate being low: the function
crushes on the x-axis (according to the teacher) when the values of the function
are close to y = 0 (for small x). The students repeat, in their own words, part of what
the teacher says (lines 354367).
The teacher leaves and the students begin to summarize what they are going to
write: that the exponential function can be approximated by little straight line
segments of increasing slope; that for small x, these straight-line segments
are almost like a (straight) line, that the graph is similar to a line and has a constant
rate of growth at the beginning, that is, x (lines 368369).
Finally, they turn to the question of what happens when a varies. They seem to
keep P and x constant and observe that the area of the triangle grows as a grows
(lines 370379).


C. Sabena

Arzarello, F., & Bartolini Bussi, M. G. (1998). Italian trends in research in mathematics education:
A national case study in the international perspective. In J. Kilpatrick & A. Sierpinska (Eds.),
Mathematics education as a research domain: A search for identity (pp. 197212). Dordrecht:
Arzarello, F., Paola, D., Robutti, O., & Sabena, C. (2009). Gestures as semiotic resources in the
mathematics classroom. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 70(2), 97109.
Paola, D. (2006). Il significato di crescita esponenziale in un ambiente di geometria dinamica. La
matematica e la sua didattica, 1, 3958.

Part II

Diversity of Theories

Chapter 3

Introduction to the Approach of Action,

Production, and Communication (APC)
Ferdinando Arzarello and Cristina Sabena

Abstract By referring to the data presented in Chap. 2, the chapter introduces the
theoretical approach of Action, Production, and Communication (APC) and the
related tool of the semiotic bundle. APC provides a frame for investigating semiotic
resources in the classroom. It addresses the use of semiotic resources from a multimodal perspective including the analysis of gestures as a resource for thinking and
Keywords Theories Action/Production/Communication Semiotic bundle


APC Approach An Overview

The APC approach focuses on classroom processes of teaching and learning mathematics, on both cognitive and didactic levels. APC means Action, Production, and
Communication, which are considered to be three fundamental components of
mathematical activity in the classrooms social context. These components are to be
seen as mutually enriching, and inseparable, and are analyzed with a semiotic lens
called a semiotic bundle.

F. Arzarello (*)
Dipartimento di Matematica, Universit di Torino,
Via Carlo Alberto, 10, 10123 Torino, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
C. Sabena
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze delleducazione, Universit di Torino,
Via Gaudenzio Ferrari, 9/11, 10124 Torino, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research
Practice in Mathematics Education, Advances in Mathematics Education,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9_3, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014



F. Arzarello and C. Sabena

In this chapter we introduce the main theoretical elements of this theory, and
illustrate it by referring to selected episodes from the video of Carlo, Giovanni, and
the exponential function (presented in Chap. 2). For further discussion and examples, the reader may refer to Arzarello (2008), Arzarello et al. (2009, 2011), and
Sabena (2007, 2008).



The APC approach has its foundation mainly in two complementary theoretical
assumptions: the multimodal perspective on cognition and communication, and the
social-cultural characterization of human activity and thinking. Multimodality has
its roots in the psychological theories that emphasize the crucial role of the body in
thinking and knowledge development: the most recent is the so-called embodied
cognition perspective. The relevance of the social-cultural dimension draws on the
work of Vygotsky and Vygotskian scholars.
In the next sections, we show how the integration of these theoretical elements
allows us to characterize an interpersonal cognitive space, called Space of Action,
Production, and Communication, suitable for mathematics learning in a social
context. We will elaborate on these notions in the next section.

Embodiment and Multimodality

Embodiment is a stream in cognitive science that assigns the body a central role in
shaping the mind (for an overview, see Wilson 2002). Even if a certain importance
to the body was assigned in other relevant pedagogical theories such as those from
Montessori (1934) and Piaget (see Overton 2008), in mathematics education the
attention to such a theme was prompted by the provocative book Where Mathematics
Comes From by Lakoff and Nez (2000), and then applied by researchers in
several studies within the field (e.g., Arzarello and Robutti 2001; Nemirovsky 2003;
Edwards 2009).
The new stance emphasized sensory and motor functions, as well as their
importance for successful interaction with the environment. Criticizing the platonic
idealism and the Cartesian mindbody dualism, Lakoff and Nez (2000) advocated that mathematical ideas are founded on our bodily experiences and develop
through metaphorical mechanisms. A typical example is the notion of set, which is
based on the grounding metaphor sets are containers: using this cognitive metaphor
without effort, we are able to think and say that an element is IN a set, or OUTSIDE
a set, and so on, as it would be IN a container or OUTSIDE of it.
The importance of body experiences was not completely new to the field of education: for instance, Piaget (1952) himself stated the sensory-motor experiences as
the first steps in concept formation. Against this background, the embodied perspectives brought two interesting novelties: the claim that bodily experiences intervene

Introduction to the Approach of Action, Production, and Communication (APC)


beyond a first phase of knowing, and permeate all the process of knowledge production; and the metaphors as cognitive mechanisms for abstract concept formation
(see the above example of sets conceptualized as containers). However, we agree
with Schiralli and Sinclair (2003) and with Radford et al. (2005) in
recognizing several limits to the embodied cognition paradigm, in particular
concerning the lack of social, historical, and cultural dimensions in the formation
of mathematical concepts; for example, there may be cultural means such as
speech and symbols which may shape the way in which a metaphor leads to a
concept formation.
More recently, embodied stances seem to receive a certain confirmation by
neuroscientific results. Specifically, we refer to results on mirror neurons and
multimodal neurons, which are neurons firing when the subject performs an
action, when he observes something, as well as when he imagines it (Gallese and
Lakoff 2005). On the basis of such neuroscientific results, Gallese and Lakoff use
the notion of multimodality to highlight the role of the brains sensory-motor
system in conceptual knowledge. This model entails that there is not any central
brain engine responsible for sense-making, controlling the different brain areas
devoted to different sensorial modalities (which would occur if the brain behaved in
a modular manner). Instead, there are multiple modalities that work together in an
integrated way, overlapping with each other, such as vision, touch, and hearing, but
also motor control and planning.
On the other hand, in the field of communication design, the term multimodality
is used to refer to the multiple modes we have to communicate and express
meanings to our interlocutors: words, sounds, figures, etc. (Kress 2004). With the
overwhelming visual richness of our contemporary technology (web, games,
tablets, etc.), and the developing possibilities of interaction with it through our
body, a multimodal perspective on both thinking and communicating appears to be
of increasing relevance.

The Importance of Gestures for Communication and Thinking

The multimodal perspective receives confirmation also from the studies on gestures,
which have flourished in the last two decades.
Gestures are part of what is called nonverbal communication, which includes a
wide-ranging array of behaviors such as the distance between people in conversation,
eye contact, voice prosody, body posture, and so on. In his seminal work, McNeill
(1992) defines gestures as the movements of the hands and arms that we see when
people talk (McNeill 1992, p. 1). This approach comes from the analysis of conversational settings and has been widely adopted in successive research studies in
psychology, in which gestures are viewed as distinct but inherently linked with
speech utterances. Nowadays, research in a number of disciplines (such as psychology and all its branches, cognitive linguistics, and anthropology) is increasingly
showing the importance of gestures not only in communication, but also in cognition
(e.g., see Goldin-Meadow 2003; McNeill 1992). Curiously, Kendon (2000) argues


F. Arzarello and C. Sabena

that it has been the interest in cognition prompted by Chomskys view of linguistics
as a kind of purely mental science that has led to the vigorous investigation of
gestures by those interested in language:
If language is a cognitive activity, and if, as is clear, gestural expression is intimately
involved in acts of spoken linguistic expression, then it seems reasonable to look closely at
gesture for the light it may throw on this cognitive activity. (Kendon 2000, p. 49)

Gestures are usually characterized as follows (McNeill 1992): they begin from a
position of rest, move away from this position, and then return to rest. The central
part of the movement, generally recognized as expressing the conveyed meaning, is
called stroke or peak; it is preceded by a preparation phase (hand/arm moving from
its resting place, and usually to the front away from the speaker), and symmetrically
succeeded by a retraction phase (hand/arm back to the quiescence). Speakers of
European languages usually perform gestures in a limited space in the frontal plane
of the body, called gesture space, which goes roughly from the waist to the eyes,
and includes the space between the shoulders. However, differences have been
detected according to age (the gesture space of children is larger) and different
cultural settings.
McNeill (1992) provides also an often-quoted classification of gestures, distinguishing the following categories:
iconic gestures bear a relation of resemblance to the semantic content of discourse
(object or event);
metaphoric gestures are similar to iconic gestures, but with the pictorial content
presenting an abstract idea that has no physical form;
deictic gestures indicate objects, events, or locations in the concrete world;
beats appear when hands move along with the rhythmical pulsation of speech,
lending a temporal or emphatic structure to communication.
More recently, the cohesive function of gesture has been further deepened, and
theorized with the notion of catchment (McNeill 2005). A catchment is recognizable when some gestures form features are seen to recur in at least two (not
necessarily consecutive) gestures. According to McNeill, a catchment indicates
discourse cohesion, and it is due to the recurrence of consistent visuospatial
imagery in the speakers thinking. Catchments may, therefore, be of great importance giving us information about the underlying meanings in a discourse and about
their dynamics:
By discovering the catchments created by a given speaker, we can see what this speaker is
combining into larger discourse units what meanings are being regarded as similar or
related and grouped together, and what meanings are being put into different catchments or
are being isolated, and thus are seen by the speaker as having distinct or less related
meanings. (McNeill et al. 2001, p. 10)

In the classroom context, we believe that a catchment can indicate a student expressing
concepts he cannot well express in words. In this sense, catchments are also relevant to analyze concept formation (see the examples regarding Carlo in Sect. 3.2
below). Furthermore, catchments may also give clues about the organization of

Introduction to the Approach of Action, Production, and Communication (APC)


arguments at a logical level (for a discussion applied to mathematics discourses, see

Arzarello and Sabena 2014).

The Social-Cultural Dimension and the Role of Signs

As mentioned above, the main limit of embodied cognition is in having neglected

the social and cultural dimensions in which mathematical concepts arise and
evolve, and the fundamental role of signs therein. With this respect, the APC
frame takes a Vygotskian perspective. In particular, according to the genetic
law of cultural development, namely the general law governing the genesis of
higher mental functions, there is a passage from interpsychic functions, that are
shared on the social level, to intrapsychic ones, that relate to the person on the
individual level:
Every function in the childs cultural development appears twice: first, on the social level,
and later on the individual level; first, between people (interpsychological), and then inside
the child (intrapsychological). This applies equally to voluntary attention, to logical memory,
and to the formulation of concepts. All the higher functions originate as actual relations
between human individuals. (Vygotsky 1978, p. 57).

Furthermore, Vygotsky claims, cultural development is based on the use of

signs. Such a general process, accounting for the formation of human consciousness by progressive individualization of inherently social functions, is called
By virtue of the social meaning, signs serve to the individual to exert a voluntary
control on his/her behavior, in a way similar to the road sign signaling to the individual the events to regulate his conduct. Without the meaning, words, mnemotechnic
signs, mathematical symbols, and all other symbol systems would be nonsense.
Meaning has therefore a psychological character, rather than a theoretical/abstract
one (Leontev and Lurija 1973). Meaning allows the human being to produce those
changes to external things that are signs that in a second moment express their
transformative action on the interior plane of proper psychological processes, thus
allowing him to control, or appropriate the criteria to direct his own behavior.
Semiotic mediation accomplishes therefore a fundamental role in the formation of
the plane of consciousness (Wertsch and Addison Stone 1985).


Key Theoretical Constructs and Methodology

On the bases of the presented principles, the APC approach is based on the idea of
Space of Action, Production, and Communication, and its analytical tool: the semiotic
bundle. The methodology includes the application of fine-grained analysis, carried
out with the aid of video-recording tools. We will present theoretical and methodological tools in the following paragraphs.


F. Arzarello and C. Sabena

The Space of Action, Production, and Communication

The notion of Space of Action, Production, and Communication (in short, APCspace) has been introduced by Arzarello (2008). It is a model that intends to frame
the processes that develop in the classroom among students and the teacher while
working together. The main components of the APC-space are:
the body;
the physical world;
the cultural environment.
These components include students perceptuo-motor experiences, languages,
signs, and resources that they use to act in the environment and to socially interact:
An APC-space is the unitary system of the three main components listed above, amalgamated
in a dynamically evolving unit within a concrete learning situation in the classroom, because
of the action and mediation of the teacher, who suitably orchestrates their integration.
(Arzarello 2008, p. 162)

The APC-space is a theoretical construct aimed at modeling the didactic setting and
the teachinglearning process. Considering the classroom context, the APC-space
pinpoints the conditions in which the learning process can be fostered:
The APC-space is built up in the classroom as a dynamic single system, where the different
components are integrated with each other into a whole unit. The integration is a product of
the interactions among pupils, the mediation of the teacher and possibly the interactions
with artifacts. The three letters A, P, C illustrate its dynamic features, namely the fact that
three main components characterize learning mathematics: students actions and interactions, their productions and communication aspects (ibid., p. 162).

Space is to be intended not as a physical entity, but rather in an abstract way, as in

mathematics theories. Framed in a socio-cultural perspective, the APC-space is an
intersubjective space, involving students and the teacher. It is a typical example of a
complex system, in which the global result does not derive linearly from the simple
superposition of its components. For an APC-space to be active and to work, it is
obviously not sufficient that its components are present in the classroom: bodies,
physical world, and cultural environment are certainly always there! The teacher is
responsible for the construction of the mathematical knowledge in the classroom,
and this responsibility realizes first in the setting of didactic activities, and then in
the support of the evolution of the personal senses of the students towards the
scientific ones. The teacher is hence an active part of the APC-space. Another
important dimension is time: the APC-space, gauged at accounting the teaching
learning process, is a complex dynamic system evolving in time.

The Semiotic Bundle

When the students interact (with each other and with the teacher) in the APC-space,
the result is not a linear development, but a complex interplay of multimodal actions,
productions, and communications. Within the Vygotskian frame outlined above, the

Introduction to the Approach of Action, Production, and Communication (APC)


semiotic lens can be considered a good tool for observing such an interplay (see also
Bartolini Bussi and Mariotti 2008). The semiotic bundle notion is elaborated in the
next paragraphs in order to consider, besides linguistic and mathematical semiotic
systems, also embodied ones, such as gestures.
The notion is based on Peirces theorization, according to which a sign is a triad
constituted by the sign or representamen (that represents), the object (that is
represented), and the interpretant (specifying in which respect the representamen is
representing the object). In Peirces words, anything that can be interpreted by
somebody in some respect can be considered as a sign (Peirce 19311958, vol. 2,
par. 228). The interpretant is the most delicate element, since it constitutes a new
sign (conceived in the triadic way), generating a new interpretant, and so on.
Such a characterization of signs provides us with two features apt for our needs:
the first one regards the generality of the definition of sign, and the second one the
dynamicity of the semiotic processes, framed with the idea of the interpretant.
Basing on this approach to signs, the semiotic bundle notion considers both static
and dynamic aspects. It consists in:
a system of signs [] that is produced by one or more interacting subjects and that evolves
in time. Typically, a semiotic bundle is made of the signs that are produced by a student or
by a group of students while solving a problem and/or discussing a mathematical question.
Possibly the teacher too participates to this production and so the semiotic bundle may
include also the signs produced by the teacher. (Arzarello et al. 2009, p. 100)

As an example, we can consider the set of gestures and the set of words that are
produced during a certain problem-solving activity. The two sets are intertwined,
because they are used simultaneously during the activity: so they constitute the
elements of the semiotic bundle for that activity.
Differently from other semiotic approaches in mathematics education (e.g.,
Duval 2006; Ernest 2006), the semiotic bundle includes all the bodily means of
expression, such as gestures, gazes, sketches, and so on, as semiotic resources in
teaching and learning. Such an approach widens the notion of a semiotic system, so
that signs can include gestural and segmented forms of language, which we consider
as fundamental components of the multimodal activities in the classroom.
The semiotic enlargement described has also been favored by a refinement of the
tools used for the observation of relevant activities in the classroom. Videorecordings play a crucial role, in that they can be examined in detail, in order to
carefully analyze the observed processes.
Based on these videos, a transcript including information about gestures is produced, and used for the a posteriori analysis. The analysis, however, is carried out
not only by relying on the transcript, but also by looking constantly and repeatedly
to the videos. Specifically, the analysis of the semiotic bundle considers dynamics
along two dimensions:
a diachronic analysis, focused on the evolution of signs over time, and the
transformation of their relationships (in periods with variable length, from a few
minutes to years);
a synchronic analysis, focused on the relations among the signs used in a certain


F. Arzarello and C. Sabena

In this way, the focus of the analysis is on the ongoing dynamic contextual teaching
and learning processes where the cognitive aspects intertwine with the didactic and
communicative ones.

The Semiotic Game

Analyzing the teaching and learning activities with the above-mentioned enlarged
semiotic lens, general and specific results have been detected (for a general account,
see Sabena et al. 2012).
The most important result regards the role of the teacher in the multimodal
perspective: the so-called semiotic game between teacher and students (Arzarello
and Paola 2007; Arzarello et al. 2009). A semiotic game may occur when the teacher
is interacting with the students, as in classroom discussions or during group-work.
In a semiotic game, the teacher tunes with the students semiotic resources (e.g.,
words and gestures), and uses them to make the mathematical knowledge evolve
towards scientifically shared meanings. More specifically, the teacher uses one kind
of sign (typically, gestures) to tune with the students discourse, and another one to
support the evolution of new meanings (typically, language). For instance, the
teacher repeats a gesture that one or more students have just made, and accompanies
it with appropriate linguistic expressions and explanations. Such semiotic games
can develop if the students produce something meaningful with respect to the problem at hand, using some signs (words, gestures, drawings, etc.). It is apt for the
teacher to seize these moments to enact her/his semiotic game. Even a vague gesture
of the student can really indicate a certain comprehension level, even when the student
has not yet the words to express himself at this level. In a Vygotskian frame, the
semiotic game is likely to work, that is, be useful to the student, if the student is
in a zone of proximal development for a certain concept (Vygotsky 1978), so that
the teacher may have the chance to intervene in its cognitive development. The
intervention is imitative-based, that is, the teacher imitates the students gestures
and accompanies them with certain scientific meanings (expressed in appropriated
words), in order that in the following, the students will be able to imitate the teachers
words. At the same time, the teacher encourages the student, signaling that his idea,
though not fully or correctly expressed, is on the right way on learning.



The typical research questions asked within the APC approach are the following:

What is the role of gestures in the development of mathematical concepts?

What are the roots of the mathematics representations in students activities?
What is the role of the teacher, considering the multimodal perspective?
How do the different components of the semiotic bundle concur to the conceptualization processes in students?
What are the different relationships between the components and their evolution
in time?

Introduction to the Approach of Action, Production, and Communication (APC)



Illustrating the APC Approach Through Analysis of the

Video of Carlo, Giovanni, and the Exponential Function

In the following, we will illustrate the APC approach by selecting excerpts from the
video of Carlo, Giovanni, and the exponential function (see Sect. 2.1) and analyzing
them in accordance with the notion of a semiotic bundle.


Exploring y = ax

The first episode refers to the students facing Task 2 (see Sect. 2.1.3). After reading
the text of the task, Carlo and Giovanni construct y = ax with the Dynamic Geometry
Software. They start exploring the function, according to the task request:
Then moving the point A changes the base of the exponential. Moving the point P, you run
along the graph of an exponential function with a fixed base. Explore, share your impressions (is there something which is not clear and we were not expecting or that is clear
and you were expecting). Describe briefly your exploration on the sheet. (See Fig. 2.2 in
Sect. 2.1.3)

They decide to consider the case in which the base a is very big. Let us analyze how
they start to explore the function in the transcript lines 160165 (see Appendix for
full transcript. In the transcript, underlining designates the part of an utterance during which the speaker gestured.)

G we try to move A
C try to put the a very high [moving his hand upwards, at the top of the screen] when
we have seen to happen that chaos [meaning: in a previous lesson]
162 G no, it always gets because here it is interrupted because here it is interrupted
163 C wouldnt it do like this? [Gesture a]
wouldnt it do like this? [Gesture b]
Gesture in 163 (a): Cs quick gesture
Gesture in 163 (b): like Gesture a with
with right hand
more visible hand, going upwards very


F. Arzarello and C. Sabena

G what?
C to do like this [gesture]
Gesture in 165: Cs similar gesture, more
evident, with the hand moving very
steeply upwards

In this episode, we can observe a semiotic bundle composed of three different

kinds of semiotic resources: spoken words, graphical representations on the screen,
and gestures. They are strictly interrelated: using words and gestures the students
are discussing the behavior of the exponential function and its graph on the screen,
when the base is very big. By using words and gestures, Carlo is making a conjecture of the graph (line 163165): through words he is indicating the case he is considering (the a very high, line 161) and with gestures he is showing how he is
imagining the graph will be (screenshots (a) and (b) in line 163 and in line 165).
While speaking very few words, Carlo performs three gestures, which show similar
features: the shape of the hand, and the dynamic movement going upwards (although
the concavity changes). This is a case of catchment (McNeill et al. 2001). In the repetition, the gesture becomes bigger and bigger, being performed in a greater space and
longer time. Even if we cannot see Carlos gaze to confirm this, our interpretation is that
the student is performing the second and third gesture to show it to Giovanni, who is
looking at him (the video shows that Giovanni is turning his head towards Carlo). In the
evolving APC-space, Carlos semiotic resources are used first as thinking tools, in order
to produce a conjecture, and then as a communicative means.
As confirmed by the teacher (personal communication), Carlo has some difficulties in
expressing his ideas in oral and written language; here we can see that the gesture is cotimed with deictic terms (like this) that point to the gesture itself: the gesture is indeed
part of his thinking and communication means, and in the semiotic bundle, words and
gestures complete each other (with reference to the shown screen).


Formulating the Written Answer

A gesture similar to those discussed in the previous paragraph appears again some
minutes later, when the students are about to write the solution:

well so we write that lets say: the point A we put that one thing we had
said [Gesture a], we had said that
Im still thinking if [not understandable] how I can say but also for a same
space of the x [Gesture b], the y increases a lot [Gesture c]

Introduction to the Approach of Action, Production, and Communication (APC)

Gestures in 189:
(a) Carlos quick gesture in
the air

(b) Cs fingers close to each



(c) Cs right hand moving


Carlo is offering to write the answer for the teacher. The answer has to be in
written language, and still we can observe his difficulty in finding the right words
to express what he is proposing: his words have little semantic content (we put
that one thing we had said), whereas on the contrary his gesture (screenshot
(a) in line 189) offers again the pictorial image he was proposing some minutes
before, that is, a graph with a high slope. This is another case of catchment, which
can be detected by looking at the semiotic bundle in a diachronic way.
In the second part of line 189, Carlo is connecting the very inclined graph (see
the hand moving almost vertically in screenshot b) to the incremental ratio of the
function: his fingers are indicating a very small interval on the x-axes, and his
words relate this fixed interval of abscissas with increasing increments of the
ordinates (for a same space of the x, the y increases a lot, line 189). Let us
notice that the information that x-increments are considered small is expressed
only in the gesture (which is therefore non-redundant, in the sense of Kita 2000);
however, it is the co-timing with the words that allows the student to connect this
information with the variation of the corresponding y-increments: this kind of
analysis is typical of the semiotic bundle lens, and witnesses the potential of such
an analytical tool.
While Carlo is talking-gesturing, Giovanni is looking at him and following his
argument. He immediately agrees, and helps Carlo to find the right words for
expressing his ideas in the following lines of the transcript:
190 G yes
191 C eh how do I say that?
192 G or you can say that
Gesture in 192:
with the
Carlo is
differences [in
parallel, Carlo
with two
parallel to
each other;
Giovanni is
a beat


F. Arzarello and C. Sabena

193 C for an [gesture]

194 G the differences are
bigger and bigger
194 C the differences, right?
195 G yes
Carlo finishes writing the

Gesture in 193:
Cs gesture
with two
hands is
the word

The students are now going about producing the written answer. However, this
formulation moment is not purely a communicative moment. As a matter of fact,
Carlo interrupts himself many times while writing, with seconds of silence, gestures, and words. According to a Vygotskian perspective, the writing act, fostered
by the social dimension (the teacher asking for a written answer), has deep influence
on the thinking processes.
Giovanni is enriching the semiotic bundle with the word differences, which
Carlo could not find (line 192). While Giovanni is pronouncing it, Carlo is performing a gesture with two parallel open palms (gesture in line 192). Carlos gesture with
the two hands represents the ends of an interval on the x-axes: however, the word
interval appears only later in his speech (line 193), with respect to which the gesture is anticipatory.
By contrast, there is a perfect interpersonal synchrony between Giovannis words
and Carlos gesture: such synchrony, which can be detected with a synchronic analysis of the semiotic bundle, is an indication that the students are sharing an active
APC-space (Sabena 2007). Another clue in the same direction is provided by the
fact that Giovanni is completing Carlos sentence (lines 193194), with a perfect
timing (there is no time left between the two sentences in lines 193 and 194): due to
the close coordination, a careful listening of the video-recording is necessary in
order to identify which student is speaking.
Such kinds of semiotic acts are accessible to the researcher only by means of
video-recordings and a careful micro-analysis of video and screenshots. They have
been observed in students joint activity also in other contexts (e.g., for algebraic
context, Radford et al. 2007), and appear most likely after students have developed
a fruitful cooperation in group-work and are deeply engaged in the problem at hand.
In the perspective of APC-space, the semiotic bundle analysis provides a suitable
lens to seize them, and to study their role in mathematics learning.



In the chapter we have illustrated how the theoretical construct of APC-space can be
useful to properly underline the way mathematical concepts are built up by students.
The example of Carlo and Giovanni illustrates how three different kinds of semiotic

Introduction to the Approach of Action, Production, and Communication (APC)


resources intertwine in this complex dynamic process: spoken words, graphical

representations on the screen, and gestures. These are typical inhabitants of the
APC-space and as such they embody the actions, productions, and communications
of students; from its side, the semiotic bundle lens allows pointing out how such
components concretely intertwine and evolve in time. We can use a metaphor from
physics to point out the differences between the two notions. In dynamics there is
the second law of Newton, F = ma; to completely understand it, one must operatively define what are force, mass and acceleration. But this is only half of the story
the other half consists in understanding how the three quantities relate each other
in expressing a law of physics; the law is a lens that allows the modeling of the
motions of classical mechanics. In our case the three components of the APC-space
(action, production, communication) are pointed out as basic components of the
didactical phenomena in the classroom; the semiotic bundle describes the mutual
relationships between them in time. Of course, didactics is not an exact science and
the metaphor must be considered cum grano salis: the semiotic bundle is not like a
physical law but is a construct that qualitatively describes the way the three components of APC relate each other in the classroom, because of the interactions between
the students or between the student(s) and the teacher. This phenomenological
description possibly points out some didactical phenomena that systematically happen, for example the semiotic game: in the metaphor it corresponds to the use that
one can make of the second principle of dynamics to design the trajectory of a
rocket. In the same way, a teacher, who is aware of how the components of the APCspace interact in the semiotic bundle, can play a semiotic game to support a student
towards a better understanding and formulation of a mathematical concept.
The main result of this approach consists in pointing out not only that more variables than the purely discursive ones are important in the didactical processes, but
also defining suitable observation methods in order to give reasons to them. This
issue shows the partiality of all those descriptions, which limit to comment only the
protocols of the speech or written productions of students. In fact our model aims at
better giving account of learning processes as dynamic phenomena, so overcoming
the limits pointed out by Freudenthal, when he wrote:
Indeed, didactics itself is concerned with processes. Most educational research, however,
and almost all of it that is based on or related to empirical evidence, focuses on states (or
time sequences of states when education is to be viewed as development). States are products of previous processes. As a matter of fact, products of learning are more easily accessible to observation and analysis than are learning processes which, on the one hand,
explains why researchers prefer to deal with states (or sequences of states), and on the other
hand why much of this educational research is didactically pointless. (Freudenthal 1991,
p. 87, emphasis in the original)

We have been able to point out a wider range of observables to look at in order to
understand the life in the classroom. Of course this does not mean to say that the
discursive productions are useless, but only that they must be integrated within the
more complex picture given by the semiotic bundle, according to a multimodal
perspective. In other chapters of the book (see Chaps. 9 and 11) we will show how
this approach can usefully be integrated with other approaches, more based on
discursive analysis.


F. Arzarello and C. Sabena

A further by-product of this research consists in indicating a clear position in

respect of the complex intertwining between culture and nature in students performances. The debate about the relationships between the two components has been
a must in psychology (McLeod 2007) and has generated considerable discussion
also in mathematical education: indeed, the National Association of Mathematics
Advisers ( held its 2013 Conference on
this issue. For example, the gesturespeech unity (McNeill 1992) of our productions is a typical construct that shows the two aspects to be deeply intertwined:
biological and cultural aspects are inextricably bound together in all our performances within the APC-space when we as students (teachers) are learning (teaching) mathematics.

Arzarello, F. (2008). Mathematical landscapes and their inhabitants: Perceptions, languages,
theories. In E. Emborg & M. Niss (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of
Mathematical Education (pp. 158181). Copenhagen: ICMI.
Arzarello, F., & Paola, D. (2007). Semiotic games: The role of the teacher. In J. H. Woo, H. C. Lew,
K. S. Park, & D. Y. Seo (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st conference of the International Group
for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 2, pp. 1724). Seoul: PME.
Arzarello, F., & Robutti, O. (2001). From body motion to algebra through graphing. In H. Chick,
K. Stacey, & J. Vincent (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th ICMI study conference: The future of
the teaching and learning of algebra (Vol. 1, pp. 3340). Melbourne: ICMI.
Arzarello, F., & Sabena, C. (2014). Analytic-structural functions of gestures in mathematical
argumentation processes. In L. D. Edwards, F. Ferarra, & D. Moore-Russo (Eds.), Emerging
perspectives on gesture and embodiment (pp. 75103). Greenwich: Information Age Publishing.
Arzarello, F., Paola, D., Robutti, O., & Sabena, C. (2009). Gestures as semiotic resources in the
mathematics classroom. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 70(2), 97109.
Arzarello, F., Ferrara, F., & Robutti, O. (2011). A tool for analysing multimodal behaviours in the
mathematics classroom. In Proceedings of PME 35. Ankara: Middle East Technical University.
Bartolini Bussi, M. G., & Mariotti, M. A. (2008). Semiotic mediation in the mathematical classroom. Artifacts and signs after a Vygotskian perspective. In L. English (Ed.), Handbook of
international research in mathematics education (2nd revised ed., pp. 746783). Mahwah:
Lawrence Erlbaum.
Duval, R. (2006). A cognitive analysis of problems of comprehension in a learning of mathematics.
Educational Studies in Mathematics, 61, 103131.
Edwards, L. (2009). Gestures and conceptual integration in mathematical talks. Educational
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Ernest, P. (2006). A semiotic perspective of mathematical activity: The case of number. Educational
Studies in Mathematics, 61, 67101.
Freudenthal, H. (1991). Revisiting mathematics education: China lectures. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Gallese, V., & Lakoff, G. (2005). The brains concepts: The role of the sensory-motor system in
conceptual knowledge. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 21, 125.
Goldin-Meadow, S. (2003). Hearing gestures: How our hands help us think. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press.
Kendon, A. (2000). Language and gesture: Unity or duality? In D. McNeill (Ed.), Language and
gesture: Window into thought and action (pp. 4763). Cambridge: Cambridge University

Introduction to the Approach of Action, Production, and Communication (APC)


Kita, S. (2000). How representational gestures help speaking. In D. McNeill (Ed.), Language and
gesture: Window into thought and action (pp. 162185). Cambridge: Cambridge University
Kress, G. (2004). Reading images: Multimodality, representation and new media. Information
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Lakoff, G., & Nez, R. (2000). Where mathematics comes from: How the embodied mind brings
mathematics into being. New York: Basic Books.
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McLeod, S. A. (2007). Nature nurture in psychology. Accessed 21 Oct 2013.
McNeill, D. (1992). Hand and mind: What gestures reveal about thought. Chicago: University of
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McNeill, D., Quek, F., McCullough, K.-E., Duncan, S., Furuyama, N., Bryll, R., et al. (2001).
Catchments, prosody and discourse. Gesture, 1(1), 933.
Montessori, M. (1934). Psicogeometria. Barcelona: Araluce. (English translation published by
Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company.)
Nemirovsky, R. (2003). Three conjectures concerning the relationship between body activity and
understanding mathematics. In N. A. Pateman, B. J. Dougherty, & J. T. Zillox (Eds.),
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Overton, W. F. (2008). Embodiment from a relational perspective. In W. F. Overton, U. Muller, &
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Chapter 4

Introduction to the Theory of Didactical

Situations (TDS)
Michle Artigue, Mariam Haspekian, and Agns Corblin-Lenfant

Abstract The chapter briefly introduces the Theory of Didactical Situations (TDS)
by referring to the data from Chap. 2. TDS provides a systemic framework for investigating teaching and learning processes in mathematics, and for supporting didactical design. The theory is structured around the notions of a-didactical and didactical
situations and includes a corpus of concepts relevant for teaching and learning in
mathematics classrooms.
Keywords Theories Theory of didactical situations

The Theory of Didactical Situations (named TDS in this volume) began to develop
in the 1960s in France, initiated by Guy Brousseau who has led its development
since that time. A first synthesis was published in 1997 in English (Brousseau 1997)
but the theory has since developed considerably in its conceptual notions as
much as its research methodologies, as attested to for instance by the special issue
of the journal Educational Studies in Mathematics (Laborde et al. 2005) or the

M. Artigue (*)
Laboratoire LDAR & IREM, Universit Paris Diderot Paris 7, Sorbonne Paris Cit,
Case 7018, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Haspekian
Facult des Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Laboratoire EDA, Universit Paris Descartes,
Sorbonne Paris Cit, 45, rue des Saints-Pres, 75270 Paris Cedex 06, France
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Corblin-Lenfant
IREM de REIMS, UFR Sciences Exactes et Naturelles,
Moulin de la Housse, BP 1039, 51687 Reims Cedex 2, France
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research
Practice in Mathematics Education, Advances in Mathematics Education,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9_4, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014



M. Artigue et al.

proceedings of the 2009 Summer School devoted to didactical engineering

(Margolinas et al. 2011). Important aspects of these developments were motivated by
the increasing investment of TDS in the study of ordinary classrooms, and many
researchers worldwide have made contributions. This chapter introduces some main
elements of TDS structured by principles, questions, methodologies, and key constructs as presented in Chap. 1 of this book, and invites the reader to make sense of
these elements through the analysis of the two first episodes of the video of Carlo
and Giovanni, introduced in Chap. 2.


Theory of Didactical Situations: An Overview

TDS is a home-grown theory (Sriraman and English 2010); those who have contributed to its development share with the initiator the conviction that the field of
mathematics education needs to develop its own theorizations and not just borrow
and adapt theories developed in connected fields such as psychology, sociology, or
anthropology. In the limited space allocated to this introduction, we focus on three
characteristics that create the specific lens through which TDS considers the teaching and learning of mathematics: the systemic nature of teaching and learning; the
epistemology of mathematical knowledge; and the vision of learning as a combination of adaptation and acculturation. These characteristics determine the questions
that TDS raises and tries to answer, as well as the methodologies it privileges.



Since its beginnings, TDS has adopted a systemic perspective, conceiving the
didactics of mathematics as the study of the conditions for the dissemination and
appropriation of mathematical knowledge through educational institutions. This
systemic perspective is reflected in the organization of the theory around the idea
of situation. A situation is itself a system, the set of circumstances in which the
student finds herself, the relationships that unify her with her milieu, the set of
givens that characterize an action or an evolution (Brousseau 1997, p. 214).
TDS is interested in didactical situations, that is, those designed and utilized
with teaching and learning aims. Brousseau distinguishes two possible perspectives on didactical situations: a vision of these as the students environment organized and piloted by the teacher; and a broader vision including the teacher and
the educational system itself.
A first important characteristic of TDS is the attention it pays to mathematics and
its epistemology. In the theory, this sensibility is expressed in different ways, notably
through the reference to Bachelards epistemology and the didactic conversion of his

Introduction to the Theory of Didactical Situations (TDS)


notion of epistemological obstacle, and also through the notion of fundamental situation. Referring to Bachelards studies in physics which led to a list of obstacles of
epistemological nature, Brousseau (1997, p. 83) extends its application to the field of
didactics of mathematics, defining epistemological obstacles as forms of knowledge
that have been relevant and successful in particular contexts, including often school
contexts, but that at some moment become false or simply inadequate, and whose
traces can be found in the historical development of the domain itself (see also
Schneider 2013).
A fundamental situation for a given concept is a mathematical situation or,
better, a family of mathematical situations for which the concept constitutes a
priori an optimal solution. This epistemological analysis, connecting mathematical
knowledge and situations, constitutes what Brousseau calls today a theory of
mathematical situations, a first level of modeling and analysis in TDS, the second
one being that of didactical situations. The well-known situation of puzzle
enlargement (Brousseau 1986, 2008) can for instance be seen as a fundamental
situation for linearity.
A second important distinction in TDS is linked to the following epistemological
characteristic: mathematical knowledge is something that allows us to act on our
environment, but the pragmatic power of mathematics is highly dependent on the
specific language it creates, and on its forms of validation. This characteristic
reflects in TDS through the distinction between three particular types of situations:
situations of action, situations of formulation, and situations of validation. The first
chapter in Brousseau (1997) illustrates this distinction taking as an example a succession of situations developed around the famous problem Race to 20, conceived
as a fundamental situation for Euclidian division.
The third important characteristic refers to students cognitive dimension,
particularly to the combination of the two processes adaptation and acculturation.
Regarding adaptation, Brousseaus discourse shows an evident proximity with
Piagetian epistemology:
the student learns by adapting herself to a milieu which generates contradictions, difficulties and disequilibria, rather as human society does. This knowledge, the result of the students adaptation, manifests itself by new responses which provide evidence for learning.
(Brousseau 1997, p. 30)

But this adaptation is not sufficient; acculturation is necessary to link students

constructions with forms of knowledge that are socially shared, culturally embedded,
and institutionally legitimated, being called savoirs in French. Such a change
in the status of knowledge requires the teachers didactic intervention and can be
achieved in many different ways (Brousseau 1997).
TDS key constructs take these two types of processes into account: independent
adaptation through the notions of a-didactical situation and milieu, acculturation
through the notions of didactical situation and didactical contract, and the relationships
between these processes through the dual notions of devolution and institutionalization
(see Sect. 4.1.4).


M. Artigue et al.



The questions that TDS tries to answer are diverse but coherent with these principles. They regard:
the functioning of didactical systems, leading to the identification of regularities,
and their elaboration into didactical phenomena;
the determination of fundamental situations associated with specific mathematical
concepts, and their possible actualizations into didactical situations, taking into
account the conditions and constraints of particular educational contexts;
the dependence between situations and the progression of knowledge in particular
domains, paying the necessary attention to both adaptation and acculturation
Even if TDS has the ultimate goal of improving students mathematics learning, the
learner is not at the center of the theory. TDS gives priority to the understanding of
how the conditions and constraints of didactical systems enable or hinder learning,
and how the functioning of such systems can be improved.



The systemic perspective and TDS ambition of developing didactics as a genuine

fundamental and applied field of research have also shaped the methodological
development of the theory. Among the diversity of methodologies used in TDS, the
systemic view led to being especially valued those methodologies giving access to
the complexity of didactic systems, what resulted in an original concept: that of
didactical engineering (Artigue 1989, 2013). It is a methodology which is structured around a phase of preliminary analysis combining epistemological, cognitive,
and didactical perspectives, and aiming at the understanding of the conditions and
constraints to which the didactical system considered is submitted, a phase of design
and a priori analysis of situations reflecting its optimization ambition; and, after the
implementation, a phase of a posteriori analysis and validation. As pointed out by
Artigue (2008), the TDS theoretical basis explains:
the importance given in it to the a priori analysis, and the rejection of usual validation
processes based on the comparison between the pre and post characteristics of experimental
and control groups, at the benefit of an internal comparison between the a priori analysis
and the a posteriori analysis of classroom realizations. (Artigue 2008, p. 11)

The TDS constructs mentioned above are essential tools for researchers to design
situations and carry out a priori and a posteriori analyses. In the design of learning
situations, for instance, particular attention is paid to the constituents of the milieu
organized for the learner, and to the optimization of the possibilities it offers, both
in terms of action and feedback, to foster the emergence of the targeted strategies
and knowledge. Attention is also paid to the way the devolution process is organized.

Introduction to the Theory of Didactical Situations (TDS)


An important part of the analyses is devoted to the situation itself: what mathematical
sense can emerge from the interactions between the student and the milieu; is the
situation sufficiently accessible and efficient to enable the student to have access, by
adaptation, to an appropriate meaning of the target concept? This analysis often
relies on an epistemological analysis of the concept at stake.
Since the 1990s, the increasing use of TDS for the study of ordinary classrooms
has led to the development of new methodologies based on participative and
naturalistic observations, but there is no doubt that didactical engineering, which
has itself evolved as a methodology (Margolinas et al. 2011), remains the privileged
methodology in TDS when a research project includes a design dimension.


Key Constructs

We focus in this part on the key constructs necessary for making sense of the video
analysis developed in section Illustrating the theory through analysis of the video
of Carlo, Giovanni, and the exponential function, but do not enter into the recent
developments of TDS. Complementary insights will be introduced in other chapters
of the book.

A-Didactical Situation and Milieu

The notions of a-didactical situation and milieu are attached to the vision of learning
as an adaptation process and to the ambition of optimizing such a process. This
means elucidating and creating the conditions for making the target mathematical
knowledge emerge from students interaction with a milieu, as the optimal solution
to a mathematical problem. As explained by Brousseau (1997, p. 30), in a-didactical
situations the students accept to take the mathematical responsibility of solving a
given problem, and the teacher refrains from interfering and suggesting the target
mathematical knowledge for making such adaptation processes possible. As
Brousseau (1997) stresses:
The student knows very well that the problem was chosen to help her acquire a new piece
of knowledge, but she must also know that this knowledge is entirely justified by the
internal logic of the situation and that she can construct it without appealing to didactical
reasoning. (p. 30)

Hence comes the name of a-didactical situation, the prefix a indicating that the
situation has been temporally freed from its didactical intentionality. Initially, the
development of TDS was tightly linked to the development of a-didactical situations,
as evidenced by the impressive work that has been carried out in the experimental
center COREM in Bordeaux since 1972.
The milieu is the system with which the students interact in the a-didactical situation and an essential role of the teacher or the researcher is to organize this milieu.
It includes material and symbolic resources, possibly calculators, computer devices,


M. Artigue et al.

or all types of machinery. It conditions the didactical variables of the situation, that
is to say those which affect the cost and economy of solving strategies. Learning
being conceived as an adaptation process, the milieu must be a source of contradictions, imbalances, what is captured through the idea of antagonist milieu. The
milieu must allow students to experience the limitations of their initial strategies,
but its possibilities of action and feedback should also make possible an evolution
towards winning strategies, which attest the construction of new knowledge.
Of course, these constraints impose desirable conditions on the problems themselves whose solving is the motive of such a-didactic interaction studentmilieu as
expressed in Brousseau (2008, p. 249):
The mathematical knowledge aimed at should be the only good method of
solving the problem.
The assignment (i.e. the given task) should not refer to any of the knowledge that
one wishes to have appear. It determines the decisions permitted, the initial state,
and the gain or loss represented by the final states.
Students can start to work with inadequate basic knowledge.
They can tell for themselves whether their attempt succeeded or failed.
Without determining the solution, these verifications are suggestive (they favour
some hypotheses, bring in some appropriate information, neither too open nor
too closed).
Students can make a rapid series of trial and error attempts, but anticipation
should be favoured.
Amongst the empirically acceptable solutions only one takes care of all objections.
The solution can be found and tested by some of the students in a reasonable
amount of time in an ordinary class, and swiftly shared and verified by the others.
The situation can be re-used, and will then provide some questions that relaunch
the whole process.
Naturally, these conditions describe an ideal and are rarely fulfilled by real scenarios. They constitute a theoretical reference for researchers, helping them to anticipate the a-didactical potential of a given scenario and its limitation, and to better
understand the contingency of classroom realizations.

Didactical Situation and Contract

Quite soon researchers relying on TDS acknowledged that a theory of mathematical

and a-didactical situations is not sufficient for approaching mathematics teaching
and learning. The processes of devolution and institutionalization were introduced
for connecting the acculturation and adaptation dimensions of the educational enterprise. Both are under the responsibility of the teacher. Through devolution, the
teacher makes her students accept the mathematical responsibility of solving the
problem without trying to decode her didactical intention, and maintains it, creating
thus the conditions for learning through adaptation. Through institutionalization, the
teacher helps students to connect the contextualized knowledge they have constructed

Introduction to the Theory of Didactical Situations (TDS)


in the a-didactical situation to the target cultural and institutional knowledge and she
organizes its decontextualization and transformation into savoirs.1 She thus restores
the intentionality of the didactic interaction, which was not prominent in the a-didactical
situation, and makes acculturation possible.
Devolution is not easy and is in some sense paradoxical. In a didactical situation,
the teacher being the voice of the institution has a precise learning aim in mind but,
as pointed out by Brousseau (1997, p. 41), everything that she (the teacher) undertakes in order to make the student produce the behaviours that she expects tends to
deprive this student of the necessary conditions for the understanding and the learning
of the target notion. If the teacher tells the student what to do, the student cannot
learn. In TDS, this paradox of devolution is linked to another essential construct,
that of didactical contract, which emerged from research work developed by
Brousseau with students presenting elective failure in mathematics (Brousseau and
Warfield 1999; Brousseau 1980). The concept of didactic contract expresses the fact
that teacherstudents interactions are subject to rules regarding the mathematical
knowledge at stake. These constitute a set of reciprocal obligations and mutual
expectations, and are the result of an often implicit negotiation. The rules of the
didactical contract remain themselves mostly implicit, in contrast to an ordinary
contract, and often only become visible when the contract is broken for one reason
or another. The process of devolution is conceived as the negotiation by the teacher
of a didactical contract that temporarily allows the transfer of responsibility regarding
the knowledge aimed at from the teacher to the student.
This explains why often, in the literature, didactical situations are presented as
made of an a-didactical situation and a didactical contract. The didactical contract is
source of diverse phenomena and paradoxes. Very early, some of these have been
identified: the Topaze and the Jourdain effects, the metacognitive shift, the
improper use of analogy, or the obsolescence of teaching situations. The Topaze
effect will be discussed in Chap. 12.
We now invite the reader to gain a deeper insight into the previously introduced
concepts through the analysis of the video and its Episodes 1 and 2 with the two
students Carlo and Giovanni. However, it must be said that this presentation of TDS
is very basic. TDS is much more complex, and it is interesting to notice that many
recent developments result from its use for understanding the functioning of
ordinary classrooms: scale of didacticity in the didactical contract (Brousseau
1995), refined in different levels of granularity (Hersant and Perrin-Glorian 2005),
vertical structuration of the milieu differentiating the students milieu and the teachers
milieu (Margolinas 1998, 2002). Other developments such as the theory of joint
action between students and teachers combine in an original way affordances both
of TDS and ATD (Sensevy 2011; Sensevy et al. 2005).

Brousseau distinguishes knowledge (connaissances: individual cognitive constructs) and

knowings (savoirs: socially shared cognitive constructs) (Brousseau 1997, p. 72). Thus
savoirs are depersonalized, decontextualized forms of knowledge. They correspond to the forms
in which the scholarly knowledge is expressed.



M. Artigue et al.

Illustrating the Theory Through Analysis of the Video

of Carlo, Giovanni, and the Exponential Function

The classroom situation we analyze here with TDS was not conceived within this
framework. As mentioned above, analyzing data from classrooms that were not
designed within the TDS framework is now a current form of use of the theory.
For analyzing the data, we introduce three situations, associated with the three
tasks and the work with the three dynamic geometry files. In this section, we consider only Task 1 and Task 2, in which students are asked to work autonomously and
in which the intervention of the teacher is minimal. An a-didactical analysis seems
thus appropriate. For carrying it out, we try to characterize the milieu of the situations, anticipate what the interactions with this milieu are likely to produce, compare this analysis with what we know about the mathematical aims of the teacher
when proposing these tasks to the students, and question the potential of this situation for making the mathematical knowledge aimed at by the teacher emerge
through autonomous adaptation. This a priori analysis is then contrasted with the a
posteriori analysis of the video data.


Initial Analysis

In the initial analysis, the use of TDS raised difficulties for at least three reasons.
First, the information initially provided was limited to the dynamic geometry files
and the tasks, which was insufficient for developing the systemic analysis typical
for TDS. The files are essential components of the milieu, but for anticipating the
interaction they may produce, we needed information about the mathematical and
instrumental knowledge that the students are able to engage in this interaction.
Any a priori analysis makes hypotheses at this level considering a generic student
and her supposed experience; this involves a lot of knowledge about the whole
educational system and the particular institution at stake. Of course, these hypotheses are not necessarily fulfilled by the actual individual student, influencing the
real dynamics of the situation and its cognitive outcomes, as well as the teacher
students interaction. The varying knowledge of individual students is a normal
source of discrepancies with the a priori analysis, which are systematically looked
for and questioned in the a posteriori analysis. In this video analysis, filling the
gaps of the provided information was all the more difficult for us as the video
concerned another educational culture with a different approach to exponential
functions (in France, exponential functions are introduced in grade 12 as solutions
of differential equations).
The second reason is the form of Task 1, which does not constitute a problemsituation in the sense of Brousseau (1997, p. 214) but is an exploration task:
Open with Cabri II the file y = (2.7)^x.
In this file you will see: the point x on the x-axis and the point y = 2.7^x, on the y-axis.

Introduction to the Theory of Didactical Situations (TDS)


Fig. 4.1 The dynamic geometry file for Task 1

Move the point x on the x-axis and check what happens to the point y = 2.7^x on the
y-axis; that is, observe how (2.7)^x varies as x is changing.
In order to make these observations, modify also the measure unit on the y-axis of
your worksheet. After some trials, use animation. Move the point x towards the
left until arriving nearly to the end of the field of variation of the negative xs,
and then animate with a spring the point x so that it moves from the left towards
the right.
Share all the observations that you think interesting on the coordinate movement of
the two points, and describe briefly (but clearly) your argument on the sheet that
has been given to you. (Task 1; see Sect. 2.1.3, Fig. 2.1)
In this task, the expectations remain rather fuzzy. What criteria can students have for
knowing that they have completed the task? Autonomous work of the students supposes that an appropriate didactical contract has already been negotiated regarding
such tasks, in particular helping students appreciate when they can consider that
they have solved the task. However, no information on this point was provided in the
initial data.
The third reason is the difficulty of categorizing the situation according to the
TDS categories: we first categorized it as a situation of action as the interaction with
the milieu obeys a dialectics of action. Nevertheless, in this task, formulation has an
explicit and important place, and the conjectures produced and made explicit in one
task become elements of the milieu for the following ones. Thus the situation is
more than a situation of action.


M. Artigue et al.

Despite these difficulties, partially overcome thanks to the complementary information obtained from the teacher, the use of TDS for the analysis of the video of
Carlo and Giovanni was productive, as we show in the following subsections.

Initial a Priori Analysis

We present the a priori analysis made with the initial information given before showing
how it was refined taking into account the teachers answers to the questionnaire. Then
we contrast it with the a posteriori analysis. Due to the role played by technology, we
combine the affordances of TDS with those of the instrumental approach (Guin et al.
2004; Artigue 2002). In this context, the instrumental approach is useful for not underestimating the instrumental knowledge needed for a productive interaction with the
milieu and for anticipating how mathematical knowledge and instrumental knowledge,
instrumented and paper and pencil techniques, can be combined in the exploration
process. One could think that instrumental needs are limited, as files in the Dynamic
Geometry Software (DGS) are provided and used as black boxes. However, research
shows that, even in that case, actions undertaken and interpretations of the feedback are
highly dependent on the students state of instrumental genesis (Restrepo 2008).
Considering the exploration tasks proposed to the students, we tried to understand what could result from the autonomous interaction of the students with the
two DGS files for Task 1 and Task 2. The first file (Fig. 4.1) displays a curve representing the exponential function of base 2.7. This curve has been obtained as the
locus of a point P whose coordinates (x, y) are displayed. On the right upper side of
the screen, an equality is added: 2.7^x = numerical value, this numerical value being
the current value of 2.7^x, thus the second coordinate of P.
Students are asked to explore how y varies when x increases, then when x
decreases and takes negative values. They are also asked to prepare an animation
and it is suggested that they can change the units. There is no doubt that the situation
offers a rich potential for a-didactical interaction with the milieu, and that several
conjectures can a priori emerge:
C1: When x increases, y increases, too, and it increases more and more quickly.
C2: When x approaches 0, y approaches 1 (and potentially the inference for x = 0,
y = 1, even if this cannot be exactly observed).
C3: When x approaches 1, y approaches 2.7, the number given in the task and visible on the screen (and potentially the inference for x = 1, y = 2.7 even if, once
again, this cannot be exactly observed).
C4: When x takes negative values which become smaller and smaller, y approaches
more and more 0 and from some moment takes the value 0 (note that the final
part of this conjecture is not mathematically true but it corresponds to the material evidence provided by exploration with the DGS file).
A good level of instrumental knowledge (Lagrange 2005; Artigue 2002) allows
students to infer the above-mentioned conjectures, which go beyond what is observable on the computer screen. It could also lead students to work on the conjecture
C4, which may lead them to question the value 0 taken for negative x, and to change

Introduction to the Theory of Didactical Situations (TDS)


the semiotic register (Duval 1995), moving to the symbolic algebraic register for
testing the conjectures and even producing proofs. But such a change requires both
a change in semiotic register and a change in attitude: the move from a situation of
action to a situation of validation. We hypothesize that this is not likely to appear
unless the didactical contract has established and valued such attitudes. Conversely,
limited instrumental knowledge concerning discretization processes and their
graphical and numerical effects at the interface can lead students to lose time, for
instance if they try to obtain the exact values 0 and 1 for x. They can also lose time
preparing the required animation which, in our opinion, does not add much to the
a-didactical potential of the situation. The fact that the teacher asks for this animation and suggests to change the units, without giving any technical hint, leads us to
hypothesize that the students have a good familiarity with the DGS. Nevertheless, if
this familiarity has been built in geometry, students may not have developed the
instrumental knowledge regarding discretization phenomena which is required
when working with functions. We could go on with this a priori analysis, but
considering space limitations move to the situation with Task 2.
In this episode (Fig. 4.2), the exploration process uses a second file. In this file,
a horizontal half-line with a mobile point A on it has been added; there are thus two
mobile points: A and P. The segment joining A to the origin of the half-line (on the
y axis) is drawn and an expression a = numerical value, in which a can be interpreted as the measure of the length of the segment or the abscissa of A, is displayed.
The curve on which P moves represents the exponential function of base a and the
expression y = a^numerical value is also displayed, the numerical value being the
current value of the abscissa of P. It is possible to get the exact value 1 for a, and
thus to see the horizontal line which makes the transition between increasing and
decreasing exponentials.
Task 2 is fuzzily described: students are simply asked to understand the base a of the
exponential function. Nevertheless, the interaction with the milieu can be productive and through the move of point A and its effects on the curve, several new conjectures can emerge:
C5: If a > 1 the exponential function is increasing and the more a increases, the
more it becomes vertical (the more it increases quickly).
C6: If a < 1 the exponential function is decreasing and the more a decreases, the
more it decreases quickly.
C7: For a = 1 the exponential function is constant (the curve is a horizontal line).
C8: If x is close to 1, y is close to a (and potentially the inference if x = 1 then y = a).
If a > 1 (respectively a < 1): When x takes negative values smaller and smaller
(respectively positive values bigger and bigger), y approaches more and more 0
and, from some moment, it takes the value 0 (the final part of these conjectures
is not mathematically true but it corresponds to the material evidence provided
by exploration).
And for a in a small interval around the value 1, the moment when y approaches
(or takes as shown in the file) the value 0 increases and even is not visible on
the screen for values of a very close to 1.


M. Artigue et al.

Fig. 4.2 DGS screen configuration for Task 2 (From Fig. 2.2)

According to their degree of instrumentation, the students can move the window or
reduce the zoom display in DGS in order to make visible the part of the curve where
the x-axis seems to join the curve and thus conjecture that the function has the same
shape in any case, except for a = 1. Otherwise, the limited screen window may lead
students to conjecture that the function is of different type for values of a in a small
interval around 1, not just for a = 1.
Of course different formulations of these conjectures are possible. Students can
speak of functions or curves, or mix the two notions, and use a more or less mathematical language. Their formulations are a source of information on their comprehension of the notion of function but also on the didactical contract regarding
mathematical discourse at this stage of the learning process. These formulations
may also be influenced by the use of the instrument. As we did in the first situation,
we can investigate what is needed for going beyond conjectures based on graphical
evidence. We do not detail this analysis for the second situation, but it shows once
again that the emergence of proofs is rather improbable.


Need for Extension of Data and Extended Analysis

For complementing the initial a priori analysis, we especially needed some more
information about the didactical contract, the students mathematical and instrumental background, and the teachers expectations. The teachers answers to the
questionnaire designed after the initial a priori analysis (Sect. 2.2.2) provided the
necessary information.

Introduction to the Theory of Didactical Situations (TDS)


The didactical contract: The teachers answers confirm that this kind of exploration task is usual in his classrooms. We can thus suppose the existence of an
established didactic contract for exploration tasks in a computer environment,
making clear what can be the end of an exploration phase, the kind of writing
expected, and the role of the teacher. These answers also show that, beyond its
mathematical components, the didactical contract includes some general rules
concerning students interactions: active interaction and collaborative supporting
attitude, mutual listening; and concerning teacherstudents interactions: the
teacher enters in a working group if called by the students, if he realizes that they
are stuck, or for provoking deeper reflection on interesting ideas.
The students mathematical background: This session represents the students
first encounter with (continuous) exponential functions but they have previously
met discrete exponential dynamics and associated these to the invariance of the ratio
of two consecutive terms. Students could thus mobilize this discrete vision of exponentials and associated algebraic techniques in the exploration. This could help
them question graphical evidence, for instance the fact that the exponential function
actually reaches the value 0, or conjecture properties not directly accessible at the
interface such as a^1 = a.
The students instrumental background: The teachers answers confirm the
students familiarity with DGS they have used it from the beginning of the year.
We also learn that they have approached functions numerically, graphically, and
symbolically using spreadsheets, Graphic Calculus and TI-Interactive, thus we can
suppose that they have already faced discretization phenomena and questions linked
to window framing. What is missing is information about the familiarity that students have in working with DGS for studying functions, which requires different
instrumental competences from those used for using DGS in geometry. The familiarity gained with other technologies is not necessarily enough for ensuring a
possible transfer to DGS. This can have an effect on the conjectures made, as
explained in the initial a priori analysis.
The teachers expectations: The teachers expectations regarding this situation
which precedes the formal introduction of the derivative are high, up to an approach
of the differential characteristic property of the exponential function. He writes:
The activity intends to clarify the principal features of increasing behaviours and of exponential functions. In particular, it intends to explain the reason why at the increasing of x an
exponential of base greater than 1 will increase, definitively, more than any other polynomial
function of x, whatever grade of the polynomial. In the project, exponential functions and
sequences are used to cope with problem situations coming from exponential models.
(Answer to question 17, see Sect. 2.2.2)

How the proposed exploration can lead students to the conviction that exponential
functions with base greater than 1 dominate any kind of polynomial function is not
evident. The a-didactic milieu seems too weak for leading to such a conviction without
the teachers mediation, and even weaker for finding reasons for this phenomenon
as expressed above by the teacher.
In the initial a priori analysis, we pointed out the possibility of different levels of
language. It is interesting to note that the teacher is sensitive to this question of


M. Artigue et al.

language, and considers that he has an important role to play in the evolution of the
linguistic expressions. He supports this position by a discourse involving the notion
of semiotic game, which is extensively discussed in Chap. 3. He also adds that he
anticipates such a role for him only from Episode 3. We thus suppose that the didactic
contract makes clear for students that they can express the results of the exploration
in their own terms. Nevertheless, due to the familiarity already gained in the work
with polynomial functions, we expect the use of mathematical terms for expressing
and comparing function variations.
In the teachers answers no allusion is made to proof. We pointed out that the
production of proofs for exponential variations did not seem accessible to the students
without substantial teacher mediation. Considering the expectations he expresses
and the role he anticipates for himself, we consider that his goal is not the production
of proof. Rather, he wants the students to make sense of the variations of exponential
functions and the role played by the exponential basis through exploration, and
access some form of understanding supported by graphical evidence. This seems
coherent with the vision he presents of the use of technology: In my opinion
technological tools have to be used to empower the possibility to experience the
mathematical environment and mathematical objects (answer to question 3,
Sect. 2.2.2).

A Posteriori Analysis

We synthesize now the results of the a posteriori analysis. We pay particular attention to the similarities and discrepancies detected in the comparison with the a priori
analysis, and use this comparison for understanding the functioning of the specific
didactic system at stake. We start the a posteriori analysis by comparing the
students conjectures with our anticipations.
Students conjectures: Most of the anticipated conjectures appear, but also some
more. In fact, six conjectures are proposed by the students during the first situation
and five during the second, which confirms the a-didactical potential of these situations. Discrepancies between a priori and a posteriori analysis are mainly due to
Carlos work in the semiotic register of algebraic expressions to which, in the a priori
analysis, we only gave a role of control and validation. Indeed, we linked the production of conjectures to the interaction with the DGS component of the milieu. The first
conjecture articulated regards the value of the function for x = 0 (C2 in the a priori
analysis). It emerges very early (line 3 of the transcript), is directly expressed by
Carlo in terms of equality, and proved algebraically. Thus it does not result from the
interpretation of the graphical representation. The students then test the effect of a
change in the unit of the y-axis and Giovanni notes that the form of the graph does
not change (Giovanni, lines 16, 18) while Carlo seems sensitive to the change in the
perception of the rate of growth. The second conjecture is articulated by Carlo immediately after line 19 and expresses the fact that if 2.7 is replaced by 1, the graph
becomes a straight line (C7). This conjecture was anticipated but only for Task 2. The
first DGS file, indeed, does not allow the students to change the value of the basis of

Introduction to the Theory of Didactical Situations (TDS)


the exponential. The conjecture thus necessarily results here from the connection
made by Carlo between the perceptive change in the rate of growth and the algebraic
fact that 1^x = 1 for every x. The third produced conjecture is C4: when x goes towards
negative values, y gets closer to 0 (Giovanni, line 40), and from some value on, x is
always 0 (Giovanni, line 42). The students try to determine the value where the function reaches the value 0 (from line 111); however, for this conjecture we do not notice
any attempt of control or validation in the algebraic register. The fourth conjecture
states that the ratio f(2)/f(1) equals 2.7 (Carlo, line 90). Once again, it emerges from
algebraic work and expresses the connection that students make between this situation and the work developed on discrete exponential models. Connecting 2.7 to particular values of the function, this conjecture plays the role given to C3 in the a priori
analysis, but does it in a way that suggests a deeper connection with the nature of
exponential growth. The attempts made by the students for checking this conjecture
in the DGS environment are not successful, due to uncontrolled discretization phenomena. The fifth conjecture is the first concerning the variations of the function and
refines C4 (Giovanni, line 109): for negative x, the function decreases towards 0. It
apparently results from the manipulation of the software. For finding the exact value
for which 2.7^x becomes 0, Giovanni moves the mobile point from the right to the
left, which gives a perception of decrease. The sixth conjecture, a variant of C1, connects variation and limits: f(x) tends towards infinity when x tends towards infinity.
Carlo justifies this assertion by invoking the nature of exponential dynamics (line
122) while Giovanni checks it with DGS (line 123).
While dealing with Task 2, the two students quickly understand that by increasing the value of a they obtain exponential curves increasing more and more quickly
(C5). Giovanni expresses this conjecture in ordinary language: If you change this
that is it becomes more tightened or it increases more or less (Giovanni, line 152),
and Carlo (line 153) goes on using a language more mathematical and involving the
idea of increasing rate of change. Later on, when Carlo begins to write the report,
another expression emerges: For the same space, the differences are ever greater
(Carlo, line 192) which shows once again the influence of previous work on discrete
dynamics. The second conjecture is C7 (case a = 1) which was already articulated in
the exploration of Task 1. It is expressed by Carlo as a confirmation (line 173) but
Giovanni does not seem so sure. The end of the episode is not easy to analyze from
the transcript but it seems that at least three other conjectures are produced, expressing the decreasing nature of the exponential curve for a < 1 (C6), and the fact that the
curve never reaches the x-axis (line 186). Carlo tries to mobilize the algebraic register for justifying this conjecture but using 1 instead of a as the base of the exponential: If I raise 1 to any number I have not zero (Carlo, line 199). Later on,
another conjecture emerges expressing that when the base a tends towards 0, the
curve gets closer to the x-axis but does not touch it (lines 211215).
Note that, for a = 2.7, exploring what happens when x decreases, the students
conclude that y reaches 0, whereas in the second exploration they insist on the fact
that for a < 1, when x increases, y decreases towards 0 but never takes this value.
Apparently, they do not make any connection between the two situations. Subtle
differences in the information provided at the interface for the two DGS files (in the


M. Artigue et al.

first file, the y value is displayed and becomes 0 once x is about 5 for instance), in
the way the questions are phrased and thus the exploration is carried out (leading to
them paying more attention to the coordinates of P in the first situation, and more
attention to the global behaviour in the second), may have contributed to this.
The sharing of roles between students: From the beginning, Giovanni takes the
mouse and works with the computer while Carlo works mainly with paper and
pencil and seems in charge of writing the report. In the first minutes, it seems that
he wants to pilot the DGS exploration from this external position, but quickly
Giovanni establishes his autonomy. Even if the students collaborate, this sharing
of roles creates an evident dissymmetry in their interactions with the milieu, with
notable impact as shown above. In fact, we could say that they do not interact with
the same milieu; only Giovanni interacts with the milieu of the a priori analysis.
This seems the main source of discrepancy between the a priori and a posteriori
analysis. We did not anticipate this sharing of roles, and nor did the teacher, although
it appears frequently in group-work with technology. When questioned about it, the
teacher considers that there is some dysfunction, the interaction between students
respecting neither his ethical values nor his vision of cognitive development.
Instrumental issues: Instrumental issues impact the students relationship with
the milieu. Most of the instrumental difficulties met by the students had been
anticipated in the a priori analysis, but not all of them, for instance those attached
to the distinction between what is fixed or what is not fixed in the first DGS
drawing. We supposed that, due to their familiarity with DGS, the students would
not have difficulties with this distinction. This was the case for Giovanni, who
seemed to understand quickly that the curve was drawn through the use of a
formula involving a value 2.7 (lines 3032) that could be changed into another
value. This was not the case for Carlo, who met serious problems, confusing 2.7
with the unit of the y-axis, and thinking thus that by changing the unit he could
change the base of the exponential. Note that the difficulties met by the students
and anticipated in the a priori analysis were not expected by the teacher. We take
this as a symptom of the general underestimation of the complexity of instrumental
geneses, and of their mathematical and technical needs. The strong semiotic
sensitivity of the teacher did not fully compensate for that.
The role of the teacher: The role of the teacher perfectly corresponds to the
anticipation of the a priori analysis. During these two episodes, he only intervenes
for solving a few technical problems, and the two students work in full autonomy.



The video of Carlo and Giovanni comes from a classroom session that has not been
designed within the frame of TDS. Nevertheless, these episodes present characteristics which make an analysis through the lens of TDS and the instrumental approach
fully pertinent. Students interact with a milieu offering a rich potential of actions
and retroactions, and the experience of the students, both mathematical and

Introduction to the Theory of Didactical Situations (TDS)


instrumental, allows them to benefit from this potential, in the autonomous mode
which characterizes a-didactical situations. Moreover, the didactical contract makes
clear the respective expectations of teacher and students, even if the written exploration tasks do not seem precisely defined.
We developed thus our analysis using the usual techniques of TDS, that is to say,
preparing an a priori analysis focusing on the determination of the cognitive potential
of an a-didactic interaction with the milieu, for a generic and epistemic student, that
is, a student accepting the a-didactical game and able to invest in it the mathematical
and instrumental knowledge supposed by the teacher. We then compared the results
of the a priori analysis with the a posteriori analysis of the video. In doing so, we
showed that the tools we had used in the a priori analysis allowed us to make realistic anticipations regarding the cognitive a-didactic potential of the two situations,
and also to anticipate limitations and difficulties underestimated by the teacher himself. Thanks to this technique, the students behavior becomes more understandable,
and we can separate in the contingency of the actual realization what results from
the logic of the situation from what results from other conditions. In particular, we
can observe the discrepancies created by the fact that, in the a priori analysis one
considers an epistemic and generic student, while in the reality of classrooms teachers
work with individuals with different background and motivation, who enter more or
less into the game proposed by the teacher and most often do it with different knowledge from that supposed. In this case study, the two students accept the a-didactical
game and the devolution process is successful. They behave as epistemic actors of
the situation: they try to answer the questions posed by the teacher, using their
mathematical knowledge for piloting and making sense of the exploration; they do
not try to guess the answers expected by the teacher from some didactical hints (this
phenomenon is the object of Chap. 12 on the Topaze effect). This being said, they
interact differently with the milieu, in fact not exactly with the same milieu.
Comparing the a priori and the a posteriori analysis, we point out new elements not
envisaged in the a priori analysis, and identify their effects, both on the cognitive
trajectory of each student and on the global trajectory of the group.
We do not pretend that this TDS analysis tells everything that is didactically
pertinent about this part of the video. Nevertheless, through its specific lens, it substantially contributes to our understanding of the video.
In this conclusion, we also would like to come back to the issue of significant
unit for didactical analysis. The vision of what is a significant unit always depends
on the adopted theoretical framework. We were able to productively put TDS at the
service of the analysis of the episode, but we want to stress again that what this
video makes accessible is very limited with regard to the systemic perspective of
TDS. What we access is a very small part of the teaching of exponential functions
in this classroom and of what makes the teacher able to fulfill the aims he details in
his answers to the questionnaire. We have access, for one particular group of
students, to a moment of first meeting (according to the ATD terminology) with
exponential functions. They intervene through technological black-boxes that the
students have to explore. Some statements emerge from this exploration whose
mathematical status is not clear at this stage. How do these statements situate with


M. Artigue et al.

respect to the statements produced by other groups? How will the teacher exploit
them? How will they be related both in their content and form to the institutional
knowledge aimed at? And what use will be made of that knowledge, once institutionalized? What level of technical operationality will be aimed at in the different
semiotic registers? We just see a tiny part of a mathematical and didactical organization,
something interesting and insightful but very insufficient for someone who would
like to understand what can be the teaching and learning of exponential functions in
such a context.

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Introduction to the Theory of Didactical Situations (TDS)


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Chapter 5

Introduction to the Anthropological Theory

of the Didactic (ATD)
Marianna Bosch and Josep Gascn

Abstract The chapter briefly introduces the Anthropological Theory of the

Didactic (ATD) by referring to the data from Chap. 2. ATD provides a frame for
investigating mathematical and didactic activities in terms of praxeologies, focusing
on their components, dynamics, and the conditions that enable their existence
and development in a given institutional setting. The main idea of the concept of
praxeologies is that all human activities comprise and link two parts, a practice and
a theory one.
Keywords Theories Anthropological theory of the didactic



The Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD) is a program of research in

mathematics education initiated by Yves Chevallard in the 1980s with the study
of didactic transposition processes (Bosch and Gascn 2006; see also Chevallard
1985, 1989, 1992a, b) and which has been evolving continuously for the last
30 years. Nowadays, a community of about one hundred researchers, mainly
from Europe, Canada, and Latin America, work on the development of this program, focusing on the current problems of spreading knowledge both at school
and outside school, concerning mathematics as well as other fields of knowledge.
M. Bosch (*)
IQS School of Management, Universitat Ramon Llull,
Via Augusta 390, 08017 Barcelona, Spain
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Gascn
Facultat de Cincies, Departament de Matemtiques, Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona,
Edifici C Campus de la UAB, 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Valls), Barcelona, Spain
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research
Practice in Mathematics Education, Advances in Mathematics Education,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9_5, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014



M. Bosch and J. Gascn

A good outline of the approached problems and the obtained results within this
framework can be found in the proceedings of the four International ATD
Conferences held since 2005 in Spain and France (Bosch et al. 2011; Bronner
et al. 2010; Estepa et al. 2006).
The meaning and relevance of ATD has to be understood as a development of the
project initiated by the Theory of Didactical Situations (TDS) of a science of didactic
phenomena called didactics of mathematics (cf. Chap. 4 on TDS). In the framework
proposed by ATD, the institutional dimension of mathematical and didactic1 activities becomes much more explicit. Doing, teaching, learning, diffusing, creating, and
transposing mathematics, as well as any other kind of knowledge, are considered as
human activities taking place in institutional settings. The science of didactics is
thus concerned with the conditions governing these knowledge activities in society,
as well as the restrictions hindering their development among social institutions.


Principles and Key Constructs: Praxeologies

ATD postulates that any activity related to the production, diffusion, or acquisition
of knowledge should be interpreted as an ordinary human activity, and thus proposes a general model of human activities built on the key notion of praxeology.
According to Chevallard (2006):
A praxeology is, in some way, the basic unit into which one can analyse human action at
large. [] What exactly is a praxeology? We can rely on etymology to guide us here one
can analyse any human doing into two main, interrelated components: praxis, i.e. the practical
part, on the one hand, and logos, on the other hand. Logos is a Greek word which, from
pre-Socratic times, has been used steadily to refer to human thinking and reasoning
particularly about the cosmos. [] [According to] one fundamental principle of the ATD
the anthropological theory of the didactic no human action can exist without being, at
least partially, explained, made intelligible, justified, accounted for, in whatever
style of reasoning such an explanation or justification may be cast. Praxis thus entails
logos, which, in turn, backs up praxis. For praxis needs support just because, in the long
run, no human doing goes unquestioned. Of course, a praxeology may be a bad one, with
its praxis part being made of an inefficient technique technique is here the official
word for a way of doing and its logos component consisting almost entirely of sheer
nonsense at least from the praxeologists point of view! (Chevallard 2006, p. 23)

Both the practical and theoretical components of a praxeology are in turn broken
down into two elements. The praxis block is made of types of tasks and a set of
techniques (considering this term in a broad sense of ways of doing) to carry
out some of the tasks of the given type (those in the scope of the technique). The
logos block contains two levels of description and justification of the praxis. The
first level is called a technology, using here the etymological sense of discourse
(logos) of the technique (techn). The second level is simply called the theory and
its main function is to provide a basis and support of the technological discourse. In

The adjective didactic is used to refer to anything related to the teaching, learning, or study of
a given content.

Introduction to the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD)


general human activities, the theory component is generally more difficult to

grasp than the others because it is usually taken for granted, unless in times of
difficulties, crises, and questioning of the praxeologies. In return, scientific work
provides many examples of how these theoretical assumptions can be made explicit
in order to provide more control of the techniques carried out and of their description,
justification, and validation.
A praxeology is thus an entity formed by four components, usually called the
four Ts: a type of tasks, a set of techniques, a technological discourse, and a theory.
As activities and knowledge can be described considering different delimitations or
granularities, a distinction is made between a point praxeology (containing a single
type of task), a local praxeology (containing a set of types of task organized
around a common technological discourse) and a regional praxeology (which
contains all point and local praxeologies sharing a common theory). We will see an
example of this distinction in the analysis of the episode of Carlo and Giovanni (see
also Garca et al. 2006; Barb et al. 2005).
Praxeologies is a useful term when talking about knowledge, mathematics, or
any other teaching and learning content, and also about teaching and learning
practices, as it provides a unitary vision of these different activities, without
considering some of them as more intellectual, abstract, difficult, or theoretically
based than the others, and thus without assuming the scale of values usually given
to them (mathematics appearing as something related to thinking while teaching
is more seen as a practice than as a theory).
Praxeologies do not emerge suddenly and never acquire a final shape. They are
the result of ongoing activities, with complex dynamics, that in their turn have to be
modeled. We will use the term didactic praxeologies to refer to any activity related
to setting up praxeologies (Chevallard 1999). A didactic praxeology is thus a
praxeology that aims at making other praxeologies start living in and migrating
within human groups. They are an essential part of the functioning and evolution of
our societies, indispensable to keeping institutions running, to modifying them, and
also to habilitating people to make them work and progress. They are also essential,
of course, for the personal development of human beings, to improving their capacity
of action and comprehension.
Here appears a sensible point about the relation between institutional and
personal praxeologies. In order to answer the question of why people do what they
do, what makes it possible for them to do what they do, etc., ATD postulates that
what explains the behavior of people are not only their personal idiosyncrasies but
also the existence (or availability) of institutional constructions that each person
adapts, adopts, and develops either individually or collectively. An ATD analysis
therefore starts by approaching institutional praxeologies and then referring individual behavior to them, talking in terms of the praxeological equipment of a
given person. Observable behavior obviously consists of a mixture of personal and
institutional ingredients. This dialectic between the personal and the institutional
makes it possible to explain both the regularities of our behavior and its personal
footprint. People evolve as they enter different institutions and, at the same time,
these individual participations enable institutions to appear, run, and change.

M. Bosch and J. Gascn


Scholars and
other producers

to be taught




Groups of


Fig. 5.1 Diagram of the process of didactic transposition

Concerning the dynamics of praxeologies, the ATD assumes an important

postulate of the TDS: the fact that any piece of knowledge (i.e., any praxeology)
can be considered as an answer provided explicitly or de facto to a question Q
(a problem or a difficulty) arising in an institutional setting (or a situation).
Question Q then becomes the raison dtre of the praxeology constructed, a
rationale evolving as the praxeology develops and integrates into other kinds of
activities, for instance to provide answers to other kinds of questions. It often
occurs that the raisons dtre at the origin of most praxeologies disappear with
time, and people end up doing things out of inertia or habit, without questioning
their way of doing nor considering the possibility of changing them. Therefore, an
important research gesture in didactics is to analyze praxeologies to find out
their possible raisons dtre (the historic as well as the contemporary ones) and
study the conditions that can make them appear give them sense in different
institutional settings.


Methodologies and Questions

The Praxeological Analysis

One of the first contributions of ATD through the notion of didactic transposition
process was to make clear that it is not possible to interpret school mathematics
properly without taking into account the phenomena related to the way mathematics
is introduced and reconstructed at school. What mathematical praxeologies are
proposed to be studied at school and why? What are they made of? Where do they
come from? Do they live outside school? Where and under what shapes? Didactic
transposition processes underline the institutional relativity of knowledge and situate
didactic problems at an institutional level, beyond individual characteristics of the
subjects of the considered institutions (Fig. 5.1).
The process of didactic transposition (Fig. 5.1) refers to the transformations
applied to a content or a body of knowledge since it is produced and put into use,
until it is actually taught and learned in a given educational institution. This notion
is not just the description of a phenomenon, but a tool to emancipate the didactic
analysis from the dominant vision of educational content. Teaching and learning
processes always include some content or piece of knowledge to be taught and


Introduction to the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD)

Scholars and
other producers

to be taught




Groups of

Reference epistemological models

Researchers in didactics of mathematics

Fig. 5.2 The external position of researchers

learnt. One can take this content as given data or, on the contrary, question its
nature and function, considering its formation as knowledge to be taught through
the productions of the noosphere-that is, the sphere of those who think (noos)
about teaching-, its relationship to scholarly knowledge which usually legitimates
its introduction in educational institutions, and the specific form it takes when
arriving in the classroom as taught knowledge, activated by both the teacher and
the students. The knowledge to be taught can be accessed through official programs, textbooks, recommendations to teachers, didactic materials, etc., which
may help in considering also the conditions under which it is constituted and
evolves (or remains fixed) in time.
This study should take into account the scholarly knowledge produced by
mathematicians or other scientists who are recognized as the experts of the matter
and appears as a source of legitimation of the knowledge to be taught. However,
scholarly knowledge should not be considered as the unique reference to which all
school mathematical praxeologies are referred to. In order to avoid adopting a particular and scholarly biased viewpoint, researchers in didactics need to elaborate
their own reference models (Fig. 5.2) from which to consider the empirical data
of the three corresponding institutions: the mathematical community, the educational system, and the classroom.

The Didactic Analysis

A social situation is said to be a didactic situation whenever one of its actors (Y)
does something to help a person (x) or a group of persons (X) learn something
(indicated by a heart ). A didactic system S(X; Y; ) is then formed. The thing that
is to be learned is called a didactic stake and is made of questions and/or praxeological components. X is the group of students of and Y is the team of study
assistants (or study helpers). The most obvious didactic systems are those
formed at school, where Y is ordinarily a singleton whose unique member is the
teacher y. However, there are a multitude of different kinds of didactic systems.


M. Bosch and J. Gascn

For instance, the authors of this chapter are acting as Y to help the reader, x, learn
something about ATD research.
Given a didactic system S(X; Y; ), the praxeological analysis tries to provide
answers about the praxeologies the didactic stake is made of. By contrast, the
didactic analysis approaches questions including: What is X? What is Y? What
are the didactic praxeologies put to use by X and Y and what didactic means
have proved necessary to do so? What praxeological equipment can be engendered in X as a short-term and as a long-term result of the functioning of S(X;
Y; )? To answer these and other questions, ATD provides two different general didactic models. The first one, in terms of six dimensions or didactic
moments, concerns the case where is a given local praxeology P and presents a structure of the construction of the different components of P : the first
encounter with the praxeology, the exploration of the type of tasks and the
emergence of a technique, the work of the technique and the study of its
scope, the elaboration of a theoretical environment, the institutionalization,
and the evaluation of the work done (Chevallard 1999; see also Barb et al.
2005; Garca et al. 2006). The second didactic model is more general and aims
to include any process of study and research starting from a problematic question Q. It is presented and used in the case study on context-milieu-media
(Chap. 10).

The Ecological Analysis and the Levels of Didactic


The study of the ecology of mathematical and didactic praxeologies states that,
when the teacher and the students meet around an issue at stake , what can happen
is mainly determined by conditions that cannot be reduced to those immediately
identifiable in the classroom, such as the teachers and students praxeological
equipment, the teaching material available, the temporal organization of activities,
etc. Even if these conditions play an important role, Chevallard (2002) proposed to
consider a scale of levels of didactic codetermination (see Fig. 5.3).
General educational research usually focuses on restrictions coming from the
generic levels (above the discipline), while research in specific subject didactics
(such as didactics of mathematics, sciences, language, etc.) hardly take them as an
object of study, even if they strongly affect the specific praxeologies that can exist
in the classroom and the way they can evolve. Moreover, even at the specific levels
(within the discipline), what is commonly considered in didactics research tends to
be reduced to phenomena occurring at the thematic level, that is, those concerned by
the teaching and learning of a specific topic. Consequently, it becomes very difficult
for researchers and even more for the teacher to question the cultural vision of
mathematics and its teaching as proposed by both school and scholarly institutions.
The way the levels of didactic codetermination are used to analyze the ecology of
mathematical and didactic praxeologies is illustrated at the end of the chapter (see
also Artigue and Winslw 2010).


Introduction to the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD)

Fig. 5.3 Scale of levels of

didactic codetermination



Illustrating the Theory Through Analysis of the Video

of Carlo, Giovanni, and the Exponential Function


Mathematical Praxeologies in the Considered Episode

The description of praxeologies can be carried out at different levels of detail,

depending on the kind of problem posed by the researcher. In this case, given the
fact that the piece of reality considered does not respond to any specific problem
proposed by ATD, we will limit our presentation to an overall illustrative analysis of
the mathematical praxeologies involved in the considered episode. We will start by
inferring the ingredients of the praxis of the mathematical praxeologies and then
look for the logos used to describe, explain, and justify this praxis.

The Technical-Practical Block of Mathematical Praxeologies

In the episode in which Carlo and Giovanni solve Task 1 and 2 (see Sect. 2.1.3 of
this book), the mathematical praxeology at stake consists of two related tasks (or
point praxeologies), the second one constituting a development of the first. They
both integrate into a broader (local) praxeology that we will comment on later,
based on the extra material we asked the teacher to provide (see Sect. 2.2.2). Due to
lack of space, we will not carry out a detailed analysis of the three point praxeologies that appear in the episode and will only highlight the aspects they have in
common. We may consider that Task 1 and 2 (see Figs. 2.1 and 2.2 in Sect. 2.1.3)
stem from the same generating question Q, which can be formulated in the


M. Bosch and J. Gascn

following terms: How to describe the variation of exponential functions y = ax, both
from a global and a local viewpoint?
In the observed episodes, this question is divided into three sub-questions:
How to describe the global variation of y = 2.7x when varying x? (case a = 2.7)
How to describe the global variation of y = ax for different values of a (a > 0)?
How to quantify the local variation of y = ax from the study of y for different values
of x and considering the slope of the tangent line of the function at point x?
Obviously, this first task description is being done in terms related to our own
mathematical experience and trying to remain close to the considered institution
(the Italian secondary school, in this case). Our main empirical material is the
worksheet the teacher hands out to the students as a guide to carry out the work.
The questions in the worksheet (see Figs. 2.1 and 2.2 in Sect. 2.1.3) are divided
into sub-questions that need to be answered. There is no introduction to the tasks
proposed, nor are there any references to a more general framework (for instance
to study the variation of the exponential function) in which the study takes place.
It is possible that the introduction was done before the considered episode, but we
do not know.
What are the techniques used to elaborate an answer to the three previous questions? In the case we are working on, we consider the global techniques used, and
not only those the students are asked to carry out. In other words, we will consider
the techniques useful to provide answers to the previous questions and that appear
in the episode as activities carried out both by the teacher and the students, according
to a precise distribution of responsibilities into which we will look in Sect. 5.2.2.
In the three considered tasks, the technique contains a specific device: a Cabri
Geometry file with interactive graphs elaborated by the teacher, which the students
are asked to manipulate and interpret. A certain manipulation of the devices which
the teacher has specified in the tasks leads them to conjecture some of the visible
properties of the functions considered from interpreting what is observed on the
computer screen (graphic and numeric information). We are faced with a kind of
exploratory techniques of specific mathematical objects which do not have a
standard mathematical denomination (for example calculating the derivative of a
function). Some of the gestures performed when carrying out those techniques
are not visible in the video: the part of choosing and providing the experimental
device, which the teacher did beforehand. What does appear in the Cabri file (and is
observed in the activity the students carry out) is the detail of some of the manipulations of the device, which in some cases figure in relative detail in the task instructions: Open file, Move the point x on the x-axis, modify also the measure
unit on the y-axis, Move the point x towards the left until arriving nearly at the
end of the field of variation of the negative xs, etc. (see Fig. 2.1 in Sect. 2.1.3). The
students participation in carrying out the three tasks consists of performing the
indications provided by the teacher and taking charge of the gestures that are not
indicated: relate the graphic variation of x to the graphic variation of y; interpret it
in terms of functional relations; formulate those relations in graphic and functional
terms, both verbally and in writing; discuss and reach an agreement about how

Introduction to the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD)


to draw up the observations; etc. This type of technique may be portrayed as

ostensive in the sense that it is mainly based on the description of facts (numerical
and graphical) which may be observed on a screen, both verbally (orally and written)
and graphically (sketches).
An important part of the development of these techniques is the preparation of the
computer devices carried out by the teacher. The students intervene at a specific
moment of the development of the technique, but only the teacher is in charge of its
global use. This situation is different from other mathematical techniques in which
the students are fully in charge of generating the device and the gestures (for instance
in the case of drawing the graph of a function and interpreting some of its elements,
or carrying out a numerical simulation). The students are only asked to prepare a final
statement, first orally and then a written version including graphs, so as to provide
answers to the questions posed by means of provisional conjectures. They will also
need to choose the known elements of the exponential functions in order to partially
contrast some of the conjectures formulated (for instance that curve y = ax is a horizontal line when a = 1). In the exchange between students, we can observe the functioning of mathematical objects that are essential to the formulation of conjectures
and that have previously been integrated in their praxeological equipment: tangent
line, slope, effect of the change of units, to grow more and more, etc.
Given the fact that the episode is situated at an initial stage of the study of the
variation of exponential functions, what is observed in the work done by the students
is the use of scattered technical elements which, we suppose, will gradually be integrated so as to form more powerful and systematic exploratory techniques. We thus
see the emergence of new technical elements such as identifying the secant line with
the tangent line (and with the curve itself of the function) when x gets close to 0,
or the sudden change of behavior of the function when going from the case 0 < a < 1
to the case a > 1. Undoubtedly, more exhaustive technical and theoretical work will
be necessary to systematize and institutionalize those elements in further lessons,
which are still incipient in the observed episodes.

The Technological-Theoretical Block of Mathematical


After having proposed a possible description of the praxis of the mathematical

activity partially appearing in the episodes, we can turn the attention to the logos
block, that is, the elements used to talk about the work done, to describe and
justify it. Some elements make it possible for the practice to be understandable and
allow interaction between the students (each one understanding what the other
does or says) as well as between the students and the teacher: they are part of the
technology of the technique. We can mention, for instance, the interpretation of
the elements of the Cabri files in functional terms: the correspondence between the
graph and the values of the function; the fact that the values of the function
are obtained by moving point x on the x-axis; the relationship between the slope
of the tangent line and its growth, etc. Other technological elements, maybe of a


M. Bosch and J. Gascn

less mathematical nature, also contribute to justifying the functioning of the

technique of manipulating the graph (correspondence between segment x and
point P; between segment a and the base of the exponential function; etc.) and to
the use of Cabri. Usually the elements of the technological discourse (basically
implicit) are built at the same time as the tasks are explored and only rise to the
surface in case of difficulty. In fact, the aim of the task partially consists in formulating some of those elements, those of most mathematical nature related to the
observed variations of the functions.
The second level of justification considered in any praxeology, the level of the
theory, corresponds to those suppositions that explain and validate the technological discourse. It contains some aspects of the development and justification
of the techniques that are usually taken for granted and, therefore, rarely specified.
In this case, two implicit principles seem to support the activated praxeologies.
The first one which we could call the empiricist principle consists in assuming
that the answers to the questions related to the behavior of an exponential function can be deduced from the simple observation of the images on the screen,
using the graphical and numerical information provided. They thus appear as
self-justified verifications or, at the most, provisional conjectures that require a
subsequent justification. Students say what they say because it is what they see
on the screen and it seems that everything that appears on the screen is true.
This is the theoretical foundation of ostensive techniques based on the observation of empirical objects.
The second theoretical principle that seems to act (although not always in the
same way) is what we could call the principle of coherence, which is also essential
to the experimental work. We indeed see that some of the affirmations of the
students are algebraically validated (for example that 2.70 = 1 or that 1x = 1) following
the principle of what is observed has to be compatible with what one already
knows. However, this principle does not always function in the same way. For
instance, students conjecture that y = 0 when the values of x are lower than 5.3,
stating what they see on the screen. (Given the fact that numerical values appear to
two significant figures and 2.75.3 0.0052 while 2.75.4 0.0047, the Cabri file
shows 2.7x = 0.00 for all x < 5.3.) Here, we see how the two aforementioned principles clash with each other in a certain way, without posing any difficulties to the
students, certainly because the teacher remains ultimately responsible for the validity
of the activated praxeology.
Finally, we would like to comment that the praxeologies observed in action in
the video seem to be oriented towards drawing up a global technological discourse
on how exponential functions vary. In other words, despite having highlighted the
practical and theoretical elements of the praxeology involved in the episode, the
final result of its setting up basically consists of generating technological elements
of a broader praxeology that exceeds the observed work. This special situation
makes it difficult to distinguish between the elements of the praxeology at stake
(carrying it out consists in producing technological ingredients of a broader praxeology) and the technological and theoretical elements that correspond to those
technical elements.

Introduction to the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD)



Didactic Praxeologies

Besides the description of the mathematical praxeology at stake, the second kind of
question that guides the analysis consists of asking: What are the didactic praxeologies
put to use by X and Y and what didactic means have proved necessary to do so? In
the considered episodes, two types of didactic praxeologies (or two positions in a
cooperative didactic praxeology) can be distinguished, depending on whether we
consider the teacher or the students to be the main character. We will here focus on
describing some of the elements of the didactic praxeology of the teacher (which we
may also call the teaching praxeology) because in general they contribute more to
explaining what students do and why they do what they do. It is, however, obvious
that, considering that the didactic process is based on cooperation between teachers
and students, the praxeologies of both types are always mutually influenced.
In the episode considered, and through the actions of the subjects observed two
students working on a computer in class under the supervision of the teacher we
will try to describe in the first place the (regular) institutional praxeologies that are
activated by the people observed, or in which they enter. Given the fact that all
praxeologies contain a descriptive and justificatory discourse, their analysis needs
to be carried out from an external position in order to grasp this discourse from a
critical point of view.
If we respect the chronology of the episode and stick to the point mathematical
praxeologies described in the previous section, a first element of the teaching practice
is precisely the choice and formulation of the concrete tasks proposed to the students.
A second element of this practice is the election of the type of materials proposed to
provide and validate the answers to the questions posed. And, finally, there is a set of
types of didactic task and techniques carried out in order to help students elaborate
those answers until turning them into something that may be used again later on.

The Practical-Technical Block of Didactic Praxeologies

We assume that the didactic process is centered on the study of a local praxeology
about exponential functions and, more precisely, on the variations of exponential
functions of the type y = ax. The whole didactic process, which goes from considering
the initial question Q until constructing a validated and potentially reusable praxeology,
may be described in terms of six didactic moments: the first encounter with the
praxeology and the formulation of the tasks to be carried out, the exploration of
the tasks and the emergence of a technique to carry out, the work of the technique, the elaboration of a theoretical environment, the institutionalization, and the
validation of the work done. Even if they can be considered chronologically, the
moments constitute dimensions of the process of study: they can take place simultaneously and can be repeated at different periods of time. In the case here considered, we may think that the episode corresponds to the moment of the elaboration of
the technological-theoretical block of the praxeology.


M. Bosch and J. Gascn

What is the didactic strategy used by the teacher to make the students experience
this moment? To propose two mathematical tasks to be carried out using some
Cabri file previously prepared by the teacher and, eventually, other technological
means. The way students deal with the tasks proposed shows that this kind of activity is not strange to them. They read the statement and start working without any
trouble. We can thus suppose that the didactic technique used by the teacher is
common practice in the class. We do not know if it has a specific name or how the
authors interpret it (aspects that are part of the technology of the didactic
praxeology). From our position of external observers, we could classify this didactic technique as the one of filling gaps: when facing the initial question of describing the properties of the variation of the exponential function, the distribution of
responsibilities between the teacher and the students consists of the teacher carrying
out an important part of the work (formulating the question, elaborating the Cabri
files, giving exact indications of certain gestures to carry out, etc.) and leaving
some substantial gaps as gestures for the students to do and questions to answer in
writing. The teacher here assumes the why of the questions he formulates, their
sequencing and motivation, as well as their functionality (the fact that they will
lead somewhere). The students follow the indications of the teacher and have the
responsibility of providing a first written formulation, discussing, and drawing up
valuable observations, comments, and conjectures on aspects about the functions
that are new to the students. The teacher occasionally intervenes during those critical moments to help the students elaborate their answers: gestures concerning the
secant lines; the idea of zoom, the fact that with the function graph [] you can
approximate it with many small lines (53:29); verbal expressions such as
the growth percentage of the ys (54:22); or make the groups of students share
some answers as in the other group have used a very good example (55:32).
As we only see a limited part of this didactic praxeology of the teacher, we are
not totally aware of the kind of didactic tasks he feels responsible for, what the destiny of the technical and technological elements activated by the students will be,
how these elements are being institutionalized and validated to conform to the final
praxeology at stake. Neither do we know the motivation that surrounds this construction, that is, its raison dtre.

The Technological-Theoretical Block of Didactic Praxeologies

What does the technology and the theory of a didactic praxeology consist of? Just
as in any praxeology, it is made up of elements of different natures, well or poorly
articulated depending on the case and on the degree of development of the praxeology. In this case, it seems that the didactic praxeology set up by the teacher is not
spontaneous, but comes from previous preparation and experimentation supported
by elaborated technological-theoretical elements. Some of these elements may
be deduced from the details of the episode (the students do not seem astonished by
the tasks proposed), others are clarified from the teachers answers to our questions
(see Sect. 2.2.2). However, some aspects will remain blurred. We will infer them as
a conjecture from the analysis.

Introduction to the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD)


The technological level of the didactic praxeology consists in a descriptive and

justifying discourse close to the teaching and learning practice. For instance, with
respect to the mathematical praxeology at stake, Domingo specifies what kind of
answer he wishes to obtain at the end of the study process:
I wanted the students to understand that exponential functions are functions for which the
growth is proportional to the function itself. In other terms, the derivative of an exponential
function is proportional to the function itself. This consideration, in my opinion, should
allow students to understand why the exponential function ax with a greater than 1 grows
with x faster than any power of x. (Answer to question 8, Sect. 2.2.2)

In fact, he describes this local mathematical praxeology at stake accurately and

even proposes an analysis of it in terms of three levels of complexity:
A first level is that of perceiving the different velocity of variation that exists between x
and ax. [] A second level is that of the understanding of how the graph of an exponential
function varies when the base varies. A third level, as in the third worksheet of Cabri, is
relative to the understanding that the incremental ratio is a function of two variables (the
x and the increment h). [] A fourth level is the passage from the local to the global
aspects of the derivative. From the gradient to the gradient function. (Answer to question
12, Sect. 2.2.2)

He even places this local praxeology in a broader one around exponential functions:
[I follow] two paths. In the first one I pose some problematic situations which, to be solved,
ask for exponential models. In the second one I present the properties of exponentials and I
introduce the logarithmic function as the inverse function of an exponential. [] Finally I
propose some techniques to solve exponential and logarithmic equations and inequations
[]. (Answer to question 10, Sect. 2.2.2)

As far as the selected order of the tasks is concerned, he justifies it with the argument of complexity and justifies the necessity of the experimental work with Cabri
in terms of the construction of a cognitive root for the later formal work.
With regard to the criteria to intervene in the independent work of the students,
the teacher argues:
Sometimes I enter in a working group if I realize that students are stuck. Other times I enter
because I realize that students are working very well and they have very good ideas that
need to be treated more deeply. [] (Answer to question 4, Sect. 2.2.2)

However, in order to justify his interventions in the teamwork, the teacher refers
to a broader explanatory framework around the notions of zone of proximal development and semiotic game:
[] a constant is that I try to work in a zone of proximal development. The analysis of
video and the attention we paid to gestures made me aware of the so-called semiotic game
that consists in using the same gestures as students but accompanying them with more
specific and precise language [] (Answer to question 4, Sect. 2.2.2)

Here is where the didactic theory shows up. It also includes a certain conception
of mathematics, the rationale of teaching it and the mission of schools in society:
The main aim of the posed activity was to allow students to develop an understanding of the
concept of exponential growth []. This consideration, in my opinion, should allow students
to understand why the exponential function [] grows with x faster than any power of x.
(Answer to question 8, Sect. 2.2.2)


M. Bosch and J. Gascn

I try to assess in the students the competence to observe and explore situations; to
produce and to support conjectures; to understand what they are doing and to reflect on it
[] (Answer to question 11, Sect. 2.2.2)
the main function of teaching, not only of math, is to help students to exercise critical
thought, to acquire the necessary competences for an informed and aware citizenship.
(Answer to question 11, Sect. 2.2.2)

We can add another theoretical element the teacher does not explicitly formulate
but that seems to support his practice with respect to the mathematical knowledge at
stake: the fact that it is not necessary for the teacher to explain to the students why
the properties of exponential functions are worthwhile to identify and what is the
main purpose of the tasks given to them.


New Questions Enlarging the Empirical Unit of Analysis

Until now we have just proposed a description in terms of praxeologies of the activities
observed (or deduced) from the video and from the extra empirical data gathered.
However, the aim of ATD is not just to describe teaching and learning realities, but to
explain and question it from different perspectives, confronting the observed facts with
those that could happen and did not, also analyzing the conditions that enable teaching
and learning processes to happen in the way they happen, while hindering or impeding
other kinds of activities from taking place. As in the case of mathematical praxeologies,
when dealing with the description of the didactic praxeologies, the analysis of the
observed situation depends on the type of questions we wish to answer as researchers.
For instance, if we consider the mathematic praxeologies described in the previous section as if they make sense on their own, then we would be assuming the
didactic project of the teacher without further analysis and we would only be questioning what the students do, what they learn, and how they learn it. However, if we
make a step aside and look at the teachers whole didactic project, numerous questions arise related, for instance, to the didactic transposition process and the elaboration of the mathematical praxeologies to be taught:
Where do the proposed tasks come from? What questions could they contribute to answering? What broader praxeology are they supposed to integrate? Why is it important to
describe the properties of variation of the exponential function? What is being done with
those properties? In which broader praxeology and at what level (practical or theoretical)
will the obtained technological elements on the exponential function integrate?

With the extra information gathered in Sect. 2.2, some of those questions can be
partially answered. For instance, the broader mathematical praxeology at stake is
basically generated by problematic situations modeled by discrete exponential
functions, a previous work that can motivate the study of the properties of the
graphs of continuous exponential functions. At the moment considered in the
episode, this work can only be carried out with ostensive techniques in order to
conclude that the function depending on the tangent line is proportional to the corresponding exponential function. A first approximation to the notion of derivative
and some of the praxeological elements that will be necessary later on for its formal

Introduction to the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD)


construction are thus obtained. Finally, logarithmic functions are defined as the
inverse of exponential functions and, as the teacher indicates, the properties of both
are used to propose some techniques of solving exponential and logarithmic equations and inequalities. Given this, the crucial question of the criteria used to choose
the structure and dynamics of the mathematical praxeology to be taught should be
asked, as well as the conditions needed to make this choice and the restrictions that
hinder it. This is part of the analysis of the didactic transposition process that is not
being developed here. It requires the elaboration of a reference epistemological
model about the theme of exponential functions and its relationship with the different sectors and domains of school mathematics to provide researchers with an alternative point of view.
This praxeological analysis about didactic stake (the characterization of exponential functions through their point and global variation) and the description of the
didactic praxeologies used by both the teacher and the students should be completed
by an ecological analysis about their conditions of possibility. It starts by asking
questions such as:
Where does the didactic praxeology enacted by the teacher and the students come from?
How is it built? Is it a common organization in the educational system considered? What
institutional conditions, at what level of the scale of didactic codetermination, make it possible to appear? What other alternative organizations exist or could exist?

If we stick at the level of the discipline, that is, the teaching of mathematics in
grade 10, the teaching strategy followed by the teacher does not seem to correspond
to a standard content organization, where topics usually have a more classical
structure generally imposed by official curricula: the discipline divided into domains
or sectors (sometimes called blocks of content) with a given list of themes or
topics in each. Teachers organize, sequence, and program the themes their own way,
but they rarely question or, much less, modify the given structure. This curriculum
constraint tends to confine the teachers didactic praxeology at the level of the theme
and makes it difficult to draw attention to the rationale of the taught mathematical
praxeologies because they often appear to be beyond the themes (and even beyond
the sectors or domains) where they take place. This is not the case in the teaching
process considered here, since the teacher seems to be responsible for the whole
organization of the content. It is interesting to ask what kind of institutional as well
as personal conditions are necessary to do so. Certainly the teachers involvement
with research in didactics is one of the conditions for this didactic praxeology to
exist, since the technological and theoretical discourses underlying it are far from
being spontaneous or professionally shared.
The level of the pedagogy corresponds to the conditions that are common to the
teaching and learning of any discipline in a school institution. In this respect, the
considered episode is a good illustration of another phenomenon related to the usual
distribution of responsibilities between the teacher and the students in traditional
didactic praxeologies. Current curricula tend to refer the main goal of teaching and
learning projects to a list of predetermined praxeological elements (topics,
concepts, competences, etc.) teachers should teach and students learn. The way
these elements are organized, motivated and made available to the students, as well


M. Bosch and J. Gascn

as the reasons for the choices made, are part of the teachers responsibilities.
Students do not participate in this kind of decision, which is even often hidden to
them. They are just asked to do things and they usually do them heedfully and
obediently. Even if the teaching strategy in the analyzed episode is not a common
one and seems modern and innovative, it still contains some remains of the classic
authoritarian pedagogical gestures: the teacher presents some tasks and an experimental tool and gives instructions to the students without explaining where they
come from nor where they lead to; we cannot see any information about the map of
the trip students are invited to follow; they do not seem either to be asked to participate in its configuration. The teacher proposes, the students accomplish.
Finally, at the level of the society, the episode also illustrates how didactic praxeologies even the most elaborated ones are always permeable, vulnerable
even, to practices with a high cultural value, independently of their didactic utility
or productivity. According to the task instructions, students are required to
observe the properties of the graphs of the functions they see on the screen, discuss their observations and then deduce some of the features of the graphs.
Therefore the teaching strategy seems to be taking advantage of the current fascination for visual representations in our western culture. It thus appears here as a strong
condition to facilitate the use of Cabri files as a means for the students main exploration work. The situation would certainly be more difficult if the experimental
work was organized around the observation and manipulation of numerical tables or
algebraic formulae, since they tend to appear as meaningless to our common culture. The tasks prepared by the teacher in the sessions following the episode include
these kinds of alternative experimental means, but they seem to play a less central
role in the whole teaching and learning process.
Because of the loss of its social leadership, school encounters more and more
difficulties in giving sense to some didactic practices that are not easily recognized
by common culture. In the other sense, school is permeable to some social practices
that are easily adopted as didactic ones, while remaining resistant to others. Little is
known about the specific ecology of didactic praxeologies at school and how this
ecology is related to their existence in other social institutions. This is the reason
why researchers are interested in tracking data coming from outside school and in
looking into school as outsiders, that is, without assuming that anything that happens there is normal or necessary. The theoretical and methodological framework
provided by ATD, throughout the delimitation of a unit of analysis that goes far
beyond the limits of the classroom activities appears to be a useful tool to emancipate researchers from the transparency of didactic facts and from the cultural
values about the social and human phenomena they have to approach.

Artigue, M., & Winslw, C. (2010). International comparative studies on mathematics education:
A viewpoint from the Anthropological Theory of Didactics. Recherches en Didactique des
Mathmatiques, 31(1), 4782.

Introduction to the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD)


Barb, Q., Bosch, M., Espinoza, L., & Gascn, J. (2005). Didactic restrictions on the teachers
practice. The case of limits of functions. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 59, 235268.
Bosch, M., & Gascn, J. (2006). Twenty-five years of the didactic transposition. ICMI Bulletin, 58,
Bosch, M., Gascn, J., Ruiz Olarra, A., Artaud, M., Bronner, A., Chevallard, Y., Cirade, G.,
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Documents, Vol. 10). Bellaterra (Barcelona): Centre de Recerca Matemtica.
Bronner, A., Larguier, M., Artaud, M., Bosch, M., Chevallard, Y., Cirade, G., & Ladage, C. (2010).
Diffuser les mathmatiques (et les autres savoirs) comme outils de connaissance et daction.
Montpellier: IUFM.
Chevallard, Y. (1985). La Transposition Didactique. Du savoir savant au savoir enseign (2nd ed.,
1991). Grenoble: La Pense Sauvage.
Chevallard, Y. (1989). On didactic transposition theory: Some introductory notes. In Proceedings
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Didactic_Transposition_Theory.pdf. Accessed 30 Oct 2013.
Chevallard, Y. (1992a). Fundamental concepts in didactics: Perspectives provided by an anthropological approach. In R. Douady & A. Mercier (Eds.), Research in Didactique of mathematics,
selected papers (pp. 131167). Grenoble: La Pense Sauvage.
Chevallard, Y. (1992b). A theoretical approach to curricula. Journal fr Mathematikdidaktik,
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Chevallard, Y. (1999). Lanalyse des pratiques enseignantes en thorie anthropologique du didactique. Recherches en Didactique des Mathmatiques, 19(2), 221266.
Chevallard, Y. (2002). Organiser ltude. 3. cologie regulation. In J.-L. Dorier, M. Artaud,
M. Artigue, R. Berthelot, & R. Floris (Eds.), Actes de la 11e cole dt de didactique des
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Chevallard, Y. (2006). Steps towards a new epistemology in mathematics education. In M. Bosch
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Estepa, A., Garca, F. J., & Ruiz-Higueras, L. (2006). Sociedad, escuela y matemticas.
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Education, 38(3), 226246.

Chapter 6

Introduction to Abstraction in Context (AiC)

Tommy Dreyfus and Ivy Kidron

Abstract The chapter briefly introduces the theoretical framework of Abstraction

in Context (AiC) by referring to the data from Chap. 2. AiC provides a model of
nested epistemic actions for investigating, at a micro-analytic level, learning processes
which lead to new (to the learner) constructs (concepts, strategies, ). AiC posits
three phases: the need for a new construct, the emergence of the new construct, and
its consolidation.
Keywords Theories Abstraction in context Epistemic actions


Abstraction in Context An Overview

Abstraction in Context (AiC) has been developed over the past 15 years with the
purpose of providing a theoretical and methodological approach for researching,
at the micro-level, learning processes in which learners construct deep structural
mathematical knowledge. Theoretically, AiC attempts to bridge between cognitive
and situated theories of abstraction, as well as between constructivist and activity
oriented approaches. Methodologically, AiC proposes tools that allow the
researcher to infer learners thought processes. Since we can only give an overview
of AiC in the limited space available here, we refer the interested reader to more

T. Dreyfus (*)
Department of Mathematics Science and Technology Education,
Joan and Jaime Constantiner School of Education, Tel Aviv University,
P. O. B. 39040, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
e-mail: [email protected]
I. Kidron
Department of Applied Mathematics, Jerusalem College of Technology,
Havaad Haleumi Street, 21, Jerusalem 91160, Israel
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research
Practice in Mathematics Education, Advances in Mathematics Education,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9_6, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014



T. Dreyfus and I. Kidron

detailed treatments of the theory (Schwarz et al. 2009), the methodology (Dreyfus
et al. 2015), and their relationship (Hershkowitz 2009) that have recently been
given elsewhere.
AiC is a theoretical framework rather than a full-fledged theory, because its
strength lies in suitably choosing and interpolating between elements from cognitive
and situated approaches as well as activity theoretical and constructivist elements,
and in the development of methodological tools that take these varied aspects
into account.



Focus on Abstraction

Understanding the processes by which students construct abstract mathematical

knowledge is a central concern of research in mathematics education. In schools,
abstraction may occur in a variety of curricular frameworks, classroom environments, and social contexts. The attention to such a variety of contexts requires a
hybrid reference to theoretical forefathers that belong to different traditions,
Freudenthal and Davydov. Freudenthal (1991) describes what mathematicians
have in mind when they think of abstraction. He has brought forward some of the
most important insights to mathematics education in general, and to mathematical
abstraction in particular. These insights led his collaborators to the idea of vertical
mathematization. Vertical mathematization is a process by which learners reorganize
previous mathematical constructs within mathematics and by mathematical means
in such a manner that a new abstract construct emerges. In vertical reorganization,
previous constructs serve as building blocks in the process of constructing. Often these
building blocks are not only reorganized but also integrated and interwoven, thus
adding a layer of depth to the learners knowledge, and giving expression to the
composite nature of mathematics.
Davydov was one of the most prominent followers of the historical cultural theory
of human development initiated by Vygotsky. For Davydov (1990), scientific
knowledge is not a simple expansion or generalization of peoples everyday experience. It requires the cultivation of particular ways of thinking, which permit the
internal connections of ideas and their essence to emerge; the essence of the ideas
and their connections then, in turn, enrich reality. According to Davydovs method
of ascent to the concrete, abstraction starts from an initial, simple, undeveloped and
vague first form, which often lacks consistency. The development of abstraction
proceeds from analysis, at the initial stage of the abstraction, to synthesis. It ends
with a consistent and elaborated form, to which the essence of the ideas and their
connections lend concreteness. Hence, it does not proceed from concrete to abstract
but from an undeveloped to a developed form.
AiC adopts vertical mathematization and ascent to the concrete as the essential
characteristics of processes of abstraction. It investigates how these processes occur

6 Introduction to Abstraction in Context (AiC)


in a specific learning environment, a particular social context, and a given curricular

context. Giest (2005) points out that Activity Theory is most suitable for this since
it proposes an adequate framework for considering processes that are fundamentally
cognitive while taking social and other contextual aspects into account. In Activity
Theory, individual actions occur in context and make sense only within the activity
in which they take place. The kinds of actions that are relevant to abstraction are
epistemic actions actions that pertain to the knowing of the participants and that
are observable by participants and researchers. In addition, outcomes of previous
activities naturally turn to artifacts in further ones, a feature which is crucial to tracing
the genesis and the development of abstraction through a succession of activities
that might form part of a curriculum.
As researchers in the tradition of Freudenthal, we are a priori attentive to certain
constructs afforded by the activities we observe. In tune with Davydov and a
cultural-historical theory of development, we also look at other constructs that may
emerge from classroom activities. This is well expressed by Kidron and Monaghan
(2009) when dealing with the need that pushes students to engage in abstraction,
a need which emerges from a suitable design and from an initial vagueness in which
the learner stands:
the learners need for new knowledge is inherent to the task design but this need is an
important stage of the process of abstraction and must precede the constructing process, the
vertical reorganization of prior existing constructs. This need for a new construct permits
the link between the past knowledge and the future construction. Without the Davydovian
analysis, this need, which must precede the constructing process, could be viewed naively
and mechanically, but with Davydovs dialectic analysis the abstraction proceeds from an
initial unrefined first form to a final coherent construct in a two-way relationship between
the concrete and the abstract the learner needs the knowledge to make sense of a situation.
At the moment when a learner realizes the need for a new construct, the learner already has
an initial vague form of the future construct as a result of prior knowledge. Realizing the
need for the new construct, the learner enters a second stage in which s/he is ready to build
with her/his prior knowledge in order to develop the initial form to a consistent and elaborate
higher form, the new construct, which provides a scientific explanation of the reality.
(Kidron and Monaghan 2009, pp. 8687)

Hence we postulate that the genesis of an abstraction passes through a three-stage

process: the need for a new construct, the emergence of the new construct, and the
consolidation of that construct.

Focus on Context

The C in AiC stands for context. According to AiC, processes of abstraction are
inseparable from the context in which they occur. Therefore, it was unavoidable to
mention context already in the previous subsection. For AiC, the focus is on the
students processes of construction of knowledge. The context integrates any piece
of the present and past environment that can influence the individual processes of
construction of knowledge. As we show in Chap. 10 on context/milieu there are
different approaches towards context in different didactic cultures. For AiC,


T. Dreyfus and I. Kidron

artifacts are conceived as a part of the context. In another theory which privileges the
cultural and social dimensions, artifacts are constituents of mathematical activity.
For AiC, context has many components. One of them is the social context, often
including peers or a teacher; another is the historical context, which refers to the
students prior experiences in learning mathematics; a third is the learning context,
which includes, among others, curricular factors, socio-mathematical norms, and
technological tools. In any specific activity, tasks given to the students are an
essential part of the context.
Chapter 10 of this book deals in depth with the role of context in processes of
abstraction. In order to avoid repetitions, we therefore keep this subsection very
short and only mention that the context situates processes of abstraction for the
learners, while allowing the researcher to focus on the learners cognitive actions in
the given context or situation. Hence, context is the notion that allows AiC to bridge
between a cognitive and a situated approach.



AiC was developed in response to a question that arose in the framework of a

research-based curriculum development project (Hershkowitz et al. 2002), namely
for what mathematical concepts and strategies students achieved in-depth understanding and retained them in the long term. Hence, the design of task sequences
lies at the origin of the questions asked by the originators of AiC, and remains one
of their concerns. The research questions AiC attempts to answer include:
Given a sequence of tasks, what are the intended constructs the mathematical
methods, concepts, and strategies that the designers intended the students to
construct when carrying out the task-based activities? How are these intended
constructs structured, how are they related to each other, and how are they based
on previous constructs?
For each of the intended constructs, how did the students go about actually
constructing it, and how does each students construct compare with the
intended one? Is it partial, and in what sense?
Did the students construct alternative or non-intended constructs? Which ones?
What was the origin for the students motivation to construct; from where did
their need for a new construct originate?
Which previous constructs were used and consolidated during the constructing
What were the characteristics of the constructing process? Was it sudden or
prolonged, continuous or interrupted? Were several constructing processes
developing in parallel? If so, how did they interact and influence each other
(see, for example, Dreyfus and Kidron 2006)?
What role did contextual factors play in the process? For example, did groups of
students co-construct, and if so, were the group members constructs compatible
in the sense that they can continue co-constructing in the following tasks?

6 Introduction to Abstraction in Context (AiC)


Did technological tools play a role in the constructing processes, and what role?
What can we learn from the students constructing processes about the design of
the activities, in particular their micro-design?
As indicated by the last question, one of the aims is to improve the design of
sequences of activities, in particular their micro-design. Micro-design includes all
local aspects of design from the choice of a particular real-life setting for a task and
the potential mathematical limitations imposed by that setting, via the degree of
openness of a task, the balance between its qualitative and quantitative aspects, and
the degree to which students are encouraged to justify their decision and actions,
down to a specific choice of words or a specific formulation of a question.


Key Theoretical Constructs and Methodology

Theory and methodology are closely intertwined in AiC (Hershkowitz 2009).

Therefore we cannot describe the key theoretical constructs of AiC, the epistemic
actions, without also describing the key methodological aspects of AiC, as the
methodologys main purpose is the identification of students epistemic actions. It is
important to point out the dynamic character of the theory: the analyses to identify
abstraction processes through the unveiling of its epistemic actions not only helped
in the understanding of learners cognitive processes, the theory as well as the
methodology underwent successive refinements (Kidron and Dreyfus 2010a, b;
Dreyfus and Kidron 2006). The more technical aspects of the methodology are
described elsewhere (Dreyfus et al. 2015).

The Dynamically Nested Epistemic Actions Model

The central theoretical construct of AiC is a theoretical-methodological model,

according to which the emergence of a new construct is described and analyzed by
means of three observable epistemic actions: recognizing (R), building-with (B),
and constructing (C). Recognizing refers to the learner seeing the relevance of a
specific previous knowledge construct to the problem at hand. Building-with
comprises the combination of recognized constructs, in order to achieve a localized
goal such as the actualization of a strategy, a justification, or the solution of a problem.
The model suggests constructing as the central epistemic action of mathematical
abstraction. Constructing consists of assembling and integrating previous constructs
by vertical mathematization to produce a new construct. It refers to the first time the
new construct is expressed or used by the learner. This definition of constructing
does not imply that the learner has acquired the new construct once and forever; the
learner may not even be fully aware of the new construct, and the learners construct
is often fragile and context-dependent. Constructing does not refer to the construct
becoming freely and flexibly available to the learner: becoming freely and flexibly
available pertains to consolidation.


T. Dreyfus and I. Kidron

Consolidation is a never-ending process through which a student becomes

aware of his or her constructs, the use of the constructs becomes more immediate
and self-evident, the students confidence in using the construct increases, the
student demonstrates more and more flexibility in using the construct (Dreyfus
and Tsamir 2004), and the students language when referring to the construct
becomes progressively more elaborate. Consolidation of a construct is likely to
occur whenever a construct that emerged in one activity is built-with in further
activities. These further activities may lead to new constructs. Hence consolidation
connects successive constructing processes and is closely related to the design of
sequences of activities.
In processes of abstraction, the epistemic actions are nested. C-actions depend
on R- and B-actions; the R- and B-actions are the building blocks of the C-action.
At the same time, the C-action is more than the collection of all R- and B-actions
that contribute to the C-action, in the same sense as the whole is more than the sum
of its parts. The C-action draws its power from the mathematical connections, which
link these building blocks and make them into a single whole unity. It is in this sense
that we say that R- and B-actions are constitutive of and nested in the C-action.
Similarly, R-actions are nested within B-actions since building-with a previous
construct necessitates recognizing this construct, at least implicitly. Moreover, a
lower level C-action may be nested in a more global one, if the former is made for
the sake of the latter. Hence, we named the model the dynamically nested epistemic
actions model of abstraction in context, more simply the RBC-model, or RBC+C
model using the second C in order to point at the important role of consolidation.
The RBC-model is the theoretical and micro-analytic lens through which we
observe and analyze the dynamics of abstraction in context.

A Priori and a Posteriori Analyses

As part of the AiC methodology, an effort is made to foresee trajectories of students

learning: an a priori analysis of the activities (Ron et al. 2010) is carried out before
data are collected. Early contacts with the TDS team have reinforced our habit to
systematically carry out a priori analyses. Assumptions are first made about the
previous knowledge of the students, about constructs they are expected to have
acquired during earlier activities (and which may be more or less available to them).
Then the question is asked what knowledge constructs are required to deal with
each task and to complete it to the designers or teachers satisfaction; we also ask
what constructs might be helpful but not necessary to deal with the task. We are
particularly interested in constructs that have not been relevant in previous activities
carried out by the same students. It is our working assumption that the new constructs that emerge for the students when dealing with the task are closely linked
to the intended ones. The intended constructs are of course to be distinguished

6 Introduction to Abstraction in Context (AiC)


from what students actually construct during the activities, although a close
correspondence between intended constructs and learners actual constructs may be
expected if the design and the a priori analysis are adapted to the learner.
The a priori analysis has a considerable influence on the a posteriori RBC-analysis
of the data collected, usually by audio and video recordings, from students carrying
out the activities. Therefore, we give an operational definition for each intended
construct, which fixes under what circumstances the researcher will say that a
student is using or expressing a construct that corresponds to the intended one.
One aim of the a priori analysis is to focus, at least initially, the researchers attention
on the intended constructs, while keeping an open mind for possible alternative or
unintended constructs during the ensuing a posteriori RBC micro-analysis of students
knowledge-constructing processes.


Illustrating Abstraction in Context in the Case of Carlo,

Giovanni, and the Exponential Function

The aim of this section is to illustrate the main notions of AiC as introduced above
by means of an excerpt from the work of Carlo and Giovanni. However, for reasons
to be explained below, this aim can only be partly realized.


A Priori Analysis

As usual in AiC research, we begin with an a priori analysis. Chapter 4 includes an

a priori analysis for Tasks 1 and 2, carried out by the TDS team. They identified nine
constructs C1C9, and we assume that had we carried out such an analysis, we would
have ended up with a similar list of constructs. We therefore adopt their analysis,
and continue here with an a priori analysis of Task 3. Task 3 is very open, and therefore there are not many detailed indications about the constructs that might have
been intended by the designer and/or teacher. However, given the quantities that can
be varied in the Dynamic Geometry Software (Fig. 2.3, Chap. 2) and the instructions
given in the task which relate to this variation, we propose the following constructs
as those which the designer/teacher probably intended the students to construct:


For any given P, that is, locally, as x tends to zero, the slope of the secant
tends to the slope of the tangent; the slope of the secants and the tangent are
all positive (for a > 1).
As P moves on the graph, the slopes of the corresponding secants (and hence
the slope of the tangent) vary. As x grows (P moves to the right), the slope of
the tangent grows (for a > 1). As x decreases (P moves to the left), the slope of
the (secants and the) tangent decreases to zero (for a > 1).



T. Dreyfus and I. Kidron

As a increases, the slope of the secant (for given x, P) increases (and

consequently the slope of the tangent increases as well). As a decreases
towards 1, the slope of the secant decreases towards 0. As a becomes smaller
than 1, the slope of the secant (and consequently of the tangent) becomes
negative; the function is decreasing rather than increasing. The parts of C10
that depend on a > 1 have to be adapted for a < 1.

We stress that these are the constructs that we as AiC researchers found in our a
priori analysis. They are not necessarily identical to what the teacher in fact intended,
and they may, of course, be different from what the students actually constructed
when working on the task.
In the present case, we learned from the answers of the teacher as reported in
Sect. 2.2.2 that the intended constructs resulting from our a priori analysis are compatible with the declarations of the teacher, and that according to the teacher they are
within reach of the students, given the previous knowledge of the class and the sociomathematical norms that are characteristic for the class, such as explorations that
favor the production of conjectures and should motivate their validation as well as
argumentation in support of conjectures (see the answer to question 1 in Sect. 2.2.2).
We further note that these intended constructs give general formulations and
properties of the resulting constructs in the specific case of the exponential function.
From the teachers answers (Sect. 2.2.2), we know that this activity was given
as preparation before the notion of derivative had been formally introduced:
The worksheet [] is situated [] before the formal approach to the concept of
derivative of a polynomial function. [] The activity intends to clarify the principal
features of increasing behaviours and of exponential functions. In particular, it
intends to explain the reason why at the increasing of x an exponential of base
greater than 1 will increase, definitively, more than any other polynomial function
of x, whatever grade of the polynomial. In the project, exponential functions and
sequences are used to cope with problem situations coming out from exponential
models (the teachers answer to question 17 in Sect. 2.2.2). So again, our guess
was confirmed after the event.
We note finally that as researchers we should always expect students to develop
other constructs than the ones provided by the a priori analysis. Here especially,
because of the open formulation of the task, we may expect constructs different
from C10, C11, and C12 to emerge for the students. Examples of such other
constructs in the present case are the following:

As P gets closer to y = 0, the function can be approximated by the secant line.

The exponential function can be approximated by many small lines with an
increasing slope that join together.

The first of these has been called C11 because it is a complementary construct to
(the second part of) C11. On the other hand, C* constitutes a transition from a local
to a global view: a construct that seems rather independent of the constructs C10, C11,
and C12 which were identified a priori; it has therefore been assigned a separate
notation. The alternative constructs C11 and C* will play a role in the a posteriori
analysis below.

6 Introduction to Abstraction in Context (AiC)



Need for Extension of Data

In AiC, we focus on particular kinds of curricula (see Schwarz et al. 2009) and
within these, on tasks with a high potential for supporting the construction of
knowledge that is new to the learner. This requires the elaboration of sequences of
activities that offer the students opportunities to learn well defined mathematical
ideas, for example the notion of integral as an accumulating quantity; or that order
is relevant when rolling two dice and therefore getting a 1 and a 4 is twice as likely
as getting two 4s, etc. It also requires the elaboration of further activities to apply
these ideas as tools in familiar contexts or as tools in contexts that necessitate the
elaboration of new ideas. What is common to all these learning aims is that they
include adding new connections between students previous knowledge, hence adding
depth to the students understanding and integrating their knowledge in ways not
available to them before. In brief, the design intends to create a didactical sequence
aimed at vertical reorganization of students knowledge.
Most of the tasks that the two students in the analyzed video, Giovanni and
Carlo, were asked to work on are not of this kind. These tasks require more
phenomenological observation than explanations of the phenomena. For example,
Tasks 3a and 3b ask the students to describe the phenomena that occur as x tends
to zero; these tasks do not require any kind of justification. This suggests that the
students had previously experienced the limiting process and were now asked to
recall it, and possibly reconstruct it in the case of a new example they may not have
dealt with yet; from the point of view of AiC, no new construction was required but
the students were offered an opportunity to consolidate some of their previous
constructs. In Task 3, the students were asked to Describe briefly the figure, moving
first P, then x (changing its length), then A; write briefly your observations on the
sheet. This formulation suggests that the students had never explored before what
happens when varying the parameters x, x, and a, and hence that the teacher
intended that, in the course of this exploration, his students would meet situations
they had never met before. This would offer the students an opportunity to construct
new (to them) knowledge but as long as the requirement is descriptive rather than
explanatory or connective, this new knowledge is simply an addition to existing
knowledge and no need for vertical reorganization would arise. Even in tasks with
more potential, such as studying the effect of changing x on the slope of the linear
function that best approximates the function y = ax, the stress in the task formulation
is on how rather than on why. This may have served the teachers plans: it may
have provided a common background for the class to use as basis for a teacher-led
whole-class discussion in the next lesson. However, such tasks focusing on phenomenological descriptions are not where we can observe the type of knowledge
construction in which AiC researchers are primarily interested. This knowledge
construction may then happen during the whole-class discussion. In fact, due to
the excellent preparation the students were given, it is likely to happen, but we do not
have data about this. Therefore, an AiC analysis of most of the data we have is
inappropriate and unlikely to yield results about processes of constructing new
knowledge by vertical reorganization.



T. Dreyfus and I. Kidron

A Posteriori Analysis

We present here our attempt at analyzing the preceding part of the students work on
Task 3, namely transcript lines 249301 (see Appendix). Unsurprisingly, we will
not be able to identify any constructing actions.
The students start on Task 3 in line 249. Until line 281, they identify parts of the
situation on the screen. Only in line 281 do they finally read the task. Until then, a
main issue in the discussion focuses on identifying the segment PH with x. This
identification is not a mathematical relationship but a given of the task. The students
need to make this identification in order to get access to the situation, but this is not
an epistemic action providing them insight into mathematical connections or
relationships. It is a preparatory action and is of interest to us only as such.
In what follows, the students make purely phenomenological observations of
what happens as one of the parameters varies, in accord with what they were asked
to do in the task. They first seem to vary P; they seem to observe phenomena but do
not draw any conclusions; all they say is that QH changes as a consequence of
changing P. This could potentially have led to insights such as the slope changes;
the slope of the secant changes; the slope of the tangent changes; the derivative
changes all depending on the preparation of the students and the requirements of
the task. Had the students reached such insights, we would have claimed that they
recognized some of their previous constructs as relevant to the present situation,
and possibly that they built-with them a dynamic image. But the task does not
require such insights and the students utterances do not indicate such insights.
Our interpretation of these utterances is that the students thinking did not include
such insights.
Then, in line 285, Carlo seems to refer to the fact that Giovanni now changes the
x instead of P. This leads to a mathematically more significant observation that
might later become useful, namely that it approaches slowly slowly a tangent
(lines 287, 289, 291, 292). From the point of view of AiC, we might identify this
as recognizing a previous construct (tangent) as relevant in the current context.
This recognizing action might then act as a seed for a subsequent constructing
action, possibly of C10. The role of such seeds for later constructing actions has been
discussed elsewhere (Kidron et al. 2010).
Several more observations are made subsequently, namely what happens when
x increases (lines 294296) or what is the quality of the tangent approximation
when P moves to the left or to the right (lines 298301). The students correctly
observe that as P moves to the left, the approximation is better than when P moves
to the right. These observations later become relevant. However, at this stage
they are cumulative. They do not require nor provoke any vertical reorganization.
They are not used for a purpose like solving a problem or justifying a mathematical
relationship, and therefore no building-with actions occur. They do not even qualify
as recognizing actions since such an epistemic action, as defined above, implies that
the students recognize a specific previously constructed mathematical concept or

6 Introduction to Abstraction in Context (AiC)


As a consequence of what we wrote in the previous section, the tasks given to

Giovanni and Carlo were such that only in very few excerpts of the protocol might
an RBC analysis be expected to yield constructing actions; moreover, these excerpts
are all concentrated in lines 302347, and will be analyzed in Chaps. 9 and 10
because they are the same data on which two different networking processes are
described in these chapters. Readers who would like to see an RBC analysis that is
independent of the data used in this monograph, and demonstrates how such an
analysis works in a case where it is appropriate, are referred to the literature, for
example to Dreyfus et al. (2015), which focuses on the methodology.
In this chapter, we gave a brief introduction to Abstraction in Context (AiC). We
described our view of abstraction as it is grounded in the work of Freudenthal and
Davydov, and the notion of context as it is pertinent for AiC. We introduced the idea
of epistemic action as it emerges from Activity Theory and the dynamically nested
epistemic actions model, which is the key theoretical construct underlying our
methodology. In the second part of this chapter, we attempted to demonstrate our
methodology using the data of Carlo and Giovanni, and explained why this attempt
was only partially successful. We are aware that the present description has its limitations and refer the reader to longer and deeper descriptions available in the literature (Dreyfus et al. 2015, and references therein; Schwarz et al. 2009).

Davydov, V. V. (1990). Types of generalisation in instruction: Logical and psychological problems
in the structuring of school curricula (Soviet studies in mathematics education, Vol. 2,
J. Kilpatrick, Ed., J. Teller, Trans.). Reston: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
(Original work published 1972.)
Dreyfus, T., & Kidron, I. (2006). Interacting parallel constructions: A solitary learner and the
bifurcation diagram. Recherches en didactique des mathmatiques, 26(3), 295336.
Dreyfus, T., & Tsamir, P. (2004). Bens consolidation of knowledge structures about infinite sets.
Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 23, 271300.
Dreyfus, T., Hershkowitz, R., & Schwarz, B. B. (2015). The nested epistemic actions model for
abstraction in context Theory as a methodological tool and methodological tool as theory. In
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs, C. Knipping, & N. Presmeg (Eds.), Approaches to qualitative research in
mathematics education: Examples of methodology and methods (Advances in mathematics
education series). New York: Springer (in press).
Freudenthal, H. (1991). Revisiting mathematics education. China lectures. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Giest, H. (2005). Zum Verhltnis von Konstruktivismus und Ttigkeitsansatz in der Pdagogik.
In F. Radis, M.-L. Braunsteiner & K. Klement (Eds.), Badener VorDrucke (pp. 4364).
Baden/A.: Kompetenzzentrum fr Forschung und Entwicklung (Schriftenreihe zur
Bildungsforschung Band 3).
Hershkowitz, R. (2009). Contour lines between a model as a theoretical framework and the same
model as methodological tool. In B. B. Schwarz, T. Dreyfus & R. Hershkowitz (Eds.),
Transformation of knowledge through classroom interaction (pp. 273280). London:
Hershkowitz, R., Dreyfus, T., Ben-Zvi, D., Friedlander, A., Hadas, N., Resnick, T., Tabach,
M., & Schwarz, B. (2002). Mathematics curriculum development for computerised environments: A designer-researcher-teacher-learner activity. In L. D. English (Ed.), Handbook


T. Dreyfus and I. Kidron

of international research in mathematics education: Directions for the 21st century

(pp. 657694). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Kidron, I., & Dreyfus, T. (2010a). Justification enlightenment and combining constructions of
knowledge. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 74(1), 7593.
Kidron, I., & Dreyfus, T. (2010b). Interacting parallel constructions of knowledge in a CAS context. International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning, 15(2), 129149.
Kidron, I., & Monaghan, J. (2009). Commentary on the chapters on the construction of knowledge.
In B. B. Schwarz, T. Dreyfus & R. Hershkowitz (Eds.), Transformation of knowledge through
classroom interaction (pp. 8190). London: Routledge.
Kidron, I., Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., Cramer, J., Dreyfus, T., & Gilboa, N. (2010). Construction of
knowledge: Need and interest. In M. M. F. Pinto & T. F. Kawasaki (Eds.), Proceedings of the
34th conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
(Vol. 3, pp. 169176). Belo Horizonte: PME.
Ron, G., Dreyfus, T., & Hershkowitz, R. (2010). Partially correct constructs illuminate students
inconsistent answers. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 75, 6587.
Schwarz, B. B., Dreyfus, T., & Hershkowitz, R. (2009). The nested epistemic actions model for
abstraction in context. In B. B. Schwarz, T. Dreyfus & R. Hershkowitz (Eds.), Transformation
of knowledge through classroom interaction (pp. 1141). London: Routledge.

Chapter 7

Introduction to the Theory of Interest-Dense

Situations (IDS)
Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs and Stefan Halverscheid

Abstract The chapter briefly introduces the theory of Interest-Dense Situations

(IDS) by referring to the data from Chap. 2. IDS provides a frame for how interestdense situations and their epistemic and interest supporting character are shaped
through social interactions in mathematics classes distinguishing three levels: the
social interactions and how the participants are involved, the dynamic of the epistemic processes, and the attribution of mathematical value.
Keywords Theories Theory of interest-dense situations


Theory of Interest-Dense Situations: An Overview

The development of the Theory of Interest-Dense Situations1 began around the

millennium with the assumption that, in mathematics classrooms, the social situation
plays an important role in the question as to whether learning with interest is possible
or not. This theory was formulated to determine how to build situations with the
potential to support learning mathematics with interest in everyday classrooms.
The need for this theory came from the lack of knowledge of how to do so.
Interest research, conducted primarily by educational psychologists, had shown
that the impact of interest on learning is especially fruitful (Krapp 1992, 2004; Prenzel

The development of this theory is described in detail in Bikner-Ahsbahs (2005).

A. Bikner-Ahsbahs (*)
Fachbereich 03 fr Mathematik und Informatik, AG Didaktik der Mathematik,
University of Bremen, Bibliothekstrasse 1, D-28359 Bremen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
S. Halverscheid
Mathematics Institute, Georg-August-University,
Bunsenstr. 3-5, D-37073 Gttingen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research
Practice in Mathematics Education, Advances in Mathematics Education,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9_7, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014



A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Halverscheid

1998; Schiefele and Csikszentmihalyi 1995; Schiefele and Schreyer 1994;

Csikszentmihalyi and Schiefele 1993). An intervention study in physics classrooms
even demonstrated that the usual decay of individual students interest (Hoffmann and
Huler 1998) could be halted. But the new settings could not be transferred to mathematics. The only advice for mathematics classrooms by Bauer (1988) concluded that
mathematics teachers should employ a wide range of approaches in order to give
every child the chance to learn with interest. Research concentrating only on individual interest did not seem helpful for establishing teaching criteria for everyday lessons, and various researchers began to realize the important role of the social contexts
in class (Baumert et al. 1998, p. 327; Gardner 1998, p. 41; Renninger 1998, p. 229;
Deci 1992, p. 45). However, the social dimension of interest development had been
neither conceptualized as a learning theory nor empirically investigated. This lack of
knowledge resulted in the need to know more about what situations in everyday classrooms have the potential to facilitate learning with interest, specifically in mathematics. Such knowledge was sought by first carefully considering concepts of individual
interest from the point of view of social interactions. Doing so sparked a paradigm
shift in looking at interest-based learning as a specific kind of social interaction.
Two conceptualizations of individual interest offered starting points for a paradigm shift: (1) interest seen as a personobject relation (Krapp 1992, 2004; Schiefele
et al. 1979) foregrounded the content; and (2) situational interest (Mitchell 1993) is
determined by situational conditions. The connection of both concepts to self-determination theory (Deci 1998), which argues that interest arises from the experience
of competence, autonomy, and social relatedness, thus provided indicators of how
to promote learning with interest in class.
As a personobject relation, interest is observable through actions which are
directed towards the acquisition of new insights, connected with positive emotions,
and self-intentional; that is, the reasons for the actions are the objects of interest
themselves. This kind of sustained individual interest can emerge out of situational
interest (Hidi and Renninger 2006; Mitchell 1993) which is supported by situational
conditions but which could disappear if the conditions change. Situational interest
can be maintained if students become deeply involved in an activity and experience
its content as meaningful (Mitchell 1993). The paradigm shift occurred through a
changing emphasis from interest as an individual concept towards a more collective
concept created through social interactions.



The main ideas of the previously described conceptualization of interest are taken
as sensitizing concepts to define the key concept of interest-dense situations
(Bikner-Ahsbahs 2005). Interest-dense situations are particularly fruitful epistemic
situations which can occur in everyday mathematics courses when the learners
work cooperatively and intensely to advance their own and their peers ideas
(involvement), construct further and deeper mathematical knowledge (dynamic of
the epistemic process), and highly value mathematical objects or methods (attribution

Introduction to the Theory of Interest-Dense Situations (IDS)


of mathematical value). These situations are considered as interest-dense because

their underlying epistemic processes encourage students to be more attentive and
engaged, thus leading to dense social interactions. Engaged learners indicate situational interest when they become deeply involved in and mark the mathematical
constructions as meaningful. In this sense, situational interest can be regarded as a
pattern of participation in interest-dense situations.
The approach refers to a specific kind of social constructivism (e.g. Jungwirth
2003; Krummheuer 2000; Steinbring 1998, 1999; Bauersfeld 1993) as its background theory (Mason and Waywood 1996). Its basic philosophy reflects Webers
(1921, 1922) view that understanding the social world requires understanding
peoples actions. The background theory also builds on symbolic interactionism
(Blumer 1969) that has further developed Webers view. Blumer starts from the
fundamental assumption that people act according to their interpretations which are
a result of, and can change during, social interactions. Learning mathematics is
regarded as a process of constructing mathematical knowledge within social interactions, and individuals may co-construct knowledge by participating in and contributing to these constructions.



The theory of interest-dense situations is a foreground theory with a middle range

scope (Mason and Waywood 1996), situated in the background theoretical framework
of interpretative research on teaching and learning. Researchers in this field examine
and seek to answer three paradigmatic questions: How are interest-dense situations
shaped in various teaching and learning situations? What conditions nurture or hinder
the emergence of these situations? How is situational interest supported and maintained? In the development of this theory so far, the teacher has played a central role,
and data collection has been limited to a single sixth-grade class (Bikner-Ahsbahs
2005) and to primary school students (Stefan 2012), still narrowing its applicability.
However, the theorys scope could be expanded by investigating further situations and
contents concerning the three paradigmatic questions, for example processes such as
proof and argumentation, interactions at different ages, contribution of signs, and
technology. To do so, the theory might need to be broadened by theoretically generating new phenomena and concepts.


Methodology and Key Constructs

IDS-methodology entails the principles and key constructs as tools to investigate

interest-dense situations, especially their epistemic processes, but it also has to be
open-minded towards the idiosyncratic conditions of mathematics classrooms and
how they contribute to build and stabilize IDS and, hence, support situational


A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Halverscheid

interest. To avoid subsumption and to adapt to the classroom features, its methodology is based on the principle of reconstruction. Data are gathered according to
the concept of theoretical sampling (Strauss 1994; Glaser and Strauss 1967),
which calls for cyclical theory-driven data collection and analysis. The principles
of symbolic interactions guide reconstructive data analysis to answer a specific
question by reinterpreting the interpretations of those involved. Understanding of
relevant social interactions then yields understanding of a situation. Since we
observe phenomena in everyday classrooms, we take the ethnomethodological
view that society is reconstructed in daily life and that actions indicate why people
act in certain ways (reflexivity assumption of ethnomethodology; see Garfinkel
2003). On this basis, regularities in classroom interactions are empirically reconstructed on three methodological levels stepwise deepening insight: based on
individual involvement in social interactions (level 1), the dynamic of the epistemic process (level 2) is investigated and gained insights are deepened by analyzing the attribution of mathematical value (level 3).
These reconstructions demand enough data for identifying and idealizing key
features on the three levels for systematically constructing ideal types (BiknerAhsbahs 2003; Gerhard 1986) which, according to Weber (1922, p. 190), yields
theoretical insight: ideal types characterize specific features in an idealized way
and act as tools to build theories or further theories by re-analyzing existing and
new data (Bikner-Ahsbahs 2003, p. 212; 2015).
The first of four steps is the basis of building ideal types (ibid. 2003, p. 215;
ibid. 2015). It follows the rules of analysis for interpretative teaching and learning
research (Jungwirth 2003). Within this methodologically controlled reinterpretation, we systematically utilize the three levels of notions of utterance (Beck and
Maier 1994; Austin 1975). The locutionary level is the content level of what is actually said. The illocutionary level is that of social relations indicated by how something is expressed and how actions and interactions with others take place. The
decision to act at all belongs to this level. The perlocutionary level concerns the
intended and factual impacts of the individuals contributions.
We now turn to key constructs describing the emergence of IDS. In line with the
theorys principles and methodology they first have been developed empirically
based and were then used to construct ideal types.

Individual Involvement in Social Interaction Structures

Within social interaction, the individual involvement can be characterized by the

participants orientations with respect to teachers expectations concerning the
mathematical content. In classrooms, a teacher normally has aims and therefore
expects the students to produce a specific kind of mathematical meaning. However,
he/she may either behave steered by his/her own expectations leading the students
to produce what is expected; or steered by situations trying to understand the students epistemic processes. Within the flow of social interaction, the students also
may either behave dependent on the teachers expectation trying to produce what

Introduction to the Theory of Interest-Dense Situations (IDS)


Table 7.1 Merging students and teachers behavior

students behavior

(reproduces the teachers
expectations of content)

(reconstructs own

steered by expectations
(expects factual answers from students)
steered by situations (tries hard to
understand students constructions of


the teacher wants to hear, or they behave independently of these expectations

following their own line of thought.
In mathematics classrooms two ideal types of interaction structures that merge
the different kinds of individual involvement may be approximately observed. In
Table 7.1, the behavior of students and teachers is described according to how they
nurture or hinder the arousal of interest-dense situations. If expectation-independent
student behavior and situationally steered teacher behavior mix, an expectationrecessive interaction structure emerges in which both teacher and learners concentrate on and support processes of constructing mathematical meaning independently
of the teachers expectations. It nurtures the emergence of interest-dense situations.
This interaction structure is fragile because the given mathematical situation and
current constructions of mathematical knowledge are the only features that allow
orientation for students and teacher. The expectation-dominant interaction structure
appears if the teacher and students are guided by the teachers content-specific
expectations towards a task. It is more stable but hinders the emergence of interestdense situation because the teacher guides the students in such a way that they
produce exactly what the teacher wants to hear, while the students try to figure out
what the teacher wants to hear. If an expectation-dominant interaction structure
occurs within an epistemic process the emergence of an interest-dense situation is
deeply disturbed. The two remaining fields neither represent interaction structures
nor do they address IDS; they even may lead to conflicting situations.

The GCSt2 Model of Epistemic Actions

It is a characteristic of interest-dense situations that they entail fruitful epistemic

processes within an expectation-recessive interaction structure. These processes are
built through three central collective actions executed within social interactions:
gathering and connecting mathematical meanings, and seeing structures. Gathering
meanings refers to collecting bits of mathematical meaning that are similar with

The actions of gathering, connecting and structure seeing are collective in the sense that they are
built by social interactions.


A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Halverscheid

respect to solving the posed problem. Connecting meanings happens if a limited

number of collected bits of meaning are interconnected or linked to other meanings.
If there are sufficient gathering and connecting actions then structures can be
seen, that is, a system of relationships for which many examples can be found.
Structure-seeing is absolutely necessary for a learning situation to even be considered
interest-dense. Once the epistemic process is reconstructed by these three actions, it
is represented with symbols that give an overview of the whole process (see Fig. 7.2
in Sect. 7.2.2).
Because of the expectation-recessive interaction structure, teacher and students
orient themselves towards the epistemic process leading to structure-seeing
in various ways. Material may first be gathered; this is the foundation for
making connections, and after that, structure-seeing can occur. Such a process
can also arrive at structure-seeing if gathering and connecting activities are
intertwined. Meanwhile we can explain how a general epistemic need and situational interest mutually further each other (Kidron et al. 2011) and, thus, nurture
the epistemic process.

Types of Producing Valuable Mathematical Ideas

During the epistemic process, a system of mathematical values is shared among

teacher and students directing and supporting the joint epistemic process to produce mathematically substantial ideas. This system is based on an implicit agreement: the students follow this system of values in order to produce mathematically
valuable ideas and the teacher assists them. This way different production types
are constituted; for example in a competition of ideas mathematical patterns are
created or in a quality inspection the validity and significance of a fact is examined thoroughly. Students who participate in producing a mathematically valuable
idea that is appreciated by others may identify themselves with that idea, create
authorship and agency. The teacher supports this process not only by valuing
highly those ideas, but also by accepting fuzzy explanations at the beginning. The
students can attach their individual meanings to it and advance the process of
interaction by making the expressions in question more precise; the teacher
accepts and supports this process of clarification for example by explicitly offering terms to support students expressing (Bikner-Ahsbahs 2004).

Further Methodological Considerations

The theory of interest-dense situations is a social constructivist theory that cannot

say much about cognitive processes of individuals and does not provide tools for
epistemological analyses. It is a theory for classrooms addressing general and
specific features. For example, we assume that, if interest-dense situations occur at
all in everyday lessons, every mathematics classroom shapes its own specific types

Introduction to the Theory of Interest-Dense Situations (IDS)


of epistemic processes leading to the emergence of interest-dense situations. As a

general tool, the GCSt model helps to investigate them and to represent their process
structure (see Figs. 7.1 and 7.2 from Sect. Epistemic structures and production types already gained may provide sensitivity for specific conditions that foster
or hinder the emergence of IDS in the single given classroom, but this will not
always be possible. For applying the key constructs to another classroom further
condition might have to be theorized and included, too. The analysis of the video
data in the next section will give an idea of how theory expansion of IDS takes
place, how its methodology in the use of methods and techniques are applied even
if the data do not meet all criteria of IDS methodology.


Illustrating the Theory of IDS Through

Analysis of the Video of Carlo, Giovanni,
and the Exponential Function

In the following sections we will first show how the framework is broadened to
make IDS applicable to this episode. We will then pose questions that will be
answered by analyses of data concerning the three methodological levels: individual
involvement in social interactions, dynamic of the epistemic process, and attribution
of mathematical value.


Use of the Theoretical Framework

The given data shaped by three subsequent episodes differs substantially from
the classroom material used so far; namely, most of it consists of group-work
with computers and without the normally very relevant teacher. Thus, in
order to address the empirical material in the episodes of Tasks 13, it is first
necessary to modify IDS in order to broaden its scope and make it applicable to
the given data set.

Widening the Methodological and Theoretical Background

Social interactions are built around objects, such as computers, with mathematical concepts or visual on-screen representations. The two students in the episode will use the computer to construct knowledge objects, of which there are
different kinds. According to Knorr Cetina (1999) there are two types of knowledge objects. Intrinsic knowledge objects, such as the exponential function in
the video of Carlo and Giovanni (see Sect. 2.1.3), are imperfect. That is, they


A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Halverscheid

lack completeness because they are not fully understood or there is something
further to learn about them; this lack of completeness drives the need to know
more about them, which leads to involvement in meaningful epistemic processes. Hence, these intrinsic objects, which are shared in the group, have the
potential to initiate interest-dense situations and to contribute to the formation
of interest. Extrinsic objects, such as tools like the computer mouse, are ready
for use. If they are being used in the epistemic process, they normally become
only visible if they pose obstacles or disturbances.
The two students, the dynamic geometry files, and the worksheet together shape
a social object-related group. The epistemic process within the social interaction
refers to the exponential function as a shared intrinsic knowledge object which
appears to be incomplete to the students, thus encouraging them to learn more about
it. Extrinsic objects can be technical or material objects that are ready for use.

Research Questions in the Light of IDS

Even though the emergence of interest-dense situations is the focus of this analysis
and this chapter, the research questions should be extended to cover other constituents of the specific situation and confirm whether the extended theoretical framework fits the data:
1. How does this group act on mathematical objects? Do the students collectively
construct mathematical knowledge through social interactions? How are the students involved?
2. Which are the intrinsic and extrinsic knowledge objects? Are there epistemic
patterns due to the specific constituents in this situation?
3. Can the episodes be regarded as interest-dense situations? Are there conditions
that foster or hinder the emergence of an interest-dense situation?
The results of our analysis are presented according to these questions.


Initial Data Analysis

Individual Involvement: Analysis of the Social Interaction

in the Group

In the video on Tasks 1 and 2, Carlo and Giovanni (see Sect. 2.1) refer to the same
objects in their activities. They both construct knowledge about exponential functions through their use of the computer and by referring to the images on the screen.
However, the activity is distributed. Generally, Carlo gives Giovanni instructions to
do something with the computer (lines 9 and 11), and Giovanni (abbreviated by
G) does what Carlo (abbreviated by C) wants him to do (line 12) but this is
not always the case (for full transcript, see Appendix):

Introduction to the Theory of Interest-Dense Situations (IDS)





yes modify also the measure unit of the y-axis, that is, you put, instead of 2.7,
you put another thing
the y-axis?
yes what have you done?
oh, I have moved it, I have put it larger like so, as you can seeok
but you see that, that is, you must modify 2.7 []

The computer reacts to the students input through visible signs drawings,
animations, numbers, algebraic expressions. Both students interpret these signs on
the screen in their order of appearance. Giovanni describes what can be seen on the
screen most of the time (line 48).


go towards the negative ones

when it arrives to minus, at 2.7, it goes, it goes in 0 because then you see when it
arrives in 0, you can continue to move, but it remains always on the 0

The roles of the students are quite stable, as shown in the following excerpt, in
which Carlo reads the worksheet and writes down the results. Giovanni is in contact
with the computer. Even if Giovanni does something on his own, he still regards it
as a collective activity:


to 1 it does not yet go on the 0, wait! Let us [emphasis added by the authors] go,
a little bit more 2, 0, 3, 3 more or less towards the 6

The students interact by building their interpretations on each others. This is shown
through their use of the same words (lines 173174, 177178, 182184), their
completion of each others sentences (lines 185186), or their references to each
others statements (lines 178179, 185186):


you try to put it a little more low so you try with 1 you look: with 1 its a line
with 1, its a line
we expected this
instead, if its less than 1, also
with a less than 1
we expected this so

Then, it goes on:



ehh, this is x, and this Ps y

that is the x
that is the x
so you can see
yes, yes it never touch the zero, it doesnt touch

A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Halverscheid


The signs on the screen also indicate knowledge objects, on which both students
focus. Commenting too much does not seem to be worthwhile. Verbal interaction
can be reduced, and long pauses appear. Deictic expressions indicate which
aspects the students are examining (lines 183, 184). Carlo even says you can
see (line 185), while Giovanni describes what he sees. Both negotiate what
they are seeing at that moment; their social interaction is built on commonly
perceived objects.
In their further work on Task 2, and more intensively in their work on Task 3,
the discourse becomes denser; pauses nearly disappear. From line 325 on, the
situation changes fundamentally as the teacher joins the group. The computer
screen becomes just a tool for representations to which the students and the teacher
refer only if necessary. The social interactions between students and teacher become
even more intense.

Analyses on the Epistemic Level and the Level of Attribution

of Mathematical Value

In order to be able to reconstruct typical regularities about how interest-dense

situations are fostered or hindered in this class, we would need many more episodes.
Since this group acts as a unit to construct mathematical meaning socially, the
epistemic action model (GCSt model) can be applied to reconstruct the epistemic
process of the abovementioned three episodes. The result of the whole analysis is
represented symbolically in Fig. 7.2, its legend in Fig. 7.1.
In the video on Task 1 (see first line of Fig. 7.2), initiations and gathering are the
main epistemic actions through which the students explore the dynamic nature of
the exponential function by experimenting with the DGS file.
In their work on Task 2, the students learn to change the base of the exponential
functions through connecting actions and again familiarize themselves with this






Structure seeing
Extrinsic object


G intrinsic


Fig. 7.1 Symbols for the compressed process diagram


Structure seeing


eo measure unit


They get the teacher

eo open file? How?




tightened Approximation
G more than tangent G



Task 3



Task 2


for T.





always the same: invisible

27 31 34









171 175

with the teacher







362 368

292 297



the results

summaries of all




111 116 118 125


Approx. by small lines slope twice



io representation changing a is interrupted

arousal increases


eo Delete the traces howing co-ordinates

Task 1


Introduction to the Theory of Interest-Dense Situations (IDS)

Fig. 7.2 Compressed process diagramme







A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Halverscheid


more complex mathematical situation. Even when gathering takes place here, it
becomes part of the connecting actions (Fig. 7.2). As before, the students begin with
experimenting and observing. In line 287, the situation changes:


look it slowly slowly it seems that I do not know, like, saying tangent
eh yes
it seems that it touches it, lets go, lets go, lets go
eh, yes here
slowly slowly
its tangent

Carlo expresses a hypothesis about a certain structure that he sees (line 287),
naming it tangent and Giovanni agrees (line 288). This is proven through slowly
testing the process with the computer. Carlo seems to show increased situational
interest (line 287292) while the computer shows a dynamic situation in which the
mathematical idea can be proven. At the end, Carlo sees its structure: its tangent
(line 292). The students generate a testing situation through making connections,
thus the structure is hypothesized, tested, and labeled.
At the end of the work on Task 3, the teacher joins the group, and the role of the
computer in this process changes (327354). Since the social interactions now take
the form of a direct discourse, we will use the three levels of notions of utterances
for a discourse analysis.
In line 327, Carlo asks the teacher a question. The teacher does not answer, but
instead repeats the principal words as a question: always the same distance? (line
328). On the illocutionary level, this gives the students the chance to explore and
think again. They then realize that the distance between P and Q3 is not constant; it
may decrease if Q approaches P. In line 331, Giovanni describes the asymptotic
behavior of the function: [] the nearer P is to y equal to zero, the more this line
approximates the function. The reaction of the teacher builds on the previous utterance in trying to understand: therefore you approach it enough (line 332); yes:
Giovanni feels accepted and understood (333). In line 334 (when a function stretches
to crush itself on the x-axis), the teacher adds another idea, but Giovanni on the
locutionary level follows the idea of a nearly tangent through approximation (line
335337). The teacher does not disturb this structure-seeing process, but supports it
by saying yes (336) and then admiring: uh (338). Thus, on the illocutionary
level, the students contribution is respected as valuable. In line 340, again, the
teacher asks for additional information, directing the students ideas towards reasoning (on the perlocutionary level): and so, it gives you some information about what?
When the Delta x tends to become very very small, what kind of information do
you get? (line 340). The teacher is successful, since Carlo responds, if the Delta x
becomes small it means that the Delta x becomes small when when between
P and Q that is, the space decreases (line 341). The teacher strengthens this view: oh
sure, it is almost trivial, isnt it? [] (line 342) indicating this on the illocutionary
level to be important. At the same time he makes clear to look at what is obvious.

Through the points P and Q of the graph of the exponential function a secant is drawn.

Introduction to the Theory of Interest-Dense Situations (IDS)


The teacher continues, including tends to as an additional idea (line 342). Giovanni
finishes the teachers sentence using the word tangent (line 343). This means that
the epistemological views of the teacher and the students are similar (see Chap. 11).
Giovanni is able to think with the teacher. Tends to makes sense in Giovannis train
of thought; therefore, he is able to integrate this idea. Again the teacher builds on the
utterances before this: and then what kind of information will it give you in this
case? (line 344). On the perlocutionary level, he asks the students to continue
deepening to reason within their own view. Giovanni follows this directive metaphorically: ah, one can say one can say that the exponential function becomes
very little lines (line 345). Again the teacher uses the students words and changes
the direction slightly by adding the idea of approximation: uh it could be approximated to some small lines, which however (line 346). Giovanni takes this
utterance as an invitation (perlocutionary level), and now does nearly the same. He
also builds his answer on the utterances of the previous conversation and adds a new
perspective of observations about the touch point and the slopes: that is, that with
increasing slopes, that join together in a, that touch each other in a point (line 347).
The teacher tries to get a better understanding of the students aim: therefore you
are imagining to approximate with many small segments (line 348). On the perlocutionary level, this causes an explanation that shows a deeper understanding, adding
again another idea the idea of zooming in and approximating the graph: well, if
you take it I dont know, if you take it with a very large zoom you can approximate it with many small lines (line 349). The teacher now appears to be interested
in the students thoughts, which once again encourages the students to look more
deeply and initiates a discussion on the rate of change.
In this situation, the teacher and the students shape an expectation-recessive
interaction structure. The teachers guidance is done implicitly; mathematical value
attribution deepens the students epistemic processes and leads to structure-seeing.
As additional results, the following patterns may be relevant for nurturing or hindering
the emergence of IDS in the classroom:
1. Learning about an intrinsic object is interrupted when an extrinsic object as an
obstacle occurs.
2. Intrinsic obstacles do not necessarily induce deep learning processes between
peers. From lines 162 to 167, the students observe that representing the graphs is
interrupted when the base becomes negative. Since the students agree that this
happens because the graph simply gets too high, they feel content. A deepening
of learning does not take place, and an interest-dense situation does not emerge.
3. Cyclic patterns appear in which the computer file is used as a tool to experiment:
hypothesizing, testing, observing, describing, re-hypothesizing and evaluating, etc.
4. The students get used to the first DGS file by gathering meaning and get familiar
with functions by connecting actions through the second DGS file.
5. Shorthand constructions of meanings change into more complex processes of
connecting meanings when the students start to write down their results together.
6. When constructing meaning becomes more complex, interactions between the
students become more intense. Gestures indicate that they get nervous. Structureseeing begins in line 287.


A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Halverscheid

7. Before the discourse with the teacher, constructing meaning takes place around
what is happening on the computer screen. When the teacher joins the epistemic
process, the computer is no longer the source of knowledge. Structure-seeing
occurs within a more complex discourse, and the frequency of using gestures to
support statements increases (see the case study on gestures in Chap. 9).
By and large, these patterns indicate that the computer is helpful for gathering and
connecting meanings, and the teacher is helpful for deepening insight.

Emergence of Interest-Dense Situations

There are indications suggesting that an interest-dense situation arises in Task 3 through
the three-step task design. The students do not follow the teachers expectations. They
find their own ways of constructing mathematical meaning. In Task 3, students are
pushed further to construct mathematical concepts in an epistemic process that prompts
structure-seeing. The students themselves do not value the mathematical concepts that
they gained explicitly, but the worksheets they complete do. The students are asked to
find things that were unexpected, interesting, and so on. This means that the task evaluates as interesting what the students find out beforehand. At the end, the teacher accepts
the results and demands that students deepen them by praising the students comments
and using them to steer their conversation and reasoning.


Need for Extended Data and Analysis

The data set has only been analyzed according to how, in these episodes, the
emergence of one interest-dense situation is fostered. The second video on Task 3
offers additional data that shows an extra episode in which the emergence of an
interest-dense situation is hindered (Chaps. 11 and 12). If additional data of the
class were available, the results obtained could be taken as hypotheses to be further
investigated towards an overview about how IDS are shaped in this class.
Due to the reflexivity assumption of ethnomethodology, the teachers interview
is not needed, as everything that is relevant is assumed to be activated during and
indicated in the lessons.



The theoretical frameworks scope could be widened so that the IDS methodology
could be applied to the given features of the data set. Even though further data
analysis is needed to reconstruct regularities about how interest-dense situations
in this classroom are shaped, we may hypothesize that a three-step design of the

Introduction to the Theory of Interest-Dense Situations (IDS)


task is particularly fruitful. In this, gathering is the main first action, in which
students become familiar with the digital worksheet; connecting is the main part
of the second step; and structure-seeing is supported in the third by placing the
specific concept to be explored into a computer worksheet. This last hypothesis
is related to initiating interest formation through task text: Describe what is
interesting, what is expected and unexpected; share your impressions with the
other; explore; give arguments and justifications; and write your results down.
In this way, the students results are valued beforehand, initiating involvement in
meaningful epistemic processes. In addition, the digital worksheets are designed
to test hypotheses, giving the students control over their results so that they can
take responsibility for their own learning processes. Extrinsic knowledge objects
are quickly removed so that they hardly disturb the flow of ideas. Finally, in the
interest-dense situation of Task 3, when the students are ready to learn, the teacher
joins by steering the conversation to deepen students insights implicitly. Our
impression is that there is a whole system of features that foster the emergence of
interest-dense situations, not just one.

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1776). Mnchen: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
Weber, M. (1921/1984). Soziologische Grundbegriffe. Tbingen: J.C.B. Mohr, UTB.
Weber, M. (1922/1985). Wissenschaftslehre. Gesammelte Aufstze. Tbingen: J. C. B. Mohr.

Part III

Case Studies of Networking

Chapter 8

Introduction to Networking: Networking

Strategies and Their Background
Susanne Prediger and Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs

Abstract The chapter provides the language and strategies for networking already
published in former ZDM issues and books. The concept of networking is clarified
and the networking strategies and networking profiles are described. The five theoretical approaches from Chaps. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are compared with respect to the
concept of theories as a dynamic way of understanding through the triplet (system
of principles, methodologies, set of paradigmatic questions). After that, case studies
from Chaps. 9, 10, 11, and 12 are briefly introduced.
Keywords Networking of theories Methodology Networking strategies

The comparison of Chaps. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 in Part II of this book gave an example

of what is meant by the abstract term diversity of theories. Five theoretical
approaches were presented that differ not only in their key constructs, but also in
their main questions, principles, methodologies, and the specificity of the results
(Radford 2008, 2012). In Part II, the five theoretical approaches and their research
practices were presented next to each other. However, the plurality of theoretical
approaches can only become fruitful when different approaches and traditions
come into a dialogue. For this purpose, different networking strategies have been
specified (Prediger et al. 2008b) and applied in various projects. Reflection on
these projects has offered interesting first contributions to a methodology of networking (Prediger et al. 2008a).
S. Prediger (*)
Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education,
TU Dortmund University, D-44227 Dortmund, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs
Fachbereich 03 fr Mathematik und Informatik, AG Didaktik der Mathematik,
University of Bremen, Bibliothekstrasse 1, D-28359 Bremen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research
Practice in Mathematics Education, Advances in Mathematics Education,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9_8, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014



S. Prediger and A. Bikner-Ahsbahs

According to Radford (2008), this networking process takes place in the so-called
semiosphere, which referring to Lotman he describes as an uneven multi-cultural
space of meaning-making processes and understandings generated by individuals as
they come to know and interact with each other (Radford 2008, p. 318). Core elements of this cultural semiotic space of mathematics education research are theoretical approaches such as those presented in Part II. Cultural exchange within and
between theories unfolds the diversity of theories and shapes the semiospheres
dynamic nature through individuals as they participate in dialogical processes of
meaning-making and exchange. Radford characterizes dialogue as the door for
entering the semiosphere (Radford 2008, p. 318), but a dialogue between theories
may also shape and support the development of the semiosphere. The case studies
presented in Part III of this book, namely Chaps. 9, 10, 11, and 12 will give examples of such possible dialogues between theories.
This introductory chapter frames the case studies by embedding them into
general methodological considerations. For this purpose, we briefly present the
landscape of strategies for networking (Sect. 8.1) and discuss how Part II of the
book contributes to making theoretical approaches understandable and comparable
(Sect. 8.2). Section 8.3 will give an advance organizer for how the networking strategies will be applied in each case study. Section 8.4 presents a first attempt to classify the different aims and benefits of the case studies through the construct of
profiles that will be refined later in Chap. 14.
By this structure, we intend to (1) make clear the meta-theoretical and methodological starting points of the case studies, and (2) give advance organizers for the
case studies in Chaps. 9, 10, 11, and 12. In Part IV of this book, Chaps. 13, 14, and
15, we will reflect on what we have learnt from the case studies. This includes some
refinements of the constructs offered in the present chapter.


Embedding: Landscape of Networking Strategies

By networking, we mean research practices that aim at creating a dialogue and

establishing relationships between parts of theoretical approaches while respecting
the identity of the different approaches (cf. Prediger et al. 2008b; Bikner-Ahsbahs
and Prediger 2010; Bikner-Ahsbahs 2010).
Given this working definition, there are still many different ways and degrees
to bring theoretical approaches into dialogue. For systematizing and reflecting
these ways in a conceptual framework, a landscape of networking strategies has
been specified that allows distinguishing between different degrees of integration
(Prediger et al. 2008b). In this landscape (Fig. 8.1), the strategies ignoring other
theories and unifying theories in a global way serve as the poles on a scale for the
degree of integration. Whereas ignoring is often guided by a pure relativism
concerning theories considered as arbitrary and isolated, the call for a global
unification is led by the idea of having one unique theory (that Dreyfus 2006
compared to the grand unified theory of which many physicists dream), both
being extreme positions.

Introduction to Networking: Networking Strategies and Their Background


Fig. 8.1 A landscape of strategies for connecting theoretical approaches (Prediger et al. 2008b)

Based on the position that theories are not isolated but can learn from each other,
the focus lies on intermediate strategies for finding connections as far as possible
(but not further) which can be placed in between the two extremes on the scale in
Fig. 8.1. All these intermediate strategies are called networking strategies: networking strategies are those connecting strategies that respect on the one hand the
pluralism and/or modularity of autonomous theoretical approaches but are on the
other hand concerned with reducing the unconnected multiplicity of theoretical
approaches in the scientific discipline (Prediger et al. 2008b, p. 170).
In a first approximation, the networking strategies were ordered with respect to
the degree of integration of the theories in question. The strategies are structured in
pairs: understanding and making understandable; comparing and contrasting; combining and coordinating; and integrating locally and synthesizing:
Every attempt to connect theoretical approaches provides the practical experience
that it is not trivial to understand theories that have been developed in unfamiliar
research practices. Hence, all inter-theoretical communication and especially all
attempts to connect and apply theories and research results must start with the
hard work of understanding others and, reciprocally, with making the own theory
understandable. For understanding a theory, its interplay with the research
practices are crucial. Understanding hence refers to all Radfords (2008, 2012)
constituents: not only key constructs, but also principles, questions, methodology, and results.
The most widely used pair of networking strategies is comparing and contrasting
theoretical approaches. Comparing and contrasting only differ in degree, not in
substance. Whereas comparing refers to similarities and differences in a more
general way of perceiving theoretical components, contrasting is more focused
on extracting typical differences. By comparing and contrasting, the specificity
of theories and their possible connections and limitations can be made more visible: strong similarities are points for linking and strong differences can make the
individual strengths of the theories visible.
Whereas the strategies of comparing and contrasting are mostly used for a better
understanding of typical characteristics of theories and theoretical approaches in
view of further developing theories, the strategies of combining and coordinating
are mostly used for a networked understanding of an empirical phenomenon or a
piece of data. Following the idea of triangulation, combining and coordinating
means looking at the same phenomenon from different theoretical perspectives


S. Prediger and A. Bikner-Ahsbahs

as a method for deepening insights into the phenomenon. The distinction between
combining and coordinating is drawn according to the degree of integration of
theory elements with respect to their compatibility. Combining theoretical
approaches does not necessitate the complete compatibility of the theoretical
approaches under consideration. Even theories with conflicting basic assumptions can be combined in order to get a multi-faceted insight into an empirical
phenomenon in view. In contrast, we use the word coordinating when a conceptual framework (in the sense of Eisenhart 1991) is built by fitting together
elements from different theories for making sense of an empirical phenomenon.
A conceptual framework is not a new theoretical approach but a pragmatic bricolage for the purpose of understanding empirical phenomena.
Whereas the strategies of combining and coordinating mainly aim at deeper
insights into an empirical phenomenon, the strategies of synthesizing and
integrating locally are focused on the development of theories by putting together
a small number of theoretical approaches into a new framework. We make a
gradual distinction between the two related strategies which this time refers to
the degree of symmetry of the involved theoretical approaches. The notion synthesizing is used when two (or more) equally stable theories are connected in
such a way that a new piece of theory emerges. But often, the theories scope and
degree of development is not symmetric, and there are only some constructs or
aspects of one theory integrated into an already more elaborate theory or converted and elaborated into another one. This integration should not be mistaken
as unifying totally, which is why we emphasized the locally in the strategys
name integrating locally. We call a local integration symmetric if a concept at the
border of two theories is worked out and integrated into both theoretical
approaches. The latter may be further developed and result in synthesizing.
Of course, the practical work of applying these strategies is more complicated than
the model with its strict distinctions made for analytical reasons. Most researchers
apply more than one strategy at once (as we do in Part III of this volume, see
Sect. 8.4), and an exact topology cannot be given since the degree of integration
always depends on the concrete realizations and networking methods. However, the
landscape still serves as a useful approximation towards a conceptual framework
for discussing and reflecting research practices of networking and their preconditions. It also provides a frame that can describe the development of the networking
process (Bikner-Ahsbahs et al. 2010). In the long term, it may help in approaching
methodological considerations for connecting theories.
Prediger et al. (2008a) tried to give an overview of many different methods that
can be useful for supporting processes of networking, for example:
initiate parallel processes of conceptualizing the same problem into different
research problems
convert a problem taken from one approach into a new approach
interpret the use and role of a notion in two approaches
parallel analysis,

Introduction to Networking: Networking Strategies and Their Background


compare theories with respect to their articulation in research on the same topic
with different focus and data,
analyze the same empirical phenomena with different approaches.
This book reports on networking practices that started with the last-mentioned
method. As we will see, the initial exercise of analyzing the same video led to other
methods of networking, and, in this way, the initial exercise allowed a further
elaboration of networking methodologies, that is, reflection on the methods, strategies, limits, and benefits (see Chaps. 13, 14, and 15).


Making Understandable and Comparing

Five Theoretical Approaches

Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 in Part II of this book can be read as the authors attempts to
make five theoretical approaches understandable. As these chapters have shown, theoretical approaches cannot be explained by their key constructs alone. Understanding a
theory means to understand their articulation in research practices which comprise
many implicit assumptions. The reference to the same video of Carlo, Giovanni, and
the exponential function (presented in Chap. 2) facilitates making explicit some of the
implicit aspects of the theoretical approaches.
The applied theoretical approach and the corresponding research practices do not
only shape the conceptualization of phenomena, but also influence what counts as
relevant questions, analyzable units of data, and adequate methods to answer the
questions. However, it was remarkable that although the task was to analyze given
(mostly alien) data, three out of the five approaches (TDS, ATD, and AiC) also
referred to the design of learning situations and tasks, hence included constructive
next to the descriptive considerations as a core element in the research and theory
formation. The different priorities for designing learning arrangements seem to
have shaped also the typical questions posed in the different theoretical approaches
and the methodologies for answering them. This observation exemplifies the fact
that the design practices are interconnected not only with the research practices but
also with the theoretical approach.
The five analyses of the same video now allow a first comparison of the different
theoretical approaches:
Size: TDS and ATD are mature theories with a long tradition and large research
communities contributing to their development; these theoretical approaches
provide many complex key constructs which have evolved over time. In contrast,
AiC, IDS, and APC are younger and more local theories, developed for specific
purposes and applied in smaller communities.
Questions: Whereas AiC mainly focuses on the learning of the students (in context), APC and IDS mainly focus on the interaction between teacher and students.
In contrast, the systemic and epistemological perspective of TDS orients its
questions around the functioning of the complex didactical systems and the search


S. Prediger and A. Bikner-Ahsbahs

for fundamental situations, and ATD on different institutional settings and their
constraints. For AiC, TDS, and ATD, the research questions are deeply connected
to different design practices which are typical for their scientific work.
Kinds and units of data: Depending on the different typical research questions,
some theories could immediately start an analysis when having only one video,
while others needed more information on the curriculum background, teachers
intentions, etc. before having a suitable unit of analysis. These experiences show
that data does not exist independently from the theoretical approach; rather,
every theoretical approach shapes the kind of data constructed for conceptualizing
empirical phenomena.
Methodical principles: The AiC, APC, and IDS teams conduct micro-analyses of
learning processes of different kinds. The AiC team executes an a priori analysis
to capture the expectations of the designer with respect to the intended constructions and a posteriori analyses to learn from the data what additionally has to be
taken into account. The IDS team reconstructs social interactions, epistemic
processes, and value attribution and aims at aggregating data to build ideal types.
The APC team focuses on the semiotic bundle and its synchronic and diachronic
analyses in order to disclose multimodal relationships. The TDS team and the
ATD team match different methods; for both, design plays an important theorydriven role. The TDS view encompasses epistemologically conducting a priori
analyses of the a-didactical potential of the situations and a posteriori analysis
with theoretical reflections including characteristics of the didactic contract.
ATD considers praxeologies on different institutional levels taking constraints
into account. Hence, the methods and methodologies are deeply related to conceptual and procedural tools the theories offer.
Objects: Theories bring specific areas into focus and at the same time leave
others aside, namely the focus on abstraction (AiC), on specifically fruitful
situations in classrooms with a potential for learning with interest (IDS), on
semiotic resources in classrooms (APC), on the epistemological potential of
didactical situations (TDS), and on the anthropological nature of human activities in institutions (ATD). Even when using the same data sets, objects and their
areas of attention reflect the diversity of theories.
These first aspects of comparison show that it is the concrete analysis of one set of
videos that facilitates the access to the design (of teaching and learning arrangements) and research practices connected to the theories.
For networking these different approaches and their research practices towards a
higher degree of integration, further networking strategies have been applied in
four case studies. By these case studies, we intend to contribute to the overall
methodological question of how to deal with the diversity of theories (Question 3 in
Chap. 1), here refined to Question 3:
How can we network different theoretical approaches, that is, what methods, strategies, and
meta-theoretical constructs are needed for creating a dialogue and establishing relationships between parts of theoretical approaches while respecting the identity of the different
approaches? What can we learn from networking practices empirically, theoretically, and
methodologically and where are the limits?

Introduction to Networking: Networking Strategies and Their Background


The Networking Group decided not to conduct only abstract discussions on these
questions but treat them as empirical (second order) research questions. So we involved
ourselves in four case studies of concrete research practices which were supposed
to give local answers to these big questions. Among all the different attempts of
networking the Networking Theories Group has experimented with (see Chap. 15),
this was the most fruitful one for the groups methodological long-term aim: understanding and reflection on strands and issues of networking practices.


Outlook on the Four Case Studies for Networking

The four case studies in the following Chaps. 9, 10, 11, and 12 each use different
networking strategies, each with respect to selected aspects of two or three out of
the presented five theoretical approaches. We describe them briefly here, on the one
hand as first concretization of the strategies presented in Sect. 8.1, on the other hand
as an advance organizer for the core chapters of the book:
In Chap. 9 (Case study of the epistemic role of gestures networking between
APC and AiC), the two analyses of a video scene are coordinated with respect to
the epistemic role that gestures play in the epistemic process. Gestures played a
prominent role in the theoretical construct of the Semiotic Bundle in APC. AiC
has learned from APC how to systematically engage in gesture analyses, and has
hence locally integrated one aspect of the methodology. In this way, the concept
of epistemic gestures emerged. This new concept is an example where the asymmetric local integration on the methodological level of networking led to enrichments of both theories, namely by raising new questions and developing a new
concept without touching the principles.
In Chap. 10 (Case study of context/milieu networking between AiC, TDS,
and ATD), the networking process started from the common vision that learning
and teaching processes depend on the context in which they develop. The idea
of context is conceptualized differently by the three theories. A broader notion
of the idea of context could be elaborated by comparing the three complex theoretical key constructs of context, milieu, and the media-milieu dialectic. This
comparison of related but not equal constructs revealed a deeper theoretical
understanding of the key architecture of the three theoretical approaches and the
use of data served for illustration and as a base for theoretical reflection. The
networking strategy of contrasting allowed the insightful showing of limits of
the theoretical approaches and the nature of concepts within their theories.
Chapter 11 (Case study of the epistemological gap networking between APC
and IDS) starts by comparing the analyses of the same scene in the video with
seemingly contradictory results. By trying to coordinate the analyses and to harmonize these contradictory results, the new concept of epistemological gap
emerged and was included into both theories. This chapter thus provides an
example of the networking process of local integration.


S. Prediger and A. Bikner-Ahsbahs

Chapter 12 (Case study of the Topaze effect networking between IDS

and TDS): In the first spontaneous data analysis, each group reconstructs different phenomena in the video. The case study compares and contrasts two of
them within a cyclic networking process of analyzing separately, sharing the
results, reflecting on the process, re-analyzing the data, etc. The attempts to
combine the analysis and the results led to a deeper understanding of the episode
and the theoretical constructs involved on the one hand and on the other hand to
providing deepened insights into the character of the two conceptualized phenomena and the common empirical idea that the two phenomena try to capture.


Networking with Different Profiles

When the discussion on networking practices started in the CERME working

groups, there immediately arose a need not only to distinguish between different
networking strategies but also to distinguish the networking practices by complementary starting points and aims with respect to theoretical and empirical considerations (Bikner-Ahsbahs et al. 2010, p. 164).
The first attempt to draw this distinction resulted in specifying two dichotomic
profiles: prototypically, networking practices with a bottom-up profile start from
empirical data or phenomena and aim at a deeper understanding of these data or
phenomena. In contrast, a top-down profile mostly starts from theoretical considerations and aims at theoretical progress (Arzarello et al. 2008). Although we briefly
classify the four case studies here with respect to these prototypical profiles, the
reflection on them in Chap. 14 will show that, in reality, both profiles appear in each
case, only with different priorities.
The case study on gestures (Chap. 9) consequently follows empirical aims,
namely understanding the role of gestures in the video of Carlo, Giovanni, and the
exponential function. Two different approaches are coordinated in order to gain
insights into the empirical situation.
The case study on the Topaze effect (Chap. 12) also started with the aim of deepening understanding of an empirical phenomenon. In these cases, networking also
fulfills the classical purpose of triangulation of data analysis by two theoretical
approaches. But in the case of the Topaze effect, the networking went beyond the
empirical phenomenon and contributed to a further development of the theories:
seeing through different theoretical lenses obliged the researchers to rework the
concept of the Topaze effect that had been taken for granted within TDS and to
rethink the boundaries of the Funnel pattern as described by Bauersfeld (1978). This
development left the theories principles unchanged. Realizing limitations in the
theoretical approaches motivated a sharpening of theoretical constructs within these
theories, not between.
The case study on the epistemological gap (Chap. 11) took the seemingly contradictory results of analyses of the same data as a starting point and through
elaborating their understanding revealed a new concept that could be integrated

Introduction to Networking: Networking Strategies and Their Background


into both theories. This case study shows the relevance of replication studies and
the coordination of results.
In contrast to these bottom-up profiles (starting from the data), the case study on
context/milieu (Chap. 10) provides an example for a top-down profile. It starts from
three strong theories and compares and contrasts one of the most complex constructs of each. This comparison contributed to making the theories more explicit,
especially for AiC, but it also revealed a common aspect all the three theories share.
The chapters are ordered according to their mutual dependency. However, the order
with respect to complexity would have definitely placed Chap. 10 as the last one.

Arzarello, F., Bosch, M., Lenfant, A., & Prediger, S. (2008). Different theoretical perspectives in
research from teaching problems to research problems. In D. Pitta-Pantazi, G. Phillipou, et al.
(Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics
Education (CERME 5) (pp. 16181627). Cyprus: ERME.
Bauersfeld, H. (1978). Kommunikationsmuster im Mathematikunterricht. Eine Analyse am
Beispiel der Handlungsverengung durch Antworterwartung. In H. Bauersfeld (Ed.), Fallstudien
und Analysen zum Mathematikunterricht (pp. 158170). Hannover: Schroedel.
Bikner-Ahsbahs, A. (2010). Networking of theories: Why and how? In V. Durand-Guerrier,
S. Soury-Lavergne, & F. Arzarello (Eds.), Proceedings of the sixth Congress of the European
Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 615), Lyon, 2009. Lyon: Institut National
de Recherche Pdagogique.
Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., & Prediger, S. (2010). Networking of theories An approach for exploiting
the diversity of theoretical approaches. In B. Sriraman & L. English (Eds.), Theories of
mathematics education: Seeking new frontiers (Advances in mathematics education series,
pp. 483506). New York: Springer.
Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., Dreyfus, T., Kidron, I., Arzarello, F., Radford, L., Artigue, M., & Sabena,
C. (2010). Networking of theories in mathematics education. In M. M. F. Pinto & T. F. Kawasaki
(Eds.), Proceedings of the 34th conference of the International Group for the Psychology
of Mathematics Education (Vol. 1, pp. 145175). Belo Horizonte: PME.
Dreyfus, T. (2006). Linking theories in mathematics education. In A. Simpson (Ed.), Retirement as
process and as concept (pp. 7782). Festschrift for Eddie Gray and David Tall, presented at
Charles University, Prague.
Eisenhart, M. (1991). Conceptual frameworks for research. Ideas from a cultural anthropologist;
implications for mathematics education researchers. In R. Underhill (Ed.), Proceedings of the
thirteenth annual meeting of psychology of mathematics education North America.
Blacksburg: PME.
Prediger, S., Arzarello, F., Bosch, M., & Lenfant, A. (Eds.). (2008a). Comparing, combining,
coordinating Networking strategies for connecting theoretical approaches. Thematic Issue of
ZDM The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 40(2), 163327.
Prediger, S., Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., & Arzarello, F. (2008b). Networking strategies and methods for
connecting theoretical approaches: First steps towards a conceptual framework. ZDM The
International Journal on Mathematics Education, 40(2), 165178.
Radford, L. (2008). Connecting theories in mathematics education: Challenges and possibilities.
ZDM The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 40(2), 317327.
Radford, L. (2012). On the growth and transformation of mathematics education theories. Paper
presented at the international colloquium: The didactics of mathematics: Approaches and
issues. A homage to Michle Artigue, May 31 to June 1, 2012
lradford. Accessed 7 Nov 2013.

Chapter 9

The Epistemic Role ofGestures: ACase Study

onNetworking ofAPC andAiC
TommyDreyfus, CristinaSabena, IvyKidron, and FerdinandoArzarello

Abstract In this case study, the epistemic role of gestures is considered e mpirically.
The analysis of gestures is included into the AiC analysis of a small excerpt of the
data from Chap. 2 by means of the notion of semiotic bundle, which forms a crucial
component of the APC-space. For this purpose, APC and AiC are coordinated and
then locally integrated in an asymmetric way.
Keywords Networking of theories Gestures Epistemic

9.1 Introduction
Chapter 6 deals with Abstraction in Context (AiC) as a theoretical framework for
analyzing processes of constructing abstract mathematical knowledge by the socalled RBC analysis (recognizing, building-with, constructing). In that chapter, we
explained why the AiC team, when presented with the tasks and the transcript
T. Dreyfus (*)
Department of Mathematics Science and Technology Education, Joan and Jaime Constantiner
School of Education, Tel Aviv University, P.O.B. 39040, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
e-mail: [email protected]
C. Sabena
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze delleducazione, Universit di Torino,
Via Gaudenzio Ferrari, 9/11, 10124 Torino, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
I. Kidron
Department of Applied Mathematics, Jerusalem College of Technology,
Havaad Haleumi Street, 21, Jerusalem 91160, Israel
e-mail: [email protected]
F. Arzarello
Dipartimento di Matematica, Universit di Torino, Via Carlo Alberto, 10, 10123 Torino, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research
Practice in Mathematics Education, Advances in Mathematics Education,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9_9, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014



T. Dreyfus et al.

illustrated in Chap. 2, immediately focused on Task 3. The main reason for this was
that Task 3 offered the students an opportunity to construct new (to them) knowledge about notions they had never met before. These notions were specified in the a
priori analysis carried out in Chap. 6. We remind the reader that the aim of the a
priori analysis is to identify and formulate the constructs which (according to the
researchers judgment) the teacher intended the students to construct. We also note
that in this chapter the AiC team relates to an RBC analysis of the knowledge-constructing processes with limited attention to different parts of the context (the use of
the computer, the role of the teacher), which will be attended to in Chap. 10.
The most productive situation for an RBC analysis of individual students constructing of knowledge tends to be students working in pairs because their discussions often provide the researcher with information on their thought processes. For
Carlo and Giovanni, this was not the case. When attempting to carry out an RBC
analysis of the students work on Task 3, the AiC team found that their utterances
were not many and often vague, and hence the data were too sparse to analyze and
difficult to interpret.
This is where the contacts between the AiC team and the APC team became
important. The APC teams analyses are multimodal. This multimodality includes,
in particular, a focus on the learners gestures, in addition to their verbal utterances.
The role of gestures in APC is central. The AiC team learned from the APC team
and their semiotic bundle (SB) analysis (Chap. 3) how to pay attention to gestures.
The question arose, whether gestures could provide some of the data the AiC team
lacked in order to carry out an effective RBC analysis, and how the RBC analysis
might change as a consequence of taking gestures into account. In particular, this
raises the issue of the epistemic function of gestures, and more specifically, whether
and in what sense gestures can contribute to the construction of knowledge.
In order to examine these issues, the AiC team used the methodological experience of the APC team in interpreting gestures and adopted some of it. This was
facilitated by the fact that, in some sense, the two teams start from rather close positions: both are fundamentally interested in student cognition (and additional
aspects), and both employ a micro-analytical approach to data analysis. On first
sight, one might therefore ask whether networking was even an issue. Were the two
teams attempting integration or were they only trying to smooth out minimal differences? Were the differences indeed minimal? In fact, while both approaches have a
strong socio-cognitive tenet, and while their micro-analytic methods of data analysis may be similar in grain size, the foci of the two teams are rather different: focus
and interpretation depends on the researchers interest and theoretical frame. The
APC team focuses mainly on the semiotic resources observable in the classroom
while students solve problems or discuss a mathematical task; hence the focus is on
what they do, produce, and on their interactions (among themselves, or between
them and a teacher). The observable semiotic resources include utterances, gestures,
and inscriptions (utterances, graphs, sketches, formulas). In such a sense, they scrutinize also the role gestures may play in the formation of mathematical knowledge.
Hence the communicative function of gestures is extremely important to APC

9 The Epistemic Role ofGestures: ACase Study onNetworking ofAPC andAiC


researchers in their SB analysis, as are phases of studentteacher interactions, as

well as thinking tools (see Chap. 3).
AiC researchers, on the other hand, are primarily interested in the construction of
knowledge. Hence, their focus is mainly on the learners, the teacher forming part of
the context, and researchers consider gestures as relevant only insofar as they have
an epistemic function in the construction of knowledge.
These differences lead to different research questions and different choices of
data for analysis. What makes data interesting for AiC researchers and what makes
data interesting for APC researchers? What can we say about the nature of data
required, or at least desired, for analyzing gestures with SB (see Chap. 3) or with
RBC (see Chap. 6)? First of all, and trivially, when the aim is to analyze gestures,
only excerpts with gestures are relevant, and this already considerably restricts the
choice of data. Secondly, the APC team favors excerpts in which gestures have a
communicative function in the learning process; for the AiC team, on the other
hand, the main criterion for the choice of excerpts with gestures is the potential for
the emergence of new constructs. They are interested in the role gestures might have
in the process of constructing knowledge; as pointed out in more detail below, the
main function of such gestures is epistemic, and they may well be isolated in time,
and made by a learner to and for him- or herself without social interaction. As a
consequence, the situations of Tasks 1 and 2, which were intended as a preparatory
phases for constructing knowledge, were of less interest to the AiC team, and the
team focused on the situation of Task 3, that is, lines 249379 in the transcript
(see Appendix).
As a consequence of these different data requirements, and of the different foci
of the teams, and in spite of the closeness, in some sense, of the two approaches,
we were left with a very small intersection of data that could have formed a basis
for parallel and then comparative or common analysis, as is often done in research
thatnetworks two theoretical frameworks (see, for example, Chaps. 11 and 12).
Therefore, this chapter will be somewhat different from the subsequent case studies. It will relate to the two theoretical frameworks in an asymmetric way for two
reasons: the dearth of data for parallel analysis as well as the asymmetrical aim of
using one theoretical framework in order to enrich the analysis of the other one.
In the following section, we present an attempt to integrate gesture analysis into
the RBC analysis of knowledge construction in the situation of Task 3 (Sect. 9.2);
this attempt to integrate gestures has been based on the SB methodology and carried out by thetwo teams together. We will then discuss methodological aspects of
the RBC analysis that are related to this integration of gestures (Sect.9.3), as well
as theoretical consequences for AiC, and feedback to APC (Sect.9.4); and we will
end with a reflection on the process (Sect.9.5).
The central aim of the chapter in the framework of this monograph is to show
that one team (AiC) can exploit the experience of another team (APC) in order to
explore how to improve its methodology, in this case how to incorporate gesture
analysis according to SB into the RBC analysis, and how this teams theoretical
framework can grow methodologically and theoretically in the process.


T. Dreyfus et al.

9.2 The Data and Their RBC Analysis

Our aim in this section is to demonstrate how data based on the students gestures
complement the data based on their utterances and how this combined data setallows
carrying out an RBC analysis of the students constructing actions while working on
Task 3. We focus in particular on the second part of the students work on this task
(lines 302349 in the transcript), because this is the excerpt that allows us to best
demonstrate our analysis.
As described in Chap. 2 (Fig. 2.3), Task 3 had been designed by the teacher in
order to give the students an opportunity to explore the exponential variation at
both the local and the global level. Besides the graph of y = a x , it contains the
points P ( x ; a x ), and H ( x + x; a x ); it was also supposed to contain the point
Q( x + x; a x + x ), and the students related to this point as if it were there (see Fig. 2.4).
It also contained, two sliders, whose variation allowed the students to modify,
respectively, the increment x and the base a of the exponential. The computer
screen configuration is shown in Fig. 9.1.

Fig. 9.1 The computer screen configuration of Task 3 (see Fig. 2.3)

9 The Epistemic Role ofGestures: ACase Study onNetworking ofAPC andAiC


9.2.1 Narrative Summary ofthe Students Work onTask 3

As mentioned, we focus on the part of the activity in lines 249379. We first give a
narrative summary of what happened in this excerpt. The aim of the narrative summary is to serve as a frame of reference for the reader during the following microlevel analysis (Sects. 9.2.2 to 9.2.7). The narrative summary does not pretend to be
an analysis or to be objective; we are aware that any view, even if it is descriptive, is
influenced by the viewers selections.
Episode 3a (lines 249281). The students quickly observe that the point P and the
base a (which they call the rate of growth) can be varied; they also note that x
can be varied, and identify x with PH.
Episode 3b (lines 282324). Varying P, the students observe that HQ varies with P,
and that as P moves to the left, HQ becomes small and the secant appears to
become a tangent. They briefly and vaguely also comment on what happens as
PQ gets small (298, 301) and mention the option of varying a, but then return to
consider the effect of varying P. They also explore and comment on what happens for what they call P near zero, by which they mean yP 0. Now the
teacher joins them, and participates in the conversation until almost the end of
the lesson (until line 368). The teachers participation is active he not only asks
questions but provides information.
Episode 3c (lines 325343). The first issue discussed with the teacher is what happens as x becomes very small; while the students focus on the phenomenon that
the line becomes (nearly) a tangent, the teacher keeps asking what information
this provides them. Nested within this episode, the students recall, in a different
formulation, that the (secant) line approximates the function better, the nearer P
is to zero (lines 331334).
Episode 3d (lines 344353). Under the teachers continued questioning and later his
suggestion of the term approximation, the students conclude that the exponential function can be approximated by a set of little tangent elements, each steeper
than the preceding one.
Episode 3e (lines 354367). The teacher guides a discussion establishing that the
growth percentage or the ratio between a value and its successor (these are the
teachers expressions; the students repeat some of them) remains constant and
that this is consistent with the growth rate being low. The function crushes on
the x-axis (according to the teacher) when the values of the function are close to
y = 0 (for small x). The students repeat, in their own words, part of what the
teacher says. The teacher leaves and the students begin to summarize what they
are going to write: that the exponential function can be approximated by little
straight line segments of increasing slope; that for small x, these straight-line
segments are almost like a single (straight) line, and hence that at the beginning, that is for x , the graph is similar to a line and has a constant rate of
growth (366369).


T. Dreyfus et al.

Episode 3f (lines 370379). Finally, they turn to the question of what happens when
a varies. They seem to keep P and x constant and observe that the area of the
triangle PQH grows as a grows.

9.2.2 Lines 300302: Behavior ofthe Tangent Line forSmall x

In Episode 3b, the students have chosen and fixed a rather small value of x, and
explore the behavior of the tangent line, focusing in particular on the case in which
P is to the left of the origin, which they express as P is small. (In the transcript,
underlining designates the part of an utterance during which the speaker gestured.)



we can say that if P its small, that is

more like a tangent, it seems, if you
take it much small
a single point
eh, it can be approximated to one line,
with P very small, then instead as
long as it increases

Gesture in

A significant gesture occurs in line 302: Giovanni is positioning and slowly moving rightwards his left hand on the desk, as shown in the picture. He refers to if P
its small (line 300) or with P very small (line 302); this can be interpreted in two
almost equivalent ways as xP being small (close to ) or as yP being small (close
to zero). It is a moot question which one he means. It is much more important what
he would like to say about P being small: that is, it seems rather like a tangent
(line 300), and it can be approximated to a line (line 302). He seems to find it difficult to express what he means in words; his left hand, positioned horizontally in
front of the computer on the table, is an additional means of expression. We i nterpret
the combination of his utterances and his gesture as expressing his image of what
happens when P is small. Possibly, expressing his image also helps him construct a
more definite image of what happens when P is small, namely that the graph of the
exponential function is similar to a straight line and therefore well approximated by
its tangent. Hence the gesture is non-redundant with respect to the students words
(in the sense of Kita 2000; see Chap. 3 for a discussion about the characterization of
During collaboration with the APC team, the AiC team learned to consider gestures such as the one made by Giovanni in line 302 in a manner similar to how they
were used to look at verbal utterances: as expressing information. Here, the information expressed is that when P is small, the tangent line has an almost horizontal
position. The AiC team also learned to distinguish between redundant and non-
redundant gestures. The gesture in line 302 is non-redundant in the sense that it adds
information beyond the one in the utterance. This additional point of view allowed
us to interpret line 302 as a building-with action: Giovanni recognizes the notion of

9 The Epistemic Role ofGestures: ACase Study onNetworking ofAPC andAiC


tangent as relevant for the situation he is currently dealing with and builds-with
previous constructs including tangent and a certain possibly rather vague notion
of approximation.

9.2.3 Lines 308313: Behavior ofthe Function forLarge x

Still in Episode 3b, Giovanni summarizes his insight from a different point of view:
308 G yes, if we move P we can see that the
point, eh, sorry the HQ segment
becomes smaller, it decreasesand
this, the point QH, can you see?
309 C because P and Q have always the same
310 G yes
Gesture in 311:
311 C ok, so ok, ok, so ok, because if it
C quickly
means that they increase, the more
moves the
you move them over there, it
increases very very much
upwards to
312 G yes
the right
313 C because its an exponential function

In line 309, Carlo joins the action. The link between line 308 and 309 is not obvious even though Giovanni (in line 310) expresses agreement with Carlo (line 309).
If the students had gestured here, the researchers might have had better access to the
exchange. But in this instance, we were not so fortunate. Noticing that P and Q
have always the same distance (line 309), Carlo considers the opposite end of the
x-axis (line 311); he also gestures, waving his right hand with the pen in the air in a
repeated upward movement to the right. While the gesture, because of its wavy
nature, is not more definite than the verbal expression, gesture and speech mutually
support each other: the words indicate that there is an increase; the gesture shows
that it is on the right side of the screen and becoming larger. The AiC team learned
from the APC team to consider such instances as a semiotic bundle of gesture and
speech. Moreover, the gesture by Carlo is anticipatory with respect to his words.
This fits the information packaging hypothesis proposed by Kita (2000) and the
growth point model by McNeill (2005) (see Chap. 3 for a theoretical elaboration
on gestures).
Together, words and gestures give a rather clear expression to the middle part
of the intended construct C11 (see the a priori analysis in Chap. 6 for details):
As x grows (P moves to the right), the slope of the tangent grows (for a>1).
The third part of C11 [As x decreases (P moves to the left), the slope of the
(secants and the) tangent decreases to zero (for a>1)] is implicit already in line
308 (and earlier in line 302); hence we interpret this excerpt as evidence that the
students are in the process of constructing C11.


T. Dreyfus et al.

9.2.4 Line 316: Constructing theDependence onx (C11)

The next significant gesture occurs briefly afterwards, in line 316:

Gestures in 316 (a)

eh, ok, when the P its very close to the 0, the line that passes for Q and H
represents [begins gesturing on the desk by screenshot (a)] more and more
[gesture in screenshot (b)] the function the smaller it is [gesture (c)]


When Giovanni gets to represents more and more the function (line 316), he
puts his right hand on the table, next to the computer, with the thumb and index
finger touching the table and approaching each other while the hand moves to the
right (see screenshots in transcript line 316); he then repeats the same movement
again. Giovanni looks at Carlos face; Carlo looks at the screen; nobody looks
at the gestures. We note that the gestures, though explicit, seem to be almost
automatic, expressing, together with the words, Giovannis thinking. Our interpretation follows.
APC interpretation. Giovannis gesture repeats many times the small back-andforth movement of index and thumb, while softly moving his hand towards the
right. Through this catchment (according to McNeill etal. 2001, a catchment is
recognizable when some gesture form features are seen to recur in at least two,
not necessarily consecutive, gestures), he metaphorically expresses the limiting
process of QH tending to zero. In this way, he is able to pictorially add more
information to his words (P is very close to zero), showing that this gesture is
non-redundant as well.
AiC interpretation, as enriched by the APC interpretation. P is very close to zero
together with the movement of the hand to the right (although it should move
to the left, physically it is much easier to move the right hand to the right than to
the left) refers to the y-coordinate of P only, as its x-coordinate moves in the
direction of . The movement of P, expressing that x approaches , is
expressed only by the gesture, not in words once again, the gesture is non-
redundant. Simultaneously, the thumb represents the point Q and the index finger
the point H, and as the hand moves to the right the index finger and the thumb
metaphorically express the limiting process that QH becomes smaller and tends
toward zero. In addition, the words, though not the gesture, express that Q is
almost on the x-axis and hence the line through H and Q represents the graph of
the function ever better.

9 The Epistemic Role ofGestures: ACase Study onNetworking ofAPC andAiC


Giovanni thus gave expression to his constructing the third part of C11, namely
the variation of the slope as P moves on the graph to the left (see Chap. 6 for
details). Taking all of this together, we claim that the students as a pair have now
constructed C11, at least in some vague form that relates to fixed x and increasing
or decreasing segment HQ rather than to the slope of the tangent (which is the
ratio of these two quantities). In fact, this represents a variant C11 of C11: As P
gets closer to y = 0, the exponential function can be approximated by the secant
line. This vague form lacks some of the aspects of the intended construct, for
example the fact that the (slope of the) tangent is obtained as a limit of a sequence
of (slopes of) secants the first part of C10 [For any given P, that is, locally, as x
tends to zero, the slope of the secant tends to the slope of the tangent; the slope of
the secants and the tangent are all positive (for a > 1)]. According to Davydov
(1972/1990), it is typical and expected that constructs start from a vague form and
then progressively become more elaborate and precise. Here, while C11 is already
quite elaborate, it is still partial since C10 is absent, and the full form of C11, as
identified in the a priori analysis, relies on C10.

9.2.5 Line 331: Completing theCo-construction ofC11

The teacher has joined the group, and Giovanni repeats his conjecture about what
happens as P becomes small:

yes, look [pointing at the screen] and then we have discovered also that the nearer
P is to [Carlos gesture (a)] y equal to zero, the more this line approximates
[gesture (b1) on the desk] the [gesture (b2) in the air] function

Gestures in 331:
(a) Carlos gesture
Giovannis statement
in 331

(b1) Giovannis gesture

repeating the one
from 316

(b2) Giovannis gesture

representing decrease
(to the left)

The fact that the teacher joins them (line 324) gives the students a chance to
repeat their finding about the behavior as P becomes small, this time (line 331) in
clearer words than before (line 316). Their explanation is supported by short gestures accompanying the utterance in line 331 by both students: Carlo gesturing a flat
movement with his right hand (screenshot 331a), Giovanni repeating a shorter version of the gesture he had made already in line 316 (here screenshot 331b1), and
then a gesture representing the function graph decreasing to the left (screenshot


T. Dreyfus et al.

331b2). The AiC team interprets the progressively more elaborate language as a
sign of consolidation of the construct, in this case C11 and/or C11.
This interpretation by the AiC team, while acceptable, is incomplete. The APC
team points to signs of a close collaboration between the two students. This is witnessed by the fact that the verbal statement in line 331 made by Giovanni is illustrated by Carlos gesture in screenshot 331a: right hand suspended horizontally in
front of him. This gesture is synchronous to Giovannis words the nearer P is to.
Such synchrony within the semiotic bundle has been called an interpersonal synchrony (Sabena 2007). It may be interpreted as a sign of the fact that an APC-space
has been built by the students through their common work in the problem-solving
activity. This interpersonal synchrony shows that the constructing action has been a
co-construction. The consideration of the gestures, in addition to and together with
the verbal utterances, thus eliminates the vagueness of the AiC interpretation with
respect to who has constructed C11.
Giovannis first gesture is a recurrent gesture, a catchment in McNeills terms (McNeill
etal. 2001). Following McNeill, the APC team interprets the catchment as a signal
that this idea has been internalized by Giovanni and is recalled here in his reasoning.
The AiC team interprets the recurrence as additional evidence for consolidation,
supplementing the progressively more elaborate language criterion (Chap. 6).

9.2.6 Lines 335343: TheLimit asx Tends to0

The teacher now takes the lead, giving the students little opportunity to independently construct their knowledge, and the AiC team little reason to perform an RBC
analysis. The thoughts move quickly under the lead of the teacher. The teacher
focuses the discussion on the transition as x tends to 0. The students had twice
identified x with PH and briefly varied the slider determining this quantity in order
to confirm the identification, but they had never commented on the effect of the
varying x. Nevertheless:


G and moreover another thing, if

the Delta x is very small
G [pointing at the screen] the line
becomes nearly a tan.., a
tangent [gesture]

G to the, to the function

T and so, it gives you some
information about what? When
the Delta x tends to become
very very small, what kind of
information do you get?

Gesture in 337: G holds

the fingertips of the
flat vertical left hand
against the interior
of the flat vertical
right hand, while
moving the right
hand upward

9 The Epistemic Role ofGestures: ACase Study onNetworking ofAPC andAiC





C if the Delta x becomes small it Gesture in 341 (a):

C is pointing with
means that[looking at the
index and thumb (the
screen, where Giovanni is
Delta gesture)
moving something using the
mouse] the Delta x becomes
small [gesture]
Gesture in 341 (b):
when when between P and
C is moving
Q that is [gesture] the
his open hand
space decreases
T oh sure, it is almost trivial, isnt it? vertically from the
bottom upwards
Therefore he was saying that
this line tends to become
G [gesture] tangent. [C nods]

Gesture in 343: Cs
gesture: puts his
hand in a

The APC team provides the following analysis. Giovannis gesture and words
are mutually supporting each other. The gesture comes toward the end of line 337,
when he says nearly a tangent and holds the fingertips of the flat vertical left hand
against the interior of the flat vertical right hand, while moving the right hand
upward. This gesture can be interpreted as showing in an iconic way how the secant
becomes a tangent, and can therefore be interpreted as at least a partial construction
of C10 by Giovanni.
During the gesture, but not before, Giovanni turns his head toward the teacher.
Carlo, meanwhile, yawns (line 337) and seems uninterested. A little earlier he had
asked whether he had to consider always the same distance between P and Q (line
327), and now, asked about what happens when the Delta x tends to become very
very small (line 340), he answers in a circular way: the Delta x becomes small
when when between P and Q that is, the space decreases (line 341). As can
be observed along the whole transcript (see Appendix), Carlo has many difficulties
in expressing himself thoroughly with verbal utterances. However, he often accompanies his vague words with gestures, which shed some light on his stream of
thought. In line 341, he performs two gestures. The first one (screenshot a) is a sort
of pinching gesture, performed with pointed index and thumb, and it indicates that
the Delta x considered is small. The APC team has observed this gesture many
times during the teaching experiment; it is performed both by the students and by
the teacher. It has been called Delta gesture (Arzarello etal. 2009; Sabena 2007),
since it usually appears co-timed with utterances referring to increments of the x or
the y variables. It shows iconic features with respect to a segment in the Cartesian


T. Dreyfus et al.

plane and it is rooted in the students activities with the finite differences of functions in the previous year. In this episode, the two fingers appear very close to each
other, since the attention, as the teacher prompts (line 340), is directed to consider
the Delta x as becoming small.
The second gesture performed by Carlo in the same fragmented sentence is
constituted by his open right hand moving vertically from the bottom upwards
(screenshot 341b). It refers iconically to the tangent line in the right part of the
screen (as the outcome of making the Delta x tending to zero).
The teacher pushes towards the idea that the secant is becoming a tangent
(line 342). The two students react to the teachers prompt in two different ways:
Giovanni (in line 343) using words, and Carlo using an iconic gesture (screenshot
343), which anticipates Giovannis words (and which is not seen by Giovanni, who
is looking at the screen).

9.2.7 Lines 344349: TheLimit asx Tends to0

In Episode 3d starting with line 344, the teacher asks an open question: and then
what kind of information will it give you in this case?, which has an immediate
effect on Giovanni instead of explaining to the teacher what he already knows, he
is now expanding his knowledge using verbal and gestural ways of expressing his
thinking (lines 345, 347, and 349):

ah, one can say [gesture Gesture in 345 (a)

(a)] one can say that
[so far G has kept the
gesture, while looking
at it silently].
[gesture (b)]
the exponential function
becomes [gesture (c)]
very little [gesture (d)]

Further Gestures in 345:

(b) G joins his fingers on (c)
the desk and traces
a trait rightwards

Giovannis gestures sequence rightwards is repeated twice.

(d) G moves his right

hand little by little

9 The Epistemic Role ofGestures: ACase Study onNetworking ofAPC andAiC



uh it could be
approximated to some
small lines, which
that is [gesture (a)],
Gesture in 347 (a):
Gs two-hands
thatwith increasing
slopes [gesture (b)],
that join together
[gesture (c)]
in a, that touch each other
in a point [gesture (d)]

Further Gestures in 347:

(b) Gs right hand moving (c) Gs left hand touching
the right palm




(d) Gs left index touching

the right palm

therefore you are

to approximate with
many small segments
well [gesture (a)],
Gesture in 349 (a):
initial phase
of Giovannis
Delta gesture

if you take it I dont

know, if you take it
with a very large
zoom you can
approximate it with
many small lines
[gesture (b)]

Gesture in 349 (b):

G final phase
of the Delta
The gesture has
been kept during
the whole
sentence, a little
larger and moved
rightwards and
upwards with
higher slope
(as before the
right hand).


T. Dreyfus et al.

This episode has a greater degree of complexity than the previous ones because
construction of new knowledge occurs during interaction between the students and
the teacher, and because of the degree of complexity of the knowledge under consideration. Moreover, part of this episode (specifically the utterances in lines 344347)
was identified by both teams as central for their analysis of the learning process.
Therefore, the collaboration of the two teams on this episode was more one of parallel
or even common analysis than of APC ideas supporting the AiC analysis. For these
reasons, our presentation intertwines the two analyses, while pointing to the origin
of some of the interpretations in AiC or in APC.
Giovanni intends his gestures in line 345349 to be seen by the teacher; this can
be concluded from the orientation of his body. The gestures are part of Giovannis
discourse to the teacher; they are communicative (as opposed, for example, to his
gestures in line 316).
We have already commented on Giovannis catchments in lines 316 and 331
and have discussed their role in the consolidation of C11/C11. Similarly, we have
commented on the two catchments the repetition by Giovanni of the gesture
with the palm (screenshots 345a, c, d and 347ad) and his repetition of the gesture
with two pointed fingers (screenshots 345b and 349a, b) saying that they support
the consolidation process. In fact, McNeill describes catchments as a thread of
recurring gestural imagery (McNeill 2005, p. 19): as such, they show how language and imagery can contribute to making sense of the mathematical concepts
through their dialectic. Through the blending of imagistic and discursive aspects,
catchments can contribute to making apparent the new concepts; namely, they
have an epistemic function, because they contribute to constructing knowledge
(this aspect is grasped and underlined by the teacher, in his comment to Giovannis
productions in line 348).
In Giovannis gestures in line 345, the APC team recognizes two catchments,
expressing two approximation processes: (i) on the left, namely that the function is
approximated by the line y = 0 when x tends to ; (ii) on the right, namely that
small slices of the tangent approximate the function also in this case. They have an
iconic feature, insofar as both represent some aspects of the relationship between
the graph of the function and that of a line (resp. the line y = 0, and the tangent to
the functions graph). But they have also a metaphoric aspect, which is expressed
through the repetition of the gesture: the two catchments capture the limit process
through the dynamic character conveyed by the repetition of the same gesture. In
this sense catchments may indicate the epistemic character of gestures.
Specifically, Giovannis second gesture in screenshot 345b repeats the gesture
previously made in lines 316 and 331. The third gesture in screenshot 345c repeats
the gesture previously made in line 337. This latter gesture is then elaborated in line
347, when the hands move vertically, representing the movement of the line along
the exponential function (which can be observed in the DGS file).
The AiC team observes that the second gesture in screenshot 345b appears to be
very similar to the earlier gestures but it occurs in a different context. This gesture
seems to show a decreasing interval. Earlier (in line 316 and in line 331), the
decreasing interval was QH. Here (in line 345) the decreasing interval is the interval

9 The Epistemic Role ofGestures: ACase Study onNetworking ofAPC andAiC


on which the exponential function is taken to be approximately straight. In other

words, the gesture is now associated with the more general meaning tends to zero.
Hence the catchment expresses much more than repetition and more than consolidation
it expresses a generalization of the context in which Giovanni sees and applies the
notion of convergence to zero.
Giovanni continues gesturing: he shows the tangent line, repeating his gesture
from line 337. Both in words and gestures, there is first one tangent, and then
many tangent bits. Hence, there is more than catchment here: in the second repetition, the meaning of many tangent bits is added to that of tangent. Giovanni refers
to the exponential function becomes very little lines (line 345) and at the same
time holds his right hand up, moving it in a way that is clearly not smooth and
conveys quite well different secant or tangent bits at different places. This is a
considerable mental jump that has been made by means of the hand from a
single tangent to a sequence of tangent segments that join together to approximate
the exponential function. The gestures clearly express that there is a construction
of knowledge. At the same time, the language is evolving and becoming more
elaborate. It is difficult to tell whether his own hand movements or the teachers
it could be approximated to some small lines (line 346) allowed Giovanni to
express himself more clearly in line 347, adding that with increasing slope the bits
join together, and in line 349 that they approximate the function. Most probably,
it was a combination of both. In any case, this is another instance where Giovanni
at first lacked the words to express what he saw in his mind and hence another
case of significant gestures supporting his construction of knowledge. Here
Giovanni constructed C* [The exponential function can be approximated by
many small lines with an increasing slope that join together], making the transition from the previous local construct the geometric representation of the derivative is a tangent to a global view of a continuous, piecewise linear approximation
to the exponential function by joining together many small tangent line segments
whose slope increases monotonically. This concludes the AiC analysis.
Meanwhile, the APC analysis continues: an analysis of this last segment of
Episode 3d (lines 345347), in view of theoretical notions proposed by McNeill,
reveals another aspect of the way gestures can contribute to the production of
abstraction in context. This segment is composed of three successive components:
(a) first a gesture from the desk to the air with the right hand (screenshot 345a);
(b) then the repetition of the gesture (pinching gesture on the table) of a previous
set of catchments (which referred to the graph where x< 0, but now the attention is in the part where x > 0) (screenshot 345b);
(c) finally, the two hands are raised in the air keeping them with extended fingers
touching each other: the left hand is moved to touch the right at a certain angle
(screenshot 345c); the teacher echoes Giovannis words and prompts for further
elaboration (line 346); Giovanni repeats gestures (screenshots 347ad).
Only towards the end of the episode is Giovanni able to express in words what he
has intuited and represented in the second catchment. In the language of McNeill,
the gesture in screenshot 345a can be interpreted as an index of a growth point.


T. Dreyfus et al.

According to McNeill (2005), a growth point (GP) marks the starting point for the
emergence of newsworthy information prior to its full articulation. A growth point
combines both imagery and linguistic components in a dialectical way: A GP
contains opposite semiotic modes of meaning capture instantaneous, global, non
hierarchical imagery with temporally sequential, segmented, and hierarchical
language (McNeill 2005, p. 18). In a growth point, the two modes are simultaneously
active in the mental experience of the speaker, creating a dialectic, and, therefore, a
sort of instability. The process ends when the growth point is unpacked into an
increasingly well-formed, hence increasingly stable, structure on the static dimension (ibid., p. 18). The unpacking of the growth point provides a resolution of the
dialectic; this resolution is shown by a linguistic form, often accompanied by a
gesture: Images vary materially from no apparent gesture at all to elaborate multidimensional displays; but, hypothetically, imagery is ever present. What varies is
the amount of materialization (ibid., p. 18).
An unpacking of the gesture in screenshot 345a is given by the words that accompany
the gestures in the screenshots 345c and 347d where Giovanni expresses the idea that
small slices of the tangents approximate the graph of the function. The index finger is
touching and almost pushing on the hand (screenshot 347d): the gesture expresses
in a global way both touch and point (this second meaning is anticipated in the
gesture, with respect to words). The growth point marks the starting point of this
refinement process: Giovanni first recalls his previous idea on what happens on the
left part of the graph with the pinching gesture (screenshot 347a), then changes his
focus to the right part of the graph and uses his peripersonal space (i.e., the space
being immediately around the body) in the air to represent his refined ideas about the
tangent. Possibly the echoing and prompting words of the teacher encourage him to
finally express his intuition in words. This concludes the APC analysis.

9.3 Comments on the Analysis

In the specific case at hand, our analysis of the constructing actions focused on the
role of gestures in the construction of knowledge. From the semiotic bundle
methodology, the AiC team learned that modes of expression tend to be strictly
linked with each other, and that the interpretation of one of them is linked to the
interpretation of the others. Specifically, we have paid particular attention to
utterances that are accompanied by significant gestures and to gestures that invited
utterances and helped learners to formulate their thoughts. According to the AiC
perspective, gestures are significant if they do more than underline the importance
of the speakers words or point to a specific object that is intended by speech
(e.g., this). In some cases (e.g., line 337) this function is mainly communicative;
in other cases (e.g., lines 302 or 316) it includes the students attempts to clarify
thoughts to themselves, and hence to contribute to a constructing action: this may
give the gesture a crucial role in the construction of knowledge. In still other cases

9 The Epistemic Role ofGestures: ACase Study onNetworking ofAPC andAiC


(e.g., line 347), gestures are communicative while contributing to a constructing

action, and hence significant for the social construction of knowledge.
The role of gestures in the constructing process is a double role: on the one hand,
gestures with an epistemic function support and possibly influence the constructing
process by allowing the learner to realize the shape or movement or other spatial
aspects of the object under construction. Showing an aspect of the construct kinesthetically by means of a static or dynamic gesture may support the learner in
mentally creating that construct. On the other hand, gestures may also raise the
learners, the teachers, a peers, or a researchers awareness of the constructing
process, thus obtaining a communicative function in addition to the epistemic one.
Since gestures may be anticipatory while words appear only later in the constructing
process, gestures may draw the attention of a teacher or peer to the learners thinking. Similarly, gestures may help the researcher to identify and interpret the initiation, the end, and other features of the constructing process.
As a side remark, we note that our case study illustrates the methodological
nature of data. The data we use here are based on recordings that were made during
the relevant class period. These recordings include videotapes and students written
productions. However, the videotape is not the data, nor is its transcript; in fact, the
original transcript included the words as spoken by the students but no mention of
their gestures. In view of the expected analysis, we revised the transcript so as to
include gestures (and we may have disregarded information that could be of interest
to other researchers with other research aims). Hence, the videotape became data
for us once we transcribed it with focus on verbalizations and gestures.
In order to detail the possible roles of gestures, we revisited some of the excerpts
discussed above: while Giovanni gestures in line 302, Carlo seems to pay no attention
to the gesture; and while Carlo gestures in line 311, he does not look at Giovanni, nor
does Giovanni seem to even notice Carlos gesture (he looks at the screen). We infer
that, at this stage, the function of their gestures is to illustrate or clarify the mathematical objects and their behavior to themselves rather than to communicate to the other.
This strengthens our argument that the gestures play a role in the construction of
knowledge of the learner as he reflects without necessarily communicating with another
person. Similarly, in line 316, we noted above that the gestures, though explicit, seem
to be almost automatic, expressing, together with the words, Giovannis thinking. Carlo
did not look at the gestures and the gestures did not have a communicative function.
In line 316, some aspects of the mathematical situation are expressed by means
of words and gestures, others by words only, and still others by gestures only.
Neither the words alone, nor the gestures alone, would have been easy to interpret.
It is in the multimodal combination that they lend us confidence that our interpretation is accurate. Hence, this is a case where gestures helped the researcher interpret
the constructing process.
Repeating gestures have several functions and cases. From the AiC point of view,
repeating a gesture such as Giovannis repetition of his 316 gesture in line 331 and
again in line 345 seems to indicate consolidation, which in this specific case now
occurs with a communicative function that it did not have before. We surmise that
gestures may also (and actually do in the present case) support the learner to more


T. Dreyfus et al.

firmly establish knowledge that is still fragile. However, we are much more fascinated
by another repetition, namely Giovannis repetition in line 337 of his 316 gesture. It is
important to note that the 337 context is quite different from the 316 one. In line 316,
Giovanni considered the vertical segment QH as x tends to ; in other words, his
gesture appears to relate to the process by which a (positive) difference of functional
values becomes ever smaller. In line 337, on the other hand, he appears to relate to
positive values of x and considers the interval in which the exponential function may
be approximated by a straight line segment; the underlying idea is that the smaller this
interval, the better the approximation, and his gesture relates to this interval, also a
positive quantity, becoming ever smaller. While the constructs identified in the a priori
analysis are quite different (and some do not explicitly appear in the a priori analysis
because they seemed of minor importance to the researchers), Giovannis gesture
indicates the commonality of the two contexts, in both of which a positive quantity
becomes ever smaller and potentially tends to zero. This is an unexpected (by the
researchers) construct that demonstrates Giovannis process of abstraction in a neat
manner. Such generalizing catchment suggests that this gesture attached with the
idea of a very small and decreasing interval might become a standard gesture for
Giovanni in a diversity of contexts where the consideration of small intervals whose
length decreases to 0 is relevant.

9.4 Insights from Networking

In the introduction (Sect.9.1), we explained that only a very small intersection of the
available data could have formed a basis for parallel and then comparative or common
analysis by the APC and the AiC teams; this small intersection was the transcript lines
344347. This in itself may be considered as a theoretical insight: in spite of the
closeness of two theoretical frameworks, in this case APC and AiC, both of which
are socio-cognitive and employ a micro-analytical approach to data analysis, the differences in focus may be such that the two teams tend to concentrate their analyses
on different parts of the learning process. Moreover, even in episodes where gestures
have an epistemic function, and therefore both approaches have something to say, it
is not clear whether the two analyses can be integrated into a coherent picture of the
episode. In order to make this issue more concrete, we present a comparative analysis
of the transcript lines 344347 under consideration, based on the interpretations
presented in Sect.9.2.7.

9.4.1 Comparative Analysis of Lines 344347

The researchers of both teams agree in their analyses that Giovanni expresses, by
his words and gestures, significant new understandings in lines 345 and 347. The
APC team stresses that Giovanni expresses how he sees, at that specific moment,

9 The Epistemic Role ofGestures: ACase Study onNetworking ofAPC andAiC


the mathematical objects approximating the exponential function. In fact, the

sequence of gestures by Giovanni tells us that he is imagining the exponential
function as composed of (or approximated by, as the teacher specifies) many
little line segments. This sequence occurs after the teacher, supervising the groupwork, asks what happens when x becomes very small. The APC analysis takes
into account the teachers intervention and didactic choices. In particular, we
observe that what we can call the didactic memory of the students (in analogy
to that of the teacher, studied by Brousseau and Centeno 1991) can play a role in
the building of new knowledge and in linking it to the didactical past. More
precisely, some signs emerge from the past history of the students and help them
in picturing and acting on the new situation. In fact, in the previous year they had
used and shared the Delta gesture to indicate a difference of values of a function
for different values of the xs that increased at a constant step (they were studying
functions through the so-called finite difference method). This recollection that
emerges from their didactic memory is used as a sign to represent the mathematical object and as a tool to enter the new situation: for example, from this sign and
through its modifications Giovanni starts his reasoning about the properties of the
function ax. By considering the teachers didactic choices the approach to functions made via finite increments, analysis of the function behavior through the
behavior of its tangent line (whose slope is easy to compute) we may explain
Giovannis view of the function, and why the students thus read and see a
function graph as composed of or as approximated by many little consecutive segments: they see the graphs/functions through their increments. Keeping the
x-increment constant (as usually done in previous activities), it is the y-increment
that expresses the increment of the function, and gives information on the slope.
The almost omnipresence of the gesture with two fingers extended (the Delta
gesture), which has been shared in the classroom since grade 9 in activities in
which functions were studied using the finite differences technique, is thus related
to this modality of seeing the functions.
The AiC team with its focus on the learners and their cognitive processes
stresses the newness (to Giovanni) of viewing the exponential function as a
sequence of little tangent lines. The two teams perceive these utterances with gestures as inserted differently in the flow of the students activity. The AiC team
connected it to the preceding focus in line 337 on the appearance of a tangent as x
tends to 0, and the consequent view of the little lines as bits of tangents, whereas
the APC team related it to the teachers choices, mainly the choice of approximating a function by finite increments, in which the x-increment is first being kept
constant, and later made tending to 0. For AiC, the teacher and the students previous experiences are considered as an important part of the context that may influence the learners process of construction of knowledge. Thus, while this choice
imposed by the teacher (and ignored by the AiC analysis in this chapter but not in
Chap. 10) can explain what the AiC team perceived as a considerable mental
jump from a single tangent to a sequence of tangent segments, the APC team uses
the connection to the previous occupation with tangents to explain the nature of the
line segments as seen by the student.


T. Dreyfus et al.

Similarly, different functions of the gestures are considered by the two teams:
while the AiC team focused on the epistemic function of Giovannis gestures in their
potential contribution to the elaboration of his understanding, and the support they
give to his increasing power to express himself better in words, the APC team focused
on the communicative function of the gestures, Giovanni using them to transmit his
understandings to the teacher. Neither the difference in the way the two teams AiC
and APC see the excerpt as inserted in the flow of the activity, nor the difference in
the way the two teams see the function of the gestures, leads to contradictions.
Indeed, quite the contrary: they complement each other and point to failures in each
teams analysis to grasp and describe the complexity in a more comprehensive way.
In this sense, the analyses have been coordinated successfully. Together, the two
analyses provide far deeper insight than each one separately. We point out that the
additional understandings contributed by each analysis (and hence by each theoretical framework) to the other one happened in a case where the two approaches are
similar in that they both consider evolving cognitive and social aspects of the situation by means of micro-analysis of an enhanced transcript (enhanced by a description
of the gestures). It is thus not surprising that the analyses are compatible, but it is
surprising that they are nevertheless so different and complement each other so
extensively. Hence, we were led to the question of when a gesture is meaningful for
APC and when it is meaningful for AiC; an outcome of this question is the notion of
epistemic gesture to be discussed in the next subsection.

9.4.2 Epistemic Gestures

In our networking process, we considered a gesture to be significant if its epistemic
function is to contribute to the construction of knowledge. We call such gestures
epistemic gestures. Examples of epistemic gestures are those in lines 302, 311, and
316. In fact, we noticed in some of these instances that while Giovanni gestures
(line 302), Carlo seems to pay no attention to the gesture; and while Carlo gestures
(line 311), he does not look at Giovanni, nor does Giovanni seem to even notice
Carlos gesture (he looks at the screen). We infer that, at this stage, the function of
the students gestures is to illustrate or clarify to themselves the mathematical
objects and their properties rather than to communicate to one another. This
strengthens our argument that these gestures play a role in the construction of
knowledge. Hence, these are epistemic gestures par excellence. The gestures analyzed later (those in lines 337 and 345) occurred during a conversation with the
teacher and serve, at least in part, a communicative function, as has also been
observed by the APC team; in such cases, it is more difficult to decide on the epistemic function of the gesture, but we venture the claim that at least the gestures in
screenshot 345d, where Giovanni says the exponential function becomes very little
lines while moving his right hand little by little upwards, serves both a communicative and an epistemic function in that it allows Giovanni to create, in his minds
eye, the image of the approximating sequence of tangent line elements.

9 The Epistemic Role ofGestures: ACase Study onNetworking ofAPC andAiC


We conclude that epistemic gestures may, but need not necessarily, serve a
communicative function; using notions from AiC, one of their characteristics is
that they form, often together with verbal expressions, an inseparable part of the
students reorganization of their knowledge into a new construct. This justifies the
term epistemic gestures.
To the APC team, the meaningfulness of a gesture emerges from two sources:
(i) the relationships with the other signs in the semiotic bundle (for instance, a gesture
may be genetic with respect to a written sign; or it can add meaning to co-occurring
words); and (ii) with respect to the evolution of mathematical meanings in the activity.
An example is the Delta gesture, which in this episode is associated with the local
approximation of the function by means of little tangent lines. Thus, pointing
gestures may also be important for the semiotic bundle, as well as repeated gestures
(catchment), which may provide hints of the learners line of thinking.
While these criteria are formulated in different terms and stress important
aspects that have been neglected by the RBC analysis, they are fundamentally consonant with the AiC characterization: source (i) has appeared in a natural way also
in the AiC description above since it is usually only in combination with verbal
mode that a gesture can be identified as being epistemic. Source (ii) refers, just as
AiC does, to the meaning students associate with the mathematical objects they
deal with, but adds depth by stressing the evolutionary aspect of these meanings
more explicitly than AiC. In summary, while there is a great deal of resonance
between the ways AiC and APC consider the epistemic function of gestures, the
two approaches mutually enrich each other and hence the interaction between
the teams allowed us to deepen the analysis. The notion of epistemic gestures is an
excellent example of this.

9.5 Reflection
Our networking process was driven by a common but somewhat vague research
question (Q in Radfords 2008 triplet P, M, Q), what gestures can contribute to the
process of constructing knowledge. This question obtained more definite forms as
the work progressed: Can gestures have an epistemic function that supports the
construction of knowledge? Can gestures that have an epistemic function be characterized? Can the specific epistemic function gestures play in a particular constructing
process be identified?
The two teams strove to provide some elements to answer these questions, by
analyzing chosen episodes, at first each team according to their own methodology,
and then by combining the analyses (in terms of the networking landscape, see
Chap. 8). Since this was not successful because of the differences in research questions and in choices of data for analysis, a need for coordinating arose. For this
purpose, we were looking for excerpts from the transcripts that were of high interest
to both teams.


T. Dreyfus et al.

The approaches of both teams are fundamentally interested in student cognition

(and additional aspects), and both employ a micro-analytical approach to data
analysis. Hence it was surprising that we faced difficulties in choosing excerpts for
common analysis that could then be coordinated. These difficulties can be explained
by differences in the underlying principles (P) of the two approaches:
APC is most interested in the evolution of signs in the social interaction, which
includes both the teacher as an intervening subject and the didactic choices of the
teacher in the classroom (i.e., the social and cultural dimension, according to a
Vygotskian perspective). In other words, the teacher and the didactic trajectory
are considered as part of the analyzed elements.
AiC is most interested in the evolution of meanings of single students or small
groups of students, within a socio-constructivist perspective; the didactic choices
and the teachers interventions are considered as part of the context.
As a consequence, the result of the networking process consists mainly in an
exchange at a methodological level (M) that led to a local integration of the semiotic
bundle tool into the AiC methodology. The networking process did not progress
beyond the methodological level, and we suggest that the differences between the
principles (P) account for this as well.
As a result of the networking process, we found that there are gestures with an
epistemic function and that some gestures that are relevant for analyzing the construction of knowledge belong to this category of epistemic gestures. In some cases,
it was necessary to include epistemic gestures into the RBC analysis as potential
epistemic actions; in other cases, including epistemic gestures as potential epistemic actions enriched the RBC analysis. This led to a broadening of AiC, some
aspects of which will now be discussed. We do not distinguish between methodological and theoretical aspects because there is no clear borderline between methodology and theory in AiC (Hershkowitz 2009).
The very notion of the epistemic function of gestures obtained its importance
through the networking process described in this chapter. This epistemic function
is perceived somewhat differently by APC and by AiC. AiC tends to consider the
epistemic function of a single gesture within the process of thinking or constructing or even of formulating. APC tends to consider the epistemic function of
a sequence of gestures in the overall flow of ideas within the social interaction.
Both approaches have gained from this an added point of view. The stress of the
SB analysis on the evolutionary aspect of meanings led to an important benefit for
AiC: looking at the meaningfulness of a gesture with respect to the evolution of
mathematical meanings in the activity stresses the evolutionary aspect which is
crucial for AiC.
As compared with earlier RBC analyses, the evidence we admitted and paid
attention to in the present analysis was broader since gestures were considered as
potential indicators of epistemic actions. There was also a change in the questions
we were asking, such as: How and why did a student use gestures instead of or in
addition to words? How did this help the student to form ideas? Were gestures
repeated or modified along the constructing process? What thought processes may

9 The Epistemic Role ofGestures: ACase Study onNetworking ofAPC andAiC


be expressed by repeating gestures? Were gestures, like words, becoming more and
more elaborate and clear? These were additional questions the AiC team asked, not
questions that replaced previously asked questions. The analysis presented in
Sect.9.2 shows how the interpretations and answers to these additional questions
enabled a deep analysis of the knowledge-constructing process with respect to both
abstraction and consolidation.
In the analysis, gestures played an eminent role in deciding whether a constructing
action occurred; repeated gestures, and in particular gestures repeated in a different
context, had an especially important role expressing generalization. Gestures may
have a distinct advantage over words in this respect since they may be repeated as is,
whereas somewhat different words are likely to be chosen in a different context.
Repeated gestures have been interpreted as a sign for consolidation. We have discussed
this in detail in the case of line 331 where the repeated gesture for a decreasing interval is accompanied by more precise language, a prime criterion for consolidation in
previous research. While the language is becoming more precise, the gesture in its
repetition becomes more evident. McNeill gives descriptions about catchment that are
reminiscent of consolidation: the repeated gesture becomes more elaborate, more
abstract with repetition (see the discussion above about catchments).
In some cases, AiC researchers encounter methodological problems in analyzing
groups of students due to a dearth of information on particular students. Those
examples of collaboration between the students in which the verbal statement made
by one student is illustrated by the gesture of another student help the AiC researchers to better understand the interplay between the social and the cognitive dimensions. An analysis that takes into account the gestures highlights how social
interaction, by means of coordination between the gestures of one student and the
words of another student, enables the flow of ideas and the development of the constructing process. This comment might be especially useful in those cases in which
the AiC researchers analyze the construction of knowledge of a group of learners
and decide to consider the group as an entity.
We already mentioned that, according to Davydov, it is typical and expected that
constructs start from a vague form and then progressively become more elaborate
and precise. Indeed, the view of abstraction underlying AiC is based on Davydovs
(1972/1990) ideas, according to which the process of abstraction starts from an
undifferentiated and possibly vague initial notion, which is not necessarily internally and externally consistent. The development of abstraction proceeds by establishing an internal structure by means of links and results in a differentiated,
structured, consistent entity. Reinforcing previously accepted fragile knowledge by
means of gestures, especially when the learner lacks the words to express what he
sees in his mind, is therefore consistent with the description of the genesis of
abstraction as expressed by Davydov. By means of repeating the gestures the learner
is able to further elaborate his previous fragile knowledge.
In spite of the asymmetry of the networking process described in this chapter, the
interaction between the teams was not unidirectional. At the beginning of the networking process, the APC team had the strong conviction, based on gesture studies
(e.g. by McNeill), that the gestures help the learner to think, and not only to


T. Dreyfus et al.

communicate. After the interaction with the AiC team and the networking process,
the APC team could refine their claim by means of the more precise definition of
epistemic gesture. Possible links between McNeills theory (2005) and AiC theory
can be the following: the growth point can constitute the beginning of a building
process, and the catchment can be a signal of the consolidation process.
While the analysis presented in this chapter is of a single case study, it raises
several questions for further research and might well lead to theoretical developments about the role of gestures for processes of abstraction in the future. Questions
that arise include: Are gestures important tools of constructing knowledge in other
mathematical content areas, which ones, and to what extent? Do iconic and metaphoric gestures play different roles in the constructing process? Do gestures play an
especially important role in processes of abstraction that are related to generalization
such as happened in this analysis?
So what case of networking does this case study present? We noticed that the
data described in Chap. 2 was insufficient for the AiC team to carry out an RBC
analysis. The reason for this is that the data was collected within a different theoretical
framework and for a different purpose than carrying out an analysis of knowledge
construction. This led the AiC team to learn about APC and to expand their view
profoundly. The influence of APC on AiC led to additional methodological tools,
insights, questions, and results. In terms of Radfords (P, M, Q) triplet, the AiC team
may not have established new principles, but we did ask new questions, and use new
methods that led to results and insights. In terms of the networking landscape,
we have been coordinating two analyses from different perspectives and then
locally integrating them in an asymmetric way, leading from APC to AiC. This greatly
enriched AiC but also provided insights to APC. In fact the APC group has been
encouraged to study the epistemic function of gestures, which is a new idea for
the group. Based on this, the group is now considering fresh aspects of gestures in
mathematics (e.g. catchments and growth points, see McNeill 2005), which are
considered in the literature of gestures in everyday conversation but are new for
entering into the analysis of gestures in order to reveal interesting aspects of
mathematical thinking.
This type of asymmetric networking may well be more easily and more broadly
applicable by the wider research community than the deeper networking experiences to be presented in the following chapters, because cases where a research
team is in need of additional theoretical ideas or methodological tools in order to
understand phenomena are frequent. Our case study elucidates what might happen
in such a case.

Arzarello, F., Paola, D., Robutti, O., & Sabena, C. (2009). Gestures as semiotic resources in the
mathematics classroom. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 70(2), 97109.
Brousseau, G., & Centeno, J. (1991). Rle de la mmoire didactique de lenseignant. Recherches
en didactiques des mathmatiques, 11, 167210.

9 The Epistemic Role ofGestures: ACase Study onNetworking ofAPC andAiC


Davydov, V. V. (1990). Types of generalisation in instruction: Logical and psychological problems

in the structuring of school curricula (Soviet studies in mathematics education, Vol. 2;
J. Kilpatrick, Ed., J. Teller, Trans.). Reston: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
(Original work published 1972.)
Hershkowitz, R. (2009). Contour lines between a model as a theoretical framework and the same
model as methodological tool. In B. B. Schwarz, T. Dreyfus & R. Hershkowitz (Eds.),
Transformation of knowledge through classroom interaction (pp. 273280). London:
Kita, S. (2000). How representational gestures help speaking. In D. McNeill (Ed.), Language and
gesture: Window into thought and action (pp. 162185). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
McNeill, D. (2005). Gesture and thought. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
McNeill, D., Quek, F., McCullough, K.-E., Duncan, S., Furuyama, N., Bryll, R., Ma, X.-F., &
Ansari, R. (2001). Catchments, prosody and discourse. Gesture, 1(1), 933.
Radford, L. (2008). Connecting theories in mathematics education: Challenges and possibilities.
ZDM The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 40(2), 317327.
Sabena, C. (2007). Body and signs: A multimodal semiotic approach to teaching-learning
processes in early calculus. Dissertation, Universit degli Studi di Torino.

Chapter 10

Context, Milieu, andMedia-Milieus Dialectic:

ACase Study onNetworking ofAiC,
IvyKidron, MichleArtigue, MariannaBosch, TommyDreyfus,
and MariamHaspekian

Abstract The case study of context, milieu, and media-milieu dialectic is a

networking case that links TDS, AiC, and ATD. It compares and contrasts three
concepts and their status within each theory, in order to learn how concepts
which at a first glance seem to have a similar role in the understanding of teaching
and learning in each theory differ.
Keywords Networking of theories Context Milieu Media-milieu

I. Kidron (*)
Department of Applied Mathematics, Jerusalem College of Technology,
Havaad Haleumi Street, 21, Jerusalem 91160, Israel
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Artigue
Laboratoire LDAR & IREM, Universit Paris Diderot Paris 7, Sorbonne Paris Cit,
Case 7018, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Bosch
IQS School of Management, Universitat Ramon Llull,
Via Augusta 390, 08017 Barcelona, Spain
e-mail: [email protected]
T. Dreyfus
Department of Mathematics Science and Technology Education,
Joan and Jaime Constantiner School of Education, Tel Aviv University,
P.O.B. 39040, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Haspekian
Laboratoire EDA, Facult des sciences humaines et sociales, Universit Paris Descartes,
Sorbonne Paris Cit, 45, rue des Saints-Pres, 75270 Paris Cedex 06, France
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research
Practice in Mathematics Education, Advances in Mathematics Education,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9_10, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014



I. Kidron et al.

10.1 Introduction
In this chapter we analyze a case study of networking between TDS, ATD, and AiC.
As observed in the previous chapters, the foci of the three theoretical approaches are
different. In particular, AiC focuses on the learner and his or her cognitive development, while TDS and ATD focus on didactical systems. The three theoretical
approaches are sensitive to issues of context but, due to these differences in focus,
context is not theorized and treated in the same way. In the next sections, we explain
how context is theorized in each of the three theoretical approaches and show some
consequences for the analysis of the video episode. We might expect some complexity in the effort of creating a dialogue between the three theories in relation to
constructs such as context, milieu, and media-milieus dialectic. However, this case
study has its own characteristics. We will observe how the dialogue between the
three theories appears as a progressive enlargement of the focus, showing the complementarity of the approaches and the reciprocal enrichment, without losing what
is specific for each one.
In Sect. 10.2, we explain the notions of context, milieu, and media-milieus dialectic. Section 10.3 offers a first classification of similarities and differences between
the three theories. Separate analyses are presented in Sect. 10.4. A dialogue between
AiC, TDS, and ATD with regard to context, milieu, and media-milieus dialectic is described in Sect. 10.5 and concluding remarks are discussed in the last section of the chapter.

10.2 T
 he Notions ofContext, Milieu,
andMedia-Milieus Dialectic
In this section we explain the meanings of the terms context (for AiC), milieu
(for TDS) and media-milieus dialectic (for ATD), each of them being a cornerstone for the theory.

10.2.1 What Is Context for AiC?

As explained by Dreyfus and Kidron in Chap. 6, the nested epistemic actions model
for abstraction in context is apt for describing processes of abstraction in their
specific context. The contextual factors that may influence a process of abstraction
include the physical setting, the tasks on which learners work, and the tools (such as
paper and pencil or computers and software) that are available to them. They also
include students personal histories and previous constructions of knowledge.
Furthermore, any process of abstraction takes place in a particular social setting
and thus the context also includes social relationships among students and between
students and teachers. As a consequence, context becomes an inseparable component
of the process of constructing knowledge because students act in a manner that

10 Context, Milieu, and Media-Milieus Dialectic


seems appropriate and relevant to them in the given context. The role of context is
crucial in learning processes and the complexity of learning processes goes back, at
least in part, to the contextual influences on the learners construction of knowledge.
Hence, we believe that a better understanding of the role of context is likely to lead
to a better understanding of learning processes. Some parts of the context have a
dynamic nature: the learner interacts with the context. This may be the case for
social interactions or interaction with the computer. The influence of contextual
factors on the process of construction of knowledge is an object of analysis with
the AiC lenses, especially the influence of context on the epistemic actions (see
Chap. 6). For example, the relations between the learner and the computer as a
dynamic partner were analyzed in Kidron and Dreyfus (2010). The study describes
how the integration of knowledge structures was facilitated by the potential offered
by the computer and the learners ability to make sense of the resources offered by
the computer.
The influence of social interactions on processes of abstraction has already been
analyzed by Dreyfus etal. (2001). The authors have considered processes of abstraction in pairs of collaborating peers and investigated the distribution of the process of
abstraction in the context of peer interaction. This was done by carrying out two
parallel analyses of the protocols of the work of the student pairs, an analysis of
the epistemic actions of abstraction, as well as an analysis of the peer interaction.
The parallel analyses led to the identification of types of social interaction that
support processes of abstraction.

10.2.2 W
 hat Is Milieu forTDS? How Is It Related
toA-Didactical andDidactical Situations?
As explained in Chap. 4, the notion of milieu is attached to the vision of learning as
an adaptation process and to the ambition of optimizing such a process. The milieu
is defined as the system separate from any didactical intentionality with which the
students interact in the a-didactical situation. In line with the idea of learning
through adaptation, it should be a source of contradictions, or at least disequilibria,
what is captured through the idea of antagonist milieu. However, the possibilities of
action and feedback it offers should also make possible an evolution towards winning strategies, which lead to the construction of new knowledge. The milieu
includes material and symbolic artifacts, and possibly other learners, depending on
the social organization of the situation. Note that for interacting with the milieu,
learners always need to mobilize some of their already constructed knowledge.
Some but not all authors include this knowledge into the milieu.
One essential role of the teacher is to organize this milieu, but in TDS she is not
considered herself as a component of the milieu. Organizing the milieu can mean:
selecting the problems the learners will have to solve and fixing the values of their
didactical variables, the way these problems are introduced and managed, the tools
and means at students disposal, and the social organization of the classroom.


I. Kidron et al.








Fig. 10.1 Simplified schema of nested milieus

Milieu is a dynamic object. As long as students interaction with it develops, new

constructions emerge, new representations are built, and the milieu progressively
enriches. Quite often, in classrooms, the teacher too contributes to this evolution of
the milieu (called semiogenesis) by providing additional information and tools. The
reason for this may be that the students do not mobilize previous knowledge as they
are supposed to do, that they need some help in interpreting and benefiting from the
interactions with the milieu, or that classroom constraints create the necessity of
accelerating the dynamics of the situation.
The construct of milieu has been regularly discussed and reworked since its
introduction in the 1980s (see for instance Dorier etal. 2002; Perrin-Glorian
1999; Brousseau 1990, 1997; Margolinas 1995), and one essential development
has been its vertical and nested structuring. The networking process obliged us to
enter into this vertical structure, in fact its negative levels, and more particularly
into the levels S0 and S1 corresponding respectively to the didactical and a-didactical
situations (see Fig.10.1).
We briefly introduce this part of the structure. The simplified definition that we
gave of the milieu above corresponds in fact to the level S1, and to the a-didactical
milieu. In the a-didactical situation S1, students (E1) are modelled as learners interacting with the a-didactical milieu (M1), and the teacher (P1) is outside the system,
in the position of an observer. In the nested structure, this a-didactical situation is
itself the milieu of the didactical situation S0. In S0, the didactical intentionality
re-emerges, the teacher acts as a teacher (P0) and the student as a student (E0), their
interaction being regulated by the rules, mainly implicit, of the didactical contract.
S0 is the level of the structure where the knowledge developed through a-didactical
interaction with the milieu is made explicit, partially decontextualized, and connected
to the institutional forms of knowledge aimed at. As proved by many studies, this
structure is very helpful for understanding the complex relationships between
a-didactical and didactical processes in teaching and learning, resulting from the
fact that learning is both an adaptation and an acculturation process as pointed out

10 Context, Milieu, and Media-Milieus Dialectic


in Chap. 4. In fact, the nested structure of the milieu includes more levels, both
positive and negative, the situation at level n being systematically the milieu
for the situation at level n+1. For more details, see Perrin-Glorian (1999) and
Margolinas (1995).

10.2.3 W
 hat Are Media, Milieu, andMedia-Milieus
Dialectic forATD?
In the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic, teaching and learning processes or,
more generally, processes of study and inquiry, are described using a very broad
frame, the Herbartian formula (Chevallard 2008, 2012), named after Johann
Friedrich Herbart (17761841), a German philosopher and the founder of pedagogy
as an academic discipline. The starting point of the process requires a question Q
(not be mixed up with the research questions of a theoretical approach as used in
Chaps. 4, 5, 6, and 7), a group of persons X with the project to study question Q, and
a team of study aides Y which can be eventually empty. This induces the formation of a didactic system around question Q: S(X; Y; Q) the functioning of which
must lead to the production of an answer A (where the heart indicates that it is
the answer given by X and Y; see Chap. 5) to question Q, a process represented as:

S(X; Y; Q) A

This is the reduced Herbartian schema. To produce A, however, S(X; Y; Q) needs

materials; these materials make up the didactic milieu M established by S(X; Y; Q)
and represented as follows in the semi-developed Herbartian schema:

[S (X; Y; Q) M] A

In the didactic milieu M, it is customary to distinguish two main categories: on the

one hand, M accommodates already existing and labelled answers A drawn from
available resources (including members of XY); and on the other hand, it may
contain other works O which, among other things, can be theories, experiments,
questions, brought into the milieu M by members of XY. The didactic milieu is
represented generically as M = A1 , A2 ,,Ak ,Ok +1 ,,Om ; hence the developed
Herbartian schema:

Sometimes, the didactic system does not seem to be formed around a question Q but
around a given praxeology P (usually designated as a content or a piece of
knowledge) that students X have to learn or appropriate: it is what was called
a didactic stake in Chap. 5. However, even if praxeologies can be considered
on their own and in a decontextualized way, they always originally appear as the
result of the inquiry of some questions arising in institutional settings, which give


I. Kidron et al.

praxeologies their rationale or raisons dtre. We can thus consider that the didactic
system is formed around these questions, even if they are initially unseen by X (and
even by Y), or around the questions: What is P? What is it for? How to use it? Etc.
The didactic milieu of the Herbartian formula can include an a-didactic milieu in
the sense given by TDS, that is, a system of objects acting as a fragment of nature
for Q, able to produce objective feedback about its possible answers without any
didactic intention towards X. According to Brousseau (1997), there is no construction of knowledge without such an a-didactic milieu; there can only be imitation,
that is, the reproduction of somebody elses answer. As in TDS, and even if the
a-didactic milieu is usually given or produced by the teacher Y, this is not necessarily
the case: the production and organization of an appropriate a-didactic milieu for Q
is an essential aspect of the study process carried out by both X and Y. For instance, in
scientific work (where X is a team of researchers and Y the leader(s) or supervisor(s)
of the investigations), finding or creating an appropriate experimental milieu for the
study of a given phenomenon can be one of the most challenging issues to tackle.
Related to the notion of milieu introduced by TDS, the main development
brought by ATD is the following. Usually, in the construction of answer A, using a
set of objects without any didactic intention {Oj} is not enough; it is also necessary
to use other answers A(also called cultural works) produced outside the didactic
system as the results of other study processes carried out in different institutions to
propose answers to different questions Q' more or less related to Q. In these cases,
X and Y need to access these already-produced answers and they will do that through
some media. In a larger sense, media refers to any means addressed to a certain type
of audience presenting information about the world or a part of it: any media production in the usual sense (journal, paper, video, etc.); an essay or treatise; a lecture;
an informal report or just a system of rumors; etc. Use of media can be considered
as carrying out a didactic intention towards a given issue or question. To answer a
question Q, one of the first things that can be done is to look around, in the media
available, for possible existing answers to Q. The aim of the media is to present
knowledge or information to others.
The media-milieus dialectic appears when considering the different kinds of general
didactic gestures performed by X and Y in the interaction with M to produce A.
Both elements Aj and Ok intervene in the media-milieus dialectic, which can be
initially presented as follows. When starting the study of a question Q, a basic action
is to look for already available answers Aj either to Q or to a question Q' that seems
related to Q. These answers are produced in different institutions which identified
them by a label (this is the reason for the upper index ) and which are the last
respondents of their validity. The answers are made available through different
kinds of media: books, treatises, articles in journals or encyclopedias, videos, online
resources, etc. However, Aj are still not the definitive answer A to Q. For the
moment, they can only play the role of conjectures or elements of answer to Q,
needing to be patched together and validated in relation to Q. This is the role of the
other objects Ok. The media-milieus dialectic corresponds to this continuous interaction between available (partial) answers given by the media and their testing
through the interaction with an a-didactic milieu. Of course, already available

10 Context, Milieu, and Media-Milieus Dialectic


answers A1 Aj1 are also part of this milieu once they have been tested and can
be used as a fragment of nature for X and Y. It may be said that the media-milieus
dialectic consists in contrasting previously available answers from the media to
convert them into an experimental milieu (as sure knowledge) and to work with
the objects of the milieu so as to get new information from them (new knowledge to
be tested), that is, to convert them into media. As we can see, the notions of media
and milieu do not refer to a property of objects but to their use in the process of
study of a given question Q. For example, a computer program can be used as a
medium to get information about a given issue, or as a milieu to test a conjecture
obtained by other means. When a person P asks another person Z a question, P can
be using Z as a medium to obtain new information about the issue asked, or as a
milieu, for instance to check that Z already knows the answer.
When looking at traditional teaching systems, the dialectic of the media and the
milieus is very weakly balanced. There exist some activities where students overuse
a small number of media (the teacher and the textbook, for instance) without feeling
the need to test the validity of the information they get from them; while other
activities (like a session of practical exercises, for instance) seem not to allow access
to any extra media (other students or other peoples answers). This is a situation
very different from specialist work, when any partial answer given is acutely
searched and also continuously checked by as many means as possible.

10.3 Similarities andDifferences: AFirst Classification

Definitively, context, media-milieus, and milieu do not mean the same thing
in the approaches considered. A look at the AiC components of context shows that
a computer program, a teacher, the web, as well as peers can all act as either media
or milieus. Furthermore, there is an important difference in the way the questions
concerning the contextual influences are formulated in the different theoretical
approaches. The different ways in which the three theoretical approaches take the
interactions with the context/milieu into consideration are mirrored by the different
questions asked by the researchers. For example, in relation to the role of the teacher,
TDS researchers might ask what milieu the teacher is making available to the
students and how she is managing its evolution in order to establish a meaningful
connection with the mathematical knowledge aimed at. AiC researchers might ask
how the teachers intervention influences the students construction process as
described by means of the RBC epistemic actions. ATD researchers in their turn
might ask what responsibilities the teacher and the students are assuming in the
media-milieus dialectics and what conditions enable them to manage it.
The three theories share some similarities in the central role assigned to the construction of mathematical knowledge in the analysis. For example, TDS and ATD
look for conditions for a study process not to be reduced to a simple copy of
previously elaborated answers. Also in AiC, abstraction is defined as an activity of
vertically reorganizing previous mathematical constructs within mathematics and


I. Kidron et al.

by mathematical means so as to lead to a construct that is new to the learner

(see Chap. 6). Nevertheless, the research questions posed in the three theories are
different: AiC researchers are interested in finding out how a given path of thinking
works, while TDS and ATD researchers will rather ask: what produces the path
(the answer given by the students to the question Q), what makes it possible to
happen, is it something from the milieu, allowing the students to work autonomously
(in an a-didactic situation) or, on the contrary, is it something coming from the
teacher or from some other media proposed by her? The three theories will also consider the possible paths that, even if virtually possible, do not really happen, and ask
about the reasons for that. Nevertheless, there is a crucial difference: for AiC the
emphasis is on the way students develop their answer, strategy, or thinking; for
TDS and ATD it is on the conditions making this development possible and the
restrictions hindering other possible answers or strategies.

10.4 Separate Analyses

As a first step, the networking efforts start by analyzing the episodes in line with the
way each theory views the role of context: for AiC, the focus is on the influence of
the context on the learners process of constructing knowledge; for ATD the focus is
on the media-milieus dialectic; while TDS researchers are interested on the potential and limitation of the milieu.

10.4.1 A
 iC: TheContextual Influences onthe Construction
For the purpose of illustrating the contextual influences on the construction of
knowledge, the AiC team decided to analyze the episode in which Carlo and
Giovanni treat Task 3, investigating how the slope of the line tangent to the graph of
the function xax at the point of abscissa x changes with x. They focus on lines
249379 of the transcript (see Appendix). The reason for this is discussed in the
chapter on gestures (Chap. 9), namely, that this is the most complex situation and
that one may expect constructing actions here as opposed to situations on Task 1 and
2, where mostly descriptive expressions of how the quantities under discussion
behave might be expected. The worksheet which includes the task given to the students is described in Chap. 2 and a narrative summary of the students work on Task
3 is described in Chap. 9 on gestures.
The first part of the AiC analysis consists of an a priori analysis of the learning
situation. The aim of the a priori analysis is to identify the constructs that the
students are expected to construct, while considering the task and the context. This
a priori analysis will be followed by an a posteriori analysis of the learning event,
using the RBC-model.

10 Context, Milieu, and Media-Milieus Dialectic

161 A Priori Analysis

The TDS researchers have proposed in Chap. 4 an a priori analysis in terms of constructs for the episodes on Task 1 and 2. We would probably largely accept their
analysis into nine constructs C1C9; however, they have not done a similar analysis
for the episode on Task 3. As already mentioned in Chap. 6 on Abstraction in
Context, the AiC team proposed the following intended constructs as being those
intended by the designer/teacher to be constructed. We repeat them here for the
convenience of the readers:
C10 For any given P, that is, locally, as x tends to zero, the slope of the secant
tends to the slope of the tangent; the slope of the secants and the tangent are
all positive (for a>1).
C11 As P moves on the graph, the slopes of the corresponding secants (and hence
the slope of the tangent) vary. As x grows (P moves to the right), the slope
of the tangent grows (for a>1). As x decreases (P moves to the left), the
slope of the (secants and the) tangent decreases to zero (for a>1).
C12 As a increases, the slope of the secant (for given x, P) increases (and consequently the slope of the tangent increases as well). As a decreases towards 1,
the slope of the secant decreases towards 0. As a becomes smaller than 1, the
slope of the secant (and consequently of the tangent) becomes negative; the
function is decreasing rather than increasing. The parts of C10 that depend on
a>1 have to be adapted for a<1.
While these intended constructs have been formulated on the basis of the tasks
given to the students, they are compatible with the declarations of the teacher and
they are also within reach of the students, given the previous knowledge of the class
and the socio-mathematical norms that are characteristic of the class. A Posteriori Analysis
In the a posteriori analysis the AiC team gives an account of constructions by the
students, Carlo and Giovanni. As mentioned in Chap. 6 on AiC and in Chap. 9 on gestures,
in addition to the (partial) constructing of C10, C11, and C12, we expected the students to
develop other constructs. We observed the following, which might be considered as an
enlargement of the intended constructs observed in the a priori analysis:
C11' As P gets closer to y=0, the function can be approximated by the secant line.
C* The exponential function can be approximated by many small lines with an
increasing slope that join together.
C* is a transition from a local to a global view.
The AiC analysis in the previous chapters on AiC and gestures did not explicitly
focus on the different components of the context and their role in the process of
constructing knowledge. This is what we propose to do in the following. We discuss
the students constructing actions, focusing on the role of different contextual


I. Kidron et al.

factors in the construction of knowledge: (1) the task, (2) the learners personal history,
(3) the computer software, (4) the teacher, and (5) the teachers learning goals.
A first contextual element is the task itself and a first question is: why can the
task make sense for the students? The AiC researchers were missing for their analysis
a more specific task design. In Task 3, the task design does not require the students
to answer specific questions but encourages them to explore, and to report on the
exploration. On the other hand, especially in Task 3 the students appear to act with
mathematical purpose; they vary quantities in a way that allows them to learn and
construct new knowledge.
Secondly, the task also interacts with the learners personal history and this part
of the context is related to socio-mathematical norms. Giovanni and Carlo are used
to exploring mathematical objects and situations, even when they are not given any
specific tasks to carry out. In our experience, most students find it difficult to explore
and even students who are used to exploring, and whose teachers have stressed
exploration activities, might be lost in the situation as given by the teacher because
there are only very general instructions; there are no tasks with clear goals, no questions. Trying to answer the question of how the task makes sense for the students,
our first thinking was that this kind of situation in which students are asked to
explore and describe what is happening could be normal when working with
the Dynamic Geometry Software, at least in this classroom. Indeed, Giovanni and
Carlo knew the software. Besides, they have earlier worked on the concept of function, as regards the numerical, graphical, and symbolic aspects. In other words, the
reason why the task can make sense for the students is that appropriate conditions
have been previously instituted.
One of these appropriate conditions concerns the computer software as the third
contextual element. Interacting with the computer, the students vary quantities in a
way that allows them to construct new knowledge. It enables them to use multiple
graphical representations: specifically, this enabled them to carry out the transition
from a static graphical view to a more dynamic graphical view. This transition is
expressed in the following utterances:


look it slowly slowly it seems that I do not know, like, saying, tangent
eh yes
it seems that it touches it, lets go, lets go, lets go
eh yes here
slowly slowly
its tangent

The students vary x and as a consequence of their interaction with the computer, a
dynamic view of the secants turned out to be the emergent tangent. This is expressed
in line 287. At this first stage, the students do not refer to the notion of slope, but
rather to the geometrical objects that they can see, that is, the secants which become
tangent. However, their view might be connected to the following part of C10:
C10 For any given P, that is, locally, as x tends to zero, the slope of the secant
tends to the slope of the tangent []

10 Context, Milieu, and Media-Milieus Dialectic


We might define this construction as the geometric representation of the derivative

as a tangent. We see it as a local view and we will refer later to the transition from
this local view to a more global view. In line 293, we observe the potential offered
by the computer allowing the learners to check a new idea:

if instead you make the contrary, increasing, increasing the differences

In line 316 the interaction with the computer facilitates the construction of
C11' As P gets closer to y=0, the function can be approximated by the secant line.

Eh, ok, when the P its very close to the 0, the line that passes through Q and H
represents more and more the function the smaller it is [moves the right hand
on the table, first showing something like a decreasing interval and then circling]

Construct C11' is still fragile but continuing the work and interacting with the computer enables the students to consolidate fragile knowledge by means of checking.
By interacting with the computer, a previous fragile construct is consolidated.
This was the case concerning the process of construction of C11' as quoted by one of
the students, Giovanni: if the point P is very near to zero, this line approximates
very much the exponential function (in line 368). The following utterances demonstrate how the language becomes progressively more and more precise and this fact
shows the consolidation of C11':


the nearer P is to y equal to zero, the more this line approximates the function
Then, if the point P is very near to zero, this line approximates very much the
exponential function. Also here even if numbers are very small, it
increases not so much, hence like a line

It might be of interest to note that the consolidation of C11' has been discussed in the
gestures chapter (Chap. 9) in terms of catchment. On the other hand, an analysis is
never complete; specifically, the AiC analysis in Chap. 9 ignored, to a large extent,
the influence of context. In the present discussion, we refer to the influence of the
computer context on the consolidation process.
In line 349, we observe the construction of C* a transition from the previous
local view observed in lines 287289 (the geometric representation of the
derivative as a tangent) to a global view: the exponential function can be
approximated by many small lines which have an increasing slope. This is
expressed in the following utterances:


ah, one can say one can say that the exponential function becomes very little lines
uh it could be approximated to some small lines, which however
that is with increasing slopes that join together in a, that touch each other in a point
therefore you are imagining to approximate with many small segments
well, if you take it I dont know, if you take it with a very large zoom you can
approximate it with many small lines


I. Kidron et al.

Since the teacher was involved in this part of the transcript, we will analyze
the role of the teacher as the fourth contextual element influencing the students
constructing process. AiC analyzes the role of the teacher as a part of the context
in order to identify how the RBC actions might have been influenced by the role
of the teacher. AiC researchers would see semiotic games as an integral part of the
teachers actions and the teachers actions as an integral part of the context. AiC
researchers ask how the teachers intervention influences the students construction
and consolidation process as described by means of the RBC epistemic actions.
RBC lenses reveal the influence of the teacher on the students construction of
The interview with the teacher supports this view. In the interview, the teacher
was asked how he decides to get involved with a pair of students:
I enter in a working group if the students call me. Sometimes I enter in a working group if
I realize that students are stuck. Other times I enter because I realize that students are working very well and they have very good ideas that need to be treated more deeply. Obviously
the type of things that I do vary with the situations, but a constant is that I try to work in a
zone of proximal development. The analysis of video and the attention we paid to gestures
made me aware of the so-called semiotic game that consists in using the same gestures as students but accompanying them with more specific and precise language compared
with the language used by students. The semiotic game, if it is used with awareness, may
be a very good tool to introduce students to institutional knowledge. (Answer to question 4,
Sect. 2.2.2)

In order to better analyze the role of the teacher as a contextual influence, we will
take into account, as the fifth contextual element, the teachers learning goals which
we consider as a part of the context as well.
Knowing the intended constructs makes a difference in the analysis. The interview with the teacher shed new light on the contextual influence on the different
modes of thinking. It offered a kind of a priori analysis exposing the expectations of
the teacher at the different stages of the teaching learning experience. The teacher
(Chap. 2) explained the raison dtre of the entire project:
Engaging students in knowledge building, settlement, reorganizing and communicating, thus
providing the teacher tools for obtaining information not only on the products, but also on the
cognitive processes, necessary for any serious evaluation escaping the chimera [i.e. wrong idea]
of objectivity. (Answer to question 17, Sect. 2.2.2)

This view is appropriate to the RBC+C lenses which focus on process aspects of
construction of the knowledge constructs rather than on outcomes. The teacher
focuses on the cognitive processes of the learner and this is appropriate to RBC
analysis which focuses on the learner. Nevertheless, we will point to some differences
between the teachers expectation of the use of the semiotic game and the RBC
analysis of the cognitive process of construction of knowledge.
We mentioned earlier that, in line 349, we observe the construction of C*: a
transition from the previous local view observed in lines 287289 (the geometric
representation of the derivative as a tangent) to a global view: the exponential

10 Context, Milieu, and Media-Milieus Dialectic


function can be approximated by many small lines which have an increasing

slope. This transition is mentioned in the teachers answer to question 9 where he
was asked how he planned the lesson:
the third worksheet gives a local and a global approach to the exponential function
thanks to the construction of the derivative of an exponential function. (Answer to question 9,
Sect. 2.2.2)

The teachers expectation of the use of semiotic games is directed towards a future
opportunity for the students to better understand the formal view:
When I tell about the formal aspects of the derivative I often make some reference to these
experiences and activities. It seems to me that also a lot of students are able to make these
connections to give meaning to formal aspects. (Answer to question 13, Sect. 2.2.2)

The previous local view observed in lines 287289 (the geometric representation of
the derivative as a tangent) corresponds to what the teacher calls LOCAL a little
segment that approximates the function locally.
Let us consider the GLOBAL view which is expressed in C* a transition from a
local view to a global view: the exponential function can be approximated by many
small lines which have an increasing slope. This view as expressed in the RBC analysis is different from the teachers view. For AiC, GLOBAL was the global approach
to the exponential function the envelope but for the teacher LOCALGLOBAL
is the transition from the local to the global aspects of the derivative. More precisely,
for the teacher, the global is the function derivative compared with the derivative at a
point as a local approximation. The transition from the local to the global aspects of
the derivative will be reached by recognizing the characteristics of the derivative
function (itself an exponential). The teacher expressed hisaim:
to pay attention to the slope of the little segments, because their slope gives information
on the growth of the function. (Answer to question 5, Sect. 2.2.2)

The AiC researchers observed the students construction of the view: an exponential
function can be approximated by a sequence of tangent line elements well, if you
take it with a very large zoom you can approximate it with many small lines
as expressed by Giovanni in line 349. The AiC researchers observed a global view
of an envelope in addition to an idea of how the slope increases. There is no expression
by the students of the expected construction by the teacher that the slope has an exponential growth. In the following the teacher expressed this expected construction:
My aim is to induce the students to reflect on the fact that it is important to pay attention to
the slope of the little segments, because their slope gives information on the growth of
the function. Giovanni says it is twice the previous slope I, using his same gesture,
say more precisely that the slope has an exponential growth. (Answer to question 5,
Sect. 2.2.2)

This view was expressed by the teacher in his intervention, as observed in the
transcript, BUT not by the two students. The AiC researchers did not find any
indication of such a construction by the students.


I. Kidron et al.

10.4.2 T
 DS Analysis ofthe Potential andLimitation
ofthe Milieu A Priori Analysis
The a priori analysis of the potential of the a-didactical milieu for this episode on
Task 3 is coherent with the a priori analysis piloted by AiC: the interaction with the
software file guided by the text defining the task can reasonably lead to the conjectures mentioned in this a priori analysis. We complement it below by some elements
which explain why, in our a posteriori analysis of this situation, we will focus on the
part during which the teacher directly interacts with Carlo and Giovanni.
It is indeed interesting to note that, compared with the Tasks 1 and 2 guiding the
work with the two first files, the text of Task 3 is longer and provides substantial information. For instance, it explicitly mentions the notion of tangent (recalling its status
of best linear approximation around a given point) and explicitly associates it with the
decreasing of x towards 0. The transition from a local to a global perspective on the
derivative is carefully detailed and supported by the introduction of the specific functional notation m=m(x). The task description also mentions the possibility of using
other software and it is reasonable to think that the teacher has in mind the software
Graphic Calculus which has already been used in this class for exploring polynomial
functions, their tangents, and their derivatives in a similar way. We interpret this as a
sign that the teacher thinks this help is necessary in order for the students to engage in
a productive interaction with the material milieu (here the file), and especially use it
for moving from a local vision to a global vision on the derivative.
In fact, in his answer to Question 12, the teacher shows that he is perfectly aware
of the difficulty of such a move, and of the limitation of the a-didactical interaction
with the milieu for achieving it. In the interview, he structures his expectations into
four different levels. The transition from a local to a global perspective on the derivative
corresponds to the fourth and last level and he points out that:
Generally, from the third level, the understanding happens only thanks to the direct intervention of the teacher in the small groups and this understanding is consolidated in the
mathematical discussions guided by the teacher with the whole class. (Answer to question
12, Sect. 2.2.2)

The teacher also expresses his expectations that the interaction with the file will lead
students to conjecturing that the derivative of an exponential function is also an
exponential function:
The aim of the DGS file was to make the students understand that an exponential growth is
directly proportional to the value of the function itself. This is an important step in understanding why the derivative of an exponential function is still an exponential function of the
same base. (Answer to question 7, Sect. 2.2.2)
With this activity, with the help of Cabri, I wanted the students to understand that exponential functions are functions for which the growth is proportional to the function itself. In
other terms, the derivative of an exponential function is proportional to the function itself.
This consideration, in my opinion, should allow students to understand why the exponential
function ax with a greater than 1 grows with x faster than any power of x. (Answer to
question 8, Sect. 2.2.2)

10 Context, Milieu, and Media-Milieus Dialectic


This is of course the fundamental characteristic of exponential functions, but examining the file and the precise questions posed to the students in the task, we consider
that such conjectures, contrary to those mentioned above, are quite unlikely to result
from mere interaction with the a-didactical milieu in this episode.
Our a priori analysis leads us thus to conjecture the risk of a gap between the
teachers expectations and the potential of the a-didactical interaction with the
milieu, and thus to pay specific attention in the a posteriori analysis on the strategies that the teacher uses for going beyond these limits, if this conjecture turns out
to be true. A Posteriori Analysis

The exchanges before the intervention of the teacher show the students undertaking
exploration, following the guiding text, observing increasing lengths of HQ as P
moves to the right and that the line (PQ) better approximates the function when P
moves to the left. They try to make sense of their observations, but the expression
and argumentation is rather fuzzy, and utterances are not so easy to interpret.
Carlo also seems to conjecture that PQ is constant, which of course is not mathematically the case but can appear so when HQ is small with respect to HP, that is
to say when P is close to the x-axis, and this is the first question he asks the teacher
when he joins the group. But Giovanni contradicts him, moves to the approximation
result mentioned above, and then to what happens when x decreases to 0, articulating that the line becomes a tangent. Carlo adds that PQ is decreasing, showing
that his attention is still on PQ, but the teacher tries to orient the discussion in a
more productive direction:



oh sure, it is almost trivial, isnt it? Therefore he was saying that this line tends
to become
and then what kind of information will it give you in this case?

Thanks to the answer provided by Giovanni in line 345 (one can say that the exponential function becomes very little lines) and the gesture accompanying it, an
episode can start in which the teacherstudents interaction allows the students to
increase the cognitive benefit of their a-didactical interaction with the milieu. The
teacher rephrases Giovannis utterance in line 346 (it could be approximated to
some small lines, which however), and Giovanni follows in line 347: that is,
that with increasing slopes, that join together in a, that touch each other in a
point. After consolidating this first achievement, the teacher asks in line 350: and
such lines which features have they? Once again, Giovannis answer offers an
opportunity for going further as it introduces the idea of constant ratio between the
slopes of successive segments which, appropriately worked out, could lead to the
property that the derivative is also an exponential function as aimed at by the teacher
in line 351: they have well, they may have a function, a slope are, possibly always


I. Kidron et al.

twice than before. But, this time, the teacher does not jump in it with something
like: well, I dont know if the slope is twice, but in any case their slope
increases, does it? (line 352), but rather comes back to the growth ratio of the exponential function itself and to the compatibility of this property with the observation
that the function crushes on the x-axis. His interaction with other groups mentioned
in line 365 may have contributed to this orientation of the interaction.
It is interesting to point out that in his answer to Question 5, the teacher mentions
this episode as especially interesting, explaining:
I use a gesture used before by Giovanni. This gesture is towards a little segment that
approximates locally the function and I ask: What is the characteristic of this segment?
My aim is to induce the students to reflect on the fact that it is important to pay attention to
the slope of the little segments, because their slope gives information on the growth of the
function. Giovanni says it is twice the previous slope I, using his same gesture, say
more precisely that the slope has an exponential growth. At the minute 54 and 24 seconds,
I help the students to remember that the characteristic of the exponential successions is that
of having the ratio of two consecutive terms constant. Immediately after, I ask the students:
Are you surprised that the graph of the function is so close to zero for small x? Giovanni,
at the minute 55 and 28 seconds says something like with number smaller and smaller, I
have number smaller and smaller. I reword this idea with a more precise language. In the
following dialogue, Giovanni and Carlo are able to explain in a comprehensible way the
reason why the graph of an exponential function of base greater than 1 is so close to the
x-axis for x less than 0 and explodes for high values of x. (Answer to question 5, Sect. 2.2.2)

Thanks to this answer, we access the didactical technique (semiotic game) he consciously uses in this episode. From the perspective of TDS, this episode is quite
interesting. The a posteriori analysis confirms the limitation of the a-didactical
milieu anticipated in the a priori analysis. However, it also shows a specific technique
used by the teacher for compensating this limitation. In the didactical situation S0,
through the technique of semiotic game, the teacher succeeds in extending the
outcomes of the students a-didactical interaction with the milieu in S1.
In actual classroom situations, even when tasks are carefully designed for fostering
learning through adaptation, limitations such as those observed here are frequent.
Research shows that in such cases, teachers actions are not necessarily as productive
as is the case here. On the contrary, they often degenerate into didactical phenomena
such as Topaze effects which just maintain the fiction that students have learnt what
they were supposed to learn (see Chap. 12). Semiotic games thus appear as a didactical technique which can be used for linking in a productive way the a-didactical and
didactical levels of classroom situations, and extend in a didactical phase the potential of a-didactical interaction.

10.4.3 ATD Analysis of the Media-Milieus Dialectic

Let us analyze the episode under consideration using the Herbartian formula and the
media-milieus dialectic provided by ATD. We can consider that the question Q in the
Herbartian formula according to the instructions in Task 3 is the study of the
features of the graph of the function y=m(x), where m is the slope of the line tangent

10 Context, Milieu, and Media-Milieus Dialectic


to the function y=ax at the point of abscissa x or, in other words, how the slope of
the line tangent to the function y=ax at the point of abscissa x changes as x changes
(quoting Task 3 from Fig. 2.3). In this episode we can observe the functioning of a
didactic system formed around this question Q and where X is a couple of students
(Giovanni and Carlo) and Y is the teacher. The Herbartian formula now leads to the
question: what are the elements Aj and Ok intervening in the study process and how is
the media-milieus dialectics managed by both the students and the teacher?
First of all, let us notice that the answer A the students are asked to provide an
explanation about the behavior of y=m(x), that is, a piece of a technology in the
ATD sense is rather difficult to validate experimentally. Thus, what is the status
we can give to the file prepared by the teacher in a way that, according to him, it may
help the students with their explorations? The students are asked to interact with the
files and extract some information about the features of the observed graphs. In a
sense, they have to read or interpret what they see on the screen through some
manipulations tightly specified by the teacher. We can thus consider that the files act
as media, presenting even if it is done in a quite hidden way some previously
elaborated answers Aj and which deliver partial information about the question Q
at stake. Conjectures C10, C11, and C12 indicated above are part of the answers that
could be extracted, even if, as shown by TDS analysis, the media provided seem to
have some limitations if the students are left alone with it. However, these limitations do not constitute any constraint to the didactic process since this is carried
out by the students and the teacher. The interventions of the teacher and his use of
the semiotic games can thus be considered as part of the didactic gestures necessary
to deal with the media provided by him.
Of course, even if it occasionally requires some help from the teacher, students
need to know how to read the files in order to obtain the information requested.
It is during this reading that the media-milieus dialectic starts running, as the
students contrast the information on the screen with some other previous knowledge
they have about function graphs, exponential functions, and growth variation. These
are the objects Ok of the a-didactic milieu, the objects that are already available and
the existence of which is stable enough to act as a fragment of nature. The following
sequences show how new observed properties are contrasted with some previously
known features, that are thus acting as an a-didactic milieu:




well P moves on the graph

yes, and also a
a is the rate of growth


but like try to put it a=1, it must result

a line
a=1 we know it already than you must do less than 1



ok, so ok, ok, so ok, because if it means that they increase, the more you move
them over there, it increases very very much
because its an exponential function


I. Kidron et al.

When the media-milieus dialectic stops being productive, the students search
another medium. The classic didactic gesture in this case is to ask the teacher, to use
him as one of the media. Then a new media-milieus dialectic starts running as the
teacher does not limit himself to providing new information; he also intervenes to
validate or question the answers found by the students, refusing to act as a medium
and returning the question to the students, as in the following interactions:



we wished, practically, is there always the same distance between P and Q?

always the same distance?
no no, it decreases


they have well, they may have a function, a slope are, possibly always twice than before
well, I dont know if the slope is twice, but in any case their slope increases, does
it? In this case, when this function increases

Another form of the media-milieus dialectic takes place when the teacher
mentions the result obtained by another group:

yes, the other group have used a very good example: if we take 10% of 5 cents it is
0,5 it doesnt exist, isnt it? It is as it did not exist; if we take 10% of 5 million
euro on the contrary thing start changing, isnt it? It is a considerable amount of
money here the hypothesis are the same and it is ok; now you go on in this
way. Where have you arrived?

Here the teacher is using the answer provided by another group as a way to validate Giovanni and Carlos proposal: when there is no experimental milieu, as is the
case here with the conjecture provided by the students (the explanation of how
y=m(x) grows), there is always the possibility of contrasting the conjecture with
different media and seeing if the different answers provided are coherent with each
other. This is what we can call the contrast between media strategy, a very usual
form of the media-milieus dialectic, currently used by scientists, journalists, and
also students, to check their results.
Finally, we can find at the end of the protocol some of the materials that will
compose the final answer A provided by Giovanni and Carlo, a partial result of
the didactic system S (Carlo & Giovanni; Teacher; Q) that will supposedly be
later on incorporated into the answer of the larger didactic system S(Whole
class; Teacher;Q):
368.1 G that if the x increases again, the line passes through P and Q and is almost constant, it
becomes almost a tangent this because if we take a very big zoom we can
approximate the exponential function with many lines, which have an increasing
368.2 G Then, if the point P is very near to zero, this line approximates very much the
exponential function. Also here even if numbers are very small, it increases not so
much, hence like a line and then we can write that we were waiting for it even if
the ratios are constant at the beginning it was almost a line [not understandable]

10 Context, Milieu, and Media-Milieus Dialectic




C hence we write that it is a graph with a constant rate of growth, of a of a if x is

always the same [not understandable] but the ys
C it is ok! Otherwise it had no sense that maintaining PH constant and therefore
also the xs constant we notice that.. [not understandable] while P increases,
P increases more and more, that is the ys increase; they increase more and more

It is interesting to notice that, in the episode observed, the class works in a complete
autarchy regarding outside media: the teacher brings the information into the class,
through the files and his own knowledge; the students are expected to obtain all the
desired information only with the means they are given and their previous knowledge.
We do not know if, after the work done during the observed session, some other
external media are being consulted (such as mathematical books, encyclopedias,
internet files). The traditional functioning of our current mathematical teaching
systems shows a tendency to avoid these types of media and limit the work to the
information provided by the teacher or extracted by the students. It implies an
important loss in terms of the elaboration of strategies to validate the answers presented by these media and, as a consequence, a tendency to take the traditional
media (teacher, lesson notes, and textbooks) as previously granted and without any
need to be contrasted with a milieu.

10.5 D
 ialogue Between AiC, TDS, andATD withRegard
toContext, Milieu, andMedia-Milieus Dialectic
10.5.1 Different Analyses, Different Priorities
The three analyses provided in the previous sections illustrate the differences
between the three theories as observed in our first classification in Sect. 10.2 as well
as the shared epistemological sensitivity. The three analyses demonstrate how these
similarities and differences are practically expressed in the analysis of the episode
and therefore allow the dialogue between the three theories.
In order to better understand the dialogue between AiC, TDS, and ATD with
regard to context, milieu, and media-milieus dialectic we come back to the
different priorities of the theories with regard to the focus of analysis. For example,
AiC researchers focus on the learner. This is not the case for TDS researchers, as
expressed in Chap. 4:
Even if TDS has the ultimate goal of improving students mathematics learning, the learner
is not at the center of the theory. TDS gives priority to the understanding of how the conditions and constraints of didactical systems enable or hinder learning, and how the functioning of such systems can be improved. (Sect. 4.1.2)

And a similar position is adopted by ATD researchers who consider a larger

environment of conditions and constraints for the evolution of didactic systems.
Since in AiC the focus of analysis is on the learner, all other factors such as the task,


I. Kidron et al.

the computer, the teacher, and the learning goals are considered as contextual
factors. Therefore, the notion of context for AiC is especially wide since it includes
the external world of the learner and part of his internal world. This might include
notions which are not necessarily considered as part of the milieu for TDS or ATD.
This reflection is well illustrated in the differences in the a priori analyses of TDS
and AiC. The AiC a priori analysis is concerned with the learners intended constructs. The TDS a priori analysis included already a conjecture on the role of a gap
between the teachers expectation and the potential of the a-didactical interaction
with the milieu. It seems that for TDS researchers the context is already taken into
account and is structured already in the a priori analysis.
As a consequence, the AiC researchers learnt the importance of the TDS a
priori analysis but also the fact that some excerpts might add direct knowledge
to the analysis of the cognitive processes which might be missed if one focuses
first on the cognitive processes and only then analyses the influence of other
parts of the context.
In addition, some insight is offered while reflecting on the question: what can
another theory (semiotic games) offer to the three existing theories (AiC, ATD, and
TDS) in terms of insight regarding relationships between the existing theories?
In the previous section we observed that the AiC analysis of the role of the teacher
demonstrates that the students construction of knowledge was not as expected by
the teacher. The AiC analysis points to the limitations of the semiotic games. This is
in accord with TDS and ATD discussion on the limitation of the milieu.
The three theories agree therefore on the limitation of the semiotic games and the
limitation of the milieu. Nevertheless, the insights offered by each theory are different
and we may say that they complement each other. We explain this complementarity
as follows.
AiC offers a fine-grained analysis of the students epistemic processes and makes
subtle evolutions visible in the process of construction of knowledge. TDS and ATD
offer to AiC the benefits of a more systematic engagement in a priori analysis for
anticipating the possible effect of contextual characteristics on epistemic actions.
TDS and ATD observed the entire situation from the beginning. Both support the
AiC a posteriori analysis. This is done by means of the analysis of the role of the
teacher, first as an observer in the a-didactical situation and then as an active actor
exploiting the milieu provided by the a-didactical situation. In other words:
TDS complements the AiC analysis in analyzing how the teacher extends the
outcomes of the a-didactical interaction. The TDS analysis seems to start where
the AiC analysis stops.
This link between the a-didactical and didactical levels is offered by the ATD
analysis as well. For ATD, the limitation of the milieu does not constitute any
constraint to the didactic process since this process is carried out by both the
students and the teacher. The ATD media-milieus dialectic permits taking into
account the different ways one can use the context. This capacity is not offered
by AiC nor TDS.
AiC offers the possibility to discern which element of context leads to the conceptualization and to the construction of new meaning on the part of the students.

10 Context, Milieu, and Media-Milieus Dialectic


10.5.2 T
 he Subtle Interaction Between Contexts
and Theoretical Approaches
The complexity being addressed by the notion of context is well known. A first
problem is that what is considered as a part of the context in one theory is not necessarily considered as that in another theory. There are different approaches towards
context in different didactic cultures.
We can illustrate this comment by taking some different parts of context analyzed by AiC researchers and see how it fits for the TDS or ATD analysis. For
example, taking the learners personal history as part of the context according to
AiC, one could ask how TDS and ATD take it into account. Concerning personal
history, a distinction may be between the history of a specific individual student
(AiC), a student with a typical history for a specific situation (TDS), and taking
into account the institutional background of the whole process (ATD). The focus of
each of the teams corresponds closely to the elements of the theory within which
this team works. For example, in their a priori analysis neither the TDS researchers
nor the ATD ones would take into account personal data concerning the learners
personal history. Even in the a posteriori analysis there is no description of each
learners individual trajectory of thinking. By the ATD approach, students are considered as normal subjects of the class, that is, of the didactic system S(X; Teacher;
Q). The focus is on the functioning of this system and its ecology: the conditions
that make the functioning possible and the restrictions that hinder other possible
evolutions. This study would need, however, some extra information about the
teaching process in which the episode takes place, to know what type of tasks
corresponds to the questions proposed, what kind of production is expected from
the students, and what praxeological elements are made available to make this production possible.
In a similar way, some other elements of context could be considered, for example the teacher. Contrary to AiC, the teacher for TDS is neither an element of the
context nor a component of the milieu: he is an actor. TDS is interested in relations
between systems and the teacher is an element of the system. TDS does not theorize
the context in itself; but through the different levels of the notion of milieu, characteristics of the context are progressively taken into account in the analysis, from
those which are controlled by the teacher through the organization of the material
milieu and selection of appropriate didactical variables and up to the conditions
which influence design decisions outside the classroom. This can be linked to the
distinction evoked in Chap. 4 between two different perspectives on didactical situations: a restricted vision of these elements as the students environment organized
and piloted by the teacher and a broader vision including further elements such as
the teacher and the educational system itself.
Taking context into account supposes an enlargement on the unit of analysis considered at an early stage of development of research in mathematics education, where
the focus was essentially put on the students and their knowledge development. From
its beginnings, the TDS has gone beyond the simple consideration of the student and
the mathematical activity. It started to consider situations, that is, problems arising in


I. Kidron et al.

institutional settings about something that is already there, the milieu. The construction
of mathematical knowledge cannot thus be carried out in a vacuum, it needs to suppose
the existence of something external: a milieu in a situation. A given piece of reality
can then correspond to different possible situations depending on what is considered
as the related milieu. The notion of situation thus allows consideration of different
types of activities concurring in the teaching and learning process (students doing
mathematics, teacher helping students do mathematics, etc.), and different pieces of
reality at different levels of generalization.
Also, for ATD researchers, when facing a given piece of reality such as an
activity carried out in the classroom, the focus is on the institutional conditions
making this activity possible, using for instance the different levels of codetermination (see Chap. 5). scale of levels of didactic codetermination emphasizes that the
concrete actions of a teacher and a group of students in a classroom may depend
on the mathematical activity and on the domain or sector where this activity takes
place (a reasoning about functions and their variations does not need the same elements as a reasoning about random variation of a statistical variable, for instance).
But it also depends on determinants related to how the activity is organized, for
example in a school context, with a specific pedagogy (in the case considered, the
students are used to interacting and discussing with the teacher, to using computers,
and understanding that they are supposed to give an answer to the questions posed,
etc.). And, as was stated in Chap. 5 on ATD, the existence of a task of the kind look
at the computer and tell something about what you see seems related to a current
social practice where new information seems to come from the direct observation of
phenomena (and not, for instance, from the study of old books). The hierarchy of
levels of codetermination does not exist in other frames such as AiC or TDS. It is
the approach of research problems in terms of the ecology of mathematical and
didactic praxeologies that drives researchers to look for conditions and restrictions
that go beyond the narrow space of the classroom (and even of the school). Compared
with other approaches, ATD proposes a huge expansion of the external world that
should be taken into account to explain why things happen the way they happen and,
furthermore, why many other things that could happen never really happen.

10.6 Concluding Remarks About Networking Strategies

10.6.1 Proximity
A dialogue between different approaches can only start when a point of contact is
found. In this case, we may talk about a common epistemological sensibility of
AiC, TDS, and ATD, which can be noticed in the a priori analyses provided by
each frame. These analyses are the starting point of the dialogue between the
approaches and, in a sense, they seem to answer each other. For instance, AiC
researchers refer to an analysis provided by TDS researchers about the episodes on
Task 1 and 2 and they use and complete it in the episode on Task 3 in terms of an

10 Context, Milieu, and Media-Milieus Dialectic


analysis of intended constructs. The ATD researchers take a further step when they
refer to a (hypothetical) teaching project used as a reference and enlarge the
description of students activities using the media-milieus dialectics. This initial
proximity seems essential for a dialogue to start and become productive, showing
the complementarity of the approaches and the reciprocal enrichment, without losing
what is specific to each one.

10.6.2 TDS as Mediator

Another contextual condition which enhances the dialogue is that TDS is in an
intermediate position, like a theoretical frame which permits to establish a bridge,
a communication between AiC and ATD with their different foci which are very far
from each other. The dialogue has then appeared as a progressive enlargement of
the focus which, in a sense, is central in the notion of context. For AiC, with its
focus on the learner, the context integrates any piece of the present and past environment that can influence the individual epistemic processes. For TDS, with its
focus on situations, there is a kind of split between an explicitly theorized part (in
terms of milieu and didactical contract) and a part that is not explicitly taken into
account by the theory and that could also play the role of context as in AiC. With
ATD, again the vision is enlarged since the whole teaching project is taken into
account and the focus is on the conditions for a given didactic process to exist and
evolve in a given direction.
In this theoretical dialogue on questions about context, we should differentiate
between the notion of media-milieus dialectic and the hierarchy of levels of codetermination. ATDs hierarchy of levels of codetermination permits enrichment of
the theorization of TDS. Nevertheless, for what concerns the media-milieus dialectic,
the situation is different for ATD and TDS even if both theories start their analysis
with the same observation of the limitation of the milieu. In TDS analysis, we
observe the view of a situation with an a-didactical potential. TDS analysis
demonstrates the limitation of this potential and the need for an action from the
teacher. The analysis shows how the teacher extends the outcomes of the a-didactical
interaction. ATD analysis starts with the same observation of the limitation of the
milieu but demonstrates an absence of a media-milieus dialectic which could have
been expected and questions the reasons for this absence.

10.6.3 Different Units of Analysis

An interesting, and also revealing, point is the fact that, in the analysis, AiC
researchers focus on the autonomous work of the students, while TDS researchers
pay more attention to the episode where the students interact with the teacher, and
ATD approaches the teachers overall strategy. The AiC analysis shows the


I. Kidron et al.

richness of the knowledge constructed by the students during their interaction with
the context and the role of the different elements of the context in this construction.
As a counterpart, the TDS analysis pays less attention to the students constructions. The TDS analysis is guided by the conjecture (coming from the a priori
analysis) of the gap between the power of the milieu and the teachers expectations,
which is supposed to lead to an impasse where the milieu should be enriched in
order to avoid a Topaze effect (see Chap. 12). We should also notice another reason
why the TDS analysis pays less attention to the students constructions: the difficulty for the TDS researchers to achieve a fine grained analysis of the first exchanges
between the students and their constructing processes. AiC researchers with their
analytical tools have no problem in carrying out this analysis. Nevertheless, their
tools, in contrast to TDS tools, are less operational when the teacher interacts with
the students. ATD researchers take a further step when they take the whole episode
into account and focus on the aim of the didactic process and the strategies used by
both the teacher and the students to make the needed praxeological ingredients
available. Without this, ATD researchers are not able to give sense to the students
interaction, nor to their interaction with the teacher.
As we see, the theories have different foci and the potential of the analytical tools
is different for each theory. These differences can explain the fact that each group of
researchers can learn and evolve from the others analyses.

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10 Context, Milieu, and Media-Milieus Dialectic


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Chapter 11

The Epistemological Gap: A Case Study

on Networking of APC and IDS
Cristina Sabena, Ferdinando Arzarello, Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs,
and Ingolf Schfer

Abstract The case study of the epistemological gap involves two theoretical
approaches, APC and IDS. It describes a networking case that starts from a situation
of seemingly contradictory analyses, develops a common methodology, and leads
finally to conceptualizing and locally integrating the new concept of the epistemological gap into both theories.
Keywords Networking of theories Epistemological analysis



In this chapter we present the networking process developed by two teams,1 namely
the APC team using the Space of Action, Production, and Communication theory
with its Semiotic Bundle construct (Chap. 3) and the IDS team using the Theory of
Interest-Dense Situations (Chap. 7) in which a partial integration of a new theoretical
construct, the epistemological gap, took place for both approaches after trying to
coordinate seemingly contradictory analysis.
The networking in this case study has its origin and empirical base in a short
video excerpt, referred to in Chap. 2 as extra video on Task 3 (see Sect. 2.2.3).

A first partial account of this networking process has been presented in CERME6 (Working
Group 9: Different theoretical perspectives and approaches in research); see Arzarello et al. (2010).
C. Sabena (*)
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze delleducazione, Universit di Torino,
Via Gaudenzio Ferrari, 9/11, 10124 Torino, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
F. Arzarello
Dipartimento di Matematica, Universit di Torino, Via Carlo Alberto, 10, 10123 Torino, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research
Practice in Mathematics Education, Advances in Mathematics Education,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9_11, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014


C. Sabena et al.


It lasts about a minute and a half, and shows Giovanni and Carlo discussing with the
teacher what happens to the exponential function for very large x.
The need for a second video was raised by the IDS team. In fact, in order to
progress with the networking, the IDS-analysis did not need so much the interview
data with the teacher that other teams needed (see Sect. 2.2.2), but rather needed
additional data about typical social interactions in the class. To be able to reconstruct these typical social interactions, videos from about 20 lessons would be
needed in order to shape an appropriate empirical base. However, only one additional video was available from the same classroom in the same school year, and
this was the extra video on Task 3 (see Sect. 11.2 below).
The first networking step was to analyze the video from the two perspectives
separately. Each team carried out an initial analysis of the episode (as reported in
Sect. 11.3). Each of the initial analyses in its own way described a teacherstudents
interaction that did not lead to a successful outcome, but neither of the two analyses
could provide an explanatory account of the empirical phenomenon. On the contrary,
the analyses appeared almost contradictory. This surprising result triggered the necessity to carry out a joint analysis that started a coordination process between the two
teams. The result was a local integration of the methodologies of the two theories. In
Sect. 11.4.1, we describe the process as well as the result of our coordinating strategy.
In a spiral process this coordinated analysis brought about the necessity of further
theoretical reflection, especially considering the epistemological dimension. In an
interplay between the theoretical reflection and the data analysis, we developed a
new concept, which we called the epistemological gap, and which could provide a
satisfactory explanation (for us) of the empirical phenomenon previously identified
(Sect. 11.4.2).
A local integration based on the epistemological dimension was thus realized for
both theories. The new tool for analysis, produced in the networking activity,
deepened our understanding of the data and opened routes for reflection that were
new for each perspective. In the final section (Sect. 11.5) we report our reflections
on our networking enterprise.


The Empirical Base

In the extra video, Giovanni and Carlo discuss with their teacher (T) what happens
to the exponential function for very large x. This episode occurred immediately after
the students had finished Task 3 (see Sect. 2.1.3). The result of the exploration was

A. Bikner-Ahsbahs
Fachbereich 03 fr Mathematik und Informatik, AG Didaktik der Mathematik,
University of Bremen, Bibliothekstrasse 1, D-28359 Bremen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
I. Schfer
Fachbereich 3 for Mathematics and Information Technology, University of Bremen,
Bibliothekstrasse 1, D-28359 Bremen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]


The Epistemological Gap: A Case Study on Networking of APC and IDS


Fig. 11.1 The graph shown

on the computer screen

still visible on the computer screen (Fig. 11.1). It shows a secant built by two points
very close to each other leading to a quasi-tangent line, which the students and the
teacher refer to as the tangent line.2
Due to the specific methodologies of APC and IDS, we report in this chapter the
transcript integrated with information about the connotation of the speech, and the
occurrence of accompanying gestures. Some screenshots are added from the video,
in order to better account for the gestures: they are reported immediately after the
corresponding speech line.
In the transcript, underlined words indicate that they are simultaneous with the
1 G but always for a very big
this straight line,
[Gesture] when they
meet each other, there it
is againthat is it
approximates the, the
function very well,
2 T what straight line, sorry?

Gesture in 1: G is pointing at
the line in the screen

The configuration on the screen is not reported by the video-camera, nor captured in any other
way, rather it is reconstructed by the APC team as reported in Fig. 11.1. Detailed information on
the line (e.g., exactly which value of a is chosen) is therefore not available.


C. Sabena et al.

3 G this here [pointing at the

screen], for x very, very
[Gesture] big

Gesture in 3: Gs hand goes


4 T [Gesture a] will they meet

each other [Gesture b]?

Gestures in 4:
(a) T pointing two forefingers

(b) T crossing the two

pointed forefingers

5 G that is [cio3], yes, yes they Gesture in 5: Gs two

meet each other
forefingers touching each
6 T but after their meeting, what
happens? [continuing to
keep the hands in the same
configuration as in line 5]

7 G eheh, eh no, it makes

8 T ah, ok, this then continues
[gesture a], this, the
vertical straight line
[gesture b], has a well
fixed x, hasnt it? The
exponential function
later goes on increasing
the x, doesnt it [gesture
c]? Do you agree?
Or not?

Gesture in 7: G crosses the

left hand over the right
one; T is keeping the
previous gesture

The expression cio in Italian means literally that is. Over-used by teenagers, it introduces a
reformulation of what was just said. As is likely in this case, it can have the connotation of I am
sorry but.


The Epistemological Gap: A Case Study on Networking of APC and IDS

Gestures in line 8:
(a) T moving rightwards his
left hand

(b) Ts right hand vertically (c) T moving rightwards his right


9 G yes []
10 T [addressing C]: He [G] was
saying that this vertical
straight line [pointing at
the line in the screen]
approximates very well
[gesture] the exponential
11 G that is, but for x that are
veryvery big


Gesture in 10: T raises both


Gesture in 11: G moves his

left hand upwards

12 T and for how big x? 100

Gesture in 12: T raises his
hand at his right and
keeps it fixed
x = 100 billions?
13 G because at a certain point,
that is, if the function
[gesture 13a] increases
more and more, more and
more [gesture 13b], then it
also becomes almost a
vertical straight line
[gesture 13b]
Gestures in line 13:
(a) G raises his left hand

(b) G moves his hand upwards

(c) final position of Gs hand

after moving upwards


C. Sabena et al.

14 T eh, this is what it seems Gesture in 14: T keeps his

to you by looking at;
right hand in the vertical
but imagine that if
you have x = 100
billions [gesture],
there is this
barrieris it
overcome sooner or
or not?
suggesting the
answer yes]
15 G yes
16 T and so when it is
overcome [gesture
16a], this x 100
billions [gesture 16b],
how many x do you
still have at disposal,
after 100 billions?
[gesture 16c]
Gestures in 16:
(a) T crosses left forefinger
(b) T raises his right hand (c) T moves right hand
over right hand
rightwards, repeatedly

17 G infinite
18 T infinite and how much
can you go ahead
after 100 billion
[repeating the gesture
19 G infinite points
20 T then the exponential
function goes ahead
on its own, doesnt it?


The Epistemological Gap: A Case Study on Networking of APC and IDS



Initial Analysis from IDS and APC Perspectives

Initially, the two teams carried out the analysis of the episode separately according
to the two perspectives. The result is summarized in the following sections.


Initial Analysis According to the Theory of InterestDense Situations

To work out the IDS-analysis (cf. Chap. 7), we have to consider the central question:
How is the emergence of an interest-dense situation supported or hindered? (cf. BiknerAhsbahs 2005). To answer it, an analysis of speech acts at three levels is conducted. The
locutionary level considers the direct meaning of what is said, while the non-locutionary
level considers, on the one hand, the information given by saying something and the way
it is said (illocutionary level) and, on the other hand, the intended and actual effect on the
listener (perlocutionary level) (Austin 1975; cf. Beck and Maier 1994).
In line 1, Giovanni begins to construct mathematical meanings about the growth of
the exponential function in broken language as described above. The teacher interrupts him: by apologizing he indicates illocutionarily that he normally would not
interrupt the student, but in this case an interruption seems necessary to him. By saying sorry, he also might want Giovanni to feel accepted. Asking what straight line
(line 2) indicates either that there is something problematic with the straight line or
that the teacher wants to clarify which straight line exactly is meant. Pointing at the
line on the screen, Giovanni refers to an answer on the locutionary level, but also adds
the condition for his explanation given in the task in line 1: for very big x. The
teachers question will they meet each other? locutionarily requires information
whether the graph and the line meet, but illocutionarily questions the truth of the condition of Giovannis beginning explanation in line 1 when they meet each other.
Therefore, and through connotation, the teachers question is challenging to Giovanni.
It is not clear whether the teacher suggests a negative or positive answer, but the
teachers finger crossing gesture (screenshot 4b) might support the latter, as does the
intonation. Giovanni follows the teachers crossing gesture and answers that they
meet (line 5), indicating through intonation and by doubling the word yes (illocutionarily) that he has no doubts about the fact that they meet. Since Giovanni has
perceived the line to be constructed as a secant his certainty is based on his previous
experience. On the locutionary level, we would see only the questions and the answers.
On the non-locutionary levels there is negotiation underneath.
Looking only at lines 15, an interest-dense situation is about to emerge because
Giovanni is deeply involved in the mathematical problem and he starts to construct
further-reaching mathematical meanings. Based on the theory of interest-dense situations we can predict how the teacher could support or hinder the emergence of
interest density. By focusing on the students ideas and supporting their further construction, the teacher would support emergence of interest density; but by acting


C. Sabena et al.

according to his own thinking process or his expected answers, he would interrupt
its emergence. Going further in our analysis, we will show that there is a negotiation
which proceeds underneath the locutionary level.
In line 6, the teacher builds on the students utterance by asking what happens after
the two lines meet. Imitating the teachers finger crossing (that he gives as a hint, perlocutionarily), by his hands Giovanni shows how the two graphs cross each other.
However, the teacher does not seem to be content because he explains his view of the
situation in line 8 and gives a more elaborate answer to his own question. Giovanni
does not fulfill the teachers expectations. In this way the teacher establishes an argumentation as a proof by contradiction, following his own train of thought and not that
of the student. In line 8, he constitutes the basis of his argument. In order to include
Giovanni into the process, his rhetorical questions Do you agree? Or not? demand
Giovannis agreement (line 9). Summarizing Giovannis statement addressed to Carlo
(line 10), the teacher puts forward the statement that he wants to prove false. However,
Giovanni modifies and restricts the range of the statements validity by but for x that
are veryvery big. This utterance (locutionarily) adds a condition, but illocutionarily Giovanni corrects the teacher. Hence, he only partially agrees, because his
description was based on veryvery big x (line 11). Again, Giovanni indicates that
his train of thought is a bit different. Perlocutionarily Giovanni succeeds at this
moment because the teacher changes his focus, by locutionarily taking up the students idea in the question: for how big x? (line 12). Giovanni seems to feel encouraged to explain: because at a certain point, that is, if the function increases more
and more, more and more, then it also becomes almost a vertical straight line (line
13). Because of Giovannis deep involvement and the dynamic of the epistemic process, the situation has the potential to lead to an interest-dense situation. It is the
attribution of mathematical value, which is not yet expressed. On the illocutionary
level, the teacher indicates understanding of Giovannis point of view (line 14) by saying this is what it seems to you by looking at, but he also implies that the students
way of arguing is not the correct way. In this way, he divests Giovanni of his argumentation base, that is, the diagram on the screen. Through the word imagine he refers
to another argumentation base but asks whether x = 100 billion will be overcome, suggesting that the answer is positive. Giovanni agrees. The teacher now finishes proving
the statement (line 10) to be wrong by a proof of contradiction that he orchestrates
through social interaction. The teacher works his argument out. there is this barrier
is it overcome sooner or later, or not? he closes (line 14), demanding agreement.
Lacking an argumentation base, Giovanni now gives up following his own train of
thought (lines 1520). The emergence of interest-density dries up.


Initial Analysis According to the APC Model

The APC team analyzed the episode by focusing attention on the semiotic resources
shown in the teacherstudents interaction, that is, on the semiotic bundle that is the
combination of words, gestures, and representations in the Cabri file. As discussed in


The Epistemological Gap: A Case Study on Networking of APC and IDS


Chap. 3, the semiotic bundle construct is the main analysis tool of micro-processes
within the APC approach.
The basic point of discussion between students and teacher concerns the behavior of
the exponential function for a large base a and large values of x. In his first utterances
(lines 13) Giovanni claims that in such conditions the straight line that appears on the
screen, that is, the quasi-tangent line, can be a good approximation of the exponential
function. Such a conjecture is fostered by the image from the Dynamic Geometry
Software the students are using (see Fig. 11.1): the quasi-tangent line appears almost
vertical, and the exponential function comes to be perceptually confounded in it.
However, the teacher misinterprets Giovannis words: whereas Giovanni is referring to the tangent line (he points also to it on the screen, lines 1 and 3), the teacher
appears to interpret the students words as referring to a vertical asymptote (lines 46).
There are two hints for this misinterpretation:
Giovanni says when4 they meet each other (line 1): he seems to refer to the fact
that the tangent approximates the function well near the tangent point.
The teacher starts speaking (line 4) without giving Giovanni time to complete the
Hence there is a conflict between Giovannis gesture, pointing to the tangent on the
screen, and the teachers gesture, which shows the vertical asymptote. A possible origin
of this misinterpretation can be traced to the teachers professional knowledge regarding
the exponential functions and teachinglearning processes about it what in literature
has been called specialized content knowledge (Ball et al. 2008) of the teacher.
Asking about a hypothetic meeting of the function with the straight line, the
teacher is representing the graphs by means of an iconic gesture (screenshots 4a, b
and subsequent pictures): his right forefinger stands for a straight line, and his left
forefinger moves in an upwards inclined way to represent the exponential function
graph. In his subsequent interventions, Giovanni (lines 57, and corresponding
gestures) is tuning with the teachers semiotic resources, both speech and gesture.
With his hands, he represents the graph of the exponential crossing the straight line
(gesture in line 7): he is answering the teachers question by showing the behavior
of the function through the gesture. The teacher (line 8) accepts such an answer and
endeavors to make explicit the idea that the domain of the exponential function is
not limited, and therefore its graph intersects any vertical line. To do so, he uses
both speech and gestures (see lines 820, and the related pictures).
We can now focus more closely on the dynamics using the semiotic bundle lens.
In order to include Carlo in the discussion, the teacher reports Giovannis observation (line 10). By repeating and rephrasing Giovannis words (line 10) he is tuning
with the students speech. But through gestures (screenshots 10, 16b, c), he is trying
to make apparent a specific feature of the graph of the exponential function, that is,
the fact that it crosses any vertical line. The teacher is demonstrating what we call a
semiotic game (see Chap. 3), in that he is tuning with one semiotic resource, and is

In English when may have the meanings of if and of where. In this case, the sense is where.


C. Sabena et al.

using another resource used by a student to make meanings evolve in order to align
them with the culturally established mathematical ones.
The gesture appears as a powerful resource in the teachers hands, in order to
prompt the students imagination. In fact, the gesture allows the teacher to refer to
what cannot be seen in the representation on the screen and may be difficult for the
students to understand from a purely verbal description (the graph for very large x).
In particular, gestures seem to be a suitable means to refer to very large values and
to evoke their infinite quantity (screenshot 16c).
As to Giovanni, we see that he does not appear to have profited from the teachers
semiotic game. In fact, considering lines 1113 (and the related pictures), we can see
that in his words he is expressing the idea that the function will become almost a
vertical straight line; and his gestures appear very different from the teachers.
Whereas the teachers gestures place large values of x in the correct location with
respect to his gesture space5 (hand moving rightwards: screenshots 8c, 12, and 16c),
the students gestures place large values of x to a high location in space (hand moving
upwards, screenshots 11, 13a, b, c): he is probably referring to the values taken by the
exponential functions, rather than to the abscissas. As a result of the analysis, we can
conclude that the episode shows an example of a non-successful semiotic game.


Networking of the Approaches

The two analyses were exchanged between the teams. Through this exchange, the
researchers made a strong effort to make themselves understandable and to understand the others perspective, which constituted an important networking strategy
(see Chap. 8).
This initial step led to contrasting the two analyses: we acknowledged their complementarity, but also felt that the two results had feeble explanatory power. Thus, we were
led to a new common question: what is the deeper reason why the epistemic process
(socially and semiotically) is not successful in this episode? Guided by this common
question, the two teams jointly carried out a common analysis, through the coordination
of the two theories. The resulting coordinated analysis is presented in the next Section.


Coordinating the Two Analyses

Based on the theoretical account and the two initial analyses, the IDS and APC
teams considered the two perspectives as providing complementary analytical tools
and, thus, complementary interpretations of the data. In fact, each view shed light
on different aspects of the teacherstudents interaction. The strength of the
The gesture space (McNeill 1992) is the area in front of the speakers body, in which he performs
the majority of his gestures.


The Epistemological Gap: A Case Study on Networking of APC and IDS


IDS-perspective is in the possibility to predict the emergence of interest-dense situations according to the type of social interactions that hinder or foster it. It includes
the analysis of the locutionary and non-locutionary levels of speech, reconstructs
epistemic processes within social interactions, and shows negotiations underneath
the content level. According to this perspective, the student and the teacher are not
able to merge their argumentations in the episode although there is a lot of negotiation about whose train of thought will be followed. Neither the teacher nor the student is able to engage with the others perspective. The analysis shows a gap that
cannot be overcome. However, the IDS-approach is, from an epistemic point of
view, unable to provide tools to find out why this is the case.
On the other hand, by looking at a wide range of signs (in Peirces sense), the
APC-analysis identifies phenomena that could go unnoticed under standard
linguistic-based analysis, such as the semiotic game between teacher and student.
The analysis with the semiotic bundle provides the means to observe and to properly
describe this game. From our classroom observations at several school levels, we can
say that students did succeed to learn by means of semiotic games in other cases (see,
e.g., Arzarello et al. 2009). This episode was one of the first in the APC teams
research in which things appeared to go wrong. It was therefore a good occasion to
investigate the scope and the limits of the semiotic game construct. Using the APCframe one could observe that in the above episode the semiotic game shows the
gesturespeech resources in the opposite direction with respect to semiotic games
previously analyzed as successful (called standard semiotic games for the
moment). In standard semiotic games, in fact, the teacher tunes with the students
gestures and uses speech to foster meaning development; in the above episode it was
the other way round: tuning with speech (line 10) and fostering meaning through
gestures. Using the semiotic bundle lens one can identify this difference, but within
the theory it is not possible to say why this semiotic game is not working.6
The discussion so far led us to argue that the simple juxtaposition of the two
perspectives was not enough to deeply understand what went wrong in the interaction. Since the student and the teacher referred to different resources in their argumentation, we conjectured that the reason for this gap might be located in the
epistemological viewpoints of the student and the teacher, that is, in their views on
relevant knowledge and ways of knowing. The idea of epistemological viewpoints
was elaborated during the networking process.
The coordinated analysis of this episode was accomplished by re-analyzing the
entire transcript line by line. The analysis in line with the theory of IDS was complemented with attention to the gestures. The speechgesture in line with APC was
complemented with attention to the non-locutionary levels. Figure 11.2 depicts the
resulting lens of the analysis, from the coordination of the two previous ones which
connects two levels of meaning-making with speech and gestures.

Realizing that the semiotic game had not worked properly led us to suspect that the episode showed
a case of a Topaze effect, as described in the TDS theory. This was the prompt for further elaborating
the networking process, and the outcome is reported in Chap. 12. The reader will see that, finally, the
episode is considered to be neither a case of a genuine semiotic game, nor of a genuine Topaze effect.


C. Sabena et al.


Locutionary level
Non-locutionary level

Fig. 11.2 Two-level analysis of semiotic resources, deriving from a coordination of the two perspectives

There is no space here to report on the complete analysis. However, we provide

the main parts to illustrate how our networking strategy was implemented.
At the beginning of the episode, Giovannis words and gestures convey information
at the locutionary level. Giovanni is trying to express his ideas on the behavior of the
function for large x: his gestures and his words complement each other. The pointing
gesture (line 1) specifies the reference of his words, making clear that he is referring to
the straight line represented in the Cabri file. His gesture (line 3) complements the information given in words, by showing the behavior of the function when x is very large.
However, the gesturespeech analysis at the locutionary level has already been
carried out by the APC team. The substantial novelty brought about by the coordinated analysis is constituted by considering the non-locutionary aspects. In line 4,
the teacher is asking a question at the locutionary level, that is, he is asking whether
the line and the function will meet. But at a non-locutionary level:
his words have a challenging connotation,
his gesture illocutionarily suggests that he is thinking about a vertical line (right
forefinger in screenshot 4a).
line 4
Locutionary level

T: will they meet each other?



Non-locutionary level

The sentence is spoken with challenging connotation (illocutionary).

The vertical right forefinger suggests that the teacher is thinking
about a vertical line, and referring to it in his question


The Epistemological Gap: A Case Study on Networking of APC and IDS


line 5
Locutionary level

G: that is, yes, yes they meet each other


Non-locutionary level

The sentence is uttered with a connotation like: Of course, they will

meet (illocutionary).
The teachers gesture (showing how the crossing point will look,
directing Giovannis answer) more or less forces Giovanni to
approve the teachers gesture (perlocutionary level).

If we consider the prosody in Giovannis answer (line 5), we can hear that he
feels very sure of his words (illocutionary level). At the same time, his gesture
(two forefingers touching each other, screenshot 5) is completing (locutionarily) the
verbal answer by expressing how the line and the function will meet: they will have
a tangent point.
In line 5, while Giovanni is answering, the teacher keeps his gesture (screenshot 5,
introduced in screenshot 4b). The gesture shows a configuration in which the
function is crossing the line, thus suggesting an answer to the question he has just
asked (perlocutionary level, Chap. 7).
The teacher continues keeping his gesture (line 6), until the student indicates
agreement with him. Giovanni changes his gesture from touching the forefingers to
crossing hands (gesture in line 7), deictically saying it makes so. Locutionarily he
shows how the graph of the function and the line meet. At the non-locutionary level
his speech and gesture show that the student is trying to agree with or to follow the
teachers perspective.
This is the only case in the entire episode in which Giovanni shows a gesture
similar to the teachers. In all the other cases, Giovannis gestures have very different configurations.
In the following lines (812), the teachers gestures illustrate the graphical situation that he is speaking about, thus complementing at the locutionary level his
verbal utterances. However, the constant presence of the right finger or hand kept
vertical constitutes a catchment (in the sense of McNeill 2005) and at the illocutionary level it tells us that the vertical barrier is crucial in his argumentation all the
time. Note that the barrier is mentioned locutionarily in an explicit way in the speech
only later (line 14).
Finally, the teachers last gesture consists of his right hand moving repeatedly
rightwards (screenshot 16c). This movement is not only depicting a graphical situation in an iconic way, but also at a non-locutionary level it is suggesting the answer
(infinite) to the student, which Giovanni takes up (line 17).



C. Sabena et al.

A Local Integration Based on the Epistemological


The joint analysis process produced an integration at a methodological level

between the two theories, as shown in the tables above.
Furthermore, during this process, a new idea arose, consisting in hypothesizing
the existence of an epistemological gap between teacher and student in the episode.
The idea at this stage was just a sensitizing idea for the different epistemological
viewpoints, and at the beginning was not clearly defined (rather it was quite fuzzy!),
yet we felt that it helped to deepen our understanding. In order to clarify whether it
could provide a suitable means for understanding the episode, we started on the one
hand to apply it to the data, and on the other hand to frame it theoretically. Indeed,
by applying it to the data und theorizing about it, we elaborated the epistemological
gap concept and began to see it as being valuable. Data analysis and theoretical
reflection mutually enriched each other in a nonlinear process, until a satisfactory
understanding of the episode was reached and the epistemological dimension was
theorized through two new constructs: the epistemological view and the epistemological gap. Their integration into both theoretical approaches provided a
new, symmetrical case of local integration of common new theoretical constructs
(see Chap. 8).
As a starting point, we elaborated a working definition for the epistemological gap which was new to both of the theories and through a spiral process
we checked it against the data and theorized about that. Since space is insufficient here to present the entire process, we now present our final definition, and
apply it to the data analysis. The notion of epistemological gap is based on two
domain-specific concepts: the personal epistemology and the epistemological view of mathematics.
Personal epistemology has been described in the literature as a theory-like background view that an individual holds about the nature of knowledge and the nature of
knowing (Feucht and Bendixen 2010, p. 10 ff.; Lising and Elby 2004). The nature of
knowledge encompasses aspects of certainty (stablefragile) and simplicity (simple
complex); and the nature of knowing specifies the kind of justification and sources
that are taken as legitimate in the specific domain (Hofer and Pintrich 1997).
Someones personal epistemology can be different in different domains (Lising and
Elby 2004) and can be regarded as part of the belief system of an individual that influences learning processes. Hofer and Pintrich (1997) have shown that personal epistemology is not stable over ones lifetime, and that it develops in a domain-specific way.
Considering that we are analyzing a teachinglearning situation with social
interactions constituting an epistemic process towards solution of a mathematical
problem, we can adapt the given definition in order to define a students or teachers
personal epistemology of mathematics as a theory-like background view that the
student or teacher holds about the nature of mathematical knowledge, and the nature
of knowing it. In the mathematics classroom, the personal epistemologies of students


The Epistemological Gap: A Case Study on Networking of APC and IDS


and teacher are influential. In addition, the teachers personal epistemology towards
mathematics teaching and learning plays a crucial role. The importance of recognizing the professional knowledge of mathematics teachers has been highlighted for
example by Ball and colleagues (Ball et al. 2008); our focus is more specifically on
the epistemological dimension of professional knowledge as part of the teachers
personal epistemology.
Boaler and Greeno (2000) have shown that personal epistemologies of learners
depend on the kind of epistemic climate they experience in the class. Because of this
influence, we may assume that personal epistemology becomes partly visible in processes of knowledge construction. What is taken as legitimate knowledge and knowing in a specific task is determined by ones personal epistemology and at the same
time by the affordances and aims of the task, the social and instructional environment,
the tools available, and the development of the current learning process. Thus, when
faced with a mathematical task, students base their actions on their personal epistemologies towards mathematics, and through the process of working with the task they
build and develop their epistemological view. In other words, we call the collection of
aspects of the nature of what is taken as mathematical knowledge and as legitimate
knowing in mathematics the epistemological view in a specific mathematical task.
These epistemological views develop over time in the learning process and have an
impact back on the personal epistemologies, which change more slowly.
Hence, the epistemological view of a student is individual, locally dependent on
the current mathematical task situation, and is shown through epistemic and semiotic actions and within social interactions. It is not static; on the contrary, it can be
enriched and widened within the process of working with the task.
Due to his professional knowledge about teaching and learning mathematics, the
teacher may build several possible epistemological views on the same situation
within the task. These views may anticipate the students views and they are dependent on the teachers personal epistemology as well as on many didactical variables,
such as the students age, knowledge, ability, the curriculum, the tools available, the
processes the students are familiar with, and so on.
After this necessary theoretical digression, we now come back to the episode,
apply the introduced notions, and define the epistemological gap.
From the point of view of a researcher, the students and teachers epistemological
views are only accessible through their semiotic productions and epistemic actions
(see, e.g., Chap. 12). They are revealed by including the non-locutionary dimension of the semiotic resources, which we developed in our coordinated analysis
(see Sect. 11.4.1). Through this analysis of the video data, we identified that there
was a gap between the teachers and the students epistemological views. We will
call it an epistemological gap and now explain this notion in greater detail.
In the first part of the excerpt, Giovanni is trying to express his interpretation of
the exponential function in the case of large x (line 1). The teacher interrupts the
student, prompts him with questions, and does not allow him to properly complete
his argument (lines 27). Then the teacher performs a semiotic game articulated in
a tuning in words and a dissonance in gestures (lines 68): the teacher is using


C. Sabena et al.

gestures to focus on the possibility of vertical asymptotes to the exponential function.

This semiotic game is different from standard ones. In particular, there are two
main differences:
1. The teacher tunes with the students words and uses gestures to express further
meanings (whereas, usually, it is the other way round: the tuning is with gestures,
and words are used to better articulate meanings).
2. The teacher does not repeat the words exactly, but rephrases them, by inserting
the word vertical (whereas, usually, one semiotic resource is repeated as it is
expressed by the student).
This refined analysis suggests that, in the teachers interpretation, Giovanni is referring to a vertical line that the exponential function is crossing. However, from the
students semiotic resources we get no hints that Giovanni is thinking of a vertical
line as an asymptote. In fact, he is deictically referring (with both speech and gesture) to the screen images, which show the exponential function and its secant line
(line 3). Using the notions discussed above, we can say that the student and the
teacher are showing two different epistemological views of the same situation, and
therefore an epistemological gap is apparent:
Giovanni is concerned with what happens for very big x (line 11), but he is
relying on the visual perception of the exponential function graph, which is provided by the software.
The teacher is focusing on mathematical properties of the exponential function,
in particular to its lack of a vertical asymptote.
Giovanni is building his epistemological view about what happens to exponential
functions for large x on the experience of exploring them with the digital learning
environment. The nature of Giovannis knowledge is therefore strongly experiential
and empirical, since the computer shows empirical facts and images. This background
knowledge is enriched by experiential knowledge developed through exploring the
graph of exponential functions with the computer, extrapolating what he observes,
and using what he knows about the construction of the objects on the screen. In the
specific environment, the tangent was constructed by approaching a specific point on
the graph using secants, and results can be seen on the computer screen. They are
gained by extrapolating what is observed for very large x. The task is interpreted as
getting a description about what can happen for very large x based on what can be
seen. Also the source of knowing is based on experiences with the slope of the exponential function: the justification refers to what is explored and is visible on the screen.
Terms such as approximating are used by the student intuitively and informally.
On the other hand, the teacher refers to more theoretical knowledge from logic
and limits as analytical concepts of calculus. He is basing his argument on his mathematical knowledge of exponential functions, and more generally of functions and
limits. Therefore when he speaks of approaching, he is using it in a way coherent
with the theory about formal limits. Since almost does not exist in this theory, he
overlooks it. Also the teachers nature of knowing differs from that of the student,
since the teacher is referring to a proof by contradiction, which is part of the official
mathematical epistemology.


The Epistemological Gap: A Case Study on Networking of APC and IDS


This analysis has shown a local integration of the new concept of epistemological
gap which is the product of a long period of networking efforts. However, there are
two further steps of the networking methodology still to be carried out: elaborating
the status of the new concept within the two theories and reflecting on the networking process itself.


Including the Epistemological Dimension into APC

and IDS

By introducing the new epistemological dimensions, we could explain the phenomena that we identified within the APC-approach and the IDS-theory: the failure of
the semiotic game, and the drying up of the interest-dense situation.
How can the epistemological dimension be related to the semiotic game? Let us
consider the final part of the episode. The teacher and the student are performing
different gestures: for example, in screenshot 11 the students hand is moving
upwards, to indicate large values of the function, whereas in the gesture in screenshot 12, the teachers hand is moving rightwards. We interpret the dissonance we
could say this semiotic gap in gesture as a signal that the teacher and the student
have different epistemological views: the teachers hand goes to the right, based on
the fact that, being defined for every x, the exponential function cannot stop (screenshot 16c). Giovanni moves his hand upwards (gestures in screenshots 11, 13a, b, c):
these gestures (and in particular their location) suggest that he is considering the
points on the graph, without stressing the distinction between x-values and y-values,
as the teacher does.
The teachers reference to a vertical line, which is a key part of his argument, is
firstly introduced through his extended forefinger (screenshot 4a), and then made
more explicit through words (vertical straight line, line 8) and a whole hand gesture showing a barrier (screenshots 1012). The word barrier is finally uttered
in line 14.
Line 14 was crucial for us in identifying the epistemological gap: in this line the
teacher is starting his argumentation as a proof by contradiction, and at the same
time he is telling the student (both at a locutionary and an illocutionary level) that
he should not trust completely the images on the screen, and rather should follow
his argumentation by imagining.
Basing on his personal epistemology towards mathematics teaching and learning, the teacher has to contradict the students epistemological view. In fact, we
know from the teachers interview (Sect. 2.2.2) that as a teacher he tries to work
within a zone of proximal development for the students (Vygotsky 1978). To do so,
he uses different kinds of semiotic resources, including speech and gesture.
Sometimes he tries to tune with those of the students in order to support them (as in
the case of semiotic games); other times he introduces new words or gestures to
offer the students means to enter into his epistemological view, as he is doing in line
14 with the word imagine and the configuration he represents with gestures.
However, to be successful these didactic actions require that the teachers and the


C. Sabena et al.

students epistemological views are close. If there is an epistemological gap between

teacher and student, we can hypothesize that this gap prevents the semiotic game
and more generally the semiotic interaction from working successfully. And, this
way, the teacher is not addressing the zone of proximal development of the
Taking the concept of epistemological view into the IDS-analysis, we are able to
explain why an interest-dense situation does not emerge. In the episodes before this
extra video, the students have built some knowledge through gathering and connecting mathematical meanings and structure-seeing based on their interpretations of
what they have experienced with the computer. Since the tasks previous to this one
have been implemented by the teacher, Giovanni takes the experiences and visual
representations on the computer screen as a legitimate source for argumentation, as
has been accepted before. This interpretation can be supported by Giovannis behavior in sticking to his own train of thought and referring to the image on the screen
(lines 3, 5, 7, and 11). Thus, Giovanni shows an experiential epistemological view
based on visual representations. The teacher seems to be aware of this view because
he explicitly rejects the students epistemological view as a legitimate source for
argumentation (line 14).
Already in line 10, the teacher has started an argumentation process that is not
based on visual experiences but on a proposition that the teacher imputes to Giovanni
(line 10). The teacher takes this proposition as a hypothesis that he disproves within
social interactions by the use of theoretical knowledge about exponential functions.
The term approximation is interpreted differently by the two. In Giovannis view,
approximation means coming near (line 11), but the teacher takes this term as a
theoretical part of the proposition that he starts to disprove by a proof by contradiction. As the teacher deprives Giovanni of his visual argumentation base, he says
imagine that if you have x = 100 billions (line 14); in this way he offers Giovanni
imagination as a source for a legitimate argumentation that is different from the
visualizations on the screen. However, for Giovanni, imagination separated from
visual perception does not provide suitable arguments. We observe an epistemic
situation with an epistemological gap that the social interactions do not bridge. The
student adheres to his epistemological view and refuses to follow the teacher. The
teacher does not accept the students epistemological view as valid. Since the two
epistemological views are not compatible and the student does not yet have access
to the teachers view, only the teacher could interact based on an epistemological
view much closer to the students one. Since this does not happen, in order to fulfil
the teachers expectations the student can only either stop interacting at all or reduce
his participation.
In fact, Giovanni only partly fulfils the teachers expectations. He does not fully
give up his epistemological view because in line 19 he paraphrases the expected
answer infinite into infinite points. This is an indicator that Giovanni thinks of
the points on the graph that grow towards infinity but not of the x-values as the
teacher refers to them. Since the teachers personal epistemology does not allow
acceptance of the students epistemological view as legitimate in the task at hand,
and the student does not have enough means to enter into the teachers


The Epistemological Gap: A Case Study on Networking of APC and IDS


epistemological view, he cannot get involved in the social interaction about the task
deeply enough. Therefore the interest-dense situation cannot develop suitably.
Theoretically, we can say that epistemic actions emerging in social interactions
are based on the epistemological view of the interlocutors. When an epistemological gap between students and teacher occurs, the epistemic process can only proceed and the emergence of interest density can only be supported if this gap is
bridged, either by the teacher or by the students.


Reflection and Conclusions

Going from a coordination of two complementary analyses to a local integration of

a new theoretical construct into both approaches was possible for this networking
process since IDS and APC share many common features:
The view on data: in both cases, the data concerns processes of teaching and
learning mathematics in regular classrooms. Even if we investigate them in
teaching experiments we assume that the students act according their everyday
practices (methodology).
The unit of analysis: both theories use micro-perspectives taking into account
every single utterance or semiotic action (methodology).
Both approaches are transformation oriented in the following sense. Ulich (1976)
distinguishes between two paradigms: stability-oriented and transformationoriented. In a stability-oriented paradigm, the objects of investigation are of a stable nature and can therefore be investigated separately from their constitution. In a
transformation-oriented paradigm, objects are regarded as dependent on their constitution, and they can only be investigated looking at their processes of creation.
Results in a transformation-oriented paradigm are, for example, patterns of constitution. Our paradigms are transformation-oriented, since we look at changes and
are interested in the patterns of change. The epistemological gap is a pattern that is
constituted within the current situation through teacherstudent interaction.
Both approaches focus on the students actions and interactions with each other
and the teacher, with respect to the evolution of their mathematical ideas.
Reflecting on the networking activity carried out in this case study, we can refer to
Radfords quadruplet (Radford 2008, 2012) [(P, M, Q), R]. The separate analyses
done by means of the IDS- and APC-theories (P1, M1, Q1) and (P2, M2, Q2) brought
similar results to the fore: learning was not successful since the emergence of interest
density was interrupted (R1: result 1) and the semiotic game was different from those
in the successful cases (R2: result 2). By contrasting the two theories in the analyses,
the idea of an epistemological gap appeared. The analyses seemed to complement each other. Therefore, we worked out a common coordinated analysis, locally
integrating tools of the two theoretical approaches on the methodological level (M),
that is, micro-analysis of the video encompassing both verbal and non-verbal dimensions, and locutionary and non-locutionary ones. A more consistent understanding

C. Sabena et al.


Theory 1

Epistemological Gap

Theory 2



















Fig. 11.3 Using Radfords (2008) categories to describe the process from coordination to local
integration [P = Principles; M = Methodology; Q = Questions]

of the teacherstudent interaction came out of this, indicating that the explanatory
power that was lacking in our separate analyses could be provided in the common
analysis by answering the common question Q, why the construction of knowledge
was not successful. This made us include an epistemological dimension of the activity with the conjecture that there seemed to be an epistemological gap between the
teachers and the students behavior in their interaction (Fig. 11.3).
Starting from a working definition about what is meant by the epistemological
gap, a common re-analysis of the data was worked out that answered our question. The explanatory power of the new concept on the one hand became a common result R (Radford 2012) of the networking process and on the other hand
initiated a spiral process of mutually improving the theoretical understanding of
the concept of the epistemological gap and the empirical understanding of the
extra video.
Finally, it was theoretically investigated how this new concept fits into the two
sets of principles. In fact both theories carefully analyze relationships between different aspects of students and teachers actions and productions in the classroom: IDS
considers mainly the different levels of discourse (locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary), while APC studies the relationships between the different semiotic productions in the classroom through the semiotic bundle lens. Both theories consider
the dynamical and reciprocal evolution in time of such components and point out
their possible convergence in dramatic moments, when they deeply interact possibly
producing new knowledge: for example, when the situation becomes highly interestdense or when a semiotic game is successful.
The joint analysis through both theories underlines that the dynamics of the construction of new knowledge can be successful provided the different discursive and
semiotic components synchronize and converge. We can use a metric metaphor to
describe this process: it is as though the mutual distances between the different
semiotic and discursive components diminished more and more. This can happen if


The Epistemological Gap: A Case Study on Networking of APC and IDS


the students are in a zone of proximal development with respect to the piece of
knowledge to be built. In such cases the actions and productions of teacher and
students converge towards a shared knowledge, which is built up through a progressively shared epistemological basis. But sometimes this convergence process does
not happen, for example in cases when a common epistemological basis is missing.
Then there is an epistemological gap between the actors, and the process of building
new knowledge is broken. As already pointed out, such a gap can be properly
grasped only through the coordinated analysis of the two approaches, namely
through extending the discursive analysis of IDS towards the APC model.

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Harvard University Press.

Chapter 12

Topaze Effect: A Case Study

on Networking of IDS and TDS
Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, Michle Artigue, and Mariam Haspekian

Abstract The case study of Topaze effect shows a networking practice of connecting
two theoretical approaches, TSD and IDS. It investigates empirically two phenomena, Topaze effect and funnel pattern, of the two theories and networks the theories
by comparing and contrasting these phenomena including also the semiotic game
phenomenon. This process leads to deepening the understanding of the strengths
and blind spots of the two theories on the one hand and provides enriched insight
into the character of the phenomena and their common idea on the other.
Keywords Networking of theories Social interaction Topaze effect

For the extra video on Task 3 (extensively discussed in Chap. 11), the European
Networking Group also experienced another surprising effect: looking at the video,
three research teams had initially identified diverging conceptualized phenomena,
each well known in their respective perspectives: the TDS team identified a Topaze
effect, the IDS team a funnel communication pattern, and the APC team a semiotic
game. Each of these identifications valued the episode differently, positively for one
With comments by Ferdinando Arzarello, Cristina Sabena, & Marianna Bosch
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs (*)
Fachbereich 03 fr Mathematik und Informatik, AG Didaktik der Mathematik,
University of Bremen, Bibliothekstrasse 1, D-28359 Bremen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
M. Artigue
Laboratoire LDAR & IREM, Universit Paris Diderot Paris 7, Sorbonne Paris Cit,
Case 7018, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Haspekian
Laboratoire EDA, Facult des sciences humaines et sociales, Universit Paris Descartes,
Sorbonne Paris Cit, 45, rue des Saints-Pres, 75270 Paris Cedex 06, France
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research
Practice in Mathematics Education, Advances in Mathematics Education,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9_12, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014



A. Bikner-Ahsbahs et al.

of these perspectives and negatively for the two others. This contrast motivated the
participating research teams to understand the situation more deeply. From that starting point, our inquiry led us to revisit the nature of these specific phenomena and the
way research conceptualizes them. In this way, we were able to reveal unexpected
complementarities between the three different perspectives. This research practice is
here presented as a fourth case study on networking, mainly between IDS and TDS.1


Analyses from the TDS Perspective

After the initial identification of the empirical phenomenon as a Topaze effect, the
TDS team considered carefully whether the video really showed such an instance.
For presenting the answer, here we first explain the effect by describing its emergence in the TDS, common instances, and criteria of identification (Sect. 12.1.1).
Then, we illustrate how we used this concept for interpreting the video. This work
led us to question the concept of Topaze effect itself and its use in research. We finally
add some reflections, and broaden the discussion by describing similar contexts and
considering additional theoretical constructs that will be related to the Topaze effect.


Topaze Effect as a Construct in TDS

Emergence of the Topaze Effect

The Topaze effect emerged in the TDS (Brousseau 1997, p. 25) as one of the
paradoxes attached to the central concept of didactical contract (see Chap. 4).
A didactical contract, which is inherent in any didactical interaction, denotes the
only partly explicit expectations of teachers and students regarding the mathematical knowledge at stake in their interactions. Such a didactical contract automatically
generates paradoxical injunctions (Warfield 2006).
On the teachers side:
her [the teachers] aim is to lead the student to learn and understand some concept, and her
indication that that concept has been learned will be some set of behaviors on the part of the
student, but anything that she does that aims directly at producing that set of behaviors
deprives the student of the opportunity to learn the concept itself. (Warfield 2006, p. 35)

On the students side:

if he accepts that the contract requires the teacher to teach him everything, he doesnt
establish anything for himself, so he doesnt learn any mathematics. On the other hand, if
he refuses to accept any information from the teacher, the didactical relationship is broken
and he can make no progress at all. In order to learn, he must accept the didactical relationship but consider it temporary and do his best to reject it. (ibid., p. 35)

A summary of the chapter has been published in Haspekian et al. (2013).

12 Topaze Effect: A Case Study on Networking of IDS and TDS


Some effects of these paradoxical injunctions on the teachers practices are

identified by Brousseau (1997, pp. 2527): the Topaze effect, but also the Jourdain
effect, the improper use of analogy, or the meta-cognitive shift. Here we consider
the Topaze effect.

What Is a Topaze Effect?

The Topaze effect (Brousseau 1997, p. 25) takes its name from the famous scene of
Marcel Pagnols play named Topaze. In this scene, a master called Topaze is
dictating a text to a weak student. One of the sentences is: Des moutons taient
dans un pr. In the French pronunciation, the orthographical signs for plural (the
s of moutons and the en of taient) are silent. The student writes: Des
mouton tait dans un pr, missing these signs. In his successive attempts at making
the student correct his mistakes, Topaze, who cannot simply give the correct spelling of the words, uses different artifices to transform radically the way he pronounces these words: des moutonsses tai-hunt. Finally, when the student adds
s and en, it is reasonable to hypothesize that he eventually decoded the teachers
intention and hints, but did not really understand why these corrections were needed.
However, Topaze and the student can maintain the fiction that the student actually
In coherence with this description, the Topaze effect denotes the following: the
teacher poses a question, expecting a particular answer that she does not obtain;
the teacher tries to get it by posing easier and easier questions. If along the process,
the target knowledge disappears completely or nearly completely (as this knowledge is no longer necessary to answer the teachers questions), we have a Topaze
effect. One of its characteristics is that the didactical contract is not apparently
broken: the expected answer has been produced and the teacher did not give the
answer. However, the knowledge necessary to produce this answer is not identical
to the knowledge which the teacher aimed at originally.

Common Instances of Topaze Effects

The paradoxes of the didactical contract and their effects become especially
visible when teachers move from pedagogies based on knowledge transmission
towards those inspired by constructivism. Within the constraints imposed, particularly time constraints, designing tasks whose solving allows the students to
produce the target knowledge through a-didactic interaction with a milieu
(cf. Chap. 4) is difficult. When these conditions are not fulfilled, which happens
frequently, maintaining the didactical contract and the fiction of a pure constructive pedagogy often leads to Topaze effects. Short-cuts between action and institutionalization, even in situations with evident a-didactic potential, can also lead
to Topaze effects as shown for instance in Artigue (2009).


A. Bikner-Ahsbahs et al.

Criteria for Identifying Topaze Effects in TeacherStudents


Taking into account the definition above and the research literature, we articulate
four criteria which could be used for identifying an instance of the Topaze effect:
(a) The teacher has a precise expectation in terms of students answers.
(b) There is a substantial distance between the students initial productions and
utterances and these expectations.
(c) One can observe a succession of questions or dialogue piloted by the teacher
for obtaining the expected answer drastically reducing the mathematical
meaning of it.
(d) When the expected answer is produced, the teacher tries to maintain the fiction
that the answer is really significant and that the didactical contract has not
been broken.
Considering the extra video on Task 3 with these criteria, a first glance led us to
conjecture the existence of a Topaze effect.


Analysis of the Video:

Questioning the Topaze Effect Interpretation

The systematic analysis of the video within the perspective described in Sect. 12.1.1
leads to questioning the affordance of the a-didactic milieu for answering the teachers question at the beginning of this episode: What happens to the exponential
function for very large x?
The affordances of the milieu are: the DGS files, the social interactions, the experience already gained by the students through their explorations with this digital
media, and its results. These experiences are expressed in the students written report:
Being an exponential function, it increases and increases more and more at the infinite.

For x very small, that is taking a piece of graph smaller and smaller, we can approximate the blue line and its behavior: for small x we can approximate the curve of the
graph to many lines that touch each other in a point of always increasing slope.
The more a becomes big, the more the blue line increases its slope, since for a same
space x, y increases more and more.
The slope of the tangent line of an exponential function increases more and more, as x
increases, since it is tangent to a curve that increases more and more to infinity.
On the contrary for a < 1 the graph decreases less and less and hence the tangent line
will have a negative slope but always smaller. (cf. Chap. 2, Fig. 2.4, Task 3)

Considering these elements, and the analysis already developed of the first video on
Tasks 1 and 2, we hypothesize from a priori analysis that interaction with the teacher
can reasonably lead to insight into the following asymptotic behavior of the
exponential function: this is an increasing function which tends towards infinity
when x increases towards infinity, and whose increasing slope also tends towards

12 Topaze Effect: A Case Study on Networking of IDS and TDS


infinity. We also hypothesize that the connection between this type of behavior and
the phenomenon that the graph is becoming more and more vertical for increasing
values of x will require the teachers help for becoming accessible to the students.
What happens in the actual interaction? Giovannis first utterance is a bit distant
from these expectations: but always for a very big this straight line, when they meet
each other, there it is again that is it approximates the, the function very well,
because (see Appendix, transcript of the extra video, line 1). What attracts his
attention seems indeed to be the quality of the approximation provided by the secant
(meaning a locally nearly tangent) for large values of x. Perceptively, the secant and
the curve seem to go on together after the contact points (which is not the case for
smaller values of x where the secant and the curve progressively separate). In fact, the
exponential function being convex, after the second point of intersection of abscissa
x + x, the curve must stay above the secant. Thus if the secant looks nearly vertical,
the curve and the secant necessarily look glued together. From that, the students
erroneous impression results in that the affine approximation has a global character
and not just a local one. Changing the scale or reasoning on the respective rates of
change of affine and exponential functions may lead the students to see that this interpretation is invalid.
Considering the teachers habits, he rather strangely chooses another way: he
interrupts Giovanni who was at the point of developing an explanation (because)
and asks him: what straight line, sorry? He then expresses doubts about the
possibility of intersection (line 4), uses the expression vertical straight line not
used by Giovanni himself (line 8), insists on the fixed abscissa of the line (line 8),
and then addresses Carlo (line 10): He [G] was saying that this vertical straight line
approximates very well the exponential function. This succession of verbal
exchanges and accompanying gestures lead us to think that, for him, the line shown
by Giovanni is no longer a secant but a vertical line, and that he interprets Giovannis
utterances as the claim that a vertical straight line can approximate very well an
exponential function, a claim that he cannot accept and thus tries to invalidate.
Why such a reaction? Our interpretation is that his expertise in the educational
use of ICT makes the teacher especially sensitive to Giovannis first utterance,
relating it to common mistakes made by students in such environments due to the
fact that the graphical representation of a function with a sufficiently big slope cannot be perceptively distinguished from a vertical line. Teacher experts in ICT use
know that students do not necessarily see the contradiction between this perceptual
evidence and the fact that a function defined for every real number cannot have a
vertical asymptote or no part of its graphical representation can be a vertical line.
Many characteristics of the observed interaction indicate that, being used to
facing such mistakes, the teacher has developed specific techniques to manage
them, and that these techniques rely on the potential of semiotic games (as shown in
Chap. 3). He does not make particular efforts to elucidate what this idea of good
approximation means for Giovanni. Regardless of what Giovannis perception of the
curve is, he wants to convince the students that the exponential curve cannot have a


A. Bikner-Ahsbahs et al.

vertical approximation because it must cross any vertical line.2 When Giovanni, in
defending his vision regarding the approximation, says (line 13): that is, if the
function increases more and more, more and more, then it also becomes almost3 a
vertical straight line, the teacher replies (line 14): eh, this is what seems to you by
looking at; but imagine that if you have x = 100 billions, there is this barrieris it
overcome sooner or later, or not?, introducing the word barrier and an extraordinarily large value 100 billions. After getting Giovannis agreement, he insists (line
16): when it is overcome, this x 100 billions, how many x do you still have at disposal, after 100 billions?, until reaching the conclusion that the exponential function will go on for infinite values of x beyond this barrier.
All along the exchange, we see strong connections with gestures, which is typical
for semiotic games: the teacher passes from pointing to crossing the two forefingers
when he expresses doubts about the meeting of the curve and the line; a gesture
insists on the fixed value of the abscissa for the vertical line when his left hand
moves vertically; his right hand moves rightwards when saying that the exponential
function later goes on, simulating a barrier with his right hand. Nevertheless, the
coherence between students and teachers gestures which is characteristic of such
games (cf. Chap. 11) is lacking here. The teachers gestures seem to be more useful
for supporting a pre-determined argumentation than to help Giovanni elaborate his
own views and gestures. Giovanni continues to defend his vision, for instance when
he says (line 5): yes, yes they meet each other or resists4 giving up his vision,
which can be seen in his answer in line 13 already quoted above. Eventually, though,
Giovanni seems to give up.
Can we interpret this episode as a Topaze effect? Let us come back to the criteria
articulated above. We do not exactly know the answer(s) the teacher expected when
raising the initial question, but this is not the most important point. The Topaze
effect, if there is one, is not linked to this answer but to Giovannis first utterance
interpreted by the teacher in terms of a vertical asymptote. Undoubtedly, the teacher
has a precise expectation regarding this point: he wants the two students to reject
this claim. If we consider the second criterion, there is substantial distance between
Giovannis initial utterance and the teachers expectation, but the exact meaning of
this utterance is not clear. Regarding the third criterion, the succession of questions
or dialogue is piloted by the teacher. Is it a clear Topaze pattern, progressively
reducing drastically the mathematical substance of the answers? Undoubtedly,
the teacher retains the full mathematics responsability and strongly orientates the
students answers. From the beginning of the episode, he imposes his interpretation

This connection is not obvious as explained above, all the more so as Giovanni did not say that
the line or the curve were vertical, but it is not discussed at all in this episode.
Emphasis added by us.
We can speak about resistance, but if we take for granted that the teacher, through connotation,
challenges the students, there is no resistance: Giovanni takes over the challenge and gives an

12 Topaze Effect: A Case Study on Networking of IDS and TDS


of Giovannis first utterance and develops an argumentation which the students have
to adhere to rather than contribute to. His reaction when Giovanni tries to explain his
position again (line 13) shows this very clearly: eh, this is what it seems to you by
looking at; but (line 14) and he introduces the 100 billion value for x. At the end,
Giovannis contribution is reduced to few words: yes (line 15), infinite (line 17),
infinite points (line 19), directly induced by the teachers discourse: Is [this barrier] overcome sooner or later? (line 14), how many x do you still have at disposal,
after 100 billions? (line 16), how much can you go ahead after 100 billions? (line
18). The episode ends by the following sentence of the teacher: then the exponential function goes ahead on its own, doesnt it? (line 20), a formulation that goes
beyond what has been already said, expressing in an anthropomorphic way the fact
that the line and the curve must separate, and once again looking for the agreement
of the students. This seems more important than sustaining the fiction that the
answer is significant and that the didactical contract has not been broken. However,
obtaining the agreement of the students is also a way of keeping the didactical contract alive.
For all these reasons, this episode has many more facets which cannot be easily
assigned to a Topaze effect. Of course some characteristics of the Topaze effect are
The teacher takes the mathematics responsibility, and he sets the mathematical
goal that he wants students to reach.
Students utterances are not really considered for themselves but only up to the
point to which they contribute to the teachers goal.
The last utterances (after line 14) are rather typical of the linguistic format of
the Topaze effect, with one student eventually saying the word expected by the
teacher, directly prompted by his question.
However, in this episode, the teacher does not hide either his expectations or his
arguments from the students. In the last utterances, Giovannis contribution drastically reduces, but not necessarily because he cannot contribute more to the mathematical exchange. Instead, he seems more to give up and play the minimal role he
may play for not breaking the didactical relationship. Everything happens as if
Giovanni was playing the role he has to play in a typical Topaze scene, without
being personally convinced. From the beginning, he expresses his vision confidently.
When he gives up we cannot be sure that he has been convinced that he is wrong.
For all these reasons, even if some criteria of a Topaze effect are fulfilled, it
would not be appropriate to interpret this episode as a Topaze effect. It is interesting
to mention a similar conclusion given in another case (Artigue 2009). That article
analyzed an Italian classroom episode and raised the issue of the dependence of
effects such as the Topaze effect upon more global characteristics of the classroom
culture and associated patterns of interaction. But we also point out that this episode
cannot be considered as an illustration of the potential of semiotic games as
described in Chap.11.


A. Bikner-Ahsbahs et al.

Comment by the APC Team

In fact, a semiotic game can be described as follows, considering the same structure
of criteria used for the Topaze effect. This comparison will make evident the major
differences between the two didactical phenomena, as well as the difference between
a genuine semiotic game and what happened in the extra video on Task 3:
(a) The teacher has a precise expectation regarding the mathematical reference in
the students answers.
(b) The teacher is observing that the students initial semiotic productions are close
to the expected mathematical productions: this proximity is an indicator for the
teacher that the student is entering a zone of proximal development for the
concept at stake.
(c) There is a studentteacher interaction where typically the teacher lends the
student the right words and/or signs to express verbally and/or symbolically
what he judges to be on the way to the right answer considering the students
semiotic productions. To stress the correctness of students answers, he echoes
students non-verbal productions: hence he takes the responsibility of a multimodal production, which supports the students to formulate what they were
grasping in fuzzy and imprecise language in more proper mathematical language. In doing so, the mathematical meaning of the students answer increases.
The students are put in the condition of being able to express it in the shared
scientific language.
(d) When the expected answer is produced, the teacher underlines that the answer
is really significant and that the didactical contract has been fulfilled.
Comparing this characterization of the semiotic game with that of the Topaze effect,
it is possible to see how both start from the same assumption about the teacher (a),
but then follow a parallel but very different path (b, c, d).
The previous discussion of the video points out that there are some characteristics
which suggest a semiotic game. Namely, the teacher takes the mathematical responsibility and makes a multimodal production. However, this production is not based
on the production of the student: Giovannis gestures are not echoed by the teacher.
Instead, he produces a different gesture guided by his idea about Giovannis possible mistake. The last exchanges are completely different from what happens in the
final part of a semiotic game. Giovanni says the expected answer to which the
teacher guided him, according to the plot of the Topaze effect, and this is not a
verbal description of what he had previously pictured through his gestures and
Similarly to what happens for the pseudo-Topaze effect illustrated above, we
have here a sort of denaturated semiotic game.
There could be many reasons for the students and the teacher playing a
pseudo-Topaze effect game and a pseudo-semiotic game (desire of avoiding a conflict, student/teacher personalities, classroom culture, etc.) so that one can hypothesize that this happens more frequently in the mathematics classroom than one
might think. It would be very interesting to look for such phenomena in a more

12 Topaze Effect: A Case Study on Networking of IDS and TDS


general way: possibly there is a sort of comedy of errors that may happen in the
classroom behind such games, which are only partially described by the Topaze
effect or the semiotic game.


Discussion: Back to the Construct of Topaze Effect

This analysis led us to deepen the reflection about the Topaze effect and, for that
purpose, to look more systematically at how the literature handles it. Strangely, this
did not turn out to be easy. Most often, when the existence of a Topaze effect was
mentioned, it was without providing detailed elements of the episode, as if its
identification was not problematic and not deserving detailed justification. We
explain this situation, at least partly, by the fact that the idea of Topaze effect
obtained a strong adhesion within the research community immediately after its
introduction by Brousseau. Everyone recognized a familiar phenomenon and from
that moment could label it. The Topaze effect naturalized too quickly in the sense
that it was so directly adopted and integrated in didactic analyses that the notion
remained somehow not sufficiently worked out.
Another point is that, in the few cases providing a detailed description, we hardly
found the qualification of Topaze effect fully convincing. Without entering into
details, let us illustrate this point. In the example given by Hersant (2004), the aim
of the teacher is that students express the application of a percentage of increase
(5 %) as a multiplication by a decimal number (0.05). Instead, she just gets as an
answer the operation 20. She tries to get help from a pupil but quickly reduces
her explanation to elucidating the way 0.05 can be obtained from the two numbers
100 and 5 without referring to the sense of the problem (deposit and interest). In this
way, the exercise becomes purely formal. In this episode, the teacher has a clear
expectation in terms of answer; the way the answer is produced and then shared in
the classroom does not guarantee that the pupils have understood why the multiplication by 0.05 links the deposit and interest. The fiction of shared understanding
which closes the episode creates thus a proximity to a Topaze effect. Nevertheless,
we do not observe the progressive disappearance of knowledge under the pressure
of the didactic contract characteristic of the Topaze effect.
This is also the case in most episodes mentioned by Novotna and Hospesova
(2007, 2008) where teachers reduce the students mathematical work to solving
simple and isolated tasks. This certainly affects the meaning of mathematical
knowledge for students, but the episodes do not show teachers facing the paradoxical injunctions of the didactic contract through an absence of answer or an unexpected answer. They are not progressively negotiating down the mathematical
demand of the task for maintaining the fiction that the didactical game functions as
it should do.
Our position is that such a broad extension of the applicability of the Topaze
effect is not helpful. It could make us forget that the functioning of classrooms is
based on joint action between students and teachers. As stressed by Sensevy (2012),


A. Bikner-Ahsbahs et al.

if one essential characteristic of the didactic joint action is that it imposes some level
of didactic reticence5 on the teacher, effective joint action requires the teacher to
regularly relax this reticence for making the interaction of the students with the
a-didactic milieu productive. There is a permanent tension for the teacher between
directly helping students in their difficulties with a situation (thus relaxing the
didactic reticence) and not saying too much. In the language of the theory of joint
action, Topaze effects correspond to situations when, for maintaining the didactical
contract, the progressive relaxation of the didactic reticence destroys completely the
epistemic game. In some sense, the distance of a particular episode involving such
a relaxation to a Topaze effect measures up to what point this relaxation alters the
epistemic game.


Analyses from an Interactionist Perspective

Whereas the TDS team at first identified a Topaze effect and then started to restrict
this spontaneous conceptualization, the interactionist perspective adopted in the
IDS approach had suggested the identification of a phenomenon that emerges
through social interactions, namely a stepwise execution of a funnel communication
pattern. This pattern produces a solution of a task while the teacher stepwise narrows his answer expectations to make the student express the expected one.
The more thorough analysis of the video in the TDS-approach (in Sect. 12.1) has
shown that this episode does not fulfill all the criteria of the Topaze effect. In this
section, we report on how the IDS team analyzed the video in order to find out if this
implies that we do not observe a funnel pattern. Before presenting the answer to this
question (in Sect. 12.2.2), we explain the theoretical approach in which the funnel
pattern is embedded.


Patterns of Social Interactions

Based on empirical data of mathematics classrooms, Bauersfeld was the first to

reconstruct a funnel communication pattern (Bauersfeld 1978, p. 162). The funnel
communication pattern is a specific interaction pattern, and might explain how the
Topaze effect emerges, becoming solidified step by step during a process of social
interaction in a mathematics classroom. Bauersfeld calls the funnel pattern narrowing

didactic reticence is the term used by Sensevy (2012) to characterize the teachers tension that
Brousseau (1997) describes in the didactical relation. The teacher cannot directly mention to the
students the things he wants them learn (because of the hypothesis that the learning happens
through an interaction with a milieu, putting the teacher in a tension of not saying directly what he
could be tempted to say). This constraint for the teacher to remain silent on things he knows is
called the rticence didactique.

12 Topaze Effect: A Case Study on Networking of IDS and TDS


of actions by expected answer [our translation of Handlungsverengung durch

Antworterwartung] (ibid., p. 162) and states that at any moment in the process, a
change in this pattern would be possible but with reducing grades of freedom. The
funnel pattern begins with an open question or task and is constituted through five
steps (ibid., p. 162, our translation):
(a) The student does not recognize the mathematical operation or is not able to
draw an adequate conclusion.
(b) The teacher asks an additional question but gets a false answer or does not get
any answer.
(c) The teacher continues his effort to get at least part of the expected answer.
Understanding is no longer approached.
(d) Missing the expected answer, the teacher tends to narrow his efforts, aiming at
just what is expected being said, no matter who says it. Self-determined behavior
of the students decreases and at the same time the situation becomes more and
more emotionalized.
(e) The process is finished as soon as the answer occurs, no matter whether the
student or the teacher has produced it.
According to Bauersfeld (1978), the teacher experiences the impact of interaction
patterns only pre-consciously. In his prototypic example, the teacher wanted to
adapt her assistance to the level of students competencies. However, she overlooked
that the main goal of learning mathematics insightfully could not be reached this
way. In order to gain deeper insight, students would have to change their views in
the direction of seeing a new mathematical structure. According to Bauersfeld, this
insight could be initiated by a change of the didactical model or a change of means
of description that provides access to building necessary knowledge for getting
insights (1978, p. 166ff.). However, he leaves open how exactly such a change could
be achieved.
The perspective of looking at social interactions in mathematics classrooms
builds on the same background theory of social constructivism (cf. Jungwirth 2003)
as the theory of interest-dense situations (cf. Chap. 7) but with the focus on how
interaction patterns are constituted. The five steps that shape a funnel pattern cannot
be understood as a result of cause and effect, they rather are constituted by zugzwangs during the interaction that are the results of mutually normative obligations
(cf. Voigt 1983, p. 198) such as the teachers obligation to make the student learn and
the students obligation to show having reached the goal. Voigt distinguishes experience patterns and interaction patterns. (Voigt 1983). For example, a teacher may
observe a specific mistake such as the sum of two fractions is built by adding the
numerator and the denominator separately that occurs repeatedly in different mathematics classrooms in similar ways. As a result, the teacher builds an experience
pattern about this mistake that may direct his behavior whenever adding fractions is
a topic in the class.
While experience patterns are built by individuals, an interaction pattern emerges
in the social interaction of a group based on the individuals experience patterns.
An interaction pattern consists of successive actions that are guided and coordinated


A. Bikner-Ahsbahs et al.

by zugzwangs and routine actions (Voigt 1983, p. 198). For example, a teacher may
react to the beforementioned mistake of adding fractions by asking the whole class
does someone want to react? Given that the class has experienced this teacher
reaction whenever there has been a mistake, they take it as an indicator of being
mistaken and are forced to express it even without knowing the right answer. If the
students do not explain why, it is the teachers turn to ask why there is a mistake.
The individual experience patterns of the teacher and the students have guided their
behavior. The teachers first question forces the students to react; a zugzwang
occurs. Shaped by two routine utterances (does someone want to react and this is
wrong) and mutual obligations to act in a specific way, this social interaction reaches
a point where the students are forced to reason on the mistake. An interaction pattern of handling a mistake is constituted. Routine actions have facilitated class interaction (ibid., p. 207).
A funnel pattern is a specific interaction pattern that is carried out step by step in
the course of everyday action routines concerning interlocutors perceptions, expectations, and interpretations. Methodically, interaction patterns can be reconstructed
with the help of an interpretative approach, and, specifically, a sequential turn-by-turn
analysis (Jungwirth 2003).
In an expectation recessive interaction structure (cf. Chap. 7) the teacher focuses
on the students line of thought, hence a funnel pattern can never occur within such
an interaction structure and therefore cannot appear within interest-dense situations.
As described in Chap. 11, the constitution of an interest-dense situation is not
successful in the analyzed video. Is there a funnel pattern that may hinder its


Is the Video an Example of a Funnel Pattern?

The episode begins with the students attempt to answer the question of what
happens to the function for very large x. Giovanni seems to work out an answer in
broken language, hence, while talking and gesturing the train of thought is worked
out (line 1). This can be interpreted as a kind of exploration in which the language
cannot be used precisely. However, Giovanni cannot finish his contribution because
the teacher interrupts him (line 2). Since the teacher normally offers a lot of space
for exploring (cf. Chap. 2), there must be a good reason for his behavior. He seems
to have observed a potential mistake that he might have found in other classrooms:
the mistake that students believe that the exponential function has a vertical asymptote. Therefore, he might have wanted to prevent the two students from going in the
wrong direction. However, Giovanni resists by explaining that his train of thought
follows the task this here (pointing at the screen), for x very, very big (line 3).
Again the teacher focuses on what he thinks was the wrong point: graph and line
meet and the line is observed as vertical. For him it seems that the student lacks
insight into his mistake. In a challenging way the teacher asks, will they meet each
other (line 4). The student tries to imagine the graph for very large x, connecting the
idea of a large x with what he observes on the screen: there he perceives the

12 Topaze Effect: A Case Study on Networking of IDS and TDS


approximation between the graph and the tangent line constructed as a secant
between two narrow points. Giovanni describes this straight line as almost vertical
(line 13). Following his own train of thought, he says, that is, yes, yes they meet
each other (line 5), just as the inscription on the screen had been constructed. The
teacher now crosses his fingers as a hint while saying, but after their meeting, what
happens? (line 6). Giovanni does not seem to agree: eheh, eh no, it makes so
(line 7), imitating the finger crossing, but differently from the teacher: his hands
touch while crossing fingers, referring to the idea of approximation as he has seen it
on the screen (screenshot 7).
Thus, again, he follows his own line of thought referring to the visualization on
the computer screen and the construction of the lines. The student interprets the
situation according to what was visible on the screen whereas the teacher has a
mistake in mind. The teacher starts with ok, meaning that he accepts the answer,
and explains: ah, ok, this then continues, this (showing the graph after the finger
crossing with his hands), the vertical straight line, has a well fixed x, hasnt it? The
exponential function later goes on increasing the x, doesnt it? Do you agree? Or
not? (line 8, that a vertical line has a fixed x whereas for the exponential function
x can vary). The question, Do you agree? Or not? (line 8) constitutes a zugzwang
for the student since both statements are true. If the student did not agree, he would
show that he did not understand. Thus, Giovanni is obliged to say yes (line 9).
Stating something that cannot be doubted is a routine action to get agreement on
which further argumentation can be built. But yes does not mean that Giovanni
agrees with the whole situation. Agreement is expected just for the different roles of
the variable x and this cannot be withdrawn.
In line 10 the teacher expresses his interpretation of the students first utterance.
At this point the experience patterns of the student and the teacher become clearer:
The teachers view including possible experience patterns: The teacher normally
would support the students thinking, but in this case he reacts differently. In his
view he observes a wrong idea about the exponential function. Straight line is
interpreted as vertical probably because the student points to the screen showing
an almost vertical line. Since the teacher drops into the students exploration, he
does not exactly know how the students have got the inscription on the screen.
He might want to prevent the students from a wrong understanding about the
slope of the exponential function and therefore insists on clarifying it. In line 10
the teacher formulates a proposition transforming Giovannis utterance into a
statement, directing it as an explanation to Carlo.
The students view including possible experience patterns: The computer shows
a diagram in which the straight line is nearly a tangent to the graph of the exponential function; for very large x the slope increases. The student envisions the
approximation at the tangent point and knows that this line is not vertical
(line 13). The work with the computer serves as an argumentation base on which
the teacher usually builds supporting the students thinking.
If we compare this with the situation that Bauersfeld describes, we observe a
deep difference. The starting point is an open question, but the student here is
deeply involved in getting insight. There is nothing wrong when the teacher


A. Bikner-Ahsbahs et al.

interferes. The teacher seems to observe a mistake and therefore interrupts

Giovanni. He is so focused on the supposed mistake that he is not able to listen
exactly, but instead hears what is in his mind. This mistake might belong to an
experience pattern of the teacher. The student does not try to decode the teachers
expectation. Since the teacher is acting steered by expectations and the student
tries to follow his own way of thinking, we observe a conflicting situation (cf.
Chap. 7, Table 7.1; cf. Bikner-Ahsbahs 2005, p. 192ff.). Therefore the beginning
of the interaction is not a starting point for a funnel pattern. It is not even a starting point for an interaction pattern. It begins with a potential for an interestdense situation and maybe it would have become one if the teacher had built on
the students perception.
In line 11 Giovanni again legitimates his answer for x that are very very
big, but does not refuse the term vertical which the teacher used in line 10.
Giovanni still is involved in his own thinking but, with the following utterance of
the teacher, Giovanni is somehow trapped: for how big x? 100 billions? x = 100
billions? (line 12). Giovannis utterance becomes the starting point of staging an
interaction as a proof by contradiction, that is, orchestrating the social interaction
by attributing roles the teacher and the students have to play. The short question
how big takes over the students utterance. But this confuses Giovanni. The student again describes his view of the function and how it develops for large x:
because at a certain point, that is, if the function increases more and more, more
and more, then it also becomes almost a vertical straight line (line 13). The teacher
asks for a fixed point x but Giovannis image about the graph of the exponential
function together with a never-ending slope is more dynamic. Giovanni grasps
something that is not yet part of his knowledge and thus cannot be expressed by
words. The teacher interprets almost vertical as approximating a vertical
asymptote, which is not correct. Claiming that the screen offers a wrong impression, the teacher refuses the students base of argumentation: eh, this is what it
seems to you by looking at (line 14), and goes back taking a large, but fixed, value
x = 100 billions as a starting point for building a proof by contradiction. He continues: is it [this barrier] overcome sooner or later, or not? (line 14). Giovanni is
committed to agree because the teachers statement is true, thus he confirms with a
one-word sentence: yes (line 15). In the teachers view the value of x (x = 100
billions) is only one example for a specific barrier. To clarify this crossing argument, he says, when it is overcome, this x 100 billions, how many x do you still
have at disposal, after 100 billions? (line 16), and indicates with his hands that he
expects infinite as an answer (line 17). That is just the answer of Giovanni but the
connection with the original problem meanwhile is lost. The teacher confirms this
answer by repeating infinite and asks how far the exponential function can reach
according to the x-values: and how much can you go ahead after 100 billion?
(line 18). However, the answer is infinite points, which can be interpreted as
points of the graph of the exponential function, illustrating it by an upward gesture.
The teacher, however, interprets this answer as x-values that the exponential function may reach. Finally, the teacher indicates the separation of the graph from the
original straight line.

12 Topaze Effect: A Case Study on Networking of IDS and TDS


Like for the Topaze effect, conceptualizing the phenomenon as a funnel

pattern does not completely reflect the complexity of the situation. Since the
original task has changed implicitly, Giovannis resistance can be understood as
keeping involved in the original task but the teacher seems to interpret his
behavior as resistance to getting insight into the false view the teacher has identified. Therefore criteria (a) and (b) of the funnel pattern are not fulfilled. From
line 14, two levels of actions are conducted. On the perlocutionary level (cf.
Chaps. 7 and 11), the teachers intention is to convince the student by a proof of
contradiction which he does not expect the students to produce by themselves.
Understanding is not basically approached (part of criterion c). On the illocutionary level, criterion (d) becomes fulfilled, but partly for different reasons:
without an argumentation base, the self-determined behavior of the student is
given up, as is shown by him producing the expected one-word agreement that
the teacher tries to get by his narrow questions. In addition, the situation
becomes emotionalized. From the teachers view, criterion (e) is fulfilled as he
himself finishes the proof and the student agrees, but the students behavior
indicates that he has not fully given up his own view.
We can also conclude that the teachers experience pattern of a specific mistake
attracts the teachers attention by key words and makes the teacher blind to the students views. Giovannis experience pattern (saying that the teacher supports the
students way of arguing) empowers his effort to explain his own view. Since these
two experience patterns do not fit, a conflicting situation occurs. The teacher seems
to approach this conflict through previously proven routines, such as demanding
confirmation of incontestable facts and disempowering the student by depriving him
of his argumentation base. Therefore, this episode might be typical for correcting a
mistake shaped by four partly overlapping phases: the teachers identification of a
mistake, parrying the students approaches of justification, extracting the argumentation base from the student, and stage-managing a proof of contradiction to
convince the student. Together, these partly result in a funnel pattern: the teacher
offers statements or narrow questions with obviously clear answers that the student
feels obliged to confirm by either saying yes or answering with one- or two-word
sentences. Thus the emergence of an interest-dense situation is not disturbed by a
funnel pattern rather, the partly resulting funnel pattern is a consequence of the
disruption of the emergence of an interest-dense situation.


Networking of the Approaches


The Topaze effect and the funnel pattern seem to describe a similar empirical
phenomenon in which the difference between the teachers specific content expectations and the students possibilities to act mathematically cannot be bridged and
therefore they interactively establish a process of keeping the didactical contract


A. Bikner-Ahsbahs et al.

alive and fulfilling the teachers expectation without producing mathematical

insight. Both conceptualized phenomena describe a fiction about learning: on the
surface the answer is produced, but this does not necessarily go hand in hand with
students insight into mathematics.
In this case, the two analyses converge in a refutation: the video neither shows a
Topaze effect nor a funnel pattern. Instead, the two analyses clarify the complementary nature of the concepts: one perspective is able to describe aspects that the other
perspective has left aside. The TDS-analysis classically highlights the epistemological view of the situation by referring to the potential of interaction with the
milieu and the difficulties met by the teacher for maintaining the didactical contract
when this potential is insufficient. In this case, however, the teacher suddenly no
longer accepts the students arguments because he considers them to be in conflict
with the expected mathematical knowledge. Therefore, the teacher moves the didactical contract and tries to make the students enter a new game, that of a proof by
contradiction. As Giovanni resists this change, the interaction does not constitute a
Topaze effect. We observe a split in two of the initial situation (Comiti and Grenier
1995): the teacher and the student interact but they do not play the same game. This
split apparently vanishes when Giovanni gives up, thus the alignment of Giovanni
with the teacher gives the impression of a Topaze effect.
The interactionist perspective underlying the IDS approach shows how the
specificity of the situation emerges step by step through social interactions constituting mathematical meanings that are not necessarily based on insight and how
emotional experience is intensified in parallel. But this analysis also shows that the
underlying crisis is not solved. The fiction that the teacher and the student share
their views is covered, since the student does not really give up his view although
he gives up his resistance. Here, the final steps of a funnel pattern are part of socially
staging a proof by contradiction that itself is part of an interaction pattern of socially
correcting a mistake.
At a more general level, the TDS view that the didactic contract must be kept
even if it is just fictional offers a deeper reason why interaction patterns may occur:
if the contract had to be kept no matter how, teacher and student could become
unconfident and just try to keep their roles as teacher who is teaching and as student
who is learning. A possible consequence might be that they carefully orient themselves according to the supposed expectation of the other, step by step producing
what the teacher wants to hear. We observe two argumentation bases: on the one
hand, the inscription on the computer screen and the work behind it; and, on the
other hand, the teachers background knowledge to which the student does not have
access. When the students argumentation base is withdrawn, the social contract that
the teacher supports the student is broken. In order to keep the didactic relationship,
the student gives up his resistance officially. Two levels of thinking occur: the
surface or stage level on which the teacher and the student socially produce a proof
by contradiction; and the backstage level on which the student keeps his view
alive. Through acting on these two levels, the fiction of agreement can be kept.
The second task, proving that the exponential function cannot be approximated
by any vertical straight line, emerges within the situation. The milieu with which

12 Topaze Effect: A Case Study on Networking of IDS and TDS


the students interact is not at all a support for producing the proof expected.
Therefore the teacher has to create a fictive milieu through his actions, discourse,
and gestures in order to reach a solution. From the interactionist view, this is done
by an interaction pattern. In order to make learning more likely, the milieu would
have to be changed. In saying that the teacher should change the didactical model,
Bauersfeld (1978, p. 70) goes in the same direction, but his theoretical approach
does not offer a frame for constructing such a milieu. However, this is just what
TDS is able to offer, for instance by zooming in another screen that would provide
evidence that the tangent line never can be vertical.


Comment from the ATD Approach

To go further in the networking of the approaches, the analysis proposed by ATD

(cf. Chap. 5) can also be brought into the scene. The split of the situation pointed out
in the previous TDS and IDS interpretations can be brought back to an initial characteristic (or even contradiction) of the teachers didactic strategy, labeled as an
empiricist approach: by looking at the graph and interacting with it, students are
supposed to be able to read some characteristics of exponential functions and
formulate them as general properties of these functions. However, in the video, the
asymptotic behavior of the function is not visible on the graph; it should be
inferred by what is observed but cannot be seen. While the students go on with the
description of their observations following the didactic contract previously established in the class, the teacher moves to another milieu: the logical reasoning that
is supposed to work against the very empirical evidence perceived on the graph.
The media-milieu dialectic put into the scene to convey all the work (cf. Chap. 10)
becomes problematic: how can the students know when the milieu provided by the
dynamic geometry file is adequate and when it is not? How can the teacher convince
them that what has been supporting the production of knowledge about exponential
functions in previous learning situations (the description of what is seen on the
DGS files) is no longer valid? The empiricist principle that seems to partially support the teachers didactic strategy as was pointed out in the first ATD analysis (see
Sect. 5.2) is here showing its limitations.



What is the nature of the networking undertaken here? It seems close to the strategy
comparing and contrasting, but certainly more than contrasting took place.
Comparing and contrasting the two analyses (from the TDS view and the social constructivist view) led to an awareness of the resonance between the two conceptualized
phenomena on the one hand and their specificities on the other. It deepened the
understanding of the strength of the epistemic position in TDS and showed that the


A. Bikner-Ahsbahs et al.

analysis of interactions led by this epistemic view was less sensitive to other characteristics of the social interaction. On the other hand, the idea of the didactic contract
that produces mutual obligations for social interaction, and the insight that an insufficient milieu forces the teacher to change the milieu within the situation, have both
deepened the understanding of the episode from the interactionist view underlying
the IDS approach. Contrasting both analyses showed how they could complement
each other, one consolidating the other and contributing to a joint improved understanding of the episode, in this way providing a coherent picture of the situation.
In this sense, we experienced scientific progress, namely a step of developing
theoretical understanding towards increasing explicitness of the theories principles
(Radford 2008) and improving connectivity (Bikner-Ahsbahs and Prediger 2010,
p. 506). We now reflect on what we mean by progressing, describing it based on
the networking in this case.


Progressing by Working Out a More Mature

and Dense Understanding of Our Own Home Theory

Often episodes in situations are labelled as a Topaze effect when forms of interaction
between teacher and students progressively reduce the mathematical responsibility
of students. However, such an interpretation can be an oversimplification. While
initially interpreting the video in terms of the Topaze effect, we fell into such a trap.
The necessity of overcoming the apparent contradiction between the proposed interpretations of the different research teams obliged us to go back to the foundational
text by Brousseau, looking for further texts elaborating this notion and for examples
of Topaze effects in the literature. In doing so, we discovered that this notion had
naturalized very quickly, without any substantial work of elaboration. Moreover,
when looking for examples in the literature, we observed a tendency to label very
diverse forms of relaxation of the didactic reticence as Topaze effects. Networking
thus helped the TDS team to become conscious of this premature naturalization,
which may constitute a barrier for researchers of other cultures but also for the
advancement of our own research. Thus, we have been able to create a vision in
terms of degree of proximity with the theoretical object by deconstructing and then
reconstructing the Topaze effect as a theoretical construct and, in this way, increasing the Topaze effects epistemological density through the process of networking.
Contrasting it with the concept of a-didactic situations even clarified both roles in
TDS as limit concepts, corresponding to extreme types. This idea of proximity also
connects to the role ideal types have in the IDS methodology and also can be applied
to using the funnel pattern as an analysis tool.
Concerning the interactionist view underlying the IDS approach, networking
through comparing the analyses and the data showed the strong influence of previous
experience on the behavior of the student and the teacher. Therefore, looking only
at the current situation of social interaction as is commonly done in the pure interactionist approach may be superficial. Our analyses also yielded the reconstruction
of an interaction pattern as a socially constructed proof by contradiction, which we

12 Topaze Effect: A Case Study on Networking of IDS and TDS


have not been aware of before. If experienced repeatedly, this interaction pattern
may become part of students experience pattern supporting the development of
competencies in proving. Therefore, interaction patterns are not always misleading,
and might even be fruitful. Finally, through networking, different levels of acting
became more explicit. Routine actions are actions on the stage level whereas additional views of insight supported by individual interest may stay on the backstage
level not shown in social interactions.


Progressing by Focusing on Limitations

of Our Home Theory

Through networking, limitations of our own theoretical background can become

more apparent than in other research approaches. The work with alien data creates
an antagonist milieu (in the sense of TDS, cf. Chap. 4) for the networking enterprise
that gives rise to some resistance for the analyses. This work requires convincing
and negotiating, which in turn demands more in-depth argumentation and theoretical foundation. For instance, the resistance of Giovanni, and what it reveals about
the classroom culture and the place given to the students in it, can only be partially
captured by the TDS constructs such as the a-didactic situation and the milieu, and
even the didactic contract. The pure interactionists lens does not focus on epistemology. Furthermore, this lens has no concept for the mathematical arrangement
similar to the concept of milieu in TDS. Hence, in contrast to TDS, there is no tool
that may suggest how to change the mathematical arrangement. Some of these limitations, however, have been partly overcome (Fetzer 2013; Steinbring 2005).


Progressing by Taking into Account Complementary

Views on Data

The TDS team, while analyzing the video, could not totally explain why the situation
does not degenerate into a complete Topaze effect. Working and discussing with the
IDS team helped them to tackle the data from another perspective, linked here to the
culture of the classroom and its social interactions, and made them pay more
attention to emotive aspects. These aspects might explain why finally Giovanni gave
up. TDS does not directly take them into account; however, such aspects are taken
into account in the IDS perspective. The methodology of the interactionist approach
helps in understanding the situational conditions, for instance by helping us to
address the role of the experience pattern that partly predetermines how Giovanni is
acting. In addition, the IDS approach is concerned with interest development.
This helps us to understand that Giovanni is committed to understanding the
mathematical situation, but that an interest-dense situation has not been established.
But interest indicated at the beginning cannot vanish so quickly; therefore Giovanni
is empowered to keep his view alive even if on the surface level he seems to give up.



A. Bikner-Ahsbahs et al.

Progressing by Comparing and Contrasting

Notions That Are Close to Each Other

The networking process led to a comparison of the Topaze effect with the funnel
pattern by looking more deeply at their characterizations. This made their complementarity apparent, especially in regard to the fact that both focus on the common
idea of keeping the fiction of having taught and learnt mathematics. Through this
comparison, some fundamental differences (in the principles as described by
Radford 2008) between the two theories were identified. In the interactionist perspective, reasoning partially escapes the consciousness, as it is intertwined with
routines and zugzwangs in patterns of interaction. Mathematical meaning is perceived as emergent through social interaction. Epistemological considerations are
left aside. In the TDS, the starting point and its strength is epistemological even if
interactions and their optimization are a central issue, too.



In the process of networking, gaining insight developed in different directions for

the different researchers. However, the trajectories also point to a similarity: superficially, TDS researchers initially interpreted the situation as a Topaze effect; after
a deep analysis, they came to the conclusion that there is a not complete Topaze
effect, but rather a split in the situation. On the other side, IDS researchers initially thought of a funnel pattern, and after the analysis finally concluded with a
restrictive funnel pattern. In these processes, something similar happened to both
groups of theorists.
What is the nature of this similarity? Both theories tried to grasp their conceptualized phenomenon. Both terms describe limit concepts, corresponding to extreme
types. The origin of the similarity is necessarily intrinsically linked to the data.
Reflecting upon that, both groups of theorists arrived at the central idea of fiction.
They tried to catch what seems important regarding their paradigms and principles as
underlines Radford (2008). Through combining by cross-analyses, a common idea
considered in the two theories could be identified: the fiction in the studentteacher
exchange concerning the mathematics learnt. Both theories describe this fiction differently, one with the Topaze effect, the other one with the funnel pattern. We can
learn from such work that there might be similar ideas in different theory cultures that
are described differently because of the preferred focus each theory has. This leads to
the question whether such a fiction belongs to teaching and learning as an intrinsic
feature. In our opinion, such a fiction can exist to some degree each time the teacher
feels obliged by the didactic contract to give substantial responsibility to the students
in the production of new knowledge, because the milieu and forms of joint action do
not necessarily allow this objective to be fulfilled.

12 Topaze Effect: A Case Study on Networking of IDS and TDS


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Part IV


Chapter 13

Beyond the Official Academic Stage.

Dialogic Intermezzo
Stefan Halverscheid

Abstract The chapter goes beyond the official academic stage and presents the
researchers personal experiences during their networking practices and their
reflections on these processes. These experiences and reflections were collected by
individually arranged interviews and then assembled.
Keyword Networking of theories


The Story of This Networking Project

In this book, the products of the Networking Theories Group are presented in ways
in which readers expect researchers to write: from the perspective drawn from
established theories (Part II), from the networking point of view with several theories
on a common research interest (Part III), and from a research methodological point
of view that reflects upon the research processes in the networking activities (Part IV,
following this chapter).
Throughout the work in the Networking Theories Group, the researchers went
through individual stages of experiences with the networking of theories. This chapter
presents an attempt to tell their stories about this networking experience. It should
be viewed as the result of a somewhat journalistic approach: the chapter is organized
via critical questions written in italics below, which serve as guides. These questions
were asked to five researchers from the five teams and theories involved in the book.
Given that it was difficult to string together material from approximately 8 h of
interviews in excerpts of direct speech, the responses are summarized and the
questions slightly altered.
S. Halverscheid (*)
Mathematics Institute, Georg-August-University, Bunsenstr. 3-5,
D-37073 Gttingen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research
Practice in Mathematics Education, Advances in Mathematics Education,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9_13, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014



S. Halverscheid

In the interviews, the expression home theory turned out to be useful when
referring to the theoretical approach with which a researcher usually works. As the
relationship between the home theory and other theoretical approaches is central in
the networking process, it is used here occasionally.


The Initiation of This Networking Project

Mathematics education is still a nascent scientific discipline. Why did you start the
networking project at this stage? Wasnt there enough work left to do on your
home theory?
The Networking Theories Group started to work after the Congress of European
Research on Mathematics Education (CERME) conference in 2005. In a panel and
in a working group, intensive discussions on theoretical perspectives and paradigms
had taken place. All interviewees had noticed limitations of their home theories or
the need to integrate approaches and results of other theories within their own
research. Because the scholars were internationally cross-linked, some of them
felt the need to get to know other theories in a depth that is hard to achieve to a
satisfactory degree simply by reading other scholars papers and listening to some
talks. The group included representatives of both established and relatively new
theoretical approaches.
All participants were convinced that connecting the theoretical approaches was
important to further develop mathematics education, even though most of them said
retrospectively that they had no experience in doing so before the project, and that
the notion of networking emerged slowly. However, the Theory of Didactical
Situations and the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic are different in their
history, as the second emerged as a development of the first, and a mutual dialogue
between them has occurred from scratch.
As empirical researchers at heart, the members of the Networking Theories
Group agreed from the beginning that common work on empirical data was important. Whereas different theoretical approaches can be worked out from an abstract
point of view, words on this meta level can be misleading. To make sure that the
scholars were talking about the same thing while networking of theories, the group
decided to work on data. Besides, the histories of the theories involved in this project
have in common that they were shaped by and developed for the examination of
empirical data. It appeared, therefore, natural to initiate networking processes in the
context of data analyses.
Everybody reads others papers or attends talks. Isnt this already a sort of networking
No, this is actually only a small part of it. The group started first by introducing the
theories to one another (understanding others and making theirs understandable).
Looking back, this encounter was considered to be necessary but not sufficient by

13 Beyond the Official Academic Stage. Dialogic Intermezzo


all interviewees. Some scholars described these first meetings as the beginning of
their networking. They presented their own views with those of the others, such as
by comparing and contrasting views on a theoretical level. Others considered the
readings of the video analyses from different theoretical perspectives (Part II in
this book) as the beginning of their networking. From the point of view of several
interviewees, the networking of theories started at the moment when joint research
questions were worked out or even with the common process of writing on research
papers. All agreed that the potential scope of networking activities is very limited
unless it leads to joint research.


The Work in This Networking Project

What was the main motivation for examining the episodes of Carlo, Giovanni, and
the exponential function? Was it just an exercise for networking theories, or did
it deserve interest in its own right?
The researchers recalled different primary motivations for working on the videos.
The AiC team (working on the theory of epistemic actions of abstraction in context)
noticed well before participating in this project that the comprehension of gestures
in their research might be useful. At the same time, the APC team (working with
the semiotic bundle construct) was interested in studying the context of epistemic
actions. The video of Carlo and Giovanni provided a good opportunity for both
groups to work together.
The Topaze effect case study (cf. Chap. 12) was also initiated by the analyses of
different home theories. Understanding the three competing interpretations of the
same episode was the challenge for this group. It is a remarkable feature of networking dynamics that the question as to whether there is a Topaze effect was
brought up by the APC team. The Topaze effect and the funnel pattern, which were
both early considerations for the episode, were hypotheses that served as driving
These patterns were identified in the first analyses and discussions. It was
striking that the same episode could be interpreted as a semiotic game, on the one
hand, and as a Topaze effect or a funnel pattern, on the other hand. It soon became
clear that a deeper analysis involving the corresponding home theories would be
needed. This, finally, led to certain theoretical clarifications for these notions within
the respective home theories.
Every theory has developed its own way to work with data over the years. Isnt this
a major obstacle to the networking of theories?
The networking activity started from the assumption that even if the data collection
was shaped by the inscription in APC, there was space for analysis of this data using
other theoretical approaches. Looking back, the problems were rather underestimated
at the beginning.


S. Halverscheid

The data in a research context is made for research purposes and this is shaped
by the theoretical approaches. Theories also require a certain type of data. For
instance, in terms of extent versus detail, different theories require different extents
and different details. The intense connection between data and theoretical frames is
highlighted by the experiences of the need for different data and for the knowledge
of phenomena that are typical for certain theoretical constructs. For instance,
talking about a Topaze effect only makes sense using the Theory of Didactical
Situations. Similarly, the funnel pattern is shaped within the interactionist perspective of Bauersfeld (1993), underlying the IDS. At the beginning of the work of the
networking teams, some researchers reported that they worked with notions
from other theories, such as the Topaze effect, on a somewhat metaphorical level.
When the discussion became deeper, the specialists points of view were important,
and a thorough theoretical penetration of these notions was deemed necessary
(cf. Chap. 12).
Some scholars asked themselves, to what extent did the theoretical background
of the involved teacher have an impact on the video, and how should this be dealt
with in the analysis. Domingo is a teacher-researcher who works with the semiotic
bundle. In particular, he is trained in employing gestures in classroom situations.
One of the researchers of the other teams described the beginning of her analysis in
the following manner: First, we found it strange how Domingo acts. The design
of the instructional tasks in the video is less appropriate for certain teams than for
others. For instance, the tasks posed by Domingo were rather explorative and, as
such, not specific enough for AiC in the sense that the knowledge that was intended
to be constructed could not easily be identified. For the involvement of the APC
group in the project, on the other hand, it was helpful to have a teacher whose
approach stimulated the use of gestures and whose video ensured that the gestures
were captured.
For some networking teams, it was difficult to identify sufficient manageable
data on an episode (cf. the documentation in Chaps. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 with initial
and extended data). More than usual, it was necessary to agree to certain compromises concerning the data. For some theories, for instance, it is everyday business
to consider how a teacher acts in a certain situation; if this question becomes
central, it is difficult for theories such as the ATD that do not consider actions at
all. Furthermore, the AiC theory does not describe the role of a teacher in a prominent way: it considers the teacher as a part of the context, which is a very flexible
construct to handle.
Being already experienced in the home theory at the data-recording stage normally
allows the researchers to identify potential problems and fix some of them right
away. However, this will remain a challenge in networking theories where scholars
need to satisfy the needs of the involved theoretical approaches both in the design
process and while recording data. Additionally, even if this were achieved, the data
needs would still change when being utilized in other approaches (cf. Chap. 14 for
a detailed methodological discussion on the role of data).

13 Beyond the Official Academic Stage. Dialogic Intermezzo



Looking Back on This Networking Project

It is not a new thing in (mathematics) education that different theoretical approaches

are employed to consider the same situation. Schoenfeld (2002) describes how to
deal with results from different theoretical backgrounds in the triangulation
method. Before the start of this networking project, Hannula et al. (2004) considered,
for instance, four different frameworks for affect to evaluate these frameworks
from different perspectives. Is networking theories much ado about nothing new?
All interviewees believe that this networking project went beyond what is described
as triangulation. The researchers reported on a couple of experiences that they
had had before these networking practices and that went beyond the method of
triangulation. The main point seemed to be that networking theories influenced the
view on the involved theories or even influenced the theories themselves (cf. Sect.
14.2.1 for a discussion on the differences from triangulation).
Scholars who use networking practices question theoretical approaches and the
values that come with them but strengthen them in the end. For the APC team, it was
difficult when their result that the semiotic game was successful for the extra video
starting after Task 3 was confronted by other analyses that pointed out epistemic
differences in the discussion between the teacher and the students. Apart from the
obvious research question regarding whether these results would be reconcilable,
the other teams first analyses were a blow to the positive values attributed to a
successful semiotic game. In the end, the theoretical clarifications proved to be
necessary, but they confirmed the initial analyses. In the case of APC, this process
put the underlying values into the perspective of the other theories by the introduction of the epistemological gap: the positive attribution to the statement that even
if the semiotic game works this does not yet imply that the underlying epistemic
actions reflect this in the intended manner (cf. Chap. 11).
Are there hands-on effects of networking practices?
Networking of theories helps to make theoretical notions more precise; in fact,
this even applies to highly developed theories, such as TDS. Its legacy includes a
variety of phenomena in the teaching and learning of mathematics that are shaped
by the theory and examined empirically within this approach, such as the Topaze
effect. Confronted with the data examined here, it still became necessary to go back
to the theoretical roots of this effect and to make the definition of this phenomenon
more precise.
Networking of theoretical approaches pushes the involved approaches to their
limits. In this project, this was almost a permanent experience for the Anthropological
Theory of Didactics (ATD). The networking project pushed the researchers to conduct analyses that were motivated by an unusual point of view. For instance, the
ATD team normally does not initially focus on the teacher and her or his actions
unless the teaching and learning process is described. For the AiC, the teacher only


S. Halverscheid

appears as part of the context, which can be given more or less importance in a
flexible manner. Other theoretical approaches frequently work on understanding the
teachers role. For the ATD team, the unusual work of the material caused a constant
feeling of not being at home, but their members still regard this experience as an
interesting and rewarding one.
There is no doubt that networking of theories enriches research practices or, in
terms of ATD, research praxeologies (see Chap. 15 and Artigue et al. 2011). The
construct of research praxeologies offered an approach to better understand and
manage the interaction between researchers, which was underestimated before the
networking theories project began. In a similar way, the repertoire of the Theory of
Didactical Situations was especially rewarding for the networkers, as it provided
some elements to describe the common research strategies used. The a priori analysis was often mentioned as an example of what will influence research in the
future. The notion of milieu was a complex, albeit very inspiring, tool, which helps
the researcher to understand the necessity for networking strategies to have a shared
empirical set of objects available for the analysis (cf. Chap. 10). Additionally, it
provides a rich collection of studied situations and phenomena that several groups
are interested in. The anthropological approach to localizing institutional constraints
of teaching and learning and to describing their praxeologies is also named by all
interviewees as inspiring, even if the theoretical link for example, to the Theory of
Interest-Dense Situations is not clear.
Networking of theories creates a networking spirit in everyone involved.
By knowing the limits of the home theory better, the networkers unanimously
report experiencing a networking attitude in their normal research. I could do
networking alone now, one of the researchers said, adding, but it would be
very risky.
What was important in order to get the networking of theories to work?
All of the networkers emphasized the role that the people in the group played in
getting the networking going. There was no overall strategic master plan; instead,
the commitment of several researchers led at certain stages to strategies that were
worked out in Prediger et al. (2008) (cf. Chap. 8). The approaches varied in the
first stage; then, later, the strategies used for networking were still diverse, but the
scholars had more of a feeling that they had been able to build tasks and methods for
the networking work. In this way, some interviewees recall the work as similar to
their usual research at that particular stage.
Everyones motivation was needed to maintain interest in reaching this point,
but the basic motivation differed in the subjective views of the researchers. Some
scholars were interested in the comparison of theories, in general. For them, it was
like an exercise in networking theories. Some scholars were interested in the
particular elements of other theories. Others were motivated by the differences in
the explanations in the preliminary analyses, as in the analyses of APC and IDS,
for example.
All of the researchers underlined the importance of the personal and social
dimensions of networking. Especially in times with no progress, people who push

13 Beyond the Official Academic Stage. Dialogic Intermezzo


for continuing the project are necessary. The interviewees stressed the importance
of a working cooperation- and confidence-based atmosphere that allows for considering problems several times from different points of view.
Are any two theories on the teaching and learning of mathematics suitable for
Certainly, some obstacles were identified while the research teams defined their
networking case studies. Early in this discussion, the metaphor of a lens was utilized
to describe how the various theories could be used to analyze different grain
sizes in the data. The APC and ATD approaches are at the extreme ends of the
resolution of the lens, even if they both explicitly attribute an important role to the
semiotic dimension of mathematical and didactic activities, as shown in Arzarello
et al. (2008).
Corresponding grain sizes are neither necessary nor sufficient to do networking
together, however. In the networking of theories, most researchers worked on
different data sources than those that they usually treat. The usual grain sizes
differ in this area, i.e. the different approaches have different units of analysis.
The APC construct semiotic bundle typically addresses distinct and short pieces
of the data: because a one-second gesture may help to explain the result of a
longer working process, this also can be of interest to other theories, even though
they would not go down to such short grain sizes. Slightly bigger grain sizes are
used to determine whether a classroom episode can be qualified as interest-dense
in the IDS approach. Even though interest-dense situations typically can last
for a couple of minutes or even up to a whole lesson, the methods used in this
theoretical approach address different grain sizes, including very short ones,
such as a gesture or a sign.
One of the researchers hypothesized that a useful feature for making networking
successful is a common interest in phenomena of comparable timescales. This is
meant differently from the aspect of grain sizes. For example, it is traditionally not
considered primarily relevant in ATD to determine whether a learning process of a
couple of minutes is interest-dense or of another quality, unless the process is not
questioned and located within a broader teaching and learning project. However,
because questions on this timescale are the main motivation of IDS, it is difficult to
work out a research question of relevance to both theories (hence, questions are
considered to be an important component of theories, cf. Chap. 1). The representatives of both theories have thought independently on the reasons for this difficulty
and have come to similar explanations. They believe that if the overlap of both
research interests and possible grain sizes is small, it is difficult to participate in a
joint networking effort though, for example, the Theory of Interest-Dense Situations
can use insights gained from ATD. Similarly, even though the need for different data
remains, ATD could more easily find common research questions with semiotic or
distinct epistemic approaches if they address what is learnt before considering the
question of how this is achieved.



S. Halverscheid

Looking into the Future: Whats Next?

Has the investigation of the video been an exercise that is now completed, or would
some of the results be worth considering in more detail?
Some results of the project show that the analyses were not merely exercises for
the members of the Networking Theories Group and that the underlying research
questions on the video episode warrant interest in their own right. Nevertheless, it
would be very challenging to produce data that make it possible to involve all
theories of the group together. Because no teacher would produce a Topaze effect
deliberately, it is difficult to investigate how it is constituted by social interactions
in the classroom. Besides, producing an example of a veritable Topaze effect would
not fundamentally add to the theoretical knowledge because this phenomenon is
situated as an idealized limit concept.
A learning situation with gestures seems more likely to be producible. To obtain
this, the idea was brought up to start from Domingos course design, picking out
certain key features and asking teachers to adapt these in their design of a course.
This could enable the researchers to study the semiotic game under the conditions
in which an epistemic gap occurs on a broader empirical basis.
Can research designs be thought of to understand more about networking?
The challenge for a follow-up design would be again to find a learning
situation that fits the aims of several research groups. Surely, it would remain
difficult to find empirical material that is both interesting and usable for every
theory involved.
Although several ideas for a networking design appeared during the networking
process, it is not clear which theories could be utilized to fully exploit the knowledge
that the researchers gained in terms of networking praxeologies and on which one can,
thus, rely for developing a vision of possible research dynamics in the area. On the
other hand, the networking praxeologies should prove fruitful in new contexts and
research questions, and previous research projects might be better understood with
the help of these. This should also provide new insights into research processes of
networking theories.

Artigue, M., Bosch, M., & Gascn, J. (2011). Research praxeologies and networking theories.
In M. Pytlak, T. Rowland, & E. Swoboda (Eds.), Proceedings of the seventh Congress of the
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education CERME 7 (pp. 23812390).
Rzeszw: University of Rzeszw.
Arzarello, F., Bosch, M., Gascn, J., & Sabena, C. (2008). The ostensive dimension through
the lenses of two didactic approaches. ZDM The International Journal on Mathematics
Education, 40(2), 179188.

13 Beyond the Official Academic Stage. Dialogic Intermezzo


Bauersfeld, H. (1993). Theoretical perspectives on interaction in the mathematical classroom.

In R. Biehler, R. W. Scholz, R. Strer, & B. Winkelmann (Eds.), Didactics of mathematics as
a scientific discipline (pp. 133146). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Hannula, M., Evans, J., Philippou, G., & Zan, R. (2004). Affect in mathematics education Exploring
theoretical frameworks. Research forum. International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics
Education. Accessed 2 Dec 2013.
Prediger, S., Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., & Arzarello, F. (2008). Networking strategies and methods for
connecting theoretical approaches First steps towards a conceptual framework. ZDM The
International Journal on Mathematics Education, 40(2), 165178.
Schoenfeld, A. H. (2002). Research methods in (mathematics) education. In L. English (Ed.),
Handbook of international research in mathematics education (pp. 435488). Mahwah:

Chapter 14

Networking as Research Practices:

Methodological Lessons Learnt
from the Case Studies
Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs and Susanne Prediger

Abstract The methodological reflection on the case studies from Chaps. 9, 10, 11,
and 12 starts with elaborating the dataphenomena distinction by which the role of
data and phenomena in empirical networking practices can be grasped deeply. The
gradual distinction between more empirical and more conceptualized phenomena
clarifies the status of empirical situations, data, and theory and how these are linked
to phenomena. Looking at the case studies, dataphenomena distinction is referred
to the networking strategies and the monitoring role of research questions. The
chapter finishes with summarizing potential empirical, theoretical, and methodological benefits of networking practices.
Keywords Networking of theories Methodology Role of data Role of

The authors of Chaps. 9, 10, 11, and 12 have already reflected on the difficulties and
gains of their networking practices within each of the chapters. In this chapter, we
present the methodological lessons learnt from a more general perspective. We start in
Sect. 14.1 with the role of data and phenomena and discuss in Sect. 14.2 the empirical
and theoretical benefits of networking practices between theoretical approaches.

A. Bikner-Ahsbahs (*)
Fachbereich 03 fr Mathematik und Informatik, AG Didaktik der Mathematik,
University of Bremen, Bibliothekstrasse 1, D-28359 Bremen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
S. Prediger
Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education,
TU Dortmund University, D-44227 Dortmund, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research
Practice in Mathematics Education, Advances in Mathematics Education,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9_14, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014




A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger

Lessons Learnt on the Role of Data and Phenomena

Looking Back

The specific idea of starting the networking in 2006 was to challenge the researchers
with the demand to analyze alien data (i.e., data coming from a study in another
research frame). The choice of data contributed to producing an antagonist milieu
for the research groups they had to deal with. In fact, since data were given and were
not fully suitable for analysis, this caused different reactions:
using experiences of previous studies with digital technologies for developing a
hypothetical a priori analysis of the situation to enrich the understanding of the
data at hand (by the TDS-team in Chap. 4);
including the teaching material of the whole course into the analysis (the strategy
of the ATD-team in Chap. 5);
using just a part that is suitable enough (the strategy of the AiC team in Chap. 6);
enlarging the theoretical frame in order to apply the theory to the given data (as
decided by the IDS-team in Chap. 7);
including additional foci into the given data to take into account additional
aspects into the transcript (by the APC and AiC teams in the case of epistemic
gestures in Chap. 9).
The important role of data became even more visible in two specific needs that the
different teams expressed: the need for further data that fitted better to the usual
analysis; and the need for reflecting about the role of data as a link between theory
and empirical issues, here the video episode. The first need resulted in collecting
additional data and conducting the case studies of networking as presented in Part III
of the book. The second need was already present in the presentation of the theories in
Part II and was focused on in more detail in some case studies, for example in the
case of epistemic gestures (Chap. 9).
The important role of data also appeared in other networking activities conducted
by the Networking Theories Group which are documented outside this book. In one
networking activity, researchers from different theoretical approaches translated a
common problem in classrooms to different research questions and sketched possible research designs (Prediger 2008). While comparing the different research
questions and designs, the different kinds of desire for data became apparent. In
another activity, one research question posed by the TDS team was translated into
research questions of the other teams and led to distinguishing between problems
and phenomena (see for example Artigue et al. 2011). In many networking practices,
the issue of insufficient data is apparent. In the case study on the epistemic role of
gestures (Chap. 9), the authors even wondered why the two teams that methodologically have a lot of features in common experienced difficulties in selecting a
common piece of data.
The problem of inadequate data in networking practices can be understood more
deeply by distinguishing the notions of data and phenomenon, as discussed in the
following section.


Networking as Research Practices: Methodological Lessons Learnt



The DataPhenomenon Distinction

According to Knipping and Mller-Hill (2013), qualitative research in mathematics education should follow the principle of clearly distinguishing data and
phenomena where data are the means to identify and investigate phenomena in
mathematics education:
As a practical and methodological consequence of a clear conceptual distinction between
data and phenomena, a large amount of research effort has to be spent to face the resulting
problem of detecting a genuine phenomenon rather than some artefact of the experimental
setting. (Knipping and Mller-Hill 2013, p. 3)

In their paper, Knipping and Mller-Hill refer to the work of Bogen and Woodward
in philosophy of science who describe data as being idiosyncratic to particular
experimental contexts (1988, p. 317), whereas phenomena, by contrast, are not
idiosyncratic to specific contexts. We [Bogen and Woodwad] expect phenomena
have stable repeatable characteristics which will be detectable by means of a variety
of different procedures which may yield quite different kinds of data (ibid., p. 317).
If we accept Bogen and Woodwards definition of phenomena for mathematics
education, then phenomena are constructed by human beings who realize these
stable and [repeated or] repeatable characteristics in mathematics education as an
instance of a more general pattern. Given that mathematics education is still a young
discipline, its phenomena often are not very clear or even not well known. Therefore,
research in this field is not only conducted to investigate phenomena but also to
identify, disclose, and describe phenomena. Some phenomena can easily be detected
and shared based on common-sense knowledge of mathematics education without
any strong theoretical foundation; others need more profound conceptualizations
and sophisticated methodological and methodical arrangements to make them
accessible for the human perceptual system. For example, one member of the
Networking Theoreis Group described the following phenomenon: in one situation a child may be able solve a specific task but later the same child is not able to
solve it anymore (problem and succeeding networking activities documented in
Prediger 2008). The research teams separately translated the description of this phenomenon into research questions and developed a research design for its investigation. Through this translation, the phenomenon was conceptualized in different
nuances by the different theoretical frameworks. Hence, the phenomenon changed
its status. In the first case we talk about an empirical phenomenon, and in the latter
about a conceptualized phenomenon, although of course no phenomenon can be
perceived completely independently of the theoretical approach or even from simple pre-assumptions. That is why we understand the distinction between more
empirical and more conceptual phenomena as a gradual one according to the degree
in which the theory guides the conceptualization of the phenomenon. Figure 14.1
roughly sketches these connections between data, more empirical and more conceptualized phenomena in the interplay between theory and reality (here, concretely,
episodes of teaching and learning) which can, on the one hand, be perceived as an
interplay between particular and general, but also (as a second dimension) between
the more vague to the more theoretically focused and structured perspective that
allows us to see connections.

A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger






Episodes of
teaching and


focused +


Fig. 14.1 Rough localization of data, empirical phenomena, and conceptualized phenomena for
each theoretical approach

In contrast to data, phenomena are not directly perceivable, as they are constructions. However, data themselves are not relevant; for research they are only
interesting as means to constitute evidence for the existence of phenomena
(Woodward 1989, p. 394). The reason for underlying problems with data in the
networking of theories is not the data themselves but the kinds of phenomena that
the research teams normally are used to identifying and investigating through data.
The given video of Carlo and Giovanni struggling with the exponential function and
its transcription were taken from a larger study on the introduction to variation and
calculus in the first years of secondary school (see Chap. 2). The role of different
semiotic resources, including gestures and embodied ones, was of great importance
for the APC team in this study. The semiotic bundle notion and the semiotic game
phenomenon were built up along with the video analysis of this and other episodes
in the project. Although these kinds of phenomena were not relevant in the other
approaches, the other teams attempted to analyze the alien data by taking them as a
constitutive means for identifying and analyzing one or more home phenomena that
were not intended by the APC team. The teams strongly experienced that the given
data were only partly appropriate for this endeavor.
In contrast to our terminology of more empirical and more conceptualized
phenomena, for Artigue et al. (2011) phenomena only exist in research contexts as a
result of theory-driven investigations; hence, all phenomena are regarded as already
being conceptualized:
In a first approach, we can characterise didactic phenomena as empirical facts, regularities
that arise through the study of research problems. Some of these phenomena enrich the
initial theoretical framework to produce new interpretations and techniques or research
methodologies, while others remain at the level of results obtained and are reinvested to
formulate new problems or to propose new diagnostic and practice-development tools.
(Artigue et al. 2011, p. 2383)


Networking as Research Practices: Methodological Lessons Learnt


In the quotation, Artigue et al. (2011) also address the degree of conceptualizing
phenomena that may be a result of specific research and lead to new problems,
products, etc., but also to theoretical concepts whose status is determined by the
relationship to the other concepts and principles of the theory. This is in line with
the gradual distinction between empirical and conceptual phenomena.
In the case of the Topaze effect (Chap. 12), two conceptualized phenomena
which had been the results of previous research within two different theoretical
frames were networked. Through this networking process the two conceptualized
phenomena and their theoretical status were strengthened and further conceptualized. This revealed a too early naturalization of a phenomenon as a new phenomenon in the culture of mathematics education and led to deepening insight
into the theories blind spots but also to uncovering the empirical phenomenon of
the fiction that teaching [in the two phenomena] has led to learning as the underlying idea which both teams agreed upon.
Taking the view of Bogen and Woodward, data are means to identify more general
phenomena and investigate claims about phenomena within theories. For example,
the AiC team (in Chap. 9) broadened their notion of what constitutes data in that
they admitted gestures to be data. In the second stage the AiC team identified that
gestures may shape part of the constructing process, hence conceptualized this
phenomenon resulting in the term epistemic gesture. The AiC team stated, As
compared with earlier RBC analyses, the evidence we admitted and paid attention
to in the present analysis was broader since gestures were considered as potential
indicators of epistemic actions (Sect. 9.5). In our view, it is not the data themselves
that provide evidence for a phenomenon but the way data are used to provide evidence for the constitution of phenomena, the way they are freed from their complexity and their highly irregular coincidences (Bogen and Woodward 1988, p. 326),
the way they are analyzed and interpreted, and this is determined by the theorys
methodology and principles. Bogen and Woodward also emphasize, Often the
characteristics which data must have to be useful as evidence can only be purchased
at the cost of tolerating a great deal of complexity and idiosyncrasy in the causal
processes which produce data (ibid., p. 319). This by-product of producing data
also holds in research practices in mathematics education and it explains why alien
theorists might be able to find some evidence of their home phenomena in given
data, as has been shown in Chaps. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of Part II and the case studies
in Chaps. 9, 10, 11, and 12 of Part III.


Relating Research Questions

to the DataPhenomena Distinction

In the case study on epistemic gestures between APC and AiC (Chap. 9), the AiC
team started to integrate gestures into their methodology of studying epistemic processes of constructing knowledge and asked whether and in what sense gestures can


A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger

contribute to the construction of knowledge (Sect. 9.1). In spite of the integration of

a common type of data into the case study, research questions were different in the
two approaches. An outcome of the two data analyses and their comparison was the
discovery of an interesting phenomenon, namely that some gestures supporting the
constructing process were used without the producer and his peer looking at them.
The discovery of this phenomenon raised dialectic questions and pushed the networking process further. The deeper analysis on the epistemic function of these gestures and the succeeding common, combined research process about the epistemic
role of gestures in the knowledge construction processes resulted in the notion of
an epistemic gesture. This combined research process demanded choosing common
data for analysis. The difficulties of finding such data required intense work about
the idea of epistemic gesture and the role of gesture for AiC and was analytically
focused on a very small piece of the given video for which the transcript had to be
refined and enriched. Only after this step did the AiC team state, the videotape
became data for us once we transcribed it with focus on verbalizations and gestures (Sect. 9.3). In contrast to this way of approaching data, the APC team normally starts from observing the video and not from interpreting the transcript.
This step of modifying the data with respect to the phenomenon under question
shows how data are made in different research practices from the same video,
addressing the epistemic role of gestures in the AiC approach and the communicative
function of gestures in the APC approach. The dialectic between the teams questions
and data usage helped to detect the new phenomenon, and reflecting the different
views helped to clarify the process of conceptualization: the AiC team sees the
epistemic function of gestures in single gestures which contribute to constructing
knowledge; the APC team identifies the epistemic function in sequences of gestures
as part of the semiotic bundle. The epistemic function of gestures here seems to be
a concept at the boundary of the two approaches which allows establishing a locally
integrated methodology but no local integration on the level of principles. The principles are not close enough.
In contrast to the case study on gestures, in the case of context, milieu, and
media-milieu dialectic (Chap. 10) the researchers were able to choose a common
piece of data which was much larger and not explicitly reported on. Data were not
chosen for common analyses but to refer to for separate analyses that served as the
basis for comparing and contrasting the role of the three concepts in their home
theoretical background. In this case study of networking, data served as a common
reference pool, but not as a resource for research itself. The questions reflect this
role of data in the networking process, since:
TDS researchers might ask what milieu the teacher is making available to the students and
how she is managing its evolution in order to establish a meaningful connection with the
mathematical knowledge aimed at. AiC researchers might ask how the teachers intervention
influences the students construction process as described by means of the RBC epistemic
actions. ATD researchers in their turn might ask what responsibilities the teacher and the
students are assuming in the media-milieu dialectics and what conditions enable them to
manage it. (Sect. 10.3)


Networking as Research Practices: Methodological Lessons Learnt


Questions for analyses in AiC stress the epistemic process itself, whereas
researchers in TDS and ATD ask how this process is made possible. Already these
questions indicate an interesting point in networking: researchers were able to build
on ideas and results of the other analyses in a complementary way. This made them
identify epistemological sensitivity as an underlying proximity in their respective
approaches. That means, the three theories share the aim to understand the epistemological nature of the episode, while, at the same time, each of the three theories
accesses data in its own ways. The teams pose different questions concerning contextual influence. Through comparing and contrasting these questions, researchers
tried to elucidate the ways in which the three theoretical approaches address the issue
of contextual dependence of teaching and learning processes through their concepts.
Context in AiC is everything that does not belong to the epistemic process itself, but
does influence the construction of mathematical knowledge. The milieu is, for TDS,
the main concept describing the environment with which the learner interacts in
order to produce a mathematical piece of knowledge. The dialectic of media-milieu
clarifies the dynamic nature of the milieu being changed by media. The three concepts are accessed by different data or different foci on data in a complementary way
sharing epistemological sensitivity, which facilitated establishing connections and
reflecting on them. The researchers claim that such proximity seems to be crucial
for undertaking the networking practice between their theories. However, we see it
as an open question how the networking could function without such proximity.
In the case of epistemological gap (Chap. 11), the data were not a problem at
the beginning. Both teams were able to use the same video, namely the extra video
starting after Task 3 (see Appendix for a complete transcript), as a common piece of
data for separate analyses answering home questions. But the ways in which the
data reflected the core questions were different. The IDS team focused more on the
discourse whereas the APC team focused on the gesturespeech interplay. Questions
in the networking process were very interesting because they directed the attention
of the two teams. The first question was: Which of the two results are more suitable
for understanding the episode? This made the two teams reconsider the raw data to
refine the utterances, include the students protocols, and produce a written transcript
in which gesture pictures and speech intonation were included. In this case, the data
was reworked for a more common analysis. This first step led to a refinement of the
concept of semiotic game and raised another question: What is the deeper reason
why Giovanni reduces to be engaged in such a short situation? This question brought
the idea of the epistemological gap as a vague idea to the fore. During the following
months, both teams took this episode as a prototype represented by the refined data
set that evidenced the phenomenon of an epistemological gap. Its mechanism was
still only vaguely understood. Since the two theories did not offer an appropriate
theoretical frame to conceptualize this empirical phenomenon, a literature review
was conducted. Concepts and results from research on personal epistemology could
be included into the two approaches, leading to a process of conceptualizing the
phenomenon of epistemological gap and clarifying the mechanism of it. In this way,
a local integration of a new construct at the boundary of both theories has emerged
and connected the two approaches within the semiosphere (Radford 2008;


A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger

cf. Sect. 8.1 in this book). This case of epistemological gap does not only demonstrate the dataphenomena distinction but also the gradual difference between a
more empirical phenomenon and a more conceptualized phenomenon. The latter is
part of a theory while the former is a construction which may still appear more pretheoretical and less elaborate.
The previous reflections on research questions and their relations to the
dataphenomena distinction show that questions, explicitly or implicitly posed,
may guide researchers attention in research practices and their mediating between
data and phenomena. In networking processes, often dialectic research questions
from different approaches mediate the comparing and contrasting of theories. The
resulting synthesized common questions seem to support processes of coordinating
which may lead to a local integration.


Relating Networking Strategies

to the DataPhenomena Distinction

The four case studies show that processes of networking may lead to uncovering an
underlying proximity or even an empirical phenomenon underlying the theories
concepts. They also show that the researchers are often unaware of these proximities
at the beginning of a networking process but they can be achieved as a result. Since
common proximities or empirical phenomena allow for complementary views, they
may be a starting point for the networking strategy of coordinating. If such a common empirical phenomenon is first uncovered, it may be vague at the beginning,
like the epistemological gap, but further investigated in a process of coordinating
showing how far networking processes can reach. By a process of conceptualizing,
the empirical phenomenon changes its character and status, and may be worked out
and finally conceptualized. In this way, the empirical phenomenon turns into a
conceptual phenomenon that then belongs to the theoretical approach and may
finally result in a local integration, as in the case of epistemological gap (Chap. 11).
The case study of networking on the Topaze effect (Chap. 12) started with two
such conceptualized phenomena to which different questions directed the separate
analyses. Through networking, the underlying common empirical phenomenon was
able to be uncovered and at the same time the nature of both conceptualized phenomena as being limit concepts was clarified. This case and the case of contextmedia-milieu (Chap. 10) showed the fruitfulness of the networking strategy of
comparing and contrasting, even without further degrees of integration. This was
different in the cases of the epistemological gap and of the epistemic gesture: the
networking strategy of coordinating encompassed conceptualizing a phenomenon
and even led to local integration of new constructs in both cases.
Empirical phenomena even if different theories share them may be elaborated
differently in different theories, bringing to the fore complementary views. The other
way round, a shared empirical phenomenon may be hidden in concepts of different
theories but can be uncovered through networking processes. In both cases, the


Networking as Research Practices: Methodological Lessons Learnt


networking strategies of comparing and contrasting are especially fruitful for

revealing the complementary nature of differently conceptualized phenomena.
By these methodological reflections, the role of data for the networking practices
is also clarified. The networking practice also depends on the kind of data used.
As long as data are used separately and modified with respect to each theoretical
approach, the networking practice may reach the stage of combining because
researchers stay within their home theoretical approach. As soon as common
questions are investigated, the choice of common data may become difficult within
this strategy because the home theories look at different empirical phenomena and
possibly slightly different data. At this stage, the strategy of coordinating may help
to overcome difficulties. The intermediate strategy of coordinating seems to be that
of transforming separate views towards a more integrating view on the empirical
phenomena. At this stage the phenomena may also change their nature, from a more
empirical towards a conceptual status, leading finally to local integration.


Lessons Learnt on the Empirical and Theoretical

Benefits of Networking Between Theoretical

What can we generally gain from networking of theoretical approaches? We discuss

our methodological considerations on different benefits in two steps: in Sect. 14.2.1,
we summarize possible empirical benefits and theoretical benefits; and in Sect. 14.2.2
we show the strong interdependence between both.


Empirical and Theoretical Benefits from Networking


Considering the same empirical material from different theoretical lenses is not a
new research practice; it has often been applied by many researchers in terms of
theory or perspective triangulation (e.g., Schoenfeld 2002). The notion perspective
triangulation was introduced by Denzin (1970), and was presented by him (together
with method triangulation, data triangulation, or investigator triangulation) as
research practices for increasing validity of an empirical analysis. During the last
40 years, though, it became evident that a systematic triangulation of theoretical
lenses often does not offer increased validity: if different theoretical lenses capture
different aspects of research objects or conceptualize the research objects in different
ways, their results are not comparable. However, additional theoretical views mostly
focus on additional and complementary aspects which altogether deepen and broaden
the understanding of an empirical situation and thus shape triangulation as a research
strategy for increasing research quality (cf., e.g., Flick 2007, p. 20ff.).


A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger

In this sense, the networking practices as presented in Chaps. 9, 10, 11, and 12
might be perceived as practices of classical perspective triangulation, seeing the
substantial empirical benefits received by complementary insights into complex
empirical phenomena. However, we put emphasis on the fact that the presented
cases of networking go beyond perspective triangulation in three aspects:
1. Empirical benefits: Sometimes, perspective triangulation is navely discussed as
a practice of different theoretical lenses for the same data. Different theoretical
approaches rarely deal with the same data since data is constructed within a theoretical frame; this point was extensively discussed in Sect. 14.1. Instead of a
simple perspective triangulation on the same empirical material, our networking
practices enhanced the empirical benefits by enlarging and reshaping data while
connecting the approaches.
2. Theoretical benefits: As was argued by the dataphenomenon distinction in
Sect. 14.1, networking activities do not only aim at a deeper understanding of
empirical phenomena, as will be discussed below.
3. Methodological benefits: The methodological reflection of possibilities,
benefits, and limits constantly accompanies the dialogue between theoretical
approaches. In this sense, networking practices also aim at increased methodological awareness.
Coming back to the benefits for the theoretical approaches themselves, networking of
theories can facilitate the development of theories in four directions (Bikner-Ahsbahs
and Prediger 2010):
(a) Explicitness: Starting from the claim that a theory should make its background
theories and its underlying philosophical base (especially its epistemological
and methodological foundations) as explicit as possible, the maturity of a theory
can be measured by the degree of its explicitness: the more implicit assumptions
are explicitly stated and the more parts of the philosophical base shape explicit
parts of the background theory, the more we would consider the theory to be
mature. A step towards such a development took place in the case of the Topaze
effect through uncovering blind spots and some limitations of the theories
(Chap. 12).
(b) Empirical scope: Formal theories have a large empirical scope. They characterize
empirical phenomena in a global way and often cannot exactly be concretized
through empirical examples (Lamnek 1995, p. 123). On the other hand, contextualized and local theories have a limited scope but their statements can
more easily be made concrete by the empirical content (see Krummheuer and
Brandt 2001, p. 199). This proximity to empirical phenomena makes contextualized theories a suitable background to guide practice in schools. However,
developing local theories in order to enlarge their empirical scope can be an
important direction for theory development. This happened for example to AiC
in Chap. 9.


Networking as Research Practices: Methodological Lessons Learnt


(c) Stability: Stability is a long-term aim for theory development on a longer time
scale. A new theory might be a bit fragile because its concepts and the relationships among its key concepts are still in progress, for example in IDS.
Through networking with other theories, IDS concepts proved to be fruitful
(Chaps. 11 and 12), its principles could be strengthened (Chaps. 7 and 12), and
the disclosure of empirical phenomena (common to other approaches)
unfolded its complementary view on specific empirical phenomena (Chaps.
11 and 12).
(d) Connectivity: Science is characterized by argumentation and interconnectedness,
as Fischer (e.g., 1993) emphasizes. This can, for example, be realized by establishing relationships through linking theories, by declaring commonalities
and differences. Hence, establishing argumentative connectivity is another
important direction for the development of theories. This direction has been
touched on in all case studies since argumentative connectivity is an intrinsic
feature of networking practices in general.


Interdependences Between Empirical

and Theoretical Progress

Although the discourse on different networking profiles (see Chap. 8, following

Arzarello et al. 2008) might suggest that networking practices either aim at
theoretical or empirical benefits, our case studies show that both can often be
connected since the development of empirical analysis, conceptualized phenomena,
and theoretical constructs often interdepend.
These interdependences are also highly connected to the role of results. Radford
(2012) added research results to his triplet (questions, methodology, principles) for
describing theory as a fourth component: research results as the source for the
dynamic development of theories. New results may enlarge the amount of phenomena
that can be investigated and the number of key constructs. However, they also may
have an impact at least on enlarging and understanding more deeply the home
methodologies, paradigmatic questions, and also principles. In networking practices,
results play an important role in understanding more deeply what networking
approaches, their principles, methodologies, and questions mean, too. The four case
studies gave examples that networking may:
1. uncover underlying empirical phenomena that later can be investigated and yield
new constructs within the theories or at the border of them (Chaps. 9 and 11);
2. yield new constructs at the border of theoretical cultures. According to Lotman
(1990, p. 134), the new dynamic of cultural development comes from the periphery,
therefore concepts at the boundary of theories may lead to new research directions,





A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger

integrating theoretical views or providing complementary or supplementary

considerations (Chaps. 9 and 11);
lead to clarifying methodological aspects such as the role of data and phenomena
in the networking research (Chap. 9);
build new networking methodologies such as cross-methodologies including
cross-data collection, cross-task design, cross-experimentation, and cross-analyses
which all have a cyclic pattern of interconnected research actions followed by an
exchange that leads to a refinement of the research actions etc. (for example
Chaps. 10 and 11);
strengthen the understanding of theories by clarifying their foci, what also is
taken as relevant, what is left aside, and finally identifying blind spots and thus
making assumptions more explicit (Chaps. 10 and 12);
produce results about implicit practices in research cultures such as the naturalization of phenomena within a research culture (Chap. 12).

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In M. Pytlak, T. Rowland, & E. Swoboda (Eds.), Proceedings of the seventh Congress of the
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 23812390). Rzeszw:
University of Rzeszw.
Arzarello, F., Bosch, M., Lenfant, A., & Prediger, S. (2008). Different theoretical perspectives in
research from teaching problems to research problems. In D. Pitta-Pantazi, G. Phillipou, et al.
(Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics
Education (CERME 5) (pp. 16181627). Cyprus: ERME.
Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., & Prediger, S. (2010). Networking of theories An approach for exploiting
the diversity of theoretical approaches. In B. Sriraman & L. English (Eds.), Theories of
mathematics education: Seeking new frontiers (Advances in mathematics education series,
pp. 483506). New York: Springer.
Bogen, J., & Woodward, J. (1988). Saving the phenomena. The Philosophical Review, CXVII(3),
Denzin, N. K. (1970). The research act in sociology. Chicago: Aldine.
Fischer, R. (1993). Wissenschaft, Argumentation und Widerspruch. In R. Fischer, M. Costazza, &
A. Pellert (Eds.), Argument und Entscheidung: zur Idee und Organisation von Wissenschaft
(pp. 2944). Wien: Profil.
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data. Paper presented at the 8th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics
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Elemente einer Interaktionstheorie des Mathematikunterrichts in der Grundschule. Weinheim:
Lamnek, S. (1995). Qualitative Sozialforschung Band 1: Methodologie. Weinheim: Beltz.
Lotman, Y. M. (1990). Universe of the mind. A semiotic theory of culture. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press.


Networking as Research Practices: Methodological Lessons Learnt


Prediger, S. (2008). How are theoretical approaches expressed in research practices? A report on
an experience in comparing theoretical approaches with respect to the construction of research
problems. ZDM The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 40(2), 277286.
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ZDM The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 40(2), 317327.
Radford, L. (2012). On the growth and transformation of mathematics education theories. Paper
presented at the international colloquium: The didactics of mathematics: Approaches and
issues. A homage to Michle Artigue. May 31 to June 1, 2012.
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Schoenfeld, A. (2002). Research methods in (mathematics) education. In L. D. English (Ed.),
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Lawrence Erlbaum.
Woodward, J. (1989). Data and phenomena. Synthese, 79, 393472.

Chapter 15

Reflection on Networking Through

the Praxeological Lens
Michle Artigue and Marianna Bosch

Abstract In this chapter, the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD) is

given a different status, its lenses and constructs being used for reflecting on the
networking enterprise itself. For this purpose, the notion of praxeology first introduced for modeling mathematical and didactic activities is extended to research
practices. This extension leads us to consider that the proper level for addressing
networking issues is in fact the level of research praxeologies, and to reflect on the
collaborative work carried out by the different teams and its outcomes in the light of
this perspective. Along the way, we also rely on other constructs, and especially on
the ideas of milieu and media-milieu dialectics.
Keywords Networking of theories Research praxeology Methodology

In the previous chapters, the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD) introduced in Chap. 5 has been just one of the theories involved in the networking
process of the Networking Theories Group. In this chapter, we give it a different
status, using its lenses and constructs for reflecting on the networking enterprise
itself, following ideas initially presented in Artigue et al. (2011a). For this purpose,
the notion of praxeology first introduced for modeling mathematical and didactic
activities is extended to research theories and practices. This extension leads us to
consider that the proper level for addressing networking issues is in fact the level

M. Artigue (*)
Laboratoire LDAR & IREM, Universit Paris Diderot Paris 7, Sorbonne Paris Cit,
Case 7018, 75205 Paris Cedex 13, France
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Bosch
IQS School of Management, Universitat Ramon Llull,
Via Augusta 390, 08017 Barcelona, Spain
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research
Practice in Mathematics Education, Advances in Mathematics Education,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9_15, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014



M. Artigue and M. Bosch

of research praxeologies, and to reflect on the collaborative work carried out by the
different teams and its outcomes in the light of this perspective. Along the way, we
also rely on other constructs, and especially on the ideas of milieu and media-milieu
dialectics (see Chaps. 4, 5, and 10).



As explained above, in the previous chapters the Anthropological Theory of the

Didactic (ATD) has just been one of the theories involved in the networking process engaged around the video provided to the group by the Italian team. It was
not given a particular status, and the Networking Theories Group (networking
group or simply group in the following) used constructs in some sense neutral
with respect to the different theories for organizing the presentation of the different approaches, and for situating its networking efforts. It used for instance the
categorization proposed by Radford in terms of Principles, Questions, and
Methodologies for introducing the different theoretical approaches, and systematically referred to the scale of networking processes proposed in Prediger et al.
(2008) for situating achievements in the four case studies. However, for the
authors of the present chapter, the idea progressively emerged that this theory
could provide useful tools for approaching the idea of networking itself, and for
analyzing the networking efforts of the group and their outcomes.
Why this idea? In ATD, as explained in Chap. 5, mathematical and didactic
practices are modeled in terms of praxeologies. A basic assumption in the theory
is that this notion of praxeology can be productively used for modeling any forms
of human practice, not just those attached to the production or dissemination of
mathematical knowledge. If we take this assumption seriously, it should also be
possible and productive to model our research practices in such a way, and especially those developed for achieving networking goals. When adopting such a
position, immediately many questions emerge: How to express research practices
through the (task, technique, technology, and theory) filter imposed by the model
of praxeologies? What changes in perspectives does it induce? There is no doubt,
for instance, that the fact that in ATD theories are embedded in praxeologies and
not treated as autonomous entities leads to questioning of the nature of the networking enterprise itself. What does it mean exactly to network theoretical
frameworks? Can this idea make sense without considering the whole research
praxeologies of which these theoretical frameworks are part? What exactly have
the teams involved in the networking group networked? Can such a perspective
help in understanding the potential and limitations of the work undertaken, identifying and organizing its outcomes, designing more effective networking practices?
What challenges does it raise?
These questions have paved the way for the reflection we have developed and
that we invite the reader to share with us in this chapter. In the next section, we will
extend the notion of praxeology to research praxeologies, insisting on the dynamic


Reflection on Networking Through the Praxeological Lens


character of these objects and the crucial role that didactic phenomena play in
these dynamics. Then we will use this extension to reflect on the collaborative
work carried out by the different teams and its outcomes.


From Theoretical Approaches to Research Praxeologies

Theories are often presented in a static way as a structured network of concepts (see
for instance Niss 2007). In this book, we have adopted a dynamic and operational
vision by referring to Radfords elaboration in terms of principles, methodologies,
and paradigmatic questions (Radford 2008). Considering theories as elements of
research praxeologies is also adopting a pragmatic and dynamic vision of theories,
trying to make clear how they inform and shape the practical research work, and
conversely how they progressively emerge from it and integrate its results. In this
section, we first introduce how research practices can be interpreted in terms of
praxeologies, then discuss the connection between their practical and theoretical
blocks, emphasizing the bridging role played by didactical phenomena, and illustrating our discourse by some examples taken from previous chapters.


What Is a Research Praxeology?

As any other praxeology, research praxeologies are composed of an amalgam of

pieces that can be described by a set of four elements [T///]. The pair [T/]
corresponds to the practice (or know-how) of research, with the types of tasks T that
are approached and the techniques used to carry them out. We can consider that, at
its core, the types of tasks are mainly composed of the research questions and
problems approached. Formulating a problem, looking for appropriate milieus, organizing the experimental work, putting it into practice, gathering data, analyzing it,
relating the observations to other investigations and previous results, discussing and
evaluating the results obtained, etc. are examples of different types of tasks carried
out in a research project. However, a research practice contains much more other
action: presenting a result obtained at a local seminar, giving a talk at an international
conference, preparing a funding application to the national government, reviewing a
paper for a journal, supervising a PhD project, etc. These should thus be considered
as part of research praxeologies and it must be clear that, in their own way, they also
contribute to the development of the different theoretical approaches. The techniques
correspond to the different possible ways of doing that can be used to carry out a
task of a given type, with usually many slight variations and sometimes strong
differences between them. When some of these techniques acquire a rather stable, systematic and justified form, we usually talk about research methods or methodologies,
as each team of the networking group has tried to present in Part II of the book.
The block [/] of research praxeologies forms the technological-theoretical
discourse used to describe, justify, and interpret both the research practice and the


M. Artigue and M. Bosch

results obtained. The first component, the technology is the first level of description,
explanation, and justification of the practice. It includes the methodological
discourse used for explaining and justifying the choices made in terms of research
methods.1 It also provides a preliminary description of the results obtained, before
they integrate the theory, once their stability has been proved and they can be
considered as basic assumptions. The theory is a second level of justification of
the practice. It is made up of the main principles, notions, and properties that are
considered as unquestionable. It is interesting to see, in the chapters of Part II, how
this basic discourse can vary from one framework to another as they are based on
different primary terms: interest-dense situations in IDS, semiotic bundle in APC,
epistemic actions or context in AiC, praxeologies in ATD, didactic and
a-didactic situations in TDS. There are many other elements of the theory that
remain implicit in each framework, for instance the priority given by AiC and APC
to the students constructions of knowledge, while TDS and ATD initially focus on
the institutional construction of knowledge; the focus of AiC, TDS, and ATD on the
epistemic dimension of teaching and learning activities; the reasons for choosing a
given type of empirical data; etc.
These first chapters of the book presenting the main theoretical frameworks
also show to what extent the practical and theoretical blocks of praxeologies are
mutually dependent. For instance, the presentation of TDS makes clear that this
theory orients research questions towards the study of didactic systems, not
towards the cognitive functioning of individual learners. In contrast, AiC orients
research questions towards the understanding of such a cognitive functioning, and
in it the didactic systems to which the individual learners belong are taken as
elements of the context. Each type of question generates its own research tasks.
Quite often, researchers rely on familiar techniques for solving these tasks, but
research also leads to the creation of specific methodologies (techniques and
associated technological didactic discourses). As mentioned in Chap. 4, for instance,
the methodology of didactical engineering emerged in TDS and since the 1980s it
has played a crucial role in TDS research praxeologies.
The results obtained and their theoretical exploitation, thus the theoretical block
of praxeologies, are in turn shaped by the research tasks articulated and the
techniques used for carrying them out. For instance, the solving of research tasks
oriented by ATD will not lead to the identification of epistemic actions in the
sense of AiC; and, reciprocally, the solving of research tasks oriented by AiC will
not lead to the identification of the constraints conditioning the ecology of mathematical knowledge in a given institutional context in the sense of ATD.
Such interdependence of the different elements of research praxeologies
leads us to conjecture that the networking of theories should be approached at
the level of research praxeologies, and that, for being productive, the methodologies developed for such networking should allow researchers to consider
both the practical and theoretical block of research praxeologies and their

The term methodology usually denotes both the research methods or techniques and the discourse developed around these methods.


Reflection on Networking Through the Praxeological Lens


interactions. The language used for expressing and supporting these networking
practices is not neutral from this perspective. It must allow researchers to share
the know-how of research praxeologies. If focused only on theories, it may reinforce the risk of underestimating the crucial role played by the practical block
of research praxeologies. Up to what point did the networking group limit this
risk, and how?
The presentation of ATD (see Chap. 5) also makes clear that the progression of
knowledge goes along with the progressive structuration of praxeologies: pointwise praxeologies, characterized by a precise type of task and technique, organized
into local structures sharing a same technological discourse, and at a next level into
regional structures sharing some theory. Within this perspective, theoretical networking should oblige researchers to situate themselves at a regional level, considering
that each piece of theory shelters a diversity of point and local research praxeologies. This is not an easy condition to satisfy, considering the constraints to which
research projects are submitted. Up to what point have the different networking
strategies allowed the networking group to address this difficulty, with what consequences? Another point is that all theoretical frameworks involved do not have the
same size, in other words the same level of regionality. For instance, IDS and AiC
are much more local than ATD and TDS. How has this affected the networking
enterprise and its results?


The Dynamic Dimension of Praxeologies

Research praxeologies, as any other praxeological form, are living entities that
evolve and change, which affects at the same time their four components and their
interactions. The evolution of the practical block [T/] produces new theoretical
needs that make the theoretical block [/] progress and, reciprocally, the evolution
of concepts, interpretations, or ways of thinking and the emergence of new results
lead to the construction of new techniques and the formulation of new problems. In
this dynamic, the two-level structure of the theoretical block of praxeologies has an
important functionality. As said before, the technological discourse () produces a
first description, explanation, and justification of the research tasks approached (the
questions, in the model provided by Radford (2008), the techniques used to approach
them, and the first results obtained by this work). The theoretical discourse (), as
a second level of justification, contains the basic notions, conceptualizations, and
principles used in the technological discourse and in the practical block. In most
praxeologies, this second level is mainly implicit: it is made of the folk knowledge
everybody uses without being conscious of it. In research praxeologies, it is important
to make it explicit in order to control the assumptions made and to make them
evolve if necessary. It is, however, a very stable hard core (in the sense of Lakatos
1978) of regional research praxeologies. The technological level of justification thus
plays the transactional role of including the first results obtained in the practical
block as preliminary descriptions of regular facts and phenomena, then transferring


M. Artigue and M. Bosch

the most robust of these results to the theoretical block in the form of new principles
to adopt and new germs of methodologies and problems.
The notion of didactic transposition in ATD can be a good example of this
transactional role of the technology between the practical elements of research
praxeologies (types of tasks and techniques used to approach them) and the theory.
At the beginning, the process of didactic transposition was obtained as a result of
the analysis of different mathematical school contents, to show that the mathematical
knowledge that is taught at school can be questioned and compared to the scholar
knowledge where it comes from and that legitimates its introduction at school.
It thus appeared as a result of the investigations carried out, the description and
explanation of a regularity observed, an element of the technological discourse.
It was the explanation of a (hypothetical) phenomenon. Then new types of problems
started to be raised (new types of tasks) using this process: how the didactic transposition of some given school content is carried out, how it affects the conditions of
its teaching, what happens when the didactic transposition is interrupted, etc. After
some research about the transposition of different contents, it became an assumption made in ATD (and also TDS) that any content involved in any teaching and
learning process comes from a didactic transposition process, an assumption giving
rise to a new theoretical ingredient. This result is no longer questioned; on the contrary, it leads to new research techniques, those of analyzing the taught contents,
looking for the way they are described as knowledge to be taught, and tracing
their evolution from the scholar institutions to the school ones.
As in any other scientific discipline, and depending on the maturity of the field,
research praxeologies can appear as different kinds of amalgams, more or less organized. It is the historical development of the field that helps structure these praxeological amalgams, making them more coherent and easier to diffuse, according to
different didactic and institutional transposition processes that we are starting to
know better. It seems reasonable to conjecture that while each of the didactic perspectives studied in this book can be considered as mature, this is not the case for
the research praxeologies that the networking enterprise caused to emerge on top
of these. Networking tasks have been articulated and germs of techniques developed,
but, at this stage, these are certainly more craft techniques than well described and
acknowledged research methodologies; the theoretical block of these praxeologies
is still in an emergent state. This makes a dynamic vision of research praxeologies
all the more important here.


The Role of Phenomena in the Dynamics

of Research Praxeologies

In Artigue et al. (2011a, b), we argue that, for understanding the dynamics of
research praxeologies, specific attention should be paid to the notion of didactic
phenomenon, due to its emergence at the interface between the practical and theoretical blocks of research praxeologies: In a first approach, we can characterise


Reflection on Networking Through the Praxeological Lens


didactic phenomena as empirical facts or regularities that are raised through the
study of research problems. Some of these phenomena can enrich the initial
theoretical frame to produce new interpretations and new techniques or research
methodologies, while others remain at the level of the results obtained and are
reinvested to formulate new problems or to propose new diagnosis and practicedevelopment tools, thus enriching the technology (ibid., p. 2383).
In Chap. 12, for instance, three didactic phenomena are considered in the analysis
of video-2: the Topaze effect, the funnel pattern, and the semiotic game. These three
phenomena are incorporated in theoretical frameworks, respectively in TDS,
Bauersfelds Interactionism, and APC, and detached from the particular research
praxeologies where they emerged. The Topaze effect is part of the theory of didactical contract in TDS, and identified as one of the didactic effects of the paradoxical
nature of the didactic contract. The idea of semiotic game has been incorporated
into APC and, beyond its theoretical status, it has become a didactical technique
helping teachers align students utterances with institutionalized forms of knowledge.
Through the associated processes, these phenomena have been objectified and
decontextualized, which explains why we could so easily invoke them for interpreting
the video-2 episode. We can say that in both cases the technological level of the
TDS and APC research praxeologies have evolved, even if the main principles and
conceptualizations (the theory) remain stable.


Analyzing Networking Through the Praxeological Lens

For analyzing the networking enterprise through the praxeological lens, we first
consider the tasks and techniques which have been developed along the project. We
then come to the knowledge produced in terms of networking by solving these
tasks. In terms of praxeologies, we thus study the emergence and dynamics of
networking praxeologies, from their practical block to their theoretical block.
Within such a praxeological perspective, all components are equally important and
the lessons from this project involve all of them.


The Practical Block of Networking Praxeologies

Starting from a Technical Artifact: The Videotape

of Two Students at Work

From the beginning of the project, the idea that its realization would require the
sharing of a common object of study was clear to the different researchers involved
in the networking group. The Italian team proposed to use a video associated with
one of its projects, and the proposal was accepted. It seemed to the involved
researchers that a video, while certainly influenced by the particular project at


M. Artigue and M. Bosch

stake, its theoretical background, and the questions addressed, was an object open
enough for starting a productive networking enterprise. However, at that time, the
group did not discuss in depth the reasons that could made this video a good
transactional object. Its choice was partly one of convenience: taking an object
already there made it possible to start the project immediately, exploring the networking potential of this object. Its limitations would certainly help select or
develop more appropriate objects if needed. In fact, the video was a technical
artifact inscribed in an APC research praxeology, and much more shaped by APC
than the group initially imagined:
the session was designed by a teacher-researcher working in close collaboration
with the Italian colleagues;
the Italian team was especially interested in the role of components of the
semiotic bundle, and this had strongly influenced the way the students activity
and exchanges, as well as the interaction between the students and the teacher,
were captured;
the complementary information the Italian team thought necessary to give us was
influenced by what they looked for in the data, and the information they needed
for securing their interpretations.
In addition, the session had taken place in an educational system and culture that
most of the members of the networking group were not very familiar with. However,
as evidenced by the previous chapters, through the tasks designed around this
artifact and the techniques developed, the group succeeded in transforming it into a
transactional object and part of a productive milieu for its networking activities and
emerging praxeologies. Analyzing the whole process through the praxeological lens
thus led to investigating how tasks and techniques were progressively created, and
what can be learnt from this activity in terms of networking praxeologies.
A first task spontaneously emerged: the different teams should analyze the video,
each one with its specific theoretical lens. However, the networking project required
anticipating and organizing the communication between the different analyses.
This was achieved through a system of common questions, and through different
techniques, progressively built. Two especially productive elements resulted. First,
the difficulties the teams all had in using their technological and theoretical tools for
developing the analysis from the video and the contextual information provided by
the Italian team. This observation led to a first productive common question: each
team was asked to identify exactly what it missed for carrying out the analysis of the
video. It was also asked to make clear why it felt this limitation so problematic, and
to connect the invoked reasons to the principles, questions, and methodologies
specific to its approach. The answers to this question and their comparison played
a key role in situating the different theoretical approaches with respect to each other,
and understanding the respective lenses they used for approaching the real world
and the influence of these lenses on their research practices. From that phase also
resulted a questionnaire for the teacher-researcher. His answers, accompanied by a
second short episode (video-2), complemented the material milieu the networking
group was interacting with.


Reflection on Networking Through the Praxeological Lens


The Evolution of Milieus and Tasks

The second productive element came from these additional data: the description by
the teacher of his didactic use of semiotic games in the answers to the questionnaire
(cf. Chap. 2). For a diversity of reasons, all teams noticed this element. Once again,
a specific task and a new process of study were built around this element, which
transformed it into a transactional object. The technique used was the following.
First, the TDS team was asked to associate a question with this element. The question,
articulated in the TDS theoretical discourse, was about the possible relationship
between semiotic games and a phenomenon of limitation of the a-didactic milieu.
Each team was then asked to re-formulate this question within its own theoretical
discourse before trying to answer it. Re-formulations, the work carried out in
answering the resulting questions, and the answers eventually provided were
then exchanged and discussed; new questions emerged, leading to work at the level
of theoretical constructs and phenomena, and to progress in the networking enterprise.
For instance, the use of video-2 for making sense of the teachers discourse around
semiotic games led to the case study reported in Chap. 12, in which the possible
connections between the ideas of Topaze effect and funnel pattern were systematically investigated. More globally, each case study involving a few teams around the
study of specific questions is the result of such a process.
A retrospective look at the whole enterprise shows this regular move from the contact with the initial then complemented milieu, to research questions and tasks collaboratively negotiated to exploit this milieu. These tasks organize the work of each team
and pave the way towards productive exchanges around this work. In a second phase,
these tasks and the work carried out for working them out become a new shared milieu
with which the teams interact for answering questions and tasks situated at a more
meta-didactic level. One of the first examples of such a move, not reported in this book,
was the moment when, from the observation that all analyses of video-1 paid specific
attention to the social dimension of the learning process, it was decided to clarify the
ways this attention was expressed and theoretically instrumented in the different discourses, and compare them (Kidron et al. 2008). Chapter 10 on context, milieu, and
media-milieu dialectic in fact obeyed a similar logic. It is worth noticing that, in these
two cases, the move to a meta-didactic level had also as a consequence that the teams
involved were obliged to take into account their respective theories at a regional level.

Some Less Successful Attempts

If we take seriously the needs of the networking enterprise in terms of contact with the
range of research praxeologies associated with a given technological-theoretical block,
there is no doubt that the initial milieu and its extensions mentioned above have evident
limitations. It only allows approaching the research praxeologies of the different teams
very partially. Retrospectively, we interpret a task proposed by Ken Ruthven at one of
our first meetings as an attempt to overcome these limitations. The task had no link
with the videos. It proposed to question our respective theoretical approaches through


M. Artigue and M. Bosch

the way we would transform a teacher question into a research question. The starting
point was thus an object external to the different research praxeologies involved, but it
came from an empirical system shared by all of us: the profession of mathematics
teacher in a European country. The example selected was the following:
How is it that some students can learn to tackle a particular type of mathematical problem successfully (as shown by their performance in the class), but be unable to do so two weeks or
months later? What strategies can the teacher use to reduce the likelihood of this occurring?
Answer this question along the following guidelines and write 2 to 4 pages:
(a) How do you a priori answer this question and what are your basic assumptions?
(b) How do you transform the raised problem into a research question starting from the
question above?
(c) What is your research design?
(d) What type of results would you expect?

All teams answered these questions, which were also proposed to the researchers
involved in the Theory Working Group at the 5th Conference of the European
Society for Research in Mathematics Education, and the eight responses received
were presented and discussed at the conference (Prediger and Ruthven 2007).
However, within the networking group, the task was no further exploited.
Retrospectively, we see two reasons for this. On the one hand, the task started from
an observation shared by all of us in our respective educational contexts, but it was
too disconnected from the work we were engaged in for not being perceived as an
artificial exercise; on the other hand, the initial milieu for this task did not offer
sufficient potential of retro-action for dealing with the heterogeneity of the answers
provided. Enriching the initial milieu would have been thus necessary for developing
a productive networking activity. However, at that time, our understanding of the
conditions to be satisfied for initiating productive networking praxeologies was not
developed enough. This track was abandoned.
This was also the case for an initial attempt made at connecting directly our respective principles and key concepts through a system of conceptual maps. We worked on
this task at one of our first meetings but did not find the results very convincing and
gave up. Retrospectively, this attempt that was not further developed confirms our
vision that connecting theories and concepts cannot be achieved without involving
strategies that allow researchers to situate these within research praxeologies, and
create appropriate milieus for that. At this starting stage of the networking, working
at the level of the theory was only useful to point out the differences between the
approaches, without helping in the mutual understanding of each others visions and
the searching for commonalities to promote collaborative analyses.

General Comments

We will not enter further into these attempts, but they must not be omitted from this
retrospective reflection. They show that, in this new area of research, praxeologies are
in a state of emergence. Tasks and techniques for solving them, that is to say appropriate methodologies, cannot be simply borrowed from the practical blocks of the research
praxeologies familiar to us. In particular, the constitution of milieus and the


Reflection on Networking Through the Praxeological Lens


organization of appropriate media-milieu dialectics likely to produce knowledge

regarding networking are not obvious. Drawing the lessons from this particular networking enterprise imposes thus to precisely look at the tasks successively created
along the process and the milieus arranged for these, not only at the results obtained.
We conjecture that an important reason for the success of this project is that the networking tasks designed made it possible to overcome the limitation of an approach
focused on the theories themselves. The anchoring of tasks in the analysis of two
videos helped the teams engage some practical blocks of their respective research
praxeologies and consider them as objects of study. The succession of tasks taking
into account the questions progressively emerging from this study, and the associated
evolution of the milieus with which the researchers interacted, played also a crucial
role for addressing the different components of research praxeologies and their dialectic interactions. Another essential point is the way the different researchers contributed themselves to the milieu. Compared with networking efforts carried out by a
single researcher, this networking enterprise engaged researchers with different
backgrounds and theoretical expertise. This expertise contributed to the antagonist
dimension of the milieus at stake. In most of the tasks collectively designed, researchers acting as elements of the milieu offered resistance to the interpretations or claims
that other teams could propose; they obliged them to make visible implicit assumptions and arguments, naturalized in their research praxeologies. This antagonist role
was reinforced by the fact that many researchers were not really familiar with the
other theoretical approaches involved.
Beyond the level of tasks and milieus, the techniques used in the networking
process were a combination of familiar research techniques and specific techniques
used for carrying out the collaborative work planned. For instance, as made clear in the
different chapters of the book, each team used its own techniques for analyzing
the videos and the complementary material. Reading these analyses, one can grasp
the technical diversity at stake, despite the limitation of the material involved, the
essential pieces of it being a 1-hour video showing two students working essentially
in an autonomous way, and a very short video complementing it. The specific techniques used for collaborative work included those usual in collaborative scientific
work: presentations and discussions, group work on specific issues and collective
reports, co-writing of texts, both in regular face-to-face meetings and at a distance.
However, the evolution of tasks went along with an evolution in the organization of
all these ingredients, the collaborative work taking a cyclic nature: formulation of a
question, team work on this question, exchange and comparison of the work developed and its outcomes, reflection on its networking potential, new questions, etc.
And, at the end, a systematic reflective stance with the interpretation of the whole
process in terms of the ordered structure of networking processes. As shown by the
case studies, the generating questions were of a different nature: from questions
directly emerging from the analysis of the data as in Chap. 12 already mentioned, to
more general questions such as in Chap. 10 in which the aim of the case study is to
understand how three of the theoretical approaches involved, AiC, TDS, and ATD,
take in charge the idea of context. However, one characteristic of the technical work
developed in the case studies is its anchoring in the data shared by the networking
group, and especially the two videos.



M. Artigue and M. Bosch

The Theoretical Block of Networking Praxeologies

A retrospective analysis of the networking enterprise through the praxeological lens

must go beyond the practical dimension of networking praxeologies and consider
their theoretical block. The current emerging state of these networking praxeologies
does not make this an easy task: the technological and theoretical discourses are not
fully articulated. However, as pointed out in the introductory chapter of the book,
there is no doubt that this networking enterprise relies on theoretical principles.
For instance, it considers theoretical diversity as a normal state of the field of
mathematics education, not a sign of some scientific immaturity. It adopts a dynamic
and functional vision of theories. These principles are expressed using a language
and references familiar to the community of mathematics education. Along the
development of the project, some aspects of a theoretical discourse progressively
consolidated and became more specific. One example is provided by the differentiation between different forms of networking and their ordering along a networking
axis. The networking group has systematically used this structure for situating its
networking efforts and their outcomes, as attested by the different case studies, and
this technological tool resulted in being useful. Another example is the more recent
idea of networking profile introduced in Chap. 8.
Creating categories and hierarchies is often a first step in the development of a theoretical discourse. These constructions confirm thus that networking praxeologies are
emerging. For approaching their theoretical block, it is certainly appropriate to consider the interface between the theoretical and practical block, the place where results
emerge which can contribute to the development of a technological discourse and contribute to the praxeological dynamics. A first point to be mentioned is that the results of
the networking work go beyond networking. As evidenced by several case studies, the
tasks designed and the way they were carried out questioned the different theoretical
approaches involved, not just their possible connections. A typical example is provided
by Chap. 12, in which the interpretation of the same episode by three different
phenomena led to a process of deconstructionreconstruction of these phenomena, the
reconstruction being influenced by the contact established among them. Even when
there is no such process of deconstructionreconstruction, each case study has as a
result a deepening of the understanding of each theoretical approach by the researchers
already experts in it. This could have been anticipated. In this long-term process, each
theoretical approach, except APC, has been questioned on its capacity to make sense of
data shaped by another educational and didactic culture; the interpretations each team
provided have been systematically confronted with alternative views strongly defended
by their authors; theoretical constructions have been challenged by researchers who
did not understand them but wanted to make sense of them and of their potential.
However, whatever is the interest of such progression in the understanding of our
own or other theories, what was expected were results in terms of networking. As
shown by the different chapters, the project has produced such results, and they
cover the different levels of the landscape for networking strategies mentioned
above. This is not the place for listing them here. In line with the praxeological lens


Reflection on Networking Through the Praxeological Lens


we adopt in this chapter, we prefer to focus on the way these results may support the
emergence of a proper technological discourse.
Let us give an example, considering once again Chap. 12. In this chapter a
connection is established between the Topaze effect and the funnel pattern. This is
achieved through the following process. First, each phenomenon is situated within its
theoretical environment and precisely described. Then the functional proximity
between the two phenomena is made clear: the two of them are identified as ways
of maintaining the fiction that learning has occurred when the conditions for such
learning do not exist; this makes it possible to subsume the two phenomena under a
common umbrella. However, the analysis makes clear how the characteristics of each
theoretical approach shape the way this fiction is expressed, giving complementary
insights on it. By doing so, the analysis makes visible the strength and limitation of
each approach. The whole process results thus in an original technological discourse
having clear networking characteristics.
The work carried out shows other possible formats for the emergence of a technological discourse attached to networking praxeologies. Without having the ambition
of identifying all of them, we would like to give another example, considering Chap.
11. In this case, the two research praxeologies at stake are APC and IDS. When considering a given episode from a short video excerpt, they raise the common question
(or research task) of how to explain a hypothetical failure of the teacherstudents
interaction. Then the technological elements provided by each approach as possible
explanations appear to be contradictory. A common work starts which remains at the
technological level: there is no contest of the basic principles of each frame nor of the
type of methodologies used (both at the theory level). The final result is an enrichment of both technologies by a new emerging concept, that of epistemological gap.
We can forecast that, if the concept remains productive and robust in its use for
approaching new tasks and in instrumenting new techniques, it could become a basic
notion of the praxeology and enter its theory. What is sure is that the development
also affects the practical block as the new analysis provided would lead to the
raising of new problematic questions and the development of both analytical
techniques. As the authors pointed out, this special case of networking praxeologies
is certainly made possible by the proximity of their theoretical principles: view on
data, unit of analysis, orientation, etc.
As a counterexample, a case of success and failure of networking can be mentioned
referring to Chap. 9 on the epistemic role of gestures. A quite similar theoretical
proximity between AiC and APC (at least at the level of the unit of analysis) enables
both approaches to be enriched by the other inclusion of the gesture analyses in
AiC and of the epistemic dimension in APC. However, an attempt to include the
ATD team in the networking initially failed due to the difficulties of the ATD
researchers in combining their analysis with those of the AiC and APC teams. In the
ATD theory, gestures are part of the praxeologies and, thus, of the knowledge that is
to be taught and learnt and of the didactic strategies used to do so. This distance
from the AiC and APC assumptions about the mediator role of gestures acted as a
barrier for the integration of the ATD analysis in the common work.



M. Artigue and M. Bosch


Analyzing this networking enterprise through the praxeological lens makes clear
that, within this project, specific networking praxeologies have been developed.
Considering the questions raised in the introduction, and the risk of underestimating the crucial role played by the practical block of research praxeologies, there is
no doubt that this risk has been avoided. If, during the first meetings, some
attempts were made at connecting directly the different theoretical approaches
through descriptions and maps trying to link the main concepts of each theory,
quickly the strategies evolved to tasks allowing the researchers to mobilize both
the practical and the theoretical block of their research praxeologies and make the
whole praxeologies the object of joint study. This is certainly one reason for the
success of the enterprise that the praxeological lens helps identify. What also contributed to the success of the enterprise was the fact that these research praxeologies
were not considered as isolated objects, but were engaged in the solving of common
questions around a shared set of data. One can observe here an evident proximity
with the strategy developed in the European project ReMath, whose networking
ambition was also clear regarding the semiotic potential of digital technologies. In
ReMath, indeed a system of cross-experimentations was developed, common
questions articulated about these cross-experimentations, and case studies carried
out (Artigue et al. 2009). Common questions addressed and case studies are thus
common ingredients of the two projects. In ReMath, however, cross-experimentations played a crucial role in the networking praxeologies developed. Each team
was asked to experiment with two digital tools: one familiar, because produced by
the team itself; and the other alien, because produced by another team from
another country with a different theoretical background. The case studies focused
thus on the comparison of the two pairs of experimentations of the same digital
tool. Networking praxeologies were thus different, but the two projects shared the
same vision of theories as dynamic and functional objects. ReMath also had the
vision that networking could only be achieved through the production of specific
tasks allowing making visible how theoretical concerns impacted the design of
digital tools and their didactic use. The cross-experimentation process was one of
the techniques used for making visible the tacit part of design and research practices. The techniques used in our project are certainly less demanding from an
experimental perspective, but, in some sense, the limitation of the experimental
constraints has allowed the focusing of the work on the progressive definition of
tasks and constitution of milieus making us able to maximize the profit that could
be taken from the limited corpus of data used. And the long term of this project
with no external limit in time made this progression possible.
Such characteristics contrast with many earlier efforts made at networking
theoretical frameworks, even if the word networking was not used. For instance,
the Special Issue of Educational Studies in Mathematics (Zan et al. 2006) results
from a Research Forum at the 28th PME conference, held in 2004 in Bergen, and
considers the diversity of theoretical frameworks used in research on affect in


Reflection on Networking Through the Praxeological Lens


mathematics education. As expressed by the editors, a special feature of the

Special Issue is to show how different frameworks can help in interpreting and
intervening in students learning processes, through the analysis of an empirical
account of a particular students solving of a mathematical problem in the classroom (Zan et al. 2006, p. 118). However, in the six articles constituting the
issue, the place attached to the analysis of this empirical account is very limited,
and the different analyses are just juxtaposed.
In spite of the lessons provided by this experience, it however remains a very
limited experience. Only a tiny part of the praxeological complexity of the research
frames has been involved in the networking process. The networking tasks presented in this book, built around the collaborative study of a particular set of data,
cannot engage the entire set of questions where each of the research praxeologies
can show its potential, as well as its limitations. This is true for the five theories
involved but is especially obvious for big theories such as ATD and TDS.
In the introduction of this chapter, we also raised the issue of the different sizes
of the theory involved. In fact, this networking experience shows that differences in
size are not necessarily an obstacle to networking processes, when adequate points
of contact between theories are identified. For instance, Chap. 10 involves three
theories of very different size: AiC, TDS, and ATD. As shown in Chap. 10, the
networking process was associated in that case with a progressive extension of the
perspective from the cognitive and individual perspective underlying AiC to the
institutional perspective underlying ATD. TDS acted as an intermediate level, which
on the one hand could be connected to AiC through its cognitive roots and vision of
learning as an adaptation process, and on the other hand was connected to ATD
through its systemic perspective and vision of learning also as an acculturation
process. Moreover, the possibility of connection between AiC and TDS-ATD,
already connected for decades within the French didactics community, was reinforced
by a shared concern with the epistemology of the discipline. This shared concern
was for instance made clear by the convergence between the a priori analysis made
by AiC and TDS researchers.
Another fundamental element of the networking technology, its description and
justification, is what we can call its didactic component. The main condition for
networking to develop is the diffusion of research praxeologies among the community
of researchers a diffusion that is not just an acknowledgement of what is done in
the different frames, their specificities, differences, and commonalities, but a high
degree of comprehension at all levels of the research praxeologies. What we have
called the dialogue between research praxeologies (Artigue et al. 2011a, b;
Trigueros et al. 2011), the condition for researchers from different approaches to
work together, needs special teaching, learning, and study conditions of the problems
raised by the others, the methodologies used, the notions used to interpret the work
done, and the kind of results obtained. It clearly appears at this point that the very
reading of the others productions (papers, communications, informal analysis,
teaching productions, etc.) is far from being enough to enable fruitful dialogues to
develop. The craftsmanship dimension of research needs people meeting face to


M. Artigue and M. Bosch

face, seeing the other carry out the research analyses, questioning and explaining
the research gestures observed, trying to imitate the practice of others before fully
understanding it. The results obtained in terms of research production are maybe
not necessarily relevant; they are, however, absolutely crucial for the personal
share of these research implicit skills and competences. The workshop activities
that are not shown in this book, the walks, meals, informal discussions, the share of
failure experiences, as well as some successes, are also part of networking praxeologies and should not be underestimated. The humility, modesty, patience, generosity
of the participants especially those with a deeper research background are part
of the conditions that should integrate a networking praxeology to make it effective.
In fact, such practices are not new. They are normal ingredients of researchers
activity each time their work involves different communities, all the more different
disciplines. What is new, however, is to take them as objects of study, to investigate
their particular characteristics and ecology, to understand their dynamics and try to
make them more effective, to identify their outcomes, and to share the resulting
knowledge with the research community at large. For that purpose, ATD can be a
useful lens.

Artigue, M. (coord.). (2009). Integrative theoretical framework Version C. Deliverable 18,
ReMath Project. Accessed 29 Nov 2013.
Artigue, M., Bosch, M., & Gascn, J. (2011a). Research praxeologies and networking theories. In
M. Pytlak, T. Rowland, & E. Swoboda (Eds.), Proceedings of the seventh Congress of the
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 23812390). Rzeszw: ERME/
University of Rzeszw.
Artigue, M., Bosch, M., & Gascn, J. (2011b). La TAD face au problem de linteraction entre
cadres thoriques en didactique des mathmatiques. In M. Bosch et al. (Eds.), Un panorama
de la TAD. An overview of ATD (CRM documents, Vol. 10, pp. 3356). Barcelona: Centre de
Recerca Matemtica.
Kidron, I., Lenfant, A., Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., Artigue, M., & Dreyfus, T. (2008). Toward networking
three theoretical approaches: The case of social interactions. ZDM The International Journal
on Mathematics Education, 40(2), 247264.
Lakatos, I. (1978). The methodology of scientific research programmes: Philosophical papers
(Vol. 1). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Niss, M. (2007). Reflections on the state of and trends in research on mathematics teaching and
learning. From here to utopia. In F. Lester (Ed.), Second handbook of research on mathematics
teaching and learning (pp. 12931312). Greenwich: Information Age.
Prediger, S., & Ruthven, K. (2007). From teaching problems to research problems. Proposing a
way of comparing theoretical approaches. In D. Pitta-Pantazi & G. Phillipou (Eds.), Proceedings
of the 5th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME
5) (pp. 17451771). Cyprus: ERME.
Prediger, S., Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., & Arzarello, F. (2008). Networking strategies and methods for
connecting theoretical approaches: First steps towards a conceptual framework. ZDM The
International Journal on Mathematics Education, 40(2), 165178.
Radford, L. (2008). Connecting theories in mathematics education: Challenges and possibilities.
ZDM The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 40(2), 317327.


Reflection on Networking Through the Praxeological Lens


Trigueros, M., Bosch, M., & Gascn, J. (2011). Tres modalidades de dilogo entre APOS y TAD.
In M. Bosch et al. (Eds.), Un panorama de la TAD. An overview of ATD (CRM documents,
Vol. 10, pp. 77116). Bellaterra: Centre de Recerca Matemtica.
Zan, R., Brown, L., Evans, J., & Hannula, M. S. (2006). Affect in mathematics education: An
introduction. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 63, 113121.

Chapter 16

From Networked Theories to Modular Tools?

Kenneth Ruthven

Abstract This chapter offers a critical appreciation of the networking project.

It notes the origins of the participating theories in prior networking and draws
out commonalities and contrasts in their pedagogical preoccupations. It highlights the opportunities that coordinated analysis and theory breakdown provide
for elaboration of the participating theories and appropriation between them.
Finally, it suggests that rather than conceiving synthesis in terms of an integration
of theories, an alternative is to adopt a modular viewpoint which acknowledges
the decomposability of theories into component analytic tools and the composability of tools from different theories.
Keyword Networking of theories



This book arises from a sustained collective enterprise to explore the networking
of theories within mathematics education. It reports, in particular, on collaborative
work aimed at developing a sharper conceptualisation of the motivating idea of
networking theories as well as productive methods aimed at operationalising that
idea. The opening of Part I sketches the history of the enterprise, explains its motive
and broad method, announces the five theories to be networked, and previews the
structure of the book. What I did not find here was some reflection on the process by
which the project came to focus on these five specific theories and perhaps on the
exemplarity of this particular collection.

K. Ruthven (*)
Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, 184 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 8PQ, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research
Practice in Mathematics Education, Advances in Mathematics Education,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9_16, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014



K. Ruthven

Guided by Radford (2008), the project embraces a perspective in which a

theoretical approach (in preference to theory) is taken to be dynamic (rather
than static) and is considered to be embedded in the practical work of researchers
(Chap. 1, p. 6). Thus, a theoretical approach is seen as taking the form of an evolving
tool in use which requires adaptation to each new situation (Chap. 1, p. 6) (rather
than an already finished tool to be used). To reframe this in different terms, the
book takes the fundamental objects of its interest as theorising communities of
research practice rather than simply the theoretical reifications associated with such
communities. To push this point further, the book focuses on communities of
research practice which identify with a particular theoretical approach rather than
those which embrace a more pragmatic theoretical bricolage. Nevertheless, as the
next section will demonstrate, all five of the theoretical approaches examined in this
book originated in the appropriation of reifications from various communities of
research practice to create a hybrid practice drawing on multiple theoretical
In the light of the view that a theoretical approach is an evolving tool in use
which requires adaptation to each new situation, it is also interesting to note that the
participants in this enterprise found it necessary to adapt their organising theory of
theories (based on Radfords triplet of Principles, Methodologies and Questions) in
order to adequately survey the five theoretical approaches and present each of them:
We had to extend the principles by Key Constructs, and we had to allow different orders
among the four components Principles, Key Constructs, Questions and Methodology, since
their mutual relationships are conceptualized differently in the five approaches. (Chap. 1, p. 7)

Much of the networking activity reported and reflected upon within the book
involved parallel, then joint, analyses of a dataset originating from a previous teaching
experiment that had been framed in terms of one of the participating theories.
The final chapter of Part I of the book introduces this dataset, filling out the context
in which it was gathered. Predictably, the original dataset had to be extended in
order to become usable by the other theoretical approaches, highlighting the way in
which any theoretical lens frames and filters experience and evidence:
During the process of networking it became evident, that there was a need for further
information about the background of the teaching experiment. Thus, written protocols,
worksheet texts, detailed information on the students background (as the teacher sees it)
and information on the teachers ideas were added to the already existing data corpus.
(Chap. 2, p. 20)


The Origins of the Participating Theories

in Prior Networking

The chapters in Part II of the book provide an overview of the participating theoretical
approaches. Each of them arose through the appropriation and coordination of components from several prior theoretical approaches not specific to mathematics education.

16 From Networked Theories to Modular Tools?


APC (Action, Production and Communication) is characterised as having its

foundation mainly in two complementary theoretical assumptions: the multimodal
perspective on cognition and communication, and the social-cultural characterization of human activity and thinking (Chap. 3, p. 32). A particularly important
resource drawn from the first body of theory is McNeills theorised typology of
gesture (Chap. 3, pp. 3435), and from the second body of theory, a Vygotskian
model of the socially and semiotically mediated growth of mental functions
(Chap. 3, p. 35).
Likewise, AiC (Abstraction in Context) is described as suitably choosing and
interpolating between elements from cognitive and situated approaches as well as
activity theoretical and constructivist elements (Chap. 6, p. 86), and as making
hybrid reference to theoretical forefathers that belong to different traditions,
Freudenthal and Davydov (Chap. 6, p. 86). Each furnishes notions of abstraction
through the ideas of vertical mathematization from the former and of ascent to
the concrete from the latter.
Again, IDS (Interest Dense Situations) is reported as drawing first on conceptualizations of individual interest as a person-object relation, of situational interest
determined by situational conditions, and of the connection of both concepts to
self-determination theory (Chap. 7, p. 98); second, on a specific kind of social
constructivism[in which] learning mathematics is regarded as a process of constructing mathematical knowledge within social interactions, and individuals may
co-construct knowledge by participating in and contributing to these constructions
(Chap. 7, p. 99); and more specifically on interpretative teaching and learning
research (Chap. 7, p. 99), itself drawing on a philosophical theory of language
concerned with levels of utterance (Chap. 7, p. 100).
The expositions of these first three theories make quite extensive reference to
their prior theoretical resources. Perhaps this is because these approaches have been
developed more recently so that their sources not only remain salient in the collective
memory of the research team associated with each theory but also continue to make
explicit contributions to their research practice. Certainly, the longer history and
wider community of the other two theories in play in this book has resulted in their
developing a more autonomous form, going well beyond the foundational resources
which they drew from prior theoretical approaches.
However, for TDS (Theory of Didactical Situations), important foundational
sources appear to have been Bachelards historical epistemology, particularly
through the didactic conversion of his notion of epistemological obstacle (Chap. 4,
pp. 4849); and Piagets genetic epistemology, particularly the idea that the student
learns by adapting herself to a milieu which generates contradictions, difficulties and
disequilibria (Chap. 4, p. 49). Likewise, for ATD (Anthropological Theory of the
Didactic), important foundational sources appear to have been the sociological idea
of didactic transposition proposed by Verret (1975) as the basis of a theory of
school knowledge, and the anthropological notion of praxeological knowledge
proposed by Bourdieu (1973) as the basis of a science of practices.
Clearly, then, all five of the theoretical approaches on which this book focuses
have combined key ideas from various prior theories and adapted them to focus


K. Ruthven

specifically on some issue of mathematics education. At the same time, a process of

dissociation has taken place, so that the functioning of these borrowed components
is no longer disciplined at least not directly by the theory of origin as whole.
Rather, the emphasis within each of these new theoretical approaches has been on
coordinating these disparate borrowed elements to form a system, and on elaborating
that system to create a conceptual framework through which the new theoretical
approach can acquire its own identity and integrity.
There is a further important relationship between TDS and ATD, reflecting their
shared origins in the French community of didactique des mathmatiques. Not only
have these theories been subject to similar influences and drawn common ideas
from this wider community, but one is consciously a development of the other:
The meaning and relevance of ATD has to be understood as a development of the project
initiated by TDS of a science of didactic phenomena. (Chap. 5, p. 68).

This means that ATD draws some of its central ideas from TDS. For example:
ATD assumes an important postulate of TDS: the fact that any piece of knowledge
(i.e. any praxeology) can be considered as an answer provided explicitly or de facto
to a question (a problem or a difficulty) arising in an institutional setting (or a situation).
(Chap. 5, p. 70)

The distinctive new contribution of ATD is to provide a much broader theorisation

of this institutional dimension. Although recently, developments such as the theory
of joint action between students and teachers combine in an original way affordances
both of TDS and ATD (Chap. 4, p. 53), such developments do not feature in this
book where TDS and ATD maintain separate identities.
Ultimately, the problematic of ATD is rather different from those of the other
four participating theories, and its concerns somewhat distant from theirs.
Consequently, ATD proved less well adapted to analysing the classroom episodes
which provided the focus of much of the joint networking activity. For that reason,
in this chapter I will focus on the other four theories.


The Pedagogical Preoccupations of the Participating


The development of each of these four theoretical approaches has been motivated
by the goal of formulating, in more systematic terms, a particular pedagogical
approach to mathematics. There is an important commonality between the four
theoretical approaches in question AiC, APC, IDS and TDS in that they all
appear to privilege a pedagogy which gives a central place to relatively extended
investigative or problem-solving activity by students within carefully engineered
task environments designed to support the development of target mathematical concepts. Beyond this, however, there are important differences between these pedagogical approaches: for example, in the design logic underlying task sequences, and
in the mediating role of the teacher in task-based activity.

16 From Networked Theories to Modular Tools?


Differences of both these types can be seen very clearly through comparison of
the AiC and APC approaches. The development of AiC as a framework for analysing
the didactical design of task sequences of a very particular character is made clear:
In AiC we focus on particular kinds of curricula and within these, on tasks with a high
potential for supporting the construction of knowledge that is new to the learner In brief,
the design intends to create a didactical sequence aimed at vertical reorganization of students knowledge. (Chap. 6, p. 93)

Seeking to use the AiC framework to analyse student activity on an APC-inspired

task, it seems that one crucial difference between the two approaches is the emphasis
of the former on situations calling for mathematical explanation and justification:
Most of the [APC-inspired] tasks that the two students in the analyzed video were asked
to work on are not of this [AiC-specified] kind. These tasks require more phenomenological
observation than explanations of the phenomena. (Chap. 6, p. 93)

Likewise, a distinctive form of pedagogical interaction, in which the teacher plays

a very specific role, is highlighted within the APC framework: the semiotic game.
In a semiotic game, the teacher tunes with the students semiotic resources (e.g. words and
gestures), and uses them to make the mathematical knowledge evolve towards scientifically
shared meanings. More specifically, the teacher uses one kind of sign (typically, gestures)
to tune with the students discourse, and another one to support the evolution of new meanings (typically, language). (Chap. 3, p. 38)

Not only is this deliberate scheme of interaction between teacher and students distinctive to APC; within AiC, no privileged interactional role is accorded to the
teacher, who is regarded simply as one potential element within a broadly framed
notion of context:
For AiC, context has many components. One of them is the social context, often including
peers or a teacher; another is the historical context, which refers to the students prior
experiences in learning mathematics; a third is the learning context, which includes,
among others, curricular factors, socio-mathematical norms, and technological tools.
(Chap. 6, p. 88)

Nevertheless, on the evidence of the video-recorded episodes analysed in the book,

the pedagogy associated with APC also envisages substantial phases of largely
autonomous student exploration of task situations analogous to those characteristic
of the pedagogy associated with AiC.
These differences lead to correspondingly different motors of, and indicators of,
learning being highlighted by the two approaches. In AiC, the key marker is
evidence of a particular type of coordination by the student of prior concepts to
create a new one:
The model suggests constructing as the central epistemic action of mathematical abstraction. Constructing consists of assembling and integrating previous constructs by vertical
mathematization to produce a new construct. It refers to the first time the new construct is
expressed or used by the learner. This definition of constructing does not imply that the
learner has acquired the new construct once and forever; the learner may not even be fully
aware of the new construct, and the learners construct is often fragile and context dependent. (Chap. 6, p. 89).


K. Ruthven

Whereas AiC focuses on student productions as marking the emergence of a new

concept from a constructive learning process, APC focuses on the potential that such
productions provide for subsequent interaction with the teacher through the semiotic
game in a learning process conceived as much as imitative as constructive:
Even a vague gesture of the student can really indicate a certain comprehension level, even
when the student has not yet the words to express himself at this level. [T]he semiotic
game is likely to be useful to the student in a zone of proximal development for a
certain concept so that the teacher may have the chance to intervene in its cognitive
development. The intervention is imitative-based, that is, the teacher imitates the students
gestures and accompanies them with certain scientific meanings (expressed in appropriated
words), in order that in the following, the students will be able to imitate the teachers
words. (Chap. 3, p. 38)

This comparison can be extended to the remaining theoretical approaches. At the

heart of TDS is a distinctive pedagogical approach grounded in the careful design of
task specification and environment to create an adidactical situation capable of
making the target mathematical knowledge emerge from students interaction with
a milieu, as the optimal solution to a mathematical problem (Chap. 4, p. 51). Again,
seeking to use this TDS framework to analyse student activity on an APC-inspired
task reveals an important difference in their approaches to task formulation:
[The task tackled by students in the video] does not constitute a problem-situation but is
an exploration task In this task, the expectations remain rather fuzzy. What criteria can
students have for knowing that they have completed the task? (Chap. 4, p. 55)

While TDS like APC and AiC envisages substantial phases of student work on task
situations involving little or no interaction with the teacher, the design logic of TDS
firmly sequences such student-moderated activity as falling between two particular
forms of teacher moderation:
The processes of devolution and institutionalization were introduced for connecting the
acculturation and adaptation dimensions of the educational enterprise. Both are under the
responsibility of the teacher. Through devolution, the teacher makes her students accept the
mathematical responsibility of solving the problem without trying to decode her didactical
intention, and maintains it, creating thus the conditions for learning through adaptation.
Through institutionalization, the teacher helps students to connect the contextualized
knowledge they have constructed in the a-didactical situation to the target cultural and
institutional knowledge and she organizes its decontextualization and transformation into
savoirs. (Chap. 4, pp. 5253)

While the semiotic game within APC pedagogy shows concern with acculturation, it is not clear that this extends as far as the decontextualising and transformational characteristics of institutionalization within TDS pedagogy.
Indeed, the two techniques appear quite different both in their interactional
characteristics and in their conception of the learning process. Moreover, the
active, if differing, roles explicitly accorded to the teacher within TDS and APC
stand in contrast to AiC:
Contrary to AiC, the teacher for TDS is neither an element of the context nor a component
of the milieu: he is an actor. (Chap. 10, p. 173)

16 From Networked Theories to Modular Tools?


Finally, let me extend this comparison to IDS. First, development of IDS was
motivated by pedagogical concerns which were as much affective as cognitive:
The development of the theory of interest-dense situations began with the assumption
that in mathematics classrooms, the social situation plays an important role for the question
as to whether learning with interest is possible or not. This theory was formulated to
determine how to build situations with the potential to support learning mathematics with
interest in everyday classrooms. (Chap. 7, p. 97)

Indeed, IDS sees the affective and cognitive aspects of situations as interacting
through their link to the culture of the classroom and the qualities of task-based
Interest-dense situations are particularly fruitful epistemic situations which can occur in
everyday mathematics courses when the learners work co-operatively and intensely to
advance their own and their peers ideas (involvement), construct further and deeper mathematical knowledge (dynamic of the epistemic process) and highly value mathematical
objects or methods (attribution of mathematical value). (Chap. 7, pp. 9899)

The two ideal types of interaction structure that IDS identifies appear rather similar
to contrasting forms of didactical contract identified within TDS. In particular, the
expectation-recessive interaction structure which IDS takes as fostering interestdense situations closely resembles the type of didactical contract which TDS regards
as necessary to create a genuinely adidactical situation within TDS:
If expectation-independent student behaviour and situationally steered teacher behaviour
mix, an expectation-recessive interaction structure emerges in which both, teacher and
learners, concentrate on and support processes of constructing mathematical meaning
independently of the teachers expectations. It nurtures the emergence of interest-dense
situations. (Chap. 7, p. 101)

Moreover, the argument of IDS that these situations are considered as interestdense because their underlying epistemic processes encourage students to be more
attentive and engaged, thus leading to dense social interactions (Chap. 7, p. 99)
appears conducive to the process of devolution within TDS through which the
teacher makes her students accept the mathematical responsibility of solving the
problem without trying to decode her didactical intention, and maintains it, creating
thus the conditions for learning through adaptation (Chap. 4, p. 52).
However, there are key differences between the scope of IDS and that of the
other three theories under discussion:
The theory of interest-dense situations is a social constructivist theory that cannot say much
about cognitive processes of individuals and does not provide tools for epistemological
analyses. (Chap. 7, p. 102)

Nevertheless, central to IDS is a model of epistemic actions:

[F]ruitful epistemic processes within an expectation-recessive interaction structure are
built through three central collective actions executed within social interactions: gathering
and connecting mathematical meanings, and seeing structures. Gathering meanings refers
to collecting bits of mathematical meaning that are similar with respect to solving the posed
problem. Connecting meanings happens if a limited number of collected bits of meaning


K. Ruthven

are interconnected or linked to other meanings. If there are sufficient collecting and
connecting actions structures can be seen, that is a system of relationships for which many
examples can be found. (Chap. 7, pp. 101102)

Indeed, there are parallels in the terminology of epistemic actions that IDS shares
with AiC, and in the trios of action types proposed by these two theories, although
AiC seems to characterise the logic of such action types more precisely:
[T]he emergence of a new construct is described and analysed by means of three observable
epistemic actions: recognizing, building-with and constructing. Recognizing refers to the
learner seeing the relevance of a specific previous knowledge construct to the problem at
hand. Building-with comprises the combination of recognized constructs, in order to
achieve a localized goal such as the actualization of a strategy, a justification or the solution
of a problem. Constructing consists of assembling and integrating previous constructs by
vertical mathematization to produce a new construct. (Chap. 6, p. 89)


Coordinated Analysis as an Opportunity

for Appropriation

The core of Part III, and of the book as a whole, consists of four chapters reporting
directly on case studies of analytic networking between theories. The first example, presented in Chap. 9, is a relatively straightforward one. The microanalysis of
learning and teaching activity which characterises both AiC and APC often calls
for relatively high inference (and therefore less confident conclusion) from the
evidence available. Influenced by APCs attention to the whole semiotic bundle,
the networking activity leads AiC to embrace consideration of gesture as well as
utterance, broadening the spectrum of evidential information available, and so
potentially reducing the level of inference required and rendering conclusions
more confident. This is particularly so if, as the chapter suggests, modes of
expression tend to be strictly linked with each other, and the interpretation of
one of them is linked to the interpretation of the others (Chap. 9, p. 142). The
preoccupations of AiC encourage particular attention to gestures which (may)
contribute to the constructing of concepts, and this leads to a distinction being
proposed between an epistemic function of such gestures (for example, through
representing an idea kinaesthetically) and a communicative function (for example, through raising others awareness of the constructing process).
The AiC team, in particular, then, considers that this networking activity has
given rise to productive development of that theoretical approach. It provides an
example in which networking leads one theoretical approach (AiC) to appropriate
from another (APC), on a more permanent basis, an analytic tool (gesture analysis)
which extends its scope for analysis (from a semiotic frame focusing on utterances
alone to one incorporating both utterances and gestures). While, in principle, a similar synthesis might have arisen through networking between AiC and the theory of
gesture which originally influenced APC, the greater congruence between the
concerns and methods of these two theories was conducive to their forming a

16 From Networked Theories to Modular Tools?


networking partnership, providing a more indirect link between AiC and the
gestural source theory of APC.
Equally, the reflection that Chap. 9 offers on the networking experience concludes
that together, the two analyses provide far deeper insight than each one separately
(Chap. 9, p. 146). More specifically, perhaps because of important underlying congruences between the concerns and methods of the two theories, neither the difference in the way the two teams [read] the flow of the activity, nor the difference in the
way [they] see the function of the gestures leads to contradictions; rather the two
analyses complement each other and point to failures in each teams analysis to
grasp and describe the complexity in a more comprehensive way. Thus this networking activity also provides an example of how developing a coordinated use of
two compatible and complementary theoretical frameworks can enrich an analysis.
In Chap. 10, the focus of networking is on the comparison of apparently cognate concepts from different theories, notably the notions of context in AiC, milieu
in TDS (and milieu / media in ATD). As noted earlier, within AiC, context serves
as a comprehensive placeholder for a range of types of contextual shaping of the
process of conceptual construction by students, whereas, within TDS, milieu is a
central component of the architecture of an adidactical situation. Although the
milieu can take different forms, it has a precise and distinctive function within the
theoretical system: it is the task environment with which students interact and
which provides them, in particular, with feedback on their constructions. Thus,
whereas milieu is tightly bound into the conceptual system at the core of TDS and
closely defined, context gives AiC much broader licence to incorporate whichever
of such a variety of contexts (Chap. 6, p. 86) appear relevant into the conceptual
framework for a particular analysis. This treatment of context as placeholder provides a convenient point of entry for some external theorisation of contextual
features into an AiC analysis. In this respect, then, AiC appears more open to
stronger forms of networking than TDS.
Chapters 9 and 10 both involve networking between AiC and other theories.
There is greater congruence between the concerns and methods of AiC and APC
in Chap. 9, than between AiC, TDS, and ATD in Chap. 10. Indeed, the concluding
reflections to Chap. 10 note how important it was that some point of contact could
be found as a base for networking between the theoretical approaches: in this
case, a common epistemological sensibility (Chap. 10, p. 174) dislayed in the
substantial commonalities of a priori analysis within each approach. But, in the a
posteriori analysis, AiC surveys the role of different contextual elements in students construction of knowledge, ranging over the task, the learners personal
history, the computer software, the teacher, and the teachers learning goals (Chap.
10, pp. 161162). By contrast, TDS homes in on the limitation of the a-didactical
milieu in play and identifies a specific technique used by the teacher for compensating this limitation (Chap. 10, p. 168). The two analyses eventually converge when AiC points to the limitations of the semiotic games while TDS
highlights the limitation of the milieu (Chap. 10, p. 172). The complementarity
of the two approaches is that while AiCs fine-grained analysis of epistemic processes reveals subtle evolutions at the student level in the course of knowledge


K. Ruthven

construction, TDS offers an overview of the didactical system which provides a

more systematic anticipation of factors likely to affect the unfolding of knowledge
construction (Chap. 10, p. 172). Here again, then, the coordination of compatible
and complementary theoretical approaches enhances the richness of the analysis
possible. However, unlike the case reported in Chap. 9, there appears to be no
residual appropriation of tools by one theory from another as a result of the networking activity.


Theory Breakdown as an Opportunity for Elaboration

The empirical sections of Chaps. 11 and 12 both focus on the same classroom episode, lasting about a minute and a half. This episode involves, on first impression,
two students and their teacher interacting about a task; and, on closer examination,
the unfolding of some form of breakdown in the pedagogy of semiotic games. In
these two chapters, arrays of theoretical resources are brought forward to analyse
this episode, providing opportunities to assess and compare them in application.
The results of the initial analyses presented in Chap. 11, using the IDS and APC
approaches appeared almost contradictory (Chap. 11, p. 180) to the two teams
involved. The initial IDS analysis of the episode detects a pattern of interaction in
which the teacher rejects the unfolding line of thinking being expressed by one student,
and introduces a different line of thinking which is then developed through a series of
forced rhetorical questions. Because neither teacher nor student grasps the others
perspective, there is no basis for successful negotiation between them. In line with the
concern of IDS with generating interest-dense situations, the way in which this pattern
undermines the basis for the students engagement in the task is highlighted.
The initial APC analysis of this same episode detects a crucial misinterpretation
by the teacher of the students line of thinking as misconceived in a particular way.
In line with APCs semiotic focus, what is highlighted is the way in which the
teachers ensuing repetition and rephrasing of the students words is accompanied
by gestures intended to draw attention to a particular feature of the graph which
could serve to challenge what the teacher imagines to be the students misconceived
idea. An extension of this line of analysis then identifies how, in this episode, there
is an inversion of the typical structuring of semiotic registers in the teacher contribution
to interaction. Rather than the normal pattern of the teacher overlaying a sanctioned
verbal narrative on gestures taken from, or referring to, (the germ of) an approved
line of thinking preferred by a student, here the teacher incorporates fragments from
the students verbal narrative to a disapproved line of thinking into his own spoken
contributions, accompanying them with gestures aimed at highlighting the basis for
a counterargument to the students line of thinking.
Nevertheless, the coordinated analysis that was then undertaken suggests that the
two theoretical approaches are compatible and that they provide complementary
insights. This analysis leads to the introduction of the notion of there being an epistemological gap between teacher and student in the episode. The suggestion is that,

16 From Networked Theories to Modular Tools?


at root, the interactional pattern that unfolds originates in the gap between a student
reasoning from visual perception as against the teacher reasoning from mathematical properties (Chap. 11, pp. 192193). Here, this gap phenomenon is linked to a
further available theory of personal epistemologies and epistemological views.
Indeed, this example illustrates the way in which the approach to analysis characteristic of this book extends, not infrequently, beyond strict adherence to the disciplined
use of well defined constructs from the theory that is explicitly in play to incorporate
more casual use of ideas drawn from the analysts own wider repertoire of commonsense and scientific thinking. In this case, perhaps a more powerful extended theorisation for the purposes of mathematics teaching would combine a genetic epistemology
of mathematical thinking (to locate the positions defining the gap within a developmental model) with a theory of mathematical knowledge for teaching (to relate the
breakdown to a blind spot on the part of the teacher in terms of such knowledge).
In Chap. 12, the interactional pattern in this same episode is analysed in terms of
its fit to ideal types associated with three of the theories: the Semiotic Game of APC
(which is the theory associated with the intended pedagogy), the Topaze Effect of
TDS, and the Funnel Pattern from the interactionist tradition on which IDS draws.
Here, I was surprised that the IDS analysis had recourse to the Funnel Pattern, characterised as narrowing of actions by expected answer (Chap. 12, pp. 210211), rather
than to the core notions of its own theory. Specifically, in this episode we might
well be witnessing the transition from an expectation-recessive interaction structure
(as described earlier) to an expectation-dominant one:
The expectation-dominant interaction structure appears if the teacher and students are
guided by the teachers content-specific expectations towards a task. It is more stable and
hinders the emergence of interest-dense situation because the teacher guides the students
in such a way that they produce exactly what the teacher wants to hear, while the students
try to figure out what the teacher wants to hear. If an expectation dominant interaction
structure occurs within an epistemic process the emergence of an interest-dense situation
is deeply disturbed. (Chap. 7, p. 101)

From the individual and coordinated analyses undertaken, the video-recorded

exchange between teacher and student proved not to correspond to any of the proposed ideal types, suggesting a need for further elaboration of this aspect of all three
theories. However, the participating researchers report that the process of networking their theories through comparing these ideal types and examining their degree
of fit to the observed interaction led to their experience[ing] a scientific progress,
namely a step of developing theoretical understanding towards increasing explicitness of the theories principles and improving connectivity (Chap. 12, p. 218).



The four case studies in Part III provide strong evidence, of the benefits of the networking which took place, first in deepening the analyses produced of the episodes
under study, and second in developing the participating theories through stimulating


K. Ruthven

clarification and refinement of existing constructs and (more rarely) the appropriation
and development of new ones. Certain features of the empirical networking activity
were clearly conducive to producing a decentring on the part of each of the research
teams which encouraged reflection and development: working to translate and
augment data produced under a different theoretical approach to meet the needs
of their own theory; comparing and contrasting independent analyses of the same
episode produced by teams applying different theories; developing a more coordinated analysis of an episode which incorporated and harmonised insights from two
or more theories. In the course of such networking activity, research teams found
themselves obliged to think more deeply about aspects of their theory in order to
engage with the differing perspectives of other teams. These features of the networking activity are highlighted in the second half of Chap. 14.
While it is not always easy to typify particular examples of networking, it is clear
that the activity across these case studies illustrates most of the processes envisaged in
Chap. 8:
understanding and making understandable, comparing and contrasting, combining and
coordinating, and integrating locally and synthesizing. (Chap. 8, p. 119)

The exception seems to be the last of these processes synthesizing. The final
qualifying phrase of the question motivating the enterprise (shown by my italics)
suggests some discomfort with this from the outset:
How can we network different theoretical approaches, i.e. what methods, strategies and
meta-theoretical constructs are needed for creating a dialogue and establishing relationships between parts of theoretical approaches while respecting the identity of the different
approaches? (Chap. 8, p. 122)

This is hardly surprising, of course, in a project which involved several research

teams each already with a strong commitment to a particular theory. Nevertheless,
as shown by the way in which, at their inception, all these theoretical approaches
borrowed and combined components from disparate sources, theoretical identities
too are fluid and transient, as indeed the projects guiding idea of evolving theoretical approaches also implies.
Equally, the way in which these tightly focused but broadly commensurable theories were used in a coordinated way in some of the case study analyses points to
another way of thinking about synthesis. Rather than conceiving synthesis in terms
of achieving an integration of theories, an alternative is to view it in terms of increasing the integrability of their components, in the sense of developing the scope for
coordinated adaptation of tools drawn from several theories, or even common to
several (as already exemplified by TDS and ATD), each chosen for use in a particular study because of the distinctive functionality that it contributes to the proposed
analysis. This involves adopting a modular viewpoint, both with respect to the decomposability of theories into component analytic tools and with regard to the composability of tools from different theories; through the possibility either of one theory
borrowing tools from another or of new theoretical frameworks being improvised
which combine tools from several source theories to address a new type of question
or an old type of question in a new way. The manner in which the component of

16 From Networked Theories to Modular Tools?


context seems to function as a placeholder in AiC, open to imported theorisation of

any of the many aspects of context, hints at this possibility. In this vision, one of the
functions of networking would be to develop, first the modularity of individual
theories by identifying their component tools (as well as the overarching way in
which that particular theory organises them), and second the commensurability of
theories by establishing some kind of shared sensibility which would facilitate the
borrowing and combination of such tools. This is an idea which has already received
some discussion around specific examples from mathematics and science education, including TDS (Ruthven et al. 2009). But, of course, this vision reflects my
membership of a research community with a strong pragmatic motivation that
embraces theoretical bricolage.

Bourdieu, P. (1973). The three forms of theoretical knowledge. Social Science Information, 12(1),
Radford, L. (2008). Connecting theories in mathematics education: Challenges and possibilities.
ZDM The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 40(2), 317327.
Ruthven, K., Laborde, C., Leach, J., & Tiberghien, A. (2009). Design tools in didactical research:
Instrumenting the epistemological and cognitive aspects of the design of teaching sequences.
Educational Researcher, 38(5), 329342.
Verret, M. (1975). Le temps des tudes. Paris: Honor Champion.

Chapter 17

Theories and Their Networking:

A Heideggerian Commentary
Luis Radford

Abstract The chapter briefly discusses the construct of theory and the contribution
of networking theories to mathematics education research. It starts by a reflection
on the meaning of theories in general and in mathematics education in particular.
Dwelling upon Heideggers etymological analysis of theory, it stresses the ineluctably
tension between the phenomena a theory tries to account for and the manner in
which the account is carried out. The comment concludes by suggesting that
networking mathematics education theories offers a unique possibility to grasp a
thematized and systematic array of sides of educational problems.
Keywords Networking theories Heidegger Semiosphere Methodologies



The concept of theory is an elusive one that often escapes the realm of definitions,
regardless of how hard we try to pin it there. Buried under numerous layers of meaning,
theory seems to appear differently depending on the discipline that evokes it. Some
of us grew up thinking of theory as a kind of lens through which we perceive, interpret, and interact with our surroundings. This is the meaning of theory that we
inherited from the ancient Greeks, who, as we well know, cast knowledge in a metaphor of vision. Martin Heidegger reminds us, indeed, that the word theory derives
from the Greek verb thorein, a verb that comes in turn from two root words: thea

L. Radford (*)
cole des sciences de lducation Universit Laurentienne, Sudbury, ON P3E 2C6, Canada
Faculty of Humanities, School of Education, The University of Manchester,
Manchester M13 9PL, UK
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research
Practice in Mathematics Education, Advances in Mathematics Education,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9_17, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014



L. Radford

and hora. Thea, from where the word theater derives, is the outward look, the
aspect, in which something shows itself, the outward appearance in which it offers
itself (Heidegger 1977, p. 163). Eidos is the name Plato uses to refer to which
shows itself in the phenomenological realm, that is, a presence that makes itself
present (e.g., an idea, a thing), more specifically the aspect in which what presences
shows what it is (p. 163). To know, eidenai, is to have seen this aspect. Hora
means to look at something attentively, to look it over, to view it closely (p. 163).
For the ancient Greeks, then, theory consisted in looking attentively on the outward
appearance wherein what presences becomes visible and, through such sightseeing
to linger with it (p. 163).
The modern term observation, which comes from the Latin word contemplatio,
refers to the Greek lingering vision metaphor and moves the term theory into new
territory. Although it stresses the visual metaphor through which theory is conceived,
as in vita contemplativa, it adds a new array of efforts that have to be made in order
to render visible the thing to be seen. With da Vinci and Galileo the meaning of
theory changes: the border line separating bios thertikos (a theoretical form of
life) and bios praktikos (a practical and productive form of life) somehow vanishes
and theory appears as an endeavor where one strives to manipulate something, to
work over it, to pursue it, to entrap it in order to secure it (Heidegger, p. 167). And
it is objectness, that is, this feature of entrapping something as an object to be
secured, that, according to Heidegger, characterizes the modern concept of science
a concept that would have been as strange to medieval man [sic] as it would have
been dismaying to Greek thought (p. 168).
Thus, when Euclid proves the Pythagorean Theorem, he resorts to the original
bios thertikos: Euclids proof consists indeed in attentively looking at the outward
appearance of the right triangle and the squares built on the sides; when areas are
compared, he is looking at the relations over and over, closely, lingering, waiting so
to speak for the relational presences to become visible through sight. When Galileo
is busy measuring time using a large pail filled with water descending along a channel
carved on an inclined plane, he resorts to a conception of theory or theoretical
approach where the original senses of bios thertikos and the bios praktikos have
merged. Galileos deeds illustrate very well how manipulation and planning become
important in the modern concept of theory. From the Renaissance on, mathematics
moves too from its central place within a bios thertikos to a synthesis that starts
featuring the dimensions of a bios praktikos where reckoning comes to the fore:
mathematics becomes not merely the science of reckoning:
in the sense of performing operations with numbers for the purpose of establishing quantitative
results . Mathematics [becomes] the reckoning that, everywhere by means of equations,
has set up as the goal of its expectation the harmonizing of all relations of order, and that
therefore reckons in advance with one fundamental equation for all merely possible
ordering. (Heidegger 1977, p. 170)

There are several aspects that come to the fore in the concept of theory. A theory
is always a theory of somethingan object-area. A theory is always about the mattering and happening of specific kinds of entities that Heidegger calls presences. It
is in this sense that theories work as filters that discriminate between presences and


Theories and Their Networking: A Heideggerian Commentary


their importance. But when we do so, we highlight presences and link them in ways
that make them appear as congruent wholes. These links that we create between
presences comprise meaning.
To bestow meaning on what otherwise would remain an overwhelming flux of
sensorial data, we codify our experience of the world in more or less explicit ways:
we create patterns of understanding and action. Although culturally codified shared
experience comprises a vast territory, some parcels of it are highlighted and
expressed through language; they acquire the status of principles. Acting hence as
filters, these principles (P) allow us to refer to presencesproblems, questions,
tasks, situations. As a result, questions, problems, and tasks (Q, in short) are already
imbued with a theoretical layer. It is this theoretical layer that allows us to recognize
for instance two tasks as similar or even a task as such. But this does not mean that
the theoretical principles of a theory predate genetically the problems or the tasks.
There is a fundamental dialectical relationship between them. P and Q are formed
simultaneously; they co-emerge.
This picture, however, is incomplete in an essential way. For the systematic
actions that we undertake to cope with a taski.e., the methodology, Mis consubstantial with the principles P and questions Q that we use to recognize or formulate a task as such. This is why a theoryor a theoretical approachcan, analytically
speaking, be thought of as a triple (P, M, Q) (Radford 2008) only if we do not forget
that there is a profound entanglement between these three components of a theory
and that none of them can be reduced to the others or serve as the constitutive basis
for the others. Because of their mutual genetic constitution, we should talk about
these components as being in trialectical existence.
Now, to talk about a theory as a trialectical entity means to conceive of it as
something dynamic, an entity in movement with layered descriptions of reality
that emphasizes at certain times P, Q, or M, or two or all three of them. What is
characteristic of a theory is that, in its movement, it produces results. Results
may refer to new interpretations of presences (i.e., the objects of the theory), the
identification of new presences or relationships between presences, etc. The
results of a theory may require some adjustments and the transformation of its
components, P, Q, and/or M.
The dynamic dimension of a theory, however, cannot be limited to the manner in
which it is affected by its own results. Theories develop not only through the internal trialectical relationship of its own components. Theories are produced within
cultural formations and live and interact with other theories.


The Semiosphere

Following semiotician Yuri Lotmans (1990) ideas, I have suggested (Radford

2008) that we can think of theories in general, and theories in mathematics education in particular, as evolving in a semiosphere, that is, a multi-cultural, heterogeneous, and dynamically changing space of conflicting views and


L. Radford

meaning-making processes generated by theories and their different research

cultures. It is in a semiosphere that theories live, move, and evolve. It is in a
semiosphere that theories come into a relationship.
What characterizes what has been termed the networking of theories is the explicit
goal of bringing theories together. That is, to put them in explicit relationship so that
theories get connected or networked within a same research project.
There are different possible forms of connectivity. In their seminal paper,
Prediger et al. (2008) identify some of them, including comparing and contrasting, coordinating and combining, integrating locally and synthesizing.
As suggested previously (Radford 2008), the possible forms of connectivity are
constrained and afforded by the nature of the theories, but also by the research goal
of the connectivity research project. In general terms, a network N of theories T1,
T2, T3, can be seen as a set of connections c1, c2, c3, , where ck involves at least
two theories Ti, Tj (in what follows, to simplify, I will assume that only two theories
are networked).
Using the semiospheres spatial metaphor, theories Ti and Tj can be visualized as
being closer or further depending on their own (Pi, Mi, Qi) and (Pj, Mj, Qj) structures. The connection ck of Ti and Tj requires the identification of research questions
Qij (tasks, problems, etc.) that guide the enterprise as well as the building of a new
methodology Mij to answer the research questions under consideration.
One of the key research questions that have been investigated within the networking
theories research community is the manner in which the analysis of classroom
events differs when conducted through different theories or theoretical lenses. At
the level of methodologies a typical example (used in this book) has been the analysis of a common videotaped lesson or segment of it under different theories. Another
example of methodology consists in the creation of educational tools within a theory that are then used in the classroom and analyzed through the lenses of that and
other theories (Radford 2014). This endeavor has led the corresponding research
teams to learn from each other, to improve and refine their own theories, to understand them better, and to become more sensitive to other ways of theorizing.
As the chapters of this book show, the networking task is not easy, but it is
rewarding. The task is not easy, among other reasons, because theories may use the
same theoretical names with different meanings. They may resort to different theoretical principles and conceptualize differently the basic phenomena under scrutiny;
they may also resort to different methodologies or to have a different set of concerns
leading to different research questions. A networking task hence requires an open
mind from the outset. It requires the capability of opening oneself to others and
moving across theoretical approaches in a cautious and reflective way. By being
confronted by, or immersed into, new theories, new predispositions towards new
emerging shared interpretative situational contexts become available. The structuring background of shared reality shifts and new forms of action and understanding
become possible. Researchers become endowed with new possibilities to look at
their home theories and to see the familiar through new stances that make the familiar look unfamiliar and hence open to scrutiny, critique, and change.


Theories and Their Networking: A Heideggerian Commentary


In a networking task there is always a tension that results from putting together
different theories. The tension is not, however, something to be seen in negative
terms. It is this tension that pushes the networking task further and moves the theories to each other. The tension does not need to end up in a harmonious synthesized
point in the semiosphere. In his thoughtful critique Kenneth Ruthven (Chap. 16 in
this book) notes that the synthesis of theories is the kind of connectivity that does not
seem to appear in the examples shown in the book. Certainly, a synthesis is the most
difficult kind of connection to achieve. But there may be an unresolved synthesis, that
is, a synthesis where theories do not disappear to create a new entity, yet the theories
are radically shaken and transformed. The synthesis appears not in a new single
entity, but in the imprint that the other theories leave in the transformed theory.


The Question of Learning

In this section, to illustrate the tensions that ineluctably arise in the networking of
theories, I would like to comment on learning.
Learning mathematics is indeed one of the central concerns of most theories or
theoretical approaches featured in this bookother important concerns revolve
around knowledge and how it appears or is practiced in a manner conforming with
the institutional dimension in which it operates, as in the Anthropological Theory of
the Didactic (ATD). Learning can be conceptualized in different ways and operationalized in distinctive manners. Even the questions that are asked about it vary
from one theoretical approach to another. Following Heideggers ideas, let me
suggest that learning mathematics can be considered as a presence whose presencing is differently framed by educational theories in accordance with the lenses they
provide and the manipulative (i.e., methodological) endeavors that they make to
reveal its presence in the classroomto make it come to stand and lie in unconcealment
(Wrathall 2011), that is to become object of thought and consciousness. Let me also
suggest that, at its most general level, learning is a process of tuning with life and
that its being is interwoven in threads of objective, subjective, conceptual, aesthetical, ethical, and political matters. What theories provide us with are not really truths,
but moments of learning-as-being. For instance, when researchers resort to the
Abstraction in Context theoretical approach (AiC), they posit the problem of learning as distinctive kinds of students deeds and focus on actions that can be identified
as building-with, recognizing, and constructing. Learning appearsor is
expected to appearthrough these lenses that unavoidably transform it into an
object of specific form. The expected object, regardless of the theory, is always
partial, as it has undergone a process of filtration or a process of entrapping that
seeks to secure its recognition in the advent of its presencing. Hence, we recognize
some aspects of learning, but not the whole of it.
Referring to the sciences in general, Heidegger notes their impotence in grasping
their topical presences in their totality and suggests that this impotence of the


L. Radford

sciences is not grounded in the fact that their entrapping securing never comes to an
end (Heidegger 1977, p. 176). And he goes on to dispel the idea that the problem
would be merely methodological. The problem, in fact, is ontological. He continues:
[the impotence of the sciences] is grounded rather in the fact that in principle the
objectness in which at any given time nature, man [sic] history, language, exhibit themselves always itself remains only one kind of presencing, in which indeed that which
presences can appear, but never absolutely must appear. (Heidegger 1977, p. 176;
emphasis in the original)

Regardless of their theoretical sophistication, concepts remain, and will remain,

precarious vis--vis the presences they strive to reveal.
But again, the transcendence of the presences they strive to reveal does not stem
from the insufficiency of our methodologies or concepts, but from the presences
ontological constitution. The reason is not to be found in the idea that presences
such as learning are Kantian things in themselves or immutable Platonic beings.
Their transcendence has rather to do with their own fluid nature: they are moving
pointers refracting the complexities of lifenot objects to be grasped, like apples
with our hands, but mobile pointers that invite us to historical journeys through
which to explore our place and possibilities as humans in the historical, cultural
world of practice.
Within this line of thought, if learning is a process of tuning to life, learning
changes with life, nature, and the individuals that come to inhabit and transform
nature and the cultural world.
It is this unique possibility of offering us a thematized and systematic array of
sides of learning and other crucial problems that I find of vital importance to mathematics education in the networking theories research field.

Heidegger, M. (1977). The question concerning technology and other essays. New York: Harper
Lotman, Y. (1990). Universe of the mind. A semiotic theory of culture. London: I. B. Taurus.
Prediger, S., Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., & Arzarello, F. (2008). Networking strategies and methods for connecting theoretical approaches: First steps towards a conceptual framework. ZDM The International
Journal on Mathematics Education, 40(2), 165178.
Radford, L. (2008). Connecting theories in mathematics education: Challenges and possibilities.
ZDM The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 40(2), 317327.
Radford, L. (2014). On the role of representations and artefacts in knowing and learning.
Educational Studies in Mathematics, 85(3), 405422. doi:10.1007/s10649-013-9527-x.
Wrathall, M. (2011). Heidegger and unconcealment. Truth, language, and history. New York:
Cambridge University Press.

Data on the Episodes of Carlo, Giovanni,
and the Exponential Function Transcript
and Teachers Interview
Cristina Sabena and Alexander Meyer

In the following, we print the complete transcript of the two videos presented in
Chap. 2 and discussed throughout the book. The tasks to which these transcripts
refer are printed in Sect. 2.2. All translation was carefully done, but only those
excerpts of the transcripts which were used in Chaps. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and
12 have been controlled and edited several times. The original Italian transcript is
available from the authors and contains many more screenshots; here we only print
those that were used in any of the chapters.
In the transcript, underlined words indicate that they are simultaneous with the

C. Sabena
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze delleducazione, Universit di Torino,
Via Gaudenzio Ferrari, 9/11, 10124 Torino, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Meyer
TU University Dortmund, D-44227 Dortmund, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research
Practice in Mathematics Education, Advances in Mathematics Education,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014




A.1. Complete Transcript for the Episodes on Task 13

Carlo and Giovanni Working on Task 1 (See Fig. 2.1)











x try to put it onon x/2 is

on 0, its 0 yes, it must go on 0
its 1 on 0
when (2.7)^0, a number to the 0 gives 1
ah yes
put it on the 5
which is it? This, 2.7
yes modify also the measure unit of the y-axis, that is you put, instead of 2.7, you put
another thing
the y-axis?
yes what have you done?
oh, I have moved it, I have put it larger like so, as you can seeok
but you see that, that is, you must modify 2.7, you do not have to modify
are you sure?
yes if not, which is the utility of jumping in 20, 10 instead that of 5,
[not understandable] its useless if you put let us say 3,5 on the x-axis
what are you doing?
it does not change anything
how does it not change anything? It grows faster
yes, but its always an exponential function
try to put it put 1 it should beput 1 let us see eh not now, it should not
remain always, always a straight line, sorry, if you put 1
wait, if we had put it here on 1
ah not, because its always [not understandable] that is this point
Ive understood, but if, if I move x, while x in changing, even if x is 100, however
1^100 is 1
eh no, because here its as if you made [not understandable]
eh, yes
if you put 1 here
eh no, because we need a formula, to doto do it 2.7
that is, they have a formula for
sorry, if here it says to change it, it means that, that you must change the 2.7 and you
must change it in 1 1 is a straight-line, in any way you move it, it remains on 1,
also, that is 1 to the
eh no, here the level must be always the fixed one


its not the true, if here it says: you can change the measure unit on the y-axis





ah, the measure unit is this; 1, 2, its not that, the measure unit is this
then we must, what must we do? move them make
just a moment
no no it is better if to you make it on the line
ah towards left?
this is approaching 0 [not understandable]
go, go
eh, it doesnt work this one is always 0
move it a little bit, also in this case go on 0
on the 0 it gives 1
put, put 5 of measure unit
go towards the negative ones
when it arrives to minus, at 2.7 it goes, it goes in 0 because then you see when it
arrives in 0, you can continue to move, but it remains always on the 0
C yes but before, when, when its just 0, its 1, there
G yes, when its 0
C its on 1
G eh, its 1
C then you go to 1, its 1
G to 1 it does not yet go on the 0, wait! Let us go, a little bit more 2,0, 1, 3, 3 more
or less towards the 6
C an then at the 0 then it goes
G yes, then it goes
C then you animate with a spring the point X, so that it moves from left to right
what are you doing?
G eh, it disappeared from the scream ah. Here it is
C [reading the worksheet] Share all the observations that you think interesting on the
coordinate movement of the two points and write a sketch of your argument on the
protocol that has been given to you.
G practically now I verify with the trace then, trace uh? [not understandable]
enlarge in the sense of the measure unit?
C yes, what, to try these points
G it could be this one
C yes
G however this one disappears that is
C then
G how can we delete the trace?
C is there a way to do it, to see the coordinates here on the y-axis?
[The teacher arrives]
G one thing, how can we delete the trace?
T so to cancel, to cancel the trace its enough clicking here, you move a little bit and
you cancel down
G and to find the coordinates of this point?
T what do you think? Let us see, the coordinates of this point, that is the one on the
no, ah no, no, no, of the point, wait a moment of this it could be












but in your opinion which is the x? the x of that point?

the x is this one
the x is this one
eh and the y?
the y is this one
ok, do you agree?
do you wish to see just concretely, these coordinates represented by a number?
well, its enough that you put, I think, coordinates and equations. Is this there from
somewhere, isnt it? To the right, move, coordinates and equations and you click on
the point of which you want, if you want that and read than
now what are you going to put as x, which is?
as x it is 0.31
and as y it is 2.3
so.. here we can know that
look if the the ratio, if dividing, if the ratio between 2 x on 2 and on 1 gives 2.7
the x
on 1 how much is it? 2.852.68
go up
eh, because its 1.9
on 2
. This ah, 7
yes, but if you put those you dont change some, some things if you put 5 before
and then you do it for 10
eh no, its always the same
eh, yes, look here, even if you put here with the index [not understandable] its
always like so
go up, go up
eh, it doesnt change anything
up no, put it on, on 2 wait
so this is exponential, then we can also increase, I think like
at a certain point
for the negative, the negative xs
for the negative xs the function decreases up the point up to this point here where
its 0
which is it?
this one, 5.34 and the the function and the point never goes under 0, under 0
which is the point? 5.34?
yes we have not written of the x-axis
for a smaller x


for x smaller than




for x smaller or equal

smaller than 5.34 the x of the point goes to 0 then
put x equal to 0
with the x equal 0
it should be 1
its 1 ok
if its an exponential function, it goes to the infinity
yes it increases more and more
have you a pen?
try to change the unit measure eh.. we cannot change, change just the 2.7
ah.. its why I dont know how to do
I think that we must do like so, using, if you change the measure until, if, that stuff
there, if you put 500, to each smaller value it gives to you try to change 2.7
G eh, but I dont know how to do it
C lets go there, click and change it
G no, you change only this
C try
G that is only a label
C try it; Luca (another boy) can we change 2.7? in the second? What?
Luca: are you still at the first exercise? When you have finished do the second and the
third one
C and there can we do that?
Luca: its written
G here there is nothing to say any longer

Carlo and Giovanni Working on Task 2 (See Fig. 2.2)






[reading the text of Task 2] what do you think about the graph of the function
y = (2.7)^x? We have said it
here it asks you which is the graph?
yes, its an exponential function
then [not understandable] we have already answered open the Cabri file a^x
with Cabri 2 and do a^x
wait open a^x
in it you will see a point X on the x-axis, a point a^x on the y axis
yes and then?
a point P of coordinate (x, a^x) that, therefore, it describes, at the varying of the x,
functions graphic y = a^x and finally a symmetry a symmetry on these its put a
point A, the whose abscissa is the base of the exponential a^x the base of the
exponential you try to understand what its means







159.1 C

ah yes, its what that Im understanding I trying to understand [not

base of exponential a^x
Ive not understood what we can modify
the base
ah, but you see, if you change this that is it become more tightened or it increases
more or less
it increases the rate of growth
of the function so the rate of growth change
here, it jumps
try to put it as 2.7
2.7, we put it on the point 1 over the point 1 2.73, ok on the point 2
look, it means changing the position of a, we can have exponential with different
bases, all greater of zero: for this choice there is a very precise reason on which we
will discuss in class.
[reading the worksheet] So, moving the point A you change the exponential base,
moving the point P you cover the diagram of one exponential function with fixed
base. Do some exploration, you exchange eventual impressions: there is something
that is not clear, than you did not expect or that instead there is clear and you
expected? Brought back on the protocol synthetic trace of your exploration.
[Underlining designates the part of an utterance during which the speaker gestured.]
we try to move A
try to put the a very high [moving his hand upwards, at the top of the screen] when
we have seen to happen that chaos [meaning: in a previous lesson]
no, it always gets because here it is interrupted because here it is interrupted
wouldnt it do like this? [Gesture a]
wouldnt it do like this? [Gesture b]
Gesture 163 (a): Cs quick gesture Gesture 163 (b): like Gesture a with more visible
with right hand
hand, going upwards very steep







to do like this



no, that only if

I know, but because it too high
that is?

Gesture in 165: Cs similar gesture,

more evident, with the hand moving
very steep upwards




we had said that happened

eh.. no only on the conclusion
yes. This is changed, it grows fastest, just before of of x as a now we try to do the
opposite, low, low
172 G well
173 C you try to put it a little more low so you try with 1 you look: with 1 its a line
174 G with 1, its a line
175 C we expected this
176 G uuh
177 C instead, if its less than 1, also
178 G with a less than 1
179 C we expected this so
180 G yes
181 C why but you try to move this to see this no, no, you leave it, at least you dont
change the rate Are the same the co-ordinates of the point P?
182 G ehh, this is x, and this Ps y
183 C that is the x
184 G that is the x
185 C so you can see
186 G yes, yes it never touch the zero, it doesnt touch
187 C you have gone out
188 G yes, yes it never touches the zero
189 C well so we write that lets say: the point A we put that one thing we had
said [Gesture a], we had said that
Im still thinking if [not understandable] how I can say but also for a same
space of the x [Gesture b], the y increases a lot [Gesture c]
Gestures in 189:
(a) Carlos quick gesture
in the air





(b) Cs fingers close

to each other

(c) Cs right hand


eh how do I say?
you can also say that using the difference. For the same space the difference are ever
the difference? Yes
well, if x change, the y is never zero
and if
because if








because if I raise 1 to any number I have not zero

yes yes
any number
well, if a is less than 1
less than 1 the function decreases, it increases, increases less and less
it increases, increases, decreases, decreases less and less
it increases less and less
that is turn it out, just a moment, it decreases less and less
yes, the function decreases less and less less and less decreases less and less
but it doesnt touch the axis y = 0 it doesnt touch
wait write with respect to the x, because it does touch the y-axis
ov the y-axis
no, it doesnt touch the axis of y? It touches it
the y is never zero
ah yes
lets put on y = 0
and and then we have to take into consideration a bigger then 1 and a bigger
then 0
it is this
ok, that one, and then

[Here they have completed the first worksheet (Tasks 1 and 2).]

Carlo and Giovanni Working on Task 3 on the Second

Worksheet (Fig. 2.3)




the second worksheet

can you wait a moment? We look if there is some other thinks to do no
well, you have to open in file exp with Cabri2 plus
so we can close this
you have to open Cabri2 plus the file Cabri2 plus exp
where is it? We have to search it? On the other way we ask to prof prof [They
call the teacher to get help with the file]
I come soon as possible
you can say as where if the file of second worksheet?











we cant find it
what? The file of second worksheet?
to find the file of first worksheet we took more than 10 minutes
you are right, what is exp?
it is this, it is this with Cabri
2 plus
ok, well we open it directly it is in this folder
if you need, you can call me again
at the first and second questions we have replied together, because we have seen the
answer of second question in the first
its ok you have problems at this point?
no, no we wasted a lot of time at the beginning with this, we wasted a lot
of time finding file at least Luca helped us because we couldnt find
the folder
its ok
[Reading the text of Task 3] you have to look with attention at the figure, you see
that there is some point that you can move: P, Dx, and a wait
it is this. Its right?
well P moves on the graph
yes, and also a
a is the rate of growth
okyou notice that the segments PHPH
PH yes
and Dx have the same length, it is Dx
yes, yes
ah, yes, yes, yes
well, yes, it is Dx, that they are make in order to have the same length eh, it
have got to, I hope the they are the same thing
PH and Dx
PH and Dx are the same thing
no if they are the same sorry, if PH
PH is equal to Dx















yes, PH, but not HQ

no, not HQ
if you make the usual point, this would have to increase
yes, sure
you try, you try to increase this
you see, PH increases
then, well, it is the same you have to describe shortly the figure moving first P, then
Dx, then
with P, the graph changes with P. We look at what happen
P changes on the graph, it changes as x and y vary
hold on, also the segment QH changes, look at, if you move it more, this
increases here
yes, wait a moment, do to put it instead down
look it slowly slowly it seems that I do not know, like, saying tangent
eh yes
it seems that it touches it, lets go, lets go, lets go
eh yes here
slowly slowly
its tangent
if instead you make the contrary, increasing, increasing the differences
the differences
yes its also increasing the differences
this one here, slowly its like if it tightened itself
problem: if I move the segment PQ also like so, and I put Dx very small, in this case,
also if, it seems getting worse
eh, well, because one moves just
we can say that if P its small, that is
more like a tangent, it seems, if you
take it much small
a single point
eh, it can be approximated to one
Gesture in 302
line, with P very small, then instead
as long as it increases
but like try to put it a = 1, it must result
a line
a = 1 we know it already than you must do less than 1
look at it but that is look, excuse me, look at here the line
comes back with a positive




yes, if we move P we can see

that the point, eh, sorry the HQ
segment becomes smaller, it
decreasesand this, the point
QH, can
you see?
because P and Q have always the
same distance
ok, so ok, ok, so ok, because if Gesture in 311:
it means that they increase, the C quickly moves the
more you move them over
hand upwards to the
there [gesture], it increases
very very much









because its an exponential

and the P
it would be yet.[not understandable]
eh, ok, when the P its very close to the 0, the line that passes for Q and H represents
[begins gesturing on the desk by screenshot (a)] more and more [gesture in
screenshot (b)] the function the smaller it is [gesture (c)]

Gestures in 316 (a)





eh yes, because Q, HQ decreases always more

this becomes always more [not understandable] it can be become simpler until.
This.. that is
319 C PH and _x are the same, because the same of the of the function
320 G yes
321 C then since that, being, being always the same distance from P to Q, Q it seems me..
322 G yes, yes, yes
323 C yes, yes, yes
324 G wait a momentdistance from the point
[The teacher arrives]
325 T
ehh, if you wish to drag, you must use this
326 G ah
327 C we wished, practically, is there always the same distance between P and Q?
328 T
always the same distance?
329 G no no, it decreases
330 C does it decrease?



yes, look [pointing at the screen] and then we have discovered also that the nearer
P is to [Carlos gesture (a)] y equal to zero, the more this line approximates [gesture
(b1) on the desk] the [gesture (b2) in the air] function

Gestures in 331:
(a) Carlos gesture
accompanying Giovannis
statement in 331

(b1) Giovannis gesture

repeating the
one from 316



therefore you approach it enough [not understandable]

when a function stretches to crush itself on the x-axis





and moreover another thing, if

the Delta x is very small
[pointing at the screen] the
line becomes nearly a tan.., a
tangent [gesture]





to the, to the function

and so, it gives you some
information about what?
When the Delta x tends to
become very very small,
what kind of information do
you get?
if the Delta x becomes
small it means that
[looking at the screen, where
Giovanni is moving something
using the mouse] the Delta x
becomes small [gesture]

when when between P and

Q that is [gesture] the space
oh sure, it is almost trivial,
isnt it? Therefore he was
saying that this line tends to

Gesture in 337: G
holds the fingertips of
the flat vertical left
hand against the
interior of the flat
vertical right hand,
while moving the right
hand upward

Gesture in 341 (a): C

is pointing with index
and thumb (the Delta

Gesture in 341 (b) C

is moving his open
hand vertically from
the bottom upwards

(b2) Giovannis gesture

representing decrease
(to the left)



[gesture] tangent. [C nods]

Gesture in 343:
Carlo's anticipatory
gesture: puts his hand
in a horizontal



and then what kind of information will it give you in this case?
ah, one can say [gesture (a)] Gesture in 345 (a)
one can say that [so far G has
kept the gesture, while looking
at it silently].
[gesture (b)]
the exponential function
[gesture (c)]
very little [gesture (d)] lines

Further Gestures in 345:

(b) G joins his fingers
on the desk and traces
a trait rightwards

(c) Gs open hands

positioned one
after the other

(d) G moves his right hand

little by little upwards

Giovannis gestures sequence rightwards is repeated twice.

346 T
uh it could be approximated
to some small lines, which
347 G
that is [gesture (a)], thatwith Gesture in 347 (a):
increasing slopes [gesture (b)], Gs two-hands
that join together [gesture (c)] configuration
in a, that touch each other in a
point [gesture (d)]

Further Gestures in 347:

(b) Gs right hand
moving upwards

(c) Gs left hand touching

the right palm

(d) Gs left index touching

the right palm

















therefore you are

imagining to
approximate with many
small segments
well [gesture (a)], if you
take it I dont know, if
you take it with a very
large zoom you can
approximate it with
many small lines
[gesture (b)]

Gesture in 349 (a): initial

phase of Giovannis Delta

Gesture in 349 (b): G final

phase of the Delta gesture.
The gesture has been kept
during the whole sentence,
a little larger and moved
rightwards and upwards
with higher slope (as
before the right hand).
and such lines which features have they?
they have well, they may have a function, a slope are, possibly always twice than
well, I dont know if the slope is twice, but in any case their slope increases,
does it? In this case, when this function increases
yes, when it climbs on
have you observed that now I ask a directed question to you when you have
seen how the exponential function grows, let us say the growth percentage of the ys;
does it remain constant or not? Does the ration between a value and its successive
remain constant?
yes, its remains constant
we have already written it here
exponential, that is the between the y of the point and its successive is constant,
does it surprise you the fact that the function crushes on the x-axis? Here it seems
that the function increases not much and here the function increases very much.
Does it surprise you such a type of increasing with a constant ratio or is it natural?
well, yes
sure, because before the numbers are small and with small numbers the ratio is
always between nearer points
if the numbers are big, the ratio
yes, the other group have used a very good example: if we take 10 % of 5 cents it is
0,5 it doesnt exist, isnt it? It is as it did not exist; if we take 10 % of 5 million
euro on the contrary thing start changing, isnt it? It is a considerable amount of
money here the hypothesis are the same and it is ok; now you go on in this way.
Where have you arrived?







it is ok
lets write this so we can write that [exploring the screen with the mouse]that if
the x increases again, the line passes through P and Q and is almost constant, it
becomes almost a tangent this because if we take a very big zoom we can
approximate the exponential function with many lines, which have an increasing
slope Then, if the point P is very near to zero, this line approximates very much
the exponential function. Also here even if numbers are very small, it increases not
so much, hence like a line and than we can write that we were waiting for it even
if the ratios are constant at the beginning it was almost a line [not
hence we write that it is a graph with a constant rate of growth, of a of a if x is
always the same [not understandable] but the ys
well, we try to do [not understandable] wait, with a great a the triangles area
look, the area of this triangle PHQ
are they a triangle?
why is it a triangle?
it is a triangle: look at it, do you see how small it is. You can see that it is a triangle
PHQ the one with the line?
yes, yes
it is ok! Otherwise it had no sense that maintaining PH constant and therefore also
the xs constant we notice that.. [not understandable] while P increases, P increases
more and more, that is the ys increase; they increase more and more



A.2. Transcript of the Extra Video

An Extra Episode About the Exponential Function
At the end of the exploration described in the first video, Carlo and Giovanni
observed the computer screen in Fig. A.1 and the teacher asked them the following
question: What happens to the exponential function for very big x? We present a
short excerpt from the interaction between the teacher and the two students about
this question.

Fig. A.1 Computer screen configuration in the extra episode


1 G

2 T
3 G

4 T

5 G
6 T

7 G
8 T

but always for a very big this

straight line, [Gesture] when
they meet each other, there it
is againthat is it
approximates the, the
function very well, because

what straight line, sorry?

this here [pointing at the
screen], for x very, very
[Gesture] big

Gesture in 1: G is pointing
at the line in the screen

[Gesture a] will they meet

each other
[Gesture b]? [challenging

Gestures in 4:

Gesture in 3: Gs hand goes


(a) T pointing two


(b) T crossing the two

pointed forefingers

that is [cio1], yes, yes they Gesture in 5: Gs two

meet each other [gesture]
forefingers touching each
but after their meeting, what other
happens? [continuing to keep
the hands in the same
configuration as in line 5]

eheh, eh no, it makes so

ah, ok, this then continues
[gesture a], this, the vertical
straight line [gesture b], has
a well fixed x, hasnt it? The
exponential function later
goes on increasing the x,
doesnt it [gesture c]? Do
you agree? Or not?

Gesture in 7: G crosses the

left hand over the right one;
T is keeping the previous

The expression cio in Italian means literally that is. Over-used by teenagers, it introduces a
reformulation of what was just said. As it is likely in this case, it can have the connotation of I am
sorry but.



Gestures in line 8:
(a) T moving rightwards
his left hand

(b) Ts right hand

vertically raised

9 G yes []
10 T [addressing C]: He [G] was saying Gesture in 10: T
that this vertical straight line
raises both hands
[pointing at the line in the screen]
approximates very well [gesture]
the exponential function

11 G that is, but for x that are very

very big

Gesture in 11: G
moves his left hand
high wards

12 T and for how big x? 100 billions?

x = 100 billions?

Gesture in 12: T
raises his hand at his
right and keeps it

13 G because at a certain point, that

is, if the function [gesture 13a]
increases more and more, more
and more [gesture 13b], then it
also becomes almost a vertical
straight line [gesture 13b]

(c) T moving rightwards

his right hand


Gestures in line 13:
(a) G raises his left hand

(b) G moves his hand upwards

14 T eh, this is what it seems to you by

looking at; but imagine that if you
have x = 100 billions [gesture],
there is this barrieris it overcome
sooner or later, or not?
[connotation: suggesting the
answer yes]

(c) final position of Gs hand

after moving upwards

Gesture in 14: T
keeps his right hand
in the vertical

15 G yes
16 T and so when it is overcome [gesture
16a], this x 100 billions [gesture
16b], how many x do you still have
at disposal, after 100 billions?
[gesture 16c]
Gestures in 16:
(a) T crosses left forefinger
over right hand

(b) T raises his right hand

17 G infinite
18 T infinite and how much can you go
ahead after 100 billion [repeating the
gesture 16c]?
19 G infinite points
20 T then the exponential function goes
ahead on its own, doesnt it?

(c) T moves right hand

rightwards, repeatedly



A.3. Teachers Interview Transcript

In order to get an extended understanding of the shared data and obtain some background information on the students learning history, the teachers learning goals
and didactical intentions etc., the participants of the Networking Group collected 18
questions for the teacher which were posed in a written form. The teacher answered
16 of the 18 questions in an interview, and the last two in a written questionnaire.
The interview was recorded and translated into English. The questionnaire was
answered directly in English.
1. In advance of the lesson, how did you expect the students to work together at the
computer? How did you expect them to share roles? What ground rules had
you tried to establish about joint work at the computer with this class?
My expectations are relative both to mathematical topics and competences, and
to relational and emotional aspects. The expectations relative to mathematical
knowledge that come into play in the activities vary strongly with the proposed
activities. It is in fact easier to find expectations relative to competences and to
relational and emotional aspects, which characterize almost every activity that
I propose to the students.
With respect to mathematical competences, I hope that students read the
text of the posed problems very carefully and that they begin to do some
explorations, either mental explorations or with the help of technological tools.
These explorations have the aim to create context, to create meaning, to provide
experience of problem situations; they encourage the production of conjectures
and should motivate students to validate their produced conjectures. I hope that
students often ask themselves why they observed some patterns, some regularities. As regards relational aspects, I hope students interact actively; that they
listen to the words of other students. I hope that students are able to argue and to
support their conjectures and solving strategies in a pertinent and convincing
way and with coherence to their mathematical knowledge. I hope that students
are able to help fellow students who are in some difficulties. I hope that students
understand that in small-group work it is important to collaborate seriously in
order to have a good product.
With respect to the emotional aspects, I hope that students work serenely, but
seriously; I hope that they overcome the anxiety tied to the awareness that they
are object of observations. I hope that they are not afraid to give the teacher a lot
of information about their mathematical competences and solving processes.
My expectations are that the students will gradually succeed in looking at the
teacher as someone who is there to help them to acquire critical awareness and
not only as a person who judges their performance.
I expect all these things, but Im not so nave and blind to not understand and
see that, in order to realize all this things, it is necessary to devote a lot of time
and patience.



2. Choose some episodes from the video of the lesson that broadly meet your expectations about how students will work together at the computer and some others
that do not. Talk us through them.
Some episodes from the video that meet my expectations:
At the beginning the students have difficulty in working. From the minute 3
and 25 seconds to the minute 8 and 50 seconds they reach few results; they frequently stop to speak. It seems that students dont understand well the problem
and the Cabri worksheet. Notwithstanding this, the interaction is balanced: there
isnt just one student who speaks and another who only listens. The discussion is
poor, but there is some research through interaction. Students collaborate very
well, for example, from the minute 29 and 52 seconds to the minute 30 and 35
seconds when they realize the effect that the variation of the base has on the
exponential graph. They collaborate very well also from the minute 32 and 30
seconds to the minute 33 and 50 seconds where it is possible to see also some
interesting gestures, which reveal understanding and communication. They use
the software to validate conjectures and Carlo says, We expected this (minute
33 and 25 seconds).
From minute 36 and 40 seconds to 36 and 55 seconds there is a good exchange
of ideas on exponential growth. From minute 45 and 50 seconds to 46 and 13
seconds there is a good collaboration to interpret the figure of the Cabri worksheet and the text of the activity.
Some episodes from the video that dont meet my expectations:
From the minute 11 and 0 seconds to 21 and 15 seconds, Carlo stays with
paper and pencil and seems not to be interested in what Giovanni is doing with
the pc. It seems that Carlo is waiting for some results from Giovanni. At the
minute 18 and 15 seconds it seems that Giovanni tells Carlo what to write. I dont
see interaction, discussion, but only a passive attitude from Carlo.
In general, I dont like that Carlo uses only paper and pencil and Giovanni
uses only the pc. This subdivision of the role may be useful in order to reach the
final result more quickly, but may be an obstacle to the process of construction
of meaning.
3. What conditions support or hinder learning when students work together like
this at the computer?
I observed that the possibility of using the mouse, the keyboard, and the availability of good visibility on the pc-screen helps students to collaborate actively
and then to construct knowledge and to learn. According to this consideration it
should be better that students work individually at the pc. On the other hand, if
students work individually, they do not have the possibility to exchange and to
share ideas. According to this consideration, it should be better that students
work in groups that favor the sharing of ideas and solving strategies. In my opinion a good compromise for working with the pc are dyads (pairs of students) or,
if necessary, three, but no more than three. More in general, in my opinion the
use of the PC may hinder learning or, put better, can create obstacles to learning



if the tool is used in a uncritical way, for example to obtain answers and not give
rise to questions and thought. In my opinion technological tools have to be used
to empower the possibility to experience the mathematical environment and
mathematical objects. In this way we should use them in the teachinglearning
activities. It is a way of use which is very different from the way in which technological tools are often used in daily life.
4. During a lesson of this type, under what circumstances do you decide to get
involved with a pair of students, and what kinds of things do you do?
I enter in a working group if the students call me. Sometimes I enter in a
working group if I realize that students are stuck. Other times I enter because
I realize that students are working very well and they have very good ideas that
need to be treated more deeply. Obviously the type of things that I do vary with
the situations, but a constant is that I try to work in a zone of proximal development. The analysis of video and the attention we paid to gestures made me
aware of the so-called semiotic game that consists in using the same gestures
as students but accompanying them with more specific and precise language
compared with the language used by students. The semiotic game, if it is used
with awareness, may be a very good tool to introduce students to institutional
5. Choose specific examples from the video of your becoming involved with the pair
of students. Talk us through them.
In this video my dialogues with the students are few. Anyway, it seems to me
that among the more interesting there is the intervention at the minute 53 and 59
seconds. I use a gesture used before by Giovanni. This gesture is towards a little
segment that approximates locally the function and I ask: What is the characteristic of this segment? My aim is to induce the students to reflect on the fact that
it is important to pay attention to the slope of the little segments, because their
slope gives information on the growth of the function. Giovanni says it is twice
the previous slope I, using his same gesture, say more precisely that the
slope has an exponential growth. At the minute 54 and 24 seconds, I help the
students to remember that the characteristic of the exponential successions is that
of having the ratio of two consecutive terms constant. Immediately after, I ask
the students: Are you surprised that the graph of the function is so close to zero
for small x? Giovanni, at the minute 55 and 28 seconds says something like
with number smaller and smaller, I have number smaller and smaller. I reword
this idea with a more precise language. In the following dialogue, Giovanni and
Carlo are able to explain in a comprehensible way the reason why the graph of
an exponential function of base greater than 1 is so close to the x-axis for x less
than 0 and explodes for high values of x.
6. What experience did the students previously have of using Cabri? Working
specifically with function graphs?
The students have known since the beginning of the first school year the software Cabri. Besides, since the beginning of the first school year they have worked
on the concept of function, as regards the numerical, graphical, and symbolic
aspects. In particular, as regards graphical and numerical aspects, they have also



used other software such as spreadsheets, Graphic Calculus, and TI-InterActive.

Additionally, they have worked with motion sensors.
7. Describe the kind of understanding that you expected the students to develop
during this lesson.
After having characterized, in previous lessons, exponential growth (I mean
exponential successions) as growth for which the ratio of two successive values
is constant, I wanted students to understand why ax with a greater than 1 grows
with x more speedily than any polynomial growth. The aim of the DGS file was
to make the students understand that an exponential growth is directly proportional to the value of the function itself. This is an important step in understanding why the derivative of an exponential function is still an exponential function
of the same base.
8. What problems/skills/concepts did you expect students to meet in this lesson,
and to what extent did you expect them to be able to use these in future
The main aim of the posed activity was to allow students to develop an understanding of the concept of exponential growth. In previous activities, students
faced the study of exponential successions and characterized them as successions for which the ratio between two consecutive terms is constant. With this
activity, with the help of Cabri, I wanted the students to understand that exponential functions are functions for which the growth is proportional to the function
itself. In other terms, the derivative of an exponential function is proportional to
the function itself. This consideration, in my opinion, should allow students to
understand why the exponential function ax with a greater than 1 grows with x
faster than any power of x.
9. How did you plan the lesson and organize the classwork so that this learning
would take place?
An idea was that of preparing worksheets in Cabri of increasing difficulty. The
first worksheet has only two points, one on the x-axis and the other on the
y-axis, tied by the relationship y = 2.7x. Students moving the point on the x-axis
should what is meant by y increasing very fast with x. In fact as one moves the
point on the x-axis, one sees that the point on the y-axis seems not to be moving
between x = 0 and x = 1, and from x = 1 the growth of y is very fast. The second
sheet allows students to look at what happens to an exponential function if the
base changes, while the third worksheet gives a local and a global approach to the
exponential function thanks to the construction of the derivative of an exponential
function. Another idea has been that of asking the students to work in small groups
or in couples so as to encourage discussion and the exchange of ideas.
10. What would it be useful to do after this lesson, to take it beyond the group work
shown in the video?
The aim of the group work was to consolidate the meaning of the concept
of exponential growth and to specify some characteristics of exponential
functions, particularly the fact that their derivative is still an exponential
function. Generally, in the follow-up, I continue the work following two
paths. In the first one I pose some problematic situations which, to be solved,



ask for exponential models. In the second one I present the properties of
exponentials and I introduce the logarithmic function as the inverse function
of an exponential. In particular, I insist on the formula for the change of the
base, showing that it is proved by the fact that an exponential function of
base a can be written as the product of a constant by an exponential function
of base b. Finally I propose some techniques to solve exponential and logarithmic equations and inequations, underlining the fact that these techniques
can be applied only to particular types of equations and inequations and that,
in general, approaches that use numerical and graphical approaches are
necessary. All this should not be rushed; the time required can vary from
three to six months of work. Obviously during this period other topics and
didactic activities are also done.
11. What mathematical knowledge do you expect to institutionalise in the sense
of giving it some kind of explicit official recognition for the future work of the
class following on from this lesson?
I think that the teaching and learning of math today must be deeply different
from what it has always been in the past, at least in Italian schools. Mathematics
has often been partly responsible for increasing social differences. It has often
been used as a tool of selection. Often the teachinglearning has been reduced
to a teachingtraining in techniques of symbolic manipulation learned by imitation, in a mechanical way. A didactic of this type takes the students away from
critical thinking and understanding. Im strongly convinced that the main
function of teaching, not only of math, is to help students to exercise critical
thought, to acquire the necessary competences for an informed and aware
citizenship. This is the main aim of my lessons and of my work with students.
Generally, then, I try to assess in the students the competence to observe and
explore situations; to produce and to support conjectures; to understand what
they are doing and to reflect on it. On the other hand exponential growth and
exponential functions are relevant as mathematical topics and then I try to
understand, in my follow-up work, whether students are able to use knowledge
constructed with activities like that of the video to face situations which require
simple exponential models. Obviously there are also some specific exercises
that help me to understand if students have understood the differences between
polynomial and exponential growths. A typical exercise is like the following:
What can you say about the Inequation 1.1x 1 > 1000 x100? Justify your
12. Do you expect to find different levels of thinking when you evaluate students
work on this task sequence? If so, what are these levels, and how do you recognize them?
A first level is that of perceiving the different velocity of variation that exists
between x and ax. Generally students dont meet any difficulty in observing and
describing this. Generally they succeed in associating the points that are moving on the x-axis and the y-axis with the graph of the exponential function y = ax.
A second level is that of the understanding of how the graph of an exponential
function varies when the base varies. A third level, as in the third worksheet of



Cabri, is relative to the understanding that the incremental ratio is a function of

two variables (the x and the increment h). At this level students are faced with
the local aspect of the concept of derivative: they are faced with the concept of
gradient. A fourth level is the passage from the local to the global aspects of the
derivative. From the gradient to the gradient function. The recognition of students understanding of these different levels happens through the observation
of their discussions in the small working groups or through the questions that
they pose to the teacher. Generally, from the third level, the understanding happens only thanks the direct intervention of the teacher in the small groups and
this understanding is consolidating in the mathematical discussions guided by
the teacher with the whole class.
13. Afterwards when the derivative is taught in the formal way, what are the effects
of the students having experienced these tasks on their thinking and on your
way of explaining?
When I tell about the formal aspects of the derivative I often make some reference to these experiences and activities. It seems to me that also a lot of students are able to make these connections to give meaning to formal aspects. In
particular there are some points for which these experiences allow to simplification and clarification of the theory. For example, the formal calculation of the
derivatives can be reduced to the algebra of linear functions if one uses the local
linearity of a derivable function. And the local linearity finds its cognitive root
in the local straightness of which students have experience thanks to the zooming
function of the case they have used.
14. Are the kinds of tasks which students are working on in this lesson, typical of
your approach to teaching? Are they typical of the approach to teaching which
would generally be found amongst teachers working with similar classes in
your school? And amongst teachers working with similar classes in other
schools in your educational system?
These kinds of tasks are typical of my approach to teaching. On the web, at http://, there are many
teachinglearning activities that are of the same type and that I propose to students.
These kinds of tasks are, however, not typical either among teachers working with
similar classes in my school, nor among teachers working with similar classes in
other schools in my educational system. Obviously, though, even if it is not so
usual in Italian schools, Im not alone in this sort of didactical approach!
15. Did any difficulties arise the first time you used this sequence of tasks, or indeed
on later occasions? What kinds of difficulties? And how did you deal with them?
During the lesson itself? And in replanning the lesson for future use?
The difficulties that arise when one follows a didactical approach of this
type consist mainly in a low level of involvement of some students. This
didactical approach requires the ability to work, to think, to became responsible
for ones own path of formation. Passive behavior is an obstacle to serious
and efficient work. There are some students who would prefer just to repeat
what the teacher or the textbook says; these students would prefer to be
engaged in mechanical and repetitive tasks; these students would prefer



simply to have training. This behavior of some students poses the greatest
difficulty for the didactical approach I propose. The difficulty extends over a
long period, and it is important also to involve the parents of the students in
the formation of this approach.
16. What aspects of this lesson do you think it would be possible to export to a
normal school and class in your system and what aspects would it be more difficult to undertake there? Why?
For me, not only it is possible, but I think it is necessary to choose this
didactical approach in todays schools. For certain, it is necessary to have the
courage to break away from the didactical tradition which has been used in the
past. But it needs much more courage to continue to choose a didactical
approach which is not adequate for the role and the function of the school
today. Everything depends on the teacher: the willingness that she or he has in
order to look for solving the problems of students motivation; above all, the
willingness that she or he has to create a teachinglearning environment which
favors critical and aware thinking.
17. Contextual information about the activity (How does it insert in the didactical
path? How is it carried out? In what part of the year?) [written answer in original English]
The analyzed activity is usually proposed to my student in the second part of
the first year. It is part of the 7th lessons (
Corso%20di%20matematica.htm). Generally, the schema I follow for the first
three years is the following:
First year
1. Numbers, combinatorial, first algorithms, introduction to computation
with letters (Lezione4).
2. Functions. Linear functions. The statistic linear correlation: (Lezione1)
3. Continuous linear models and linear discrete dynamic systems. Discrete
exponential models (Lezione2).
4. Local approximation of a function with a linear function (Lezione3).
Second year

Quadratic functions (Lezione 6).

Local approximation of a function with a quadratic function (Lezione 7).
Continuity in a point and the Fundamental theorem of Calculus (Lezione 8).
Examples of non linear continuous models and non-linear discrete dynamic
systems (Lezione 6).
Third year

9. Points, lines, planes. Vectors, directions, distances, angles. Circumference

and sphere (to be prepared).
10. Linear uniform motion and the line in the Cartesian Plane (first lesson of
the third year).



11. Parabolic motion and the parabola in the Cartesian Plane (second lesson of
the third year).
12. Circular uniform motion, the circumference, the ellipse and the hyperbola
in the Cartesian Plane (third lesson of the third year).
13. Harmonic motion, harmonic functions and trigonometry (fourth lesson of
the third year).
14. Exponential functions. The logarithm (to be prepared, even if an introduction to such functions, in particular to the exponential, has already been
carried out in the first 2 years).
By now the lessons are built with TI-InterActive!, a software by Texas
Instrument that allows to build interactive worksheets. At the time of the
video, lessons were Word documents, since the school had not yet bought
The worksheet proposed in the videotaped activity is situated in the middle of lesson 7, before the formal approach to the concept of derivative of a
polynomial function (computation of the slope of the secant by means of the
incremental ratio; simplification of numerator and denominator by the increment h; computation of the slope of the tangent line in x for h tending to 0)
and before the idea of how is it possible to locally approximate a function
with a quadratic function.
The activity intends to clarify the principal features of increasing behaviors
and of exponential functions. In particular, it intends to explain the reason
why at the increasing of x an exponential of base greater than 1 will increase,
definitively, more than any other polynomial function of x, whatever grade
of the polynomial. In the project, exponential functions and sequences are
used to cope with problem situations coming out from exponential models.
In the following there is a description of the project, coming out by the
website. It intends to clarify needs, aims, specific goals, structural, methodological, and content choices of the project.
The most significant and important needs that have brought the creation
of the project are:
Creating teaching-learning environments that are sensed in the double
meaning given by Galileo: linked to senses, perception, but also guided
by intellect and theory. Furthermore, they were meant to be also reasonable from a didactic or ecological point of view;
Offering to all the students opportunities of creating meanings for objects
and competences needed for a critical thinking allowing them to participate in a conscious way, as citizens, to their choices in the public life;
Engaging students in knowledge building, settlement, reorganizing and
communicating, thus providing the teacher tools for obtaining information not only on the products, but also on the cognitive processes, necessary for any serious evaluation escaping the chimera of objectivity;



Making the students autonomous in the use of a good manual (schoolbook) and in the reading of scientific papers proper for their level;
Providing teachers with structured material, both from a content and
didactic points of view.2
18. Goals, intentions, and methodology as designer of the project (Why is the activity carried out? How? What is its contribute in the global project?) [written
answer in original English]
They are already expressed in the Needs above, but perhaps the more effective formulation of the aims comes from a deep reflection of our function as
Why teaching mathematics?
We think that the principal and primary purpose of school is that of helping
students to acquire also in autonomous way the knowledge and competences
essential to take consciously and critically part to the choices of public life, and
therefore we think that mathematics must concur, as the other subject matters,
to this purpose. In this sense it appears fundamental to gradually introduce
students to the theoretical knowledge. Mathematics is a suitable subject matter
in this sense, as long as meanings do not evaporate in recipe and lists of empty
formulas, becoming for the students words of an unknown language to quickly
repeat before forgetting their sound.
The possibilities that new technologies offer to make experiences, to observe,
to foster the production of conjectures are a wonderful tool to help students in
their approach to theoretical thinking if the didactic contract is clear and
includes the justification of the produced conjectures. That means asking, at
any school level, questions of the kind: why?
The answer to such kind of question is located, finally, in theories. At the
beginning students will tend to explain facts by means of facts. This exercise will
lead them, with the guide of the teacher, to seize relationships between facts and
thus to feel the need of finding out laws (propositions, axioms, ) that can be
chosen to explain the observed facts. When this need is felt, the student is already
in the theoretical thinking and the following passages, as the presentation of the
organization of the institutional knowledge, i.e. well organized theories, can be
done with good hope of success, above all if the necessary didactical attentions
are not underestimated. The request of explaining why, that of working in
small groups and not only individually, trying to reach a sharing of strategies, are
aimed at helping students to pass from a tacit knowledge (knowing how to do a
think, but being unable to explain to others haw I do it, or why I do in that way)
to a conscious, explicit knowledge that can be communicated.
Together with this very general goal, there are the following ones, more
specific and apparently linked to contents:

There is plenty of material at teachers disposal, edited or on the web. For instance, the materials
produced by the Italian Association of Mathematics. Those materials are rich in proposals of
sensed didactical activities. However, they are not structured in a parcours (sequence). The project
intends to insert them in a structured didactical parcours.



The approach to statistics and probability thinking (tools for managing

situations of uncertainty, and so necessary for social life);
The approach to multidimensional thinking (also as characteristic of
organizing and representing information);
The approach to the study of changing quantities, with particular reference to mathematics modelling to describe situations and foresee their
These goals are in our view to be reached by all students, and thus they are
pertinent to the first 2 years of secondary school.3
Such goals give the rationale for the organization of contents and the proposal of the specific learning goals. We have accordingly set up a corridor,
with the activities aimed at the essential competences and contents, and
several rooms that complement of deepen the issues according to the teacher
choices. In the corridor we have avoided to ask students strong competences
on techniques (that are not among the goals in the project), with the proposal
of fostering the use of computing tools
A very important role in our parcours is given by geometric intuition as
instrument to give meaning to formal aspects: synthetic geometry as an intuitive base for the construction of meaning,
More than as corpus of organized knowledge in an hypothetical-deductive
system (which can be deepened in the final years of secondary school).
Finally, we thing it is important to stress that in the proposed activities the
numerical graphic and symbolic aspects are always used with the same dignity and importance for the construction of meaning of mathematical objects.
Methodological approaches are flexible and different: work in couplet,
individual work, small group work, class discussions lead by the teacher (with
the goal of drawing a balance), more standard frontal lessons to settle the
knowledge or to recover certain contents of competences.
We think that the teacher is essential: his role is very delicate and changes
according to the needs, as it happened in the shops-studios of the Renaissance.
In any case, the teacher always has the responsibility of sharing the knowledge in the classroom and of directing the meanings, and he must be conscious
of that. In fact, he is the only one in the classroom to know what is the arrival
point and has the duty of leading there all the students, in a manner so as
everyone is conscious of what happened along the road and could then reach
autonomously the place and others in the nearby, even if unknown.
The didactic approach is constructivist, especially for what concerns the activities proposed in the corridor. The fundamental topics and the essential competences should be acquired through organized activities, structured around sheets
(schede) in which questions are posed, and problems proposed to individual,
couple or group work. The phase of consolidation of knowledge constructed
during the activities, is post-posed to the end of a relatively long parcours; the
construction of meanings inevitably asks long times in the didactics

School in Italy is compulsory until grade 10. Grades 9 and 10 are the first 2 years of secondary
school (5 years of primary school +3 years of middle school, then 5 years of secondary school).



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Abstraction (AiC), 8590, 95
Acculturation (TDS), 4850, 52, 53
Action, production, communication space
(APC), 3144
Activity Theory (AiC), 87, 95
Adaptation (TDS), 4852, 54
A-didactical situation (TDS), 49, 5153, 63
A-didactic interaction with the milieu (TDS),
156, 166168, 172
contradictory analysis, 123, 124, 179, 276
enlargement of the focus of analysis, 154, 175
focus of analysis, 38, 104, 171
micro-analysis/micro-analytical approach,
42, 91, 128, 144, 146, 148, 197
a posteriori analysis, 37, 50, 54, 56, 6063,
9092, 9495, 122, 160168, 172,
173, 275
a priori analysis, 50, 54, 5663, 87, 9092,
122, 128, 135, 144, 160, 161, 164,
166168, 172174, 176, 204, 230,
236, 263, 275
Ascent to the concrete (AiC), 86

Boundary of theory, 241, 245
Building with (AiC), 89, 90, 94

Catchment, 134, 136, 140, 141, 147, 149, 150
(networking strategy), 119, 120

Communicative function (of gesture),

128, 129, 143, 146, 147
Comparing/comparison (networking strategy),
119, 121123, 217, 242, 243
Conflicting situation, 214, 215
Connecting (IDS), 101, 102, 106, 108111
Consolidation (AiC), 87, 89, 90
Construct(ing) (AiC), 8590, 9395
Construction of knowledge (AiC), 87, 93
Context (AiC), 8688, 9395, 154155,
159165, 171173, 175
Context (TDS), 172, 173, 175, 176
Contextual influences/factors, 154, 155,
159165, 172
Contrasting/contrast (networking strategy),
119, 123, 242, 243
Coordinating/coordination (networking
strategy), 119, 120, 180, 242, 243

choice of data, 129, 147, 236, 243
data-phenomenon distinction, 237244
need for different data, 9, 228, 231
units of analysis/units of data,
121, 122, 231
Devolution (TDS), 49, 50, 52, 53, 63
Diachronic analysis (APC), 37
Didactical contract (TDS), 49, 53, 55,
5759, 63
Didactical engineering (TDS), 48, 50, 51
Didactical situation (TDS), 4850, 5253
Didactical variables (TDS), 52
Didactic reticence, 210, 218

A. Bikner-Ahsbahs and S. Prediger (eds.), Networking of Theories as a Research

Practice in Mathematics Education, Advances in Mathematics Education,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-05389-9, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014




Didactic transposition process (ATD),

67, 70, 80, 81
Diversity of theories, 311, 117, 118, 122,
253, 260, 262

Knowledge, scholarly (ATD), 71
Knowledge, taught (ATD), 71
Knowledge to be taught (ATD), 70, 71

Ecology (ATD), 72, 82
Embodiment (APC), 3233
Epistemic action (AiC), 87, 8990, 94, 95
Epistemic function (of gesture), 128, 129,
140, 143, 144, 146148, 150
Epistemic (IDS), 98104, 106111
Epistemological gap, 179199
Epistemological obstacle (TDS), 49
Epistemological sensitivity, 171, 174
Epistemological view/viewpoint,
189, 192197
Evolution of meaning, 148
Experience pattern, 211215, 219
Extrinsic (IDS), 104, 106, 109, 111

Locally integrating/local integration
(networking strategy), 120, 150
Locutionary (IDS), 100, 108

Fiction, 203, 204, 207, 209, 216, 220
Fundamental situation (TDS), 49, 50
Funnel communication pattern, 210216,
218, 220

Gathering (IDS), 100102, 106, 108111
GCSt-model (IDS), 101103, 106
Generic and epistemic student (TDS), 54, 63
Gesture analysis, 129
Gestures (APC), 3335, 3743

Illocutionary (IDS), 100, 108
Institutionalization (TDS), 49, 52
Institutional praxeology (ATD), 6970, 77
Interaction between contexts, 173174
Interaction pattern, 210212, 214, 216219
Interaction structure (IDS), 100102, 109
Interest-dense (IDS), 98, 99, 101104, 106,
Intrinsic (IDS), 103, 104, 106, 109

Joint action, 209, 210, 220

Making understandable
(networking strategy), 119, 121123
Media-milieu dialectic (ATD), 157160,
168172, 175
limitation of milieu, 160, 166168,
172, 175
milieu, antagonist, 219
milieu, fictive, 217
milieu (ATD), 157159, 172
milieu (TDS), 4857, 59, 60, 62, 63,
154159, 166168, 171173, 175, 176
vertical structure of milieu, 156
Modular viewpoint on networking,
modularity, 278
Multimodality (APC), 3233

Need for a new construct (AiC), 87, 88
Nesting (AiC), 8990, 95
Networking of theories, 8, 9
Networking strategies, 8, 9, 117125,
174176, 230, 242243, 253, 260
Non-locutionarily, 185, 189191, 193

Perlocutionary (IDS), 100, 108, 109
Personal epistemology, 192, 193, 196
Phenomenon, phenomena
conceptualized phenomenon, 7, 10, 124,
201, 216, 217, 220, 237239, 242,
243, 245
didactic phenomenon, 68, 238, 251, 254,
255, 270
empirical phenomenon, 7, 10, 119122,
124, 180, 202, 215, 235, 237239,

Praxeological equipment (ATD),
69, 72, 75
Praxeology, didactic praxeology (ATD),
69, 72, 7782
Prior networking, 268270
Production type (IDS), 102, 103
Profiles of networking/
networking profiles,
9, 124125, 245, 260

Recognizing (AiC), 89, 90, 94
(non-)Redundant gesture, 132, 134
Research praxeology, 251253, 256
Routine actions, 212, 213, 219

Scale of levels of didactic codetermination
(ATD), 72, 73
Semiosphere, 118, 241, 283285
Semiotic bundle (APC), 31, 3543
Semiotic game (APC), 38, 43
Semiotic lens (APC), 31, 37, 38
Situation of action, formulation
and of validation (TDS), 49
Social interaction (IDS), 98101,
103106, 108
Structure-seeing (IDS), 102, 108111

Synchronic analysis (APC), 37, 42
(networking strategy), 119, 120
Techniques (ATD), 68, 69, 72, 7481
Technology (ATD), 68, 75, 78
dynamic view/dynamic development
of theories/dynamic nature, 5, 6, 118,
241, 245, 251, 254, 260
foreground and background theory, 6, 99
static view, 6, 268
in the sense of (ATD), 68
triplet (principles, methodology,
research questions), 7, 3538, 8891,
95, 104, 122, 123, 129, 147, 148, 150,
157, 160, 227, 229, 231, 232, 236, 237,
239242, 251, 252, 257, 258, 268, 284
Topaze effect, 53, 63, 201220
Triangulation, 119, 124, 229, 243, 244
Types of tasks (ATD), 68, 69
Understanding (networking strategy), 119
Vertical reorganisation (AiC), 86, 87, 93, 94

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