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Conditional Use Permit Approved by Board of Supervisors

Date of approval: ________________________________
Site Plan Approval: Date of approval: ________________________________

$4,000 Review by CityScape

$ 500 Land Use Amendment Application
$ 20 For Each Adjoining Property Owner
$ 50 Zoning Sign (Refundable when sign is returned)

Section 86-487 General Submitted Requirements


See the attached copy of Section 86-487 for detailed information for submittal.
Submit 12 copies
Any supplemental information for CityScape's review.
Land Use Amendment Application with all supporting documentation.

Once approved by the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors.

Application for Building Permit

Development Permit Zoning and Building, completed and signed.

Copy of the site plan with equipment location indicated (if applicable)
2 sets of building plans
Owner/Contractor Affidavit Signed and Copy of Contractors State License
Electrical Permit Application
Owner/Contractor Affidavit Signed and Copy of Contractors State License
Mechanical Permit Application (if applicable)
Owner/Contractor Affidavit Signed and Copy of Contractors State License

Submit all information regarding the antenna array, its propagation frequencies, etc., ground
equipment, existing tower and tower load.
Building Permit Fees:
Estimated Cost of Building:
Estimated Cost of Electrical Work:
Estimated Cost of Mechanical Work:
(See Fee Schedule)




Sec. 86-487 General submittal requirements.
In addition to the submittal requirements of any subsection below, each applicant shall submit a
completed application form and required application fees as part of its submittal package.
(a) An affidavit by a radio frequency engineer demonstrating compliance with Sec. 86-486
(Siting alternatives hierarchy). If a lower ranking alternative is proposed the affidavit must
address why higher ranked options are not technically feasible, practical or justified given the
location of the proposed wireless communications facility.
(b) Twelve (12) sets (2436) of signed and sealed site plans by a surveyor or engineer licensed
in the State of Virginia, including antenna support structure elevations, and landscape plans if
required, and two (2) reduced copies (811), of the foregoing preliminary grading plans may
be included on site plans or separately submitted in equal quantities. The site plans shall identify
adjacent land owners, land uses, height of principal building, size of lots, and existing zoning and
land use designation.
(c) An identification card for the subject property from the County Property Appraisers Office
or a tax bill showing the ownership of the subject parcel.
(d) Proof that a property and/or antenna support structure owners agent has appropriate
authorization to act upon the owners behalf (if applicable). A signed statement from a qualified
person, together with their qualifications, shall be included that warrants radio frequency
emissions from the antenna array(s) comply with FCC standards. The statement shall also certify
that both individually and cumulatively, and with any other facilities located on or immediately
adjacent to the proposed facility, the replacement antenna complies with FCC standards.
(e) Prior to issuance of a building permit, a stamped or sealed structural analysis of the proposed
antenna support structure prepared by a registered professional engineer licensed in the State of
Virginia indicating the proposed and future loading capacity of the antenna support structure.
(f) One original and two (2) copies of a survey of the property completed by a professional
surveyor, licensed in the State of Virginia, showing all existing uses, structures, and
(g) Proposed maximum height of the proposed WCF, including individual measurement of the
base, the antenna support structure and lightning rod.
(h) A landscape plan in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 86.484(e).
(i) Photo-simulated post construction renderings of the completed proposed antenna support
structure, equipment cabinets, and ancillary structures from locations to be determined during the
pre-application conference (but shall, at a minimum, include renderings from the vantage point
of any adjacent roadways and occupied or proposed non-residential or residential structures),
proposed exterior paint and stain samples for any items to be painted or stained, exterior building
material and roof samples.
(j) A balloon test shall be required subsequent to the receipt of the photo simulations in order to
demonstrate the proposed height of the WTF. The applicant shall arrange to raise a colored

balloon (no less than three feet in diameter) at the maximum height of the proposed WTF and
within fifty (50) horizontal feet of the center of the proposed antenna support structure.
The applicant shall inform the Community Development Department and abutting property
owners in writing of the date and times of the test at least 14 days in advance. The date, time and
location of the balloon test shall be advertised in a locally distributed paper by the applicant at
least seven but no more than fourteen (14) days in advance of the test date. The balloon shall be
flown for at least four consecutive hours during daylight hours on the date chosen. The applicant
shall record the weather during the balloon test. [Note: Readvertisement will not be required if
inclement weather occursadvertisement will direct readers to new date.]
(k) Prior to issuance of a building permit, proof of FAA compliance with Subpart C of the
Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 77, Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace, if applicable.
(l) With application submittal proof of Virginia Department of Historic Resources (VDHR)
approval of SHPPO is required.
(m) If the United States Fish and Wildlife Service require the applicant to submit any
information to them concerning the proposed wireless communications facility, the applicant
shall also furnish a copy of any material submitted to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service
to the County as part of the application package. A written statement detailing the antenna
mounting elevations and power levels of the proposed antenna and all the mounting elevations
and power levels of any other facilities on the subject property.
(n) All other documentation, evidence, or materials necessary to demonstrate compliance with
the applicable approval criteria set forth in this chapter.
(o) Materials detailing the locations of existing wireless communications facilities to which the
proposed antenna will be a handoff candidate; including latitude, longitude, and power levels of
the proposed and existing antenna is required.
(p) A map showing the designated search ring.
(q) A radio frequency propagation plot indicating the coverage of existing wireless
communications sites, coverage prediction, and design radius, together with a certification from
the applicants radio frequency (RF) engineer that the proposed facilitys coverage or capacity
potential cannot be achieved by any higher ranked alternative such as a concealed facility,
attached facility, replacement facility, colocation, or new antenna support structure. NOTE:
These documents are needed to justify a facility and to determine if the proposed location is the
only or best one in the designated geographic area of the proposed facility.
(r) Interference with public safety communications. In order to facilitate the regulation,
placement, and construction of WCFs, and to ensure that all parties are complying to the fullest
extent possible with the rules, regulations, and/or guidelines of the FCC, each owner of a WCF
or applicant for a WCF shall agree in a written statement to the following:
(1) Compliance with Good Engineering Practices as defined by the FCC in its rules and
(2) Compliance with FCC regulations regarding susceptibility to radio frequency
interference, frequency coordination requirements, general technical standards for power,
antenna, bandwidth limitations, frequency stability, transmitter measurements, operating

requirements, and any and all other federal statutory and regulatory requirements relating to
radio frequency interference (RFI).
(3) In the case of an application for colocated telecommunications facilities, the applicant,
together with the owner of the subject site, shall use their best efforts to provide a composite
analysis of all users of the site to determine that the applicants proposed facilities will not
cause radio frequency interference with the Countys public safety communications
equipment and will implement appropriate technical measures, as described in Sec. 86-487.6
Antenna element replacement, to attempt to prevent such interference.
(4) Whenever the County has encountered radio frequency interference with its public safety
communications equipment, and it believes that such interference has been or is being caused
by one or more WCFs, the following steps shall be taken:
(i) The County shall provide notification to all WCF service providers operating in the
County of possible interference with the public safety communications equipment, and upon
such notifications, the owners shall use their best efforts to cooperate and coordinate with the
County and among themselves to investigate and mitigate the interference, if any, utilizing
the procedures set forth in the joint wireless industry-public safety Best Practices Guide,
released by the FCC in February 2001, including the Good Engineering Practices, as may
be amended or revised by the FCC from time to time.
(ii) If any WCF owner fails to cooperate with the County in complying with the owners
obligations under this section or if the FCC makes a determination of radio frequency
interference with the County public safety communications equipment, the owner who failed
to cooperate and/or the owner of the WCF which caused the interference shall be responsible,
upon FCC determination of radio frequency interference, for reimbursing the County for all
costs associated with ascertaining and resolving the interference, including but not limited to
any engineering studies obtained by the County to determine the source of the interference.
For the purposes of this subsection, failure to cooperate shall include failure to initiate any
response or action as described in the Best Practices Guide within twenty-four (24) hours
of Countys notification.
Sec. 86-487.1. (Reserved) Sec. 86-487.2. Attached, colocated, or combined WCFs. The
following shall be provided in addition to the requirements listed in Sec. 86-487.
(a) Certification furnished by a registered professional engineer licensed in the State of Virginia
that the WCF has sufficient structural integrity to support the proposed antenna and feed lines in
addition to all other equipment located or mounted on the structure.
(b) A signed statement from the antenna support structure owner or owners agent agreeing to
allow the colocation of other wireless equipment on the proposed antenna support structure, if
the structure is designed or capable of additional wireless equipment.


Sec. 86-487.4. Freestanding concealed or non-concealed WCFs, and mitigation of WCFs.

The following shall be provided in addition to the requirements listed in Sec. 86-487.
(a) A report and supporting technical data demonstrating that all antenna attachments and
colocations including all potentially useable utility distribution towers and other elevated
structures within the proposed service area, and alternative antenna configurations have been
examined, and found unacceptable. The report shall include reasons existing facilities such as
utility distribution and other elevated structures are not acceptable alternatives to a new
freestanding WCF. The report regarding the adequacy of alternative existing facilities or the
mitigation of existing facilities to meet the applicants need or the needs of service providers
indicating that no existing wireless communications facility could accommodate the applicants
proposed facility shall consist of any of the following:
(1) No existing wireless communications facilities located within the geographic area meets the
applicants engineering requirements, and why.
(2) Existing wireless communications facilities are not of sufficient height to meet the
applicants engineering requirements, and cannot be increased in height.
(3) Existing wireless communications facilities do not have sufficient structural integrity to
support the applicants proposed wireless communications facilities and related equipment, and
the existing facility cannot be sufficiently improved.
(4) Other limiting factors that render existing wireless communications facilities unsuitable.
(b) Technical data included in the report shall include certification by a registered professional
engineer licensed in the State of Virginia or other qualified professional, which qualifications
shall be included, regarding service gaps or service expansions that are addressed by the
proposed WCF, and accompanying maps and calculations demonstrating the need for the
proposed WCF.
(c) A vicinity map delineating the location and classification of all major public or private streets
and rights-of-way, driveways, public parking areas, pedestrian ways, trails and bikeways within
500 feet of the subject propertys boundary, including zoning district boundaries, on a 2436
sheet, together with a list of property owners within 1,000 feet in agriculturally zoned (A-1 and
A-2 Districts) and 500 feet in all other districts of the subject property and keyed to the map. The
list must be from the most current ownership information supplied by the County Property
Appraisers Office, together with two (2) sets of mailing labels for such property owners.
Applicant will also provide a notarized Certification Letter stating the ownership list referenced
herein is accurate to the best of the applicants ability.
(d) A statement that the proposed facility meets the siting alternatives hierarchy, or alternatively,
that concealment technology is unsuitable for the proposed facility. Costs of concealment
technology that exceed facility development costs shall not be presumed to render the technology
(e) The applicant shall provide simulated photographic evidence of the proposed WCFs
appearance from any and all residential areas within 1,500 feet and vantage points approved by
the Community Development Department including the facility types the applicant has
considered and the impact on adjacent properties including:

I. Overall height
II. Configuration
III. Physical location
IV. Mass and scale
V. Materials and color
VI. Illumination
VII. Architectural design
The applicant shall provide a statement as to the potential visual and aesthetic impacts of the
proposed WCF on all adjacent residential zoning districts.
(f) A written statement by a registered professional engineer licensed by the State of Virginia
specifying the design structural failure modes of the proposed facility.
(g) Identification of the intended service providers of the WCF.
(h) Title report or American Land Title Association (A.L.T.A.) survey showing all easements on
the subject property, together with a full legal description of the property.
(i) A pre-application conference will be required for any new antenna support structure. The
applicant shall demonstrate that the following notice was mailed (via certified mail) to all other
wireless service providers licensed to provide service within the County as indicated on the list
of wireless service providers provided by the County:
Pursuant to the requirements of the Louisa County Zoning Ordinance, Article 9 is hereby
providing you with notice of our intent to meet with the County Staff in a pre-application
conference to discuss the location of a free-standing wireless communications facility that would
be located at _____ (physical address, latitude and longitude (NAD-83)). In general, we plan to
construct a support structure of _____ feet in height for the purpose of providing _______ (type
of wireless service)_______. Please inform the County Staff if you have any desire for placing
additional wireless facilities or equipment within 2 miles of our proposed facility. Please provide
us with this information within twenty business days after the date of this letter. Your
cooperation is sincerely appreciated. Sincerely, (pre-application applicant, wireless provider)


Sec. 86-487.5. (Reserved) Sec. 86-487.6. Antenna element replacements. The following shall
be provided in lieu of the requirements listed in Sec. 86-487. For any replacement of an existing
antenna element on a WCF, the applicant must, prior to making such modifications, submit the
(a) A written statement setting forth the reasons for the modification.
(b) A description of the proposed modifications to the WCF, including modifications to antenna
element design, type and number, as well as changes in the number and/or size of any feed lines,
from the base of the WCF to such antenna elements.
(c) A signed statement from a qualified person, together with their qualifications, shall be
included representing the antenna support structures owner or owners agent that the radio
frequency emissions comply with FCC standards for such emissions. A signed statement from a
qualified person, together with their qualifications, shall be included that warrants radio
frequency emissions from the antenna array(s) comply with FCC standards. The statement shall
also certify that both individually and cumulatively, and with any other facilities located on or
immediately adjacent to the proposed facility, the replacement antenna complies with FCC
(d) A stamped or sealed structural analysis of the existing WCF prepared by a registered
professional engineer licensed by the State of Virginia indicating that the existing antenna
support structure as well as all existing and proposed appurtenances meets Virginia Uniform
Statewide Building Code (USBC) requirements (including wind loading) for the antenna support
Sec. 86-487.8. Supplemental review. The County reserves the right to require a supplemental
review for any other type of WCF subject to the following:
(a) Where due to the complexity of the methodology or analysis required to review an
application for a wireless communication facility, the County may require the applicant to pay
for a technical review by a third party expert, the costs of which $4,000 shall be borne by the
applicant and be in addition to other applicable fees.
(b) Based on the results of the expert review, the approving authority may require changes to the
applicants application or submittals.
(c) The supplemental review may address any or all of the following:
(1) The accuracy and completeness of the application and accompanying documentation.
(2) The applicability of analysis techniques and methodologies.
(3) The validity of conclusions reached.
(4) Whether the proposed wireless communications facility complies with the applicable
approval criteria set forth in these codes.
(5) Other items deemed by the County to be relevant to determining whether a proposed
wireless communications facility complies with the provisions of these codes.

Sec. 86-488. Approval process. In accordance with the table in Sec. 86-485 (Permitted Uses by
Zoning District), the following approval process shall apply: a. By-Right Approvals. The
approval of a WCF subject to administrative review as identified in this section shall be
governed by the following process: (1) The Community Development Department shall review
the request, application, and submitted documents for compliance with all requirements of this
ordinance. The County may, at its discretion, obtain additional technical assistance to review and
assess the technical merits of the documents. (2) If the Community Development Department
determines the application and documentation meets all of the requirements of this ordinance, the
County shall approve the application package and the applicant may proceed to request a
building permit. (3) If the Community Development Department determines the application
and/or documentation fails to meet all the requirements of the ordinance, then the County shall
provide written notification to the applicant as to the materials which need to be amended or
supplied for review. The applicant shall provide to the County any requested materials for
review. This process shall continue until the County has approved the application package, at
which time the applicant may proceed to request a building permit. (4) If the Community
Development Department determines the application and documentation fails to meet the intent
of this ordinance, the County may deny the request in writing. (5) Appeals from a decision made
by the Community Development Department shall be to the Planning Commission. b. Public
Hearing Approvals. The approval of a WCF subject to conditional use permit as identified in the
table in Sec. 86-485 (Permitted Uses by Zoning District) shall be governed by the following
(1) Upon receipt of approval of a complete application, the Community Development
Department shall prepare the WCF request in accordance with the processes and
procedures in this ordinance.
(2) The approving bodies in determining whether a WCF is in harmony with the area or the
effects and general compatibility of a WCF with adjacent properties may consider the
aesthetic effects of the WCF as well as mitigating factors concerning aesthetics.
(3) The approving bodies may disapprove an application on the grounds that the WCFs
aesthetic effects are unacceptable, or may condition approval on changes in WCF height,
design, style, buffers, or other features of the WCF or its surrounding area. Such changes
need not result in performance identical to that of the original application.
(4) Factors relevant to aesthetic effects are: the protection of the view in sensitive or
particularly scenic areas and areas specially designated in adopted plans such as unique
natural features, scenic roadways and historic sites; the concentration of WCFs in the
proposed area; and whether the height, design, placement or other characteristics of the
proposed WCF could be modified to have a less intrusive visual impact.
(5) If the approving authority determines that the proposed additional service, coverage, or
capacity to be achieved by the location of the proposed new WCF can be achieved by use of
one or more alternative existing wireless communications facilities addressed in Sec. 86-487
(General Submittal Requirements), which better serve the stated purposes set forth in Sec.
86-481 (Purpose and Intent), it may disapprove the proposed WCF application.


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