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Review of the Air Force Academy

No 3 (27) 2014


Lucian Stefan COZMA
CAROL I National Defense University,Bucharest
Abstract: most aircraft made in the XXth and XXIst Century are based on achieving the buoyancy on special
surfaces ("bearing surfaces") and the physical principle applied (in connection with the Bernoulli's law
regarding the flowing of fluids) correlates the bearing force with the profile and the active bearing surface,
also with the fluid characteristics, including its velocity. The result was that the low pressure which can be
obtained at the extrados of the bearing surface, gives the amount of the lift force. Therefore, the attention
of researchers was directed toward the possibility of obtaining very low pressure on the extrados, possibly
even the vacuum. Thus it came to vacuum propulsion technology presented in this paper
Key words: VTOL / UAV / Unconventional

To make easy the flight and even to make the
individual flying apparatus for humans, were
ancient desires of the people, starting from the
mythological Icarus, and reaching the works of
Leonardo da Vinci, who studied the art of flight
at birds and bats. Later in the XIXth Century,
it reborn the interest in creating an aircraft and
a number of inventors have tried to find the
necessary technological solutions.
Between them, a few even managed to
obtain very interesting results:
- Karl Wilhelm Otto Lilienthal (b. May 23, 1848
in Anklam, Germany - d. Aug. 10, 1896 Berlin,
after an accident with one of his flying machines)
was an aviation pioneer. It is believed, that he
was the first man who built and flew an aircraft
heavier than air, by launching it down the slope.
His experiments helped to establish later some
of the laws of aerodynamics. However, it is
questionable the Lilienthal's position as the
first aviator of the mankind, because there were
similar attempts long before the era of Lilenthal.
It is known for instance that in ancient China
were built kites the size of a current hang glider
today, that could easily carry a man. It is also
known the case of George Cayley who in 1852
built and tested a flying apparatus by his own
design. But there are other examples.

-Traian Vuia (b. Aug. 17, 1872, Bujoru,

Caras-Severin County, in Austro-Hungary - d.
September 3, 1950, Bucharest, Romania) was a
romanian inventor and aviation pioneer. On 18
March 1906 he achieved the first self-propelled
flight with a heavier than air apparatus, taking off
from a flat surface. He started the construction
of his flying machine in the fall of 1904, with
the design and construction of the engine.
Since 1904 it granted patents for his inventions.
The mechanical works are completed since
February 1905 but the aircraft wasnt been
ready until December, after being mounted its
engine. It will become the "Vuia I" or "The
Bat" because of the shape of its wings. It had
a total weight of 250 kg, with a bearing surface
of 14 m, equipped with a 20 HP engine. The
experiments began in 1905, with the car version,
the wings being folded. In the March 18, 1906
at Montesson, near Paris, the apparatus "Vuia I"
was experienced in flight. After a runway of 50
meters, the flying machine rose into the air at a
height of three feet and flew a distance of 12 m,
at which the propeller blades were stopped and
the plane landed.
-Henri Marie Coanda (b. Bucharest on June
7, 1886 - d. Bucharest on 25 november 1972)
was a prolific romanian inventor best known
for his pioneering work in aviation and the
achievement of the lenticular aerodyne.

The Vacuum - Propulsion Technology - Concept and Applications

Thus, in 1910 he invented, built and
experienced at Issy-les-Moulineaux field, near
Paris, the first jet aircraft. In 1934 he obtained
a patent in France for "Method and device for
deflecting a stream of fluid that penetrates
another fluid", which actually refered to the
phenomenon known today as the "Coanda
The applications of this phenomenon led
him in particular to some important results
in terms of aircraft hypersustentation. Thus
he concluded that the aviation technology
is fundamentally flawed and thus laid the
foundation for other technologies, at which
the principles was very different and the
aerodynamic of aircraft differed substantially
from the classical models, the new concept
being able to obtain outstanding technical and
flying performances, as was the case of the socalled "lenticular aerodyne."
From the perspective of this paper, our
attention is focused on a very special application
that Coanda gave to his lenticular aerodyne,the so-called " Coanda flying epaulettes ", an
advanced individual flying apparatus.
-Viktor Schauberger (b.30 June 1885 - d.25
September 1958) was an austrian inventor and
visionary, forest ranger by profession. As a
naturalist, he observed with great attention the
natural phenomena and tried to explain and
reproduce them artificially with the aid of the
devices which he invented. Among his most
important discoveries, it should be noted that
it was the first to observe the wrong principle
of operation of the classic propeller (which in
general terms is the principle of the inclined
plane) and made a new device ("the repulsin")
for the replacement of the classic propellers.
For this new device he found applications
both in energetics and propulsion. Later,
he worked for the Nazi and there are some
informations (unverified and unconfirmed
officially) that he would designed and built a
series of small experimental aircrafts, equipped
with "repulsine".
-Rudolf Liciar is a german-romanian
inventor who lived in Brasov in the interwar
period. He was borned probably at the end of
the XIXth Century in the Austro-Hungarian

Empire, and he was been a long time fellow

countryman with Viktor Schauberger.
In the present day, it is not known exactly in
what context they met and how how Liciar had
come to know a large part of the technological
secrets held by Schauberger. It is known,
however, that such technological informations,
Liciar has obtained by entering in conntact
with the austrian and german personnel of
the numerous delegations which visited the
industrial and agricultural regions of the eastern
part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It is
assumed that in this context, at some point, he
could even met Viktor Schauberger himself.
The fact is that Liciar made the same
observations as Schauberger about the wrong
principle of operation for the propeller, except
that, Liciar called the method as "vacuumpropulsion" and the device was called
"cyclonoid". Also, Liciar worked several years
for the Nazis and it was assumed he would
have made some small aircrafts, which were
later known under the generic name of "foofighters". The method of vacuum-propulsion
can be applied in the field of energetics and
propulsion, in the latter case, the cyclonoid
(or the repulsin, according to Schauberger)
could be achieved in two manners: sustentation
(lift) cyclonoid and propulsive cyclonoid.
The practical application to which we refer in
this paper is mainly based on the technology
invented by Rudolf Liciar.
-Virgilius Justin Capra (b. February 22, 1933
at Magureni, Prahova, Romania) is a romanian
inventor. From the multitude of his inventions,
innovations and experimental constructions,
the most interesting from the perspective of this
paper is the Capra's invention of 1956, when
he made the first flying jetpack, an individual
flying apparatus equipped with mini-rocket
engines. Justin Capra has made over the years
many models of small vehicles or motorcycles,
trying to develop models for serial production,
characterized by low fuel consumption and
acceptable performance of maximum range,
autonomy and reliability.

Review of the Air Force Academy

The last two centuries have not some notable
performances officially recorded, in achieving
of a small individual aircraft which would be
capable to enable the long flight in conditions
of economicity and reliability.
With the development in the field of
propulsion systems, these have increased their
fuel consumption and become more and more
complex and subject to risks of failure.
We mentioned that there were no such
performances which be officially recorded,
knowing that in a more discreet regime, if
not secret, some inventors and/or builders
apparently managed to obtain outstanding
performances: it is the case of Henri Marie
Coanda, Rudolf Liciar and similarly, Viktor
Schauberger. Perhaps the invention attributed
to Liciar, belongs to its origin, to Schauberger,
but the detailed work of Schauberger is still
unknown, and in that case we will rely on the
known inventions of Rudolf Liciar.

Fig.1 The Cyclonoid- its general configuration

The Cyclonoid is actually a compressor
machine with a completely and utterly special
design, its configuration is such as to allow the
achievement of vacuum in the space between
the blades and the air exhaust after a trajectory
that describes a cycloidal line; then the air jets
can be taken by a stator device to steer them
in a convenient way, virtually in order to use
their energy, which is wasted at the classic
propeller. The cyclonoid rotor (left) is disposed
in the center of a (semi)lenticular aerodyne and
the air jets expelled from the space between the
cyclonoid blades, are used to blow the extrados

No 3 (27) 2014
of the semilenticular hypersustentation surface;
the air jets exhausted from the cyclonoid have
a laminar flowing regime, describing cycloids
that start from a common center. By moving
vertically, up and down, the cyclonoid, the
vertical, static or downward flight is achieved.
This is made by using semi-discoidal surface
for hyper or hipo-sustentation, by blowing the
jets of air above or below the semi-lenticular
As observed ever since the first attempts
of making an individual flying machine, from
technological standpoint arose a number of
impediments: the relatively large bearing
surface (cca.15m2) necessary to support in
the air of a man of medium build, which has
made to fail all the attempts to achieve artificial
wings that could catch on the pilot's arms (to be
manually driven); the need for a prime mover (a
machine that transforms energy from/to thermal,
electrical or pressure to/from mechanical form)
capable of high power but also compact and
light enough so that it can be worn by a man,
condition virtually fulfilled only by the Coanda
and Liciar inventions; the need for a compact
and easy folding flying apparatus, which can be
easily attached on the human body, in a short
period of time; the condition as the prime mover
possess enough autonomy and does not require
an expensive fuel or complicated technology for
the fuel supply system; regarding its structure
and functioning, the individual flying machine
must not involve major hazards and also it
must be characterized by an acceptable level of

Fig. 2 Cyclonoidal rotors

Left overlapped so that their blades to be
disposed one in the extension of the other, and

The Vacuum - Propulsion Technology - Concept and Applications

therefore the surface between the blades to be
increased, known that as the surface over which
the vacuum is made, is higher, the performance
will be better.
The cycloidal blades (right) forming
segments which are placed at equal angles to
each other and bordered at their upper side by
the wall of the ring device on which the blades
are mounted, so that the air cannot invade the
space between the blades once it has been
ejected from there, the moment when the rotor
reached the tangential speed of 396 m/sec.
To meet all these criteria, according the
technology used by Coanda and Liciar, the
author of this paper proposes the following
solutions in order to build an experimental/
demonstrative individual flying machine:
-the use of vacuum-propulsion technology to
ensure the vertical take-off/landing without the
need for use of the same method throughout the
flight, but necessarily during the take-off; the
optional use of the same technology to achieve
a relatively high speed propulsion inside the
dense layers of the atmosphere;
-the use of flexible wings partially manually
driven, which must be a folding wing, and
allows the controlled modification of geometry
in order to achieve the flight maneuver during
gliding or propelled flight; this flexible and
fully folding wing would allow the gliding and
safe landing in case of failure of mechanical
sustentation and propulsion system, regardless
of flight altitude; also, it would allow the longmarsh gliding flight, using the atmospheric
-the achievement of the individual flying
apparatus must apply a hybrid formula between
the classic glider (improved by adopting the bat
wing mechanism used as a mobile wing, not
rigid, manually operated) and the sustentative/
propeller cyclonoid invented by Liciar, devices
which will be relatively small and the pilot
could worn them as a knapsack; at take-off,
the pilot would use only the sustentative
cyclonoid then he will open the folding wings
and optionally, the propeller cyclonoid. At a
sufficiently altitude, he may shut down the
sustentation/propulsion engines and continue
the gliding flight.


When a body is moving through the air or in
other fluid environment, against its displacement
is exerted the resistance of the environment, the
value of which varies depending on the shape
of the body and its speed. If we take the case of
a body which fall from a great height, its speed
would increase according the laws of mechanics
(regarding the motion in gravitational field, the
fall of bodies) but at the same time, it would
increase the air resistance (the drag) that
opposes motion. When the two forces (weight
and drag) come to be equal, it will reach an
equilibrium and hence the movement of the
body become uniform, compared to the initial
constant acceleration. We say therefore that
the speed limit has been reached. But if we
take the case of a plane that moves at a speed
of 100 Km/h, it is similar to the case in which
the plane would stand still and the wind would
move with the speed of 30 m/sec, the device
thus supporting a pressure of 100 Kg/cm2. The
locomotive of a train moving at a speed of 100
km/h will have to consume approx. of the
power to overcome the air resistance (the drag)
! Despite the huge progress made in the last two
centuries in the field of aerodynamics and its
applications, the laws of aerodynamic drag are
not fixed, because they depend on many factors.
However, it have been determined in practice a
series of general formulas that give satisfactory
results and therefore it does not insist on this.
For example, the first determination of the
laws for aerodynamic drag, more empirical,
was made for speeds between 4 and 60 m/
sec. At higher speeds, the laws are changing.
Currently, we have adopted some simplistic
formulas that seek to give sufficiently accurate
values of aerodynamic resistance, regardless
of the speed. The changes of the laws of
aerodynamics at high speeds are given by the
regime of discontinuity. At a speed between 4
and 60 m/sec the aerodynamic drag is lower for
a body in the form of a drop of water, moving
at the curved part forward. Contrary to the
expectations, when a drop of water moves with
the sharp part forward, it will face an higher
aerodynamic drag.

Review of the Air Force Academy

No 3 (27) 2014

1 sv 2

mv 2 =
v ,
2 g
Fig. 3 The case of droplet of water: for the
sharp leading edge, the aerodynamic resistance
is higher, but with the rounded leading edge
and a sharp trailing edge, the aerodynamic
drag is lower
For a flat surface, it was observed that the air
resistance is a function of surface size, velocity
and angle of the direction of motion. In this case,
we can say that: R = f (s, v, ) and the variations
of this function proved difficult to study. In the
case of an orthogonal movement, we have a
surface moving in a direction perpendicular to
its plane, and the air resistance are given by the
R= k Sv 2
so that, the pressure is proportional to the value
of surface and the square of speed, where
("delta") is the density of the fluid (air), with
the observation that in fact, this relation
expressed the lows of Newton but applied to
fluid resistance. Note that the relations and the
calculation presented in these pages, follow
the models applied to the early XXth Century
by Rudolf Liciar and Viktor Schauberger.
Therefore, they did not work corresponding
the IS (International System), but at that time
accepted systems. Furthermore, if we consider
k = and also consider the air as fluid, we
have the air resistance expression:
R= S v 2
The determination of can be theoretical
or experimental. For example, Newton and
Poncelet sought to express it depending on
the density of air. If the surface S is moved
orthogonally, it will hit the air volume Sv, which
put into movement receives the kinetic energy:
mv 2 ,



wherein = 1.293 Kg/m 3 at t = 0 0 C and p =

760 mmHg.
In this situation, the mechanical work
developed because the aerodynamic drag is Rv
and will be equal to the kinetic energy, ie:
Rv =

1 sv 2
2 g



S v2


if S = 1 m 2 and v = 1 m/sec, we will have:

R= =
= 0,065 sv 2 ,

Fig. 4 The cyclonoid device (above view),

composed of multiple rotors disposed
The cycloidal trajectory of air streams
(bold line) from a common center towards the
periphery. Such a trajectory is described by
the jets of air from all the inter- blades spaces.
The air is expelled from the space between the
blades to the periphery of the rotor describing
cycloids; it is also presented the variation of
radial angle but this Newton's coefficient may
have much larger values up to 0.13. Especially
because varies with altitude and temperature.
It is already known that is dependent on
, but varies with temperature and pressure,

The Vacuum - Propulsion Technology - Concept and Applications

according the Gay-Lussac relation:

760 1 + at
where 0 is the air density at t = 0 C and p =
760 mmHg
and is the density of air at the temperature t
and pressure p = H,
1 + t is the binomial of gas expansion, with the

value a =

= 0,00366.

Considering all these aspects, Newton

was the one who formulated the first law of
dependence between drah and other physical
quantities, such as: the drag is proportional to
the density of the fluid; it is also proportional
to the square of velocity; at the same time, it
is proportional to the surface; from the point
of view of the application mode, the drag is
perpendicular to the surface and proportional
to the square sine of the incidence angle (angle
formed by the studied surface with its direction
of movement).
These have been the starting observations,
but in fact, the laws of aerodynamics that give us
the aerodynamic resistance, are more complex
because we must consider not only the action of
air on the leading edge of the considered body,
but also the action at the trailing edge.

Fig.5 The graph showing the variation of drag/

surface ratio depending on square velocity,
according to G. Eiffel
Thereby, the experiments have demonstrated
that the drag doesnt vary rigorous with the
square velocity and even less with the square
sine of the incidence angle.

Obviously, this should not mean that the

Newtons observations were not correct, but
they was incomplete.
Those comments concerned therefore only
one part of the casuistry, ignoring the case of
the high speeds, which Newton did not have
how to experience during his era.
At present, from the study of the largest part
of books and scientific papers of aerodynamics,
resulted that the calculation of the drag is often
used the so-called law of square speeds, since
it often corresponds to the majority of practical
The reason for this is quite simple: a body
moving through the air at a speed v = 1 m/
sec, strikes every second a number M of air
molecules, and thus, at the speed v it will hit
a number of vM molecules. Therefore, it will
result a proportional reaction force, in the first
case with ( M 1) and in the second case, with
v v ) where appears the term v 2 . As it can
be seen, we took into account the existence of
friction forces between the molecules, which
is acceptable at low speeds but completely
unacceptable for high speeds. Since the end of
the XIXth Century, after Eiffel's experiences,
it was known that it can draw a curve of
which ordinates are proportional to the drag
on the known surface, and the abscissas are
proportional to the square velocity (Fig. 5). If
the relation
R = s f(v 2 ),
should be strictly accurate, the experimental
curve would have to be confused with a straight
line passing through the origin. The drag is then
increased by the low pressure formed in the
rear side of the studied body, near its trailing
edge. To this is added the air compression in
the leading edge region, which also enhances
the aerodynamic drag, especially in transonic
speed regime, and at the emergence of sonic
boom, on which the compression makes the
maximum effect for that velocity regime.
The maximum speed of the air which is
expanded in vacuum was considered that given
V = 2 gh ,
where h is the atmospheric pressure.


Review of the Air Force Academy

Both the acceleration of gravity and the
pressure are given in centimetric values. This
is basically the Galileo's relation applied in
this case in an interesting way. The question is
how calculated from the beginning of the XXth
Century, Schauberger and Liciar, the speed
of air expansion from the normal atmosphere
pressure to vacuum, using the Galileo relation ?
The pressure at sea level is approximately
10 N/m 2 and the standard air density is
1.29 kg/m 3 . If we consider as the air density
would be relatively constant with the altitude,
the height of the column of air required to
produce the nominal pressure at sea level,
is about 7900~8000 meters. Because the
negative gradient of air density is small enough
corresponding to the altitude the range of
0~8000 meters, we may thus conclude that
the predominant mass of the dense Earth's
atmosphere is concentrated in this layer. If it
releases an object to fall from a height of 8000
meters and it should ignore the drag, the speed
of the object obtained until the impact with the
ground, would be 396 m/sec. Therefore, that
is the speed reached by an object which falls
through a vertical column of air, between the
standard pressure at sea level and the pressure
which theoretically is considered a relatively
"vacuum", at 8000 m height, where the dense
atmosphere ended. Of course, in real terms, at
H = 8000 m the pressure is not equal to 0 but it
is 3.56 x 10 4 Pa, ie about three times lower than
at ground level. It is known that, the relation of
the baric gradient in the troposphere is:
5, 256

p = 760 1 (11)

The air density at H = 8000 m is 0.5252
Kg/m 3 ie approx. 0.43 the density at sea level.
According the calculations made in the early
XXth Century, resulted a value of 396 m/sec,
regarding the above approximations. Because
this latter value was considered by Viktor
Schauberger the Rudolf Liciar, also being tested
in practice, we will consider as valid.

When the considered body will have a
higher speed than the above mentioned value,
the air will not be able to follow that body, and

No 3 (27) 2014
in the trailing edge region will be not only a low
pressure, but vacuum. In this case, because of
vacuum, the total drag remains constant.
The aforementioned aspect is very important
because the method of vacuumpropulsion
virtually is based on it, also the technology
underlying cyclonoid. The device known as
propeller, which is a system that uses a series
of blades (at least two), which cut the air
using some edges with the shape of the inclined
plane, in order to provide a screwing inside a
fluid body (air), which by the axially moving of
the device, described an helix in the air.
Therefore, if we consider the example of
points situated at the extremity of the abovementioned device, they should describe in air
a helical trajectory. Thats why, the device is
called helix (propeller, in english), name
which has already been consecrated, especially
in the in the francophone languages. The thrust/
power ratio relative to a conventional propeller
is about 3 ~ 7 kgf/1 HP, in recent decades these
performances have been improved through the
adoption of special propeller configurations, as
will be explained below.
the propeller started from the principle of
operation of the bearing surfaces, ie achieving
the buoyancy (lift) on the wing of an aircraft.
The bouyancy is made with the inclined planes
action on the jets of air which hitt the leading
edge of the wing, with relatively high speed.
From their interaction with the inclined
plane, results the frictional force that opposes
to movement, tending to contribute to reducing
the speed, but also contributes to the lift force.
It follows from this brief description that the
bouyancy within the classic wing is achieved
by the conjugated action of the air flow on the
inclined plane and the drag that arises from this
As correctly observed the inventor Rudolf
Liciar since 1923, this principle of operation
is fundamentally wrong. Unfortunately, this
wrong principle of operation has been taken
from the case of wing (bearing surface) and
also used to produce thrust/propulsion, the case
of propeller.
The propeller, generally, is a mobile rotary
wing, which blows the air sufficiently strong,

The Vacuum - Propulsion Technology - Concept and Applications

so that the air jets strike the inclined plane
(the edge of propeller blades) at a high speed
and by the screwing of propeller in the air, it
is thrown backwards to provide a reaction
force to be used for thrust or propulsion, as the
propeller is positioned on front side or rear side
of the aircraft. The ratio between the developed
thrust and the power consumption is therefore
small, and if we try to increase the size or the
number of blades, the propeller becomes too
heavy and it has other disadvantages related
to the gyroscopic torque etc. Because of the
need for resistance, the propeller blades must
be sufficiently thick, which increases their total
weight and the aerodynamic drag. Therefore,
the modern propellers are big and heavy,
presenting high aerodynamic drag, among other

Fig.6 The cyclonoid rotor for vertical flight is

positioned above the hipo-hypersustentation
surface, on which it blows the air so that on the
upper surface of this semi-lenticular device is
made a low pressure boundary layer; for static
flight (hover) the cyclonoid would be placed
in the middle position, so that it blows the air
equally on the extrados and intrados of the
hipo-hypersustentation surface, to reach a state
of equilibrium; for the descending flight the
cyclonoid have to be moved under the intrados
of hipo-sustentation surface and blowing it with
air, it creates a low pressure in the underside,
which gives rise to a force applied from top to
bottom (hipo-sustentation) contrary to the lift

Fig.7 The mechanical waves formed around

a moving body in the atmosphere, once again
demonstrates the operation of the cyclonoid:
at subsonic speeds the air jets (on the aircraft)

formed around it mechanical waves which

have a spherical configuration, propagating as
spherical waves; at transonic speed regime, the
air tends to compress in front of the aircraft,
greatly increasing the drag, and if the geometry
of flying machine is not appropriate, the forces
become so high that tend to destructure the
plane. If it manages to resist and to enter in
the supersonic flight regime (above Mach 1 =
cca.340 m/sec = 1224 Km/h) the shock wave
tends to detach from the surface of the flying
machine, which actually exceeds the sonic
waves, having a speed greater than these. At
the speed of 396 m/sec (about 1.165 Mach) the
air can no longer invade the region behind the
trailing edge of the supersonic flying machine,
where it will form the vacuum. Exactly on this
phenomenon is based the cyclonoid and the
method of vacuum-propulsion
Another big problem of conventional
aviation propellers and wings is the control of
the air jets flowing regime in the boundary layer
This flowing regime is the one that determine
further the aerodynamic drag and the flying
quality, because in certain situations (turbulent
flow, the detachment of air jets from the wing
surface) it occurs the loss of bouyancy and the
uncontrolled flying trajectories.
To a large extent, the blades of the propeller
reproduce the operating principle of the wing,
except how the propeller is twisted along its
length to facilitate the air flowing without its
prematurely detachment from the blade surface.
Since the early XXth Century, it became
evident for some scientists that the propeller has
not good characteristics for this use: to ensure
the lift force and the propulsion for an aircraft.
Both Viktor Schauberger and Rudolf Liciar
have realized that the optimum device for lift
and propulsion have to be small, lightweight,
durable and based primarily on the pressure
difference between the region above of a
parallel plan to the direction of motion, and the
rear side region (the trailing edge) where the
pressure have to be in excess.
It is also known the fact that the pressure
at sea level is 1033 g/cm 2 and the expansion

Review of the Air Force Academy

speed of the air in vacuum is 396 m/sec,- if the
air on the upper surface of a horizontal plan
situated in the atmosphere at sea level, should
be completely evacuated and another air masses
cannot took its place, the lift force made under
this plan will be in accord with the atmospheric
pressure below the plan, ie 1,033 Kg/cm 2 .
In general, the attempts to modernize the
propeller started from the observation that
the efficiency of compressors and turbines is
typically higher than the propeller efficiency,
so it tries to make for the propeller a similar
configuration, like the aviation compressor
Models of new propellers having multiple
and twisted blades were adopted, and the rotor/
stator assembly, like the classic compressor
has. Despite an overall improvement in
performance, the reconfigured propeller on
the model of aviation compressor, continued
to have the same major disadvantages related
to its poor yield, the gyroscopic effect and the
transverse orientation of the exhausted air jets.
Other attempts to improve the performance of
the propeller, often aimed at: preventing the
air jets to move laterally by placing a cowl
around the propeller, avoiding the turbulence
of the axial air flow by using a stator guiding
device (similar to that used at the conventional
axial compressors) and to adopt the solution
of orientable engines (thrust vectoring or
thrust vector control) provided with multiple
propellers equipped with relatively large twisted
blades; thereby, it attempted the reducing of
drag and increasing the efficiency.
But usually, the technological difficulties
assumed by adopting all these improvements,
proved to be greater than the benefits. Therefore,
such propellers often have only an experimental
status, and their performances are not at all
Special applications of vacuum-propulsion
method could be: to make UAVs with discoid
or spherical shape, with outstanding flight
performances; to create an individual flying
apparatus for paratroopers and scouts; to
achieve high speed military aircraft, like the
aerospace vehicles etc.

No 3 (27) 2014
Vacuum-propulsion technology proposed
the use of certain rotary devices generically
similar to classic aviation propeller or
compressor (centrifugal or axial), but able
to create on the upper surface extreme
low pressures. This aspect leads to many
advantages in terms of simplifying the aircraft
technology and a significant increase in flight
performances. The author therefore proposes to
introduce to the attention of military research
the vacuumpropulsion method and even to
achieve a small individual flying apparatus for
experimental and/or demonstrative use.

Plate 1. An example of cyclonoid application,

the high-speed aircraft type Liciar-Coanda: 1the porous wall is provided with orifices having
a diameter between 1.5 and 3 mm, according to
the total size of the surface; 2- the shaft is mobile,
therefore the cone for conversion of the shock
wave can be moved forward and backward;
3- the flowing surface is provided with helical
guiding blades (aerodynamic fins); 4- the
relatively cold air is drawn axially, and then it
will be blown on an inner surface provided with
spiral guiding blades (fins); 5- the mixed jet,
consisting of exhausted flue gases and cold air;
6- the flowing surface which vortexed the fluid
jets; 7- the pressure chamber (where it is the
compressed air); 8- the combustion chamber;
9- Coanda profile and the exhaust slot; 10- the
cool air jet from the intrados; 11- the porous
wall; 12- the multistage propulsive cyclonoid
(according to Rudolf Liciar patent); 13- the low
pressure region; 14- the high-pressure region;
15- the supply installation and the power source


The Vacuum - Propulsion Technology - Concept and Applications

Plate 2- In figure A: 1- thrust vector control

engine used especially for orientation/
stabilization in the upper atmosphere (provided
with a steam generator type Vuia-Moraru,
which works anaerobic) supplied with highpressure jets of steam; 2- system of fixed pairs
of mini-nozzles which are oriented antagonistsymmetric (up-down, left-right); it ensures the
vector controls (thrust vectoring or thrust vector
control- TVC ); also 15 are orientable nozzles;
3- the pressurized compartment; 4- the cockpit;
5- the air intakes of main engine (at the advanced
models it renounced at the air intakes in favor
of the wings with internal flowing, which are
systems of propulsion themselves); 6- surface
hypersustentation (as a folding diaphragm) on
which is flowing the air blown by the cyclonoid;
7- the cyclonoid type Liciar-Schauberger; 8- the
service module; 9- the MHD accelerator of the
main engine;
10- the wings; the improved variants are
equipped with internal flowing surfaces with
"profile Coanda" and the air intake is even
the leading edge of the wing, the nozzle being
disposed along the entire trailing edge of the
wing, and inside the nozzle are placed flight
control surfaces like the vanes which deflect
motor exhaust; at the extremities of wings
can be observed the small nozzles (15) which
can move up and down by 15 0 , working
antagonistic and being in fact some reactive
ailerons; 11- the electrothermal jet engines; they
use annular compressors (cyclonoid) type Liciar
and microwaves to heat the compressed air; for
supplying of the ultra high frequency coil it
would use a klystron operating in pulsed power,
which is in its turn powered by a capacitive

electrostatic high voltage generator; 12- the

cones for conversion of the shock wave; they
are designed with leading edge hemispherical
(as well as the leading edge of fuselage) since
this form is more advantageous for hypersonic
speeds in the upper atmosphere; 13- vector
manoeuvring elevons (mechanical deflection
vanes or paddles enables jet deflection) disposed
in the nozzles airflow, at the auxiliary engines;
14- the vertical stabilizer with the rudder are
also conceived as a thrust vector control being
disposed in the nozzle of the jet engine; 15the reactive ailerons also work as thrust vector
controls. In figure B: 1- the device denoted by 6
in fig.A is folded; 2, 3, 4- it is opened gradually
as a diaphragm, gaining a domed shape; 5when the aperture is open, in the central area
can move up/down the cyclonoid 7 on its axis.
1. the patent RO 21370 from 1933, belonging to
Rudolf Liciar;
Mecanica fluidelor vol.1-2, Editura Academiei
RSR, Bucuresti 1952;
3. DUMITRESCU, Horia si altii, Calculul
elicei, Editura Academiei romne, Bucuresti
4. group of authors, Fizica aplicat la rzboiu,
Litografia Scolii Militare de Infanterie, cca.
Traian Vuia- viata si opera, Editura Stiintific
si Enciclopedic, Bucuresti, 1988;
Henri Coand- viata si opera, Editura Stiintific
si Enciclopedic, Bucuresti, 1988;
7. LIPOVAN, George, Traian Vuia- realizatorul
zborului mecanic, Editura Tehnic, Bucuresti
8. SLGEANU, Ioan, Aerodinamica vitezelor
subsonice, vol.1-2, Editura Academiei Militare,
Bucuresti 1981;
9. SLGEANU, Ioan, Aerodinamica vitezelor
mari, Editura Academiei Militare, Bucuresti

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