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218 F.

2d 705
55-1 USTC P 9181

William J. MALONEY, Appellant,

James M. TUNNELL, Sr., As Administrator Cum Testamento
Annexo of the Estate of Norman Collison, Formerly Collector
of Internal Revenue for the Collection District of Delaware,
Substituted Appellee, and Ernest E. Killen, Present
Collector of Internal Revenue for the Collection District of
Delaware, and Frances P. Graham, Presently Director of
Internal Revenue, Wilmington, Delaware Office, United States
of America, Intervenor.
No. 11336.

United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit.

Argued Dec. 20, 1954.
Filed Jan. 25, 1955.

Edwin D. Steel, Jr., Wilmington, Del. (Edward W. Cooch, Jr.,

Wilmington, Del., on the brief), for appellant.
Kurt W. Melchior, Washington, D.C. (H. Brian Holland, Asst. Atty. Gen.,
Ellis N. Slack, Robert N. Anderson, Kurt W. Melchior, Sp. Assts. to Atty.
Gen., Leonard G. Hagner, U.S. Atty., Wilmington, Del., on the brief), for
Before GOODRICH and KALODNER, Circuit Judges, and LORD,
District Judge
GOODRICH, Circuit Judge.

This is a family partnership case. The Commissioner assessed a deficiency

against the taxpayer for the years 1946 and 1947 on the theory that the business
carried on under the name Maloney Leather Company was not a partnership for
the purposes of the federal income tax law. The taxpayer, William J. Maloney,

Sr., paid the assessment and brought suit in the United States District Court for
the District of Delaware to recover what he claimed was erroneously assessed
against him. The jury returned a verdict for the defendant and the taxpayer

The trial court, in submitting this case to the jury, asked them a number of
specific questions. The fifth interrogatory1 which he asked the jury was:

'Did Mr. Maloney make valid and bona fide gifts to his wife and son which
were used and invested in the Maloney Leather Company business?

'You will answer that question 'yes' or 'no' as to each of the two persons as

'(a) As to Mrs. Maloney:

.................... (Answer 'Yes' or 'No')

'(b) As to Mr. Maloney, Jr.:

.................... (Answer 'Yes' or 'No')'

The jury returned a negative answer as to both Mrs. Maloney and Mr. Maloney,
Jr. These two persons were the other members of the alleged partnership in
addition to the taxpayer.


Appellant's theory now is that there was evidence from which the jury could
have come to a conclusion favorable to him upon this fifth interrogatory. If so,
he says, a finding of partnership would have been required. The jury was
prevented from doing so, the appellant argues, because of errors which were
committed by the district court in the course of the trial.


The appellant first complains of various errors made by the court in its charge
to the jury. It is a serious question whether the appellant is in a position to
complain of these alleged errors. Through his counsel he made a blanket
objection to almost all the requests for instructions to the jury which the
defendant submitted and the court granted. 2 It is clear under the Federal Rules
of Civil Procedure 28 U.S.C., that a general objection without giving reasons
therefor is insufficient. Fed.Rules Civ.Proc. rule 51. It appears from the list of
instructions asked for by the plaintiff, that the parts of the charge now objected

to were contained in such request for instructions. This is emphatically not a

case where there is such obvious miscarriage of justice that the court should
listen to objections pointing out what now appears to be error although not
noticed at the time of the trial.

Even if we do not turn our backs upon the complaint concerning the
instructions because of the rule just discussed the appellant fares no better.


There are three points here. The first is that the trial judge had imposed upon
plaintiff the burden3 of proving 'that the business was benefited' by its change
from individual ownership to partnership form. The best answer to this is to
look and see just what the judge said. Here it is:


'When I speak of a 'business purpose', I mean whether any purpose for the
benefit of the partnership was served by the alleged inclusion of the wife and
son as partners herein.'


We do not see in this statement a requirement that the business enterprise must
be benefited by or improved by changing into a partnership. We think rather
that the understanding of the jury or anybody else from the words quoted is that
the formation of the partnership must be to conduct a business enterprise, which
is certainly what a commercial partnership is. We see no basis for the argument
that such a benefit was 'a sine qua non to a verdict in plaintiff's favor' as the
appellant urges.


The next objection made to the judge's charge is to this sentence:


'If you find that William J. Maloney, Sr., had it within his sole power to
distribute or not to distribute to his wife and son any portion of the earnings of
the Maloney Leather Company, then you must find that such earnings are
taxable to the husband and not to the other members of his family.'


This objection shows how fine a bead a lawyer with 20-20 legal vision can
draw and how high powered a competent lawyer's microscope can become
when examining the words used in a charge to a jury which occupies several
printed pages. Appellant in this case, in his argument to us, italicizes the word
'must' from the above paragraph. In his answer, the appellee takes the same
paragraph and italicizes the word 'any.'


Neither parties' resorting to italics is so effective as to consider this portion of

the charge in view of the testimony in the case. There is a great deal of space
devoted to evidence having to do with the control which Maloney, Sr.,
exercised over the affairs of the company. The instructions to the bank where
partnership funds were kept and the articles of partnership all gave the partners
a right to draw checks and provided for equalization of earnings at the end of a
partnership year. But there was also testimony that this was but a paper
arrangement: that the real control was as complete in the senior Maloney after
the partnership agreement was drawn up as it was before. That issue was the
one to which the court's instruction was directed. Read with that in mind there
was nothing misleading about it even though one may raise a question as to a
particular word when the paragraph is lifted out of its context and removed
from the background of this case.

A third objection made by the taxpayer has to do with motive. The judge


'In order to prevail, the plaintiff must establish to your satisfaction that this was
a bona fide partnership for the purpose of jointly carrying on the business
because of the contributions of capital and services by the partners and that it
was not primarily established for tax avoidance or tax reduction purposes as a
means of channeling the taxpayer's income to the members of his family
without paying their taxes, the plaintiff would ordinarily have to pay on it.'


We think the objection is answered by an excerpt from the court's opinion in

Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Culbertson, 1949, 337 U.S. 733, 742, 69
S.Ct. 1210, 1214, 93 L.Ed. 1659:


'The question is not whether the services or capital contributed by a partner are
of sufficient importance to meet some objective standard supposedly
established by the Tower case (Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Tower,
327 U.S. 280, 66 S.Ct. 532, 90 L.Ed. 670), but whether, considering all the
facts-- the agreement, the conduct of the parties in execution of its provisions,
their statements, the testimony of disinterested persons, the relationship of the
parties, their respective abilities and capital contributions, the actual control of
income and the purposes for which it is used, and any other facts throwing light
on their true intent-- the parties in good faith and acting with a business purpose
intended to join together in the present conduct of the enterprise. * * *'4


The trial judge had, we think, pretty evidently read the Culbertson case before
he gave his instructions here. We think also that he had looked at our opinion in
Lamb v. Smith, 3 Cir., 1950, 183 F.2d 938. In the latter case the situation was

not unlike this one, where the taxpayer had paid his assessment and sought to
get it back through the district court rather than trying to fight out his dispute
before the tax court. The requirement that good faith is an essential part of the
formation of such a family partnership runs all through the Culbertson opinion
and the paragraph of the instruction complained of, even when torn out of
context, puts to the jury the determination of the question of fact, described by
the Supreme Court.

Aside from the instructions the taxpayer alleges other errors in the course of the
trial. One of these has to do with a difference of opinion which the trial judge
had with Mr. Maloney when she was on the witness stand. The taxpayer had
granted to Mrs. Maloney and Maloney, Jr., undivided interests in the real estate
upon which the tanning business owned by Maloney, Sr., and transferred to the
partnership was carried on. Mrs. Maloney opined that she had legal power to
transfer her interests in the joint tenancy without joinder of the other joint
tenants. The court told her she was wrong and after discussing it with
appellant's counsel said, 'I think you are wrong on that * * * I will look it up. It
has nothing to do with the matter under discussion.' The question was brought
up again the next day by appellant's counsel and the court's impression was
corrected. When the government brought the question up the third the point had
nothing to do with that the point had nothing to do with the case and he was
sorry he had originally brought it up. He made no comment upon it in his
instructions to the jury although appellant asked him to do so. It is now
suggested that the judge's disagreement with Mrs. Maloney on a point of
Delaware real estate law somehow prejudiced her in the mind of the jury and
hurt the plaintiff's case. We think only counsel desperate against an adverse
verdict of the jury would have suggested the point. The nature of joint tenancy
in Delaware was not relevant to the case. It was just one of those things that
creep in during a trial to the surprise of everybody and we think the trial judge
did just right in getting rid of it as soon as he could.


More important is what took place just before the jury returned its verdict. The
jury retired to consider the case at 3:00 P.M., June 1, 1953. At 10:00 P.M. the
jury resumed their seats in the court room and the following colloquy took
place between the court and jury:


'The Court: Gentlemen, have you anything to report?


'The Foreman: No, your Honor, I have nothing I can tell you as to a definite
answer on any of your five questions.


'The Court: Are you apart?



'The Court: Are you apart?

'The Foreman: We are apart.


'The Court: How far are you apart, Mr. Wilcox?


'A Juror: You mean by numbers?


'The Court: No, don't tell me that. Is it substantial disagreement?


'A juror: I felt in the past half-hour we might come to some conclusion in the
next hour. I don't know. Perhaps that is a happy thought. I am not sure.


'The Court: Mr. Logue, let us have the benefit of your experience with the


'Mr. Logue: I agree with what Mr. Wilcox said.


'The Court: Do you think I ought to send you back for a half-hour?


'Mr. Logue: It might be well.


'The Court: All right, ladies and gentlemen, go back and come back in a halfhour.'


At 11:40 o'clock the jury again resumed their seats in the jury box and its
members and the court conversed as follows:


'The Court: Mr. Yost, have you anything to report to the Court?


'The Foreman: Your Honor, I think we have made some progress since we last
were here. On at least one question we have switched from an almost tie vote to
a practically unanimous vote on one of the first four questions, and I would
think it reasonable to expect that there would be considerable correlation in the
answers to those four questions.


'I would like to say that the jurors are really and conscientiously trying to reach
a unanimous verdict. Our relationships are excellent. It is certainly not hopeless
that we can't work with each other, and although I would like very much to go
home tonight, I think that we have gone to the expense and trouble that we

have, and frankly I think it is my duty to society that we continue to struggle

with this thing.

'The Court: I won't hold you after midnight.


'The Foreman: I think there has been some shift. We finally got a vote which
instead of being practically fifty-fifty-- would it be out of order to tell you how
close we are to unanimity on one question?


'The Court: I am willing to be told if counsel are.


'Mr. Cooch: No objection from me, your Honor.


'Mr. Margolis: Without stating which way it is going, your Honor.


'The Court: All right.


'The Foreman: One of the first four questions, we have now reached an 11 to 1
vote. When I came back here before it was a 7 to 5 vote.


'* * * (The court here told the jury that an answer to the first question would
make two, three and four automatically follow. This he later recognized was
erroneous and he and counsel went to the jury room and so told jury.5 )


'The Foreman: We think they are very close together.


'In talking to the jurors I have tried very hard to keep our minds on the track of
one question and to get an answer to that one question; and, true, we all
recognize the similarity and I have promised the jurors that we would give
individual considerations to the next questions, and I have resisted their
attempts to switch from one question to the other, although I see the logic in
what you say. So far the jurors have only cast their vote on this one question.


'The Court: I am going to send you back and we will sit until midnight, but not
after 12 o'clock. I will have to discharge you if you can't agree.


'This is not said by way of criticism. I realize how diligent and how loyal each
and every one of you is to the oath you have taken; but, as Mr. Yost said, this
has cost the Government money to try the case and it has cost the plaintiff

money to try the case, and it does seem somewhat of a shame if you can't come
back with a verdict. It would mean that this case will be postponed until the late
Fall and then have to be tried all over again.

'I respect so much the view of each and every one of you and I know you are
sincere in your point of view. You have given your time in the performance of
your duty of your American citizenship, and I do not feel unkindly about your
inability to reach a verdict at all. I realize that each of you is trying to be loyal
to your own point of view sincerely. So go back and make one more try. I want
you back at 12 o'clock.'


We have set all this out, perhaps at undue length, because counsel makes a
good deal of it and the subject of jury coercion has been in the federal reports,
seemingly, a good many times. Most of the cases in which the point has been
raised are criminal cases. In one civil case it was said that the tendency of the
charge given was 'to bring the one juror to an agreement with the others even
against the dictates of his own judgment.' St. Louis & S.F.R. Co. v. Bishard, 8
Cir., 1906, 147 F. 496, 502. If what the judge does is actually to coerce the jury
we should suppose that the rule should be the same in both civil and criminal
cases. But perhaps the criminal law area is more sensitive due to the necessary
protection of an accused's constitutional rights.


The Supreme Court made it quite clear in 1926 that it was reversible error for
the trial judge to inquire from a jury 'how it was divided numerically.' Brasfield
v. United States, 1926, 272 U.S. 448, 47 S.Ct. 135, 71 L.Ed. 345. The Fifth
Circuit has hold us through Judge Sibley that comments 'not upon the evidence,
but reflecting on the jurors, are not permissible.' In this case the trial judge sent
a disagreeing jury back with the comment to it that it was apparent to him that
'some of you are violating the sacredness of your oaths as jurors.' This kind of
pressure, the court thought, would not do. Kesley v. United States, 5 Cir., 1931,
47 F.2d 453, 454, 85 A.L.R. 1418. And in United States v. Samuel Dunkel &
Co., Inc., 2 Cir., 1949, 173 F.2d 506, a defense got a new trial in a criminal case
because the jury was asked whether they were nearly equally divided or
whether it was a pronounced majority. Judge Clark's opinion cites the various
cases on the point.


It is to be observed that there is no element of what by any stretch of the

imagination could be called coercion in this case. The judge wanted to know at
10:00 o'clock whether there was substantial agreement. He did not ask whether
there was a minority or majority. He quote obviously wanted to know whether
he could expect a verdict pretty soon or whether he could not. Now there was
information given him on the way things stood at 11:40 o'clock but this was

with the consent of counsel for each side. Appellant's counsel now suggests that
he could hardly d anything else than acquiesce in the giving of this information.
That argument hardly will stand examination when made on the part of a
lawyer who has well earned reputation for trial work. Of course it is counsel's
business to object to that which is improper if it jeopardizes the rights of his

We see not the slightest evidence of coercion of the jury in this case. The judge
complimented them on the care which they were giving. There certainly was no
threat to a dissenter because the judge held out release at 12:00 o'clock no
matter how the case came out. The fact that the jury reached a conclusion
between 11:40 and midnight on what it had been working on all day is not
evidence of haste or coercion in spite of appellant's argument to that effect.
Anyone who has even had a decision to make on any subject has gone through
the process of turning it back and forth in his mind, perhaps for a long time, and
has had an experience not unlike this jury. When the conclusion comes it
frequently comes with a rush and is none the worse for it.


The judgment of the district court will be affirmed.

The court submitted five interrogatories to the jury. The first four
interrogatories were as follows:
'(1) Was Elizabeth G. Maloney in good faith joined together with her husband,
William J. Maloney, Sr., for the purpose of presently carrying on business and
sharing in the profits or losses, and acting with a business purpose, really and
truly intended to join together in the then present conduct of a partnership
enterprise known as the Maloney Leather Company throughout the taxable year
...................... (Answer 'Yes' or 'No')
'(2) Was William J. Maloney, Jr., in good faith joined together with his father,
William J. Maloney, Sr., for the purpose of presently carrying on business and
sharing in the profits or losses, and acting with a business purpose, really and
truly intended to join together in the then present conduct of a partnership
enterprise known as the Maloney Leather Company throughout the taxable year
...................... (Answer 'Yes' or 'No')

'(3) Was Elizabeth G. Maloney in good faith joined together with her husband,
William J. Maloney, Sr., for the purpose of presently carrying on business and
sharing in the profits or losses, and acting with a business purpose, really and
truly intended to join together in the then present conduct of a partnership
enterprise known as the Maloney Leather Company throughout the taxable year
...................... (Answer 'Yes' or 'No')
'(4) Was William J. Maloney, Jr., in good faith joined together with his father,
William J. Maloney, Sr., for the purpose of presently carrying on business and
sharing in the profits or losses, and acting with a business purpose, really and
truly intended to join together in the then present conduct of a partnership
enterprise known as the Maloney Leather Company throughout the taxable year
...................... (Answer 'Yes' or 'No')'.

The only exceptions were defendant's request No. 8 and 16. As to No. 8,
appellant objected specifically to one part of that request and the court deleted
the part referred to by appellant. No. 16 was not objected to at all

Appellant, on this point, also complains because the trial judge charged that '*
* * the plaintiff has a heavy burden to show a bona fide intent to join together
with members of the family group, such as children and brothers, or wives, in
the conduct of the partnership business for a business purpose.' (Italics supplied
by the appellant.) The part omitted by the appellant from the beginning of this
sentence, however, casts a different light on the judge's charge. The omitted
part is: 'I instruct you that where the important factors are lacking the plaintiff,
etc. * * *.'

In this connection, footnote 12 of the opinion on the next page, 743, of 337
U.S., page 1215 of 69 S.Ct., is also worth quoting from: 'Nearly three-quarters
of a century ago, Bowen, L.J., made the classic statement that 'the state of a
man's mind is as much a fact as the state of his digestion.' Edgington v.
Fitzmaurice, 29 L.R.Ch.Div. 459, 483. State of mind has always been
determinative of the question whether a partnership has been formed as
between the parties. * * *'

Appellant contends that this erroneous statement only led the jury to further
confusion, but in view of the jury foreman's statement which followed, it is
evident that he realized the questions were separate and that an answer to the
first did not automatically answer the next three interrogatories

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