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393 F.

3d 373

Steven G. SLUTZKER Appellant in No. 03-4219

Philip JOHNSON;* Gerald J. Pappert; Stephen A. Zappala, Jr.,
District Attorney, Allegheny County, PA, Appellants in No. 034046.
No. 03-4046.
No. 03-4219.

United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit.

Argued October 4, 2004.
Filed December 29, 2004.

COPYRIGHT MATERIAL OMITTED Douglas Sughrue (Argued), Allen

& Sughrue, Pittsburgh, PA, for Steven G. Slutzker.
Ronald M. Wabby, Jr. (Argued), Office of District Attorney, Pittsburgh,
PA, for Philip Johnson et al.
Before SLOVITER, BECKER, and STAPLETON, Circuit Judges.
BECKER, Circuit Judge.

This is an appeal by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania from an order of the

District Court granting habeas corpus relief to Steven G. Slutzker from a
twelve-year-old conviction in a nearly thirty-year-old murder case. When John
Mudd Sr. was murdered in his home in late 1975, suspicion soon focused on
Slutzker, who had been having an affair with Mudd's wife, and who had
attempted to hire a hit man to kill him. At the time, prosecutors could not
assemble enough evidence to incriminate Slutzker, and no one was indicted for
the crime. Fifteen years later, however, Mudd's son, John Mudd Jr., approached
police and claimed to have recovered previously repressed memories of his
father's murder-including an image of Slutzker fleeing the scene of the crime.
Slutzker was arrested, prosecuted, and convicted of the murder, and was

sentenced to life in prison.


Slutzker filed a habeas corpus petition alleging numerous constitutional errors

at his trial. The District Court granted habeas relief on two of these grounds, a
Brady violation and ineffective assistance of counsel. The court granted a
certificate of appealability on these two grounds, and also on a third-the trial
court's refusal to compel Mudd's wife, Arlene Mudd Stewart, to testify.1
Slutzker cross-appeals from the denial of relief on this issue.

For the reasons set forth below, we will hold that the District Court was correct
in finding a Brady violation, and that, although this claim was procedurally
defaulted, Slutzker has demonstrated cause and prejudice sufficient to excuse
the default. We will therefore affirm on that claim. We will also affirm the
District Court's denial of relief for the refusal to compel Arlene Mudd to testify.
However, because we determine that the writ of habeas corpus should be
granted due to the Brady violation, we will not reach the question whether
Slutzker's trial attorney rendered ineffective assistance. Although the District
Court did not specify the exact nature of the relief granted, we think it clear that
the court meant to order Slutzker released unless the Commonwealth elects to
retry him, and we will therefore modify the District Court's order to so provide.

I. Facts and Procedural History

A. Background Facts

The power went out at John Mudd Sr.'s house in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania, on
December 28, 1975, at around 11 p.m. Mudd went to check the fuse, and was
shot six times with a .32 caliber handgun by an intruder who was secreted in
the basement. Mudd's wife Arlene, and their five-year-old son John Jr., were
upstairs at the time of the murder.

Mudd's neighbor Steven Slutzker soon became the prime suspect in the murder.
He had been having an affair with Arlene Mudd; she had briefly moved out of
her house and lived with him in the summer of 1975. Significant evidence
showed that Slutzker had been planning to kill Mudd. In early December,
Slutzker had purchased a .32 caliber handgun and asked a co-worker to show
him how to load it. On December 19, he had telephoned a friend, Michael
Pezzano, and asked if Pezzano knew any hit men, because he wanted to kill
Mudd to be with Arlene. A few days later, Slutzker offered to pay Pezzano
$500 and provide him with the handgun he had purchased if Pezzano would kill
Mudd. Pezzano said he would consider it, then reported this conversation to the
state police. The police took no immediate action. Slutzker claims that Arlene

had insisted that he kill Mudd because he had abused her; he also claims that he
ended the conspiracy, and his relationship with Arlene, on December 26, 1975.

The police investigated the murder and quickly tracked down Slutzker, who
was staying (along with his six-year-old daughter Amy) at the house of friends,
Patrick and Janet O'Dea, in McKeesport. The O'Deas told the police that
Slutzker had stayed at their house on the night of the murder, that he had been
drinking heavily, and that he had passed out on their bed at around 8 p.m. The
O'Deas claim next to have seen Slutzker at around 1 a.m., when they woke him
to move him to the living-room couch so that they could go to sleep. While
they were not completely consistent in all their statements, they generally
represented that Slutzker could not possibly have awakened, sobered up, taken
their car, and driven to Wilkinsburg and back to commit the murder within the
time in which they left him alone. Slutzker's car had not been moved from the
O'Deas' house on the night of the murder.

Despite this alibi, the police arrested Slutzker for criminal homicide and
solicitation to commit murder. Arlene Mudd was charged with solicitation.
Janet O'Dea was charged with conspiracy for allegedly disposing of the murder
weapon, which was never found. However, all homicide charges were
dismissed at the coroner's inquest, at which Arlene Mudd testified that Slutzker
was not present when her husband was killed. Charges against Arlene Mudd
were also dismissed. Janet O'Dea was offered a deal if she would testify against
Slutzker; she refused, and was tried for conspiracy and acquitted.

Slutzker was convicted of solicitation on Pezzano's testimony. See

Commonwealth v. Slutzker, 259 Pa.Super. 608, 393 A.2d 1281 (1978). He
served about a year in prison. He was released, moved away, remarried, and
lived quietly for nearly fifteen years. Then, in November 1990, John Mudd Jr.,
who was five years old at the time of the murder, told police that he
remembered who killed his father. He said that he had repressed memories of
seeing his father's body at the foot of the basement stairs, and of seeing
Slutzker fleeing from his house. Fifteen years later, he claims, he recovered
those vivid memories while fighting with an acquaintance. He talked to the
police in November 1990, and gave a comprehensive statement to a
psychologist some four months later. On the basis of these statements, the
Commonwealth brought murder charges against Slutzker and Arlene Mudd.
The charges against Arlene Mudd were later dropped.

The eyewitnesses who testified against Slutzker at trial included John Mudd Jr.;
Cynthia DeMann, a neighbor who testified that she saw Slutzker talking with
Arlene Mudd shortly after the killing; Timothy Brendlinger, a policeman who

also testified that he saw Slutzker talking with Arlene after the killing; and Amy
Slutzker, Slutzker's estranged daughter, who testified that she and her father
were at home on the night of the murder, and that she saw him take a gun and
leave the house minutes before the police arrived. Amy Slutzker was only six
years old at the time of the murder. She did not claim recovery of repressed
memory, only that she was afraid of her father and had previously declined to
come forward with her story.

Slutzker's trial attorney, Charles Scarlata, never called the O'Deas to testify in
support of Slutzker's alibi.2 He did attempt to call Arlene Mudd, but she
claimed the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination, and the trial
court refused to compel her to testify. In January 1992, the jury convicted
Slutzker of murder. He was sentenced to life in prison.

B. Post-Conviction Proceedings

Slutzker appealed his conviction, raising a number of issues, including the

competency of the recovered-memory testimony and the fact that the trial court
did not compel Arlene Mudd to testify. The Pennsylvania Superior Court
affirmed the conviction in October 1993; the Pennsylvania Supreme Court
denied a petition for allocatur in April 1994.


In January 1996, Slutzker filed a petition under the Pennsylvania Post

Conviction Relief Act, 42 Pa. Cons.Stat. 9541-9545 (PCRA). His PCRA
petition raised sixteen issues relating to ineffective assistance of trial counsel.
The PCRA court conducted evidentiary hearings, during which it took
testimony from Scarlata. The court dismissed the petition, and the Superior
Court affirmed; the Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied review in November


On December 1, 1999, Slutzker filed a pro se Petition for Writ of Habeas

Corpus in the District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania. The
Petition was assigned to Magistrate Judge Kenneth J. Benson. In 2001,
Slutzker, still representing himself, sent a subpoena to the Wilkinsburg police
department (which had jurisdiction over the murder investigation) requesting
any information relevant to his case. On September 11, 2001, the police sent
him twenty-one police reports which apparently had not previously been
disclosed to him or his lawyers. Upon receiving these materials, Slutzker wrote
to Magistrate Judge Benson explaining the new evidence and the impact it
might have had at trial. Slutzker never received a response to this letter.


On September 12, 2002, the case was reassigned to Magistrate Judge Susan


On September 12, 2002, the case was reassigned to Magistrate Judge Susan
Paradise Baxter. On January 10, 2003, Slutzker, now represented by counsel,
filed an Amended Petition for Habeas Corpus asserting a number of claims.
Magistrate Judge Baxter rejected most of these claims in her final Report and
Recommendation. However, she recommended granting the petition, and a
certificate of appealability, on two grounds: a claim founded on Brady v.
Maryland, 373 U.S. 83, 83 S.Ct. 1194, 10 L.Ed.2d 215 (1963), on account of
the previously undisclosed police reports, and a claim of ineffective assistance
of counsel, based on Scarlata's failure to interview the O'Deas or call them as
alibi witnesses. On a third issue, the failure to compel Arlene Mudd to testify at
trial, Magistrate Judge Baxter recommended denying relief, but granting a
certificate of appealability. She recommended denying a certificate of
appealability on all other grounds. On September 25, 2003, the District Court
adopted the Magistrate Judge's report and order. The Commonwealth then
appealed, and Slutzker cross-appealed on the issue of Arlene Mudd's refusal to


Our review of the District Court's legal conclusions is plenary. Stevens v.

Delaware Corr. Ctr., 295 F.3d 361, 368 (3d Cir.2002). In this case, our review
of the District Court's factual findings is also plenary, because that Court relied
solely on the state court record, and did not conduct an evidentiary hearing.
Duncan v. Morton, 256 F.3d 189, 196 (3d Cir.2001).

II. The Brady Claim


The Commonwealth argues that the District Court erred in granting habeas
relief on Slutzker's Brady claim. It submits that the claim was procedurally
defaulted; that the police reports had in fact been disclosed to the defense
before trial; and that, even if they had not been disclosed, the Brady violation
did not prejudice the outcome of Slutzker's trial. We shall address each of these
contentions below. First, however, to clarify the later discussion, we describe
the disputed police reports in somewhat greater detail.

A. The Police Reports


The Brady evidence consists of twenty-one police reports detailing interviews

with Mudd's and Slutzker's friends and neighbors conducted by the Wilkinsburg
Police from December 1975 through February 1976. The most important of the
reports describes a January 15, 1976, interview with Cynthia DeMann, Mudd's
next-door neighbor. In two previous interviews with the police, on December
29 and 30, 1975, Mrs. DeMann had told police that she saw Arlene Mudd
talking to a man in front of her house shortly after the murder, but that she was
unable to identify him. The reports of these interviews were concededly turned

over to the defense. In the January 15 interview, however, Mrs. DeMann

definitively stated that the man she saw with Mrs. Mudd was not Slutzker. The
police report says:

Mrs. DeMann stated she thinks if it was Steve [Slutzker] standing in front of
the house, she would have recognized him. She stated Steve is a very tall man,
but the man that was standing out front was not very tall. Mrs. DeMann stated
she thinks Steve is about 6 foot. Whoever it was beside her [Arlene Mudd] was
only about a forehead taller.3


These statements do not appear in the other interviews with Mrs. DeMann. The
remaining police reports are of considerably lesser importance.4

B. Procedural Barriers to Slutzker's Claim


Before reaching the merits of the alleged Brady violation, we consider the
Commonwealth's contention that it is procedurally defaulted. This contention
depends on Pennsylvania's PCRA time bar. Slutzker claims to have received the
twenty-one previously undisclosed police reports on September 11, 2001.
Under the Pennsylvania PCRA, a prisoner may file a challenge to his
conviction for up to one year after the judgment becomes final, unless the facts
upon which the challenge is predicated were unknown at that time. 42 Pa.
Cons.Stat. 9545(b)(1). If the predicate facts are discovered after this one-year
period, the prisoner must file his petition within sixty days of discovery. Id.


Slutzker's conviction became final on May 17, 1994, when the Supreme Court
of Pennsylvania denied his motion for reconsideration of its denial of direct
review. See 42 Pa. Cons.Stat. 9545(b)(3) (judgment becomes final on
conclusion of direct review). He filed a PCRA petition in January 1996, which
perforce did not mention the then-undiscovered Brady documents. He was
denied PCRA relief in September 1997, and fully exhausted his PCRA appeals,
which concluded in November 1999. He filed a pro se petition for habeas
corpus in federal court in December 1999.


When Slutzker discovered the police reports, his pro se habeas petition was
pending in the federal courts. He did not move to stay or dismiss this petition so
as to file a second PCRA petition based on the newly discovered facts. The
Commonwealth asserts that Slutzker's failure to file a second PCRA petition led
to a procedural default on the Brady issue. Because the Pennsylvania courts
never had the opportunity to address this claim, the Commonwealth argues that

it is now foreclosed.
1. Exhaustion

The starting point for our analysis is the habeas statute, which requires that
prisoners exhaust their claims in state court before seeking relief from the
federal courts. 28 U.S.C. 2254(b)(1)(A); see also Landano v. Rafferty, 897
F.2d 661, 668 (3d Cir.1990). There is no dispute that Slutzker has not exhausted
his Brady claim. He discovered it in September of 2001, well after his PCRA
appeals had terminated, and while his original pro se habeas petition was
pending. He never returned to state court with a second PCRA petition, and
thus denied the Pennsylvania courts the opportunity to rule on this claim.
Under the doctrine of Fay v. Noia, 372 U.S. 391, 83 S.Ct. 822, 9 L.Ed.2d 837
(1963), and Rose v. Lundy, 455 U.S. 509, 522, 102 S.Ct. 1198, 71 L.Ed.2d 379
(1982), federal courts must dismiss without prejudice habeas petitions that
contain any unexhausted claims.5


The exhaustion requirement does not apply, however, in cases where the state
courts would not consider the unexhausted claims because they are
procedurally barred. Doctor v. Walters, 96 F.3d 675, 681 (3d Cir.1996); cf.
Toulson v. Beyer, 987 F.2d 984, 987 (3d Cir.1993) ("A petition containing
unexhausted but procedurally barred claims in addition to exhausted claims, is
not a mixed petition requiring dismissal under Rose."). This conclusion stems
from the doctrine that exhaustion is not required where pursuit of state remedies
would be futile. Doctor, 96 F.3d at 681; Szuchon v. Lehman, 273 F.3d 299,
323-24 n. 14 (3d Cir.2001); cf. 28 U.S.C. 2254(b)(1)(B) (excusing exhaustion
where "there is an absence of available State corrective process"). Where
exhaustion is excused because of this form of futility, the habeas doctrine of
procedural default may apply to bar relief. See infra Part II.B.2.


The mere existence of a state procedural rule that would appear to bar relief is
not, however, sufficient to avoid the exhaustion requirement. The policy behind
the exhaustion requirement is to give state courts a full opportunity to address
the petitioner's claims. Doctor, 96 F.3d at 681. Given this, if there is any
likelihood that the state courts would consider the merits of a petitioner's
unexhausted claim, the federal courts should dismiss his petition and allow him
to seek relief in state courts. Id. at 686 (Scirica, J., concurring). We reach the
merits only if state law "clearly foreclose[s] state court review of the
unexhausted claims." Toulson, 987 F.2d at 987 (emphasis added).


Here, however, it seems certain that the Pennsylvania courts would not
entertain Slutzker's Brady claim after the 60-day PCRA limit. The time limits

under 42 Pa. Cons.Stat. 9545(b) are mandatory and jurisdictional in nature,

Commonwealth v. Murray, 562 Pa. 1, 753 A.2d 201, 203 (2000), and "the
PCRA confers no authority upon [any Pennsylvania] Court to fashion ad hoc
equitable exceptions to the PCRA time-bar in addition to those exceptions
expressly delineated in the Act," Commonwealth v. Robinson, 575 Pa. 500, 837
A.2d 1157, 1161 (2003); see also Commonwealth v. Eller, 569 Pa. 622, 807
A.2d 838, 845 (2002). No argument that Slutzker had good reason for failing to
file within the 60-day period is relevant, because

the period for filing a PCRA petition is not subject to the doctrine of equitable
tolling; instead, the time for filing a PCRA petition can be extended only to the
extent that the PCRA permits it to be extended, i.e., by operation of one of the
statutorily enumerated exceptions to the PCRA time-bar.


Commonwealth v. Cruz, 578 Pa. 325, 852 A.2d 287, 292 (2004) (internal
quotation marks omitted); see also Commonwealth v. Fahy, 558 Pa. 313, 737
A.2d 214, 222 (1999). The statutory exceptions are contained in 9545(b)(1),
and a petition invoking such an exception must be filed within 60 days of the
time that the claim could have been presented, 9545(b)(2). Here, it was not.


Since Slutzker gets no help from the statutory exceptions, and since the
Pennsylvania courts will not consider late-filed petitions, there is no doubt that
Slutzker cannot now bring his Brady claim in the Pennsylvania courts. Thus his
failure to exhaust that claim is excused under 28 U.S.C. 2254(b)(1)(B).

2. The Procedural Default Framework


This excuse from the exhaustion requirement does Slutzker no good, however,
unless he can avoid the concomitant doctrine of procedural default. See Doctor,
96 F.3d at 683. This doctrine "applies to bar federal habeas when a state court
declined to address a prisoner's federal claims because the prisoner had failed to
meet a state procedural requirement." Coleman v. Thompson, 501 U.S. 722,
729-30, 111 S.Ct. 2546, 115 L.Ed.2d 640 (1991). 6 The raison d'etre for the
doctrine lies in the fact that a state judgment based on procedural default rests
on independent and adequate state grounds. Id. at 730, 111 S.Ct. 2546; see also
Wainwright v. Sykes, 433 U.S. 72, 81-82, 97 S.Ct. 2497, 53 L.Ed.2d 594


In this case, there is no doubt that Slutzker has defaulted on his Brady claims
under Pennsylvania law. See supra Part II.B.1. Therefore, this Court may reach
the merits of Slutzker's Brady claims only "if the petitioner makes the standard

showing of `cause and prejudice' or establishes a fundamental miscarriage of

justice." Lines v. Larkins, 208 F.3d 153, 166 (3d Cir.2000); see also Coleman,
501 U.S. at 749-50, 111 S.Ct. 2546.7 Slutzker argues that he has established
cause and prejudice for his default.
3. Cause and Prejudice

The first step in establishing cause and prejudice is to establish cause, i.e.,
"some objective factor external to the defense [that] impeded counsel's efforts
to comply with the State's procedural rule." Murray v. Carrier, 477 U.S. 478,
488, 106 S.Ct. 2639, 91 L.Ed.2d 397 (1986). We find that the unusual
procedural posture of Slutzker's petition constitutes such an objective, external

a. The Statute of Limitations


When he received the previously undisclosed police reports, Slutzker had

exhausted his PCRA appeals and had a pro se habeas corpus petition pending
before the District Court. If he had amended his habeas petition to include the
Brady claim, and simultaneously brought a second PCRA petition on this issue,
his entire habeas petition would have been dismissed for failure to exhaust.
Rose v. Lundy, 455 U.S. at 522, 102 S.Ct. 1198. While this dismissal would
have been without prejudice, and would have allowed re-filing, Slutzker's
eventual re-filing would have been time-barred by the provisions of the
Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA). AEDPA
provides a one-year limitations period for habeas corpus review of state
convictions. 28 U.S.C. 2244(d)(1). This period runs from the date that the
conviction becomes final, 2244(d)(1)(A), or the date on which the factual
predicate of the claim could have been discovered, 2244(d)(1)(D), and is
tolled during the pendency of a properly filed application for state collateral
review, 2244(d)(2).8


The statute of limitations on Slutzker's Brady claim began running on

September 11, 2001, when he received the police reports.9 The statute on
Slutzker's other claims, however, began running on the April 24, 1996,
effective date of AEDPA, though it was tolled by his first PCRA petition from
January 1996 through November 1999. See supra note 8; see also Fielder v.
Varner, 379 F.3d 113, 118 (3d Cir.2004) (finding that the AEDPA statute of
limitations should be applied on a claim-by-claim basis). The statute was not,
however, tolled during the pendency of Slutzker's habeas petition from
December 1999 through his discovery of the Brady documents in September
2001. This is the teaching of Duncan v. Walker, 533 U.S. 167, 172-73, 121

S.Ct. 2120, 150 L.Ed.2d 251 (2001), which held that a previous habeas corpus
petition that has been dismissed without prejudice for failure to exhaust does
not toll the AEDPA statute of limitations for a later habeas petition. At the time
he discovered the Brady documents, Slutzker's habeas petition had been
pending for nearly two years; had it been dismissed, even without prejudice, his
claims would have been forever barred by 2244(d).
b. The Stay-and-Abey Possibility

The Commonwealth argues, citing Merritt v. Blaine, 326 F.3d 157 (3d
Cir.2003), that Slutzker could have amended his federal petition to assert the
Brady claim, and then "requested that the current Petition for Writ of Habeas
Corpus be stayed until the completion of state review of his claim." We do not
find this argument compelling. Slutzker certainly could have requested such a
stay, but in the fall of 2001 there was significant doubt that he would have
received one, or that if he did it would be upheld on appeal. Merritt itself was
decided some nineteen months after Slutzker received the police reports, and
did not squarely hold that such a "stay and abey" procedure was appropriate.
Instead, it merely noted in a footnote that


when petitioners have filed habeas actions in federal courts before they have
fully exhausted their state remedies, many federal courts have suggested that
the federal actions should be stayed to give the petitioners an opportunity to file
their state action because an outright dismissal, even without prejudice, could
jeopardize the timeliness of a collateral attack.


326 F.3d at 170 n. 10. Not until Crews v. Horn, 360 F.3d 146, 151-52 (3d
Cir.2004), did we specifically hold that "[s]taying a habeas petition pending
exhaustion of state remedies is a permissible and effective way to avoid barring
from federal court a petitioner who timely files a mixed petition."


In Crews, we relied on Justice Stevens's concurrence in Duncan v. Walker, 533

U.S. at 182-83, 121 S.Ct. 2120, which stated that "in our post-AEDPA world
there is no reason why a district court should not retain jurisdiction over a
meritorious claim and stay further proceedings pending the complete
exhaustion of state remedies." Walker was decided in June 2001; four Justices
agreed that mixed habeas petitions should be stayed rather than dismissed,
while the other five did not discuss the issue. Most of the Courts of Appeals
have held, before and after Duncan, that District Courts could stay mixed
petitions when dismissal might render them untimely. See, e.g., Neverson v.
Bissonnette, 261 F.3d 120, 126 n. 3 (1st Cir.2001); Zarvela v. Artuz, 254 F.3d
374, 380-82 (2d Cir.2001); Mackall v. Angelone, 131 F.3d 442, 445 (4th

Cir.1997); Brewer v. Johnson, 139 F.3d 491, 493 (5th Cir.1998); Palmer v.
Carlton, 276 F.3d 777, 781 (6th Cir.2002); Freeman v. Page, 208 F.3d 572,
577 (7th Cir.2000); Calderon v. United States Dist. Court for the N. Dist. of
Calif., 134 F.3d 981 (9th Cir.1998).

Many of these cases from other Circuits were decided before Slutzker received
his Brady materials, so a conscientious attorney in Slutzker's position might
have considered the "stay-and-abey" procedure as a possibility. (Slutzker was,
of course, proceeding pro se at the time.) But before Crews, or at least Merritt,
there was no Supreme Court or Third Circuit precedent approving this
procedure.10 Moreover, one Court of Appeals, the Eighth Circuit, had held that
a District Court lacked the power to stay habeas cases pending state-court
resolution of unexhausted claims. Carmichael v. White, 163 F.3d 1044 (8th
Cir.1998).11 Even a prompt request for a stay would thus have carried the risk
that the stay might be overturned on appeal, if we had chosen to follow the
reasoning of Carmichael. If a stay were granted and then overturned, Slutzker's
claims would be dismissed under Rose v. Lundy as not fully exhausted, his
limitations period would run, and all of his non-Brady habeas claims would
become untimely.

c. Parallel Proceedings

As just explained, Slutzker would have been at grave risk if he had amended
his habeas petition to include the Brady claim, and either dismissed or had that
petition stayed to exhaust the claim in state courts. A third, and just as
unappealing, option might have been for Slutzker to proceed separately with his
unamended habeas petition, while separately bringing a second PCRA petition
on the habeas claims. We have allowed state prisoners to seek federal habeas
corpus relief while they also pursue state remedies on claims that are unrelated
to their habeas claims. See Pringle v. Court of Common Pleas, 744 F.2d 297,
300 (3d Cir.1984) (reversing dismissal of a habeas petition where petitioner
was pursuing a parallel state appeal of a state-law sentencing issue); cf. Tillett v.
Freeman, 868 F.2d 106 (3d Cir.1989) (reversing dismissal of a habeas petition
that included an unexhausted claim cognizable only under state law). But these
cases involved petitioners with fully exhausted federal claims, who brought
their habeas petitions in parallel with state proceedings based solely on state
law. Thus, we found that "none of the purposes attributed by the Rose v. Lundy
opinion as support for its exhaustion rule have any application," Tillett, 868
F.2d at 108, and held only that the exhaustion requirement of Fay and Rose"is
not controlling when the unexhausted claim in question is one of state law,"
Pringle, 744 F.2d at 300. As the unexhausted claim here is one of federal law,
Pringle and Tillett provide only attenuated support for the view that Slutzker

could have pursued parallel federal habeas corpus and state PCRA petitions.

Even if this option was available, however, it would have presented dangers
similar to those involved in staying or dismissing his entire petition. If Slutzker
had been able to exhaust his Brady claim in state court while still litigating his
remaining habeas claims in federal court, and if he had been denied PCRA
relief on the Brady claim, any attempt to seek federal habeas review of that
claim would be a "second or successive habeas corpus application" under 28
U.S.C. 2244(b). See Rose v. Lundy, 455 U.S. at 520-21, 102 S.Ct. 1198. For
Slutzker to bring such a second habeas petition, he would have to petition this
Court for leave to file the second petition, 2244(b)(3), and demonstrate that
"the facts underlying the claim, if proven, would be sufficient to establish by
clear and convincing evidence that, but for constitutional error, no reasonable
factfinder would have found [him] guilty of the underlying offense," 2244(b)
(2)(B)(ii). We doubt that Slutzker could have met such a stringent standard. See
supra note 7.


Thus, even if Slutzker had been able to pursue his exhausted habeas claims in
federal court while simultaneously exhausting his Brady claim in state court,
doing so would nonetheless have essentially denied him the chance to receive
any federal review of that claim, because it would be subject to the heightened
barrier of 2244(b).

d. Conclusion

When Slutzker received the Brady materials, then, he had four choices, none of
them attractive. He could file a second PCRA petition on the Brady issue, see
his pending habeas petition dismissed under Rose v. Lundy, and give up on all
of his other habeas claims, which would immediately become time-barred. He
could request a stay in his habeas proceeding, despite the lack of any Third
Circuit precedent allowing such a stay, and risk untimeliness on all of his
claims if such a stay was not granted and upheld on appeal. He could possibly
attempt to proceed in parallel, in federal court on his exhausted habeas claims
and in state court on his new Brady claim-an untried course that would
eliminate any real possibility of federal review of the Brady issue. Or he could
continue in federal court and procedurally default under the PCRA's time limits.
Slutzker chose the final option.


We find that this difficult choice among four options, each of which would
endanger Slutzker's ability to obtain habeas review of all of his claims,
constituted ample external cause for Slutzker's default. While the Supreme
Court has never "attempt[ed] an exhaustive catalog of such objective

impediments to compliance," Murray v. Carrier, 477 U.S. at 488, 106 S.Ct.

2639, it has suggested that there are at least two common categories: "a
showing that the factual or legal basis for a claim was not reasonably available
to counsel, or that some interference by officials made compliance impractical,"
id. (citations and internal quotation marks omitted). The situation facing
Slutzker fits within both of these categories.

On the one hand, it is the Commonwealth's own failure to disclose the Brady
material that led to Slutzker's dilemma. By waiting to disclose this material
until after Slutzker had filed his federal habeas petition and until that
proceeding had been pending for two years, the Commonwealth put him in a
position where he could not comply with the applicable state limitation and
federal exhaustion law without losing, or at least seriously jeopardizing, his
right to federal review of all of his constitutional claims.


On the other hand, Slutzker's difficulties were also due directly to the unsettled
state of our case law: thus, the legal basis for his claim was in a very real sense
unavailable. Of course, there is no argument that Slutzker's Brady claim was
not legally available in September of 2001: Brady itself had been the law of the
land for nearly forty years, and the newly discovered police reports were
factually sufficient to make out a Brady claim. But the legal posture of
Slutzker's petition might well have rendered relief unavailable to him, and the
fact that he could make out a Brady claim would have done him little good if he
had no way of actually obtaining review of that claim.


Thus, because of the Commonwealth's failure to disclose the police reports in a

timely fashion, and because of the legal difficulties inherent in raising the
Brady claim in September of 2001, we find that Slutzker has demonstrated
cause for his procedural default. As the law of this Circuit did not yet allow
Slutzker to stay his pending habeas corpus petition, and as dismissing that
petition would render a re-filing untimely, Slutzker faced an "objective
impediment" to filing a second PCRA petition in state court.12


There remains the question of prejudice stemming from Slutzker's default. The
analysis of prejudice for the procedural default of a Brady claim is identical to
the analysis of materiality under Brady itself. Strickler v. Greene, 527 U.S. 263,
282, 119 S.Ct. 1936, 144 L.Ed.2d 286 (1999); see also Banks v. Dretke, 540
U.S. 668, ___, 124 S.Ct. 1256, 1276, 157 L.Ed.2d 1166 (2004). If the withheld
evidence was material to Slutzker's trial, then barring his petition on procedural
grounds would create prejudice. We therefore turn to the merits of the Brady
claim; we discuss materiality under Brady, and thus prejudice for the
procedural default, in Part II.C.2, infra. As will appear, we find that there was

in fact prejudice, and we conclude that Sluztker has demonstrated cause and
prejudice sufficient to excuse his procedural default.
C. The Merits of the Brady Claim

It is clearly established that "the suppression by the prosecution of evidence

favorable to an accused upon request violates due process where the evidence is
material either to guilt or to punishment." Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83, 87,
83 S.Ct. 1194, 10 L.Ed.2d 215 (1963). Brady thus envisions two requirements
for overturning a verdict: (1) that evidence in the possession of the government
was actually suppressed, and (2) that the suppressed evidence was material. In
this case, the Commonwealth disputes both prongs of this test.


Because of Slutzker's failure to bring this claim before any Pennsylvania court,
there is no state court decision on the merits of the Brady claim to which we
owe deference under AEDPA. See infra Part III. We therefore analyze the issue
de novo.

1. Withholding of evidence

First, the Commonwealth argues that there is no proof that the twenty-one
police reports that Slutzker received on September 11, 2001, had actually been
withheld from him at his original trial. The Assistant District Attorney who had
prosecuted Slutzker at his 1991-1992 trial stated, during Slutzker's 1997 PCRA
hearing, that she had turned over all documents in her possession, and that this
was her common practice.


Slutzker, however, offers substantial evidence that the documents were not, in
fact, turned over prior to trial. While Slutzker's trial attorney, Charles Scarlata,
died prior to September 2001, his PCRA attorney, Chris Eyster, has represented
that the twenty-one disputed police reports were not in Scarlata's file when
Eyster reviewed that file in developing the PCRA petition. Also probative is the
fact that Scarlata, at trial, stated that Cynthia DeMann was "interviewed twice"
and "failed to identify" Slutzker. One of the disputed reports was of a third
interview with Mrs. DeMann, in which she not only "failed to identify"
Slutzker, but in fact positively stated that the man she saw was not Slutzker, and
was significantly shorter than Slutzker. Scarlata never impeached Mrs. DeMann
with these statements, though she was a crucial prosecution witness and he had
impeached her with her prior failures to identify Slutzker. We view this
omission as significant evidence that Scarlata did not, in fact, have the third
DeMann report at the time of Slutzker's trial.


We are therefore not at all convinced by the Commonwealth's contention that

the disputed reports had been turned over to the defense prior to trial. The
Commonwealth's only evidence for this claim is a general statement by the
prosecutor that it was her practice to turn over evidence to the defense; against
this, there is both testimonial and circumstantial evidence indicating that the
defense did not have access to the reports. It seems clear enough that Slutzker
did not have access to the police reports before trial, and therefore that the first
Brady prong is satisfied.13

2. Materiality

We next consider whether the suppressed police reports were "material either to
guilt or to punishment." Brady, 373 U.S. at 87, 83 S.Ct. 1194. The Supreme
Court has elucidated the Brady materiality standard as follows:


[The] touchstone of materiality is a "reasonable probability" of a different

result, and the adjective is important. The question is not whether the defendant
would more likely than not have received a different verdict with the evidence,
but whether in its absence he received a fair trial, understood as a trial resulting
in a verdict worthy of confidence.


Kyles v. Whitley, 514 U.S. 419, 434, 115 S.Ct. 1555, 131 L.Ed.2d 490 (1995).
Evidence that tends to impeach prosecution witnesses may be material under
this standard. United States v. Bagley, 473 U.S. 667, 676, 105 S.Ct. 3375, 87
L.Ed.2d 481 (1985).


The District Court here found that two of the undisclosed police reports were
material. The first of these was the January 15, 1976, Cynthia DeMann
interview. As noted above, Mrs. DeMann stated in this interview that the man
she saw speaking to Arlene Mudd after the murder was not Slutzker, but was
significantly shorter than Slutzker. At trial, fifteen years later, Mrs. DeMann
testified that this man was, in fact, Slutzker; hence there is little doubt that the
January 15 report constitutes material impeachment evidence. It directly
contradicts Mrs. DeMann's trial testimony. While the defense was able to
impeach Mrs. DeMann with two other police reports in which she failed to
identify the man she saw speaking with Arlene Mudd, there is a significant
difference between a failure to identify Slutzker and a definitive statement that
the man she saw was not Slutzker. The latter is much more convincing
impeachment evidence, and the failure to disclose it leaves us in doubt that the
trial verdict was worthy of confidence.


This is particularly true because Mrs. DeMann was perhaps the only credible
eyewitness who testified to seeing Slutzker near the scene of the crime. The
other three witnesses may not have been as believable to the jury as Mrs.
DeMann. John Mudd Jr., who was five years old at the time of the murder,
testified to "recovered memories" whose authenticity was strenuously disputed,
and had obvious incentives to incriminate Slutzker. Amy Slutzker, who was six
years old at the time of the murder and remembered nothing else from that time
of her life, also spoke of dubious memories, and was obviously long estranged
from her father. Officer Timothy Brendlinger, who did not know Slutzker's
appearance as well as Mrs. DeMann did, was himself impeached at trial by the
testimony of his partner, Officer Mangano, and by the contents of a report that
he had made at the time of the murder. Officer Brendlinger's report failed to
mention seeing Arlene Mudd talking to anyone outside of her house on the
night of the murder, and Officer Mangano testified that Brendlinger had not
mentioned his identification of Slutzker at the time.


As the Magistrate Judge put it, Mrs. DeMann "was the only [eyewitness] who
was truly a disinterested party, in that she had no relation to the
Commonwealth, the victim or the Petitioner." Thus we find that denying
Slutzker the opportunity to impeach her with her January 15 statement
materially impacted the fairness of his trial.14 Although the Commonwealth
presented significant evidence against Slutzker, the case for convicting him was
far from overwhelming. The eyewitness accounts placing him at the scene were
questionable, and the circumstantial evidence, while certainly incriminating,
was also consistent with other conclusions-including that Arlene Mudd herself,
or someone else acting at her behest, killed Mudd. If Slutzker had had a fair
opportunity to impeach the most reliable eyewitness, the outcome of his trial
might well have been different.


In sum, we agree with the District Court that the police report describing
Cynthia DeMann's January 15, 1976, interview was material evidence, and that
the Commonwealth's failure to disclose it constituted a violation of due process.
We reiterate that this conclusion also bears on our procedural default analysis:
because we find that the report was material, we also find that prejudice would
result from Slutzker's procedural default. See supra Part II.B.3.d.

III. The Fifth Amendment Claim


In addition, we review the trial court's refusal to compel Arlene Mudd (now
Arlene Mudd Stewart) to testify. Arlene Mudd testified at the 1976 coroner's
inquest that Slutzker was not present at her house on the night of the murder.
But she refused to testify at Slutzker's 1991-1992 trial, invoking her Fifth

Amendment rights, and the trial court did not force her to testify.

Because the Pennsylvania trial court considered and rejected Slutzker's demand
that Arlene Mudd be compelled to testify, we are limited in our review of that
decision by AEDPA. Habeas relief may not be awarded on a claim considered
on its merits by a state court unless the state court's decision "was contrary to,
or involved an unreasonable application of, clearly established Federal law, as
determined by the Supreme Court of the United States." 28 U.S.C. 2254(d)
(1). Furthermore, the state court's findings of fact "shall be presumed to be
correct," and the petitioner has the burden of rebutting this presumption by
clear and convincing evidence. 28 U.S.C. 2254(e)(1).


There is no doubt that Arlene Mudd had a Fifth Amendment right to refuse to
testify. She was herself a suspect in the murder, and in fact originally had been
charged as a co-defendant. Her testimony might well have implicated her in the
murder. Slutzker argues, however, that Arlene waived the privilege by
testifying at the coroner's inquest conducted after the murder in January 1976.
We disagree.


The law is clear that "a witness, in a single proceeding, may not testify
voluntarily about a subject and then invoke the privilege against selfincrimination when questioned about the details." Mitchell v. United States, 526
U.S. 314, 321, 119 S.Ct. 1307, 143 L.Ed.2d 424 (1999) (emphasis added). On
the other hand, "[i]t is settled by the overwhelming weight of authority that a
person who has waived his privilege of silence in one trial or proceeding is not
estopped to assert it as to the same matter in a subsequent trial or proceeding."
In re Neff, 206 F.2d 149, 152 (3d Cir.1953) (refusing to compel testimony at
trial where witness had testified to the same matter in grand jury proceedings).
This is a general rule that would seem to apply with great force to the coroner's
inquest. See generally Michael A. DiSabatino, Annotation, Right of Witness in
Federal Court To Claim Privilege Against Self-Incrimination After Giving
Sworn Evidence on Same Matter in Other Proceedings, 42 A.L.R. Fed. 793
(collecting cases). Thus, we think it clear that the trial court did not err in
refusing to compel Arlene Mudd's testimony.


The District Court's thorough analysis of this issue focused on the absence of
any Supreme Court decision that directly addresses whether a waiver of the
Fifth Amendment privilege in one proceeding waives the privilege in future
proceedings, though it mentioned in a footnote that the question is settled
among the Circuit Courts. The absence of such Supreme Court precedent is
sufficient to deny habeas relief on this grounds: as there is no Supreme Court
case on point, the trial court could not have decided this case contrary to such a

precedent, or so unreasonably applied precedent as to fall within the AEDPA

requirements. See 28 U.S.C. 2254(d)(1).

We note too that in United States v. Salerno, 505 U.S. 317, 319-20, 112 S.Ct.
2503, 120 L.Ed.2d 255 (1992), the Supreme Court seems to have accepted the
"hornbook law," United States v. Fortin, 685 F.2d 1297, 1299 (11th Cir.1982),
that a witness who testifies before a grand jury may nonetheless invoke his
Fifth Amendment privilege if called to testify at trial. Salerno concerned the
question whether transcripts of the witness's grand jury statements could be
admitted at trial when the witness claimed the Fifth Amendment privilege; it
did not specifically address whether that assertion of the privilege was proper.
The District Court noted that "the Salerno Court never considered, nor even
discussed, the issue of whether the witness had waived his right to invoke the
Fifth Amendment privilege by testifying previously before the grand jury."
While this is true, we think it significant that Salerno did not question the rule,
accepted by this Circuit and most others, that testimony in one proceeding does
not bar a witness from asserting the Fifth Amendment privilege in a separate


Therefore, we hold that Arlene Mudd's testimony at a coroner's inquest did not
waive her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in a criminal
prosecution conducted fifteen years later, and we decline to grant habeas relief
on this basis.

IV. The Ineffective Assistance Claim


The District Court also granted habeas relief on the ground that Charles
Scarlata, Slutzker's trial lawyer, provided constitutionally ineffective assistance
in violation of Slutzker's Sixth Amendment right to counsel. The basis for this
determination was the fact that Scarlata had not called Slutzker's friends Janet
and Patrick O'Dea as alibi witnesses at Slutzker's trial, nor had he interviewed
them in preparing for trial. Slutzker argues that the O'Deas would have
provided compelling alibi testimony that could have changed the outcome of
his trial. The Commonwealth, on the other hand, contends that Scarlata's
decision not to call or interview the O'Deas was a sound tactical judgment, and
that they would have been subject to impeachment about their personal
involvement in or knowledge of the murder that would have proven disastrous
to Slutzker's defense.


Inasmuch as we are affirming the grant of habeas corpus because of the failure
to provide the defendant with the Brady material, we do not find it necessary to
reach the District Court's decision on the ineffective assistance claim. The legal

standards in this area are somewhat unsettled, in part because one of our recent
decisions, holding that an attorney's decision not to interview all possibly
relevant witnesses does not necessarily constitute ineffective assistance, is
being reviewed by the Supreme Court. See Rompilla v. Horn, 355 F.3d 233 (3d
Cir.2004), cert. granted, Rompilla v. Beard, ___ U.S. ___, 125 S.Ct. 27, 159
L.Ed.2d 857 (Sept. 28, 2004). Therefore, we find it prudent to avoid ruling on
the District Court's decision on this issue.
V. Conclusion

For the foregoing reasons, we will affirm the order of the District Court
granting habeas corpus relief on the ground that the prosecution's failure to
disclose the twenty-one police reports denied Slutzker due process. We will
also affirm the denial of habeas relief for the trial court's failure to compel
Arlene Mudd to testify.


The parties expend much energy in debating the ambiguity of the District
Court's order, which stated only "that the petition for writ of habeas corpus is
GRANTED" without specifying the exact form of relief provided. We therefore
will modify that order to require the Commonwealth to release Slutzker unless
it retries him within 120 days. See Herrera v. Collins, 506 U.S. 390, 403, 113
S.Ct. 853, 122 L.Ed.2d 203 (1993) ("The typical relief granted in federal
habeas corpus is a conditional order of release unless the State elects to retry
the successful habeas petitioner....").


Amended per Clerk's Order of 08/17/04

We note that, although the District Court issued a certificate of appealability as

to the two grounds on which it granted the habeas petition, such a certificate
was not required: the Commonwealth may appeal a grant of habeas corpus as
of right. Fed. R.App. P. 22(b)(3);see also United States ex rel. Tillery v. Cavell,
294 F.2d 12, 15 (3d Cir.1961).

Scarlata died in March 2000. Slutzker was represented by Chris Rand Eyster
during his PCRA petition. He initially filed his federal habeas petition pro se;
his current attorney, Douglas Sughrue, entered an appearance on May 8, 2002

The record does not disclose how tall Mrs. Mudd is, nor did the parties have
any comment on the issue at oral argument

The Magistrate Judge summarized the most important of these reports in her
Report and Recommendation

InCrews v. Horn, 360 F.3d 146, 151 (3d Cir.2004), this Court, citing Zarvela v.
Artuz, 254 F.3d 374, 379-80 (2d Cir.2001), found that the one-year time limit
on habeas petitions introduced by the Antiterrorism and Effective Death
Penalty Act had altered the rule of Rose v. Lundy to allow a district court to
stay, rather than dismiss, a mixed habeas petition. We shall have more to say
about this "stay and abey" rule in Part II.B.3.b, infra.

WhileColeman concerned a case where the state court actually had declined to
hear the petitioner's claims, a case in which the state court certainly would have
declined to hear those claims raises identical procedural default issues. See
Szuchon, 273 F.3d at 323-24 n. 14.

Slutzker does not argue that there was a "fundamental miscarriage of justice,"
which in the ordinary case requires a petitioner to establish "actual innocence"
by proving "that it is more likely than not that no reasonable juror would have
convicted him in the light of the new evidence."Schlup v. Delo, 513 U.S. 298,
327, 115 S.Ct. 851, 130 L.Ed.2d 808 (1995). Given the quantity of evidence
that the Commonwealth has produced to incriminate Slutzker, we have
significant doubts that he could meet this stringent standard. At all events, we
are required to address other possible grounds for excusing procedural default
before examining "actual innocence." See Dretke v. Haley, 541 U.S. 386, 124
S.Ct. 1847, 1852, ___ L.Ed.2d ___ (2004).

Section 2244(d)(1) also identifies two other possible start dates for the statute
of limitations-the date on which any state-created impediment to habeas filing
ends, 2244(d)(1)(B), or the date on which a retroactively applicable
constitutional right is first recognized by the Supreme Court, 2244(d)(1)(C)which are not relevant here
Because Slutzker's conviction became final in 1994, prior to the April 24, 1996,
effective date of AEDPA, he had until April 23, 1997 to file a habeas petition.
Burns v. Morton, 134 F.3d 109, 111 (3d Cir.1998). This period was tolled by
his first PCRA petition from January 1996 through November 1999, and
Slutzker filed his federal petition in December 1999. Thus, when he filed his
habeas petition, Slutzker had essentially a full year of the statute of limitations

Of course, the statute of limitations starts running from "the date on which the
factual predicate of the claim or claims presentedcould have been discovered
through the exercise of due diligence," 2244(d)(1)(D) (emphasis added), not

the date on which the factual predicate actually was discovered. See Schlueter
v. Varner, 384 F.3d 69, 74 (3d Cir.2004). On the record before us, we cannot
be sure whether Slutzker "could have" discovered the Brady materials prior to
September 11, 2001. But we note that, in general, Slutzker has been a paragon
of due diligence, and the Commonwealth has not disputed that the Brady claim
is timely.

Nor had any District Court in this Circuit allowed the procedure. InBeasley v.
Fulcomer, Civ. A. No. 90-4711, 1991 WL 64586 (E.D.Pa. Apr. 22, 1991), a
somewhat analogous pre-AEDPA case, the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
held a mixed habeas petition in abeyance, rather than dismissing it, because the
petitioner was under a death sentence and this procedure would allow the
District Court to continue its stay of execution until the state claims were
resolved. But Beasley was not controlling precedent, and would not apply to
Slutzker in any case because he did not face the death penalty. Furthermore,
this Court's decision in Christy v. Horn, 115 F.3d 201, 206-07 (3d Cir.1997),
cast some doubt on the vitality of Beasley, dismissing rather than staying a
mixed petition because we found that there was no danger that the petitioner
would be executed during the pendency of his state court proceedings. We have
not discovered any other pre-Merritt District Court decisions in this Circuit
approving anything resembling the "stay and abey" procedure.


The Eighth Circuit's refusal to stay mixed habeas petitions-and, thus, the
validity of the other Circuits' willingness to do so-is currently under review by
the Supreme CourtSee Rhines v. Weber, 346 F.3d 799 (8th Cir.2003), cert.
granted,___ U.S. ___, 124 S.Ct. 2905, 159 L.Ed.2d 811 (2004); cf. Pliler v.
Ford, ___ U.S. ___, 124 S.Ct. 2441, 2446, 159 L.Ed.2d 338 (2004) (declining
to "address[] the propriety of [the] stay-and-abeyance procedure").


This conclusion does not depend upon Slutzker's pro se status, as even an
experienced attorney would have found no appealing alternative to procedural
default here. Thus this case is readily distinguishable fromCaswell v. Ryan, 953
F.2d 853, 862 (3d Cir.1992). In Caswell, we noted that the Murray v. Carrier
definition of cause, requiring an "objective factor external to the defense,"
applied to pro se as well as represented petitioners, and held that a pro se
petitioner's failure to file a timely petition for allocatur in the Pennsylvania
courts was a procedural default unexcused by cause and prejudice. But Caswell
missed a PCRA deadline due to mere inadvertence or negligence, whereas
Slutzker defaulted because he had a pending federal habeas petition, which
could have been jeopardized by bringing a new state petition.


There is a surprising dearth of precedent regarding the burden of proof of

nondisclosure ofBrady evidence. But see United States. v. Earnest, 129 F.3d

906, 910 (7th Cir.1997) ("To be entitled to relief under Brady, the defendant
must establish 1) that the prosecution suppressed evidence; 2) that the evidence
was favorable to the defense; and 3) that the evidence was material to an issue
at trial." (internal quotation marks omitted and emphasis added)). We note that,
in general, the prosecution is more likely to have knowledge of the contents of
its files; traditionally, the burden of proof is allocated to the party that is better
able to inform itself about the issue. Cf. Campbell v. United States, 365 U.S.
85, 96, 81 S.Ct. 421, 5 L.Ed.2d 428 (1961) ("[T]he ordinary rule, based on
considerations of fairness, does not place the burden upon a litigant of
establishing facts peculiarly within the knowledge of his adversary.").
Nonetheless we need not decide this issue here, as Slutzker's showing that the
reports were withheld is convincing, and the Commonwealth has not put
forward any forceful evidence to the contrary.

The District Court also found that the statements of Dennis and Susan Ward,
two other neighbors of the Mudds, were material. We cannot agree. The
District Court read the Wards' statements to "suggest that the unidentified man
trying to calm Mrs. Mudd down outside her house, was actually Mrs. Mudd's
neighbor, Mr. Ward, not Petitioner," and determined that Slutzker's attorney
would have called them to testify at trial if he had had access to the report. In
fact, however, Mr. Ward told the police that he spoke to Mrs. Mudd in front of
his own house at least ten minutes after the murder-not in front of the Mudd
house immediately after the murder. The Wards also made a number of
statements indicating that they believed Slutzker was involved in the murder.
We therefore do not agree either that the defense would likely have called the
Wards, or that their testimony would have proven helpful to the defense.
Furthermore, we agree with the District Court that the remainder of the police
reports do not meet the standard of materiality, for essentially the reasons set
forth in the Magistrate Judge's Report and Recommendations

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