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471 F.

2d 264

UNITED STATES ex rel. Freddie M. JOHNSON H-7496,

Robert L. JOHNSON, Superintendent.
No. 72-1104.

United States Court of Appeals,

Third Circuit.
Submitted Oct. 16, 1972.
Decided Jan. 16, 1973.

Freddie M. Johnson, pro se.

James D. Crawford, Deputy Dist. Atty., Philadelphia, Pa., for appellee.
Before GIBBONS and JAMES ROSEN,* Circuit Judges, and LAYTON,
District Judge.
GIBBONS, Circuit Judge.

This is an appeal from an order denying a petition for habeas corpus. Petitioner
Johnson is in custody on a Pennsylvania sentence of life imprisonment
following a jury verdict of first degree murder growing out of a robbery. The
conviction was affirmed by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
Commonwealth v. Johnson, 433 Pa. 34, 248 A.2d 840 (1969). Thereafter, in
February of 1969, Johnson filed a petition under the Pennsylvania Post
Conviction Hearing Act. A hearing on this petition was commenced on March
16, 1970, before Judge Edward J. Bradley of the Court of Common Pleas of
Philadelphia County. Before that hearing concluded, Judge Bradley, for reasons
to which reference will be made hereinafter, continued the case and ordered
that another judge hear the matter. On May 27, 1970, a new hearing was held
before Judge Theodore L. Reimel of the same court. On June 25, 1970, Judge
Reimel entered an opinion and order dismissing the petition. The Pennsylvania
Supreme Court affirmed without opinion. Commonwealth v. Johnson, 442 Pa.

634, 276 A.2d 304 (1971).


Thereafter, Johnson filed in the district court the petition from which this
appeal results. In it he alleged two grounds for habeas corpus relief:

3 that trial counsel in his murder trial was inadequate in neglecting to obtain the
testimony of two witnesses, one of whom would have established an alibi and the
other of whom would have impeached the Commonwealth's principal witness;
4(2) that the Commonwealth made use of perjured testimony to secure his conviction.

Without holding an evidentiary hearing, on the basis of the state court record,
the district court rejected both grounds and denied relief. Since both grounds
were presented in the Pennsylvania Post Conviction Hearing Act proceeding
there is no exhaustion issue. 28 U.S.C. Sec. 2254(b). We affirm the district
court's disposition of the second ground, but reverse and remand for an
evidentiary hearing on the first.

At Johnson's trial in February, 1968, the Commonwealth produced as a witness

one Stanley Braxton, who testified that he was an eyewitness to the robbery
during which a victim was fatally shot. He identified Johnson as one of the two
participants. In April, 1969, Braxton gave two written statements to Johnson's
attorneys in which he recanted his trial testimony. The fact of this recantation
was one of the grounds alleged in the Pennsylvania Post Conviction Hearing
Act petition. At the first hearing before Judge Bradley, Braxton testified that
the statements recanting his trial testimony were true. Judge Bradley at that
point warned Braxton of the possible consequences of his testimony and asked
if he desired the assistance of an attorney. When Braxton replied affirmatively,
Judge Bradley continued the matter for the appointment of counsel and directed
that the case be heard de novo before a different judge. At the de novo hearing
before Judge Reimel, counsel for Johnson first introduced Braxton's two
statements recanting his trial testimony. He then called Braxton. This time,
however, Braxton testified that the recanting statements were false, that his trial
testimony was true, that the false recanting statements were given at a time
when he was confined in the same cell block with Johnson, and that Johnson
threatened him. (May 27, N.T. 18-19). The hearing before Judge Reimel
afforded ample opportunity for the development of the facts with respect to the
use of perjured testimony. Judge Reimel found that the written recantations
were the product of duress and hence unreliable. No evidence was offered
tending to show that the Commonwealth knowingly allowed the use of perjured
testimony at Johnson's trial, Mooney v. Holohan, 294 U.S. 103, 55 S.Ct. 340,
79 L.Ed. 791 (1935), or knowingly withheld any information which would tend

to discredit Braxton as a witness, Giglio v. United States, 405 U.S. 150, 92

S.Ct. 763, 31 L.Ed.2d 104 (1972). The state court determination after a hearing
of the factual issues concerning Braxton's recanted recantation is fairly
supported by the state court record. 28 U.S.C. Sec. 2254(d). The district court
correctly denied the petition for habeas corpus on this ground without an
evidentiary hearing. Townsend v. Sain, 372 U.S. 293, 83 S.Ct. 745, 9 L.Ed.2d
770 (1963).

Turning to the first ground, the alleged inadequacy of counsel in neglecting to

obtain the testimony of witnesses, our starting point is the holding in United
States ex rel. Green v. Rundle, 434 F.2d 1112 (3d Cir. 1970), that it is a
departure from the normal competency test announced in Moore v. United
States, 432 F.2d 730 (3d Cir. 1970), for trial counsel to neglect to subpoena a
witness whom his client claims would furnish an alibi. We said in Green that
the petitioner in the habeas corpus proceeding would have the burden of
showing that the missing evidence would have been helpful. Because the
district court held no evidentiary hearing, Johnson had no opportunity to make
such a showing.

The district court held that the state court record and findings were sufficient to
foreclose Johnson on the competency of counsel issue because Judge Reimel
found (a) that his counsel had actually tried to locate the witness, but without
success; and (b) that Johnson had advised his counsel, not that the witness
would establish an alibi, but merely that the witness resided in the same
building and might be able to verify that Johnson was home asleep at the time
of the robbery. The district judge conceded that ". . . these findings may
represent somewhat of an overstatement of counsel's testimony . . ." They do
indeed. In the first place, two witnesses were involved. One, named Willie
Davis, is the alleged alibi witness. Another, identified only as Pootsie, is
claimed by Johnson to be in a position seriously to impair the credibility of
Braxton, the only eyewitness. Braxton testified before Judge Reimel about the
whereabouts of both witnesses. He placed Davis in police custody in City Hall
during Johnson's trial in the same building. (May 27, N.T. 13). During the same
hearing he placed Pootsie in Philadelphia. (May 27, N.T. 14). Johnson's trial
counsel was asked no questions about Pootsie. Thus, the state court record is
completely silent as to whether any efforts were made to locate this person.
Johnson's trial counsel testified with respect to Davis:

9 Prior to Mr. Johnson's trial, did he ever tell you that a certain individual by the
name of Willie Davis was guilty?
A. No.

Q. He never mentioned the name of Willie Davis as a possible alibi witness?

A. No, I do not recall the person. I would have to take a quick look through my
notes. That name does not click with me at all.
13 a matter of fact, I recall something-he told me, on the afternoon of the incident of
the crime-that he was home. He was not feeling well. He was sleeping that entire
afternoon. I asked him whether he had any corroborating witnesses who would
testify to that effect. He had no witnesses.
Q. He did not tell you that Willie Davis had resided in the same building?
15 He may have mentioned someone that resided in the same building, but I was
interested in securing witnesses who would know that he was home on this
afternoon. He may have mentioned Willie Davis, but not as a corroborating witness.
to think of it-there was a name like that mentioned. He did not help the case
out any but Willie Davis would not corroborate the fact that this defendant was
home during those particular hours. I asked him for some corroborating witnesses.
17 Did you make any attempt to check out whatever evidence Mr. Davis might have
18 I was down there in prison to inquire about Willie Davis, but I could never locate
him. That was part of my duty as Court-appointed Counsel. I wasn't able to find
Willie Davis.
Q. Did you ever have occasion to see Mr. Davis?
A. I never met Mr. Davis." (May 27, N.T. 25-26).

Obviously trial counsel was told by Johnson that Davis was a potential witness
for some purpose. Thus, this record, far from supporting the findings relied
upon by the district court, is at best equivocal. Trial counsel's internally
inconsistent testimony is insufficient to support a finding that Johnson said
Davis could not afford an alibi. Reading the testimony in the light most
favorable to the Commonwealth, Johnson said Davis might rather than would
furnish helpful testimony. In either case normally competent representation
required that the matter at least be explored. It was not. So far as the state court
record discloses, no subpoena was issued, no inquiry was made to the police for
assistance in locating Davis, no bench warrant was requested, and no
continuance was requested and Davis was not interviewed. The state court
record here was insufficient for the resolution of the precise competency of
counsel issue discussed in United States ex rel. Green v. Rundle, supra. 28

U.S.C. Sec. 2254(d)(3), (6), (8). Townsend v. Sain, supra.


The judgment of the district court will be reversed and the case remanded for a
hearing on Johnson's claim that his trial counsel failed to afford him normally
competent representation in his murder trial when he neglected to obtain the
testimony of two witnesses.

Judge Rosen participated, but died before the opinion was filed

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