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261 F.

2d 269


SHERRILL-NOONAN, INC., Appellant, and York-Hoover
Corporation and H. W. Stone.
No. 12521.

United States Court of Appeals Third Circuit.

Argued Oct. 8, 1958.
Decided Nov. 14, 1958.

Robert H. Griffith, York, Pa. (Arthur Markowitz and Wm. W. Wogan,

York, Pa., on the brief), for appellant.
Samuel H. Landy, Philadelphia, Pa. (Martin J. Vigderman, Freedman,
Landy & Lorry, Philadelphia, Pa., Wilhelm E. Shissler, Nauman, Smith,
Shissler & Hall, Harrisburg, Pa., on the brief), for plaintiff and third-party
Albert G. Blakey, III, York, Pa. (Norman R. Olewiler, York, Pa., Fisher,
Ports, May & Beers, York, Pa., on the brief), for respondents, YorkHoover Corporation and H. W. Stone.
Before GOODRICH, McLAUGHLIN and STALEY, Circuit Judges.
McLAUGHLIN, Circuit Judge.

This case is essentially two cases by reason of the permissive counterclaim

interposed by the defendant in the original action. Jurisdiction is based on
diversity of citizenship.

In 1953 Sherrill-Noonan, a Pennsylvania corporation, defendant-appellant,

owned some real estate in Exmore, Virginia, which it desired to sell. It engaged
C. B. Snyder Realty Company, a New Jersey corporation and plaintiff-appellee,
to find a buyer, agreeing to pay a 2 1/2% commission on the sale price should a

buyer be produced. Snyder presented a buyer to Sherrill-Noonan in New York

to whem the sale was ultimately made. Dispute over whether certain conditions
had been subsequently attached to the earning of the commission was resolved
against Sherrill-Noonan at a jury trial wherein a verdict for $8,250 with interest
was returned for Snyder.

Sherrill-Noonan appeals from the trial court's refusal to enter a dismissal at the
close of the plaintiff's case under Rule 41(b), F.R.Civ.P., 28 U.S.C.A., and
from the refusal to set aside the verdict and enter judgment for it under Rule
50(b), F.R.Civ.P., thereby presenting the question of whether the Pennsylvania
Real Estate Broker's License Act prevents recovery.

It can be seen from the relevant portion of the Act appearing in the margin1 that
it is expressed in terms which require it to be applied by the Pennsylvania
courts whenever they are the forum for an action for broker's commissions. The
statute affects the availability of remedy and can consequently be said to be
procedural. Goodrich on Conflict of Laws, 77. Indeed, if the statute were
construed to affect the establishment of contractual relationships or to affect the
right to assert a claim upon the breach of a right or duty already conferred by
contract, the statute would not be applicable here at all. In each of those
situations, where the contract involved has been entered in one state and is to be
performed in another, it is not entirely clear whether the Pennsylvania conflict
of laws rule would apply the law of the place of contracting or of the place of
performance. See Linn v. Employers Reinsurance Corp., 1958, 392 Pa. 58, 139
A.2d 638; Musser v. Stauffer, 1899, 192 Pa. 398, 43 A. 1018. But see Burnett
v. Pennsylvania R. Co., 1896, 176 Pa. 45, 34 A. 972. It is clear, however, that
where the place of contracting and of performance are the same, the law of that
place will be applied. See, in re McCurdy's Estate, 1931, 303 Pa. 453, 154 A.
707; Rumsey v. New York & Pennsylvania R. Co., 1902, 203 Pa. 579, 53 A.
495. Here the places of contracting and of performance were both New York.
Consequently it is the law of New York which determines the rights of the
parties as distinguished from the remedies once such rights exist. See Goodrich,

In order to avoid the possibility of divergent results turning on whether the

action was brought in a federal or a state court, a federal court in a diversity
action must apply that law of its state which would prevent recovery otherwise
available. See e.g., Guaranty Trust Co. of N.Y. v. York, 1945, 326 U.S. 99, 65
S.Ct. 1464, 89 L.Ed. 2079.

Turning to a close consideration of 63 P.S. 446, supra, it is plain that recovery

is not barred if the plaintiff corporation is licensed as a broker under the Act,

nor is recovery barred even if the corporation is not licensed so long as the
actions or service for which recovery is sought are not actions prohibited by the
Act. There is plain evidence in the record that the corporate plaintiff was
licensed in Pennsylvania after the usual form in which brokers' licenses were
issued to corporations. Furthermore, the only pertinent prohibition we find in
the Act is in 12, 63 P.A. 442, as amended. That reads:

'Any person, copartnership, association, or corporation, who shall * * * engage

in or carry on the business, or act in the capacity of a real estate broker, or a real
estate salesman, within this Commonwealth, without a license * * * or shall
employ any person as a real estate salesman, to whom a license as a real estate
salesman has not been issued * * * shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor * *

Although the statute explicitly prohibits nothing, it is clear that the proscription
of the acts mentioned amounts to a prohibition. But if Snyder did not perform
any of its broker's activity in Pennsylvania in connection with the transaction on
which recovery is now sought, it did nothing prohibited by the Act. The
evidence is quite clear that the activity occurred in New York and possibly New
Jersey. And even if some of the activity had occurred in Pennsylvania, it is
irrelevant whether or not the agent who actually represented Snyder Company
was licensed in Pennsylvania because, though employment of an unlicensed
salesman may be prohibited by 442, the employment is not the act upon which
recovery is sought. The language of 446 requires that the very act for which
compensation is sought be the one prohibited. For these reasons the
Pennsylvania Real Estate Broker's License Act is not a bar to Anyder's recovery
in this case.

We need not stop to explore whether the license laws of New York might not
have given Snyder any right against Sherrill-Noonan after the latter failed to
pay a commission for the production of a buyer; this was an affirmative defense
which the defendant was required to plead under Rule 8(c), F.R.Civ.P. The
failure to plead and offer proof on this phase of the case constituted a waiver of
whatever defense might possibly have been available under the New York


Sherrill-Noonan complains also of admission to evidence of a letter written by

its attorney to Snyder which Sherrill-Noonan claims was unauthorized; being
unauthorized it could not, according to the argument, have been a vicarious
admission which despite being hearsay would then have been admissible. But
the letter actually was placed into evidence after earlier objections of a different
nature were withdrawn; this new objection could not thereafter be 'reinstated' as

Sherrill-Noonan's trial counsel attempted to do. Such a procedure would utterly

confound the orderly conduct of a trial in its attempt to ascertain the facts of a
transaction or of an occurrence. The point is without merit.

Sherrill-Noonan's last point in this case is that the court erred in failing to
instruct the jury that they had a choice of returning a verdict of either $5,000,
plus interest or of $8,250, plus interest. This objection is not open to SherrillNoonan since it failed to comply with Rule 51, F.R.Civ.P., by raising the point
before the jury retired. But even if objection had been timely made, the record
demonstrates that the trial judge was correct in intentionally omitting a charge
as to the possibility of a $5,000 verdict, since the evidence in the record would
not support such a verdict.


The facts underlying Sherrill-Noonan's independent counterclaim against

Snyder are that one of Sherrill-Noonan's officers introduced an officer of
Snyder to H. W. Stone, president of York-Hoover Corporation. The latter
corporation had some Pennsylvania realty which it wished to sell. At a meeting
in Pennsylvania between the three officers of the three corporations, Snyder
obtained a written thirty-day listing agreement to sell the York-Hoover real
estate at a 5% commission. It is disputed whether there was an agreement that
Sherrill-Noonan should receive half of any commission realized. Shortly after
the agreement between Snyder and York-Hoover was entered, York-Hoover
paid Snyder $15,000 in return for a release from the thirty-day listing contract
and agreed to indemnify Snyder against any claim by Sherrill-Noonan. Upon
Sherrill-Noonan's filing this counterclaim for $7,500 Snyder impleaded YorkHoover and Stone.


At the close of Sherrill-Noonan's case, the trial judge directed a verdict in favor
of Snyder, York-Hoover and Stone on the alternative grounds that either
Sherrill-Noonan could not recover any broker's commission since it was
unlicensed in Pennsylvania, or, if this were not in fact an action for recovery of
a commission, then it was not within the contemplation of any agreement that
might have existed between the parties. The judgment in Stone's favor was
entered also on the ground that there was insufficient evidence to warrant a
verdict against him.


The exclusive listing agreement granted by York-Hoover was valuable to

Snyder because of the possibility it afforded for earning a commission. The
release from the agreement was obtained upon payment to Snyder of an amount

representing the value of Snyder's expectant commission. If there really was a

commission-splitting agreement between Snyder and Sherrill-Noonan, it cannot
be said that the parties intended to split any payment made in lieu of a
commission; it cannot be said simply because it is apparent that they never
thought of the possibility. If they had, it is more probable than not that the
considerations determinative in agreeing to the split of a commission would
also have been similarly determinative in agreeing to a division of any payment
in lieu of a commission. Fairness in interpreting the alleged agreement would
seem to require that this action be treated as one for the recovery of a
commission and that it not be barred as being for the recovery of other than a

The question left for decision, then, is whether Sherrill-Noonan would be

barred from recovery by 16 of the Pennsylvania Real Estate Broker's License
Act, 63 P.S. 446 and the other sections of the Act which 16 incorporates even if
a trier of fact determined that there was an extant fee-splitting agreement
between Sherrill-Noonan and Snyder.


The act or service rendered in return for such agreement was the 'finding' of a
listing for Snyder. Is this an act or service which 12, 63 P.S. 442, prohibits to
all but licensed brokers? That section prohibits engaging in or carrying on the
business of a real estate broker in Pennsylvania without a license. 63 P.S.
432(a) defines a real estate broker in the terms quoted in the margin.2 Nowhere
in this lengthy definition (some of which is omitted as immaterial here) is a
broker defined as one who receives a commission for taking a broker to a seller
who consequently lists with the broker the property to be sold.


We have been directed to no Pennsylvania opinion which reads the statute so as

to make the recipient of a 'finders' fee a broker who, if he is to recover his
claimed fee in an action at law in the Pennsylvania courts, must be licensed.
Alford v. Raschiatore, 1949, 163 Pa. Super. 635, 63 A.2d 366, involved an
action by an unlicensed plaintiff against the seller on a contract for commission
for finding a buyer for the property. The court held that this constituted a
negotiation of the sale which made the plaintiff a broker within the meaning of
the statute. That situation, however, is readily distinguishable from the instant
facts; there the plaintiff brought the buyer and seller together by introducing
them with the proposed sale in mind which, as the court pointed out, is no less
than all that brokers often do. Here Sherrill-Noonan never dealt and never
attempted to deal with a prospective buyer.


The application of the Broker's Act to this issue could perhaps be supported by
regarding as a step in the negotiation of a sale any act done which eventually

leads to a sale of property. It is doubtful however that the Alford case can
properly be taken as manifesting a trend in the Pennsylvania law toward so
extremely broad a definition of the term 'negotiate' as it appears in the Broker's
Act. Lacking a clear mandate to such a trend, it is the better course for the
federal courts to hold that the Broker's Act does not bar maintenance of SherrillNoonan's counterclaim. Cf. Schultz v. Palmer-Welloct Tool Corp., 3 Cir., 1953,
207 F.2d 652.

The judgment on Snyder's claim against Sherrill-Noonan will be affirmed. The

judgment on Sherrill-Noonan's claim against Snyder will be reversed and
remanded; judgment on Snyder's claim over against York-Hoover will likewise
be reversed and remanded. The judgment in Snyder's claim over against Stone
will be affirmed, there being no evidence to support a verdict against that third

P.L. 1216, May 1, 1929, 16, 63 P.S. 446, as amended, reads:

'No action or suit shall be instituted, nor recovery therein be had, in any court of
this Commonwealth by any person, copartnership, association, or corporation
for compensation for any act done or service rendered, the doing or rendering
of which is prohibited under the provisions of this act to others than licensed
real estate brokers, unless such person, copartnership, association or
corporation was duly licensed hereunder as real estate broker at the time of the
doing of such act or the rendering of such service.'

'The term 'real estate broker' shall include all person * * * who, for another and
for a fee, commission, or other valuable consideration, shall sell, exchange,
purchase, or rent, or shall negotiate the sale, exchange, purchase or rental, or
shall offer or attempt to negotiate the sale, exchange, purchase or rental, or shall
hold himself * * * out as engaged in the business of selling, exchanging,
purchasing, or renting of any real estate. * * * One act in consideration of
compensation, by fee, commission or otherwise, of buying, selling, renting or
exchanging any such real estate of or for another, or attempting or offering so to
do, * * * shall constitute prima facie evidence that the person * * * is a real
estate broker within the meaning of this act.'

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