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602 F.

2d 1114


voluntary association by Louise Brookins, trustee Ad litem;
Policy Advisory Committee of the Get Set Day Care Centers of
Philadelphia by Nancy C. Bullett, Chairwoman; Nellie
Rodriguez, individually and on behalf of her minor children,
Alicia, Jose, Ramiro, Judy, Marilyn, Cynthia, Eileen; Rowena
Scott, individually and on behalf of her minor children,
Melvin, David, Blair, Darlene, Lorraine, Yvonne, and
Jermarie, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly
situated, Appellants,
The Honorable Milton J. SHAPP, Governor of the
of Pennsylvania, Helene Wohlgemuth, Secretary of the
Department of Public Welfare of Pennsylvania, and Don Jose
Stovall, Executive Director, Philadelphia County Board of
Assistance, individually and in their official capacity.
Nos. 78-2221, 78-2353.

United States Court of Appeals,

Third Circuit.
Argued April 30, 1979.
Decided July 9, 1979.

Stephen F. Gold (argued), Community Legal Services, Inc., Philadelphia,

Pa., for appellants.
Margaret H. Hunting (argued), Amy Zapp, Deputy Attys. Gen., Edward
G. Biester, Jr., Acting Atty. Gen., Pennsylvania Dept. of Justice,
Harrisburg, Pa., for appellees.
Before ADAMS, GIBBONS and WEIS, Circuit Judges.OPINION OF

GIBBONS, Circuit Judge:

The plaintiffs, class representatives, appeal (1) from an order granting

defendants' motion to modify a consent final injunction, and (2) from an order
denying their motion for additional preliminary injunctive relief supplementing
that granted in the consent final injunction. The complaint sought enforcement
of those sections of Title XIX of the Social Security Act which require states
participating in the federal Medicaid program to provide early and periodic
screening, diagnosis and treatment (EPSDT) to eligible individuals under the
age of 21. 42 U.S.C. 1396d(a)(4)(B). The plaintiffs are the Philadelphia
Welfare Rights Organization, a voluntary association of welfare recipients,
Policy Advisory Committee, an association of parents of children receiving day
care services, and several individual parents receiving public assistance, whose
children are eligible for EPSDT services. The defendants are the Governor and
the Secretary of the Department of Welfare of Pennsylvania, and the Executive
Director of the Philadelphia County Board of Assistance. These public officials
are responsible for Pennsylvania's compliance with federal Medicaid statutes
and regulations. The consent decree which was modified was entered on March
15, 1976. We affirm the order modifying it. The motion for a preliminary
injunction granting supplementary relief was made on March 28, 1978 and
denied on October 3, 1978. We reverse that order and remand for further


3a) The EPSDT Program

Under Title XIX of the Social Security Act federal funds are made available to
the states to cover the major part of the cost of medical assistance for the poor.
As a condition of participation, the statute requires each state to make EPSDT
services available to children of eligible poor families. Under the EPSDT
program, children are screened for medical abnormalities by physical
examinations and a battery of specified medical tests. Most problems
discovered by screening are then treated under the EPSDT program, either by
the examining physician or by other participating doctors. Children are eligible
for screening under the EPSDT program from infancy, on a periodic schedule
of one screen every three months up to the age of a year and a half, and
thereafter once a year until age 21.

Regulations of the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare

(HEW) promulgated under 42 U.S.C. 1396d(a)(4)(B) require that

participating states establish an administrative mechanism to identify available

screening and diagnostic facilities and to assure that eligible children receive
EPSDT services. These regulations have two aspects: outreach, which involves
the identification and recruitment of patients, 42 C.F.R. 444.55 (1978), and
administration, which involves the delivery of services. 42 C.F.R. 441.54
(1978). In Pennsylvania the EPSDT program is administered by the
Department of Public Welfare. In most localities the Department operates its
outreach program through County Boards of Assistance. The Boards are
responsible for notifying eligible persons of the existence and nature of the
program, for arranging screening appointments if they are desired, and for
assisting with transportation. In the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh metropolitan
areas the County Boards are responsible only for informing new welfare
recipients of their eligibility for EPSDT services. The task of actively seeking
out clients, informing them of the available services, and arranging screening
appointments is performed by two contractors, Philadelphia Health
Management, and Health Screening Corporation. These contractors run an
extensive outreach program. The State Department and the contractors also
share responsibility for the recruitment and payment of physicians for the
program. For in Pennsylvania, unlike many other states, both screening
examinations and treatment are performed predominantly by private
physicians.b) Early History of the Litigation

The plaintiffs' complaint was filed on February 13, 1973. Its central allegation
was that although Pennsylvania was a Medicaid participant it had not complied
with the provisions of Title XIX requiring an EPSDT program. The defendants
defaulted, and on September 7, 1973 the district court entered a default
judgment. That judgment set forth an injunction directing the defendants to
refrain from depriving eligible persons of the screening, diagnosis and
treatment required by 42 U.S.C. 1396d and required the defendants within 30
days (a) to promulgate regulations extending EPSDT coverage to all eligible
persons, and (b) to implement a statewide outreach program. The defendants
were required to establish, within 60 days, a full statewide program for all
eligible children. They were also directed to request appropriations from the
Pennsylvania legislature adequate to implement the required EPSDT program.

In December, 1973, the plaintiffs obtained an order directing the defendants to

show cause why supplementary relief should not be granted. Negotiations
followed, and in early 1974, the parties entered into an agreement providing for
supplementary relief. This agreement was approved and adopted by the court as
a consent final judgment on March 15, 1974 (the 1974 decree). The decree
established a structure for the implementation of an EPSDT Program. It
contained an express waiver of Pennsylvania's Eleventh Amendment or

Pennsylvania law immunity. The defendants agreed to keep records of all

EPSDT screens for two years. At the end of that period, for each eligible
recipient for whom the Commonwealth could not show a health screening
profile, a voluntary release, or evidence of an appointment for screening within
30 days, it would pay 133% Of the cost of a "full screening visit" under the
program. This penalty payment provision was designed to provide an incentive
for implementation of an effective outreach program.

In late 1975 the plaintiffs, dissatisfied with the defendants' performance under
the 1974 consent decree, moved to hold them in contempt. Before that motion
was adjudicated the parties entered into a new agreement. The plaintiffs agreed
to a postponement of the payment provisions of the 1974 decree, on condition
that the defendants perform 180,000 EPSDT screens during the 1976 calendar
year. In the event that the defendants met this goal during 1976 the entire 1974
decree would become void. If not, the payment provisions would remain in
effect. The Commonwealth undertook to perform 210,000 screens in 1977, to
provide screening appointments within 45 days of a request, and to schedule
treatment for medical conditions discovered within 60 days of the screening.
The Commonwealth also undertook to make other specific improvements in the
Pennsylvania EPSDT program. The district court incorporated the new consent
agreement as an order of the court on March 15, 1976 (the 1976 decree). Thus
under the 1976 decree the defendants were obliged to achieve 180,000 screens
by December 31, 1976 or incur liability for the payments provided for in the
1974 decree.

9c) The 1976-1978 Motions


With the December 31, 1976 deadline approaching, the Commonwealth

defendants moved, pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 60(b), to vacate or modify the
1976 consent decree. The motion acknowledged that the goal of 180,000
screens in 1976 would not be met, and suggested that the 210,000 screen goal
for 1977 might also be unreachable. The defendants contended that they had
attempted good faith compliance, but fell short because of the refusal of
EPSDT services by many eligible recipients, the failure of many eligible
recipients to show up for scheduled appointments, and a shortfall of
participating physicians and dentists. The motion sought, alternatively,
complete relief from the decree, or its modification so as to eliminate those
provisions with which the defendants were unable to comply. While the
defendants' Rule 60(b) motion was pending the plaintiffs filed cross-motions
(1) to hold the defendants in contempt for failing to perform 180,000 screens in
1976 and for failing to provide diagnosis and treatment of discovered medical
abnormalities within 60 days of screening; and (2) to enforce the payment

provisions of the March 15, 1974 decree. A motion filed on March 18, 1977,
sought to hold the defendants in contempt for failure to provide any orthodontic
services.1 On March 7, 1978, prior to the hearing on the foregoing motions, the
plaintiffs filed a third motion to hold defendants in contempt for failing to meet
the goal of 210,000 screens in 1977, for continuing failure to provide treatment
within 60 days of screening, and for failing to issue certain monthly reports
required by the 1976 decree. This motion also sought to enforce the payment
provisions of the 1974 decree for eligible persons not screened in 1977.
d) The Hearing and the District Court Rulings

A hearing on the several motions was held by the district court on March 28
and 29, 1978. The uncontradicted evidence presented at the hearing showed
that screens performed under the Pennsylvania EPSDT program had increased
from 115,000 in calendar 1975 to 176,000 in calendar 1976, an increase of over
50%. Simultaneously, the "no show" rate for screening appointments had
decreased from 50% To between 35% And 45%. The evidence also showed
that Pennsylvania performed the highest number of screens in absolute terms of
any state in the nation, and ranked eighth in terms of the percentage of eligible
persons screened, ahead of all states of comparable size except for Texas.
James McKittrick, the Welfare Department official in charge of the EPSDT
program, testified, again without contradiction, that the Pennsylvania EPSDT
program was among the 5 or 6 best programs in the country. Chapin Wilson,
the HEW official responsible for EPSDT oversight, testified that Pennsylvania's
outreach program was superior, and that the state's extensive provider
recruitment program was "unique" and impressive.


With regard to provision of follow-up services, while the defendants conceded

that not all children were treated within 60 days of their screening, a nine state
survey of "shows for treatment" (i. e., the percentage of screened persons who
later were successfully referred for further treatment) showed that Pennsylvania
treated the highest percentage of problems identified through EPSDT screening
of any state surveyed, and that this superiority was evident in every treatment
category including dental services.


These results followed a substantial commitment of resources. The defendants'

evidence showed a doubling of expenditures in Allegheny County, and a
substantial increase in funding in the Philadelphia area. EPSDT was one of the
few programs which was the subject of a special Bulletin from the Secretary of
the Department of Welfare, and the only Medicaid sub-program with a full time
program administrator for statewide operations.


To explain the failure to meet the 180,000 screen standard, the defendants
introduced evidence that the total population eligible for EPSDT screening in
1976 was between 230,000 and 250,000 persons, a figure which, due to
declining welfare rolls, was significantly lower than had been expected at the
time of the consent decree. Given that figure, they argued, and the 35-45% No
show rate, achievement of the screening goals was virtually impossible.
Substantial testimony was also presented indicating that the Department of
Welfare's screening program had been badly set back by unanticipated
difficulties in obtaining the cooperation and assistance of the Pennsylvania
Department of Health.


At the close of the hearing on March 29, 1978 the district court ruled from the
bench on all motions except that directed to providing orthodontic services. On
each of the other motions he ruled in favor of the defendants, at least in part.
The court refused to hold the defendants in contempt, finding that although they
had not complied with the 1976 decree, to the extent it lay within their power
they had attempted in good faith to do so. The Rule 60(b) motion was granted,
and a modified decree entered. The modified decree eliminated the numerical
requirements of the two earlier decrees, the related payment provisions, and the
absolute 60 day time limit for treatment, but in other respects continued in effect
provisions substantially identical with those embodied in the 1976 order. The
effect of the modification was a refusal to enforce the payment provisions of
the 1974 and 1976 decrees. An order reflecting these rulings was entered on
July 18, 1978.


On the orthodontia motion the court reserved decision, and requested

supplemental briefing. Treating that motion as an application for additional
injunctive relief, the court on October 3, 1978 denied it, on the ground that
Title XIX and the governing HEW regulations do not require the provision of
orthodontic services. These appeals from the July 18, 1978 and October 3, 1978
orders followed. The appeal from the July 18, 1978 orders puts in issue only
the grant of Rule 60(b) relief, not the court's denial of the contempt motions.
The appeal from the October 3, 1978 order puts in issue the propriety of the
court's legal conclusion that orthodontic services are not required by federal


The plaintiffs contend that the district court erred in modifying the 1976 decree
because the defendants failed to establish grounds for relief from a judgment.

As noted above, the 1976 decree was modified in only three respects. First, the
strict numerical quotas for annual EPSDT screens, applicable for the years
1976 and 1977, were eliminated. Second, the related provision for payment of
133% Of the cost of such screens to eligible but unscreened persons fell with
the elimination of the quotas. Third, the defendants' duty to provide treatment
for discovered abnormalities within 60 days of the EPSDT examination in
which they were discovered was qualified.3 A broad and detailed injunction
mandating the continued operation of the Pennsylvania EPSDT program in
compliance with federal law remains in effect. Moreover paragraph 13 of that
injunction requires that the defendants set for each county its share of an annual
statewide screening goal.

Although the district court did not say so specifically, we conclude that the
modification was made pursuant to Rule 60(b)(5), which provides for relief
from judgment when "it is no longer equitable that the judgment should have
prospective application." We have observed that the standard for reopening a
consent final judgment is a strict one. The Rule confers on district judges "(no)
standardless residual discretionary power to set aside judgments . . . ."
Mayberry v. Maroney, 558 F.2d 1159, 1163 (3d Cir. 1977). Such relief is
extraordinary and may be granted only upon a showing of exceptional
circumstances. Id. We recognize, as well, that while consent decrees are
judicial acts, they have often been recognized as having many of the attributes
of a contract voluntarily undertaken. See United States v. ITT Continental
Baking Co., 420 U.S. 223, 236, 95 S.Ct. 926, 43 L.Ed.2d 148 (1975); United
States v. Armour Co., 402 U.S. 673, 681, 91 S.Ct. 1752, 29 L.Ed.2d 256
(1971). And where, as here, the defendants made a free, calculated and
deliberate choice to submit to an agreed upon decree rather than seek a more
favorable litigated judgment their burden under Rule 60(b) is perhaps even
more formidable than had they litigated and lost. Nevertheless it is undisputed
that the court has the power to modify a decree when the danger which the
decree sought to prevent has been "attenuated to a shadow" or the decree if
unmodified could become for the future "an instrument of wrong." United
States v. Swift & Co., 286 U.S. 106, 115, 119, 52 S.Ct. 460, 76 L.Ed. 999


We note, first, that the decree continues in force most of the provisions
designed to enforce the Commonwealth's obligation to comply with 42 U.S.C.
1396d(a)(4)(B), provisions which have produced one of the most successful
EPSDT programs in the country. The modifications in question thus do not
leave class members open to the evils to which the lawsuit was first addressed.
This fact distinguishes this case from those relied on by the appellants. In
United States v. Swift & Co., 286 U.S. 106 (1932), for example, the proposed

modification would have restored to the wholesale food marketplace the

"ancient peril" of domination by the large meatpackers which the government
suit had sought to eliminate. Similarly, in Mayberry v. Maroney, 558 F.2d 1159
(3d Cir. 1977), the application sought to obtain leave to reopen the Behavior
Adjustment Unit, closure of which had been the central object of the lawsuit.
Nor have the defendant state officials been authorized by the modification of
the decree to disregard entirely their obligations to the plaintiff class, as they
attempted to do in Vecchione v. Wohlgemuth, 558 F.2d 150 (3d Cir.), Cert.
denied, 434 U.S. 943, 98 S.Ct. 439, 54 L.Ed.2d 304 (1977). The question thus
is whether the court erred in modifying the decree while preserving its essential

Second, all of the cited cases concerned relatively simple prohibitory

injunctions. Here, however, we deal with the elimination of strict performance
requirements of a complex ongoing remedial decree, and with financial
incentives designed to encourage the achievement of those requirements. The
district court found that despite good faith efforts those mandatory requirements
both the screening goals and the treatment within 60 days rule proved
impossible of performance. As our review of the evidence makes clear, those
findings are fully supported by the record. Any injunction imposing mandatory
affirmative duties for the future involves elements of prediction. Whether the
prediction as to achievability is made as a result of litigation or, as here, in a
negotiated settlement, it will always be speculative to some degree. This is
particularly the case when the defendants' ability to achieve compliance
depends upon the receptivity of class members or other third parties not
formally before the court. See Special Project, The Remedial Process in
Institutional Reform Litigation, 78 Col.L.Rev. 784, 818-19 (1978). An
approach to the modification of a complex affirmative injunction which overemphasized the interest of finality at the expense of achievability would
inevitably make defendants wary of any decree imposing more than the bare
minimum of affirmative obligation. That wariness would, we think, tend to
discourage the settlement of injunction actions by consent decree, a high price
to pay for the benefits of finality. Even where the decree is litigated, if the
power to modify were too closely curtailed the defendants might seek, and the
courts might tend to impose, minimum affirmative obligations, perhaps less
than realistically achievable, for fear of becoming bound by unreasonable but
unchangeable requirements. Where an affirmative obligation is imposed by
court order on the assumption that it is realistically achievable, the court finds
that the defendants have made a good faith effort to achieve the object by the
contemplated means, and the object nevertheless has not been fully achieved,
clearly a court of equity has power to modify the injunction in the light of
experience. That is what occurred here. Despite a good faith effort at

compliance, circumstances largely beyond the defendants' control and not

contemplated by the court or the parties in 1976 put achievement of the
screening goals and treatment timetable beyond reach. The district court did not
err in modifying both.

The payment provision was included not to provide a windfall to unidentified

class members, but to provide a financial incentive for the achievement of
outreach goals which, although diligently pursued, proved in practice to be
unattainable. Many of those who were not screened in 1976 and thus might
have received the incentive payments may have been screened and even treated
since. Payment to them now, when the screening goals are no longer included
in the decree, would be no incentive for anything, but merely a punitive
exercise. Were the payment provision to be enforced the decree would become
"an instrument of wrong." United States v. Swift & Co., 286 U.S. at 115, 52
S.Ct. 460. Thus the court did not err in eliminating the payment provision as


Thus we conclude that the order of July 18, 1976 modifying the 1976 decree
should be affirmed.


The district court held that defendants' conceded failure to provide medically
necessary, as distinguished from cosmetic, orthodontic dental care to eligible
children as a part of its EPSDT program was not inconsistent with Title XIX of
the Social Security Act or with the implementing HEW regulations. The
possible consequences of the Commonwealth's omission of medically necessary
orthodontic care are demonstrated on the present record by the case of Laureen
Jerico, the eleven year old daughter of Arlene Millard, a plaintiff class
representative. A report from Dr. James A. Bond, D.D.S., Chairman,
Department of Orthodontics, Temple University School of Dentistry, indicated
that Laurene had a medical need for orthodontic treatment. According to Doctor

25 abnormal eruption of the maxillary right cuspid has contributed to a history of

trauma to the cheek mucosa in that location. Moreover, since the root of this tooth
has been forced outward (toward the cheek), by the crowding condition, the overlying tissues have been stretched beyond normal limits which could lead to eventual
recession of these tissues. Treatment will require orthodontic appliances of both
arches and extraction of teeth to provide arch length for tooth alignment.


At the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare's hearing on the issue of

Laurene's need for orthodontic services, an impartial hearing examiner denied
Laurene medical assistance for orthodontia because it was not a part of the
defendants' medical assistance program. The hearing examiner found that the
"treatment prescribed was not cosmetic but was required because the child's
dental condition constituted a hazard to future dental health." Mrs. Millard
testified that Laurene could not bite anything hard, that her gums bled when she
ate and when she brushed her teeth, and that she was in pain. The issue posed
by the district court holding is whether orthodontic treatment for conditions
such as Laurene Jerico's is required for Medicaid eligible children by Title XIX
and the HEW regulations.


Any state which participates in the Medicaid program must provide to the
categorically needy a number of specified health services. 42 U.S.C.
1396d(a). Among the mandatory programs is EPSDT. A state must provide:

.28. . such early and periodic screening and diagnosis of individuals who are eligible
under the plan and are under the age of 21 to ascertain their physical or mental
defects, and such health care, treatment, or other measures to correct or ameliorate
defects and chronic conditions discovered thereby, as may be provided in regulations
of the Secretary. . . .

42 U.S.C. 1396d(a)(4)(B).


The Secretary's implementing regulations define EPSDT care treatment and

other required corrective or ameliorative measures as follows:


(a) the medicaid agency must make available, to recipients under age 21, early
and periodic screening and diagnosis to determine physical and mental defects
and treatment of conditions discovered within the limits in the plan on amount,
duration, and scope.


(b) Subject to utilization controls it may impose, the agency must also make
available, if they are not otherwise included in the plan


(1) Treatment of visual and hearing defects, including provision of eyeglasses

and hearing aids; and


(2) Dental services needed for relief of pain and infection, restoration of teeth,
and maintenance of dental health.


42 C.F.R. 441.52 (1976) (emphasis added). It seems plain to us that the

italicized language includes orthodontic dental care of the kind required by
patients such as Laurene Jerico.


Our reading of the regulation is consistent with HEW's Medical Assistance

Manual, MSA-PRG-21 (6/28/72); 2 Medicare and Medicaid (CCH) P 14551.17
(Nov. 9, 1971), which states that:

37 a minimum, the dental services that must be provided include . . . services for
dental disease which, if left untreated, may become acute dental problems or may
cause irreversible damage to the teeth or supporting structures."

Where orthodontic services are required to prevent "acute dental problems" or

"irreversible damage" we think that they fall within the scope of the directive.


The Manual includes a non-inclusive list of dental services quoted in the

margin.4 Neither in any regulation nor in the Manual is there any suggestion
that orthodontia is excluded. It is true that orthodontia is not specifically
mentioned in the five therapeutic services listed in the Manual. But neither is
extraction of teeth, a procedure which the Commonwealth concedes is
frequently essential to treatment.


In the only case which has been called to our attention dealing with the
availability of orthodontia to EPSDT recipients, the Supreme Judicial Court of
Maine rejected the same contention which the Commonwealth makes here.
Brooks v. Smith, 356 A.2d 723 (Me.1976). Justice Weatherbee held, and we
agree, that the federal regulation and treatment manual cannot fairly be read as
requiring the complete removal of a child's teeth and the substitution of a
removable prosthesis if the child has a dental condition correctable by less
drastic orthodontic procedures.


Against the foregoing reading of the statute, regulations and manual the
defendants offer the testimony of Mr. Chapin Wilson, a HEW employee
charged with the responsibility of implementing the EPSDT program
nationwide. He testified that federal regulations do not require the provision of
orthodontic services. He did not, however, advance any persuasive reason for
this legal opinion, and the authoritative voice of the agency is the text of the
regulation. We read it, as does the Supreme Court of Maine, as mandating the
provision of all dental services, including orthodontia, "needed for relief of pain
and infection, restoration of teeth, and maintenance of dental health."


Thus the order of October 3, 1978 denying injunctive relief against the denial
of orthodontic services under the Pennsylvania EPSDT program must be


The Order of July 18, 1978 appealed from in No. 78-2221 will be affirmed. The
Order of October 3, 1978 appealed from in No. 78-2353 will be reversed and
the case remanded for the entry of an appropriate supplementary injunction
requiring the Commonwealth to provide to eligible EPSDT recipients those
orthodontic services which we have held to be required by HEW's
implementing regulations.

This motion was later orally modified to a motion for a preliminary injunction

The complaint asserts jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. 1331 and alleges that the
amount in controversy exceeds $10,000. That allegation was never put in issue,
and the consent judgment of March 15, 1974 must be deemed to have
adjudicated the court's subject matter jurisdiction since the time for direct
appeal from that judgment has already run. See, e. g., Dowell v. Applegate, 152
U.S. 327, 14 S.Ct. 611, 38 L.Ed. 463 (1894); Des Moines Navig. & R. Co. v.
Iowa Homestead Co., 123 U.S. 552, 8 S.Ct. 217, 31 L.Ed. 202 (1887);
McCormick v. Sullivan, 23 U.S. (10 Wheat.) 192, 6 L.Ed. 300 (U.S.1825). Cf.
Durfee v. Duke, 375 U.S. 106, 84 S.Ct. 242, 11 L.Ed.2d 186 (1963). The
defendants have not contested subject matter jurisdiction under 1331 in their
Rule 60(b) motion or on appeal. We have no occasion, therefore, to consider
the alternative allegation of jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. 1343(3). Cf.
Chapman v. Houston Welfare Rights Org., --- U.S. ----, 99 S.Ct. 1905, 60
L.Ed.2d 508 (1979)

Under the 1976 decree the defendants' duty to provide treatment within 60 days
was absolute. The new decree permits relief from the 60 days obligation where
"good reason for a greater length of time is documented in the recipient's case

a. Emergency Services: Emergency dental care services are those necessary to

control bleeding, relieve pain, eliminate acute infection; operative procedures
which are required to prevent pulpal death and the imminent loss of teeth;
treatment of injuries to the teeth of supporting structure (e. g. bone or soft

tissues contiguous to the teeth); and palliative therapy for periocoronitis

associated with impacted teeth. Routine restorative procedures and root canal
therapy are not considered emergency procedures
b. Preventive Services: Preventive dental services include:

Instruction in self-care oral hygiene procedures (provided individually or in


Oral prophylaxis (cleaning of teeth) necessary as a precursor to the application

of dental caries preventives in areas where such applications are indicated
(provided in groups or individually), or oral prophylaxis independent of the
application of caries preventives for patients 10 years of age or older
c. Therapeutic Services: Therapeutic Services include:

Pulp therapy for permanent and primary teeth

Restoration of carious (decayed) permanent and primary teeth with silver

amalgam, silicate cement, plastic materials and stainless steel crowns

Scaling and curettage

Maintenance of space for posterior primary teeth lost prematurely

Provision of removable prosthesis when masticatory function is impaired, or

when existing prosthesis is unserviceable, or in instances when esthetic
considerations interfere with employment or social development

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