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269 F.

2d 734


William M. Kirkpatrick, Appellant.
No. 12847.

United States Court of Appeals Third Circuit.

Argued May 8, 1959.
Decided August 25, 1959.

John E. Landis, Lansdale, Pa., for appellant.

Bertram Bennett, Philadelphia, Pa. (Jenkins, Bennett & Jenkins,
Philadelphia, Pa., on the brief), for appellee.
Before McLAUGHLIN, KALODNER and STALEY, Circuit Judges.
KALODNER, Circuit Judge.

This is an appeal in a bankruptcy case from the Order of the United States
District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania affirming the Order of a
Referee in Bankruptcy which denied the petitioner's claim status as a secured

The single issue presented is whether the petitioner is deprived of the lien of his
perfected secured claim because he took judgment against the debtor, issued
execution and caused a levy to be made.

The facts are not in dispute. On September 10, 1957, the debtor, in
consideration of an accumulation of rent arrearages in the amount of $7,600,
entered into a security agreement with the petitioner, his landlord, creating a
security interest in office, laboratory and plant equipment. The security
arrangement was made pursuant to and perfected by compliance with, the
Pennsylvania Uniform Commercial Code Secured Transactions, Act of
April 6, 1953, P.L. 3, Sec. 9-101 et seq., 12A P.S. Sec. 9-101 et seq.

Also, on September 10, 1957, as evidence of his obligation, the debtor executed

Also, on September 10, 1957, as evidence of his obligation, the debtor executed
and delivered to the petitioner a judgment note in the sum of $7,600, and
judgment was entered thereon on September 12, 1957.

On March 12, 1958, because of the debtor's default, the petitioner issued
execution on the judgment and caused a levy to be made on all of the debtor's
personal property, which included the personal property covered by the security
agreement. Bills were posted advertising the sheriff's sale.

A voluntary petition in bankruptcy was filed by the debtor on March 27, 1958,
and on the receiver's application an order was entered in the bankruptcy
proceeding on March 30, 1958, restraining the sheriff's sale.

Thereafter petitioner filed a reclamation petition in the bankruptcy proceeding.

On September 22, 1958, the Referee denied the claim as a secured claim and
allowed it as a general claim only. On September 30, 1958, petitioner filed his
petition for review, and the Referee certified his Order for review to the
District Court.

The District Court held, as did the Referee, that since the petitioner elected to
issue execution and to levy on the assets of the debtor, he was barred from
asserting a security interest to "retake" the personal property on the ground that
the execution was inconsistent with the right to take possession: this conclusion
was indicated by In re Elkins, D.C.E.D. Pa.1941, 38 F.Supp. 250, and In re
Fitzpatrick, D.C.W.D.Pa.1923, 1 F.2d 445; nothing was found in the
Pennsylvania Uniform Commercial Code to assist the petitioner. D.C., 169
F.Supp. 357.

The validity of petitioner's asserted lien is a question to be decided under

Pennsylvania law, for it is not disputed that if petitioner has such a lien, he is in
a protected position under the Bankruptcy Act, 11 U.S.C.A. 1 et seq.


The petitioner contends that under Section 9-501 of Pennsylvania Uniform

Commercial Code Secured Transactions,1 the execution and levy amounted
to a foreclosure. The District Court and the Referee rejected this contention. In
a new statutory framework,2 we prefer not to engage in unnecessary
interpretations where the final word rests with the local courts. 3 It is sufficient
to state that if this contention of the petitioner is put to one side, at least the
Code is not dispositive of the issue raised here.


The Pennsylvania courts have emphasized that distinct remedies may be used
concurrently or alternately if they are consistent in purpose and kind; they must

be inconsistent and not merely cumulative in order for the selection of one to
operate as a bar to the pursuit of the other. Harper v. Quinlan, 1946, 159
Pa.Super. 367, 370-371, 48 A.2d 113. Again, lately it was said in Nuside Metal
Products, Inc. v. Eazor Express, Inc., 1959, 189 Pa.Super. 593, at page 597, 152
A.2d 275, at page 278:

"Appellant also cites 18 Am.Jur., Election of Remedies, Section 12, to the

following effect: `Two modes of redress are inconsistent if the assertion of one
involves the negation or repudiation of the other, as where one of them admits a
state of facts and the other denies the same facts or where the one is founded
upon the affirmance, and the other upon the disaffirmance, of a voidable
transaction.' Such a situation may exist where a bailor has the right either to sue
upon a note or to recover the property leased, in which event the exercise of
either remedy acts as a waiver of the other. [Kelley Springfield] Road Roller
Co. v. Schlimme, 220 Pa. 413, 69 A. 867; Jacob v. Groff, 19 Pa.Super. 144.
However, in order to have the selection of one remedy operate as a bar to the
pursuit of the other, or to compel an election between remedies, it must appear
that the remedies sought to be enforced are inconsistent, and not merely
cumulative. Harper v. Quinlan, 159 Pa.Super. 367, 48 A.2d 113. See also [In
re] Messmore's Estate, 290 Pa. 107, 138 A. 81. As a general rule, a party may
have as many remedies as the law gives provided they are consistent." The
cases relied upon below deal with the intricacies of bailment leases and
conditional sales. The taking of possession, or the rejection of possession and
proceeding for the amount due, had substantive consequences which made the
remedies thoroughly inconsistent. For example, in a bailment lease, the bailor's
taking possession rescinded the contract and left no remedy against the bailee
for the full purchase price. Kelley Springfield Road Roller Co. v. Schlimme,
1908, 220 Pa. 413, 69 A. 867. Nor as that case suggests, could the bailor affirm
the contract, sue on the notes and also have possession. As pointed out in In re
Fitzpatrick, supra, if the bailor affirmed the contract and sued on the notes, he
affirmed ownership in the bailee and effectively destroyed a right to possession
in himself. An approach with similar consequences is evident in the conditional
sale contract, as appears from In re Elkins, supra.


The transaction here involved does not contain the elements of such niceties of
legal form. The relationship of the petitioner to the bankrupt debtor was that of
creditor and debtor, the debt being evidenced by the note. The chattels covered
by the security agreement were collateral for the debt. The assertion by the
petitioner of the note of obligation against the debtor in legal proceedings and
his attempt to collect it by execution and levy can hardly be said to be
inconsistent with the assertion of his claim upon the collateral.


The remedies are consistent both in kind and purpose, for each results in the
application to the debt of the chattels covered by the security agreement and
each has as its objective the reduction of the debt. The absence of inconsistency
is highlighted by respondent's concession that petitioner could have proceeded
first against the collateral, and if a deficiency remained, proceeded by execution
and levy against any other property of the debtor.


What respondent suggests is a requirement that the collateral must first have
been exhausted, and unless this occurred the petitioner would lose his security
by proceeding against the debtor to collect the debt. In the analogous case of a
pledge, such is not the law of Pennsylvania. The holder of a note may maintain
his action without realizing or attempting to realize upon the collateral. Harper
v. Lukens, 1921, 271 Pa. 144, 112 A. 636. Absent an agreement to the contrary,
the creditor is entitled to hold the collateral security until the debt is paid and is
not under obligation to sell; it is only upon payment of the debt that the debtor
is entitled to the collateral. National Bank of Fayette County v. Valentich, 1941,
343 Pa. 132, 135, 22 A.2d 724; Union Trust Co. v. Long, 1932, 309 Pa. 470,
478, 164 A. 346. In the latter case, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court referred
with approval to In re Fulton's Estate, 1917, 65 Pa.Super. 437. There, the
secured creditor pursued both remedies; the court said, at page 442 of 65 Pa.


"But the appellant was also the pledgee of certain shares of bank stock which,
through a trustee, he held as collateral security for the payment of his debt.
Under the terms of the pledge he could not be compelled to surrender his
security until his debt was paid in full. The insolvency or death of his debtor
would in no way affect his right to the full use of his collateral. That right rested
not on general laws disposing of the property of insolvent debtors, dead or
alive, but on the contract of the parties. The fact that he thus had recourse to
two funds in no way impaired his right to proceed against either or both so long
as he did not claim or secure more than was justly due. As we said in [Re]
Peckham's [Assigned] Est[ate], supra [35 Pa.Super. 330]: `He was entitled to
pursue all of his remedies and use all of his securities without having the
efficiency of any one diminished by the fruits derived from any other, so long
as the result of all was to give him less than his debt'; Miller's App[eal], 35 Pa.
481; Graeff's App[eal], 79 Pa. 146." We can observe no essential factor in the
case now before this Court which would place the petitioner in a different
position, there being nothing in the security agreement to restrict the rights of
the petitioner. The obligation of the debtor was to pay the debt, and neither he
nor his successor, the trustee in bankruptcy, became entitled to the collateral
security until the debt was discharged. It follows that the petitioner did not
waive his right to rely on the collateral when he proceeded by execution and

levy to enforce the judgment on the note against the debtor.


For the reasons stated the Order of the District Court will be reversed and the
cause remanded for further proceedings not inconsistent herewith.


Act of April 6, 1953, P.L. 3, Sec. 9-501, 12A P.S. 9-501:

"(1) When a debtor is in default under the security agreement a secured party
may reduce his claim to judgment. * * * If the collateral is goods, he may in
addition do one or more of the following * * *
"(a) foreclose the security interest by any available judicial procedure;
"(b) take possession of the collateral under Section 9-503;
"(3) The enumeration of rights in subsections (1) and (2) does not purport to be
exhaustive. * * *"

The Uniform Commercial Code was a joint project of the American Law
Institute and the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State
Laws. Pennsylvania was the first state to adopt the Code substantially in the
recommended form. As noted in the Opinion of the District Court, a
modification has been suggested which provides that the lien of any levy upon
the collateral by virtue of any execution based upon the judgment shall relate
back to the date of the perfection of the security interest in such collateral

The District Court and the Referee concluded that the word "foreclose" in
Section 9-501(1) (a) should be taken in its literal sense, and noted that there
was no procedure in Pennsylvania to foreclose an interest asserted against
personal property. Although concededly this construction renders the provision
meaningless, the justification offered is that the Code was written with a view
to adoption in all states
However, there is some authority for an equitable procedure in the nature of
foreclosure: Smith v. Coale, 1877, 12 Phila. 177; Philadelphia Bank v.
Aldridge, 1864, 5 Phila. 446. In any event, a court of Pennsylvania, recognizing

that it was dealing with a statute of the state, and bearing in mind the
requirements of the Statutory Construction Act, May 28, 1937, P.L. 1019, art. I,
Sec. 1 et seq., 46 P.S. 501 et seq., and particularly the admonitions of art. IV,
Sec. 51, 46 P.S. 551, could reasonably find adequate support for a conclusion
different from that reached below, and one which gave content to the language

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