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864 F.

2d 306

BOND, Richard C., Appellant,

FULCOMER, Thomas A., Superintendent, and the Attorney
General of the State of Pennsylvania and the
District Attorney of Philadelphia County.
No. 88-1279.

United States Court of Appeals,

Third Circuit.
Argued Nov. 15, 1988.
Decided Jan. 3, 1989.

Janet W. Mason (argued), Margolis, Edelstein, Scherlis, Sarowitz &

Kraemer, Philadelphia, Pa., for appellant.
Elizabeth J. Chambers (argued), Chief, Federal Litigation, Gaele
McLaughlin Barthold, Deputy Dist. Atty., William G. Chadwick, Jr., First
Asst. Dist. Atty., Ronald D. Castille, Dist. Atty., Philadelphia, Pa., for
Before HIGGINBOTHAM and MANSMANN, Circuit Judges, and
DUMBAULD, District Judge.*
MANSMANN, Circuit Judge.

Richard Bond, a state prisoner, appeals the dismissal of a federal habeas corpus
petition filed pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Sec. 2254d(1) (1982). The district court,
adopting the report and recommendation of the U.S. Magistrate, concluded that
since Bond failed to meet the exhaustion of state remedies requirement of
Duckworth v. Serrano, 454 U.S. 1, 102 S.Ct. 18, 70 L.Ed.2d 1 (1982); 28
U.S.C. Sec. 2254(b), (c), he was not eligible for federal relief.

We conclude that Bond's petition for allocatur to the Pennsylvania Supreme

Court, albeit untimely and denied without comment, constituted compliance

with the exhaustion requirement. We therefore find that the district court erred
on this issue. We also conclude that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's denial
of Bond's allocatur petition was on procedural grounds which triggers an
analysis of whether the procedural default effected a waiver of Bond's claim
pursuant to Wainwright v. Sykes, 433 U.S. 72, 97 S.Ct. 2497, 53 L.Ed.2d 594
(1977). Because Bond alleges that the "cause" for the procedural default was
ineffectiveness of counsel, we dismiss the petition, consistent with our recent
decision in Neely v. Zimmerman, 858 F.2d 144 (3d Cir.1988), without
prejudice for Bond to pursue this issue in the state courts under the
Pennsylvania Post-Conviction Relief Act if he so desires.

On October 29, 1984, Richard Bond appeared before the Court of Common
Pleas of Philadelphia County for a violation of probation hearing. The hearing
was conducted over a three day period, at the conclusion of which his probation
was revoked and a six to twenty year state sentence was imposed. The reason
for the length of the hearing resulted from Bond's allegations that he had not
previously received the required Gagnon I hearing.1 The Common Pleas Court,
however, found as a fact that such a hearing was scheduled, that Bond received
written notice of the hearing, that Bond was brought to the holding cell in the
courthouse in anticipation of the hearing, that the sheriff went to bring Bond to
the courtroom and called for Bond and that Bond failed to respond to his name.
The court thereby concluded that Bond had voluntarily waived his presence.
Because of Bond's voluntary waiver, the court decided that the Gagnon I
detainer hearing held in absentia satisfied the requirements of Gagnon v.
Scarpelli, 411 U.S. 778, 93 S.Ct. 1756, 36 L.Ed.2d 656 (1973).

Bond, through counsel, appealed the judgment of sentence to the Superior

Court of Pennsylvania claiming as error the denial of the Gagnon I hearing and
the trial court's alleged failure to state adequately on the record the reasons for
the sentence imposed. The Pennsylvania Superior Court concluded that because
Bond did not complain about the lack of the Gagnon I hearing either when the
probation detainer was placed against him or in his application to remove the
probation detainer that he was not entitled to release from custody or a new
probation violation hearing. The court also found that the trial court had
adequately stated on the record the reasons for the sentence imposed. A per
curiam order affirming the judgment of sentence was filed on July 24, 1986.

Six months later, on January 21, 1987, Bond inquired of the Prothonotary of the
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania whether a petition for allocatur had been filed

on his behalf. Bond was informed that no such appeal had been filed. In March
of that year, Bond's court-appointed counsel sent Bond the following letter:
is in response to your letter dated March 2, 1987 wherein you protested my
rejection of your collect phone calls as well as my refusal to file a petition for review
in your behalf.
I know of no rule which requires that I accept any collect calls in a matter
where I am a court appointed counsel. Secondly, I enclose for your review a copy of
Rule 1114 of the Pennsylvania Rules of Appellate Procedure. I suggest that you take
particular note of the three notes appearing below the Rule and you will then
understand why a petition for allowance of appeal was not filed by this office.
with respect to your statement about my competency, please feel free to bring
any claims under the Post Conviction Hearing Act.

Bond then filed, on June 30, 1987, a pro se self-styled petition for allowance of
appeal nunc pro tunc. Other than a statement in the recital of facts that his
court-appointed counsel abandoned him after the Pennsylvania Superior Court's
affirmance of sentence, Bond did not present any reason for the petition's
untimeliness. Bond then argued the identical issues upon which the
Pennsylvania Superior Court appeal was based and was subsequently denied.
On August 4, 1987, at No. 120 E.D.Misc.Docket 1987, the petition for
allowance of appeal was denied without comment.


Bond filed the federal habeas petition before us now, again raising the absence
of the Gagnon I hearing and the failure of the court to state the reasons for
sentencing on the record. The government answered the petition, alleging that it
must be dismissed for failure to exhaust state remedies.2


The U.S. Magistrate assigned to the matter agreed that Bond failed to exhaust
his state court remedies. The magistrate presumed that the Supreme Court of
Pennsylvania denied Bond's petition on procedural grounds and not on the
merits. The magistrate then concluded that this procedural history frustrated the
exhaustion requirement and determined that Bond must first pursue the remedy
afforded by the [then] Pennsylvania Post-Conviction Hearing Act, 42
Pa.Cons.Stat.Ann. Sec. 9541 et seq. (Purdon 1982), to establish cause for
procedural default. The magistrate's recommendation to dismiss for failure to
exhaust state remedies was adopted by the district court.


This appeal followed and we have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Secs. 1291
and 2253.


In a federal habeas proceeding, review of the district court's legal conclusions is

plenary and factual findings in dispute are reviewed under the clearly erroneous
standard. Sullivan v. Cuyler, 723 F.2d 1077 (3d Cir.1983).


Rather than disputing the district court's conclusion that the exhaustion
requirement had not been met, Bond argues that exhaustion is excused because
of ineffectiveness of counsel. The government's response is that since the
Pennsylvania Supreme Court's denial of allocatur was not a decision on the
merits, state remedies have not been exhausted. The government further asserts
that because Bond's own procedural default prevented state court review, the
proper avenue of recourse is pursuant to the state Post-Conviction Relief Act.


The real issue here is not whether exhaustion is excused but, rather, whether
the district court erred in finding that Bond had not fulfilled the exhaustion
requirement of Sec. 2254.


Questions of exhaustion are governed by various considerations which, as this

case demonstrates, seem facially inconsistent but are substantively compatible.
First, it is well established that exhaustion is not a jurisdictional requirement. Its
exercise relies upon interests of comity between the state and federal systems.
Granberry v. Greer, 481 U.S. 129, 107 S.Ct. 1671, 95 L.Ed.2d 119 (1987). In
Chaussard v. Fulcomer, 816 F.2d 925 (3d Cir.), cert. denied, --- U.S. ----, 108
S.Ct. 139, 98 L.Ed.2d 96 (1987), we held that the exhaustion requirement of 28
U.S.C. Sec. 2254 has been judicially interpreted to mean that claims must have
been fairly presented to the highest state court tribunal. Accord Keller v.
Petsock, 853 F.2d 1122 (3d Cir.1988). "Fairly presented" means that the claim
must be substantially equivalent to that litigated in the state court. Picard v.
Connor, 404 U.S. 270, 278, 92 S.Ct. 509, 513, 30 L.Ed.2d 438 (1971). Both the
legal theory and the facts supporting a federal claim must have been submitted
to the state court. O'Halloran v. Ryan, 835 F.2d 506 (3d Cir.1987), citing
Gibson v. Scheidemantel, 805 F.2d 135 (3d Cir.1986).


Despite the strong preference to afford state courts the first opportunity to
adjudicate the claims of its prisoners, the highest state court, however, need not
have ruled on the merits of the claims for them to have been sufficiently
presented for purposes of exhaustion. Swanger v. Zimmerman, 750 F.2d 291
(3d Cir.1984); Mayberry v. Petsock, 821 F.2d 179, 184 n. 2 (3d Cir.), cert.
denied, --- U.S. ----, 108 S.Ct. 336, 98 L.Ed.2d 362 (1987).


This dichotomy of interests is exemplified in the issue before us: does


This dichotomy of interests is exemplified in the issue before us: does

presentment of an untimely petition to the state's highest court represent
substantial compliance with the strong preference for state appellate review
under the exhaustion requirement. We hold that it does.


Particularly relevant to this case is our decision United States ex rel. Caruso v.
Zelinsky, 689 F.2d 435 (3d Cir.1982), in which the appellant had filed an
untimely petition for post-conviction relief, raising the same claim as in the
federal habeas petition. We concluded that the appellant had exhausted his state
remedies since the "claim was fairly presented to the state courts albeit in an
untimely fashion." Id. at 439. Although we are here dealing with a direct appeal
to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and not a collateral appeal as in Caruso, we
see no reason to distinguish the holding in Caruso from this matter.


We must, of course, be satisfied that Bond did raise the merits of the issues he
now presents to the federal courts. Since a state court's opinion is not
dispositive of the question of whether a petitioner has exhausted its claim, the
"silence" of the allocatur denial order is irrelevant. We scrutinize instead the
petitioner's pleadings and briefs before the court. Gonce v. Redman, 780 F.2d
333 (3d Cir.1985), appeal after remand, 845 F.2d 1011 (3d Cir.1988). In his
petition for allocatur Bond clearly outlined the Gagnon I claim to the highest
state court before presenting this federal habeas petition. Therefore, we
conclude that the exhaustion requirement has been satisfied.


Finding exhaustion, a federal court must then assure itself that a habeas
petitioner has complied with relevant state procedural requirements before it
can delve into the claims of constitutional error in a state conviction. Neely v.
Zimmerman, 858 F.2d 144 (3d Cir.1988). Thus, as a preliminary matter, we
must decide whether the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's denial of allocatur
reflects a consideration and dismissal of the merits or constitutes a dismissal on
procedural grounds caused by untimeliness.


We have not yet resolved the question of whether a denial of an allowance of an

appeal nunc pro tunc indicates absolute reliance on a procedural rule. From the
face of the order the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's intention is not discernible.
That the court considered the petition on the merits would not be inconsistent
with the delineation in the petitioner's application that the reason for its
untimeliness was his counsel's abandonment. See Moore v. Fulcomer, 609
F.Supp. 171 (E.D.Pa.1985). It is not totally unreasonable to assume that the
Pennsylvania Supreme Court found this a justifiable reason for delay,
considered the petition on the merits, and denied it nonetheless.3


It is more probable, however, that although the reasons for the denial of
allocatur are not expressly stated, the order should be interpreted as a denial of
relief on procedural grounds alone.


In United States ex rel. Caruso v. Zelinsky, 689 F.2d at 440, we found implicit
in County Court of Ulster County v. Allen, 442 U.S. 140, 99 S.Ct. 2213, 60
L.Ed.2d 777 (1979) that where it is unclear whether the state court applied the
procedural default rule, the Supreme Court would respect a procedural default
had it found one. Additionally, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has
held that where a state supreme court affirmed the denial of a habeas relief
without comment, the court may be presumed to have applied its state law to
reject the claim on the basis of the procedural default. Preston v. Maggio, 705
F.2d 113 (5th Cir.1983). In Maggio, also relying on Ulster County, 442 U.S. at
147-54, 99 S.Ct. at 2219-23, the court stated that in determining the basis for a
state court's denial of habeas relief without reasons the same considerations are
applicable as in making the determination in cases in which the state court has
been less than explicit, but not silent. These considerations include: (1) whether
the state court has used procedural default in similar cases to preclude review of
the claim's merits; (2) whether the history of the case suggests that the state
court was aware of the procedural fault; and, (3) whether the state court
opinions suggest reliance upon procedural grounds or a determination on the
merits. Preston v. Maggio, 705 F.2d at 116.


Although the present matter concerns a direct appeal rather than denial of
habeas relief, the considerations outlined in Maggio apply with equal force. In
this case, the petition for allowance of appeal nunc pro tunc was filed
approximately one year late. Although the general rule indicates that an
appellate court may not enlarge time for filing a notice of appeal, In re Gorham,
272 Pa.Super. 145, 414 A.2d 712 (1979); 42 Pa.Cons.Stat.Ann. Sec. 5504
(Purdon 1978), an appeal nunc pro tunc is occasionally allowed when the
appellant establishes that the failure to file a timely appeal was the result of
fraud or its equivalent or a breakdown in the court's operation. Commonwealth
v. Englert, 311 Pa.Super. 78, 457 A.2d 121 (1983). Permission for untimely
appeals is granted on a case by case basis and is clearly the exception, not the
rule. Thus, as far as the first consideration--the trend of the courts to utilize
procedural default in similar cases--the scale is greatly tilted on the side of
procedural default over decision on the merits.


The second factor, whether the history of the case demonstrates that the state
court was aware of the procedural default, requires no speculation. We can
consider that the petition was filed one year late, was labelled as one requesting
an appeal nunc pro tunc, mentioned the reason for its untimeliness and was

placed on the miscellaneous docket. It is a reasonable assumption that the court

was aware that this petition was untimely.

The third factor, whether the state court opinions suggest reliance upon
procedural grounds, is the main question here. The Pennsylvania Supreme
Court's order is silent but since denials of petitions for untimeliness are not
usually accompanied by opinion, we can conclude that the court's one-line
denial indicates reliance upon procedural grounds.


In addition to the factors outlined in Maggio, we also consider that the

statements in Bond's out-of-time application for allocatur were not sufficient to
allow the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to determine whether a nunc pro tunc
appeal was appropriate, i.e., was the cause of its tardiness either fraud or
breakdown in the operation of the courts. Bond merely made a statement that
counsel abandoned him after the Pennsylvania Superior Court decision. Bond
advances no further representations concerning his attempts to ascertain his
appeal rights nor does the record before us reveal that he provided the
Pennsylvania Supreme Court, as he did the federal court, with a copy of the
letter from his counsel explaining why an appeal was not filed on his behalf.


Given the partiality for a finding of procedural default, we conclude that, under
the Maggio factors, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied Bond's petition for
review because it was untimely filed. To facilitate resolution of future claims
presented in this procedural posture, we announce today a rule that when a nunc
pro tune allocatur petition is perfunctorily denied without discussion, when its
untimeliness is apparent, and when sufficient facts to override the general
disallowance of extended times for appeal are absent in the petition, the denial
of allocatur can be presumed to be based on a procedural default caused by its


Our next inquiry is whether the denial for untimeliness effectuates a waiver of
Bond's federal claim. A procedural default analysis is triggered when state
courts have refused to hear a federal constitutional claim because of a state law
procedural default, see Hochman v. Rafferty, 831 F.2d 1199 (3d Cir.1987), cert.
denied, --- U.S. ----, 108 S.Ct. 1577, 99 L.Ed.2d 892 (1988). Although, for
obvious reasons, the district court did not discuss waiver nor did the parties
brief the issue, since it is a question of law, we will address it.


Under our analysis set forth in Reynolds v. Ellingworth, 843 F.2d 712 (3d Cir.),

cert. denied, --- U.S. ----, 109 S.Ct. 403, 102 L.Ed.2d 391 (1988), the federal
court's initial duty is to examine whether the state waiver is independent of the
federal claim and adequate to preclude federal review. Id. at 717. Then,
32 that question is resolved in the negative, a federal court may overlook the state
waiver and proceed to the merits of the petitioner's constitutional claim. On the
other hand, if the state procedural default is found to be independent and adequate,
the petitioner must show cause for non-compliance with the state rule and actual
prejudice resulting from the alleged constitutional violation.

Neely v. Zimmerman, 858 F.2d 144 at 147.


In Reynolds, 843 F.2d at 717, and again in Neely v. Zimmerman, 858 F.2d at
148, we called upon the three-part test outlined in Wainwright v. Sykes, 433
U.S. 72, 97 S.Ct. 2497, 53 L.Ed.2d 594 (1977), to decide whether a state rule
provides an independent and adequate basis for precluding federal review of a
state prisoner's habeas claims. We must ascertain if (1) the state procedural rule
speaks in unmistakable terms; (2) all state appellate courts refused to review the
petitioner's claims on the merits, and (3) the state courts consistently apply the
procedural rules.


As to the first factor, there is no ambiguity in either Pa.R.App.Proc. 903(a)

establishing the 30-day appeal period or in 42 Pa.Cons.Stat.Ann. Sec. 5504
which generally disallows extensions of time for the filing of appeals.


Regarding the refusal to hear the claim on the merits, we have already
announced satisfaction with this requirement. It can be fairly assumed that
when an issue is not presented in a procedurally correct manner and there is no
mention of the merits in the order denying the review petition, the decision was
based on procedural error.


The third consideration to determine waiver due to procedural default concerns

the consistency in which the state courts apply the procedural rule. Although
untimely petitions are regularly dismissed, leave to file nunc pro tunc appeals
has been granted. Bond's appeal to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, however,
represented a hybrid between a late appeal and a request to petition untimely.
Bond acknowledged the appeal was out of time, titled the pleading "nunc pro
tunc" and mentioned his counsel's abandonment. He did not, however, present
arguments why such leave should be granted. Rather than engage in further
conjecture, i.e., upon which procedural default did the Pennsylvania Supreme
Court base its denial of Bond's appeal, we search for more concrete analytic

footing to determine the consistent application of the state law.


When counsel has been found ineffective for failure to file an appeal,
permission for nunc pro tunc appeals has been allowed. See Commonwealth v.
West, 334 Pa.Super. at 295, 482 A.2d at 1343. This indicates that there is an
exception to disallowing untimely petitions--namely, when ineffectiveness is
alleged and proven. Since there are exceptions to the procedural rule, Bond
should be given opportunity to show cause and prejudice for the default. It is
clear from the record that Bond alleges that the cause for the petition's
untimeliness was counsel's failure to file the appeal; however, the record is not
sufficiently complete for a conclusion that the failure to file was necessarily
due to ineffectiveness. Under Murray v. Carrier, 477 U.S. 478, 106 S.Ct. 2639,
91 L.Ed.2d 397 (1986), the Supreme Court held that while ineffectiveness of
counsel can be a cause for procedural default, in the interest of comity, these
claims should be presented first to the state courts. Id. at 489, 106 S.Ct. at 2649.


Therefore, although we reverse the district court on the exhaustion issue, we

conclude, in accord with Murray v. Carrier, that dismissal without prejudice to
file a state Post Conviction Relief Act petition is mandated. If Bond's
ineffectiveness claim is successful, prior state precedent would allow leave to
file nunc pro tunc to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. If the Pennsylvania
Supreme Court then denies Bond's appeal on the merits, he may then choose to
return to the district court for federal review.

Honorable Edward Dumbauld of the United States District Court for the
Western District of Pennsylvania, sitting by designation

One of the minimum due process requirements of a parole or probation

revocation is a preliminary hearing to determine whether there is probable
cause to believe that the parolee or probationer has committed a violation.
Gagnon v. Scarpelli, 411 U.S. 778, 93 S.Ct. 1756, 36 L.Ed.2d 656 (1973)

The government also argued that, in regard to the sentencing issue, Bond had
presented the issue in state courts solely on state procedural grounds and had
not framed it in the context of a constitutional violation. In this regard, Bond
amended his petition to delete this portion of his claim
Counsel for Bond continued to raise the sentencing issue in the brief filed in
this appeal. Counsel did acknowledge at oral argument that this issue is no

longer a part of the appeal.


Failure of appointed counsel to file an appeal at his client's behest has provided
reason for a finding of ineffectiveness giving rise to allowance for appeal nunc
pro tunc. Commonwealth v. West, 334 Pa.Super. 287, 482 A.2d 1339 (1984)

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