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764 F.

2d 1134

In the Matter of the Complaint of MAGNOLIA TOWING

MAGNOLIA TOWING CO., INC., Plaintiff-Third Party
Defendant-Appellee, Cross-Appellant,
Southern Pacific
Transportation Co., and the Galveston, Houston &
Henderson Railroad Co., Defendants-Third
Party Plaintiffs-Appellees,
MONSANTO CO. and Various Underwriters at Lloyds,
Defendants-Third Party Plaintiffs-Appellants,
ALAMO BARGE LINES, INC., Third Party DefendantAppellee,
No. 84-2286.

United States Court of Appeals,

Fifth Circuit.
July 8, 1985.

A. Gordon Grant, Jr., Stanley McDermott, III, New Orleans, La., for
Various Underwriters at Lloyds.
Henry S. Morgan, Jr., Vinson & Elkins, Robert Jeffrey Coppock,
Houston, Tex., for Monsanto Co.
W.T. Womble, Robert F. Maher, Houston, Tex., for Atchison, Topeka &
Sante Fe Ry. Co.

John K. Meyer, Houston, Tex., for Alamo Barge Lines.

Robert C. Davee, Houston, Tex., for Magnolia Towing Co., Inc.
Appeals from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of
Before GEE, TATE, and HIGGINBOTHAM, Circuit Judges.
TATE, Circuit Judge:

This case arises out of an allision that occurred after midnight in early 1982,
when the Tug BETH ("BETH"), with two barges in tow, struck the closed lift
span of the Galveston Railway Causeway Bridge ("Galveston Bridge").
Following a bench trial on the issue of liability (bifurcated from a separate
damage trial to be held later), the district court held, inter alia, that the lessees
and operators of the Galveston Bridge were 80% at fault and that the BETH
was 20% at fault because of the latter's excessive speed. Based upon Union Oil
Company of California v. THE SAN JACINTO, 409 U.S. 140, 93 S.Ct. 368, 34
L.Ed.2d 365 (1972), we conclude (1) that the BETH's speed at the time was not
a causal factor of the accident because the BETH had no duty to anticipate that
the lift span would not be raised for safe passage since the bridge tender twice
informed the tug by radio that the lift span would be raised in time and since
ample time had existed for the bridge tender to raise it, and (2) that the lessees
and operators of the Galveston Bridge were therefore 100% at fault.
Accordingly, we reverse.

I. Background

The relevant facts are largely undisputed. On the morning of January 3, 1982,
the tug BETH was pushing two barges loaded with an inflammable material
and was proceeding eastward along the Intracoastal Waterway. Due to heavy
fog, visibility at the time was approximately half a mile. Gonzales, the tug's
pilot, kept watch and was at the helm in the wheel house, navigating the BETH
by the tug's radar, which had a three-fourths mile range scale. His deckhand
was seated behind and slightly above him in the tug, with the duty of
maintaining a visual lookout. No lookout was posted on either of the two
forward barges in tow.

Several hours later, at approximately 3:00 a.m., Gonzales detected Interstate 45

Causeway ("Interstate 45") on his radar. Interstate 45 lies some six-hundred feet
west of, and runs parallel to, the Galveston Bridge. After Gonzales first

detected by radar Interstate 45 some three-fourth's mile ahead, he began calling

the Galveston Bridge on his radio and reduced his engines to half-speed, or
about three miles per hour. Gonzales called the bridge seven times before he
received an answer.

When the bridge tender finally answered, she told Gonzales that the lift span on
Galveston Bridge was down but that she would raise it for him. When Gonzales
asked her to repeat the message, she did so. Gonzales then informed the bridge
tender that the tow was a little over a quarter of a mile away from the bridge
and would arrive "in a little bit." No further radio exchanges occurred between
Gonzales and the bridge tender. The BETH did not blast her horn to sound
either a fog signal or a bridge signal.

Following the radio exchange, ample time existed to raise the lift span for safe
passage. As the BETH passed beneath Interstate 45 and approached the
Galveston Bridge, however, the lift span remained closed. Until that point,
Gonzales' view of the bridge was obstructed by Interstate 45, by the fog, and by
the glare from floodlights attached to the bridge. When Gonzales cleared his
passage of the Interstate 45 Causeway and first realized that the lift span was
closed, the distance between the bridge and Gonzales in the tug's wheelhouse
was about five-hundred feet.1 Immediately thereafter, Gonzales threw the
BETH's engines full astern. Moments later, the bow of the lead barge struck the
bridge. Sparks ignited its cargo, causing a fire that destroyed the barge and its
cargo, and also did substantial damage to the bridge.

An undisputed Coast Guard report indicates that, after the radio exchange, the
bridge tender went to the restroom and never attempted to raise the lift span.

Following the accident, The Magnolia Towing Company, owner of THE

BETH, petitioned the district court for exoneration from or limitation of

We need not here describe the issues raised by the various answers,
counterclaims, and cross-claims of the various parties; nor the district court's
rulings upon most of the issues thereupon after bench trial, from which
judgment all parties appeal. Our determination that the accident resulted solely
from the fault of the Galveston Bridge operator moots all other issues raised by
the various appeals, and resolves all issues involved in the judgment entered
after the hearing on liability from which this appeal is taken.2

The threshold central issue of this appeal concerns the district court's findings

that the lessees and operators of the Galveston Bridge ("The Railroads") 3 were
only 80% at fault because of the negligence of their bridge tender in failing to
raise the bridge in accordance with her prior assurances to the BETH, and that
the BETH was 20% at fault solely because of its excessive speed (three miles
per hour) when the accident occurred. For reasons to be explained, we reverse
the determination of fault on the part of the BETH and find the Railroads were
100% at fault.
II. The Speed of the BETH: Causal Factor?

When the BETH's radar proceeding eastward picked up the Interstate 45

Causeway some three-fourths miles to the west, the vessel's pilot Gonzales
reduced the engines to half-ahead, which gave a speed of about three miles per
hour. The Galveston Bridge was approximately 600 feet further easterly of the
Interstate Causeway. The Causeway obscured to the approaching tug the
railroad bridge, both visually and by radar, so that neither Gonzales nor the
posted lookout could observe that the railroad bridge had not been opened, as
assured to them in radio communication by the bridge tender when the tug was
approaching at least a quarter-mile away. Visibility was further obscured by the
glow cast in the fog by the spotlight on the bridge tender's building. The same
reason of fog interference prevented use of the spotlight on the tug to enhance
visibility ahead.


In concluding that the BETH was partially at fault in the allision, the district
court pointed out that, due to the reasons noted, the navigator and lookout of
the BETH could not reasonably have observed the non-opened bridge sooner
than they did but, had the BETH been proceeding at the possible slower speed
of one and one-half miles per hour, the tug could have been stopped in time to
avoid the allision. The court concluded: "Because the BETH proceeded at a
speed which prohibited her from taking effective action to avoid allision, the
Court concludes that the BETH was proceeding at an unsafe speed in violation
of 33 U.S.C. Sec. 2006," the only fault found on the part of the tug. (The district
court thus rejected other contentions of the BETH's fault argued to it by the
Railroads. See III infra.)


In holding the BETH 20% at fault, the district court thus found (1) that the
BETH was proceeding at an unsafe speed in violation of 33 U.S.C. Sec. 2006,
because her speed at the time of the accident prevented her from avoiding the
allision, as required by the "half-distance" rule (discussed infra ); (2) that the
BETH's statutory violation required application of the Pennsylvania Rule, THE
STEAMSHIP PENNSYLVANIA v. Troop, 86 U.S. (19 Wall.) 125, 22 L.Ed.
148 (1874), which provides that "the violator of a statutory rule intended to

prevent allisions has the burden of proving not only that its transgressions were
not a contributing cause of the allision but that they could not have been a cause
of the allision," Florida East Coast Railway Company v. Revilo Corporation,
637 F.2d 1060, 1065 (5th Cir.1981); and that the BETH had failed to satisfy her
burden of proof under the Pennsylvania Rule.

As guided by the principles enunciated in Union Oil Company v. THE SAN

JACINTO, 409 U.S. 140, 93 S.Ct. 368, 34 L.Ed.2d 365 (1972), we find that the
district court erred in holding, under the present facts, that the tug's speed was a
causal factor contributing to the allision that thus--because of the statutory
speed violation--this statutory violation brought into play, under the
Pennsylvania Rule, a burden upon the BETH to prove that its excessive speed
could not have been a cause of the allision.


In Union Oil, the Supreme Court reversed a determination of the court of

appeal that a vessel, found to be proceeding at excessive speed, was liable
because it had failed to prove, as required by the Pennsylvania Rule, that such
statutory violation could not have contributed to the accident. The facts in that
case are generically similar to the present. A tanker and a tugboat with a tow
were approaching each other on opposite sides of the Columbia River. After
proceeding uneventfully for some distance, the tug's pilot became confused,
turned sharply to port, and emerged from a fog bank only about 900 feet in
front of the tanker, on a heading directly across the tanker's course. The tug
pilot was able to turn the tug in time, but, as he did so, the barge in tow slipped
away and slammed into the tanker. The parties agreed that the tug was
negligent but disagreed about whether the tanker was negligent.


The issue in Union Oil turned upon whether the tanker was because of its speed
at fault in the collision, thus bringing into play the burden under the
Pennsylvania Rule of exculpating its speed as a contributing cause of the
accident. The tanker (like the BETH in the present case) was proceeding at an
"excessive" speed only in that it could not under foggy conditions come to a
stop before colliding with an object when it became visually apparent through
the fog. Resolution of this issue, in turn, depended upon whether the tanker's
speed represented a statutory violation under the "half-distance" rule, or the
"rule of vision," which by way of judicial gloss on the statutory speed
regulation required that, in a fog, the vessel should proceed at a rate of speed as
would enable it to stop before colliding with an object ahead of it.4 Similarly,
the present rule, 33 U.S.C. Sec. 2006, held by the district court to have been
violated by the BETH, is that a vessel must "proceed at a safe speed so that she
can take proper and effective action to avoid collision and be stopped within a
distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions."


In Union Oil, the court of appeal had held that, under the half-distance rule
(rule of vision) gloss on the statutory rule, the tanker's speed was excessive
since she could not have stopped in time to avoid the collision when,
unexpectedly, the tug emerged from the fog. The downriver-bound tug (which
had been sighted by the tanker visually and by radar before the tug entered the
fog on the opposite side of the river) had made a U-turn through the fog into
the path of the upriver-bound tanker. In reversing the intermediate court, the
Supreme Court held that the tanker's excessive-speed statutory violation was
not a contributing cause of the accident, under the circumstances, and that it did
not constitute statutory fault. Union Oil, supra, 409 U.S. at 145-46, 93 S.Ct. at
372. The reason for the half-distance rule (the rule of sight) was to avoid
reasonably anticipatable possible hazards, and the rule (with its violation
importing statutory fault) does not apply where it is "totally unrealistic to
anticipate the possibility" of the particular hazard created by the other vessel's
negligence. 409 U.S. at 145, 93 S.Ct. at 372. 5


The Court thus concluded that "excessive" speed--in that the vessel is
proceeding in foggy conditions at a rate at which it cannot stop in time to avoid
colliding with a vessel or object in its path--does not constitute statutory fault as
based upon a violation of the excessive-speed rule, unless the speed has "some
relationship to the dangers against which that rule was designed to protect."
Union Oil, supra, 409 U.S. at 146, 93 S.Ct. at 372. The statutorily protectedagainst hazards do not include those of which "it is totally unrealistic to
anticipate the possibility" thereof. Id., 409 U.S. at 145, 93 S.Ct. at 372.


For similar reasons, in the present case, the speed of the BETH (at half-speed of
three mph instead of at its lowest navigable rate of one and one-half mph) was
not a causal factor of the present accident. The district court found the speed to
be excessive only because when "conditions finally enabled the pilot to
ascertain that the bridge span remained closed, there was insufficient time for
the tug BETH and its tow to be stopped or turned around to avoid the allision."
However, the hazard here presented--that the bridge tender, operating in a
dense fog, would twice say she would raise the bridge span, and then fail to do
so--was a totally-unanticipatable possible hazard not within the intended
protection of the excessive speed rule.


We pretermit whether under the competing theoretical computations the tug

with tow could or could not have avoided the allision at a speed of one and onehalf mph (its lowest possible navigable speed). In either event, the BETH was
not required to slow its speed, otherwise not shown to be excessive, on the
utterly unanticipatable possibility that the railroad bridge might not be open
(not reasonably observable before the tug cleared the Interstate 45 Causeway

some 600 feet between tug and bridge) because the bridge tender, despite her
repeated assurances, had not opened the bridge-span; any more than, upon
receiving such assurances, the BETH was required to stop and to wait for the
fog to clear, because of such unanticipatable possibility.

We conclude that, under the present circumstances, the speed of the BETH did
not constitute statutory fault contributing to the accident. Accordingly,
reversing the district court, we find the Railroads 100% at fault in this accident.

III. Other Fault of the BETH?


The Railroads argue that, even if the half-distance rule is inapplicable here, the
BETH was nonetheless at fault (1) for failing to post a lookout with radio
equipment on the lead barge instead of in the wheelhouse, (2) for failing to
sound a fog signal, (3) for failing to sound a bridge signal, and (4) for even
making the voyage on the night in question, given existing fog conditions.
Although the district court entered findings of fact as to the first three
conditions, and the fourth is not even raised by the evidence, it nevertheless
determined that only the excessive speed of the BETH constituted fault on its
part, thus rejecting the Railroads' contentions of the BETH's contributing fault
in the other respects. The evidence reflects support for a conclusion that the
lookout in the pilothouse (instead of at the bow of the lead tug) afforded better
visual observation from its higher stance for proceeding through foggy
conditions, visibility a halfmile (except, at this particular point, because of the
obstructing Interstate Causeway), for the passage through the Intracoastal
Waterway, and that, under the physical facts here involved and in view of the
repeated radio assurances of the bridge tender, the failure of the BETH to sound
fog or bridge signals could not have been a contributing cause of the accident.


In finding that the sole fault of the BETH under the circumstances was its
excessive speed, despite having found as a fact the alleged lookout and signal
violations by the Railroads, the district court thus determined that the alleged
signal violations could not under the facts have contributed to the present
accident. We do not find that factual determination to be clearly erroneous so as
to be disturbed on appeal. See Fed.R.Civ.P. 52(a). As stated in Anderson v.
City of Bessemer City, --- U.S. ----, 105 S.Ct. 1504, 1512, 84 L.Ed.2d 518

25the district court's account of the evidence is plausible in light of the record
viewed in its entirety, the court of appeals may not reverse it even though convinced
that had it been sitting as the trier of fact, it would have weighed the evidence
differently. Where there are two permissible views of the evidence, the factfinder's

choice between them cannot be clearly erroneous.


Accordingly, we reverse the determination of the district court that the BETH
was 20% at fault in the accident, holding that the lessees and operators of the
Galveston Bridge (see footnote 3 supra ) were 100% at fault. We therefore
REVERSE the judgment entered upon the bifurcated liability trial and
REMAND for entry of judgment thereupon consistent with the holding of this
opinion, as well as for further proceedings with regard to the bifurcated
damages issues.



The district court inadvertently stated that the bow of the lead tug was 500 feet
distant at the time Gonzales realized the bridge had not opened. The
uncontradicted testimony is to the effect of the statement in the text of the

These include the district court's rulings: (1) that Magnolia (the owner of the
tug) was in privity with the BETH and unable to claim limitation of liability
and (2) that Monsanto (the owner of the cargo and owner pro hac vice of the
barges) and Alamo (which had contracted with Monsanto to transport the
barges, and which had subcontracted movement of the barges to Magnolia)
were vicariously liable for the torts of the BETH and for the damages caused
by its fault

The Atchison, Topeka and Sante Fe Railway Company, the Southern Pacific
Transportation Company, and the Galveston, Houston and Henderson Railroad

As summarized by Union Oil, supra, at 409 U.S. at 140, 93 S.Ct. at 371, the
"half-distance" or "rule of sight" rule was "a well-recognized gloss" on the
former Article 16 of the Inland Rules of Navigation, which provided, in
pertinent part, that "[e]very vessel shall, in a fog, mist, falling snow, or heavy
rainstorms, go at a moderate speed, having careful regard to the existing
circumstances and conditions." 33 U.S.C. Sec. 192 (emphasis added). The halfdistance rule itself provides that, in a fog, "a moderate speed" is that " 'rate of
speed as would enable [the vessel] to come to a standstill, by reversing her
engines at full speed, before she could collide with a vessel which she should
see through the fog.' " Id., quoting THE NACOOCHEE, 137 U.S. 330, 339, 11

S.Ct. 122, 125, 34 L.Ed. 687 (1890). As explained by the Court in Union Oil,
the half-distance rule is based on the assumption that "[if] two vessels, upon
sighting each other, are proceeding at rates of speed such that each can stop
before it reaches the [half-way] point at which the courses of the two intersect,
collision is impossible." 409 U.S. at 144-45, 93 S.Ct. at 371
Prior to the allision in the present case, Article 16 was replaced by 33 U.S.C.
Sec. 2006 (1980), which the district court applied in the present case to find
that the BETH was travelling at an excessive speed under the circumstances.
Insofar as the present case, the change in language is not relevant. The new
rule, 33 U.S.C. Sec. 2006, provides, in pertinent part: "Every vessel shall at all
times proceed at a safe speed so that she can take proper and effective action to
avoid collision and be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions."

The Court stated that "[t]hose in charge of the navigation of the tanker cannot
be faulted for not anticipating the tug's totally unorthodox maneuver in darting
across [the river]." Union Oil, supra, 409 U.S. at 146, 93 S.Ct. at 372

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