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766 F.

2d 823

Prod.Liab.Rep.(CCH)P 10,592
Jean E. ROSS, Executrix of the Estate of Urban F. Ross,
Deceased, and in her own right, Appellant,
Corporation, Raybestos-Manhattan, Inc., Unarco
Industries, Inc., H.K. Porter Company,
Inc., and Amatex Corporation, Appellees,
Corporation, Celotex Corporation, Eagle-Picher Industries,
Inc., Pittsburgh Corning Corporation, GAF Corporation,
Forty-Eight Insulations, Inc., Nicolet Industries, Southern
Textile Corporation, Keene Corporation, Garlock, Inc., and
Pacor, Inc., Appellees.
No. 84-1528.

United States Court of Appeals,

Third Circuit.
Argued April 30, 1985.
Decided July 10, 1985.

Martin Grietzer (Argued), Marc P. Weingarten, Greitzer and Locks,

Wilfred Lorry, Lorry & Hymowitz, P.C., Philadelphia, Pa., for appellant.
James F. Hammill, Peter J. Lynch, Therese M. Keeley, Nathan A.
Schachtman (Argued), McCarter & English, Cherry Hill, N.J., for appellee
Owens-Illinois Glass Co.
Andrew Trevelise, Michael J. Plevyak, Malcolm & Riley, P.C., West
Chester, Pa., for appellee Celotex Corp.
Charles J. Kalinoski, Edward Greer, Mesirov, Gelman, Jaffe, Cramer &

Jamieson, Philadelphia, Pa., for appellee GAF Corp.

Edward J. David, Curran, Mylotte, David & Fitzpatrick, Philadelphia, Pa.,
for appellee Pittsburgh Corning Corp.
Walter D. Meeley, Bennett, Bricklin, Saltzburg & Fullem, Philadelphia,
Pa., for appellee Nicolet Industries, Inc.
Joseph H. Foster, Deborah A. Romanski, White and Williams,
Philadelphia, Pa., for appellees H.K. Porter Co., Inc., Southern Textile
Corp., Forty-Eight Insulations, Inc.
Barbara Pennell, Thompson & Pennell, Philadelphia, Pa., for appellee
Eagle-Picher Industries, Inc.
Arthur Makadon, William A. Slaughter, James Coleman, Oliver C.
Biddle, Ballard, Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll, Philadelphia, Pa., for
appellee Raybestos Manhattan, Inc.
John Patrick Kelley, Krusen, Evans and Byrne, Philadelphia, Pa., for
appellee Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp.
Fredric L. Goldfein, Ominsky, Joseph & Welsh, Philadelphia, Pa., for
appellee Garlock, Inc.
John F. Ledwith, Perry S. Bechtle, LaBrum & Doak, Philadelphia, Pa., for
appellee Keene Corp.
G. Daniel Bruch, Jr., Swartz, Campbell & Detweiler, Philadelphia, Pa., for
appellee Pacor, Inc.
Before SEITZ, WEIS and ROSENN, Circuit Judges.
SEITZ, Circuit Judge.

Jean E. Ross, as executrix of the estate of Urban F. Ross and in her own right,
appeals from orders of the district court granting summary judgment in favor of
the defendants and third-party defendants in this personal injury action. Subject
matter jurisdiction is based on diversity of citizenship. 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1332
(1982). This court has jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1291 (1982).


The essential facts are not in dispute. Urban F. Ross, a life-long New Jersey
resident, worked as a shipfitter for the New York Shipbuilding Company in
Camden, New Jersey, from 1942 to 1944 and from 1946 to 1947. From
approximately 1956 until 1963, Ross was employed as a shipfitter at the
Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. In each of these positions, Ross was exposed to
asbestos products.

In 1963, Ross learned that he had asbestosis. Sixteen years later, in 1979, he
was diagnosed as suffering from cancer of the colon. In 1981, Ross learned that
he had lung cancer. He passed away in December of 1982.

Urban Ross (hereinafter "the decedent") and his wife Jean commenced this
action in the district court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on December
15, 1980. The complaint alleged numerous causes of action, sounding in
negligence, strict liability, breach of warranty, fraud and misrepresentation,
which relate to the decedent's exposure to asbestos.1 The defendants were
various manufacturers and distributors of asbestos products. Several other
manufacturers and distributors were impleaded as third-party defendants.
Motions for summary judgment were filed on behalf of all defendants and
third-party defendants2 on the ground that plaintiff's claims were time-barred.
The district court granted defendants' motions without opinion. This appeal


Since the district court did not render an opinion when it dismissed plaintiff's
claims as untimely, we must review the decision of that court without any
indication of either the reasoning employed or the authorities relied upon by the
district court. Consequently, we begin our analysis with a brief summary of the
parties' contentions.

Plaintiff contends that the district court erred in dismissing the cancer claims on
timeliness grounds. She argues that the New Jersey two year statute of
limitations for personal injury actions should have been applied and that under
New Jersey law plaintiff's cancer claims accrued for statute of limitations
purposes when the decedent first discovered that he was suffering from colon
cancer. Alternatively, plaintiff maintains that even if the two year Pennsylvania
statute of limitations is applied, New Jersey law should determine when the
cause of action accrued. Under either of plaintiff's theories, the applicable

statute of limitations commenced running in 1979. Thus, her complaint, which

was filed in 1980, was timely with respect to the cancer claims.

The defendants, on the other hand, maintain that the Pennsylvania statute of
limitations is controlling and that in applying this limitations period,
Pennsylvania law determines when the cause of action accrues. The defendants
argue that under Pennsylvania law the plaintiff has only a single, indivisible
claim for all asbestos-related injuries and that the two year Pennsylvania statute
of limitations began to run in 1963 when the decedent learned of his initial
asbestos-related injury.

Thus, two issues are presented for our review. First, we must determine
whether the New Jersey or the Pennsylvania statute of limitations should be
applied in this case. Second, in applying the appropriate limitations period, we
must decide whether the laws of New Jersey or of Pennsylvania should
determine when plaintiff's claims accrued.
A. Statute of Limitations

A federal court, sitting in diversity, follows the forum's choice of law rules to
determine the applicable statute of limitations. Guaranty Trust Co. v. York, 326
U.S. 99, 65 S.Ct. 1464, 89 L.Ed. 2079 (1945). Pennsylvania courts ordinarily
apply the Pennsylvania statute of limitations.3 Freeman v. Lawton, 353 Pa. 613,
46 A.2d 205, 207 (1946). Thus, we conclude that a Pennsylvania court would
apply its own limitations statute in determining the timeliness of plaintiff's
B. Accrual of the Cancer Claims


Pennsylvania has a two year statute of limitations for actions "to recover
damages for injuries to the person ... caused by the wrongful act or ...
negligence of another." 42 Pa.Cons.Stat.Ann. Sec. 5524 (Purdon Supp.1985).
This limitations period begins to run from "the time the cause of action
accrued." 42 Pa.Cons.Stat.Ann. Sec. 5502(a) (Purdon 1981). A claim arising
under Pennsylvania law accrues at "the occurrence of the final significant event
necessary to make the claim suable." Mack Trucks, Inc. v. BendixWestinghouse Automotive Air Brake Co., 372 F.2d 18, 20 (3d Cir.1966).


Plaintiff asserts a claim for colon cancer allegedly caused by the decedent's
exposure to the defendants' asbestos products. Under New Jersey substantive
law, which plaintiff contends is controlling, a claim for asbestos-related cancer

is considered a separate and distinct cause of action which may exist apart from
any other injury stemming from the same exposure. See Devlin v. JohnsManville Corp., No. L-16902-81, slip op. at 13 (N.J.Super. March 8, 1985).
Pennsylvania, on the other hand, does not recognize a separate cause of action
for asbestos-related cancer. Rather, Pennsylvania treats "all injuries arising out
of the same tortious [asbestos exposure]" as a single cause of action. Cathcart v.
Keene Industrial Insulation, 324 Pa.Super. 123, 471 A.2d 493, 507 (1984)
(emphasis in original).

Thus, plaintiff bases her right to recover on a foreign cause of action that has no
identical counterpart under Pennsylvania law. We must determine when that
foreign claim accrued in order to apply the Pennsylvania statute of limitations.
There appears to be no Pennsylvania state court decision addressing this precise
question. Thus, our duty is to predict how the Pennsylvania Supreme Court
would rule on this issue if the present case were before it. Pennsylvania Glass
Sand Corp. v. Caterpillar Tractor Co., 652 F.2d 1165, 1167 (3d Cir.1981).


Because the limitations period is a creature of statute, the date of accrual for the
purpose of applying the statute of limitations is a matter of statutory
construction. In the absence of a definitive statement of legislative intent, we
must construe the "accrual" requirement of section 5502 in a manner that is
consistent with Pennsylvania's overall objectives in enacting statutes of repose.


When a Pennsylvania court is presented with a claim that is not recognized

under Pennsylvania law, the date of accrual of that foreign claim may be
determined in one of two ways. On the one hand, as plaintiff apparently
contends, the Pennsylvania court may look to the law of the foreign state to
determine when the foreign cause of action accured. Alternatively, the court
may ascertain the accrual date of the foreign claim by first deciding what
Pennsylvania claim is most comparable to the foreign cause of action and then
determining when that comparable claim would accrue under Pennsylvania
law. Utilizing the former approach, plaintiff's claims for asbestos-related
cancer accrued under New Jersey law in 1979 when the decedent discovered
that he had colon cancer. See Jarusewicz v. Johns-Manville Products Corp.,
188 N.J.Super. 638, 458 A.2d 156, 158 (1983) (applying discovery rule in
asbestos case). Applying the latter approach, plaintiff's claim for asbestosrelated cancer would be comparable to Pennsylvania's single cause of action for
injuries resulting from asbestos exposure. This single cause of action accrued in
1963 when the decedent first discovered his initial asbestos-related injury.
Cathcart v. Keene Industrial Insulation, 471 A.2d at 507.


Reviewing the policies which underlie the Pennsylvania limitations statutes, we

predict that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court would interpret the accrual
language of section 5502 to require that Pennsylvania law determine when a
foreign claim accrues for purposes of its limitations statute. One of the major
objectives in enacting a limitations statute is to protect defendants and the local
courts against the prosecution of stale claims. See Restatement (Second) of
Conflicts of Law Sec. 142 comment d (1971). The limitations period for a
given type of action reflects the legislature's judgment that at that particular
point in time "the right to be free of stale claims ... comes to prevail over the
right to prosecute them." United States v. Kubrick, 444 U.S. 111, 117, 100 S.Ct.
352, 356, 62 L.Ed.2d 259 (1979) (quoting Railroad Telegraphers v. Railway
Express Agency, 321 U.S. 342, 349, 64 S.Ct. 582, 586, 88 L.Ed. 788 (1944)).
To import the law of another jurisdiction to determine when a foreign cause of
action accrues would permit plaintiffs to bring foreign claims in Pennsylvania
even when a comparable Pennsylvania claim would be time-barred.

We believe that such a result would defeat one of the very goals that is sought
to be advanced by the Pennsylvania statutes of limitation. Both the statutory
scheme and the case law in this area suggest that the limitations period for a
foreign cause of action brought in Pennsylvania courts should never be
construed to be longer than would be the case if the same events had occurred
in Pennsylvania to a Pennsylvania plaintiff. In Rosenzweig v. Heller, 302 Pa.
279, 153 A. 346 (1931), for example, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court applied
the Pennsylvania limitations statute to bar a cause of action brought pursuant to
a foreign state's wrongful death act where that act contained its own longer
limitations period. Thus, Pennsylvania courts have been scrupulous in applying
their own statutes of limitation even where the foreign limitations period is a
precondition to asserting the substantive right.


Similarly, the Pennsylvania borrowing statute, 42 Pa.Cons.Stat.Ann. Sec. 5521

(Purdon 1981), which mandates the application of a foreign statute of
limitations in certain situations, was not designed to benefit plaintiffs by
allowing them to take advantage of a longer foreign limitations period when
bringing their claims in another forum. See Prince v. Trustees of University of
Pennsylvania, 282 F.Supp. 832, 839 (E.D.Pa.1968). Rather, it was intended to
guard against forum shopping by providing that a foreign claim cannot be
maintained if it is barred by the statute of limitations of the foreign state. See
discussion infra Sec. C.


Finally, we note that Pennsylvania follows the Restatement approach in

applying the statute of limitations of the forum state. See Restatement (Second)
Conflict of Laws Sec. 142 (1971). A comment to the Restatement suggests that
the law of the forum "also determines all matters involving the application of

the statute of limitations." Id. comment a. For example, the law of the forum
determines whether and under what circumstances a statute of limitations can
be tolled. Id. Similarly, the accrual of a cause of action is an integral factor in
determining whether that action is timely under the forum's statute of
limitations. It follows that the law of the forum should be applied to determine
what event triggers the running of the forum's limitations period.

Thus, in our view, the most consistent reading of the accrual language in
section 5502 suggests that a Pennsylvania court would determine when a
foreign cause of action accrues for the purpose of applying the Pennsylvania
statute of limitations. We recognize that under such an approach not every
claim that is timely in a foreign state will be maintainable in the state of
Pennsylvania. However, such a result is the necessary consequence of electing
to bring a claim in another forum.


We therefore conclude that plaintiff's claim for asbestos-related cancer accrued

in 1963 when the decedent first learned of his initial asbestos-related injury.
Consequently, under Pennsylvania's two year statute of limitations for personal
injury actions, plaintiff's claims are untimely.4
C. Borrowing Statute


Our conclusion is not altered by the existence of the Pennsylvania "borrowing

statute". In pertinent part the borrowing statute provides:

22 General rule.--The period of limitation applicable to a claim accruing outside this

Commonwealth shall be either that provided or prescribed by the law of the place
where the claim accrued or by the law of this Commonwealth, whichever first bars
the claim.
23 Definition.--As used in this section "claim" means any right of action which may
be asserted in a civil action or proceeding and includes, but is not limited to, a right
of action created by statute.


42 Pa.Cons.Stat.Ann. Sec. 5521 (Purdon 1981). By its terms the statute applies
only where (1) the cause of action accrued in another state, and (2) the law of
that state would bar the action before the running of the Pennsylvania statute of
limitations. Because we have determined that the Pennsylvania statute of
limitations bars plaintiff's personal injury claims, we need not consider the
applicability of the borrowing statute.


Plaintiff also contends that the district court abused its discretion in refusing to
allow plaintiff to amend her complaint to assert a wrongful death claim.
However, the motion actually presented to the court was a motion to amend the
caption of the case to reflect the death of Urban Ross. Even if this motion could
be liberally construed as a motion to amend the complaint, denial of the motion
would have been required as a matter of law. The parties agree that at the time
the motion was made, plaintiff had not yet been appointed executrix of her
husband's estate. See Joint App. at 330. Under New Jersey law, plaintiff then
lacked standing to maintain a wrongful death claim. N.J.Stat.Ann. 2A:31-2
(West 1952). For this reason, we conclude that the district court did not abuse
its discretion in failing to grant plaintiff's request.


The orders of the district court will be affirmed.

The parties tacitly concede that our disposition of the statute of limitations
issue, discussed herein, pertains to all of plaintiff's claims

Not all of the defendants are participating in this appeal. However, for the sake
of simplicity, we will refer to appellees collectively as "defendants."

A limited exception to this rule is provided by the Pennsylvania "borrowing

statute," 42 Pa.Cons.Stat.Ann. Sec. 5521 (Purdon 1981). The effect of this
statutory exception is discussed infra Sec. C

Relying entirely upon the two opinions in Kelly v. Johns-Manville Corp., 590
F.Supp. 1089 (E.D.Pa.1984), plaintiff argues that New Jersey substantive law
defines the cause of action for statute of limitations purposes. The Kelly court
purported to apply the New Jersey statute of limitations, both in its own right
and pursuant to the Pennsylvania borrowing statute. See 590 F.Supp. at 1096
and 1108. To the extent that Kelly may be inconsistent with our present
determination, this case is, of course, controlling

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